FD3 Calculations
FD3 Calculations
FD3 Calculations
4 5 6 7
The following results are found:
Ambient Inlet Impeller Diffusor Combustion NGV Turbine Nozzle
V0 = 0 m/s V1 = 116 m/s V2 = 173 m/s V3 = 27 m/s V4 = 37 m/s V5 = 261 m/s V6 = 156 m/s V7 = 209 m/s
P0 = 1 atm P1 = 0,92 atm P2 = 1,26 atm P3 = 1,41 atm P4 = 1,33 atm P5 = 1,23 atm P6 = 1,15 atm P7 = 1 atm
Note: States 2 and 5 has significant swirl velocity components, the absolute (total) value is given
The thrust of the turbine is calculated to 17,8 N without the nozzle and 24,0 N with.
The control volume (dotted, green) for the calculations is selected from state 0 (ambient, some
distance away from the inlet throat) to state 1 (compressor face).
Known: To be calculated
V0 V0 = 0 m/s V1
V1 1
T0 T1 T0 = 15 ºC = 288 K T1
P0 = 1 atm P1
ṁ = 0,115 kg/s ṁ
109,8 m/s 2
T1 = 288 K − = 288 K − 6K = 282,0 K
2 · 1005 J/kgK
Inlet pressure:
P01 T P01 101,325 kPa
= ( T01 )
→ P1 = γ = 288 K 3,5
= 94,13 kPa
1 T01 γ−1 ( )
( ) 282 K
Inlet density:
P1 94,13 kPa
ρ1 = = = 1,16 kg/m3
R·T1 287 J/kgK·282 K
V12 115,9m/s2
T1 = T01 − = 288 K − = 288 K − 6,7 K = 281,4 K
2 · cp 2 · 1005 J/kgK
Inlet pressure:
P01 101,33 kPa
P1 = γ = 288 K 3,5
= 93,37 kPa (0,92 atm)
T ( )
( 01 )γ−1 281 K
Inlet density:
P1 93,37 kPa
ρ1 = = = 1,16 kg/m3
R·T1 287 J/kgK·281 K
There is hardly any change from first to second iteration (hidden in the decimals), so the answer
is converged. A typical value of the inlet velocity is 150 m/s, so the answer is reasonable.
The inlet velocity is V1 = 116 m/s with a temperature T1 = 8 °C and a pressure P1 = 0,92 atm.
Note: This is for the static running case. In a RC plane flying at 50 m/s, the pressure drop in the
intake is approximately ΔP=1/2·ρ·Δv2 = 1/2·1,225 kg/m3 · (110 m/s2-50 m/s2) = 6,7 kPa = 0,07
Mass flow check, for inlet:
ṁ = ρ1 · V1 · A1
ṁ = 1,16 kg/m3 · 116,3 m/s · π · (0,0165 m)2
ṁ = 0,115 kg/s Ok!
Mass flow through impeller
The mass flow through an impeller can be estimated by the following Need reference to this
general equation: formula. May mix up with
leading edge pre-swirl
ṁ = · [d1 · tan β1 + d0 · tan β0 ] · (d12 − d02 ) · φs · ρ0 · n angle β0=0°…
β1 and β0 = blade inlet angle at d1 and d0 respectively
φs = inlet velocity loss factor, typically 0,88-0,94. Assume 0,9 here.
ρ0 = air density at ambient pressure d1
P0 T1
ṁcorr = ṁ · ·√
P1 T0
1 atm 281 K
ṁcorr = 0,110 kg/s · ·√
0,92 atm 288 K
d1 = 33 mm β2 = 45 °
d2 = 66 mm
β1 = 34 °
b2 = 7,5 mm
b1 = 13,0 mm
Known: To be calculated:
V1 = 116 m/s V2
V1 1 W
T1 = 8 ºC = 281 K T2
P1 P1 = 0,92 atm P2
Shaft torque and power
Here, the compressor entry airspeed is assumed purely axial, with no swirl (as there are no inlet
guide vanes). The compressor exit airspeed is assumed without any axial component, only
tangential and radial.
