Lesson Plan - TC23-NVNHKS3 26-2

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Lesson Plan No: 1 Time: 5 Periods

Class: TC23-NVNHKS3
Title of the previous lesson:
Date: 26/2/2024
After studying this lesson, students are able to:
- Memorize classroom language, countries, and nationalities, numbers 0 – 10, and jobs
- Review the alphabet
- Practice the verb “be” with pronouns (I, you, he, she, it)
- Articulate contractions
- Introduce themselves
- Practice talking about counties and nationalities
- Practice listening for information about people
- Form the motivation for the course
- Perceive the needs of the course
Lesson plan, laptop, projector, screen, blackboard, chalks, smartphone
Students can use their smartphones to use the dictionary and join online activities during
Communicative Language Teaching
- Greeting
- Check attendance: Present students: … Absent students: …




1 Lead-in -Introduce the course - Note the information 15

- Hello! syllabus mins
- Goodbye! -Show pictures and - Express their ideas
ask Ss to describe
the act of people
-Show the answers

-Lead-in: ‘Today’s
lesson is about
2 Practice: -Ask Ss to listen and - Listen to the 20
Task 1: 1 – c; 2 – a; 3 – c; match the pictures conversations and mins
Task 2: a – c with the match pictures with
- Hello: Hi; Good morning conversations 1 – the conversations
- Goodbye: Bye; See you later 3
Task 4: -Ask Ss to compare - Compare their
1. ‘m their answers with answers in pairs
2. ‘re partners
3. Are -Correct the answers - Check and revise
4. ‘m not -Ask Ss to listen again their answers
5. ‘re not and repeat - Listen again and
highlighted repeat highlighted
phrases phrases
-Ask Ss to work in
pairs and practice - Work in pairs to
the conversations practice the
-Ask Ss to do task 2 conversations
(p.4) - Put the word in the
-Ask Ss to compare correct columns
their answers with - Compare their
peers answers in pairs
-Correct the answers
-Ask Ss to do task 4 - Check and revise
(p. 4) their answers
- Complete teh
-Ask Ss to compare sentences with the
their answers with word in the box
peers - Compare their
-Correct the answers answers in pairs

- Check and revise

their answers
3 Presentation: -Introduce the - Take notes 5
The verb “be” (I, you): grammar mins
- Affirmative:
I’m Wendy.
You’re in Class 4.
- Negative:
You’re not in class 3.
I’m not a student.
- Questions and short answers:
Are you a teacher?
 Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.
4 Practice: -Ask Ss to do task 5 - Complete the 30
Task 5: (p. 5) conversation mins
1. Your -Ask Ss to listen and - Check and correct
2. My check the answers
3. Meet -Ask Ss to practice the - Work in pairs to
4. Am conversation in practice the

5. Are pairs conversation
6. Am -Ask Ss to act out the - Act out the
Task 7: conversation in conversation
1. T front of the class
2. S with their names
3. S -Ask Ss to do task 6 - Introduce
4. T (p. 5) themselves to their
5. S partner
6. T -Ask some Ss to - Introduce
Task 9: introduce themselves in front
1. Kenan Zorlu themselves in front of the class
2. Camila Bernardi of the class
3. Hiro Matsumoto -Give Ss feedback - Take notes
-Ask Ss to do task 7 - Listen and write
(p. 5) Teacher or Students
-Ask Ss to compare - Compare their
their answers with answers in pairs
-Correct the answers - Check and revise
-Ask Ss to do task 8 their answers
(p. 5) - Ask Ss to listen and
repeat the sounds,
-Facilate Ss to words, and letters
pronounce - Try to pronounce
correctly correctly
-Ask Ss to do task 9
(p. 5) - Listen and write the
-Ask Ss to compare names
their answers with - Compare their
peers answers in pairs
-Correct the answers
- Check and revise
their answers

