HBSE Class 7 Maths Question Paper 2017

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Name of Student:____________________________ Roll No.

: ___________________________ Maths/Class-7/EM

Annual Assessment - March 2017

Maximum Marks: 80 Time: 150 Minutes

 All questions are compulsory.
 Marks are given in front of each question.
1. 2.7 100 can be written as 1
(a) 0.27 (b) 2.70
(c) 270 (d) 0.027
2. Additive inverse of 10 is 1
(a) (b) -10
(c) 0 (d) 100
3. The value of m for the following eq. 1
2m-7 = 3 is
(a) 10 (b) -10
(c) 5 (d) - 4
4. When a die tossed the probability to get 8 is 1
(a) 1 (b) 0
(c) (d)
5. Between two congruent angles, one has a measure of 70°, the measure of other angle is
…………………….. 1
(a) 110° (b) 30°
(c) 70° (d) 20°
6. Which of the following do not represent the rational number 1
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
7. The greatest angle in right angle triangle is 1
(a) 60° (b) 70°
(c) 100° (d) 90°
8. The perimeter of rectangle is 1
(a) side side (b) length Breadth
(c) 2[ length + breadth] (d) 4 side

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9. - 2 can be written a 1
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
10. Half the sum of the numbers x and y can be written as. 1
(a) +y (b)
(c) x+ (d) 2x+y
11. 2x+3y is ………….. 1
(a) Trinomial (b) Monomials
(c) binomials (d) None
12. 1000 cm can be written as 1
(a) 0.1 m (b) 10 m2
(c) 0.1 m2 (d) 10 m
13. English alphabet ‘A’ has reflection symmetry about- 1
(a) a vertical mirror (b) a horizontal mirror
(c) both vertical and horizontal mirror (d) None
14. How many faces are in cuboids? 1
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 5 (d) 6
15. The number of lines of symmetry for a square are ……. 1
(a) 1 (b) 4
(c) 2 (d) 3
16. How much less is 28 km. than 42.6 km? 2
17. Write down a pair of integers whose sum is -7 2
18. Solve the following equation = 2
19. Solve : 2
3 1
20. The sum of Eight times a number and 2 is 50 find the number 2
21. Find 75 of 1 kg 2
22.Find the value of the unknown angles x and y in the following diagrams 2

23. Draw a line AB and draw a perpendicular to AB taken at any point C on it 2

24. Simplify 2
(-4) 3
25. What other name can you give to the line of symmetry of 2
(a) an isosceles triangle? (b) a circle?
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Name of Student:____________________________ Roll No.: ___________________________ Maths/Class-7/EM

26. Find the mode and median of the data: 3

13, 16, 12, 14, 19, 12, 14, 13, 14

27. Find the product, using suitable properties: 3

625 (-35) + (-625) 65
28. ∆ DEF ∆ BCA write the parts of ∆ BCA that correspond to 3
(a) ∠E
(b) FD
(c) DE
29. ∆ ABC is right angled at C. If AC = 5 m. and BC= 12 m. find the length of AB 3
30. Draw two triangles of equal areas such that 3
(i) The triangle are congruent
(ii) The triangle are not congruent
31. What rate gives Rs 280 as interest on a sum of Rs 5600 in 2 Years? 3
32. Draw the number line and represent the following rational number on it 3
(i) (ii) (ii)
33. Construct ∆ DEF with DE = 4 Cm, EF = 5 Cm, and m ∠DEF = 60 3
34. Find the perimeter of the adjoining figure, which is a semicircle including its diameter
(Take = 3.14) 3

35.Subtract: 3
2Pq+3-4P2 from 5P2+3q2-Pq-4

36. In the adjoining figure P//q. Find the unknown angles a, b, c, d, and e 5

37. Simplify: 5
25 23 t8 b5
103 t2 b5

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38.Match the nets with appropriate solid 5

(i) (a)

(ii) (b)

(iii) (c)

(iv) (d)

(V) (e)

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fo|kFkhZ dk Ukke %&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&j¨y uŒ % &&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Math/Class-7/HM

okf"kZd vkdyu & ekpZ 2017

d{kk& 7
fo"k; & xf.kr
vf/kdre vad % 80 le; % 150 feuV
funsZ'k %
 lHkh Á'u vfuok;Z gSaA
 Á'u¨a d¢ vad muds lkeus n'kkZ, x, gaSA
1- 2-7 100 cjkcj gSA 1
¼d½ 0-27 ¼[k½ 2-700
¼x½ 270 ¼?k½ 0-027
2- 10 dk ;ksT; izfrykse gSA 1
¼d½ ¼[k½ &10
¼x½ 0 ¼?k½ 100
3- 2m-7 3 esa m dk eku gSA 1
¼d½ 10 ¼[k½ &10
¼x½ 5 ¼?k½ & 4
4- 1 ikls dks Qsadus ij 8 vkus dh izkf;drk gSA 1
¼d½ -1 ¼[k½ 0
¼x½ ¼?k½

