On215 Qo100 Downconverter
On215 Qo100 Downconverter
On215 Qo100 Downconverter
In Oscar News 211 we looked at how a There will however also be occasions when
modern commercial Satellite TV LNB can be using a computer is impractical. – Bright
used to receive signals from the 250kHz sunlight, poor audio from speakers or simply
narrow band transponder on Es’hailSat-2 (1). having too much equipment to make
An LNB converts the X-band signal from portable operation simple and easy. Under
10.489 GHz, down to an intermediate UHF these conditions using a LNB with a
frequency of 739 MHz. This can be received conventional radio has several advantages
directly using a FUNcube dongle with a PC, including being able to use a transceiver for
laptop or tablet running suitable SDR software. generating the uplink on S-band.
While the PLL technology used in the current Presented in fig.1 is the circuit of a UHF to
generation of LNBs produces low phase VHF converter for use with P4A. It includes a
noise, it was demonstrated that the bias tee to feed DC power to the LNB, and a
frequency drift with temperature change, mixer that converts the 739MHz signal from
could be improved by replacing the 27MHz the LNB down to the 2m band.
reference crystal with a temperature
compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO).
Fig 1