Specifying Venturi Scrubber Throat Length For Effective Particle Capture at Minimum Pressure Loss Penalty

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Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

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Specifying Venturi Scrubber Throat Length for

Effective Particle Capture at Minimum Pressure
Loss Penalty

Howard E. Hesketh & Krishna Mohan

To cite this article: Howard E. Hesketh & Krishna Mohan (1983) Specifying Venturi Scrubber
Throat Length for Effective Particle Capture at Minimum Pressure Loss Penalty, Journal of the
Air Pollution Control Association, 33:9, 854-857, DOI: 10.1080/00022470.1983.10465662

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Specifying Venturi Scrubber Throat Length
for Effective Particle Capture at
Minimum Pressure Loss Penalty

Howard E. Hesketh and Krishna Mohan

Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, Illinois

A simplified equation for specifying the optimum minimum length Previous studies
for commercial venturi scrubber throats is presented in this paper.
The EPA study by Calvert1 derived a relation for collection
This theoretical correlation is derived using an optimum velocity ratio
efficiency as a function of throat length, as shown in Figure
(velocity of collector droplet at end of venturi throat to velocity of gas 1. In this figure the terms used are:
in throat) and is a function of throat gas velocity and liquid to gas ratio.
d 2V *
This velocity ratio establishes the minimum throat length and is based KP0 = ^ T (1)
on available literature data. Predicted venturi scrubber particle col-
lection for throats specified by this procedure compare favorably with R =
reported commercial venturi collection efficiencies and with modeled
(Q g )(Pg)C D o
venturi efficiencies over the practical range of venturi scrubber op-
2d d p d
where Kpo impaction parameter at entrance of the
throat, dimensionless
B a dimensionless parameter for the
CDO drag coefficient of droplet at point of
liquid injection, dimensionless.
L = dimensionless throat length (where
Venturi scrubbers are widely used for the control of particu- droplet initial axial velocity s 0)
late air pollution emissions. Much of the commercial venturi Pt = penetration, which is 1 minus fractional
collection data is either unavailable or in a form that is un- efficiency
usable. One of the most comprehensive studies undertaken dd = liquid drop diameter, fim
to correlate venturi collection efficiency with design and op- dp = particle diameter, /xm
erating parameters was assembled under an EPA contract by Qi = liquid volumetric flow rate
Yung et al.1 This study includes the effects of converger, Q g = gas volumetric flow rate
throat, and diverger on particle collection efficiency. However, p d = liquid density, g/cm
the correlation procedures are very detailed and complex and 3
Pg = gas density, g/cm
a simplified approximation is needed.
Hg = gas viscosity, g/(cm s)
Most of the particle collection in a venturi occurs by inertial X t = throat length
impaction in the throat and it occurs within a few inches from
where the liquid is atomized. Additionally, about another 5% Associated with the L term would be a factor to account for
occurs in the downstream diverger section. The bulk of col- diverger length if appropriate. Note from Figure 1 that effi-
lection which occurs at the throat is related to the velocity of ciency (-In Pt/B) increases rapidly up to 2-3 dimensionless
the gas, the amount of liquid, and how long it takes to accel- throat lengths and increases little beyond about 4 throat
erate the collector droplets. Therefore, the throat length of lengths.
a venturi will influence collection efficiency and is significant. Crowder et al.2 calculates minimum venturi throat lengths
To a limited degree, the longer the throat, the more efficient required for atomized droplets to reach gas velocity for various
the scrubber. However, the gas phase pressure loss also in- velocities with liquid to gas ratio as a parameter, as shown in
creases with throat length, so it is imperative for economical Figure 2. This shows that at any given velocity, the throat
operation to optimize the length of the throat. length required to enable an atomized droplet to reach the gas
velocity increases as the liquid to gas ratio (L/G) increases.
Copyright 1983-Air Pollution Control Association Reflected in these data is the fact that particle collection ef-

854 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

4. Collection drops are atomized water of uniform diam-
eter, with a mean size as predicted by the simplified
Nukiyama and Tanasawa4 equation.
5. Liquid is injected at the throat of the venturi with no
axial velocity.

An evaluation of the data referenced above reveals that a

key parameter in determining how long the throat should be
is the ratio of droplet velocity at the exit of the throat (Vde)
divided by the throat gas velocity (Vst)- This velocity ratio,
Vfe/Vgu indicates the velocity difference between particles
in the gas and the mean collector droplet and is therefore di-
rectly related to impaction parameter and collection effi-
ciency. In addition, throat length increased pressure drop.
From a practical point of view, velocity ratios >0.8 require
throats which are too long (pressure drop too high) and ratios
0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100
<0.3 use throats which are too short (collection efficiency too
Dimensionless throat length, L
Figure 1. Effect of venturi throat length on particle penetration.1
1 1 1 r 1 1—

ficiency increases rapidly as throat length increases up to L/G = 30gal/1000ft3 /

about 8 in. and little increase is obtained as length is increased /
beyond about 12 in. However, this is influenced by liquid to
gas ratio. 100 /
It has been shown3 that in a typical venturi scrubber,
scrubbing liquid injected into the throat is pneumatically 20
atomized when it is moving at a velocity of about 15.3 ft/s. The
same study observed that when stationary 100 jum glass par-
ticles are introduced into a venturi throat they leave the dif- 60
fuser of a conventional venturi at velocities equal to about half
the initial throat gas velocities and twice the exit gas veloci-
ties. 40
/ / X 12.5 ^