5- nks lokZaxle dks.kksa esa ls ,d dh eki 70 gS nwljs dks.k dh eki ……………… gSA 1
¼d½ 110 ¼[k½ 30
¼x½ 70 ¼?k½ 20
6- dkSu lh fHkUu ds rqY; ugha gSA 1
¼d½ ¼[k½
¼x½ ¼?k½
7- ledks.k f=Hkqt esa lcls cM+k dks.k gksrk gSA 1
¼d½ 60 ¼[k½ 70
¼x½ 100 ¼?k½ 90
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8- vk;r dk ifjeki gksrk gSA 1

¼d½ Hkqtk Hkqtk ¼[k½ y0 pkS0
¼x½ 2 ¼y0 pkS0½ ¼?k½ 4 Hkqtk
9- - 2 gksrk gSA 1

¼d½ ¼[k½

¼x½ ¼?k½

10- la[;k x vkSj y ds ;ksx dk vk/kk gSA 1

¼d½ $y ¼[k½
¼x½ x + ¼?k½ 2x+y
11- 2x+3y ………………gSA 1
¼d½ f=inh ¼[k½ ,d inh
¼x½ f}inh ¼?k½ dksbZ ugha
12- 1000 oxZ lsa0eh0 gksrk gSA 1
¼d½ 0-1 eh0 ¼[k½ 10 oxZ eh0
¼x½ 0-1 oxZ eh0 ¼?k½ 10 eh0
13- vaxzsth o.kZekyk ds v{kj *A* esa A ds vuqnf’k ijkorZu lefefr gSA 1
¼d½ m/okZ/kj ¼[k½ {kSfrt
¼x½ m/okZ?kj o {kSfrt ¼?k½ dksbZ ugha
14- ?kukHk esa Qydksa dh la[;k gSA 1
¼d½ 3 ¼[k½ 4
¼x½ 5 ¼?k½ 6
15- oxZ esa lefer js[kkvksa dh la[;k gksrh gSA 1
¼d½ 1 ¼[k½ 4
¼x½ 2 ¼?k½ 3
16- 28 fd0 eh0] 42-6 fd0 eh0 ls fdruk de gSA 2
17- ,slk iw.kkZad ;qXe fyf[k, ftldk ;ksx &7 gSA 2
18- ljy djksA 2

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19- 3 1 dk eku Kkr djks A 2

20- ,d la[;k ds 8 xq.kk esa 2 tksM+us ij 50 izkIr gksrk gSA la[;k Kkr dhft,A 2
21- 1 fd0 xzk0 dk 75 fdruk gksxkA 2
22- fn, fp= esa x, y dk eku Kkr djksA 2

23- ,d js[kk AB [khafp,A AB ij fLFkr fcUnw C ls xqtjrk yEc [khafp,A 2

24- ¼&4½3 dks ljy dhft,A 2
25- vki fuEufyf[kr vk—fr;ksa dh lefer js[kk ds fy, vU; D;k uke ns ldrs gSaA 2
¼d½ ,d lef}ckgq f=Hkqt ¼[k½ ,d o`r
26- fuEufyf[kr vkadM+kas dk e/; o cgqyd Kkr djksA 3
13] 16] 12] 14] 19] 12] 14] 13] 14
27- 625 ¼&35½ $ ¼&625½ 65 dk eku mfpr xq.kksa dk mi;ksx djds Kkr dhft,A 3
28- ;fn DEF BCA gks rks BCA ds mu Hkkxksa dks fyf[k, tks fuEu ds laxr gks& 3
¼d½ ∠E
¼[k½ FD
¼x½ DE
29- ABC ,d ledks.k f=Hkqt gS ftldk C ,d ledks.k gSA ;fn AC = 5 eh0] BC = 12 eh0 gks rks AB Kkr dhft,A3
30- cjkcj {ks=Qy okys nks f=Hkqtks dks bl izdkj cukb, fd& 3
d- f=Hkqt lokZXlae gks
[k- f=Hkqt lokZXlae u gks
31- 56000 #i;s ij 2 o”kZ i’pkr fdl nj ls 280 #i;s lk/kkj.k C;kt ns; gksxkA 3
32- ] ] dks la[;k js[kk ij fu:fir dhft,A 3
33- ∆ DEF dh jpuk dhft, ftlesa DE =4 las0eh0 EF =5 la0s eh0 vkSj m∠DEF = 60 gksA 3
34- nh xbZ vk—fr dk ifjeki Kkr djks ftlesa O;kl 10 ls0a eh0 gSA 3

35- 5P2 +3q2 – Pq -4 esa ls 2Pq +3 – 4P2 ?kVkb,A 3


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36- lyaXu vk—fr esa P//q gS vKkr dks.k a, b, c, d, e dk eku Kkr dhft,A 5

37- fuEufyf[kr lehdj.k d¨ ljy djasA

25 23 t8 b5 5
103 t2 b5
38- Tkyks dk mi;qDr Bkslks ls feyku fdft,A 5
d- i

[k- ii

x- iii

?k- iv

M v

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