J Applthermaleng 2018 07 125

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PII: S1359-4311(18)31944-6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2018.07.125
Reference: ATE 12483

To appear in: Applied Thermal Engineering

Received Date: 28 March 2018

Revised Date: 29 June 2018
Accepted Date: 25 July 2018

SOLAR ENERGY BASED MULTIGENERATION SYSTEM, Applied Thermal Engineering (2018), doi: https://

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Department of Electrical and Energy Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Aksaray,
68100, Turkey
[email protected]
The main objective of the study is to assess the thermodynamic performance of a novel
multigeneration system powered by solar energy. The proposed system is designed to produce
clean hydrogen, power, heating – cooling, and freshwater as a multigeneration purpose. The
system under investigation consists of a solar heliostat, a Brayton cycle that is driven by solar
energy, a Rankine cycle, an organic Rankine cycle, an absorption cooling and heating system,
a flash desalination unit, and a PEM electrolyzer. The fresh water is produced from the
seawater by a flash desalination unit. Parametric studies are also carried out to investigate the
effects of different parameters such as turbine inlet pressure, solar radiation, an isentropic
efficiency of the compressor and reference temperature on system efficiency. The effect of
these parameters on the energy and exergy efficiencies of the whole system and the sub-
systems are examined. Results show that the overall energy and exergy efficiencies of the
system are obtained as 78.93% and 47.56%, respectively. In addition, the hydrogen and fresh
water productions of the proposed system are computed as 0.04663 kg/s and 0.8862 kg/s.

Keywords: desalination, energy, exergy, hydrogen, solar energy

*Corresponding author; Yilmaz, F.
[email protected]
1. Introduction

Nowadays, the usage of the fossil fuels to meet energy demands causes environmental
problems such as global warming, acid rains, ozone depletion etc. Nevertheless, 81% of the
total energy consumption in the world is derived from fossil fuels, according to the World
Bank reports [1]. At the same time, the energy need is increasing in the world with the
continued rise in the population and enhancement of the quality of life [2]. Hence, the
environmental problems related to the carbon emissions continue to increases exponentially
across the globe. It is a well-known fact that the fossil fuels are a non-environmentally
friendly type of fuel. In this context, the renewable energy sources are essential for the future
energy needs of the humanity. Solar energy is most prominent kind of the renewable energy

The solar energy can be used for various purpose such as heating, cooling, seawater
desalination, power generation etc. The solar energy is used in power generation systems to
heat compressed air in the gas turbines for a greener energy production purpose. Moreover, a
solar receiver can be designed to heat up the compressed air to 1000ToC, according to
European Commission reports [2, 3]. Solar energy systems convert the solar radiation flux
into mechanical energy and power. In recent years, researchers have increased their studies
on solar energy-based multigeneration systems for a more environmentally friendly energy
production [4, 5]. In addition, the solar-based multigeneration system has been more attractive
in order to diminish energy consumption and to be more sustainable in energy production.
The multigeneration system is a structure of many sub-systems to produce several useful
outputs such as electricity, heating, cooling, clean water production and hydrogen production
with the same input energy sources with a single energy input.

Demir and Dincer [6], proposed a new solar energy based system with thermal storage for
fresh water and production. They analyzed a solar tower based system for electricity and fresh
water production and as a result the overall energy and exergy efficiencies were reported as
19.9% and 46.5%, respectively. Ozturk and Dincer [7], performed a solar assisted
multigeneration system for hydrogen generation thermodynamically analyzed. They
calculated that the overall exergy efficiency of the system as 57.35%.
Suleiman et al. [8], designed the exergy modeling a new solar based trigeneration system. The
systems consist of parabolic trough solar collector (PSTC) and organic Rankine cycle (ORC).
It is shown that the highest rates of exergy destruction were observed in solar collectors and
ORC evaporators. Khalid et al. [9], investigated a techno-economic assessment of solar-
geothermal energy based multigeneration system for buildings. They studied the energy and
exergy efficiencies of the system and according to the results of their work, the amount of
hydrogen produced by electrolyzer were calculated as 2.7 kg/h. Al-Zareer et al. [10],
modelled an integrated energy storage system with district heating and cooling applications.
They studied the energy and exergy efficiencies of storage-integrated system and then the
overall energy and exergy efficiencies of their system were calculated as 67.1% and 53.7%,

