On215 Qo100 Downconverter

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Getting Ready for Phase 4 – Part 2

A UHF–VHF Receive Converter for use with a satellite LNB

In Oscar News 211 we looked at how a There will however also be occasions when
modern commercial Satellite TV LNB can be using a computer is impractical. – Bright
used to receive signals from the 250kHz sunlight, poor audio from speakers or simply
narrow band transponder on Es’hailSat-2 (1). having too much equipment to make
An LNB converts the X-band signal from portable operation simple and easy. Under
10.489 GHz, down to an intermediate UHF these conditions using a LNB with a
frequency of 739 MHz. This can be received conventional radio has several advantages
directly using a FUNcube dongle with a PC, including being able to use a transceiver for
laptop or tablet running suitable SDR software. generating the uplink on S-band.

While the PLL technology used in the current Presented in fig.1 is the circuit of a UHF to
generation of LNBs produces low phase VHF converter for use with P4A. It includes a
noise, it was demonstrated that the bias tee to feed DC power to the LNB, and a
frequency drift with temperature change, mixer that converts the 739MHz signal from
could be improved by replacing the 27MHz the LNB down to the 2m band.
reference crystal with a temperature
compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO).

Personally, I’m really looking forward to seeing

the transponder passband on a big screen and
being able to click on new stations appearing
as they start to call CQ. – So much easier than
sweeping a VFO from one end to the other
trying to find a weak DX station.

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Circuit description. While 14dB is not much, the LNB has its own
internal filtering which also reduces the signals
A supply of 12 – 13.8V is applied to the DC input,
below 750 MHz. In combination there is
where a series diode D1 protects from reverse
enough image rejection to prevent noise
polarity. The supply passes through inductor L1
degrading the wanted signal at 2m.
to connector J1 where it travels along the coax to
power the LNB. The RF output at 739MHz from
The HPF is followed by another 50 ohm
the LNB passes along the same coax in the
attenuator. This reduces the level of the signal
opposite direction arriving at connector J1. L1
so that it does not overload the mixer or the 2m
acts as an RF choke and the signal is AC coupled
receiver, it also provides a nice match into the
through C1 to 50 ohm power divider, R1 R2 and
RF port of the ADE-5 which is a Mini-Circuits
R3. The power divider attenuates each output by
double balanced diode ring mixer.
6dB. The output at the lower end of R2 is applied
to resistive attenuator R7 R8 and R9. This adds
The local oscillator, IC2, is a custom made part
another 12dB of attenuation to the signal which is
(2) available from Digikey and deserves an
AC coupled to J2. Although 18dB of loss seems a
explanation as it is the modern alternative to the
lot, a typical LNB will have 30 – 50dB of
crystal and multiplier chain. The Silicon Labs Si590
conversion gain and so some attenuation is
is a 6 pin 7 x 5mm module which has an internal
needed. The UHF output from J2 can be used to
oscillator in the 4GHz range. It also contains DSP
drive a FUNcube dongle or other software
electronics to divide the signal down to
defined radio in combination with a PC, laptop or
595.000MHz. AMSAT-UK is using the CMOS and
tablet. The other output from the power divider
LVPECL versions in the ESEO satellite payload, so
appears at the left hand end of R3. It passes
this family of devices has seen a lot of use and
through high pass filter L2 C3 and L3. These
testing over the past 2 years.
components have a cut-off frequency of 700MHz
and provide about 14dB of attenuation at the
image frequency of 450MHz.

Fig 1

Page 13 OSCAR NEWS No 215 September 2016

As part of the programming
service, Digikey take a blank
generic Si590 which has the
required frequency and
thermal specification, in this
case 20ppm frequency and
7ppm thermal stability. Then
they program the part to your
specification. This defines the
output stage to either LVPECL
or LVDS logic, both of which
have differential outputs. You
also need to define the
frequency, the supply voltage
from 3.3, 2.5 or 1.8V and if
you want the output enable pin active high or preventing damage to the external receiver. They
low. In a test of thermal stability I cooled the also offer some token protection from accidental
device from 30 degrees to -10 degrees. The transmissions into the mixer but will not protect
part was seen to be 6.7kHz low at 30 degrees from outputs greater than a few Watts.
and on cooling by 40 degrees moved to 1kHz
above the specified frequency. When in orbit the narrowband transponder on
Es’hailSat-2 will be converted down to 144.550
My original intention was to use the differential to 144.800 MHz. A homemade PCB was
outputs from a Si590 with a mixer that had an produced and is 57 x 40mm. J1 to J3 are PCB
isolated winding for the local oscillator. edge mounted SMA sockets. These are also
Unfortunately the Tech-Support team at used to secure the board into an 80 x 55 x
Minicircuits Europe didn’t spot the local 25mm Hammond 1550P diecast enclosure.
oscillator input of the ADE-5 isn’t isolated but
has one end earthed along with other internal References.
connections. After making them aware of the
1 Getting ready for Phase 4. - D Bowman
error they stopped responding to e-mail.
G0MRF Oscar News 211 p.16
I suppose the rule is; if you don’t have a
2 Si590BD595M000DG
really large order, don’t expect much tech-
support. – a bit disappointing really.
Anyway, this Si590 requires 3.3V at 80mA from
regulator IC1. Only one of the 2 differential
outputs is used, generating -3dBm into a single
ended 50 ohm load. The signal is amplified by
IC3, a MAR3SM which has 10dB gain.
The +7dBm output is AC coupled to the local
oscillator input of the mixer. The 144 MHz output is
taken from the IF port and passed to connector J3
via a small attenuator which assists in matching
the IF port. Finally an optional pair of PIN diodes
limit the amplitude of the output

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