Pentamode Metamaterials With Tunable Acoustics Band Gaps and Large Figures of Merit

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Pentamode metamaterials with tunable acoustics band gaps and large figures
of merit

Article in Journal of Applied Physics · July 2016

DOI: 10.1063/1.4958800


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5 authors, including:

Zhaohong Wang Chengxin Cai

Xi'an Jiaotong University Henan University of Technology


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Pentamode metamaterials with tunable acoustics band gaps and large figures of merit
Zhaohong Wang, Chengxin Cai, Qingwei Li, Jing Li, and Zhuo Xu

Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 120, 024903 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4958800

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Pentamode metamaterials with tunable acoustics band gaps and large

figures of merit
Zhaohong Wang,1,a) Chengxin Cai,1 Qingwei Li,1 Jing Li,2 and Zhuo Xu3
Key Laboratory for Physical Electronics and Devices of the Ministry of Education, Xi’an Jiaotong University,
Xi’an 710049, People’s Republic of China
School of Mechanical Engineering and State Key laboratory for Strength and Vibration of Mechanical
Structures, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, People’s Republic of China
Electronic Materials Research Laboratory, Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education and International
Center for Dielectric Research, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, People’s Republic of China
(Received 18 May 2016; accepted 1 July 2016; published online 14 July 2016)
In this paper, we propose a class of pentamode metamaterials for which the frequency range of the
acoustics band gaps can be tuned and large figures of merit can be obtained. The band structures of
the pentamode metamaterials are calculated systematically by using the finite element method. The
numerical results show that the lower edge frequency of the first acoustics band gaps of pentamode
metamaterials can be tuned between 3.72 kHz and 10.6 kHz by changing the diameters of the bottom
and top touch cones slightly, and the relative bandwidth of the first acoustics band gaps can also be
expanded. In addition, compared with the results seen in the previous research in this area, the
volume filling fraction of pentamode metamaterials can be decreased by 15.7%–24.4% and the
maximum figure of merit can be increased by 39.2%. Published by AIP Publishing.

INTRODUCTION The other research focus area centers on the potential

applications of PM metamaterials in acoustic cloaks; this
Pentamode (PM) metamaterials are a new type of artifi-
area was theoretically conceived by Milton et al.9 and
cial extremal materials which were theoretically suggested
improved upon by Norris.4,5 Inspired by existing research on
by Milton et al.1 and Sigmund2 independently in 1995. PM
optical/electromagnetic cloaks21–23 and the special transfor-
metamaterials are especially novel artificial structures be-
mation theory,10 the layered method7,15 and the theoretical
cause these double-cone elements touch each other only at verifications of the feasibility of acoustic cloaks made with
their ideal point-like tips and form a diamond-type crystal. PM metamaterials9,14,16 have been presented repeatedly.
This means that the bulk modulus “B” of these PM metama- Most reports on PM metamaterials are based mainly on
terials is far larger than their shear modulus “G”1 so that the the classical double-cone structure presented by Milton
compression and shear waves can be decoupled in PM struc- et al.3–7,9–11,13,20 Derivative PM metamaterials with minor
tures. In short, they are difficult to compress but flow easily, structure modifications have also been proposed.8,12,16–18
which means that they are capable of exhibiting the behav- Recently, 3D PM metamaterials comprised of symmetric
iors of liquids. In addition, the filling factor of PM metamate- double-cone elements (ADCEs) were described by research-
rials has been as small as a few percent.3 Because of these ers.12 This last structure presents the presence of acoustics
excellent properties and their potential application in control- band gap of PM metamaterials for the first time. This finding
ling the propagation of elastic waves which can be used to also provides a way to achieve cloaks which have the ability
realize elastic and acoustic cloaks,4–12 research on PM meta- to forbid the outward spread of the cloaks’ internal acoustic
materials has drawn more and more attention.3–20 waves. This means that the cloaks can avoid detection by pas-
In recent years, the research on PM metamaterials is sive sonar even when their internal acoustic wave frequencies
mainly concentrated in two areas. One is focused on the are within the acoustics band gap frequency ranges.12
mechanical properties of PM metamaterials; this area has, In general, the acoustics band gap has a broader range of
for the most part, been reported on by Kadic, B€uckmann, more important applications in the low frequency region. At
and colleagues at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology the same time, the low frequency region provides the addi-
(KIT). In order to overcome the instability of ideal PM tional advantages of retaining the excellent PM properties
metamaterials, Kadic et al. have used a finite connection di- while reducing the volume filling factor of PM metamaterials
ameter to replace their ideal point-like tips and studied their significantly. It is known that the bottom touch cones diame-
mechanical properties.13 This new idea also made fabrica- ters (BTCDs) (i.e., D) are the critical parameters for the vol-
tion3,13,20 and elastic measurements20 of PM metamaterials ume filling fraction,19 and the top touch cones diameters
possible. Moreover, the research team has also designed (TTCDs) (i.e., d) are the important factors for the figure of
and fabricated an elasto-mechanical cloak that performs merit (FOM) and structural stability.17 In order to reduce the
well using PM metamaterials.6 lower edge frequency of the acoustics band gaps and the vol-
ume filling factor under conditions of relative structural sta-
E-mail: [email protected] bility, PM metamaterials with different BTCDs and TTCDs

