Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Unit 2 - Phase 3 - Language and Teachers Skills

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación Course: Didactics of English Code: 558022 Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric
Step 3
Language and teachers’ skills
Activity Description Type of activity: Individual
Evaluation moment: Intermediate Unit 2 Highest score of the activity: 120 points The activity starts on:
Monday, March 27, 2023
 The activity ends on:
Sunday, April 23, 2023
 With this activity, you are expected to achieve the following learning outcomes:
Examine the development of receptive and productive skills in the teaching of English as a foreign language by creating and implementing material to foster such skills.
The activity consists of: Theoretical Part:
Step 1: Individually read the documents
Teaching receptive and productive language skills with the help of techniques
 Receptive and productive language skills in language teaching
 in Unit 2
and teachers’ 
 Skills - Contents and bibliographical references found in the Language Environment. Share in the forum a written text answering the following information:
Definition of receptive and productive skills
The order of development of the skills
Some techniques or activities used to teach receptive and productive skills Step 2. Choose 1 receptive skill and 1 productive skill and create 1 worksheet or didactic material for each skill where you put into practice the guidelines and factors given in t
he VOI “
Designing English language materials
in order to get some feedback from your tutor and groupmates, share your material in the forum specifying:
what the population and needs of students are (the population form your practice place)
The topic or topics your material intends to cover
The language skill it intends to foster
 Step 3. Based on the readings 
Exploring teacher competence in language teaching
 , create an infographic describing the profile of an English teacher in the XXI century; it must include the competences and the main characteristics an English teacher must have in his pedagogical exercise. Reflect upon your own process as pre-server teachers:
which abilities and competences do you need to improve?
Which abilities do you think you can acquire from your practice?
competences and abilities have you been able to identify in your pedagogical practice scenario?
Which competences or skills could the teacher(s) you are observing improve or implement?
Pedagogical practice part:
Step 4. Implement the material you created in phase 3 in the educational institution you are in, upload the material in the material evidence folder and document the implementation in the photo evidence folder. Step 5. Individually upload the following documents into your e-portfolio Phase 3, bearing in mind the hourly distribution for this phase:
Activity Time Distribution
Phase 2
Participant - Observation Practice 8 hours (Participant Observation Practice) 2 hours (Material Development) 3 hours (ESAPEC)
Phase 3
 Participant - Observation Practice 8 hours (Participant Observation Practice) 2 hours (Material Development)
Phase 4
 Participant - Observation Practice 3 hours for ESAPEC 3 hours for E-portfolio 3 hours for Simulated Scenario
Forms folder
Include the following documents in PDF and named as indicated. 1 diario de campo 1 formato de asistencia that includes: 8 hours (Participant Observation Practice) 2 hours (Material Development)
Photo Evidence folder
This must include the evidence of the material application as well as your participation in the educational institution.
Upload the following document to this folder, all the document must be in PDF format:
Diario de Campo form:
Please identify your file as follows: Diario de Campo_Your Full Name_ID Number. Upload a PDF file.Example:Diario de Campo__Maria Martinez Pérez_123456789.PDFUpload the following document to this folder, all the document must be in PDF format:
Formato de Asistencia al Lugar de Practica:
Please identify your file as follows: Formato de Asistencia al Lugar de Practica_Your Full Name_ID Number. Upload a PDF file.Example:Formato de Asistencia al Lugar de Practica __Maria Martinez Pérez_123456789.PDF
Photo Evidence
Upload the following document to this folder, all the document must be in PDF format:Photo Evidence: Please identify your file as follows: Photo Evidence _Your Full Name_ID Number. Upload a PDF file.Example:Photo Evidence__Maria Martinez Pérez_123456789.PDF
Material design evidence folder
Upload to your folder all the material you have designed for the school. This material must be designed by the student, and it is totally forbidden to download and use information from other authors. The previous information must be in the e-portfolio and be delivered before the deadline. The forms that you upload must be filled and you cannot change the size, color, or any other characteristic that the original document has.
For the development of the activity consider that:
In the Initial Information Environment, you must: check the agenda and check the date, time and link of the web conference. In the Learning Environment, you must: read all the contents of Unit 2, develop and socialize the activities in the forum Phase 3
Language and teachers’ Skills.
 In the Evaluation Environment, you must: upload the collaborative work in the link: Unit 2 - Phase 3 -
Language and teachers’ Skills
- Rubric and Activity Submission
Evidences of individual work:
 The individual evidence to be submitted is:
A pdf document with a cover page, introduction, written text about the analysis of receptive and productive language skills.
• Link
to the worksheets or didactic material created for the 2 language skills chosen.
• Infographic of the teachers’ skills
and competences along with the short reflection.
Material Evidence
Upload the following document to this folder, all the document must be in PDF format:
Material Evidence:
Please identify your file as follows:Material Evidence_Creation Date_Your Full Name_identification #. Upload a PDF file, PPT, Video.It depends on the kind of material you have designed.Example:Material Evidence_ February 12th__Maria Martinez Pérez_123456789.PDF

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