Section 16: Dress Code and Declaration of Banned Items

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Section 16: Dress Code and Declaration of

Banned Items
Campus attire should be decent and modest. Some extremes are not acceptable, including:

• Sando

• Tube blouse (including spaghetti-strap) worn without vest/bolero

• Backless blouse/shirt (below the bust line)

• Blouse with plunging neckline

• See-through tops and/or bottoms where the undergarment can be seen

• Blouse/skirt showing midsection while standing/walking.

• Graphic top with inappropriate messages

• Slippers or flip flops, sandals without back straps

Shorts may be worn on campus; however the hemline of shorts and skirts should not be higher than three (3) inches
above the knee-cap.

As a sign of respect, caps should not be worn inside classrooms/seminar rooms

The following are the acceptable footwear for students:

• Closed shoes

• Leather shoes

• Rubber shoes

• Rubber-soled shoes

• Open-toe shoes

• Sandals with straps

• Shoes with sling back or back strap.

Section 17: Student Discipline
iACADEMY believes that students should become “excellent in academics and values” and
who could be movers of society in the 21st century. For these, they should be equipped with
appropriate values and forms of self-discipline.

There are, however, instances when students need to be subjected to a formation program
when certain offenses, detrimental to their growth as individuals, need to be meted out with
corrective actions.

Compliance with School Policies and Philippine Law

By admission to iACADEMY, the student shoulders the accountability to know the contents of this Student
Handbook and comply with its stated rules and regulations. The student must at all times follow the laws
of the land and the institution in and off campus.

Ignorance to the provisions stated herein cannot be used by an erring student as a defense in the
violation of any Student Handbook provisions.

Principle of Loco Parentis

Student discipline is a shared responsibility by the administrators, teachers, and associates. While in the
school premises and official off-campus activities, the students are subject to the special parental
authority of school officials who must in return, ensure the safety and security of their well-being during
the conduct of classes and/or official off-campus events. The school officials, standing as a secondary
parent, may call the attention of the student/s who are caught in flagrante delicto (in the act) violating
school policies and request for student information / confiscate IDs for endorsement to the Discipline

Jurisdiction of iACADEMY over its Students

The institution have jurisdiction over its students during the following circumstances:
a. While the student is within the campus premises or during official off-campus activities
b. When the misconduct involves the student’s status as a student of the institution

Office of Student Affairs and Services (OSAS)

Part of the Office of Student Affairs and Services’ mandate is to handle student disciplinary concerns in
accordance to iACADEMY’s philosophy of discipline. Through the Discipline Office, campus discipline is
operationalized by ensuring that the school is a safe space for students to learn and engage with
curricular and extra-curricular activities.

The office also provides counseling services through its qualified Guidance Counselors as well as
internship and career mentoring for students.

Minor and Major Offenses

Summary table of minor offense frequency and corresponding actions

Frequency 1 2 3 4 5
Action VW WW WP 4th Minor Offense Major

VW – Verbal Warning WW – Written Warning WP – Written Notice to Parents

*Per Student Handbook ruling, minor offenses are recorded on a per term basis only and is not carried over with the
student’s entire stay in the institution unless recorded with a major offense: Section 14.2.20 of IACADEMY Student

17.1 Minor Offense

17.1.1 Entering and staying in the campus without wearing an ID card
17.1.2 Wearing inappropriate attire inside the campus premises and during official school sanctioned events
17.1.3 Loitering around the campus during class hours
17.1.4 Using foul and abusive language/gestures towards any members of the institution in any medium
17.1.5 Disrespect to National Symbols (not standing during play of national anthem, mockery, etc.)
17.1.6 Conduct unbecoming of an iACADEMY student
17.1.7 Inappropriate display of intimacy that is found offensive to the sensibilities of the academic
community. The acts done are perceived as vulgar and repulsive
17.1.8 Interruption of classes and activities through rowdy behavior
17.1.9 Unauthorized and/or inappropriate use of electronic gadgets during class hours
17.1.10 Bringing in of playing cards and other related paraphernalia that may be used in gambling. Item/s will
be subject to confiscation.
17.1.11 Eating and drinking in school facilities wherein such act is prohibited (computer laboratories, library,
case room, conference rooms, etc.)
17.1.12 Littering around the campus premises and failure to abide by CLAYGO policy of Cafeteria. Students
are encouraged to pick litters they may find within their proximity regardless it is theirs or not.
17.1.13 Violation of parking regulations
17.1.14 Vandalism and inappropriate use of school property

17.2 Major Offense

Threats against School Health and Security

17.2.1 Entering the campus premises while in the state of intoxication or found to be positive of alcohol intake;
found in possession and/or drinking alcoholic beverages within campus premises or during school
sanctioned activities.
17.2.2 Being under the influence of prohibited drugs and chemicals, possessing and distributing of such and
other related paraphernalia as prohibited under RA No. 9165 “An act instituting the comprehensive
dangerous drugs act of 2002, repealing RA No. 6425, otherwise known as the Dangerous Drugs Act of
1972, as amended”.
17.2.3 Establishment, membership, joining, and promulgating the activities of non-recognized organizations
in the institution
17.2.4 Membership to any fraternities and/or sororities. Making oneself as an agent for recruitment in these
non-recognized groups in and off campus.
17.2.5 Participation in hazing/initiation whether as a principal, participant, or witness. Hazing means to subject
a person to physical and psychological harm as means of official acceptance in an organization whether
there is a product of demise, physical, and psychological trauma or not.
17.2.6 Engaging in physical fights, infliction of injury, and instigating/participating in any trouble-causing
17.2.7 Smoking/vaping within campus premises, non-smoking areas, and official school sanctioned activities
17.2.8 Lending and borrowing of ID card. Both parties will be held accountable.
17.2.9 Carrying and/or concealing of items that are deemed destructive and can inflict physical harm to others.
Refer to the banned items in Section 13 for the list of materials considered destructive.
17.2.10 Instigating or leading illegal strikes or similar activities resulting in stoppage or disruption of classes
17.2.11 Irresponsible use of the institution’s emergency equipment and alarm system
17.2.12 Selling of illegal merchandise and services
Offense against Good Morals and Decency
17.2.13 Possessing, viewing, downloading, and accessing pornographic materials/sites in campus whether
through personal means or the institution’s internet service and computers
17.2.14 Any acts of cheating such as but not limited to:
a. Cheating during examination or submission of written reports
b. Possessing unauthorized notes or any materials relative to an examination
c. Copying or allowing another to copy one’s own work
d. Glancing at someone else’s paper during examination
e. Communicating with another without expressed permission from teacher/proctor during
examination in any forms or medium
f. Leaking examination answers and contents
g. Allowing someone else to take an examination or report to class for oneself. Both parties will
be held accountable.
h. Plagiarism, or knowingly presenting someone else’s work without doing proper
acknowledgement to principal author