Taheri et al. [11], studied a new biomass assisted multigeneration system for hydrogen
generation and LNG regasification. They performed thermodynamic and economic analyses
as well as optimization of combine multigeneration system. When the gas turbine inlet
temperature increases, the maximum increase occurs in the exergy efficiency from their
investigated report. Ahmadi et al. [12], carried out a performance assessment and optimization
of solar-based multigeneration system for residential applications. They calculated that the
overall energy and exergy efficiency of the system as 24.10% and 55.10% respectively. In
another study of Ahmadi et al. [13] proposed a novel multiobjective optimization of solar
energy based multigeneration system. Energy and exergy analyses have been investigated of
their above studies in order to purpose of performance assessment and irreversibility. Ozturk
and Dincer [14], demonstrated a thermodynamic evaluation of coal gasification and solar
energy supported multigeneration system. They found that the maximum energy and exergy
efficiencies of the suggested system as 54.04% and 57.72%, respectively.

On the other side, nearly 80 countries are suffering from a shortage of clean water in the
world [15]. Thus, production of clean water by way of desalination sea water is adopted by
developing and water-scarce countries. Worldwide, 27% of desalination plants are thermally
driven [16]. Some of the studies about desalination system for clean water production and
multigeneration system were presented in the literature [6; 17-19]. Yuksel et al. [20],
investigated the thermodynamic performance analyses of a novel environmentally being solar
based system for multipurpose productions. They examined that the impact of some
parameters on the changing of energy and exergy efficiencies for multigeneration system.
According to their study, the highest exergy destruction rate is seen in the parabolic solar

Nasari et al. [21] proposed a solar based transcritical CO2 cycle with sterling engine system
for hydrogen and water production. In their study, they examined thermodynamics and exergy
analysis to investigate the effect of some important parameters on the overall performance of
the system. The exergy destruction rate of the study decreased from 16.7% to 8.8%

Nasari et al. [22] illustrated a novel solar power for hydrogen and water production with
recovery cryonic energy. In their work, a dynamic reverse osmosis (RO) desalination model
was introduced to produce different permeate and feed-water mass flow rates. According to
their study results obtained, the maximum exergy destruction has been seen in collectors and
condenser, respectively. The exergy analysis of a wind turbine and compressor air energy
storage integrated power system is conducted by Mohammadi et al. [23]. They found that the
system generated 33.67 kW electricity, 2.56 cooling and 1.82 ton per day hot water. They
calculated the energy efficiency of the system is 53.94%.

Islam and Dincer [24] examined a detail energy and exergy analyses of integrated an air cycle
and power generation system. They performed a parametric study. they performed a
parametric study in order to observe the effects of different effective parameters. The energy
and exergy efficiency for system 3 were the highest at 74% and 68.5%, respectively.
Hogerwaard et al. [25] developed a solar energy based multigeneration system for
refrigeration, power and desalination. They computed that the energetic exergetic efficiencies
of a multigeneration system are 238.% and 27%, respectively.

In the literature, studies on clean water production in multigeneration systems are insufficient.
This study contributes as follow; thermodynamic performance assessment of the
multigeneration system for the purpose of clean water production in multigeneration
applications such as hydrogen, heating, cooling, and electricity. In this system, electricity is
produced from a solar based Brayton cycle, a Rankine cycle and ORC. In this regard, the
main purpose of the present study is to analyze the energy, exergy efficiencies and exergy
destruction rates of multigeneration system and its subsystems. Some parametric studies are
conducted in detailed understand the parameters effects on the thermodynamic performance
of the system components. In addition, the exergy destruction rates of the main components of
the multigeneration system have been researched and graphically presented.