20 -

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Velocity ratio V^g, dimensionless

Figure 3. Venturi scrubber pressure drop vs. velocity ratio as

a function of liquid to gas ratio.1

Calvert's data1 can be used to show the relationship of ve-

locity ratio on pressure drop. Figure 3 plots these data for
pressure drop versus velocity ratio as a function of liquid to
gas ratio.
A review of commercial venturi scrubbers operating at 200
ft/s shows that as they operate with various liquid to gas ratios
the velocity ratio changes. This can be calculated using the
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 available design data and Fuch's5 solution to the unsteady
Throat velocity, ft/sec state equation of motion for a liquid droplet in a constant
Figure 2. Minimum venturi contactor length vs. velocity.2 velocity gas stream. This is shown in Figure 4 for venturi
scrubbers operating at 200 ft/s. Figure 4 correlates with Figure
2, which shows that droplet acceleration is more rapid when
less scrubbing liquid is used, all other factors held constant.
Procedures for This Evaluation As a result of massing such data and observations, a logical
range of velocity ratios becomes apparent. To summarize, low
This study attempts to develop a meaningful and simplified ratios tend toward lower collection efficiencies, yet high ratios
relationship for establishing minimum venturi scrubber throat result in excessive pressure drops (AP), as shown in Figure 3.
length as a function of throat velocity and liquid to gas ratio Commercial venturi scrubbers, the design of which has been
at particle collection efficiencies comparable to conventional established by trial and error procedures and testing, operate
and accepted scrubber system data. The following assump- at velocity ratios of 0.5 or greater at liquid to gas ratios of about
tions are used: 28 gal/1000 acf or less as shown in Figure 4. Yet little efficiency
1. The gas is air at standard conditions. increase occurs beyond (a) 4 throat lengths or (b) about 12 in.,
2. Flow is incompressible, one-dimensional, and iso- and proper system design does not require liquid to gas ratios
thermal. greater than 28 for effective particle collection. The apparent
3. Liquid drops are spread uniformly across the venturi optimum velocity ratio for effective particle collection and
cross-section. maximized energy efficiency is a value close to, but not less

September 1983 Volume 33, No. 9 855

than 0.5. The optimum velocity ratio of 0.5 is assumed in this Eq. 5 is integrated to obtain throat length, X t , at a velocity of
paper as the basis for venturi scrubber throat length design. 0.5 for throat velocities from 66 to 300 ft/s and for liquid to gas
The subsequent design data are then verified showing this is ratios from 7.5 to 30 gal/1000 acf. These are the ranges of
a good value. throat gas velocities and liquid to gas ratios of greatest interest
to industry. The results are given in Table II.
Establishing Venturi Scrubber Throat Length The data from Table II are plotted in Figure 5 and lines are
drawn to smooth the data. It is interesting to note that these
Using an optimum velocity ratio (Vde/Vgt) of 0.5 and the lines intersect at 15.3 ft/s, which is the value observed by
assumptions stated, a generalized equation for minimum Hesketh3 as the velocity at which liquid streams are atomized
throat length is developed as follows. A range of liquid to gas in a venturi scrubber. Note that effectiveness of pneumatic
ratios and throat gas velocities typical to conventional in- atomization to form water droplets decreases below about 150
ft/s, although relatively fair atomization still occurs at veloc-
ities of about 80 ft/s. Below this velocity, atomization may not
be sufficient to produce adequate particle collection droplets.
Below 15.3 ft/s essentially no droplets would be formed by
pneumatic atomization.

5 10 15 20 25 30
Liquid to gas ratio L/G, gallons/1000 acf
Figure 4. Velocity ratio vs. liquid to gas ratio for typical
venturi scrubbers operating at 200 ft/s.

dustrial venturi scrubbers is used to obtain the Sauter mean

diameter of the atomized droplets by the simplified Nuki-
yama-Tamasawa4 equation assuming air and water:

29.6 (L/G) (4)

where Vst = gas throat velocity, cm/s 10 15.3 30 60 100 300 600
Throat gas velocity V g t , ft/sec
dd = liquid drop diameter, jum
Figure 5. Venturi scrubber throat length vs. throat gas velocity for the velocity
L/G = liquid to gas ratio, L/m3 ratio of 0.5.

