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Collections Framework in Java

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Collections Framework in Java

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Java Programming


Collection freamework

Collections in Java is a framework that stores and manipulates a group of

objects. It is a hierarchy of interfaces and classes that provides easy
management of a group of objects. Java Collection framework provides many
interfaces (List, Queue, Deque, Set) and classes (ArrayList, Vector,
LinkedList, PriorityQueue, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet).

❖ framework in Java
• It provides readymade architecture.
• It represents a set of classes and interfaces.
• It is optional.

❖ Collections Framework
• The Collections Framework is defined as a unified architecture for
representing and manipulating collections.
• In Java, the Collections Framework is a hierarchy of interfaces and
classes that provides easy management of a group of objects.
• The java.util package contains the powerful tool of Collections
• It was defined in JDK 1.2 version which is one of the most used
frameworks to date.
• It provides a ready-made architecture for interfaces and classes and is
used for storing and manipulating a group of objects.
• All collections frameworks contain interfaces, classes, and algorithms.

Java Programming

❖ Hierarchy of Collection Framework:

Let us see the hierarchy of Collection framework. The java.util package

contains all the classes and interfaces for the Collection framework.

The above figure illustrates the hierarchy of the Collections Framework. It

consists of four core interfaces such as Collection, List, Set, Queue, and
various classes which get implemented through them.

Java Programming

Methods of Collection interface:

There are many methods declared in the Collection interface. They are as

No. Method Description

1 public boolean add(E e) It is used to insert an element in this
2 public boolean addAll(Collection<? It is used to insert the specified
extends E> c) collection elements in the invoking
3 public boolean remove(Object element) It is used to delete an element from
the collection.
4 Public boolean It is used to delete all the elements
removeAll(Collection<?> c) of the specified collection from the
invoking collection.
5 Default boolean removeIf(Predicate<? It is used to delete all the elements
super E> filter) of the collection that satisfy the
specified predicate.
6 public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> It is used to delete all the elements
c) of invoking collection except the
specified collection.
7 public int size() It returns the total number of
elements in the collection.
8 public void clear() It removes the total number of
elements from the collection.
9 public boolean contains(Object It is used to search an element.
10 public boolean It is used to search the specified
containsAll(Collection<?> c) collection in the collection.
11 public Iterator iterator() It returns an iterator.
12 public Object[] toArray() It converts collection into array.
13 public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) It converts collection into array.
Here, the runtime type of the
returned array is that of the
specified array.
14 public boolean isEmpty() It checks if collection is empty.
15 default Stream<E> parallelStream() It returns a possibly parallel Stream
with the collection as its source.
16 default Stream<E> stream() It returns a sequential Stream with
the collection as its source.

Java Programming

17 default Spliterator<E> spliterator() It generates a Spliterator over the

specified elements in the collection.
18 public boolean equals(Object element) It matches two collections.
19 public int hashCode() It returns the hash code number of
the collection.

❖ Iterator interface
• Iterator interface provides the facility of iterating the elements in a
forward direction only.

Methods of Iterator interface

There are only three methods in the Iterator interface. They are:

No. Method Description

1 public boolean hasNext() It returns true if the iterator has more elements
otherwise it returns false.
2 public Object next() It returns the element and moves the cursor
pointer to the next element.
3 public void remove() It removes the last elements returned by the
iterator. It is less used.

❖ Iterable Interface
• The Iterable interface is the root interface for all the collection classes.
The Collection interface extends the Iterable interface and therefore all
the subclasses of Collection interface also implement the Iterable
• It contains only one abstract method. i.e.,

Iterator<T> iterator()

• It returns the iterator over the elements of type T.

Java Programming

❖ Collection Interface
• The Collection Interface is the root or the foundation on which the
Collections Framework is built. It is a general interface that has the

interface Collection<E>

Here, E is the type of object that the collection will hold.

❖ List Interface
• The list interface extends the collection interface.
• A list is used to store ordered collection of data and it may contain
duplicates. Ordered collection means the order in which the elements
are being inserted and they contain a specific value.
• The elements present, can be accessed or inserted by their position in
the list using zero-based indexing.
• The list interface is implemented by LinkedList, ArrayList, Vectors and
Stack classes. They are an important part of collections in Java.

