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Hardware-Software Interface

Coursework 1 - Image Processing in C

Adam Sampson and Alistair McConnell
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University

This coursework specification, and the example code provided during the course, is Copyright 2024
Heriot-Watt University. Distributing this coursework specification or your solution to it outside the
university is academic misconduct and a violation of copyright law.

In this coursework, you will demonstrate your ability with the C programming language and its
standard library by completing a C program that performs image processing operations on image
This coursework contributes to the following learning outcomes of the course:
• Ability to develop efficient, resource-conscious code.
• Practical skills in low-level, systems programming, with effective resource management.
• Ability to articulate system-level operations and to identify performance implications of given
This is an individual assessment. The code and documentation you submit must be entirely your
own work.
If you have any questions, please ask your local course leader.

This section lists clarifications we have made in response to student questions.
• 2024-02-02: Initial version.
• 2024-02-15: Submission date is now 7th March. Clarify that all image files must be in your
personalised format. Clarify that MEDIAN should process each colour separately.

Finding your tasks

This assessment is personalised for each student, so different students in the class are doing
slightly different tasks. The tasks are chosen deterministically for each student based on a hash of
their student number and the semester.
See the list on Canvas to find out your tasks. You will find an entry like this for your student

H12345678: HS8 MEDIAN CODE

Note this entry down in your file before you start work. It is important that you check
you are solving the correct tasks — if you do an incorrect task, we can't give you any points for it.

The problem
This coursework involves writing a simple RGB bitmap image processing program in C, called
process. process is run from the command line with two arguments, an input image file
(which must already exist) and an output image file (which will be created or overwritten). For

./process kitten.image kitten-processed.image

All image files read or written by this program must be in your personalised image format; see

The image format

An RGB colour bitmap image consists of a grid of pixels, each of which has red, green and blue
colour values. Image files consist of a header, describing the properties of the image, followed by
the RGB data for the pixels of the image.
The image format is personalised; check your list of tasks and read the appropriate section below.

Task HS8

An HS8 image has an ASCII text header:

width height

• HS8 — fixed code indicating HS8 format
• width — integer number of columns
• height — integer number of rows
The fields in the header are separated by one or more whitespace (space, tab, carriage return or
newline) characters. The height field is followed by a single whitespace character.
The image data follows the header. Each pixel is stored as three unsigned 8-bit values as binary
data (not text). Pixels are stored from left to right in the first row, then left to right in the second
row, and so on until the end of the image.

Task HS16

An HS16 image has an ASCII text header:

width height

• HS16 — fixed code indicating HS16 format
• width — integer number of columns
• height — integer number of rows
The fields in the header are separated by one or more whitespace (space, tab, carriage return or
newline) characters. The height field is followed by a single whitespace character.
The image data follows the header. Each pixel is stored as three unsigned 16-bit values as binary
data in native byte order (not text). Pixels are stored from left to right in the first row, then left to
right in the second row, and so on until the end of the image.
(Native byte order means that bytes within a number are stored in the same order that they would
be stored in memory on the machine you're running the program on.)


An HSDEC image consists entirely of ASCII text. It starts with a header:

width height

• HSDEC — fixed code indicating HSDEC format
• width — integer number of columns
• height — integer number of rows
The image data follows the header. Each pixel is stored as three unsigned 8-bit values as decimal
numbers. Pixels are stored from left to right in the first row, then left to right in the second row, and
so on until the end of the image.
All fields in the file are separated by one or more whitespace (space, tab, carriage return or
newline) characters.


An HSHEX image consists entirely of ASCII text. It starts with a header:

width height

• HSHEX — fixed code indicating HSHEX format
• width — integer number of columns
• height — integer number of rows
The image data follows the header. Each pixel is stored as three unsigned 16-bit values as
hexadecimal numbers (digits A-F may be lower or upper case). Pixels are stored from left to right
in the first row, then left to right in the second row, and so on until the end of the image.
All fields in the file are separated by one or more whitespace (space, tab, carriage return or
newline) characters.

Getting started
You will need a Linux C development environment, like we have been using in the practical
exercises. This might be:
• a Linux lab machine
• a MACS machine remotely, using x2go
• the MACS Linux Virtual Machine on your own computer
• a regular Linux installation on your own computer
You may like to refer to Hans-Wolfgang Loidl's Linux Introduction.

Setting up the project

Download from Coursework 1 on Canvas. This contains a template
project containing an outline source file.
Make sure that you can compile the starter code before you start making changes to the
process.c file. Change into the project directory, and run:


(This will print some warnings because the code is incomplete.)

