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Guide For The Development of The Practical Component - Unit 2 - Phase 3 - Practical Component - Educational and Pedagogical Practice

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación

Unique Guide for the Development of the Practical Component of the Course:
Teacher Development
Code: 518021

1. General Information of the Practical Component

Learning strategy: Research-Based Learning (RBL)

Course type: Methodological
Evaluation moment: Intermediate
Highest score of the component: 350 points
Number of activities of the practical component registered in this guide: 1
With the development of this component students are expected to achieve the
following learning outcomes:

Develop peer-observation and critical incident as a strategy for the improvement of

the teaching professional practice

2. General Activity Description of the Practical Component.

Scenarios of the practical component: In situ (practice)

Activity type: Individual
Activity number: 1
Highest score of the activity: 140 points
The activity starts on: Tuesday, March The activity ends on: Sunday, April 21,
26, 2024 2024
The resources required for the development of this activity are the
• E-mail
• Virtual campus
• Pedagogical and Educational Practice Simulator
• Student’s e-portfolio
• Forms for the traceability of pedagogical and educational practice
The activity consists of:

Step 1 – Reading

Read the references of Unit 2 you can find in the learning environment, and in the

Step 2 - Class Recording class – Meaningful experience

1. Record a video of the classes taught as a micro teaching style for up to 30 – 45

minutes and post it in the collaborative forum until April 14th or if you can do it
previously better,this way your mates can give feedback on time. This video
recording must be different from the one you delivered for the task 2. You must
identify in your students specific learning needs in reading, writing, speaking or
listening. Then you are going to apply a method, strategy or technique that is
impacting their students' learning. (You have to complete the template –
meaningful teaching experience) You find it in the file activity guide.

Step 3: Observation Worksheet

Choose another partner’s video recording and apply the Observation Worksheet and
post it in the collaborative forum. Remember the indications for the recording in the
task 2.

Step 4: Critical incident

Watch the OVA “critical incidents” from Unit 2 and answer the activities. Think in a
critical incident you may have during your practice and record a video at least 3-4
minutes answering the following questions.

• Why was this incident significant to you?

• What happened directly before the event?
• What happened directly after the event?
• How did you react at the time of the event?
• What is your interpretation of this event?
• What underlying assumptions about your teaching does this critical incident
raise for you?
• Now that you have reflected on this critical incident, would you react any
differently if it happened again? Why or why not?

Step 5: Diario de Campo Format and evidende from practice task 3

Fill in 1 -“Diario de Campo” Annex 4 with the required information about an English
Class and add upload them to the link Google drive you got in task2. This form is in
the file where you can find the activity guide. Name the form like this: FORMATO
DIARIO DE CAMPO No.1_YOUR NAME. (In capital letters).

Note: all the forms must be filled in English if you submit the field notes or
working plan in Spanish you are not going to get the corresponding points and
you will have to fill in the forms again, if you do so your points are going to be
reduced by the tutor, the same situation if you submit the forms late.

Step 6: Second ESAPEC

You must attend to one mandatory meeting whose scheduled will be announced in
the course news forum and via internal- email. During this encounter you must
develop the activity proposed by the tutor.

STEP 7: Practice forms

1. For this task, you have to deliver the second attendance form “Single form – F-
at least 25 hours out of the 64 hours that you have to certificate. The hours must be
certified by your school teacher and tutor of the course. You must fill in the form
completely including the dates, hours, and activities.

Consider the following to fill in the Second attendance form:

-The dates must have the day, month, and year.

-The activities must be clear, but brief.
- The name and signature must be clear and placed in the right spot, and the
signature must be handwritten.

The activities to be included in the first attendance form are the following:
Person in charge of
Activities No. certificating these hours
Materials Designed 5 hours The teacher from the
In situ practice 20 hours institution

ESAPEC attendance 2 Hours
Total of hours in the second
attendance form 27 hours

The 2 hours for attendance to ESAPEC meeting will be signed by the UNAD
tutor in a different form (F-7-6-12)

2. Be sure to fill in the evaluation of the practice place “EVALUACIÓN DEL

ESCENARIO DE PRACTICA PEDAGÓGICA”, this form is going to be sent by the
course director and posted in the news forum of the course, you need to fill in the
form and take a screenshot as evidence of the development of the form.


PEDAGÓGICA_YOUR NAME. (In capital letters)

3. Make sure the teacher from the institution you are assigned develops the
evaluation of the practice “EVALUACIÓN DE PRACTICA PEDAGÓGICA”, this form
is going to be sent by the course tutor to the teacher at the practice place. The
teacher from the institution must fill in the form as required, and you need to ask for
a copy or screenshot of that evaluation.


NAME. (In capital letters)

4. In your official folder, you are going to create a subfolder called “PHASE 3”,
where you are going to include the following documents:

a. Second field note (diario de campo #2)

b. Second attendance form. (Formato de asistencia al lugar de práctica #2= 25
hours) (WORD), handwritten signature, and scanned.
c. Practice place evaluation (Evaluación del escenario de práctica pedagógica) PDF
d. Practice evaluation (Evaluación de práctica pedagógica) PDF

Note: all the forms must be filled in English, if you submit the field notes or
attendance form in Spanish you are not going to get the corresponding
points and you will have to fill in the forms again, if you do so, your points
are going to be reduced by the tutor, same situation if you submit the forms

You are going to upload in a PDF evidence of the classes and activities applied at the
institution assigned, Photos, and screenshots in PDF. Forms with the links to the
online classes or sessions done in PDF.