5 Practice: -Ask Ss to do task 1 - Match the flags with 10

Task 1: 1c, 2f, 3h, 4a, 5e, 6d, 7b, (p. 6) the countries mins
8g -Ask Ss to compare - Compare their
Task 3: their answers with answers in pairs
1. The UK peers
2. Spain -Correct the answers - Check and revise
3. Mexico -Ask Ss to listen to the their answers
4. The US conversation and - Listen and repeat the
5. Argentina repeat it in pairs conversations in
6. China -Ask Ss to do task 3 pairs
7. Turkey (p. 6)
8. Brazil -Ask Ss to compare - Match the countries
the answers with a with the nationalities
-Correct the answers - Compare their
answers in pairs

- Check and revise
their answers
6 Presentation -Introduce the - Take notes 5
Countries and nationalities: vocabulary mins
Argentina – Argentinian
Brazil – Brazilian
China – Chinese
Mexico – Mexican
Spain – Spanish
Turkey – Turkish
The UK – British
The US - American
7 Practice: -Ask Ss to do task 4 - Work in pairs to do 15
Task 4: 1 – b; 2 – b; 3 – a; 4 – b; (p.6) the quiz mins
5 – a; 6 – a; 7 – a; 8 – b; -Ask Ss to listen and - Listen and check the
Task 5: A: 1 – c; 2 – a; 3 – b; B: check the answers answers
2 -Ask Ss to do task 5
(p. 7) - Match the pronouns
with the people and
-Ask Ss to compare things
their answers in - Compare their
pairs answers with
-Correct their answers partners
- Check and revise
their answers
8 Presentation: -Introduce the - Take notes 10
The verb “be” (he, she, it) grammar mins
- Affirmative:
He’s Japanese.
She’s from Mexico.
- Negative:
Barcelona isn’t the capital of
She’s not Australian./ She isn’t
- Questions and short answers:
Is it from India?
 Yes, it is./ No, it’s not./ No, it
9 Practice: - Ask Ss to do task - Listen and repeat 30
Task 6B: 6 (p. 7) words mins
1. I’m Brazillian - Facilitate Ss to - Try to pronounce
2. She’s from Germany pronounce correctly
3. It’s Chinese. correctly
4. Is he from Argentina? - Ask Ss to - Underline the stress
underline the in the countries and
stress in the nationalities
countries and
nationalities - Compare their
- Ask Ss to answers with
compare their partners
answers in pairs - Check and revise

- Correct their their answers
answers - Work in pairs to ask
- Ask Ss to do task and answer the
7 (p. 7) questions
- Ask and answer in
Ask some pairs to front of the class
ask and answer
the questions in
front of the class - Take notes
- Give Ss feedback - Listen and repeat
- Ask Ss to do task
8 (p. 7) - Try to pronounce
- Facilitate Ss to correctly
correctly - Listen and write the
- Ask Ss to listen calling codes
and write the
calling codes - Compare their
- Ask Ss to answers with
compare their partners
answers in pairs - Check and revise
- Correct their their answers
answers - Work in pairs to
- Ask Ss to do task write quiz questions
9 (p. 7) - Exchange and check
- Ask Ss to the quizzes
exchange and
check the quizzes
from other pairs - Revise their quizzes
- Correct some
quizzes with class
- Ask and answer the
- Ask Ss to ask and
questions in pairs
answer the
questions in pairs
- Ask some pairs to - Ask and answer in
ask and answer front of the class
the questions in
front of the class
- Give Ss feedback - Take notes

10 Practice: -Ask Ss to do task 1 - Match the jobs in the 5

Task 1: (p. 8) box with pictures mins
a. Taxi driver -Ask Ss to compare - Compare their
b. Waiter their answers with answers in pairs
c. Office worker partners
d. Police officer - Correct the - Check and revise
e. Engineer answers their answers
11 Presentation: - Present - Take notes 15
Vocabulary: an actor, a chef, a vocabulary mins
doctor, an engineer, an IT