0021-8979/2016/120(2)/024903/5/$30.00 120, 024903-1 Published by AIP Publishing.

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024903-2 Wang et al. J. Appl. Phys. 120, 024903 (2016)

are proposed in this paper. By changing the BTCDs and >
> n ¼ 1; m ¼ 1 the first type
TTCDs, the lower edge frequency of the acoustics band gaps n ¼ 1; m 6¼ 1 the second type
of the PM metamaterials can be adjusted between 3.72 kHz >
> n 6¼ 1; m ¼ 1 the third type
and 10.6 kHz. n 6¼ 1; m 6¼ 1 the fourth type:
Compared with symmetric double-cone elements (ADCEs)
PM metamaterials, the relative bandwidth of the first acoustics For analyzing the band structures of PM metamaterials
band gap can be expanded about three times. That is to say, the with different combinations of BTCDs and TTCDs, the finite
wider bandwidth and lower frequency acoustics band gaps can element method with Bloch boundary conditions imposed
be obtained over a large frequency range. In addition, by for the primitive real-space cell is used. The fixed parameters
decreasing the BTCD and the TTCD simultaneously, the maxi- are a ¼ 37.3 mm (hence h ¼ 16.15 mm), d1 ¼ d0 ¼ 0.55 mm,
mum value of the FOM is increased, and the volume filling fac- and D1 ¼ D0 ¼ 3 mm. The physical parameters of the constit-
tor is decreased significantly. uent material are mass density q ¼ 1190 kg=m3 , Young’s
modulus E ¼ 3 GPa, and Poisson’s ratio t ¼ 0.4. Some nu-
THE INFLUENCE OF THE STRUCTURAL DIMENSIONS merical results are shown in Fig. 2. The usual tour through
ON THE ACOUSTICS BAND GAPS OF THE PM the Brillouin zone on the horizontal axis is parameter inde-
METAMATERIALS pendent anyway. The right-hand side vertical frequency
scale is given in S.I. units and the a=k ratio is a normalized
The unit cell structure of the PM metamaterials with tunable frequency on the left-hand side vertical scale. Here, k is the
acoustics band gaps comprises four primitive cells (Fig. 1(a)). wavelength of sound in air and the sound velocity is 343 m/s.
The primitive cell is formed by four double cones with different The band structures of the four types of PM metamateri-
BTCDs Di (i ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4) and TTCDs dj (j ¼ 1, 2) (Fig. 1(b)). As als are shown in Fig. 2. For the first type, the corresponding
we know, there are many combinations of BTCDs and TTCDs band structure is shown in Fig. 2(a). There is a single phonon
(i.e., many different kinds of PM metamaterial structures). mode regime (the gray region) that exists in the original PM
We have done a series of studies of these combinations structure, and it is consistent with previous reports.3 In the
and then divided these combinations into four types. To fa- single phonon mode regime, the compression waves and
cilitate the research, we just keep D1 ¼ D3 ¼ D4 ¼ D0 in this shear waves are uncoupled, and only the compression waves
paper and define the ratio d2/d1 and D2/D1 can be propagated.
For n ¼ 1 and m ¼ 0.4, the PM metamaterial is the sec-
d2 D2 ond type. The double-cone elements have two different
¼m and ¼ n:
d1 D1 TTCDs: d1 and d2. The corresponding band structure is
shown in Fig. 2(b). Obviously, except the single-mode re-