Table I. Sauter mean diameter of drops obtained by the Nukiyama-Tanasawa

Mean droplet diameter, dd, in nm for
gas velocities, VRt, ft/s (cm/s) of
Liquid to gas ratio 66 120 150 200 300
gal/1000 acf L/m3 (2000) (3658) (4572) (6096) (9199)
7.5 1005 280 167 140 112 85
12.5 1675 315 200 175 147 119
20 268 380 267 240 212 185
30 402 488 375 348 321 294

These results are given in Table I. The generalized equation for minimum venturi scrubber
Fuch's5 solution to the unsteady state equation of motion throat length is derived from Figure 5:
for accelerating particles in a constant velocity gas stream
X t = 328.582 ygt[o.O2343(L/G) - 0.8657] eXp[-0.063(L/G)] (7)
where X t = throat length, inches
L/G = liquid to gas ratio, gal/1000 acf
where subscripts f and i denote final and initial conditions and
Red is droplet Reynolds number. Vgt = throat gas velocity, ft/s
The Dickinson and Marshall equation6 is used to obtain the
drag coefficient, CT>: Validation of Findings
94 The theoretical, generalized Eq. 7 for minimum venturi
CD = 0.22 + - p - (1 + 0.15 Red0-6) (6)
Red throat length can be compared for particle collection efficiency

856 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

Table II. Integrated values of throat length at the velocity ratio In the range of pressure drops from 5 to 25 in. water gauge,
of 0.5. data from this study agree well for 1-jwn particles with the
Throat length, X t , in inches for majority of available venturi scrubber data. Conventional
Liquid gas ratio throat velocities in ft/s of venturi scrubbers usually do not operate at efficiencies of
gal/1000 acf 66 120 150 200 300 greater than 90% on l-/«n particles, so it can be concluded that
most of the data agree. The accuracy of the reported Leisegang
7.5 ' 11.5 7.23 6.2 5.22 4 scrubber data is unknown.
12.5 14.1 9.18 8.4 7.14 5.83
20 18.6 13.22 12.53 11.22 11.11
30 24.2 20.73 20.55 19.94 20.2 Summary and Conclusions

The velocity ratio is a key parameter in venturi scrubber

using reported data and procedures. An estimated efficiency performance. An optimum velocity ratio of 0.5 is used based
for standard venturi scrubbers designed using Eq. 7 for the on measured values of particle collection efficiency and
throat lengths plus conventional diverger sections can be pressure drop data. This optimum velocity ratio is used to
calculated using the procedures of Yung.1 This is done for develop a mathematical correlation between throat length,
gas throat velocity, and liquid to gas ratio. The equation for
minimum venturi scrubber throat length (Eq. 7) is used to
predict venturi throat lengths as a function of throat velocities

1 1 1 1 11
1.0 1
and liquid to gas ratios. Predicted particle collection effi-
ciences in venturi scrubbers designed with these throat lengths
are compared to empirical venturi data for l-/im size particles;
within the ranges of typical venturi operation, the correlation
is good.

This study
0.1 — 1. S. C. Yung, S. Calvert, H. F. Barbarika, "Venturi Scrubber Per-
Illl I I

formance Model," EPA-600/2-77-172, U.S. Environmental Pro-

tection Agency, August 1977.
2. J. W. Crowder, K. E. Noll, W. T. Davis, "Modeling of venturi
scrubber efficiency, " Atmos. Environ. 16: 2009 (1982).
3. H. E. Hesketh, "Atomization and cloud behavior in venturi
\ scrubbing," JAPCA. 23: 600 (1973).
\ \ Schifftner— 4. S. Nukiyama, Y. Tanasawa, "An experiment on the atomizaton
^ H e s k e t h empirical ^ - of liquid by means of an air stream," Trans. Soc. Mech. Eng.
(Japan) 4: 86 (1938).
5. N. A. Fuchs, The Mechanics of Aerosols, C. N. Davies, ed., Per-
— 0.01 i U — gamon Press, Elmsford, NY, 1964.
£ 0.01 6. D. R. Dickinson, W. R. Marshall, AIChE J. 14: 541 (1968).
7. S. Calvert, "How to choose a particulate scrubber," Chem. Eng.
\ Calvert cut 84: 54 (1977).
Leisegang \ diameter 7 8. "Scrubber trims wastewater discharge," Chem. Eng. 89: 53
venturi 8 (1982).
9. K. C. Schifftner, H. E. Hesketh, Wet Scrubbers, Ann Arbor Science
Publishers, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI 1982.

0 10 20 30 40
Venturi AP, inches H2O
Figure 6. Comparison of predicted venturi scrubber
efficiencies on 1-/xm particles for various designs.
Howard E. Hesketh, P.E. is a Professor of Air Pollution
Control Engineering at Southern Illinois University, Car-
bondale, IL 62901, and Chairman of APCA's Education
l-fim particles and the results for this study are plotted as Council. Krishna Mohan holds an M.S. in Engineering from
Figure 6. Also in Figure 6 are shown predicted efficiencies for the Department of Thermal and Environmental Engineering
at Southern Illinois University. This technical paper was
l-/tm particles estimated by the Cut Diameter Theory,7 by the submitted for editorial review on February 7, 1983; the re-
commercial Leisegang Venturi,8 and by the compilation of vised manuscript was received June 20,1983.
industrial scrubber data.9

September 1983 Volume 33, No. 9 857

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