Activity Guide For The Development of The Practical Component and Evaluation Rubric - Unit 2 - Phase 3 - Educational and Pedagogical Practice

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación

General Guide for the Development of the Practical Component of the Course:
Foreign Language Acquisition and Learning – 518015

Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric – Phase 3 - Educational and Pedagogical


1. General Information of the Practical Component

Learning strategy: Problem-Based Learning

Course type: Methodological
Evaluation moment: Intermediate
Highest score of the component: 130 points
Number of activities of the practical component registered in this guide: 1
With the development of this component students are expected to achieve
the following learning outcomes:

Design innovative, evidence-based language learning activities and assessments,

incorporating current trends to effectively facilitate English language acquisition in
diverse educational contexts.

2. General Activity Description of the Practical Component.

Scenarios of the practical component: Remote

Activity type: Collaborative
Activity number: 3
Highest score of the activity: 130 points
The activity starts on: Sunday, October The activity ends on: Tuesday,
6, 2024 November 5, 2024
The resources required for the development of this activity are the

• Virtual Campus
• Pedagogical Practice Scenarios
• Institutional e-mail
• Unit 2 contents
• The Interactive Digital Presentation made in Phase 2
• Pedagogical Practice Traceability forms
• Student’s e-portfolio

• EPICA attendance

The activity consists of:

Please consider that this activity consists of both a theoretical and practical
component that you are required to develop. It is important to dedicate attention and
effort to both aspects in order to successfully complete the activity.


Go to the learning environment and review, study, and analyze the contents included
in Unit 2 - Practical Approaches for Effective Language Learning.

Attend and actively participate in the web conference by filling out the attendance
form. In case you are unable to attend the live session, you may review the recording
and provide a summary of the content covered. Make sure to include your summary
in the final document.

Theoretical Component

Step 1: Debate

The debate aims to present and discuss the problematized educational situations
identified in Phase 2. The debate will be recorded and should last a minimum of 15
minutes. All students will participate in the debate as participants, and additionally,
one of them will take on the role of moderator.


1. Each student will have 2 minutes to present their interactive presentation on their
theory analysis report made in Phase 2.
2. As a team, you will evaluate each situation based on its significance, relevance to
current trends in language acquisition, and potential for meaningful discussion
and analysis. Then, you will decide through voting or consensus which
problematized educational situation to prioritize for the debate.
3. Once you have chosen the problematized educational situation, the moderator will
ask the following questions for each student to answer:
According to the chosen problematized educational situation:
a. What innovative English learning activities do you propose to address the
identified educational challenge?

b. What specific resources, including digital tools and materials, do you propose
to utilize to support the implementation of your proposed activities?
c. What methodologies do you propose to use to assess the impact of your
proposed activities on language learning outcomes?

4. Finally, as a team, you will provide a conclusion of the debate.

It is important that during the debate each student presents their ideas with
arguments and without reading the entire time.
To record the discussion you can use Teams, Zoom or any other resource tool or
application. Make sure the recording link has free access.

Step 2: Post the link of the recording in the forum

Post the link of the recording in the forum to receive feedback from your tutor. This
step must be done at least five days before the deadline.

Step 3: Design a Project Proposal

Instructions: As a team and as a product of the debate, you must design a project
proposal that contains a series of innovative English learning activities and capture it
in the following format. It is necessary to use citations and reference them according
to APA guidelines.

Project Proposal

1. Introduction

Project Overview: Provide a brief overview of your project, including the purpose
and goals of designing innovative language learning activities and assessments.

2. Activity 1: [Activity Title]

Objective: State the objective of the activity.

Description: Describe the activity in detail, including steps for implementation and
how it will be conducted in a virtual educational setting.

Integration of Current Trends: Explain how current trends are incorporated into
this activity.

Expected Outcomes: Outline the expected learning outcomes for students.

3. Activity 2: [Activity Title]

Objective: State the objective of the activity.

Description: Describe the activity in detail, including steps for implementation and
how it will be conducted in a virtual educational setting.

Integration of Current Trends: Explain how current trends are incorporated into
this activity.

Expected Outcomes: Outline the expected learning outcomes for students.