Here, the variables m and n are defined as structural dimen- gime, the acoustics band gaps also can be obtained in the
sions. So the first type of PM metamaterials has the same second type of PM metamaterial. In the acoustics band gap
BTCDs and TTCDs (i.e., n ¼ 1, m ¼ 1). The second type of regions, both the compression waves and shear waves are
PM metamaterials has the same BTCDs and different suppressed simultaneously. Here, we just focus on the first
TTCDs (i.e., n ¼ 1, m 6¼ 1). The third type of PM metamate- acoustics band gap (the black region) which is more valuable
rials has different BTCDs and the same TTCDs (i.e., n 6¼ 1, for practical application. In Fig. 2(b), the upper edge fre-
m ¼ 1). The fourth type of PM metamaterials has both differ- quency (fu) and the lower edge frequency (fl) of the first
ent BTCDs and TTCDs (i.e., n 6¼ 1, m 6¼ 1). Intuitively, the acoustics band gap are about 9.98 kHz and 8.94 kHz, respec-
four types of PM metamaterials can be expressed as tively. The absolute bandwidth (ABW ¼ fu – fl) of the first
acoustics band gap is 1.04 kHz, and the relative bandwidth
(RBW ¼ ðfuAþfBWl Þ=2) of the first acoustics band gap is 0.11.
For n ¼ 0.4 and m ¼ 1, the PM metamaterial is the third
type, and the primitive cell comprises four double-cone ele-
ments with different BTCDs. The corresponding band struc-
ture is shown in Fig. 2(c). We can see that the upper and
lower edge frequencies of the first acoustics band gap are
about 9.7 kHz and 6.74 kHz, respectively. The absolute band-
width of the first acoustics band gap is 2.96 kHz, and the rel-
ative bandwidth of the first acoustics band gap is 0.36.
Compared with the second type of PM metamaterials, the
lower edge frequency of the first acoustics band gap of the
FIG. 1. (a) Illustration of the structure of the unit cell (black) of the PM meta- third type of PM metamaterials is decreased by 24.6%, while
materials formed by the tunable double-cone elements. The lattice constant of the relative bandwidth is expanded 3.27 times. This suggests
the artificial crystal is a. Due to the diamond
pffiffiffi lattice of connection points, the a possible method for broadening and tuning the first acous-
double-cone length h is given by h ¼ 3a=4. (b) Illustration of the structure
tics band gaps of PM metamaterials.
of the primitive cell (red) with different BTCDs Di (i ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4) and TTCDs
dj (j ¼ 1,2). The two cones are connected at their bottoms with diameter Di The fourth type of PM metamaterials (n ¼ 0.4 and
(i ¼ 1,2,3,4), and their top with diameter d1 and d2. m ¼ 0.4) can be seen as the combination of the second and

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024903-3 Wang et al. J. Appl. Phys. 120, 024903 (2016)

FIG. 2. The band structures of the four

types of PM metamaterials. The fixed
structure parameters are a ¼ 37.3 mm,
D0 ¼ 3 mm, and d0 ¼ 0.55 mm. The
structural dimensions are (a) n ¼ 1,
m ¼ 1; (b) n ¼ 1, m ¼ 0.4; (c) n ¼ 0.4,
m ¼ 1; and (d) n ¼ 0.4, m ¼ 0.4. The
black regions correspond to the first
acoustics band gaps and the gray
regions correspond to the single pho-
non mode regimes.