The template project also includes a Python program, hsconvert, that can convert standard PPM
images to and from the HS formats, or view an HS image using gpicview. Run it as ./
hsconvert --help for help.
A collection of image files for you to test your program with, in all the formats above, is also
available from Coursework 1 on Canvas.

This project as a whole is marked out of 20 points, and makes up 50% of your final mark for the
The program overall should be valid C99 (or later), and should be robust against error. You may
write additional helper functions and/or type declarations if you like, but you should keep the
functions that are provided in the template file in the existing order.
Work through the steps below in order.

Q1 - (2 points) Representing images

In process.c, complete the declaration of struct Image, which holds an image read from a
This will need to include the information from the image header (width, height), and a pointer
to a dynamically-allocated array of struct Pixels for the pixel data. Your program should be
able to deal with image files with arbitrary numbers of rows and columns.
You should change the data types inside struct Pixel to match your image format.

Q2a - (1 point) Freeing image objects

Complete the free_image function, which should free a struct Image and its contents.

Q2b - (2 points) Loading images

Complete the load_image function, which allocates a new struct Image and reads the
contents of an image file (in your personalised format) into it.
You will need to use the fscanf and/or fread functions to read data from the file. Once you
know width and height, construct a dynamic array of the appropriate size. Be careful to handle
errors — the input file might not contain valid contents.

Q2c - (2 points) Saving images

Complete the save_image function, which writes the contents of a struct Image out to an
image file (in your personalised format).
You should test this function by using it to write out an image loaded with load_image. You can
modify main temporarily for this.

Q2d - (2 points) Duplicating image objects

To do Q3, you will need to allocate a new struct Image that is a copy of an existing image.
Complete the copy_image function to do this. It will need to copy both the struct Image
and the pixel data within it.

Q3 - (4 points) Personalised task 1

This task is personalised; check your list of tasks and read the appropriate section. All of these tasks
should return a copy of the original image — they must not modify the original image.


The apply_BLUR function should apply a 3x3 blur to an image. Each colour value in the output
image should be computed as the mean of the 3x3 block of pixels surrounding it in the input image
(that is, the corresponding input pixel, and the 8 pixels immediately adjacent to it).
Be careful to avoid accessing locations outside the bounds of the image.


The apply_MEDIAN function should apply a median filter to an image. Each red colour value in
the output image should be computed as the median of the red values of the corresponding input
pixel and the four pixels horizontally and vertically adjacent to it (above, below, left and right of it).
The blue and green values should be computed the same way.
To compute the median of a set of numbers, sort them into order and take the middle one. For
example, you could copy the values into a fixed-length array, then call the qsort function from
the standard library to sort them.
Be careful to avoid accessing locations outside the bounds of the image.


The apply_MONO function should convert an image from colour to monochrome (greyscale). To
convert a colour value to an equivalently bright grey value, you must compute a weighted sum of
the red, green and blue components: 0.299R + 0.587G + 0.114B (this is because the
human eye is differently sensitive to different colours). You can then set the red, green and blue
components in the output image to this grey value to produce greyscale output.
As this involves both integer and floating-point maths, you will need to be careful to avoid integer
wraparound (too large or too small values) when computing the output values.


The apply_NOISE function should add random noise to the red, green and blue components of
the image, using the standard library's rand() random number generator. First, make it add
random values from -5 to +5 to each component.
Then modify the main function so that the program takes an extra command-line argument at the
end of the command line to indicate the noise strength. If you run the program as:

./process in.image out.image 10

it should add random values from -10 to +10. You can use the atoi standard library function to
convert a string argument to an integer.
As you are adding random noise to numbers that may also be near the limits of the numbers you
can represent, you should be careful to avoid integer wraparound (too large or too small values)
when computing the output values.

Q4 - (4 points) Personalised task 2

This task is personalised; check your list of tasks and read the appropriate section. All of these
functions should print their output to stdout (e.g. using printf).


The apply_NORM function should first scan through the image to find the smallest and largest
values used in the red, green and blue values (all together; you don't need to track red/green/blue
separately). It should print out a message like:

Minimum value: 10
Maximum value: 255

It should then normalise the image by scaling all the values so that the minimum value becomes 0,
and the maximum value becomes the biggest possible value that can be stored. (Do this in two
steps: subtract an offset to bring the minimum to 0, then multiply by a scaling factor to bring the
maximum to the largest value.)
Because this means modifying the image, you will need to remove the const from the type of
apply_NORM's image argument.


