Third Periodic Exam Pe and Health 11

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PART 1 –

PART 2 –
PART 3 –
PART 4 –

NAME: _____________________________________________DATE: ______________


PART 1. MULTIPLE CHOICE. _____10. Choosing a specific exercise setting how many
times you can perform the physical activity is _____ in the
_____1. It is the ability of the heart, lungs, blood vessels, FITT principle:
and blood to work efficiently and to supply the body with A. Frequency B. Time
oxygen. C. Type D. Intensity
A. Body Composition
B. Cardiovascular Endurance _____11. This is a sport where individuals are
C. Flexibility organized into opposing teams which compete to win.
D. Speed A. Dual B. Individual
C. Team D. Trio
_____2. This type of sports can be played by two people
opposing each other, More so, it also develops _____12. This kind of activity, which includes resistance
teamwork and coordination since it needs both to win training and lifting weights, causes the body’s muscles to
the game. work or hold against an applied force or weight.
A. Dual B. Individual A. Aerobic
C. Team D. Trio B. Bone Strengthening
C. Muscle Strengthening
_____3. It pertains to sports played alone without D. Cardiovascular endurance
A. Dual B. Individual _____13. Knowing how to manage time properly and
C. Team D. Trio identifying the priorities associated with proper
__________ is considered one of the best remedy to
_____4. It is the ability to change body positions quickly fight and reduce stress.
and keep the body under control when moving. A. Analysis B. Composition
A. Agility B. Balance C. Performance D. Physical activities
C. Coordination D. Speed
_____14. The following are components of Health-
_____5. It is defined as any bodily movement produced Related Fitness except:
by skeletal muscles that requires energy use/expenditure. A. Body Composition B. Coordination
A. Aerobics activity B. Dance lesson C. Flexibility D. Muscular strength
C. Physical activity D. None of the above
_____15. Health related fitness measures a person's
_____6. muscles can lift a heavy weight or exert a lot of ability to perform physical activities that require which of
force at one time. the following?
A. Cardiovascular Endurance A. Endurance, body composition, and heart rate
B. Muscular Endurance B. Strength, body composition, and resistance
C. Muscular Strength C. Endurance, strength, and flexibility
D. Flexibility D. Fat, muscle, and bone.

_____7. It is the combination of all the tissues that make _____16. The ability to touch your toes is an example of:
up the body such as bones, muscles, organs, and body A. Muscular Endurance
fat. B. Muscular Strength
A. Agility B. Body Composition C. Aerobic Fitness
C. Flexibility D. Speed D. Flexibility

_____8. What does the "F" in F.I.T.T. stand for? _____17. Eating food based on your likes and dislikes
A. Frequency B. Focus fall under:
C. Fitness D. Firm A. Religious influences B. Social influences
C. Individual preferences
_____9. How long you do a certain physical activity fall D. Economic influences
under which category of the FITT principle?
A. Intensity B. Frequency
C. Time D. Type

_____18. The gymnast manages to do a full turn on the

balance beam without falling. What kind specific
component of physical fitness the gymnast applied? _____27. The following are the PROs of playing team
A. Balance B. Coordination sports EXCEPT.
C. Flexibility D. Reaction Time A. Playing as a team promotes good sportsmanship
and helps to put winning into perspective.
_____19. Which option best describes "flexibility?" B. Team sports promote cooperation.
A. the percentage of body weight that is fat C. Team sports can breed competition among
compared to other body tissue, such as bone and teammates, particularly when it comes to
muscle receiving individual trophies or accolades.
B. the ability to use the muscles, which are attached D. Participating in a team sport can also be a
to the bones, many times without getting tired
powerful and fun way to stay motivated and push
C. the ability to use your joints fully
the amount of force you can put forth with your
_____28. Which of the following that is played by a team?
D. the amount of force you can put forth with your
A. Boxing B. Fencing
C. Golf D. Soccer

_____20. Which of the following health-related _____29. Which sport use ball over the net?
components of fitness has to do with your heart, lungs, A. Volleyball B. Skiing
and blood vessels? C. Taekwondo D. Cycling
A. Respiratory Endurance
B. Muscular Strength _____30. Which sports associated with water?
C. Muscular Endurance A. Wake boarding B. Figure skating
D. Flexibility C. Ice skating D. Bobsleigh


PART 3 - Identify the following sports if they are
_____21. Which of the following is NOT considered as a classified as Ball Sports, Combat Sports, Track
combative sport? Sports.
A. Wrestling C. Kick boxing
B. Skiing D. Taekwondo Write BS for ball sports, CS for combat sports. and
TS for track sports. Write your answers on the space
_____22. Which statement is incorrect about sports and provided.
A. Regular physical activity helps keep your key _____31. Boxing _____32. Discuss
mental skills sharp as you age. Throw
B. Sports can help improve critical thinking. _____33. Judo _____34. Arnis
C. Sports have no mental benefits. _____35. Jujitsu _____36. Cycling
D. Engaging in sports three to five times a week for _____37. Sumo wrestling _____38. Badminton
at least 3 minutes is beneficial to us. _____39. Billiards _____40. Pole vault
_____41. Taekwondo _____42. Volleyball
_____23. Which statement is TRUE? _____43. Table Tennis _____44. Running
A. Sports improve your mood. _____45. Swimming
B. Sports reduces stress and depression
C. Sports has been linked to leadership traits. PART 4 - True or False. Please indicate if the
following statements are TRUE or FALSE.
D. All of the above.
_______________ 1. In team sports, winning or losing
_____24. Which of the following statement about sports is
the game depends on a particular individual.
not TRUE?
_______________ 2. Movement skills are not present in
A. Sports require non-physical actions and skills
every sport.
where individuals or teams compete under the
_______________ 3. In table tennis, the pen hold grip is
set of rules. a fundamental technique.
B. Sports include all forms of competitive activity or _______________ 4. In team sports, success and failure
games. depend only on the best player.
C. Sports improve physical ability and skills and in _______________ 5. In volleyball, the ready position of
some cases entertainment for spectators. the body and foot is known as stance.
D. All statements are correct. _______________ 6. Men generally exhibit greater
strength and aerobic capacity than
_____25. Which of the following sport is a good example women because they have a larger heart, greater blood
of track event? volume, and higher muscle mass.
A. Long jump C. Basketball _______________ 7. Beginners should start lifting
B. Soccer D. Ice skating heavier loads during resistance exercises and focus on
learning the techniques properly.
_____26. The following sports are considered ball sports _______________ 8. Static stretches assist in warming
EXCEPT. up as they relax the muscle and restore the core
A. Football C. Volleyball temperature.
B. Judo D. Table tennis _______________ 9. The footwear choice should match
the sport for optimal performance and safety.
_______________ 10. Women are more likely to become
bulkier than men because their average testosterone
levels are higher.


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