4. Assessment Plan

Assessment Methods: Describe the assessments designed to evaluate the

effectiveness of the activities. Include both formative and summative assessment

Criteria and Rubrics: Provide the criteria and rubrics that will be used to assess
student performance and engagement in the activities.

6. Implementation Plan

Timeline: Provide a timeline for the implementation of the activities and


Resources Needed: List the resources required for the activities and assessments
(e.g., digital tools, materials).

7. Conclusion

Summary: Summarize the key points of your project, emphasizing the innovation
and effectiveness of your proposed activities and assessments.

8. References

Bibliography: Include all scholarly sources, readings, and resources used to inform
your project, formatted according to APA 7th edition standards.

You can follow this template for creating your project proposal.

Post Cycle Theoretical Component:

Create a PDF file that includes the following components:

• Cover Page: Design a cover page for your document following the APA style
• Debate: The link to the recording of the debate
• Evidence of Forum Participation: Provide evidence of your active participation in the
forum, such as screenshots or relevant excerpts.
• The Project Proposal: Present your proposal, ensuring that all the required
elements are included.
• Evidence of EPICA Participation: Provide evidence of your active participation in the
EPICA, such as screenshots. EPICA attendance is mandatory.
• References in APA Style: Include a list of references using the APA style format.

Name your document in the evaluation environment using the following format:
Group Number_Phase 3_518015

Once your document is complete, submit it to the evaluation environment for


Practical Component

Individually, you have to choose one English class sessions from INVIL or another
practice setting to which you have easy access, observe it and fill out the form called
‘Diario de campo’.

Step 4: Form required for this activity:

1. Diario de campo (Anexo 1 - DIARIO DE CAMPO_NOMBRE)

You must use the “Diario de Campo” form to take control of every aspect that
happens in the observed class. Fill out one “Diario de campo” in Spanish.

Upload it to the folder called FASE 3 and name them properly: DIARIO DE
CAMPO_YOUR NAME. (In capital letters).

Step 5: EPICA attendance

ECEDU has defined the EPICA strategy, which includes a series of face-to-face or
virtual sessions with student groups. During the meeting, you will receive instructions
on your practice processes and required forms. Additionally, you will have the
opportunity to share your experiences with observational practices and their impacts.
Be prepared to share your experiences; each participant will have a few minutes to
speak. Remember to take screenshots to include in your final submission.

Note: Attendance is mandatory and will contribute to your evaluation score as

specified in the rubric. The meeting schedule will be announced in the course forum,
as well as via email and Teams chat, by each tutor.

Post Cycle Practical Component:


Upload the ‘Diario de Campo’ form to the folder called FASE 3 in your e-portfolio.
For the development of the practical component consider that:

In the Initial Information Environment, you must:

Check the course agenda and note the delivery time for each activity.
Familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the course through the course
Accept the terms and conditions of the course.
Identify the designated times for synchronous teacher interaction and support.

In the Learning Environment, you must:

Read the course syllabus thoroughly.
Read, study, and analyze the course contents in detail.

In the Evaluation Environment, you must:

Submit the activities within the specified deadlines, ensuring that you fulfill all the
requirements outlined in the activity guide.
Evidences of individual work:
The individual evidence to be submitted is:

Your E-portfolio should include the folder for FASE 3, as indicated below:

Evidences of collaborative work:
The collaborative evidence to be submitted is:

In the evaluation environment you must send the document for the Theoretical

Create a PDF file that includes the following components:

• Cover Page: Design a cover page for your document following the APA style
• Debate: The link to the recording of the debate
• Evidence of Forum Participation: Provide evidence of your active participation in the
forum, such as screenshots or relevant excerpts.
• The Project Proposal: Present your proposal, ensuring that all the required
elements are included.
• Evidence of EPICA attendance: Provide evidence of your active participation in the
EPICA, such as screenshots.
• References in APA Style: Include a list of references using the APA style format.

Name your document in the evaluation environment using the following format:
Group Number_Phase 3_518015

Once your document is complete, just one member of the group must submit it to
the evaluation environment for assessment.