2. System design

In the proposed study, the multigeneration system is designed for various applications
especially electricity, hydrogen and fresh water productions for sustainable development. The
schematic diagram of the suggested system is illustrated in Fig.1. All components of the
system operate simultaneously to produce anticipated productions using a single solar energy
source. The system consists of five sub cycles, which are namely a Brayton cycle, a Rankine
cycle, and an organic Rankine cycle (ORC), a single effect absorption cooling system (ABS),
a flash desalination unit (FDU) and a PEM electrolyzer. The carbon dioxide (R744) is used as
working fluid in ORC because of environmentally friendly properties.

First, the compressed air is heated up to about 850 oC with solar radiation at the solar tower
and passes through to Turbine-I for power generation. In parallel, the Brayton cycle generates
electricity. The exhaust heat from the Brayton cycle enter the heat exchanger (HEX-I) and
then heat exchanger (HEX-III) respectively, to produce required steam for the Rankine cycle
and ORC. Subsequently, the exhausted heat pass in the ABS system to perform heating and
cooling. At the same time, the electricity is produced by Rankine and ORC cycles. Required
energy to heat the seawater up to about 50 oC is obtained with the heat exchanger (HEX-II)
from the wet vapor that goes off the Turbine-II. Here, with the FDU, fresh water production
takes place in medium temperature seawater.

The ABS can be preferred to use the waste heat in the system instead of a conventional
refrigeration system. ABS consists of a generator, a condenser, an evaporator, an absorber, a
solution heat pump and the expansion valve. Lithium Bromine (LiBr)-water (H2O) was
selected as the working fluid in the ABS.

Some part of the electricity that is produced from Turbine-I in the Brayton cycle is used to
produce hydrogen by the PEM electrolyzer. The exhausted air from point 25 is recirculated in
the multigeneration subsystem and enters the water preheater. At point 26, the water entering
at the reference temperature is heated up to 80 oC in a water preheater with the exhausted heat
from the Brayton cycle from state point 25 and afterwards water preheater enters the PEM
electrolyzer for hydrogen production. Finally, the hydrogen production occurs in PEM

3. Thermodynamic Analysis

The thermodynamic analysis of the suggested study is carried out by EES packet program.
The thermodynamic calculations of the overall system and subcomponents are determined in
this section. The comprehensive design parameters and assumptions for the thermodynamic
analysis are presented in Table. 1. The general thermodynamic balance equations in the
steady state conditions are presented in four sub-titles as below:

3.1. Mass balance equation

The mass balance equation can be explained as follows;

where is the rate of mass flow, subscripts and are the inlet and outlet conditions,

3.2. Energy Balance Equation

The balance equation of overall energy for thermodynamic system can be given as follows;

where is the heat transfer rate, is the power, and is the specific enthalpy. Energy
balance equations of components of proposed study presented in Table 2.

3.3. Entropy balance equation

The entropy balance equation can be written as follows:


In Eq.(3), is the specific entropy, is the entropy generation rate or entropy flow, and
is the temperature at which heat fluxes cross the process boundary.
3.4. Exergy Balance Equation

The general balance equation of exergy can be defined as below;


where is the specific exergy, is the exergy rate of heat energy transfer, is the
exergy rate of the work and is the exergy destruction rate. The specific exergy ( ) can
be defined as;


where , , and are the physical, chemical, potential and kinetic exergy,
respectively. For this paper, , and are accepted as negligible. The physical can
be described as follows;

The exergy rates relations of heat and work in a control volume can be written as follows;


Exergy balances equations of components for the system is illustrated in Table 3, using by the
given above definitions.
The energy balance equations of solar receiver presented in Fig.1 is defined as below [29, 30];
Here, is defined heat transfer rate from solar receiver to compressed air. The
are shows the solar receiver efficiency, solar heliostat area, solar radiation and
number of the solar heliostat, respectively.
The exergy rate of the solar energy coming to the receiver can be calculated as follows; here,
the sun temperature is assumed as 5700 K.


