(Paper) (IEEE) (Qualidade Energia) (Harmônicos) The Effect of Using Isolation Transformers To Supply Small Nonlinear Loads - 5p

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The effect of using isolation transformers to supply

small nonlinear loads

Marian Costea, Tudor Leonida
Dept.of Electric Power Systems
Politehnica University of Bucharest
Bucharest, Romania

Abstract— It is well known that between other non-linear loads monitors (CRT type) considered separately and then together,
the IT and office equipment or measuring equipment are fed from the same network. Other electrical parameters which
important sources of current harmonics. There are particular influence the network operation were also recorded and
cases when equipment of this type are supplied through isolation compared. Then an isolation transformer was inserted between
transformers such as equipment dedicated for interface between voltage supply and consumers. The new obtained parameters
a high voltage laboratory and its control room or medical values, relating to the harmonic content were compared with
equipment. In the first step it was analyzed the influence of
the case without smoothing current waveform device.
voltage level upon current harmonic content in the case of
desktop computers and cathode ray tube monitors directly A situation where is imposed the use of an isolation
connected to the network. The main parameters were recorded transformer is that of equipment which transmit or receive
using a professional power quality analyzer. The effect of an electromagnetic signals to/from the harsh electromagnetic
isolation transformer used to supply the same consumers was environment of a high voltage laboratory and the own
then evaluated. In particular situations, the use of isolation functional circuits of these equipment are energized from a
transformer diminishes the current harmonics injected in the low voltage network. In this category enters, besides
supply network. measuring systems, equipment’s like transient recorders, peak
voltmeters, oscilloscopes and similar, practically, computers
Index Terms—harmonic, total harmonic distortion, isolation with data acquisition boards.
transformer, power quality, K-factor, derating.
Harmonic analyze uses certain quantities to evaluate a
The large majority of household and office equipment are distorted voltage or current curve which has a given period.
current harmonic generating sources and many papers focuses First of all, an overall parameter is the total harmonic
on the description and measuring of their behavior distortion (THD). As example, to evaluate the THD for
[1]-[9]. Many of these appliances are equipped with current, it must be calculated (according to European Standard
switched-mode power supplies (SMPS) which significantly EN 50160 [10] which stipulate the maximum harmonic order
distorts the absorbed current curve. Generally, the power to be taking into consideration, k = 40):
supplier company is not responsible for the appearance of
voltage harmonics in the network; the responsibility rests ⎛ 40 ⎞
solely on consumers. Flowing in the entire circuits, the ⎜ ⎟ (1)
harmonics diminishes the quality of power and affects the
THD i = ⎜ ∑ I k2 ⎟ / I1
⎜ k =2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠
proper equipment operation connected in the same network.
The main victims of distorted voltage curve are those where Ik is the r.m.s. value of harmonic current of k order and
equipment’s generating the disturbances in the first place. On I1 – the r.m.s. value of fundamental. Usually, the THD value is
the other hand the harmonic polluted network is in itself expressed as a percentage of the fundamental (current in this
affected by transformers and conductors overheating, false
example). This value is generally used for assess the
tripping of protection equipment, reducing the efficiency or
nonlinearity of a receiver and to stipulate, by means of
productivity of certain receivers. Other harmful effects are
standards, the emission limit for equipment or for the supply
represented by the electric and magnetic couplings which can
voltage waveform. Limits of current harmonic content for
appear between power and communications lines due to the
high frequencies emissions engendered by the first ones. different consumers and also for the voltage in a point of
common coupling are stipulated in CEI 61000-3-2 [11].
This paper aims to assess the level of harmonics produced Because the relation between r.m.s. value of total current (I)
by a couple of computing devices and their associated and THDi may be expressed such as:

