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First Quarterly Assessment in Health Optimizing Physical Education 3

Name:_______________________________________________ Score:_________
Grade & Section:____________________________________
Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer on each item. Write the letter
(CAPSLOCK) of your answer before the number. ERASURES MEANS WRONG!
______1. Which of the following is a physical fitness test for flexibility?
A. push-up C. sit and reach
B. basic plank D. height and weight
______2. What assessment would you do to test your cardiovascular
A. push-up C. 3-minute step test
B. curl-up D. hamstring
flexibility test
______3. What is the purpose of zipper test?
A. to test the flexibility of the lower extremities
B. to measure the strength of upper extremities
C. to measure strength/stability of the core muscles
D. to test the flexibility of the shoulder girdle flexibility
______4. Which of the following is NOT a fat-soluble vitamin?
A. Vitamin A C. Vitamin D
B. Vitamin C D. Vitamin E
______5. Which of the following is used for building, maintaining and
repairing tissues and cells?
A. fats C. calcium
B. protein D. carbohydrate
______6. What Health-related fitness component helps the body combat
various diseases like coronary heart disease, high blood pressure,
stroke, obesity, and stress
A. Muscular strength C. Cardiovascular
B. Muscular endurance
endurance D. Flexibility
______7. Which of the following Health-related fitness component has
the ability of the muscle to generate force?
A. Muscular strength C. Cardiovascular
B. Muscular endurance
endurance D. Flexibility
______8. Which of the following Health-related fitness component has
the ability of the muscle to generate force repeatedly?
A. Muscular strength C. Cardiovascular
B. Muscular endurance
endurance D. Flexibility
______9. How can we determine the cardiovascular endurance of an
A. Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max)
B. Through the maximum amount of oxygen the human
body can utilize per minute of physical activity
C. Both A & B.
D. None.
______10. How can we measure the muscular strength of an individual?
A. It is often measured by how much weight a person can lift.
B. It is on how the body combat various diseases like coronary
heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, obesity, and stress.
C. Through accomplishing daily physical activities such as lifting,
sitting, running, doing household chores, and playing sports.
D. Through the health status of a person.
______11. How is the right order of solving your BMI?
I. Height. Stand with trunk straight. Measure the distance from the
floor to the top of the forehead. Record the score in centimeters
II. Weight. Stand on a weighing scale free from any object for
weight accuracy. Record in kilograms (kg).
III. Computation
______12. How will you perform 3 minute step test?
I. Stand close to the 12-inch bench box, or on your stairs at home,
while partner will set the metronome in 96 beats per minute (bpm).
II. When ready to begin, start the stopwatch, step one foot at a
time to the beat (up, up, down, down). When 3 minutes is up, stop
immediately get your pulse rate within 1 minute.
III. Record the Exercise Heart Rate
______13. What Vitamin is good for the immune system and helps in flushing
A. Vitamin B1 C. Vitamin K
B. Vitamin D D. Vitamin E
______14. What body function is not involved with the help of Vitamin C?
A. formation of collagen C. maintenance of
B. wound healing cartilage
D. flushing toxins
______15. What mineral is important for healthy bones and teeth, nerve
functioning, blood pressure regulation, immune system health (sources: milk,
canned fish with bones, tofu, green vegetables, legumes)?
A. Calcium C. Iron
B. Iodine D. Zinc
______16. What determines the kind of activity a person should settle to achieve
a fitness goal?
A. frequency B. intensity
C. type D. time
______17. How is the intensity level target determined?
A. by setting the goals C. by computing the THR
B. by counting the RHR D. by increasing the frequency
______18. Which of the following principle states that any gains received
through regular physical activity will stop if no longer active in performing the
fitness program?
A. overload C. progression
B. specificity D. reversibility
______19. What should be done if the intensity increase following the FITT
A. time should be decreased C. stop doing the
physical activity
B. time should also be increased D. the type of activity
should be changed
______20. How to start a dance fitness program?
I. Setting goals
II. Assessing fitness needs
III. Planning for the program
IV. Choosing the right activities for the program
______21. What Principle refers to a particular activity that has to be performed
to bring about specific adaptations?