The following notations for airspeed components will be used for the compressor, diffuser,
nozzle and turbine:
u1 and u2 for the tangential impeller body velocities at inlet and outlet [m/s]
w1 and w2 for the air velocities relative to the blades at inlet and outlet [m/s]
V1 and V2 for the absolute air velocities, vector sum of u and w. [m/s] 𝑉 ⃗ = 𝑢⃗ +𝑤
As u and w are airspeed components they are written in small letters, while V is the total
airspeed written in capital letter.
As will be shown shortly, the tangential airspeed component Vt2 is significantly less than the
impeller body tangential speed u2.
V2 V2r
w2 w2
u2 V2t
+ - + -
+ - +
- V2t
+ -
- σ=
+ -
+ - +
+ - +
ω + - -
The greater the number of blades (z), the smaller airspeed loss. However, the greater number
of blades, the higher frictional loss and blockage of the air passage. The chosen solution is a
Two common formulae for calculating slip will be used here, both takes geometric blade angle
into account:
π ∙ sin β2 π ∙ sin 45 °
σ=1− =1− = 0,798
z 11
√sin β2 √sin 45 °
σ=1− 0,7
=1− = 0,843
z 110,7
DOES NOT MAKE SENSE?! Tangent velocity due to blade angle alone is 0,707*U2. Then slip
in addition, with a typical value of 5-10% loss! 0,707 * 0,9 = 0,64. 0,707 * 0,95 = 0,67 – guess σ
is in this range.
A value of 0,64 will be used for slip factor σ throughout this paper.
Now the airspeed components at the impeller outlet can be calculated. The tangential
component can be found from the slip factor:
V2t = σ · u2 = 0,64 · 257,7 m/s = 164,9 m/s
The radial velocity component can be found from the mass flow formula:
ṁ = ρ2 · V2r · A2 → V2r = ρ2 ·A2
Shaft moment
The Euler turbine equation (aka moment of momentum theorem) states that the torque of a
compressor rotor T equals the rate of change of moment of momentum in the fluid as it passes
through the impeller. Only the change in tangential velocity contributes to torque:
T = ṁ · r2 · V2t - ṁ · r1 · V1t
ṁ r1
If the inlet airflow is purely axial (Vt1 = 0) as here, the inlet momentum is also zero. The moment
equation then becomes:
T = ṁ · r2 · V2t
T = 0,115 kg/s · 0,033 m · 164,9 m/s = 0,63 Nm
The required moment to turn the impeller at full rpm is 0,63 Nm.
Shaft Power
Shaft power P needed to run the impeller at maximum revolutions ω is related to the shaft
moment simply by:
P = T·ω
P = Power [Nm/s=J/s=W]
T = Torque/Moment [Nm]
ω is the rotational speed [rad/s]
ω = 60 , where N is rotational speed [rotations per minute, rpm]
For FD3/64 Nmax = 75000 rpm
P = 0,63 Nm · 2 π · 75000 / 60 = 4948 W
This is the ideal (lossless) energy consumption.
PImpeller = ṁ · σ · u22
PImpeller = Ψ · ṁ · σ · u22
As no energy is supplied in the diffuser, the stagnation temperature is constant; T03 = T02:
1,04·0,64·257,7 m/s2
T03 = T02 = 288 K + 1005 J/kgK
= 288 K + 44,0 K = 332,0 K
The stagnation temperatures can be used to find the increase in stagnation pressure:
P02 T γ−1
= (T02 )
172,7 m/s 2
T2 = 332 K − = 332 K − 14,8 K = 317,2 K ≈ 44 °C
2 · 1005 J/kgK
Finally, the impeller outlet pressure P2 can be found:
γ γ
P2 T γ−1 T γ−1
= (T 2 ) → P2 = P02 · (T 2 )
02 02
317 K 3,5
P2 = 1,64 atm · ( ) = 1,39 atm
332 K
These are the ideal values for temperature and pressure, not accounting for the isentropic
efficiency of the impeller. Due to real world inefficiencies there are losses that leads to an
irreversible compression process. These losses result in the pressure being gained with a higher
A centrifugal compressor typically has an isentropic efficiency range between 0,7 and 0,85. With
no additional argument available, a middle value of 0,78 will be used here. 0,7?