worker, an office worker, a
police officer, a receptionist, a
salesclerk, a singer, a student, a
taxi driver, a teacher, a tour
guide, a TV host, a waiter/ a
12 Practice: -Ask Ss to do task 2 - Listen to and 10
Task 2: (p. 8) complete the mins
1. Doctor conversations
2. Waiter -Ask Ss to compare - Compare their
Task 3: 1 – b; 2 – a; their answers with answers in pairs
-Correct the answers - Check and revise
-Ask Ss to play their answers
“What’s my job?” - Play role
-Ask Ss to play in
front of the class - Act out in front of
-Give Ss feedback the class
-Ask Ss to do task 3 - Take notes
(p. 8) - Watch the start of
Learning Curve and
match the cities with
-Ask Ss to compare people
their answers with - Compare their
peers answers in pairs
- Correct the
answers - Check and revise
their answers
13 Presentation: - Present skill – - Take notes 5
Listening for information listening for mins
about people: information about
We often listen to information people
about people:
- Don’t worry if you don’t
understand everything the
speakers say.
- Read the questions and think
about the information you need
to listen for: name, job,
nationality, etc.
- Listen for the verb “be”: I’m…
/He’s …/ She’s … etc.
14 Practice: -Ask Ss to do task 4 - Watch the video 15
Task 4: (p. 8) again and choose the mins
1. TV host correct information
2. American about the people
3. Argentinian -Ask Ss to compare - Compare their
4. Receptionist their answers with answers in pairs
5. Office worker partners
6. IT specialist -Correct the answers - Check and revise
7. American -Ask Ss to do task 5 their answers
Task 5: Viktor; USA (p. 9) - Watch the rest of the

Task 6: show and answer the
1. USA; office worker, -Ask Ss to compare questions
engineer their answers with - Compare their
2. London; waiter partners answers in pairs
3. London; a police officer -Correct the answers
-Ask Ss to do task 6 - Check and revise
(p. 9) their answers
- Watch the video
again to complete
-Ask Ss to compare the information with
their answers with countries and jobs
partners - Compare their
-Correct the answers answers in pairs
-Ask Ss to do task 7
(p. 9) - Check and revise
their answers
-Ask some Ss to - Ask and answer the
answer questions questions about the
about the three three people in pairs
people in front of - Answer questions
the class about the three
-Ask Ss to ask and people in front of the
answer questions class
about themselves
-Ask some Ss to - Ask and answer
answer questions questions about
with the class themselves
- Give Ss feedback - Answer questions
with the class

- Take notes
15 Presentation: - Present - Take notes 5
Contractions: In English, we contractions mins
often use contractions,
especially when we speak. E.g.,
I’m (I am); She’s (She is);
What’s (What is)
16 Practice: -Ask Ss to do task 9 - Listen and write the 15
Task 9: (p. 9) contractions mins
1. I’m -Ask Ss to compare - Compare their
2. What’s their answers with answers in pairs
3. ‘s not partners
4. It’s -Correct the answers - Check and revise
5. You’re -Ask Ss to do task 10 their answers
6. teacher’s (p. 9) - Look at pictures and
Task 10: guess information
1. job: office worker, -Ask Ss to compare about the people
nationality: Chinese; their answers with - Compare their
Where now? New York/ partners answers in pairs
the US -Correct the answers
2. job: student’ waiter, -Ask Ss to do task 11 - Check and revise
nationality: Colombian; (p. 9) their answers

Where now? the UK - Write the names of
three friends or
-Ask Ss to ask and members of their
answer questions family
about these people - Work in pairs to ask
and answer
-Ask some pairs to ask questions about
and answer these people
questions in front - Ask and answer
of the class questions in front of
- Give Ss feedback the class

- Take notes
17 Consolidation: - Ask Ss, ‘What - List the vocabulary 9
- Consolidate the have you learned they’ve learned mins
knowledge: today?’
Vocabulary: classroom - Elicit their
language, countries and answers
nationalities, and numbers
Pronunciation: the alphabet
Grammar: the verb “be”
- Consolidate the skill:
Introducing themselves and
talking about countries and
18 Homework: Do task 9 (p. 7) and task 11 (p. 9) again at home 1 min
Learn vocabulary, grammar
Prepare for 1C and 1D
III. Self-evaluation:




Dean February 20th, 2024


Bùi Thị Lệ Thoa Phạm Xuân Lan

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