A single flash desalination system is used in the proposed study for fresh water production.
This system is shown in Fig.1 and designed an opened system. The heat which is removed
from HEX-II of Rankine cycle is designed to be used for distillation purpose. The desalination
model is shaped with the help of references [3, 6, 31]. The thermodynamic analysis equations
of the flash desalination unit can be written as follows [3, 6, 31];

The total mass flow rate of system can be illustrated as [31];



Eq. (13), is definitions for feed sea water mass flow rate, and are represented
mass flow rate of distillate product and brine water. In addition, and are symbolized
salinity of feed water and brine water. Eq.(16), is described inlet seawater temperature.
The PR of desalination system is explained the amount of distillate product per used vapor.

3.5. Energy and exergy efficiencies

In this study, the energy efficiencies of overall system and subcomponents, which is Brayton
cycle, Rankine cycle, ORC and ABS system, hydrogen production and overall system can be
written as below;






In Eq. (22) is lower heating value of hydrogen.

The exergy efficiency equations of each components of the multigeneration system are given
in the Table 4. In addition, here, the exergy efficiency of components of system can be
descripted as the ratio of useful energy output divided by total energy inlet. In this study, the
exergy efficiency of components of system that is Brayton cycle, Rankine cycle, ORC and
ABS system, hydrogen production and overall system can be written as below







4. Results and Discussion

In this work, EES package program is used for all thermodynamic calculations of the system.
The main thermodynamic conclusions of the operating fluids at each point are calculated and
presented in Table 5. Moreover, the inlet and outlet parameters of each state of the
multigeneration system are respectively tabulated in Table 5. The overall energy and exergy
efficiency of the proposed multigeneration system was calculated as 78.93% and 47.56%,
respectively, at 800 W/m2 solar radiation. In addition, according to Table 5 values, the total
power production and fresh water production rate are 18992 kW and 0.8882 kg/, respectively.
The power generation rates in the main sub-cycles of the system are shown in Fig.2. As can
be seen Fig.2, it is clear that the highest power generation is in the Bryton cycle while the
lowest power generation is in the ORC cycle. Also, the power generated through Rankine
cycle is 2431 kW. It can be stated that the Brayton cycle operates at higher temperatures and
thus produces higher power.

Fig.3 shows that the energy efficiency of the overall system and its sub-systems. The overall
energy efficiency of this suggested system is calculated as 0.78. Moreover, the energy
efficiency of Brayton cycle, Rankine cycle, ORC and ABS are calculated 0.3769 ,0.772,
0.606 and 0.875, respectively. As seen clearly in this figure, while the maximum energy
efficiency has ABS system among of the sub-systems and then has the Rankine cycle, the
minimum energy efficiency occurs in Brayton cycle. In addition to this, the exergy efficiency
of the overall system and its sub-system calculated and presented in Fig.4. The exergy
efficiencies of sub-systems of Brayton cycle, Rankine cycle, ORC, and ABS are founded as
0.31, 0.52, 0.69 and 0.15, respectively. The overall exergy efficiency of the system is
calculated as 0.4756. Finally, it can be stated that according to Figures 3 and 4, this system
has a good potential for the energy and exergy efficiency.

The exergy destruction rates of major components of overall system displayed in Fig.5. As
expected, the highest exergy destruction is seen in the solar receiver. The exergy destruction
rate of solar receiver is found 7285 kW. The reason for this is the fact that there is a lot of
heat change and has a higher temperature in the solar receiver sub-system. The pump-I has
the lowest rate of exergy destruction. Also, the heat exchangers I, II and III, which are the
basic components of the system, have high exergy destruction rates, due to increased heat
transfer rate.