In order to find P2 we can combine two isentropic relations:
P02 T03 − T01 γ−1 332 K − 288 K 3,5
= (1 + 𝜂𝑐 · ) = (1 + 0,78 · ) = 1,1193,5
P01 T01 288 K
P2 T γ−1 320 K 3,5
= ( 2) =( )
P02 T02 335 K
P2 P02 P2 320 K 3,5
= · = (1,119 · ) = 1,26
P01 P01 P02 335 K
P1= 1,0 atm
As P01 = 1 atm, P2 = 1,26 atm 281
1,26 0,286
T2′ = 281 K · ( ) = 307,4 K ≈ 34 °C
ω Vaneless space
Known: To be calculated:
V2 = 173 m/s V3
V2r = 51,2 m/s T3
V2t = 169,4 m/s P3
Diffusor inlet area (at d2), beginning of vaneless space at impeller exit:
A2 = π · d2 · b2
A2 = π · 0,066 m · 0,0075 m = 0,00155 m2
Diffusor outlet area (at d3 - d4), channel leading into the combustion chamber:
A3 = π/4 · (d42 - d32)
A3 = π/4 · (0,107m2 - 0,094m2) = 0,00205 m2
The static pressure rise in the whole compressor is partly due to the impeller and partly due to
the diffuser. However, the stagnation (total) pressure rise is entirely due to the impeller. The
stagnation pressure and stagnation temperature is constant in the diffuser as no energy is
supplied or extracted.
The dynamic part of the air pressure is given by the term 1/2·ρ·V2. If the airflow is brought to a
complete standstill in the diffuser from 173 m/s, this would equate to a static pressure increase
ΔPDiffuser = 1/2 ·ρ·ΔV2 = 1/2 ·1,5 kg/m3 ·173 m/s2 = 22 kPa ≈ 0,22 atm.
It is assumed an average density of 20% higher than ambient through the diffuser, contrary to
Schrecklings 10% (The incoming density is calculated to be 17% above density and will
increase further passing the diffuser). However, the diffuser has an efficiency less than ideal,
and the airflow is not brought to a complete stop, so the final pressure increase would be
expected to be somewhat less than this initial ballpark number.
0,00155 m2
V3r = · 51,2 m/s = 38,9 m/s
0,00205 m2
The swirl component can be calculated by conservation of flow momentum. As the air moves
radially outwards to a higher diameter, the swirl component is reduced accordingly. Here the
mean diameter between 107 mm and 94 mm = 100,5 mm is used for the diffuser outlet.
V3t = V2t · d2 / d3 = 164,9 m/s · 66/100,5 = 108,3 m/s
Finally, the total velocity can be found by Pythagoras:
This airflow is then turned 90 degrees in an axial direction exiting the diffuser.
The diffuser outlet velocity V3 is 115 m/s
However, there is a discontinuity in cross section area at state 3. This is no aerodynamic duct,
and the airflow separates into vortices. The new cross section area is the area between the
outer casing and the axle tube:
A3-2 = Combustion chamber inlet area
A3-2 = π/4 · (0,107 m2 - 0,018 m2) = 0,00874 m2
The area increase will give an increase in the average velocity:
A3 0,00205 m2
V3−2 = · V3 = · 115 m/s = 27,0 m/s
A3−2 0,00874 m2
Maximum airspeed should be about 30 m/s in the combustion chamber in order not to
extinguish the flame or blow it aft of the turbine wheel. There is a significant airflow shielding by
the chamber design at the fuel outlets further aids combustion in the primary zone of the
combustion chamber.
