Liking The Sound of Their Own Voices A Case of TV Anchors and Their Shows - Pagenumber

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Liking the sound of their own voices: A case of TV anchors and their

Hassan Shehzad
International Islamic University, Islamabad
Dr Muhammad Zaman
Quaid-i-Azam University
Shane Zahra
International Islamic University Islamabad

Volume 03-Issue 01
January –June 2019
Article Doi:

Author Note
1. Hassan Shehzad is visiting Lecturer in Department of Media and
Communication Studies, International Islamic University Islamabad,
Email: [email protected]
2. Dr. Muhammad Zaman is Assistant Professor in the Department of
Sociology in Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan
Email: [email protected]
3. Shane Zahra is the student of MSc Anthropology at International
Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan
Email: [email protected]

The aim of this research paper was to tap the role of anchorpersons of
talk shows in promotion of media agenda and shaping political reality
through measuring correspondence between time consumed by the
anchorpersons and panel of experts. For the purpose, systematic
random sampling technique has been used to select prime time talk
shows of Geo News for one year. On the basis of wide coverage, three
issues memo gate, law and order and corruption were selected to
gauge the relationship between the variables. The results show a
significant correlation between slant for the issues and time consumed
by the anchors has been observed on all the three issues. The results
showed that more the time grabbed by anchorpersons, more the
programs remained in unfavorable state towards government. The
results also revealed that 71% of total talk shows’ time was grabbed
by the anchorpersons while panel of experts allotted 29% percent time
in the issues. Anchorpersons remained unfavorable and biased in its
deliberations towards government to a great extent by snatching the
maximum time of the programs for molding the public opinion in a
certain direction.

Key Words: Cable channels, Agenda-setting, Talk Shows,

Anchorperson & Experts, valence of issues.

JPDC Vol 03-Issue 01 January-June 2019


Liking the sound of their own voices: A case of TV anchors and their
Today, the digitized media has acquired the power to change the
information production and consumption patterns in the contemporary
society. Media is believed to be a mirror of a modern social system.
After the influx of private cable channels in the arena of Pakistani
media landscape, there is a notable change in peoples’ access to
information with diversity of viewpoints. The time between an event
occurring to news delivery has reduced with sophistication of
technology. From 1999 to 2002, the first half of Musharraf’s regime,
was crucial in terms of settling down and legitimizing his illegal
takeover. General Musharraf enjoyed the international support being
an ally of war on terror.
The raw idea of having the private cable channels to counter
the Indian propaganda, during and post Kargil war became
materialize in 2002. Private parties, investors were invited in the new
horizons to initiate the cable network in the country. In the early
months of this initiative, owners of print media industry were
welcomed and started some channels like, Geo News, ARY News etc.
The trend of cross media ownership has been continued in Pakistani
media landscape with sharp growth dominantly. Dominating the
newly established cable network, no tremendous transformation was
recognized in the running patterns of the print media contents.
However, these news channels have been creating awareness and
guidance on political and social issues among the masses. Mukhtaran

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Mai rape case in 2002, earthquake 2005, Lal masjid operation 2007,
restoration of judiciary 2007, Swat military operation 2009, US attack
on Bin Laden’s compound 2011, Salala attack 2011, election 2013
were some considerable national issues on which the news channels
had arranged extensive debates and discussions, helping the masses to
make opinions on these issues (Raza, 2010).
The anchorpersons of the cable news channels are independent
to a great extent in their talk shows for slanting the issues; however,
some policy guidelines are given to the news section of the particular
media outlet. The current interactive channels have changed the
traditional patterns and have created political and social awareness in
the country by introducing the anchorperson based shows. People in
their leisure time do watch news commentaries and talk shows to get
updates on national as well as international issues. Yusuf &
Shoemaker (2013) of the view that:
“In the coming years, the role that Pakistan’s broadcast and
digital media play in the country’s politics is likely to become even
more important. The quality of the media’s contribution will be
defined not simply by the quality of the actual media itself, but by the
institutional context in which it operates.”
The people, comparatively, are now in a better position to
assess the watchdog role of the media highlighting corruption,
embezzlement, bad governance, nepotism, abuse of power etc of the
government and the opposition as well. Sometimes, anchorpersons
use this power for their personal projection and try to meet personal
ideology. The media in recent years have been able to cover some