third types of PM metamaterials, and the band structure is numerical calculations have been performed, and some
shown in Fig. 2(d). The upper and lower edge frequencies of results are shown in Fig. 3. The values of the structural
the first acoustics band gap are about 6.8 kHz and 4.8 kHz, dimensions are shown on the horizontal axis. Considering
respectively. The absolute bandwidth of the first acoustics the weight of the PM metamaterials, we focus our attention
band gap is 2 kHz, and the relative bandwidth of the first on the small value of the structural dimensions (i.e., 0.2 < m
acoustics band gap is 0.34. Compared with the second type < 1 and 0.2 < n < 1). In Figs. 3(a), 3(b), and 3(c), we can see
of PM metamaterials, the lower edge frequency of the first that the lower edge frequency of the three types of PM meta-
acoustics band gap of the fourth type of PM metamaterials is materials increased with the increase in the structural dimen-
decreased by 46.3%, and the relative bandwidth is expanded sions, which also caused the widening of the first acoustics
3 times. Compared with the third type of PM metamaterials, band gaps.
the lower edge frequency of the first acoustics band gap of Comparing the average rate of increase intuitively, we
the fourth type of PM metamaterials is decreased by 28.7%, merged three lower edge frequency curves into Fig. 3(d). In
and the relative bandwidths are similar. Fig. 3(d), the first acoustics band gap’s lower edge frequency
In order to systematically study the influence of structur- is shown on the left-hand side vertical scale. We can see
al dimensions on the first acoustics band gap, a series of that, for the second type of PM metamaterials (represented

FIG. 3. Illustration of the relationship

between the structural dimensions and
the first acoustics band gap for (a) the
second type, (b) the third type, and (c)
the fourth type. The red dots represent
the upper edge of the first acoustics
band gap and the black square points
represent the lower edge of the first
acoustics band gap. (d) The relationship
between the structural dimensions and
the lower edge frequency of the first
acoustics band gap. The fixed parame-
ters are a ¼ 37.3 mm, D0 ¼ 3 mm, and
d0 ¼ 0.55 mm. The structural dimen-
sions are varied from 0.2 to 0.9.

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024903-4 Wang et al. J. Appl. Phys. 120, 024903 (2016)