978-1-4673-6487-4/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE

I=I 1 + THD i2 , (2) upon signal lines disposed in the proximity of power lines
carrying harmonics is the "telephone influence factor" (which
refer to audio circuit interference) and "C message index"
where I1 is the r.m.s. value of fundamental, the THDi permit
(relating to communications interference) as there are defined
the calculation of supplementary losses due to harmonic in the IEEE standard [14].
currents. A good indicator about harmonic content is offered Regarding the low and medium voltage supply there are
by the ratio between value of power factor (PF) and cos ϕ1 defined in [10] (both for THDu and each individual harmonic
(the smallest ratio, the greatest distortion; the phase angle ϕ1 is up to 25 order) the maximum values which shall be not
always measured between the voltage, U1 and current, I1 of overpassed on 95% of time during a week period, the
fundamental frequency): measuring step being of 10 minute.
The large majority of modern IT and office equipment can
PF/ cos ϕ1 = 1 / 1 + THD i2 . (3) operate, according the technical data specified by the
manufacturer, within very large limits of supply voltage, far
Other parameter, which is important mainly for different greater than those allowed by operation rules of low voltage
supplies including uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) is the network. The proper operation of the equipment, i.e. the stable
crest factor, i.e. the ratio between the value of the peak current output is ensured by the characteristics of their own
switched-mode power supply. As a consequence, for a given
or voltage and its r.m.s. value. This factor (equal to 2 for a
equipment operation task, the input power at variable voltage
sinusoidal wave shape) reaches values above 3 for computer is maintained to a constant value on account of variable input
hardware. The source must support high instantaneous values current (high value for a reduced level of voltage and low
of current. Also, a higher value of crest factor may conduct to value for a higher voltage level). Other parameters such as the
undesirable operation of some current protection devices. reactive power, power factor or medium phase angle can vary.
Because the main impact to the transformers having But the aim of the manufacturer was achieved: a stable power
nonlinear consumers is the supplementary heating, another supply, low active power consumption, relatively cheap,
quantity is used to evaluate the losses in the transformer due to low-weight, and without network transformer (operating at
non-sinusoidal current waveform. This quantity is the power frequency). Among other variable parameters, the
harmonic spectrum K-factor (or harmonic loss factor) defined harmonic content can vary with the applied voltage and this is
as [12]: the first aim of experiments. In any case, the problem is now
transferred to the network, which will be polluted with
⎛ 40 ⎞ 40 harmonics (the current harmonics generate voltage harmonics
⎜ ⎟ (4) with a level depending of the common impedances traveled by
K =⎜ ∑
⎜ k =2
k 2 I k2 ⎟ / ∑
⎟ k =2
I k2
these currents).
⎝ ⎠
(the maximum considered harmonic order, k, depends to the
standard specifications or measuring device characteristics) The technical measures which could be adopted in order to
Knowing the K-factor it is possible to choose the adequate reduce the effects of current harmonics focus on two
“K-transformer” which can be loaded up to its nominal power. directions: one of them are related to the new designed low
Generally, a power quality analyzer calculates and displays the voltage networks and other to existing ones. The large
value of K-factor. This value multiplied by the stray losses of majority of existing low voltage networks are not designed
the transformer, represents the loss in the transformer caused taking into account the harmonic currents. As example, the
by harmonic currents. It is evident that larger K-factor, the cross section of neutral conductor of the distribution lines was
more harmonics are present in the analyzed network (K = 1 is dimensioned only for the resultant current of the three phase
the ideal case when the load is strictly linear and as systems which supply monophase consumers. But this
consequence the absorbed current is sinusoidal). conductor is the return path for triplen harmonics and in this
condition an important drop voltage can appears along them
If it isn't possible to use a special transformer to supply and also the possibility to be overheated. The voltage
non linear loads, the transformer derating factor (TDF) must measured between neutral and protective earth conductor can
be calculated. This factor indicates for a classical transformer be an indicator for the current overcharged neutral conductor.
the maximum loading capacity, in satisfactorily operation, Also, the transformers are designed considering only their
taking into account the harmonics presence. A formula to operation at power frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz). But the
determine this factor is proposed in [13]: harmonic currents are producing supplementary losses and the
transformer operates hotter than designed, even if it loaded
1 , (5) significantly under its rated capacity. These losses are due to
k TDF = stray magnetic losses in the core and resistive losses in the
⎛ 40 ⎞ windings due to the eddy current which increases with about
1 + 0.1⎜ ∑ k 1.6Tk2 ⎟
⎝ k = 2 ⎠ the square of the frequency.
For industrial purposes, there are many methods to
where Tk = I k / I1 . mitigate the harmonics or to reduce their effects. As example,
for the consumers supplied by three phase rectifiers, a method
Other parameters which reflect the effect of harmonics
is to use the rectifiers with increased number of pulses.