Knowing the isentropic efficiency and the velocity reduction, the added pressure in the diffuser
can be calculated:
ΔPDiffuser = ηd·1/2 ·ρ·ΔV2
ΔPDiffuser = 0,7·1/2 ·1,5 kg/m3 ·(173 m/s2 - 27 m/s2 ) = 15,3 kPa = 0,15 atm.
The diffusor outlet pressure P3 is 1,26 + 0,15 atm = 1,41 atm.
The diffuser outlet pressure can also be calculated in the following way: The overall pressure
ratio of the compressor (consisting of impeller and diffuser) is given by the ideal expression:
γ γ
P03 u2 · V2t γ−1 σ · u22 γ−1
= [1 + ] = [1 + ]
P01 cp · T01 cp · T01
u2 = Tangential impeller body velocity [m/s]
V2t = Tangential air velocity [m/s]
σ = Slip factor, calculated to be 0,64
cp = Specific heat of air entering compressor, 1005 J/kgK for T = 300 K
T01 = Compressor inlet stagnation temperature = 288 K
γ = heat capacity ratio. For dry air γ = 1,4 at atmospheric pressure
P03 0,64 · 257,7 m/s2
= (1 + ) = 1,62
P01 1005 J/kgK · 288 K
Alternatively, the pressure ratio can be calculated from the stagnation temperatures:
P03 T γ−1 332 K 3,5
= (T03 ) = (288 K) = 1,64 → ok!
Again, these are ideal values for temperature and pressure. The real pressure ratio, also taking
isentropic efficiency and windage into account is somewhat lower.
Aero-Thermodynamic calculations on the FD3 model gas turbine 16
The isentropic efficiency of the compressor (impeller and diffuser) as a whole is about 0,7.
P03 Ψ·σ·u 2 γ−1
= [1 + ηT · c ·T 2 ]
p 01
T1 P1 P1 318
3 P2 = 1,26 atm
1,41 0,286
T3 = 281 K · ( ) = 317,5 K ≈ 45 °C 310
0,92 2 2’ P1 = 1,0 atm
288 0
The diffusor outlet temperature T3 is 45 °C.
Entropy S [J/K]
V2t’ γ V2r’
D = 107 mm
D = 66 mm
D = 75 mm
D = 94 mm
The (tangential) swirl airspeed component V2t is inversely proportional with diameter, to
conserve angular momentum. The radial airspeed component V2r is inversely proportional to the
flow area, in other words inversely proportional with diameter squared?
V2t = 164,9 m/s at 66 mm diameter
V2t’ = 164,9 m/s * 66/75 = 145,1 m/s at 75 mm diameter
V2r = 51,2 m/s at 66 mm diameter
V2r’ = 51,2 m/s * (66/75)2 = 39,6 m/s at 75 mm diameter
The angle γ for the diffuser vane for zero incidence should be:
V2r′ 39,6 m/s
tan γ = =
V2t′ 145,1 m/s
γ = 15,3° - does not make sense!
To account for blade thickness, a further two degrees shall be added [Schreckling].
The optimum angle of the diffuser blades is calculated to be xx°.
V P Diffuser ṁ = ρ3 · V3r · A3
38 e
Vaneless Space P3 1,41 · 101,325 kPa
33 ρ3 = = = 1,56 kg/m3
R · T3 287 J/kgK · 318 K
ṁ = 1,56 kg/m3 · 36,0 m/s · 0,00205 m2
ṁ = 0,115 kg/s - ok
Pressure and velocity
3 4
Known: To be calculated
V3 = 27,0 m/s V4
T3 = 45 ºC = 318 K T4
P3 = 1,41 atm P4
The theoretical energy of the fuel added to the air in the combustion chamber equals:
QFuel-theoretical = 43 MJ/kg * 0,00213 kg/s = 91,6 kW
Typical combustion inefficiency is between 7 and 9%. This brings the actual energy transferred
to the air from the fuel down to 40 MJ/kg as described by Schreckling. However, combustion
losses for micro turbines seems somewhat higher, especially for the original FD3 vaporizer. A
value of 15 % will be assumed here:
QFuel = 91,6 kW * 0,85 = 77,9 kW
77,9 kW
ΔT = 0,117 kg/s·1077 J/kgK = 617,9 K
The air temperature at the end of the combustion chamber T4 is 318 + 618 = 936 K = 663 °C.