by the black square), the lower edge frequency increased between 3.72 kHz and 10.6 kHz. At the same time, the rela-
from 6.1 kHz to 10.6 kHz rapidly, while the structural dimen- tive bandwidth of the first acoustics band gap also can be ex-
sion n varied between 0.2 and 0.6 and the average rate of in- panded effectively. These findings may provide a method for
crease was 11.25. For the third type of PM metamaterials obtaining a PM metamaterials cloak which can control the
(represented by the red dot), the lower edge frequency in- inner noise frequently encountered in cloaks located in the
creased from 6.56 kHz to 7.68 kHz slowly, while the struc- wide and tuned acoustics band gaps.
tural dimension m varied between 0.2 and 0.9 and the
average rate of increase was 1.49. For the fourth type of PM THE FOM AND VOLUME FILLING FACTOR OF THE PM
metamaterials (represented by the blue triangle), the lower METAMATERIALS WITH TUNABLE ACOUSTICS BAND
edge frequency increased from 3.72 kHz to 7.58 kHz, while GAPS
the structural dimensions m and n varied between 0.2 and 0.9 Under the condition of the low-frequency limit
simultaneously, and the average rate of increase was 5.14. a=k  1, the figure of merit (FOM ¼ B/G) and the volume
Therefore, we found that TTCD is the critical parame- filling factor are the important characteristics for PM meta-
ter for the average rate of increase for the lower edge materials. Excellent PM metamaterials should have a larger
frequency of the first acoustics band gap. By tuning the FOM so that the compression and shear waves can be better
TTCDs, the lower edge frequency of the first acoustics separated, and they should have a smaller volume filling fac-
band gap can be tuned over a wide range. Furthermore, tor so that the weight of the cloaks can be reduced. For PM
comparing the second and third types of PM metamaterials, metamaterials, the FOM and the ratio of phase velocity of
changing of the BTCDs has a little effect on the lower edge the compression and shear waves (cB =cG ) have a scalable
frequency of the first acoustics band gap. That is to say, just relationship3,13
by tuning the BTCDs, we not only obtained the acoustics
band gaps but also effectively reduced the lower edge fre- FOM ¼ B=G / ðcB =cG Þ2 : (1)
quency of the first acoustics band gap.
Clearly, the width of the first acoustics band gaps is very Thus, we can obtain the influence of the structural dimen-
important. The relative bandwidth of the first acoustics band sions on the FOM of PM metamaterials by calculating the
gaps has been illustrated in Fig. 4. For the second type of ratio of phase velocity of the compression and shear waves.
PM metamaterials, the relative bandwidth of the first acous- There are two ways to obtain the ratio of phase velocity of
tics band gap decreased from 0.357 to 0.019 quickly. For the the compression (cB ) and shear waves (cG ) in dynamic
third and fourth types of PM metamaterials, the relative cases.3,20 Here, we calculate the ratio of phase velocities by
bandwidth of the first acoustics band gaps is almost the same calculating the PM metamaterial band structure directly.3
and larger than that of the second type of PM metamaterials For the fixed lattice constants a ¼ 37.3 mm, D0 ¼ 3 mm,
for the same structural dimensions. Especially, when the and d0 ¼ 0.55 mm, the numerical findings for the PM meta-
structural dimensions m and n are varied between 0.4 and materials with tunable acoustics band gaps are shown in
0.6, the relative bandwidth of the first acoustics band gaps is Fig. 5(a). For our discussion, the structural dimensions var-
expanded about three times. ied between 0.2 and 1.5. In Fig. 5(a), the light green penta-
From the above analysis, we can conclude that by tuning gram represents the ratio of cB =cG of the first type of PM
the structural dimensions, we can not only obtain the acous- metamaterials, and its value is about 14.864. For the second
tics band gaps but also adjust the lower edge frequency of type of PM metamaterials (represented by the black
the first acoustics band gaps of the PM metamaterials square), the ratio of cB =cG increases first and then decreases
with the increase of the structural dimension m. The maxi-
mal ratio of cB =cG is about 16.75 when the structural
dimension m varied between 0.4 and 0.6. For the third type
of PM metamaterials (represented by the red dot), com-
pared with the ratio of cB =cG of the first type of PM meta-
materials, the deviation of the ratio of cB =cG is no more
than 65% with the increase of the structural dimension n.
In other words, the influence of the BTCDs on the ratio of
cB =cG is limited. The reason for this may be that the
BTCDs only enter into the analysis weakly via a square
root in the formula (1). For the fourth type of PM metama-
terials (represented by the blue triangle), the ratio of cB =cG
has the same variation tendency as seen with the second
type of PM metamaterials. Under the effect of the BTCDs
and TTCDs, the maximal ratio of cB =cG is about 17.5 when
the two structural dimensions (m and n) varied between 0.4
and 0.6 simultaneously. Compared with the reference line,
FIG. 4. The effect of structural dimensions (m and n) on the width of the first the maximal ratio of cB =cG is typically increased by 18%;
acoustics band gaps. i.e., the maximal FOM is increased by 39.2%.

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024903-5 Wang et al. J. Appl. Phys. 120, 024903 (2016)

FIG. 5. Influence of the structural

dimensions on (a) the ratio of cB/cG and
(b) the volume filling factor of the PM
metamaterials. The fixed parameters are
a ¼ 37.3 mm (hence h ¼ 16.15 mm),
D0 ¼ 3 mm, and d0 ¼ 0.55 mm. The light
green pentagram represents (a) the ratio
of cB =cG and (b) the volume filling fac-
tor of the first type of PM metamaterials.

If we want to reduce the weight of PM metamaterials, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

the most effective way is to reduce the volume filling factor
We thank Professor Jiuhui Wu for stimulating discussions.
of PM metamaterials by changing the structural dimen-
This research has been partially supported by the Suzhou City
sions. The relationship between the volume filling factor
Science Technology Funds of China (SYG201310) and
and the structural dimensions is shown in Fig. 5(b). For the
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,
first type of PM metamaterials, the volume filling factor is
about 2.856%. For the second and third types of PM meta-
materials, the volume filling factor reduced from 2.826%
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