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high-profile corruption cases against the government like Hajj

corruption case, ephedrine case, Swiss cases, rental power case, media
gate, steel mill, and OGDCL corruption case. The irregularities in the
appointments, postings and transfers of the heads of some prestigious
institutions of the country have also been criticized excessively on
cable channels. Another version of critics on highlighting these
corruption cases in media have seen as ratings-run game and have
been observed as an anti-government rhetoric.
Since partisan projection of this issue, the media critics do not
consider it as the watch dogging by these channels. Law and order has
one of the most covered issues in media for the last decade. Some
news channels covered the issue of law and order in their news
bulletins regularly but they were reluctant to discuss it in their talk
shows. The news channels generally and Geo News particularly
covered the issue of memo gate extensively even live coverage was
arranged during hearing of the case in tribunal from United Kingdom.
In covering all these issues anchorpersons did not remain unbiased
and ultimately the general perception and opinion whether positive or
negative remained consistent with the slant of the issues.
This research paper will try to explore how the electronic
media activism impacts the overall political and social behavior of
people in Pakistan in recent years during democratic regimes.
Analytical and quantitative approach has been adopted especially the
portions dealing with burgeon growth and establishment of cable
channels and the role of anchorperson in the light of agenda setting

JPDC Vol 03-Issue 01 January-June 2019


Literature Review
Michael (2011) of the view that “since the early 1970’s, the
belief that mass communication is a powerful force has gained
strength, in part from studies that document a correspondence
between the amounts of media attention an issue receives and the
amount of public concern about the problem.” Among media effects
theories agenda setting has become the most practiced theory since
its first practical application in US Presidential election 1968.
McCombs & Shah, (1972, 1976) pointed out, “people learn from the
media what the important issues are.” In a short history of cable
channels in Pakistan, people comparatively got more options to
interact, discuss on new developments in taking decisions on political
and social issues. At the same time, masses and critics of these
channels are witnessed fierce rating run on the part of these channels.

Media and particularly private news channels covered some

national issues extensively like law and order, Pak-US relations,
National Reconciliation Ordinance, democracy, corruption, energy
crises etc. during the last few years. Lynger & Kinder (1987) quotes
Bower, (1985), “by a wide margin, they believe that television - not
magazines, not radio, not newspapers - provides the most intelligent,
complete, and impartial coverage of public affairs, and goes furthest
in clarifying the candidacies and issues at stake in national elections.”
Walsh (2012) quoted Raza of Jinnah Institute quoted to New York
Times, "The credibility of the electronic media is at stake.”
Khan (2012) quotes Farish (2011) that

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The term anchorocracy has negative connotation due to the

bureaucratic attitude of the anchorpersons belonging to different
private news channels whose ultimate desire is to impose their
opinion and thought on audience. Anchorpersons want to dictate the
audience mind on sensitive issues with a firm belief that they are
promoting national interest and audience should follow their lines.”
The anchorpersons of cable channels are normally snatched
more time slot than the time allotted to the guests or experts. They
impose their predetermined conclusion of the discussion what they
normally bring about through anchorocracy. Munir (2011) a column
writer quotes Farooqi (2011), “many anchors push us believe that
everything is going wrong, all is bad as if any of the governments, be
it federal or provincial, is not doing anything in the interests of the
people. There is no hope at the end of the tunnel.” Further due to the
low media literacy level people become easy prey to these
manipulated news as Zucker (1978) said:
“The audience they have little direct experience with some
issues in their real life they get easily be influenced by the media
manipulations as they do not have another source to have knowledge
about the issue”
Although these talk shows mostly covered the political issues,
however, humor based programs are increasing on these channels
those also levied political content to a great extent. Since the majority
of the owners of these newly established cable channels belong to
print media industry, therefore, majority of the anchorpersons got
opportunity to opt as anchorpersons, reporters, cameramen, editors,

JPDC Vol 03-Issue 01 January-June 2019


producers etc. There was no proper training arranged for these

migrated media persons from print media to cable news media.
Moreover, trends and ongoing set policy of the media organization
remained intact in spite of having relatively free media in terms of
content generation and delivery.
Munir (2011) further quotes Zahid (2011) that:
I know, but I do not want to name an anchor who had given
almost 17 deadlines of fall of Zardari government since 2008 election.
Every night, he comes on a private television and starts his analysis
and ends up with a conclusion that the government is going to fall in
next few days and whatever data he presents he never substantiated.
He forgets that in democracy only people elect and defeat
governments and not the anchors. Is it not ‘anchorocracy’ at the cost
of ‘democracy’?”
The anchorperson hosting the program on one channel while
he becomes an expert on some other channel regardless of the
expertise is required for the issue. It is also a flourishing and emerging
phenomenon that host in other words hijack the program by grabbing
much of talk show’s time and try to get away the expert from
expressing his or her opinion on the matter.
In 2010, some anchorpersons of these channels assert that
government has a plan to withdraw the reinstatement notification
issued for removed judges in Musharaff’s regime. It was premature
information that created panic and uncertainty among the judges of
apex court that in reaction warned the government to avoid taking
such actions. Supreme Court further declared that such action of the