Make sure your folder meets the following organization:

For the development of the practical component consider that:

In the Initial Information Environment, you must:

In the Initial Information Environment, you must: observe the course presentation,
check the course agenda, and the date of the synchronous meetings via web
conferences, and attention through the TEAMS group.

In the Learning Environment, you must: have access to the course syllabus,
download the guide, and check the links of the documents you must consider for
the development of the activity.

In the Evaluation Environment, you must: Submit the final document, which meets
the requirements of the guide.
In the Learning Environment, you must:

Evidences of individual work:

The individual evidence to be submitted is:

- Cover Page.
- Microteaching-recording link.
- 2 Observation worksheet from your mate and the one you did.
- 1 Diario de campo format you must upload it in the onedrive file that the tutor
sent in task 2.
- Critical incident - video
- Screenshots of your evidence of attendance to ESAPEC.

Evidences of collaborative work:

No collaborative evidence is required in this activity.

2. General Guidelines for the Development of Evidences

For Individual evidence, consider the following:

Before submitting the requested product, students should check that it meets all
the requirements mentioned in this activity guide.

The forms and the documents must be submitted according to the requirements.

Please keep in mind that all individual or collaborative written products must comply
with the spelling rules and presentation conditions defined in this activity guide.
Regarding the use of references, consider that the product of this activity must
comply with APA style.
In any case, make sure you comply with the rules and avoid academic plagiarism.
You can review your written products using the Turnitin tool found on the virtual

Under the Academic Code of Conduct, the actions that infringe the academic order,
among others, are the following: paragraph e) Plagiarism is to present as your own
work all or part of a written report, task or document of invention carried out by
another person. It also implies the use of citations or lack of references, or it
includes citations where there is no match between these and the reference and
paragraph f) To reproduce, or copy for profit, educational resources or results of
research products, which have rights reserved for the University. (Acuerdo 029 - 13
de diciembre de 2013, artículo 99)

The academic penalties students will face are:
a) In case of academic fraud demonstrated in the academic work or evaluation, the
score obtained will be zero (0.0) without any disciplinary measures being derived.
b) In case of proven plagiarism in academic work of any nature, the score obtained
will be zero (0.0), without any disciplinary measures being derived.

3. Evaluation Rubric Template

Activity type: Individual

Activity number: 2
Evaluation moment: Intermediate
The highest score possible is 140 points
Criteria Performance levels
First evaluation High level: The student takes part in the forum actively and
criterion: on time posting the answers to the questions, the video-
recording link, the partner’s name you will observe.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 17 points
and 20 points

The student takes Average level: The student takes part in the forum late or 3
part in the forum days before the deadline, posting some of the individual
actively. contributions: the answers to the questions, the video-
recording link, the partner’s name you will observe.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 9 points
and 16 points

This criterion Low level: The student takes part in the forum 1 day before
represents 20 the deadline or did not take part in the forum.
points of the total
of 140 points of If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points
the activity. and 8 points
Second evaluation High level: The student applies a checklist to one partner’s
criterion: video recording offering constructive feedback to peers
generating self-awareness about the impact of one’s teaching
practice in order to affect change.

The student applies If your work is at level, you can get between 27 points
the Peer- and 30 points
checklist. Average level: The student applies a checklist to one
partner’s video recording, however, he/she did not give
constructive feedback to peers.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 9 points

and 26 points

Low level: The student did not apply a checklist to one

This criterion partner’s video recording.
represents 30 .
points of the total If your work is at this level, you can get between 0
of 140 points of points and 8 points
the activity.
Third evaluation High level: The student identifies a critical incident in an
criterion: educational context serving to trigger insights about some
aspect of teaching and learning, applying the required 3 steps

If your work is at this level, you can get between 27 points

The student and 30 points
identifies a critical
incident in an Average level: The student identifies a critical incident in an
educational context, following some of the required steps.Some
educational context.
of the ideas are adequately focused and organized

If your work is at this level, you can get between 6 points

and 26 points

Low level: The student identifies a critical incident in an

This criterion educational context,but it did not apply the steps.
represents 30
points of the total If your work is at this level, you can get between 0
of 140 points of points and 5 points.
the activity.
Fourth evaluation
High level: The student attends the first ESAPEC encounter
taking an critical stance about the topics.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 17 points
The student and 20 points
participates in the
first ESAPEC Average level: the student does not participate in the first
meeting. ESAPEC of the course, but submits the extra task asked by the
If your work is at this level, you can get between 7 points
and 16 points

This criterion Low level: the student does not participate in the first ESAPEC
represents 20 or does the extra task..
points of the total If your work is at this level, you can get between 0
of 140 points of points and 6 points
the activity.
Fifth evaluation High level: The student submits the second practice
criterion: attendance form including the 25 hours required as shown in
the guide. The diario de campo and the evidences demostrate
.The student the performance in the practice.They are in PDF document.
submits the second
practice attendance If your work is at this level, you can get between 35 points
form, the diario de and 40 points
campo #2 with the
corresponding Average level: the student submits the second practice
evidence of the attendance form but it does not include the 20 – 25 hours
practice required as shown in the guide. The evidence from the practice
development is not in PDF document or was uploaded out of date phase 2.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 7 points

and 34 points

This criterion Low level: the student does not submit the second practice
represents 40 attendance form or it does not include the corresponding
points of the total signatures.There is no evidence from the practice.
of 140 points of
the activity. If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points
and 6 points

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