3. General Guidelines for the Development of Evidences

For Individual evidence, consider the following:

• Before submitting the requested product, students should check that it meets all
the requirements mentioned in this activity guide.
• The forms must be submitted in PDF format. It must be well named. All the
information required in the forms must be filled out.
Please keep in mind that all individual or collaborative written products must comply
with the spelling rules and presentation conditions defined in this activity guide.

Regarding the use of references, consider that the product of this activity must
comply with APA style.
In any case, make sure you comply with the rules and avoid academic plagiarism.
You can review your written products using the Turnitin tool found on the virtual

Under the Academic Code of Conduct, the actions that infringe the academic order,
among others, are the following: paragraph e) Plagiarism is to present as your own
work all or part of a written report, task or document of invention carried out by
another person. It also implies the use of citations or lack of references, or it
includes citations where there is no match between these and the reference and
paragraph f) To reproduce, or copy for profit, educational resources or results of
research products, which have rights reserved for the University. (Acuerdo 029 - 13
de diciembre de 2013, artículo 99)

The academic penalties students will face are:

a) In case of academic fraud demonstrated in the academic work or evaluation, the
score obtained will be zero (0.0) without any disciplinary measures being derived.
b) In case of proven plagiarism in academic work of any nature, the score obtained
will be zero (0.0), without any disciplinary measures being derived.

4. Evaluation Rubric Template

Activity type: Collaborative

Activity number: 3
Evaluation moment: Intermediate
The highest score possible is 130 points
Criteria Performance levels
First evaluation High level: The presentation is done within the established time
criterion: limits, the team evaluates and prioritizes educational situations
effectively, responses to questions are well-prepared and
The student innovative, ideas are presented with arguments without reading,
demonstrates that and the debate is well-organized and cohesive.
the theoretical The project proposal is comprehensive, well-organized, and
component meets detailed with effective use of current trends, clear objectives,
the established robust assessment methods, a realistic timeline, and proper APA
instructions. formatting.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 51 points
and 60 points

This criterion
represents 60 Average level: The presentation is done within the established
points of the total time limits with some clarity, the team evaluates educational
of 130 points of situations adequately, responses to questions are sound but may
the activity. lack detail, ideas are presented with reasonable arguments with
occasional reading, and the debate is organized but has minor
The project proposal is clear and adequately organized with
sufficient detail, some use of current trends, generally defined
objectives, appropriate assessment methods, a realistic
timeline, and minor APA formatting errors.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 36 points
and 50 points

Low level: The presentation is done outside the established

time limits. The team has difficulty evaluating educational
situations, responses to questions are poorly prepared, ideas are
often read from notes, and the debate is poorly organized with
significant engagement issues.
The project proposal is vague and poorly organized with
insufficient detail, minimal use of current trends, unclear
objectives, incomplete assessment methods, an unrealistic
timeline, and incorrect APA formatting.
The theoretical component is not submitted.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points
and 35 points
Second evaluation
High level: The field diary is comprehensively and meticulously
filled out, providing detailed and insightful observations.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 35 points
The student fulfills
and 40 points
the established
instructions for the
Average level: The field diary is adequately filled out, covering
the main aspects of the observed class.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 24 points
and 34 points
This criterion
represents 40
Low level: The field diary is incomplete or lacks significant
points of the total
details about the observed class.
of 130 points of
The field diary is not submitted.
the activity.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 0
points and 23 points
Third evaluation High level: The student attends the EPICA session on time,
criterion: stays for the entire duration, actively participates in discussions,
sharing detailed and thoughtful reflections on their observational
The student practices and sends the required evidence compiled with their
participates in group.
EPICA and If your work is at this level, you can get between 26 points
demonstrates it in and 30 points
the quality of the
submitted products. Average level: The student attends the EPICA session but may
arrive slightly late or leave slightly early; participates in
This criterion discussions, sharing basic reflections on their observational
represents 30 practices and experiences.
points of the total If your work is at this level, you can get between 18 points
of 130 points of and 25 points
the activity.
Low level: The student attends the EPICA session but is
significantly late or leaves early, their participation in discussions
is minimal, sharing vague or superficial reflections on their
observational practices and experiences.
The student does not attend the EPICA session.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0
points and 17 points


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