The shunt active filters, the K-rated transformers or standard: THD ≤ 8%, H3 ≤5%, H5 ≤ 6%, H7 ≤ 5% etc. At the
harmonic mitigating transformers (based of shifting phase) are voltage r.m.s. level of 225 V, the measured quantities for the
also other means used to diminish the effects of non- chosen consumers are presented in Table I. As observed, the
sinusoidal loads. While the K-rated transformers have a K–factor in the case of parallel connection of the two
special construction regarding the magnetic core and windings consumers is almost an average of individual ones.
from stranded conductors in order to reduce the losses due to
harmonic currents, the mitigation transformers (a single unit Regarding the harmonic currents expressed in percent,
with splitted windings or a couple of transformers with excepting the 7th and 9th order harmonics, the THD value and
different secondary shift phase) are built with the aim of the levels of 3rd and 5th harmonics are less than for an
canceling the first order harmonics (generally, of 5th and 7th individual consumer. So, a compensation effect seems to
order). A large variety of such equipment is now available occur, at least for certain harmonics, in the case of many
from different manufacturers and the description of theirs non-linear consumers which operate simultaneously in the
capabilities could be found in literature or technical leaflets. same network. But in terms of absolute values (r.m.s.) of
harmonic currents the decrease is not so evident (a summation
If the previously mentioned measures can be taken in the rule of same order harmonic current is not applicable because
case of industrial consumers, regarding the nonlinear office or of different phase angles). It should be noted that the
household consumers, with very variable demand and also equipment on which measurements were made are included,
with relative small loads, the problem cannot be solved so in terms of the dedicated standard [11], in the Class D
easy. The next experiments want to evaluate the harmonic (P ≤ 600 W) and the maximum admissible harmonic currents
content of such small nonlinear consumers supplied at are expressed in mA/W. The crest factor (CF) for currents is
different voltage levels and to assess the effect of an inserted practically the same for each consumer (desktop and monitor),
isolation transformer between network and consumers. of 2.3 and increases slowly up to 2.5 in parallel operation of
Further, the variable parameter was the level of supply
In the first step is described the behavior of certain voltage (between 160 V and 235 V). As could be observed in
nonlinear consumer, from point of view of parameters related Figure 1, the level of THD and also of harmonics (expressed
to the harmonic content. The chosen consumers have been in percent) increases with the increasing of voltage in the case
desktop computers and cathode ray tube (CRT) type monitors, of direct connection of the consumers to the low voltage
with pretty close absorbed active powers. The chosen network. The both consumers are connected in this presented
consumers have the same type of sources which produce only
odd harmonics (even harmonics or interharmonics are actually 100

nonexistent in spectral content).

90 H3

The first measurements were performed supplying H5

separately and then together a desktop and its monitor. The 80

harmonic content of supplying voltage in the common
coupling point was, during the experiments, the following 70
TDH, H3, H5 [%]

average levels: THD = 2.8 %, respectively, 3rd– 0.1 %, 5th –

1.9 %, 7th – 0.9% and the upper order harmonics were below 60

monitor only desktop only desktop+monitor
Active power [W] 57.2 48.9 106.1
PF/cos φ 0.61 0.76 0.77 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230
Voltage [V] r.m.s
K-factor 22.5 8.5 14.2
Figure 1. THD, 3rd (H3) and 5th (H5) current harmonics vs. voltage
THD [%] 127.8 88.3 85.2

% A % A % A
case, but the same tendency was observed for each consumer
individually. Using the recorded values and calculating the
3rd 87.9 0.23 74.4 0.16 67.6 0.32 THD taking in consideration only the 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th order
harmonic th
harmonic currents, the error is under 2%. Consequently, the
current order
5 69.5 0.18 40.0 0.09 31.4 0.15 maximum distortion effect is due of these first 4 order
7th 48.5 0.13 12.7 0.03 26.6 0.13 harmonics. The total absorbed current at minimum voltage
(160 V) is with 33% greater comparing with the value at the
9 27.8 0.08 10.9 0.02 25.1 0.12 maximum voltage (235 V) and the losses in supply network
increases with the square of this current. The same decreasing
Should be noted that the harmonics parameters of supply tendency of the r.m.s. values with the increase of applied
voltage are well below the limits imposed by EN 50160 voltage have also all the harmonic components.

