Circular 1

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File Ref. No. DU/Exam-V/UFM/Policy Circular/1/2024 06.06.2024


Sub: Important Instructions to Students/Examinees for prevention of Disorderly

Conduct/Misconduct & use Of UFIvl (UNFAIR IVIEANS) & Malpractices during University of
Delhi Examinations -Reg

The University of Delhi wishes to maintain global academic standards in its education
system and hence does not tolerate any form of academic dishonesty. All violations of academic
honesty in course of Examinations shall constitute disorderly conduct and use of Unfair Means
(UFM). . Unfair means/misconduct/malpractice rules and regulations are governed by the
Ordinance XA contained in the University of Delhi Act 1922 (as amended from time to time) and
any other relevant ordinances governing academic conduct during examinations. The following
instructions have to be read in conjunction with the Ordinance-XA of the University Ordinances
and routine Instructions issued from Examination Branch including instructions/advices displayed
on the webs,ites of the University/Colleges/Departments/Faculties etc and Instructions written on
the Answer Sheets/ Answer Booklets etc.

2. Instructions to the students/examinees

a. A student indulging in any of the following acts in the examination hall vyill be considered
as Misconduct in the examination and booked for the same.

i. Student flagrantly violating orders from. the Exam Superintendent (ES), Invigilator (s),
Flying Squad, or any other university-appointed personnel conducting the exam.
ii. The student acting objectionably or violently towards the invigilator,. exam superintendent,
other staff members, or other candidates.
iii. Making threats or using violence, causing commotion within or outside the exam room,
blocking other candidates from entering, acting inappropriately around the any other
university-appointed personnel conducting the exam etc.
iv. The student introduces weapons or dangerous materials into the examinatioh area or
room without authorization.
.v. Leaving the examination room without handing over the answer book to the Invigilator.
This shall invite penal action as per law.
vi. Intentionally tearing off the answer book or a continuation sheet or a part thereof.
vii. Using abusive or obscene language in the answer book.
viii. \/\/here the candidate disturbs the examination or attempts to do so
ix. Where the candidate on being challenged or searched during the course of examination
by the Superintendent or by Invigilator or by any member of the examination staff on duty,
swallows a note or paper or runs with any unauthorized material or is guilty of causing
disappearance or destroying any such material with the intention of obliterating the
evidence of his/her having possessed unauthorized material. In such cases, the statement
of invigilator/superintendent of the examination alone will be considered as evidence.
x. Any behaviour on the part of students that prevents personnel from performing their duties.

b. A student necessarily need not be involved in cheating to be viewed as a case of

UFM/Malpractices. Intentional .act or even unintentional mistake. of noncompliance of
instructions/guidelines for the examination will be considered as UFM/Malpractices.
A candidate will be rep.orted for examination malpractice(s) if they engage in any of the following
in the examination hall/ examination room:-

Examination Wing

i. Possession of printed/ photocopy / manuscripts pertaining/ not pertaining to the day's

examination, or in the folrm of book, pages of a book or loose sheets, o.r any other matter
not permissible to be brought into the examination hall/examination room.
ii. Possession of tables, hand books, code books etc. which are not permitted for the day's
iii. Possession of programmable calculators, mobile phones, smart watches/Bluetooth orwi-
Fi enabled devices, pagers, organizers, digital memory pad etc. with/ without matters
related to the day's examination stored in them.
iv. Possessing any other prohibited material that may be of help jn writing answers or facilitate
copying in the examination hall.
v. Seeking help from anyone during examination and/or helping someone else during the
vi. Writing any matter, formula, definitions, sketches in any part of the candidate's body,
dress, handkerchief, instrument box, calculator cover, wall, table, d.rawing board, Question
paper, hall ticket etc. which may have relevance to the syllabus of the examination-paper
vii. To exchange with nearby students any hall tickets, question papers, scales, calculators,
instrument boxes, etc. that have any formulas, answers, sketches, or hints relating to the
day's exam written on them.
viii. Showing the answer-sheet/question paper to the neighbours/nearby students or allowing
them to copy.
ix. Giving/ Receiving the main answer-booklet or other information carrying material to/ from
neighbour/ nearby student for copying.
x. Copying from any printed or hand-written material or answer-booklet of another student
includes Copying (verbatim or. intwith modification) in any form - from phrases to
xi. Writing any appeal to the examiner.offering money or any irrelevant matters in the answer
script, insertion of curreney. notes in answer script and giving contact address, telephone
numbers etc.
xii. Writing the register number anywhere in the answer-booklet other than in the fly slip of the
front page
xiii. Revealing one's identity in any way in the response that was provided or in another area
of the answer sheet by the student.
xiv. Writing the examination without valid hall ticket or obtaining admission tothe examination
room on a false representation.
xv. Striking off all the pages including the correct answers written by.him/ herin the answer-
booklet, when being caught for any act of malpractice.
xvi. Inserting pre-written additional sheet(s) having. matters related to thesubject of the day's
examination into the main.answer-sheet.
xvii. Replacing the answer-sheet supplied in the hall by pre-prepared answer-sheet \
brought by the candidate himself/ herself or got frorh external sources.
xviii. Impersonation is when a student arranges another person to take the examination
on their behalf or tries to take the test in someone else's place.
xix.Taking away with him/her the Answer sheet, without handing over the same to the
Invigilator or trying to take away or damage another candidate's answer-sheet/ script.
xx. Insertion of currency notes or any other valuables inside the answer booklevadditional
xxi. Any other similar act(s) of commission and/ or omission(s) which may beconsidered as
malpractice by the competent a.uthority.

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Examination Win

3. The university reserves the rightto enforcethese instructions and take appropriate action
against any student found violating the guidelines herein. Such actions may include but are not
limited to disciplinary measures, academic penalties, and legal proceedings in accordance with
the Ordinances & Statutes of the University & prevailing laws of India. By participating in
examinations conducted by the University of Delhi, students acknowledge their understanding
and acceptance of the regulations outlined in this ciroular and other relevant policies and
guidelines issued by the University from time to time. The University shall not be held liable for
any consequences arising from the failure of students to adhere to the instructions provided
herein. Students are solely responsible for their conduct during examinations and shall indemnify
the University against any claims, damages, or liabilities resulting from their actions or omissions.

4. The university reserves the right to modify, up,date, or amend the instructions provided in
this circular as deemed necessary ,to maintain. academic integrity and uphold the standards of
education at the University of Delhi. Any such modifications shall be communicated through
official channels, and it is the responsibility of students to stay informed about changes to the
and to ensure the fair and transparent conduct of examinations. Students are advised to adhere
strictly to the instructions provided herein and to uphold the principles of academic integrity and
honesty in all their academic endeavours.

(Controller of Examinations)


ii. DUCC -for hoisting on the university website

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