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Paoay Church

Paoay, Ilocos Norte

• Saint Augustine Church
• Most outstanding example in the
Philippines of “Earthquake
Paoay Church
Paoay, Ilocos Norte
• Saint Augustine Church
• Most outstanding example in the Philippines of
“Earthquake Baroque”
Santa Maria Church
Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur.
• Church of Nuestra Señora de la Asuncion
• Situated on ahill surrounded by defensive wall ( unlike
most traditional churches sitting on the central plaza)
• Separate pagoda-like bell tower at the midpoint of the
nave wall
• The brick wallsare devoid of ornament but have
delicately carved side entrances and strong buttresses.
Characterized by heavy stone walls, moats, and grid road
layouts. Bastions, keeps, and watchtowerswerealso built
to cover blins spots.
Fort Santiago
Intramuros, Manila.
• Parts of aFort.
• Cortinas, thick perimeter walls.
• Bastiones or baluartes, four-sided bulwarks skirting
the cortinas on both ends.
• Foso, moat
• Casamatas, stone embrasures where artilleries were
propped up.
Monumental civic architecture epitomized the colonial
institutions under the Spanish governance.
Fort Santiago
Intramuros, Manila.
• Parts of aFort.
• Cortinas, thick perimeter walls.
• Bastiones or baluartes, four-sided bulwarks skirting
the cortinas on both ends.
• Foso, moat
• Casamatas, stone embrasures where artilleries were
propped up.
Intramuros, Manila.
• Also known asCasa del Ayuntamiento, Casa del
Cabildo, Casa Consistorial, or Casa Real.
• Asaseatof colonial governance, it housed
administrative offices and archives.
Palacio Real
Intramuros, Manila.
• Also known asPalacio del Gobernador General
• Residence of the highest official of the land.
• Malacañang Palace, the summer residence of the
Governor General.
University of Sto. Tomas, Manila.
Oldest established university in Asia.
• Colegio or Universidad, found in the
urban areas.
• Escuela
Dwellings reflecting the differences in social class
• Apartment dwellings
• Evolved from the need of migrant
laborers for cheap housing in commercial
and industrial areas
• Vivienda, eachunit; has azaguan, sala
and sleeping quarters

A housing prototype which combined elements of the

indigenous and Hispanic building traditions to prevent
the dangers posed by fires, earthquakes, and cyclones.

Arquitectura mestiza, a new hybrid type of construction

combining wood and stone.

A housing prototype which combined elements of the

indigenous and Hispanic building traditions to prevent
the dangers posed by fires, earthquakes, and cyclones.

Arquitectura mestiza, a new hybrid type of construction

combining wood and stone.
Bahay na Bato
• Generally has two storeys, at times three.
• The ground floor is made of cut stoneor
brick, the upper of wood.
• Capped by high hip roof with a45 degree
angle pitch.
• Windows:
• Ground floor, grillworks
• Second floor, sliding shutters with
Capiz shells or glass panels
Bahay na Bato
• Generally has two storeys, at times three.
• The ground floor is made of cut stoneor
brick, the upper of wood.
• Capped by high hip roof with a45 degree
angle pitch.
• Windows:
• Ground floor, grillworks
• Second floor, sliding shutters with
Capiz shells or glass panels
Bahay na Bato
Ground floor
• Cochera, driveway or garage
• Zaguan, vestibule or storage;Usually for
the caroza.
• Entresuelo, mezzanine area, for offices or
servants; quarters
• Descanso, stair landings
• Cuadra, horse stables
• Cocina, Kitchen
Bahay na Bato
Escalera, wooden staircase
Bahay na Bato
Caida or ante-sala, interior overhanging
veranda; most immediate room from the
Sala, living room
Baño, bathroom
Latrina, toilet
Cocina, kitchen
Comedor, dining area
Azotea, outdoor terrace, located beside a
balon or over an aljibe (water cistern)
Cuarto, bedroom
Bahay na Bato
Galeria volada, or corredo, flying wooden
Oratorio, praying area
Callado, wooden fretwork on top of
Bahay na Bato
Pasamano, window sill
Ventanillas, vents beneath the
window sill which reach to the floor
Barandillas, wooden baluster
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