The School Disciplinary Committee may impose a grade of 5.0 in the subject taken once the student is
found accountable.
17.2.15 Tampering or forging of official records or school forms/documents including but not limited to:
a. Admission Requirements
b. Medical Certificate
c. Time sheet (internship)
d. Endorsement Slips
e. Excuse letters
f. Documents requiring parent’s signature
g. Examination Scripts
h. Grades
i. Class work and records
17.2.16 Any forms of gambling conducted within the premises of the school and official school sanctioned
17.2.17 Immoral conduct, indecency, lewdness, and any scandalous behavior in any forms or medium
17.2.18 Making sexual advances to students and members of the community

Offense against Authority and Good Reputation of the School

17.2.19 Willful non-compliance to the disciplinary actions meted out by the Office of Student Affairs and
Services in connection with one’s discipline case
17.2.20 Habitual commission of any minor offense (habitual commission is defined as having committed any
minor offense or combination thereof five (5) times or more per term)
17.2.21 Blatant disregard of approved school policies
17.2.22 Gross acts of disrespect in words, gestures, and deeds towards any member of the iACADEMY
community in any forms or medium
17.2.23 Direct assault to school authorities (administration, teachers, and staff) or any Associates vested with
authority while such person is in official performance of duty.
17.2.24 Blatant misuse of school properties that may cause loss or damages to the institution. Deficiency will
have to be settled.
17.2.25 Writing, publishing, circulating, or posting any forms of unauthorized materials with profanity that
affects the status of the student and the good name of the school
17.2.26 Any acts that may cause dishonor to the reputation of the school and persons in authority
17.2.27 Making false representation and announcement on behalf of the institution that tends to put damage
to the community and persons in authority
17.2.28 Making false representation of student organizations. Malversation of school/organization funds and
any illegal/unethical acts affecting the student organization and institution.
17.2.29 Hacking, trafficking of illegal trade, creating virus, or any programs designed to sabotage the
institution’s computer system

Offense against Persons

17.2.30 Engaging in offensive cyber activities such as:

a. Harassing, insulting, attacking, discrediting, bullying or vexing others electronically or via social
media platforms
b. Sending, posting, and sharing pictures or messages that is deemed offensive by the community
c. Unauthorized access of one’s portal; alteration, deletion of folders, data, account and
17.2.31 Bullying is defined as the unwarranted use/receipt of repeated coercion, force, and physical/emotional
intimidation over time that leads to fear and possible destruction of properties and physical injuries.
The following cases can be considered:

a. Unwarranted physical contact like shoving, punching, pinching, teasing, slapping, tickling and
use of materials as weapons to inflict harm
b. Verbal statements that cause undue emotional harm – body shaming, slut shaming, etc.
c. Use of social media and other electronic platforms or “cyber bullying” – intimidation is being
done through technological means that may cause humiliation to the victim
17.2.32 Article 22 of the Civil Code - Unjust enrichment, which exists “(1) when a person is unjustly benefited,
and (2) such benefit is derived at the expense of or with damages to another” (Reference: Philippine
Realty and Holdings Corporation vs. Ley Construction and Development Coporation, Gr No. 165548, 13
June 2011)
17.2.33 Stealing school or individual property. Stolen item/s must be returned or compensated

III. Student Disciplinary Procedure

The purpose of the disciplinary procedure ensures that the school acts fairly in investigating and dealing with
accusations of unacceptable conduct.

All cases of disciplinary actions under these procedures will be filed and placed in the school records.

For major offenses, the SDC reserves the right to determine the appropriate sanctions based on the gravity of the

The following steps will be taken, as appropriate, in all cases of disciplinary action:

Any member of the iACADEMY community may file an incident report against any student for acts constituting
major and/ or minor offenses, preferably within one week after the incident has taken place. All incident
reports must be sent to the Head of the Office of Student Affairs and Services.

The student involved in the incident will be given a written notice which shall: (a) contain the allegations against
him/ her; and (b) give him/ her a period of one to three days from receipt of the said notice to submit a
written explanation (together with evidence with his/ her defenses) to the Head of the Office of Student
Affairs and Services. A written notice shall likewise be given to the student’s parent/ guardian. The Head
of the Office of Student Affairs and Services will thereafter review the written explanation of the student.
If the case is a major offense, an SDC will be formed.

Should the SDC find that issues have to be clarified, a hearing will be conducted. The student involved shall
have the right to be accompanied by his/ her parents, guardian and/ or counsel.

Gravity of offenses and sanctions will be determined by the SDC with a final appeal to the President.

All administrative hearings should be held within fifteen (15) working days from the time the SDC receives the
student’s written explanation.

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