JPDC Vol 03-Issue 01 January-June 2019


government would be treated under article 6 of the constitution, which

is called as high treason. The irresponsible act on the part of
anchorpersons caused a conflict between government and apex court
of Pakistan (Khan, 2012).
We have many examples of irresponsible attitude of the
mainstream cable channels where channel telecast news without
confirmation; for example Mumbai attacks in 2008, one of the leading
channel in Pakistan disclosed that the attacker (Ajmal Kasab) was a
Pakistani and reporter of the channel rushed to his home town to
break the news. People and critics are of the view that it was too early
to report that the attacker was a Pakistani. For many weeks, this
controversy remained talk of the town in media’s responsibility
There are normally two ways in these news channels to make
the whole program in a desired direction by setting a certain tone
through anchorperson’s dictating style. For incorporating and aligning
the media agenda, those experts are called who are remained
consistent and consonance with the standpoint of the media. The
second way is to restrict or restrain the experts for judgments or
expert opinion, which is contrary to the agenda of the media
organization. In the media environment and practices in Pakistan both
these ways are within the instant access of the anchorpersons.
Khan (2012) quotes Nizamani (2010), “media has
shaped a new power sharing segment in society known as
anchorocracy, where anchorpersons from different channels not only
try to impose their opinion and thoughts but also indirectly

JPDC Vol 03-Issue 01 January-June 2019


indoctrinate the public with the ideology premeditated by the

anchorocracy.” Ethnic society like Pakistan where many different
segments live together, the media has a force to bind, rebind and
sustain the prevailing social integrity. The phenomenon of private
cable channels in the country is not very old; however, it is enough to
be rooted. Critics of media has the consensus that Pakistani media do
follow its own liking and disliking and try to focus and present one
side of the picture and most frequently grabbed maximum time of the
talk shows for manipulation.
Khan (2012) further cited Vigna & Ethan (2007) as “media
play an important role in shaping the political preferences and belief
of voters. He argues that media collects information, summarizes it
and frames it according to its own preferences which influenced the
voting decisions of voters.” Zaidi (2011) of the view that “Pakistan’s
media is guilty of being a microcosm of the society that it reports on
reports for and reports to. It is a reflection and an extension of
Pakistan at large.” (pp 230). Farah (2018) opined that “Media is
playing its role in a responsible way but few anchors make it
different. They often divert the attention of the people from the real
issues to non issues on command and desires of the people they are
working for”.
Anchorperson is a team member of the media outlet and
conscious about the agenda of the media organization. Through
valence, framing and priming techniques of agenda setting,
anchorpersons try to impose the media agenda on audiences. In this
whole process of media-public relationship for exerting the media

JPDC Vol 03-Issue 01 January-June 2019


salience as public priorities, anchorperson has a central role. In other

words, one can say that anchorpersons exploit his powers to direct an
issue to a certain direction. People in the country welcomed the cable
TV industry as they have been watching state-run TV channel for
many years. The single state-run TV is being used as a mouthpiece of
government. Moreover, literacy rate in the country is very low and
people like to have cable connections to watch a number of channels
acquiring different viewpoints.
In 2012, there was a media controversy involving a
well-known anchorperson of a private channel and Malik Riaz, a
business tycoon. The anchorperson blamed that he organized a
planted interview with Malik Riaz to malign apex court in the case of
media gate scandal to restrict Chief Justice in taking any decision in
contempt of court case against the then Prime Minister, Gillani (Khan,
There is some serious debates among media intellects,
politicians and other stakeholders of the media regarding objectivity
and impartiality of the anchorpersons on different socio-political,
socio-economic and socio-religious perspectives. And also to measure
whether the ethical framework is being followed or otherwise in their
presentations? Ashraf & Islam (2014) were of the view that:
“This activism manifests itself in sensationalism in reporting
of events, superficial debates, blowing trivial matters out of
proportion, insensitive exposure of tragic events, graphic presentation
of gory scenes, intrusion into people’s privacy and non-professional
live coverage of law enforcement operations.”

