Boost Converterof Maximum Power Point Tracking MPPTUsing Particle Swarm Optimization PSOMethod
Boost Converterof Maximum Power Point Tracking MPPTUsing Particle Swarm Optimization PSOMethod
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M. A. Khazain N. M. Hidayat
College of Engineering College of Engineering
Universiti Teknologi MARA Universiti Teknologi MARA
Selangor, Malaysia Selangor, Malaysia
K. Burhanudin E. Abdullah
College of Engineering College of Engineering
Universiti Teknologi MARA Universiti Teknologi MARA
Selangor, Malaysia Selangor, Malaysia
Abstract—The Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) green renewable energy sources [2]. Solar energy is a source
method is one of the most popular and widely used methods to of energy that is available and can be used in many areas.
extract the maximum power from the PV system and it has Therefore, research on solar energy has been studied
been applied in Solar Photovoltaic (PV) energy conversion. extensively so that solar energy can be used as a source of
This method, however, exhibits fluctuations between the electricity. To take advantage of the use of PV systems,
maximum power point due to the nature of unpredicted and research studies are taken out to further improve their
environmental parameter changes. Therefore, it is important performance, cost, efficiency, integration, and reliability [3].
to include an intelligent controller that can track the maximum The MPPT method used for the research is PSO which is a
peak irrespective of variations in parameters such as
group of soft computing methods and able to track the
temperature and irradiation. This paper describes the
simulation of the PV energy conversion method based MPPT
maximum power by using the search space method.
algorithm based on particle swarm optimization (PSO). The Furthermore, the PSO MPPT method provides fast
proposed MPPT is fast, adjustable, accurate, and efficient for convergence hence able to track the PV power rapidly
full tracking of PV power. In this work, the simulation package compared to the other method. For the input, the using of
MATLAB/Simulink helps to simulate the circuits to evaluate PSO MPPT will generate more power than other MPPT
the performance of the proposed MPPT algorithm. By methods such as Perturb and Observe (PNO) method. The
comparing the output value in difference irradiance, the amount of power generated by the PV panel to produce
performance of the proposed PSO algorithm is evaluated. It is electrical energy depends on the absorbed irradiance value
observed that maximum power from the PV array is achieved by the PV panel. PV system behaviour varies with conditions
at the input and output side of the dc-dc converter. The result of the environment such as irradiance and temperature [3].
of the simulation shows that this design can be realized in real- The research study's main idea is to transfer electrical energy
time application. from the solar panel to the dc to dc converter, and MPPT
should recognize the potential for improving power
Keywords—Boost converter, Maximum Power Point generation. Tracking the maximum power point is essential
Tracking (MPPT), Particle Swam Optimization (PSO) method, to control the PV panel's global maximum power point [4].
PV power The load resistance used for this research is 60 ohms and its
capacity of tracking the maximum power with the existence
I. INTRODUCTION of MPPT from 100-1000W/m2.
Nowadays renewable energies are growing fast. This is
more useful for several reasons than other types of fossil A. Simulated Photovoltaic (PV) System
fuels: namely for being safe, effective, and reliable. There PV system that will be used in this research consists of a
are many renewable energy types, such as solar, wind, PV panel, a boost converter, and PSO as MPPT. The PV
biomass, geothermal, hydroelectric, and so on. Solar energy power from the solar panel is transferred simultaneously to
is part of renewable energy that is used to replace the the boost converter and MPPT. PSO will process the value of
traditional ways of delivering electricity. Research studies the PV voltage and the current collected by MPPT to
have been conducted in the field of solar energy to meet the reference the suitable signal for generating the duty cycle.
high demand for electrical energy use. Thanks to its robust Due to the duty cycle triggered to the boost converter, the PV
and almost maintenance-free nature, PV power generation is voltage and current value of the PV system would change
one of the most promising means of generating electricity until the peak power is reached. Hence maximization of
from solar energy [1]. The conventional method of power improves the utilization of the solar PV module.
producing energy from non-renewable sources would cause Therefore, since the power module's output is less, running it
the source to decrease due to the high demand for electricity. at the peak power point would be useful to achieve
High energy prices, environmental issues such as maximum power supply from the module [5]. Naturally, the
deforestation, and reduced non-renewable energy resources PV system has a non-linear I-V and PV characteristic that
have been driving demand for affordable, inexhaustible, and
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2021 IEEE 12th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC 2021), 7 August 2021, Shah Alam, Malaysia
varies with the intensity of the irradiated [6]. The current the desired duty cycle to the switching device. Nowadays,
from the PV array and power will also change accordingly if MPPT is always used for PV modules to extract the
the intensity of the sunlight and temperature changes, but the maximum energy from PV modules, which generally uses
change is not linear [7]. The cell in the PV module is a different control algorithms to identify the maximum peak
semiconductor diode. The cell absorbs photons when power. To reduce power loss during the transmission of
exposed to solar irradiance and makes the separation of electrical energy, it is important to track maximum power
electron-hole pairs to produce an electromotive force (EMF) efficiently and be able to track maximum power in a short
[8]. PV panel consists of positive (+) film type and negative period. MPPT is functioned to make sure that the operating
(-) film type same with the P-type and N-type of voltage and current on the P-V and I-V characteristic curves
semiconductor material resulting in the chemical reaction are always at the maximum power point (MPP). Figure 1
between the two layers. The reaction would result in the shows the I-V and P-V characteristic curve of solar output.