Fig.6 illustrated that the energy and exergy efficiencies of the overall system with varying
inlet pressure of Brayton cycle turbine. As a result of increasing the turbine inlet pressure
from 1000 kPa to 2500 kPa, both energy and exergy efficiencies of overall system are
increased. It can be stated that that the increase in turbine inlet pressure of Brayton cycle have
a positive effect on the efficiency of the system.

Fig.7 demonstrated that the changing of hydrogen and power production rates from the
system with various solar radiation. The hydrogen production and power production rates are
increased because of the increase in the solar radiation from 600 W/m2 to 800 W/m2. In the
case of better utilization of solar radiation, the amount of hydrogen is increased since the
amount of power to be obtained from these systems is increased. Also, the variation of the
overall energy and exergy efficiencies of the system with various solar radiation are seen in
Fig.8. The overall energy and exergy efficiency of suggested this study increases with the
solar radiation increases. As can be seen Figs. 7, and 8, the increase in solar radiation has a
positive effect on energy, exergy efficiencies of the system; it is also to increase in power
generation from the system.

Fig. 9 shows the change in hydrogen production and net power generation rates according to
different isentropic compressor efficiency. It can be noted that the hydrogen production and
power production rates increase with the increase in isentropic efficiency of the compressor.
Once the isentropic efficiency of the compressor increases from 0.80 to 0.95, the power
production rate increases from about 7600 kW to 8400 kW.

Fig.10 given that the effects of different reference temperatures on exergy efficiency and
overall exergy destruction rate of the system. One of the most important effects on the exergy
efficiency of a system is environmental temperature. Therefore, when the environmental
temperature effect on the exergy efficiency is examined, the increase in the reference
temperature has been found to cause an increase in exergy efficiency of illustrated system.
However, as expected, the rate of exergy destruction is decreasing for overall the system.

The detailed exergy destruction rates and ratios for important sub-cycles of integrated system
are investigated and presented in Fig.11. In addition, in this Figure, the sub-cycles of system
are discussed. The overall exergy destruction rate of suggested study calculated as 20057 kW.
The highest exergy destruction ratio is seen in Brayton cycle with 42.9%. On the other hand,
the lowest exergy destruction ratio is calculated as 0.9% in water preheater sub-system.

Eventually, the energy and exergy efficiencies of the proposed system are compared with the
results in Ref. [6], which is a recent study in the literature, and graphically demonstrated in
Fig.12. It is clear that the energy efficiency of the proposed system is superior to the reference
study, by the other hand, the exergy efficiencies of both systems are close.

5. Conclusion
In the present study, a solar-based multigeneration system is designed for hydrogen, power,
heating – cooling, and fresh water productions. Subsequently, the thermodynamic analysis of
the system is performed using energy and exergy methods. The energy, exergy efficiencies
and exergy destruction rate of each component and overall system are investigated. In
addition, a detailed parametric study is carried out to determine the effects of various
parameters such as reference temperature and solar radiation on the cycle efficiency. Some
outstanding results of the obtained from this study can be expressed as bellows;
 The energy and exergy efficiencies of the integrated multigeneration system are
determined as 78.93% and 47.56%, respectively.
 The total power generation capacity of the integrated multigeneration system is
calculated as 18992 kW.
 The highest exergy destruction rate for the major components of the system are seen in
the solar receiver while the PEM and HEXs are other components with have high
exergy destruction. Therefore, in order to obtain a better efficiency of the system,
these exergy destruction rates should be eliminated minimized.
 The hydrogen and fresh water productions from the proposed system are 0.04663 kg/s
and 0.8862 kg/s, respectively.
 When the isentropic efficiency of the Brayton cycle compressor is increased by about
15%, the amount of hydrogen production obtained from the multigeneration system is
increasing from about 0.04 kg /s to 0.052 kg / s.
 The increase in reference temperature and solar radiation has a positive effect on the
cycle efficiency.
There is a necessity for clean and sustainable energy production in the near future to prevent
environmental problems. In this regard, it is foreseen that renewable energy supported
multigeneration systems will become more attractive for the green and sustainable energy
applications. As a result of these thermodynamic analyzes, it has been marked to encourage
the use of solar energy in multigeneration system to provide sustainable energy conversion.