Java Programming

There are three classes implemented by the list interface and they are given


List <data-type> list1= new ArrayList();

List <data-type> list2 = new LinkedList();
List <data-type> list3 = new Vector();
List <data-type> list4 = new Stack();


• So, the ArrayList is similar to Arrays.

• They are also called dynamic arrays.
• That means it does not have a fixed size.
• ts size can be increased or decreased if elements are added or
• It implements the List Interface.
• It is similar to Vectors in C++.
• Since the ArrayList cannot be used for primitive data types like int, char,
etc. , we need to use a wrapper class.

Java Programming

In order to initialize an ArrayList, there are 3 ways.

1. Using the add Keyword:

ArrayList<Data-Type> str = new ArrayList<Data-Type>();





//initialising ArrayList using add keyword

import java.util.*;

public class TopperWorld {

public static void main(String args[]) {

// create an ArrayList of String type

ArrayList<String> str = new ArrayList<String>();

// Initialize an ArrayList with add()




// to print the ArrayList

System.out.println("ArrayList is" + str);

Output: ArrayList is [Topper , World, Rocks]

Java Programming

2. Using asList() AsList() method in Java is used to return a fixed-size list

backed by the given array.

ArrayList<Data-Type> obj =

new ArrayList<Data-Type(Arrays.asList(Obj A, Obj B, Obj C, ....));


// initialise ArrayList using asList method

import java.util.*;

public class TW {

public static void main(String args[])

// create an ArrayList of String type

// and Initialize an ArrayList with asList()

ArrayList<String> scaler = new ArrayList<String>(

Arrays.asList("I", "love", "TopperWorld"))

// to print the ArrayList

System.out.println("ArrayList is " + Topperworld);

Output: ArrayList is [I, Love, Java]

Java Programming

2. LinkedList

• The LinkedList class extends the AbstractSequentialList and it also

extends the List, Deque and Queue interface.
• By this, we get a linked-list data structure.
• Linked List is a linear data structure where the elements are called as
• Here, each node has two fields- data and next. Data stores the actual
piece of information and next points to the next node. 'Next' field is
actually the address of the next node.
• Elements are not stored in a contiguous memory, so direct access to
that element is not possible.
• LinkedList uses Doubly Linked List to store its elements while ArrayList
internally uses a dynamic array to store its elements.
• LinkedList is faster in the manipulation of data as it is node-based which
makes it unique.

Java Programming

How to create a Linked List?

There are two ways in which we can create a linked list using constructors.

1. Creating an empty Linked List

LinkedList list=new LinkedList();

2. Creating a Linked List from Collection

It will create a Linked List with all the elements of Collection C. We will use
the LinkedList class and new keyword to create a constructor which contains
the elements of collection.

LinkedList list=new LinkedList(C);

Let us take a look at an example of Linked List.

public class TopperWorld{

public static void main(String args[]){

//creating a LinkedList

LinkedList<String> list= new LinkedList<String>();

//displaying the initial size

System.out.println("Size at the beginning "+list.size());

//add elements







//displaying the LinkedList

System.out.println("Original Linked List " + list);

Java Programming

//displaying the size

System.out.println("Size after addition "+list.size());

//remove element at index 5



//display the new LinkedList

System.out.println("New Linked List "+ list)

//display the new size

System.out.println("Size after removal "+list.size());

Size at the beginning 0

Original Linked List [C#, Java, Python, C++, JavaScript,


Size after addition 6

New Linked List [Java, Python, C++, JavaScript]

Size after removal 4


• Like ArrayList, Vectors in Java are used for dynamic arrays.

• It extends the AbstractList and implements the List interface.
• Vector is synchronised. Synchronised means only one thread at a time
can access the code.
• This means if one thread is working on Vector, no other thread can get
a hold of it.