creation of holes and negative ions on positive and negative The techniques of MPPT is to improve the efficiency of a PV
film when the solar energy heated the PV panel. Sun-based system and to maximize the output power of the PV array
Renewable Energy (RE) can be one of the best ways to [14]. PV module depends on the temperature and solar
reduce electricity bills and provide an incentive for producers irradiance. To increase the efficiency of PV systems, it is
to sell surplus electricity generated from PV to local important to find the optimal operating voltage of PV arrays.
electricity suppliers [9]. The MPPT control algorithm decides how to move the PV
module operating voltage by adjusting the DC-DC
B. Simulated DC – DC Boost Converter converter's duty cycle. Perturb and Observe (P&O),
TDC-DC converters are used for PV conversion systems Incremental Conductance (IncCond), Genetic Algorithm
where their main functions are to transfer the energy to the (GA), Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC), Artificial Neural
load and this is with extracting the maximum power, thus Network (ANN) and many more are used to track maximum
using maximum power point tracking (MPPT) methods to power from the PV panel. In the PSO MPPT group, there are
control these converters [10]. The reason why boost several soft computing methods. FLC is a mathematical
converters are used to track maximum power is that they are system-based control system that analyses analog input
adequate to track maximum power from 100-1000 W/m2. values in terms of logical variables that take on continuous 0
DC-DC converter's essential need for MPPT is to reduce the and 1 values, as referred to classical and digital logic that
rippling quality of the current Solar Cell Array (SCA) [11]. operates on discrete 1 or 0 values. ANN is the system
A basic boost converter consists of a supply power (PV inspired by the brain operating biological neural networks. It
panel), an inductor, a capacitor, a switching device, a diode, repeatedly learned specific objects to identify the target
and a resistance. DC-DC boost converter, which can be object. GA is the method inspired by the natural selection
defined as a DC-DC step-up converter, is a simple circuit mechanism that is part of the larger category of evolutionary
that made up of a few electronic components. In the case of algorithms. DE is the method that optimizes a problem by
solar energy, the DC-DC converter is used to change the attempting iteratively to improve a candidate solution
equivalent load characteristic to match the irradiance value concerning a given quality measure. PSO is categorized in
absorbed by the PV panel. This method is used to improve the MPPT classification as a soft computing method. There
the value of the PV panel power track at different irradiance are more MPPT methods used to track maximum power, but
values. This research uses the boost converter to track the the studies only focus on PSO. The main idea of using MPPT
maximum power of the PV panel, where the value of each is to maximize the PV energy operating point by using
parameter, such as load, capacitor, and inductor, is selected different methods of optimization to the best value.
carefully. A boost converter is usually recommended over a
buck converter for a lot of reasons. The value of the required
inductor is higher in the boost converter compared to the
buck, but the RMS value of the current pass-through is
lower. The required input side filter capacitor value is very
small as the input current is continuous [12]. The impedance
matching process depending on the duty cycle used to trigger
the boost converter. These are PV module voltage and
current fluctuations, control requirements, number of
components, tracking efficiency, whether PV module current
is continuous or discontinuous, and PV module current
measurement difficulty level [13]. Before implementing a
PV system, it is important to understand the boost converter's
operation in the solar field.
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2021 IEEE 12th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC 2021), 7 August 2021, Shah Alam, Malaysia
PSO formula such as particle position update and particle block with SIMULINK block. Within the MATLAB
velocity update play an important role in tracking maximum function block, the PSO algorithm will work and produce the
power from solar panels during the process. PSO is necessary duty cycle(oD) to convert to PWM. The global
commonly used as MPPT because it is easy to implement best power (oA) required by the MATLAB function block is
and not complex to run efficiently. Figure 4 shows the whole shown at the front of the PV system simulation.
system connected to PSO MPPT.
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2021 IEEE 12th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC 2021), 7 August 2021, Shah Alam, Malaysia
Max Power
Figure Caption
(Figure 6 & 7)
Duty Cycle
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2021 IEEE 12th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC 2021), 7 August 2021, Shah Alam, Malaysia
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the number of swarms can also be controlled effectively to connected photovoltaic (PV) system at Green Energy Research Centre
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