ABS Absorption cooling and heating system
Exergy destruction rate (kW)
Exergy flow rate (kW)
Work (kW)
Mass flow rate (kg/s)
A Surface area (m2)
ex Specific exergy (kJ/kg)
h Specific enthalpy (kJ/kg)
Heat transfer rate (kW)
Hex Heat exchanger
I Solar radiation (W/m2)
P Pump
PEM Proton exchange membrane
s Specific entropy (kJ/kg K)
T Temperature (°C or K)
Greek Letters
Energy efficiency
Exergy efficiency

con condenser
evap evaporator
in input
out exit

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Graphical abstract

 A new solar integrated system is investigated for multi-generation.
 Flash desalination unit has been evaluated for fresh water production.
 The energy and exergy efficiencies of system and its sub-system are investigated
 The study shows that the usage of solar based systems is better for clean energy and
Figures List;
Fig.1 The schematic diagram of multigeneration system
Fig.2. Power generated by sub-cycles of system
Fig.3. Energy efficiency of sub-systems and overall system
Fig.4. Exergy efficiency of sub-systems and overall system
Fig.5. Exergy destruction rate of major components of system
Fig.6. Energy and exergy efficiencies of overall system with varying inlet pressure of Brayton
cycle turbine
Fig.7. Hydrogen production rate and net power production according to various solar
Fig.8. Variation of energy and exergy efficiencies of the system with various solar radiation
Fig.9 The change in hydrogen production and net power generation rates according to
isentropic efficiency of compressor
Fig.10. Variation of the overall exergy efficiency and total exergy destruction rate of system
with various reference temperature
Fig.11. Detailed exergy destruction rates for important sub-cycles of the system
Fig.12. Comparison of the energy and exergy efficiencies of the proposed system with in the
literature study
Fig.1 The schematic diagram of multigeneration system
Fig.2. Power generated by sub-cycles of system

Fig.3. Energy efficiency of sub-systems and overall system

Fig.4. Exergy efficiency of sub-systems and overall system

Fig.5. Exergy destruction rates of major components of system






1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500
Inlet pressure of Brayton cycle turbine (kPa)

Fig.6. Energy and exergy efficiencies of overall system with varying inlet pressure of Brayton
cycle turbine

8500 0.05

8000 W net,total

mH (kg/s) 0.045

mH2 (kg/s)
Net Generated Power (kW)

7000 0.04




5500 0.03
600 650 700 750 800
Solar Radiation (W/m2 )

Fig.7. Hydrogen production rate and net power production according to various solar





600 650 700 750 800
Solar Radiation (W/m2 )

Fig.8. Variation of energy and exergy efficiencies of the system with various solar radiation

8400 0.052

W net,total

Wnet,total (kW)

mH2 (kg/s)
8000 0.046




7600 0.04
0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95
Isentropic Efficiecny of Compressor

Fig.9 The change in hydrogen production and net power generation rates according to
isentropic efficiency of compressor
22000 0.477

Exdest,total (kW)

Total Exergy Destruction Rate (kW)


Exergy Efficiency



19500 0.47
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Reference Temperature (o C)

Fig.10. Variation of the overall exergy efficiency and total exergy destruction rate of system
with various reference temperature

Fig.11. Detailed exergy destruction rates for important sub-cycles of the system
Fig.12. Comparison of the energy and exergy efficiencies of the proposed system with in the
literature study
Table Lists;

Table 1. Design parameters of proposed system [modified refs. [6, 7]