Note: Mass flow has increased by 0,002 kg/s due to fuel addition. cp for 1000 K is 1149 kJ/kgK
and 1005 for ambient temperature - an average of 1077 is used here. This calculation assumes
a full mix of the secondary and tertiary air after initial combustion in the primary zone.
Initial assumptions:
P3 = P4 (no pressure loss in the combustion chamber)
R is constant
The added mass of the fuel to the airflow is neglected. This is very little (0,002 kg/s)
compared to the airflow (0,115 kg/s), only about 2%.
Then the equation simplifies as:
V3 V4 T4 A3
· A3−2= · A4 → V4 =
· V3
T3 T4
936 K 0,00874 m2
V4 = · · 27,0 m/s = 110,3 m/s
318 K 0,00630 m2
The pressure drop across the combustion chamber is typically between 2 and 8 %, a value of 6
% will be assumed here (i.e. the combustion chamber outlet pressure is 1,41 atm *0,94 = 1,33
P4 = P3·0,94
V3 V T A
· A3−2 = 0,94 · T4 · A4 → 4
V4 = 0,96·T · A3 · V3
T3 4 3 4
936 K 0,00874 m2
V4 = · · 27,0 m/s = 117,3 m/s
0,94·318 K 0,00630 m2
4 Known: To be calculated
5 V4 = 37 m/s V5
T4 = 936 K = 663 °C T5
P4 = 1,33 atm P5
V42 37 m/s 2
T04 = T4 + = 936 K + = 936 K + 0,6 K = 936,6 K
2 · cp 2 · 1142 J/kgK
As no work or heat is added nor extracted in the nozzle, the stagnation properties are
unchanged; T04 = T05 and P04 = P05. The increase in velocity comes at a loss in temperature and
pressure as amount of total energy in the control volume is constant.
The airspeed increases in the nozzle, due to the flow area reduction:
P4 P
· A4 · V4 = R·T5 · A5 · V5
R·T4 5
This is the airspeed perpendicular to the control volume, i.e. the axial component. Assume T4 =
T5 and P4 = P5 initially:
A4 · V4 = A5 · V5a
A 0,00630 m2
V5a = A4 · V4 = 0,00183 m2
· 37 m/s = 127,4 m/s
However, the nozzle guide vanes turn the airflow by 52 degrees into a swirl. The above is the
axial component, to satisfy mass flow through the cross section. The absolute airspeed is
Consider the triangle to the right, consisting of axial, Nozzle Guide Vanes
4 5
tangential and total airspeed components for state 5.
V5t V5
V5a V5a
cos 52° = V5
→ V5 = cos 52°
127,4 m/s α = 52 °
V5 = cos 52°
= 206,9 m/s
This is the just the starting point for iterations. V4 = 37 m/s
Changes in temperature and density will bring
the airspeed up from this initial assumption,
this will become evident as iterations are done.
In other words: the airflow is not supersonic!