The apply_HIST function should compute a histogram of the red, green and blue values used in
the image (all together; you don't need to track red/green/blue separately). It should print a message

Value 0: 123 pixels

Value 1: 55 pixels
Value 2: 8729 pixels
Value 255: 17 pixels

(If you prefer, you could show the histogram as a chart; this isn't worth any more points, though.)
You will need to use a data structure such as an array to count how many times you've seen each


The apply_CODE function should print out the image as C source code that could be included in a
program (for example, to use as an icon in a GUI application). It should print something like:

const int image_width = 320;

const int image_height = 256;
const struct Pixel image_data = {
{0, 0, 0}, {255, 0, 255}, {255, 255, 127},
{10, 255, 0}, ...

The output should be valid, correctly-indented C code, and you should limit the length of the lines
that it produces to no more than 70 characters when printing the image data. You don't need to
compile the output code yourself.


The apply_COMP function should take two struct Image * arguments, and it should count
how many pixels are different between the two images. It should print something like:

Identical pixels: 1827841

Different pixels: 871285

You will need to modify the main function so that it takes a single extra image argument at the
start of the command line to compare with, e.g.:

./process reference.image input.image output.image

Q5 - (2 points) Bonus task

For an additional 2 points, make the program work for an arbitrary number of input/output image
filenames rather than just a single one. It must load all of the images into memory before doing any
You will need to use a data structure such as a linked list or a dynamically-allocated array of
struct Image pointers to hold the list of images you are working on. You could add a field for
the output filename to struct Image.

Q6 - (1 point)

The is a short file in Markdown or plain text format, saying clearly how to compile
your program, and how to run it from the command-line showing the arguments that it takes.
It is not a report: you should not restate the problem or write a description of how your program
works here.

Submission is due by 15:30 on Thursday 7th March through Coursework 1 on Canvas. (If you are
studying at OUC, you have a different deadline; see Canvas.)
You must submit a .zip file containing the project files, including at least:
• process.c — the source code for your program
• — file explaining how to compile and run your program
To reduce the submission size, please don't include the sample images or other large unnecessary
files in your submission.

You must give a demonstration of your code to one of the teaching staff during one of the lab
sessions. This lets us see that your code works, and lets us ask you questions about your code.
Please bring your source code and have a compiled version of the program ready to demonstrate.
Times for demonstrations will be published on Canvas near the submission date.
If you don't give a demonstration, you will not receive a mark for this coursework. If you are
unable to attend the lab for this (e.g. because of illness) then please contact your local course leader
to make alternative arrangements.

• Your program should be as efficient as possible — particularly when processing image data.
You should document any decisions you have made that improve your program's efficiency in
the comments for each section of code.
• Your program should also be robust — for example, it shouldn't crash when given an incorrect
or corrupt input file, or if the computer runs out of memory. Remember to check the return
values of the standard library functions you are using and do something sensible if they fail.
• You are working with data types that can represent a limited range of values (e.g. unsigned
integers). When operating on pixel RGB values, be careful not to go out of the valid range of
values — this would look bad in the resulting image.
• Be careful about memory leaks, array bounds violations and other types of memory error. You
may like to use a dynamic analysis tool such as Address Sanitizer or Valgrind to check your
• The template code has various TODO comments in to indicate the things you need to change.
Make sure you remove these as you work on the program — there shouldn't be any left in the
submitted version.

Academic misconduct
Your attention is drawn to the university policy on academic misconduct and to the Contract
Cheating Risk and Avoidance Guide (available on Canvas).
The code you submit must be your own work. If some text or code in the coursework has been
taken from other sources (beyond the material provided for this course), you must give a clear
reference to the source in comments in the code or the README file. We cannot give any marks for
work that is not your own.
Failure to clearly reference work that has been obtained from other sources, or copying the words
or code of another student, is plagiarism.
Asking a third party to complete coursework on your behalf, and then submitting it as your own
work, is contract cheating.
You must never give a copy of your coursework writing or code to another student, and you must
always refuse any request from another student for a copy of your coursework. Sharing your
coursework with another student is collusion.
Suspected plagiarism, contract cheating or collusion will be referred to the School Discipline
Committee for investigation. This will delay your feedback, and if you are found guilty of
misconduct then it will result in a penalty such as voiding the course or being withdrawn from the
So please don't do any of the things above! If you have any concerns about potential academic
misconduct, please ask your local course leader for guidance.

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