Physical - Chemistry - Solutionsaleen Class 12 Allen
Physical - Chemistry - Solutionsaleen Class 12 Allen
Physical - Chemistry - Solutionsaleen Class 12 Allen
1. The boiling point of C6H6, CH3OH, C6H5NH2 and 8. The vapour pressure of a pure liquid 'A' is 70 torr
C6H 5NO 2 are 800C, 650C, 1840C and 2120C at 270C. It forms an ideal solution with another liquid
respectively which will show highest vapour pressure B. The mole fraction of B is 0.2 and total vapour
at room temperature : pressure of the solution is 84 torr at 270C. The
(1) C6H6 (2) CH3OH vapour pressure of pure liquid B at 270C is
(1) 14 (2) 56 (3) 140 (4) 70
(3) C6H5NH2 (4) C6H5NO2
9. At 88 °C benzene has a vapour pressure of
2. Mole fraction of A vapours above the solution in
900 torr and toluene has a vapour pressure of
mixture of A and B (XA = 0.4) will be
360 torr. What is the mole fraction of benzene in
[Given : PA° = 100 mm Hg and PB° = 200 mm Hg] the mixture with toluene that will boil at 88 °C at
1 atm. pressure, benzene - toluence form an ideal
(1) 0.4 (2) 0.8 solution:
(3) 0.25 (4) none of these (1) 0.416 (2) 0.588 (3) 0.688 (4) 0.740
3. At a given temperature, total vapour pressure in 10. The exact mathematical expression of Raoult’s law
Torr of a mixture of volatile components A and B is (n = moles of solute ; N = moles of solvent)
is given by
P 0 - Ps n P 0 - Ps N
PTotal = 120 – 75 XB (1) = (2) =
P0 N P0 n
hen ce, vapo ur press ure of p ure A an d B
respectively (in Torr) are P 0 - Ps n P 0 - Ps
(1) 120, 75 (2) 120, 195 (3) = (4) = n ×N
Ps N P0
(3) 120, 45 (4) 75, 45
11. The vapour pressure of a solvent decreased by
4. Two liquids A & B form an ideal solution. What is 10 mm of Hg when a non-volatile solute was added
the vapour pressure of solution containing 2 moles to the solvent. The mole fraction of solute in solution
of A and 3 moles of B at 300 K? [Given : At 300 K, is 0.2, what would be mole fraction of the solvent
Vapour pr. of pure liquid A ( PAo ) = 100 torr, Vapour if decrease in vapour pressure is 20 mm of Hg
(1) 0.2 (2) 0.4 (3) 0.6 (4) 0.8
pr. of pure liquid B ( PBo ) = 300 torr ] 12. The vapour pressure of a solution having solid as
solute and liquid as solvent is :
(1) 200 torr (2) 140 torr (1) Directly proportional to mole fraction of the
(3) 180 torr (4) None of these solvent
5. If Raoult's law is obeyed, the vapour pressure of the (2) Inversely proportional to mole fraction of the
solvent in a solution is directly proportional to solvent
(1) Mole fraction of the solvent (3) Directly proportional to mole fraction of the
node06\B0AI-BO\Kota\JEE(MAIN)\Booster Course Sheet\Che\Eng\Physical Chemistry\03-Solution & colligative properties.p65
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