As before we need an iterative process to find the correct temperature, pressure and density:
New temperature:
T05 = T04 = T5 + = 936 K
2 · cp
New density:
P5 1,23 atm·101,325 kPa
ρ5 = = = 0,47 kg/m3
R·T5 287 J/kgK·917 K
This is somewhat lower than the initial velocity estimate. A second iteration is needed:
New temperature:
New density:
P5 1,22 atm·101,325 kPa
ρ5 = = = 0,47 kg/m3
R·T5 287 J/kgK·95 K
Temperature T [K]
T5′ = T4 − η · (T4 − T5 )
P5 = 1,21 atm
T5′ = 936 K − 0,85 · (936 K − 915 K) 5’
915 5
T5′ = 936 K − 17,9 K = 918,2 K ≈ 645 °C
Entropy S [J/K]
New pressure:
P05 1,33 atm
P5 = γ = = 1,23 atm
T05 γ−1 936 K 3,94
(T ) (918 K)
New density:
P5 1,23 atm·101,325 kPa
ρ5 = = = 0,47 kg/m3
R·T5′ 287 J/kgK·918 K
Updated velocity:
ṁ 0,117 kg/s
V5a = = = 134,9 m/s
ρ5 · A5 0,47 kg/m3 · 0,00183 m2
V5a 134,9 m/s
V5 = = = 219,2 m/s
cos 52° cos 52 °
After passing the nozzle guide vanes, the temperature is 918 K = 645 °C, the absolute airspeed
is 219 m/s and the pressure is 1,23 atm.
Even with a low assumption of combustion losses, the airspeed will not match the expected 261
m/s. And then the temperature is way higher than expected. 261 m/s is brought forward in this
document for now. This has the assumed tangential velocity V5t = 207 m/s
5 6
Known: To be calculated
V5 = 261 m/s V6
V5a = 161 m/s T6
V5t = 206 m/s P6
T5 = 918 K = 645 ºC Turbine power
P5 = 1,23 atm Turbine moment
A6 = A5 = 0,00183 m2
γ = 37 °
52 °
V5a = 161 m/s
V6 = 156 m/s
Um = 207 m/s
The following quantities are valid for turbine blade leading edge (5) aka inlet and turbine blade
trailing edge (6), aka outlet. This is illustrated with a velocity vector diagram.
α1 = Angle of absolute velocity to turbine blade inlet
(This angle is equal to the NGV outlet angle) C5
α2 = Angle of absolute velocity to turbine blade outlet β1
β1 = Angle of Turbine blade inlet
β2 = Angle of Turbine blade outlet V5t
V5 = Absolute inlet velocity
V6 = Absolute outlet velocity V5
V5a = Axial component of absolute inlet velocity
V5t = Tangential component of absolute inlet velocity Inlet
V6a = Axial component of absolute outlet velocity triangles α1 C6
V6t = Tangential component of absolute outlet velocity
C5 = Relative velocity of flow to moving turbine blade at inlet
C6 = Relative velocity of flow to moving turbine blade at outlet V6
V6t α2
Um = Tangential velocity of turbine blade at mean height V6a
From the drawing of the cross section of the turbine blade at mean height it is apparent that the
trailing edge angle β2 is 37°. The leading-edge angle β1 is measured to 75° by the help of the
middle line of the blade profile (red line). Both angles are measured from the rotor plane.
Velocity components at turbine blade leading edge with known quantities filled in:
cos α1 = → V5t = V5 · cos α1 β1 = 70 °
V5t = 261 m/s · cos 38 ° = 205,7 m/s
V5a V V5 =261 m/s
sin β1 = → C5 = sin5a𝛽 Um = 207 m/s
C5 1
161 m/s
C5 = = 166,7 m/s α1 = 38 °
sin 75 °
Degree of reaction
It is stated that the FD3 is a reaction turbine, this can be verified. The degree of reaction can be
calculated by the following formula:
1 V6a
R= +2· · (tan β2 − tan α1 )
2 Um
1 156 m/s 1
R= +2· · (tan 37 ° − tan 38 °) = − 0,03 = 0,47
2 207 m/s 2
Entropy S [J/K]
The temperature after passing the turbine T6 is 630 °C.
Note: A value for cp is 1142 kJ/kgK for the assumed mean temperature of 1000 K.
Not consistent with the calculated power extracted from the turbine!