Table.2 Energy balance equations of components of suggested study [26-28]
Table.3 Exergy balance equations of components of the system [26-28]
Table.4 Exergy efficiency equations for the system components
Table 5. Thermodynamic results at each state of integrated multigeneration system

Table 1. Design parameters of proposed system [modified refs. [6, 7]

Parameters Value
Compressor pressure ratio 12.5
Compressor izantropik efficiency 0.88
Turbine-I izantropik efficiency 0.92
Air mass flow rate 30.11 kg/s
Solar radiation 800 W/m2
Number of heliostat 250
Heliostat reflective area 11x11 m2
Salinity of seawater 42000 ppm
Total heat loss rate from receiver 20 %
ORC working fluid R744
ABS working fluid LiBr-Water
Reference environment temperature 25 oC
Reference environment pressure 101.325 kPa
Table.2 Energy balance equations of components of suggested study [26-28]
System components Energy balances equations
Solar receiver
Turbine –II
Pump -I
Expansion valve
Water preheater
PEM electrolyzer

Table.3 Exergy balance equations of components of the system [26-28]

System components Exergy balances equations
Solar receiver

Turbine –II
Pump -I


Expansion valve


Water preheater
PEM electrolyzer

Table.4 Exergy efficiency equations for the system components [26-28]

System components Energy efficiency

Solar receiver



Turbine –II


Pump -I







Expansion valve



Water preheater

PEM electrolyzer

Table 5. Thermodynamic results at each state of integrated multigeneration system

State # P (kPa) T (oC) h (kJ/ kg) s (kJ/kg K) (kg/h) (kW)
1 101.3 25 298.4 6.86 30.11 10209
2 1267 374.6 658 6.929 30.11 20125
3 1267 827.1 1163 7.518 30.11 3111
4 101.3 340.1 621.5 7.598 30.11 1636
5 101.3 240.1 517.2 7.412 30.11 152.3
6 1000 93.6 392.8 1.233 5.12 4776
7 1000 300.1 3051 7.122 5.12 2242
8 80 93.51 2576 7.191 5.12 147.3
9 80 93.51 391.7 1.233 5.12 873.1
10 6000 21.98 -243.9 -1.529 4.12 915.7
11 14400 22.78 -263.1 -1.628 4.12 1114
12 14400 160.1 57.24 -0.7145 4.12 889
13 6000 72.48 -6.354 -0.7444 4.12 312.6
14 101.3 110.1 384.3 7.114 30.11 30.53
15 5.616 100.1 2688 8.715 0.321 0.1961
16 5.616 35 146.6 0.505 0.321 10.08
17 1.069 6 139.6 0.501 0.321 703.3
18 1.069 6 2512 8.998 0.321 84.89
19 1.069 35 88.74 0.2067 2.91 85.49
20 5.616 38 94.7 0.2261 2.91 94.88
21 5.616 60 139 0.3637 2.91 211.7
22 5.616 72 196.4 0.3915 2.589 200.7
23 5.616 50 156.4 0.2714 2.589 199.1
24 1.069 45 147.4 0.2432 2.589 189.9
25 101.3 90.12 364.1 7.06 30.11 0.1489
26 101 32 134.1 0.464 0.4223 8.042
27 101.3 80 335 1.075 0.4223 1.569
28 101.3 80 50.5 0.1556 0.3754 3.06
29 101.3 80 4723 55.81 0.04693 0.1201
30 101.3 22 92.29 0.3246 2.1 2.118
31 101.3 37 155 0.532 2.1 1.356
32 100 22 92.29 0.3246 24.27 7.386
33 100 31.5 132 0.4571 24.27 0.5681
34 100 31.5 132 0.4571 1.867 6.818
35 100 31.5 132 0.4571 22.4 90.52
36 100 49.5 207.3 0.6972 22.4 1.986
37 10 30 125.7 0.4365 21.51 0.5465
38 10 35 146.6 0.505 0.8882 10209

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