For the real case above presented the specific power loss measured parameters are presented in the Table II for supply
(in a resistance of 1Ω) increase with about 77% at minimum voltage of 225 V. In this case the insulation transformer was
voltage comparing with the power loss at maximum voltage. loaded up to 17% and no evident beneficial effect, in terms of
Should be noted that the conductor resistance increases r.m.s. values, was observed at least for the 3rd and 5th order
insignificantly with the frequency in the harmonics range harmonics. The 7th and 9th harmonics were reduced instead.
which presents interest, for usual conductor’s cross sections of
low voltage lines. As example, the penetration depth for a TABLE II. PARAMETERS WITHOUT AND WITH ISOLATION TRANSFORMER FOR
copper conductor decreases from about 9 mm at 50 Hz to
3 mm at 450 Hz. Case 1 (a desktop+a monitor)
So, as the network is overloaded and common operating without transformer with transformer
voltage is lower, the greater will be the active power losses. Active power [W] 106.1 127.3
Also the r.m.s. values of harmonic currents are greater at
minimum voltage comparing to the maximum one: as example K-factor 14.2 8.2
for the case of 3rd harmonic is about 20% and for 7th harmonic
THD [%] 85.2 56.8
about 67%. The use of classical passive network filters does
not solve the problem because their pass band is usually larger % A % A
than the harmonics which must be mitigated.
3rd 67.6 0.32 47.9 0.32
In the subsequent set of measurements an isolation harmonic
transformer (having apparent rated power of 630 VA) was current of 5 31.4 0.15 26.3 0.17
inserted between power supply source and the same 7th 26.6 0.13 11.3 0.07
consumers investigated up to now. The protective neutral of
receivers was directly connected to the corresponding network 9th 25.1 0.12 9.2 0.06
terminal. The same parameters were measured at the input
terminals of this transformer, connected to the supply network.
In no-load condition, the isolation transformer presents an
absorbed current characterized by THD of 32%, mainly due to
the harmonic component of 3rd order (31.5%). The 5th
harmonic is of 4.6% and the superior ones could be considered
negligible. Figure 2 shows the THD variation with applied
voltage in the case with and without isolation transformer. The
THD and current harmonics of the two consumers (a desktop
and monitor) are diminished in terms of percent with the use
of isolation transformer and moreover they not increase when
increasing of voltage.
THD - direct connection to LV network
THD - through isolation transformer

THD [%]




180 190 200 210 220 230
Voltage [V] r.m.s
Figure 2. Variation of THD vs. voltage in the case of direct connection to Figure 3. The waveshape of voltage and current without (a) and with (b)
the network and respectively through isolation transformer. isolation transformer.
The Figure 3 presents the voltage and current wave shapes Then the isolation transformer was loaded up to 36% (two
in the cases without and with isolation transformer. The desktops and their afferent CRT monitors) and the harmonic
measured active power losses in the isolation transformer used content was recorded. The results are presented in the
for experiments in no-load conditions is 18.2 W and in loaded Table III. In this case all values of harmonic currents
conditions the losses increase up to 21.2 W. Some values of (expressed in percent or effective values) decrease comparing

with the direct supply of consumers from the network. This ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
proves that supplying nonlinear consumers like IT equipment The work has been co-funded by the European Social
through insulation transformer can reduce the level of Fund, Human Resources Development 2014, priority axis
harmonic currents injected into the network, especially if it is Education and training in support for growth and development
properly loaded. Other favorable effect on the network is the of knowledge based society with key area of intervention,
diminishing of CF from 2.76 to 2.23. Doctoral and post-doctoral programmes in support of research.
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