903 K 3,94
P6 = 1,23 atm · ( ) = 1,15 atm
918 K
P4 = 1,33 atm
Temperature T [K]
4 P5 = 1,23 atm
5 P6 = 1,15 atm
Entropy S [J/K]
Note: both V5t and Um is 207 m/s, so the relative airspeed of the blades is 156 m/s at an angle of
incidence of α = 37°
Geometric data for the turbine blades:
Turbine blade length: (0,064 m – 0,042 m) / 2 = 11 mm F
The temperature and density changes across the blade chord (from state 5 to 6):
P5 1,21 · 101325 Pa
ρ5 = = = 0,42 kg/m3
R · T5 287 J/kgK · 1015 K
P6 1,10 · 101325 Pa
ρ6 = = = 0,39 kg/m3
R · T6 287 J/kgK · 990 K
An average value of 0,41 will be used here.
The formula for lift force for each blade “wing” is given by:
F = · ρ · V 2 · CL · A
Where CL is the lift coefficient of the turbine blade “wing”, a value of 1,0 will be assumed here. A
is the blade area. V is the speed of the blade, again taken av mean blade radius. Making a
simplified calculation at mean radius will underpredict the lift force somewhat as lift force is
proportional to the square of speed.
F = 2 · 0,41 kg/m3 · 261 m/s 2 · 1,0 · 0,011 m · 0,0086 m = 1,32 N
M = F · r · n = 1,32 N · · 0,053 m · 17 = 0,60 Nm
The calculated needed moment to run the compressor was found to be 0,63 Nm
A good consistency between the turbine blade lift force and the axle moment is found.
6 7 Known: To be calculated
V6 = 156 m/s V7
T6 = 903 K = 630 ºC T7
P6 = 1,15 atm P7
A6 = 0,00183 m2
As no work or heat is added nor extracted in the nozzle, the stagnation properties are
unchanged; T07 = T06 and P07 = P06. The increase in velocity comes at a loss in temperature and
pressure as amount of total energy in the control volume is constant.
The airspeed increases in the nozzle, due to the flow area reduction:
P6 P
· A6 · V6 = R·T7 · A7 · V7
R·T6 7
A6 · V6 = A7 · V7
A 0,00183 m2
V7 = A6 · V6 = 0,00158 m2
· 156 m/s = 180,7 m/s
Note: A value for cp is 1131 kJ/kgK for the assumed mean temperature of 900 K.
V62 180,7 m/s2
T7 = T07 − = 914 K − = 914 K − 14,4 K = 899,6 K
2 · cp 2 · 1131 J/kgK
New pressure:
P07 1,20 atm
P7 = γ = = 1,13 atm
T07 γ−1 914 K 3,94
(T ) (900 K)
New density:
P7 1,13 atm·101,325 kPa
ρ7 = = = 0,44 kg/m3
R·T7 287 J/kgK·900 K
This is a little lower than the initial velocity estimate. A second iteration is needed:
New temperature:
New density:
P7 1,11 atm·101,325 kPa
ρ7 = = = 0,44 kg/m3
R·T7 287 J/kgK·891 K
Temperature [K]
4 P5
𝑇4 − 𝑇7 936
5’ P6
T7′ = T4 − η · (T4 − T7 )
5 6’ P7
T7′ = 936 K − 0,85 · (936 K − 891 K) 928
6 7’
T7′ = 936 K − 38,3 K = 897,8 K ≈ 625 °C 7
New pressure:
Entropy [J/K]
P07 1,20 atm
P7 = γ = = 1,02 atm P3 = 1,41 atm
T07 γ−1 914 K 3,94
(T ) (898 K) Temperature T [K] 4’ P4 =1,33 atm
7′ 936
Static thrust without exhaust nozzle
The airspeed after the turbine without the exhaust nozzle is calculated to be 156 m/s.
Thrust can then be calculated as:
F = ṁ · (Vexhaust − Vinlet ) = ṁ · (V6 − V0 )
F = 0,115 kg/s · (156 m/s – 0 m/s) = 17,9 N
The static thrust of the FD3 turbojet without the exhaust nozzle is 17,9 N
P4 = 1,41 atm
4’ P3 = 1,33 atm
Temperature T [°C]
2’ Isobaric
Entropy S [J/K]