A. Overload C. Individuality
B. Specificity D. Recovery
______22. What Principle must be done gradually so as giving time for the body
to adjust?
A. Overload C. Individuality
B. Progression D. Recovery
______23. What Principle refers to the adaption to a higher workload over a
period, thus an additional increase in workload?
A. Overload C. Individuality
B. Progression D. Recovery
______24. What Principle gives the idea that all people are different from one
another, and fitness programs must be designed according to his need?
A. Overload C. Individuality
B. Progression D. Recovery
______25. What Principle refers to any gains received through regular physical
activity will stop if no longer active in performing the fitness program?
A. Overload C. Individuality
B. Progression D. Reversibility
______26. What Principle reminds us that our bodies take the time to adjust to
the physical stress of being active, allow adequate time for adaptation to occur?
A. Recovery B. Progression
C. Individuality D. Reversibility
______27. How is slide movement executed?
A. A glide followed by a quick close.
B. A step and a hop using the same foot.
C. A spring on one foot landing on the other foot.
D. A spring from one foot landing on the same foot.
______28. How is skip movement executed?
A. A glide followed by a quick close.
B. A step and a hop using the same foot.
C. A spring on one foot landing on the other foot.
D. A spring from one foot landing on the same foot.
______29. How is leap movement executed?
A. A glide followed by a quick close.
B. A step and a hop using the same foot.
C. A spring on one foot landing on the other foot.
D. A spring from one foot landing on the same foot.
______30. How is hop movement executed?
A. A glide followed by a quick close.
B. A step and a hop using the same foot.
C. A spring on one foot landing on the other foot.
D. A spring from one foot landing on the same foot.
______31. What type of dance comprises of two categories, Latin dance like,
cha-cha, samba, rumba, jive and paso doble, and Standard dance like waltz,
quickstep, tango, foxtrot?
A. Hip-hop C. Ballroom dance
B. Folk dances D. Modern dance
______32. What type of dance is usually associated with rap music; refers to a
complex culture compromising four elements; turn-tabling, rapping, graffiti
painting and etc.?
A. Ethnic dance C. Folk dances
B. Hip-hop D. Cheer dance
______33. What type of dance that is less formal than the classical ballet; a
broad genre of western concert or theatrical dance, primarily arising out of
Germany and the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?
A. Festival dance C. Contemporary dance
B. Folk dances D. Hip-hop
______34. What specific style of dance that is free form and stems from the
core, or torso, of the body and uses elements like contract-release floor work,
fall and recovery, and improvisation?
A. Modern dance C. Contemporary dance
B. Cheer dance D. Hip-hop
______35. What type of dance is usually to motivate sports teams, entertain
audience, or the actual competition?
A. Ballroom dances C. Contemporary dance
B. Cheer dance D. Folk dances
______36. How is the first fundamental dance position executed?
A. Feet: Heels close together, toes apart with an angle of about 45
degrees. Arms: Both arms raised in a circle in front of chest
(lower) with the finger tips about an inch apart.
B. Feet: Feet apart sideward of about a pace distance.
Arms: Both raised sideward with a graceful curve at shoulder level 3rd
C. Feet: Heel of one foot close to in-step of other foot.
Arms: One arm raised in front as in 2nd position; other arm raised
D. Feet: One foot in front of other foot of a pace distance.
Arms: One arm raised in front as in 1st position; other arm raised
______37. How is the second fundamental dance position executed?
A. Feet: Heels close together, toes apart with an angle of about 45
degrees. Arms: Both arms raised in a circle in front of chest
(lower) with the finger tips about an inch apart.
B. Feet: Feet apart sideward of about a pace distance.
Arms: Both raised sideward with a graceful curve at shoulder level 3rd
C. Feet: Heel of one foot close to in-step of other foot.
Arms: One arm raised in front as in 2nd position; other arm raised
D. Feet: One foot in front of other foot of a pace distance.
Arms: One arm raised in front as in 1st position; other arm raised
______38. What dance step in 2/4 Time signature executed in Point R foot in
fourth position in front (ct. 1), step R close to L in first position (ct. 2). This is
commonly done in front.?