Java Programming

• Only one operation on vector can be performed at a time. For example,

if addition is being performed by one thread, other operation cannot
be performed until the first one is over.
• Before the introduction of the Collection Framework, Vectors were
categorised as Legacy Classes(Classes which were a part of the earlier
release of Java but now they are re-constructed).

Methods to create the constructor of Vectors

1. Using the default method

In this method, the size is not specified so the default size of Vectors is 10.

Vector<Data-type> v = new Vector<Data-Type>();

2. By specifying the desired size

In this method, we specify the size.

Vector<Data-type> v = new Vector<Data-Type>(int size);

3. Using size and increment attributes

This method is used to create a vector whose initial capacity is declared by

size and the increment is declared by incr. Here, the increment is the value
that specifies the number of elements to allocate each time that vector gets
resized upward.

Java Programming

Vector<Data-type> v = new Vector<Data-Type>(int size,int incr);

4. Creating a Vector from Collection

It is used to create a vector which contains all the elements of a collection.

Vector<Data-type> v = new Vector<Data-Type>(Collection C);


import java.util.*;

public class TopperWorld{

public static void main(String args[]){

//creating a Vector

Vector<Integer> v= new Vector<Integer>();

//displaying the size

System.out.println("Size at the beginning "+v.size());

//add elements





//displaying the Vector


//displaying the size

System.out.println("Size after addition "+v.size());

//remove element at index 3


//display the new Vector


//display the new size

System.out.println("Size after removal "+v.size());

Java Programming

Size at the beginning 0

[19, 88, 1, 39]

Size after addition 4

[19, 88, 1]

4. Stack

• Stack class extends the Vector class and it is its subclass.

• It works on the principle of Last-In, First-Out.
• In order to put an object on the top of the stack, we call the push()
• To remove and return the top element in the stack, we call pop()
• There are other methods like peek(), search() and empty() which are
used to perform operations on the stack.

Java Programming

Methods to create the constructor of Stack:

1. Creating a default stack

This creates an empty stack.

Stack<Data-Type> stack = new Stack<Data-Type>();

import java.util.*;

public class TopperWorld{

public static void main(String args[]){

//creating a Stack

Stack<Integer> s= new Stack<Integer>();

//displaying the initial size

System.out.println("Size at the beginning "+s.size());

//push elements






//displaying the Stack

System.out.println("New Stack" + s);

//displaying the size

System.out.println("Size after addition "+s.size());

//pop the element and display it

System.out.println("Popped element " + s.pop());

//display the new Stack

System.out.println("New Stack after popping"+ s);

//display the new size

System.out.println("Size after removal "+s.size());

Java Programming

//peek method to find the top-most element and display it

System.out.println("Top-most element " + s.peek());

//the size remains the same as peek does not remove the element

System.out.println("Size after Peek "+s.size());


Size at the beginning 0

New Stack[99, 28, 17, 74, 1]

Size after addition 5

Popped element 1

New Stack after popping[99, 28, 17, 74]

Size after removal 4

Top-most element 74

Size after Peek 4

Queue Interface

• The Queue Interface extends the Collection interface.

• It uses the principle of First-In, First-Out (FIFO).
• A Queue is an ordered list where there is a need to maintain the order
of the elements.
• It has classes like PriorityQueue and ArrayDeque.
• The most famous implementation is that of PriorityQueue.

Java Programming


• The PriorityQueue class extends AbstractQueue and implements the

Queue Interface.
• As the name suggests, they follow the principle of priority of the
• We know that we follow First-In, First-Out for queues, but at times, the
elements need to be processed in terms of their priority. This is where
the PriorityQueue comes into play.
• It does not allow null values to be stored inside it.
• The add() method is used to add an element while the poll() method is
used to remove the top-most element. While, peek() is used to display
the top-most element.

Methods to initialise a PriorityQueue using constructors

1. Creating an empty PriorityQueue

PriorityQueue<Data-Type> pq = new PriorityQueue<Data-Type>();

2. Creating a PriorityQueue with the specified size

PriorityQueue<Data-Type> pq = new PriorityQueue<Data-Type>(int size);

3. Creating a PriorityQueue from Collection

Java Programming

It will create a PriorityQueue with all the elements of Collection C.