A. Touch step C. Change step
B. Close step D. Step-point
______39.What dance step in 2/4 Time Signature demonstrated in Step R foot
in fourth position in front (ct. 1), close L to R foot in third or first position in
rear (ct. 2). This may be executed in any directions.
A. Touch step C. Change step
B. Close step D. Step-point
______40. What basic element of cheer dancing does dogger belongs?
A. Arm/Hand Motion C. Pyramids Composition
B. Legs/feet positions D. Jumps
______41. Which is not a basic element of cheer dancing?
A. Leap C. Jumps
B. Hop D. Pyramids Composition
______42. How is Saludo executed?
A. Both arms are at one side either right or left, at shoulder, chest or
waist level.
B. Weight on one foot, hit the floor with the ball or heel of the other foot
and lift that foot from the floor to any direction.
C. Partners bow to each other, to the audience, opposite dancers, or to
the neighbors with feet together.
D. Moving the hand from the wrist either in a clockwise or
counterclockwise direction.
______43. How is Kumintang executed?
A. Both arms are at one side either right or left, at shoulder, chest or
waist level.
B. Weight on one foot, hit the floor with the ball or heel of the other foot
and lift that foot from the floor to any direction.
C. Partners bow to each other, to the audience, opposite dancers, or to
the neighbors with feet together.
D. Moving the hand from the wrist either in a clockwise or
counterclockwise direction.
______44. What basic dance term is executed when both arms are at one side
either right or left, at shoulder, chest or waist level?
A. Arms in lateral position C. Crossed Arms
B. Brush D. Kumintang
______45. What basic dance term is executed when partners facing each other
or standing side by side join their left hands together and the right hands
together; either right over left or left over right hands?
A. Arms in lateral position C. Crossed Arms
B. Brush D. Kumintang
______46. What do you call the signs that are physiologic in nature or have to
do with bodily processes?
A. Threshold of Training C. Target zone
B. Physiological Indicator D. Heart Rate
______47. What Physiological indicators refer to the rate or speed of doing
physical activities?
A. RPE C. Heart Rate
B. Pace D. Pace and Pacing
______48. What Physiological indicator is a widely used and reliable indicator to
monitor and guide exercise intensity?
A. RPE C. Heart Rate
B. Pace D. Pace and Pacing
______49. What is the training intensity level in 40-60%?
A. Low intensity C. Vigorous intensity
B. Moderate intensity D. High intensity
______50. Who developed the Borg Scale that allows individuals to subjectively
rate their level of exertion during exercise or exercise testing?
A. Borg Dom Istrayk C. Gun Borg
B. Borger Prays D. Gunnar Borg
______51. What is the RPE description if an individual has a deep and forceful
breathing, uncomfortable, don’t want to talk?
A. Very hard C. Maximal exertion
B. Very light D. Hard
______52. What do you call the minimum amount of physical activity
(frequency, intensity, and time) necessary to produce benefits?
A. Target zone C. Pulse rate
B. Threshold of Training D. Training Intensity
______53. What are the recommended percentages of MHR for physical activity
to maintain or improve cardiovascular fitness?
A. 60-70% C. 60-80%
B. 70-75% D. 60-85%
______54. How will you determine your Heart rate reserve?
A. HRR=220-age C. HRR= 207 – (0.7 × age)
______55. What indicator allows you to change the way you perform or
complete an exercise or physical activity so that you can successfully see
A. Pacing C. Heart rate
B. Pulse rate D. RPE
56-60. Joed Gamilo is a 18-year old dancer with a resting heart rate of 69 bpm.
______56. What is the RHR of Joed?
A. 18 bpm C. 69 bpm
B. 51 bpm D. 87 bpm
______57. What is the MHR of Joed?
A. 194 C. 193
B. 195 D. 196
______58. What is the HRR of Joed?
A. 126 C. 128
B. 127 D. 129
______59. What is the TI of Joed at 85%?
A. 176 C. 178
B. 177 D. 179
______60. What is the Vigorous Intensity rate of Joed?
A. 115-146 bpm C. 135-165 bpm
B. 125-150 bpm D. 145-176 bpm

Prepared by: Checked by Approved by: Noted by:

Subject Teacher Master Teacher II HT-III&OIC, Office of the Secondary School Principal IV
Assistant Principal II

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