PriorityQueue<Data-Type> pq = new PriorityQueue<Data-

Type>(Collection<Data-Type> C);


import java.util.*;

public class TopperWorld{

public static void main(String args[])

// Creating a priority queue

PriorityQueue<Integer> pq = new PriorityQueue<Integer>();

//displaying the initial size

System.out.println("Size at the beginning "+pq.size());

// Adding elements using add()





//displaying the PriorityQueue

System.out.println("New PriorityQueue" + pq);

//displaying the size

System.out.println("Size after addition "+pq.size());

// Printing the top element of the PriorityQueue

System.out.println("Top-most element " +pq.peek());

// Printing the top element and removing it

System.out.println("Removing " +pq.poll());

//displaying the PriorityQueue

System.out.println("New PriorityQueue after removal" + pq);

//display the new size

System.out.println("Size after removal "+pq.size()); }}

Java Programming

Size at the beginning 0

New PriorityQueue[18, 34, 27, 99]

Size after addition 4

Top-most element 18

Removing 18

New PriorityQueue after removal[27, 34, 99]

Size after removal 3

❖ Set Interface
• The Set interface defines an unordered collection.
• It extends the Collection Interface.
• We cannot store duplicate values in this.
• The Set Interface is implemented by popular classes like HashedSet,
LinkedHashSet, and TreeSet.

Method to instantiate the Set Interface:

Set<Data-Type> hs = new HashSet<Data-Type>();

Set<Data-Type> lhs = new LinkedHashSet<Data-Type>();

Set<Data-Type> ts = new TreeSet<Data-Type>();

Java Programming


✓ The HashSet class implements the Set Interface.

✓ It uses a hash table for storage which uses a mechanism called Hashing.
✓ In hashing, the informational content of a key determines a unique
value, called its hash code.
✓ The hash code is then used as an index, at which the data associated
with the key is stored.
✓ When we insert elements into the HashSet, it is not guaranteed that it
gets stored in the same order.
✓ We can store Null values in this.
✓ HashSet is non-synchronized means multiple threads at a time can
access the code. This means if one thread is working on HashSet, other
threads can also get a hold of it. Multiple operations on HashSet can be
performed at a time.

For example, if addition is being performed by one thread, other operation

can be performed by some other thread too.

Methods to create the constructors of HashSet

1. Creating an empty HashSet It is used to create an empty HashSet object

in which the default initial capacity is 16.

HashSet<Data-type> hs = new HashSet<Data-type>();

2. Creating a HashSet with a specified size It is used to create a HashSet with

the given size.

HashSet<Data-type> hs = new HashSet<Data-type>(int size);

Java Programming

3. Creating a HashSet with a specified size and fill ratio It is used to create a
HashSet with a given size and fill ratio.

HashSet<Data-type> hs = new HashSet<Data-type>(int size,float fillRatio);

4. Creating a HashSet from Collection It is used to create a HashSet which

contains all the elements from the collection.

HashSet<Data-type> hs = new HashSet<Data-type>(Collection C);


import java.util.*;

public class TopperWorld{

public static void main(String args[]){

//creating a HashSet

HashSet<String> str= new HashSet<String>();

//displaying the initial size

System.out.println("Size at the beginning "+str.size());

//add elements





//displaying the HashSet


//displaying the size

System.out.println("Size after addition "+str.size());

//remove element using value


Java Programming

//display the new HashSet


//display the new size

System.out.println("Size after removal "+str.size());



Size at the beginning 0

[Hi, Hello, Namaste, Bonjour]

Size after addition 4

[Hi, Hello, Namaste]

Size after removal 3


• The LinkedHashSet class extends the HashSet class.

• It maintains a linked list of entries in the set and hence maintains the
order in which they were inserted.
• LinkedHashSet is non-synchronized means multiple threads at a time
can access the code.
• This means if one thread is working on LinkedHashSet, other threads
can also get a hold of it.
• Multiple operations on LinkedHashSet can be performed at a time. For
example, if addition is being performed by one thread, other operation
can be performed by some other thread too.

Java Programming

The figure below shows the illustration of a LinkedHashSet

Methods to create the constructors of HashSet

1. Creating an empty LinkedHashSet It is used to create an empty

LinkedHashSet object.

LinkedHashSet<Data-type> lhs = new LinkedHashSet<Data-type>();

2. Creating a LinkedHashSet with a specified size It is used to create a

LinkedHashSet with the given size.

LinkedHashSet<Data-type> lhs = new LinkedHashSet<Data-type>(int size);

3. Creating a LinkedHashSet with a specified size and fill ratio It is used to

create a LinkedHashSet with a given size and fill ratio. Fill ratio determines
how full the hash set can be before it is resized.

LinkedHashSet<Data-type> lhs = new LinkedHashSet<Data-type>(int

size,float fillRatio);

4. Creating a LinkedHashSet from Collection It is used to create a

LinkedHashSet which contains all the elements from the collection.

Java Programming

LinkedHashSet<Data-type> lhs = new LinkedHashSet<Data-type>(Collection



import java.util.*;

public class TopperWorld{

public static void main(String args[]){

//creating a HashSet

LinkedHashSet<String> str= new LinkedHashSet<String>();

//displaying the initial size

System.out.println("Size at the beginning "+str.size());

//add elements





//displaying the LinkedHashSet


//displaying the size

System.out.println("Size after addition "+str.size());

//remove element using value


//display the new LinkedHashSet


//display the new size

System.out.println("Size after removal "+str.size());

Java Programming

Output: Size at the beginning 0

[Hello, Hi, Namaste, Bonjour]

Size after addition 4

[Hello, Hi, Namaste]

Size after removal 3

3.SortedSet Interface

• The SortedSet Interface extends the Set Interface.

• It is similar to the Set Interface but plays a vital role to arrange data in
ascending or sorted manner.
• The TreeSet class implements this interface.
• The figure below illustrates the SortedSet Interface.

Method to instantiate the SortedSet Interface

SortedSet<Data-Type> ts = new TreeSet<Data-type>();


• The TreeSet class implements the Set Interface.

• It uses a tree to store the elements.
• TreeSet contains unique elements.

Java Programming

• The access and retrieval time is very fast.

• TreeSet is non-synchronized means multiple threads at a time can
access the code.
• This means if one thread is working on TreeSet, other threads can also
get a hold of it.
• Multiple operations on TreeSet can be performed at a time.
• For example, if addition is being performed by one thread, other
operations can be performed by some other thread too.


import java.util.*;

class TopperWorld {

public static void main(String[] args)

// Creating a TreeSet

Set<String> ts = new TreeSet<>();

//displaying the initial size

System.out.println("Size at the beginning "+ts.size());

// Elements are added using add() method




//displaying the TreeSet


//displaying the size

System.out.println("Size after addition "+ts.size());

Java Programming

// Duplicates will not get inserted into the TreeSet


// Elements get stored in Ascending order




Size at the beginning 0

[Britain, India, USA]

Size after addition 3

[Britain, India, USA]

❖ Map Interface
• A map is an object that stores key and value pairs.
• It contains unique keys as the same key cannot have multiple
• Although a part of the Collections Framework, maps are not themselves
collections because they do not implement the Collection Interface.

Method to instantiate the Map Interface

Map<Data-Type> hm = new HashMap<> ();

❖ HashMap
• The HashMap class extends AbstractMap and implements the Map
• It uses a hash table for storing key-value pairs.
• If we want to access a value in a** hash map**, we must know its key.

Java Programming


import java.util.*;

public class TopperWorld{

public static void main(String args[]) {

// Creating a HashMap

HashMap<Integer, Double> hm = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();

//adding key value pairs using put()

hm.put(1, 1.9);

hm.put(2, 2.8);

hm.put(3, 3.7);

// Finding the value for a key using get()

System.out.println("The Value for 1 is " + hm.get(1)); }}

Output: The Value for 1 is 1.9


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