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Since the life of the cable channels is about two decades,

media researchers have not explored the phenomenon of
‘anchorization’ frequently; however, some studies on the perception
of the audiences on the role of anchorpersons have been witnessed in
the country. It is a wide open area of research to measure and inquire
the phenomenon by getting and exploring through content analysis – a
media perspective. The study will be of vital importance for news
channels, anchorpersons and for audiences as well. On the basis of
literature review the following hypotheses are posed to enquire the
H1 Anchorpersons of ‘Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Saath’ will
snatch more time than the experts during talk shows.
H2 There will be a positive relationship between
anchorpersons’ time and slanting of issues for a certain direction.
H3 The anchorpersons of ‘Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Saath’
of Geo News will bias towards government on the
issues of law and order, corruption and memo
Private Cable news channels was the population of this
research study and the researcher selected leading and mostly watched
news channel, Geo News for one year from Ist Oct 2011 to 30 Sep
2012 for sampling purposes. According to Gallup (2013) in a
nationwide survey, Geo News was mostly watched cable news
channel in Pakistan.

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By using systematic method, three days (Monday,

Wednesday, and Friday) of every week were selected for news talk
show for sample. Prime time talk show ‘Aaj Kamran Khan Kay
Saath’ was used as a sample. Altogether, 156 (52x3) talk shows were
selected for one year. The time consumed by anchorpersons and
experts was calculated to check the role of anchorperson in setting the
direction of slant on the issues of corruption, law and order and memo
gate towards government. Slant for the issues was analyzed in terms
of favorable and neutral towards government.
The paragraphs of these talk shows while a news story in talk
shows were the coding unit analysis. News stories and paragraphs
were counted in terms of favorable and unfavorable in terms of
amount of time allotted to the each paragraph. For example the
paragraph against Mr. Haqqani (one of the accused in memo gate
case) was taken as unfavorable while the paragraph was neutral to Mr.
Haqqani was considered as neutral to govt. Therefore, in this pattern
the number and amount of time of the paragraphs was measured to
check its slant.

JPDC Vol 03-Issue 01 January-June 2019


Results and Analysis

Graph 1 (Time Distribution Between Anchorpersons and Experts

with Slants)
The above table shows that anchorpersons of Geo News’ talk
shows grabbed more than 71 percent of its whole time on the issues of
corruption, law and order and memo gate. The graph 1, depicts those
experts or guests’ participants of the news talk shows have been able
to get 29 percent time of the total time. The total time to these issues
comes to 1922 minutes during the whole study period. 562 minutes
were given to the experts while 1360 minutes grabbed by
anchorpersons of ‘Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Saath’.
Moving towards unfavorable slant, it looks greatly significant
as shown in the above graph 1. Anchorpersons were remained

JPDC Vol 03-Issue 01 January-June 2019


dominant in slanting the issues in a certain direction as there has been

a perfect correspondence between slant and time consumed by
anchorpersons. Out of total used time (71 Percent) by anchors, 67
percent coverage was remained in an unfavorable state while less 3
percent was remained favorable towards government as shown in the
graph above.

Graph 2 Time consumed by Anchorpersons and Experts Vs

Graph 2 above shows that the experts of the programs have
been utilized 29 percent time of the shows while 71 percent time
grabbed by anchors. Interestingly, the tone and slant on the programs
has greatly corresponded with the time consumed by experts.
It has been observed during analysis of the shows,
anchorpersons on these channels are eager to contribute personal

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opinion on any under debate issue in the talk shows rather than giving
free hand to the expert to speak about. On one channel the
anchorperson of the channel is appeared as a host of a talk show while
the same anchorperson may be seen as an expert on some other
channel regardless of the expertise on the issue. It is noted that
newscasters, editors, newsroom staff and broadcasters have the
tendency to set the agenda on the issues with great enthusiasm and
force, though it’s not conscious all the time.
By doing this, anchorpersons can play an imperative role in
making public opinion on a desired direction to fulfil the agenda,
however, it is an interesting area to research whether anchor does this
to fulfil the media outlet agenda or otherwise. The media outlets and
anchors have tendency to call those experts or guests of their talk
shows who have similar posture and viewpoint towards the channel.
The results show that on one hand the anchorpersons grabbed a huge
portion of their shows and on the other hand these have been
vulnerable to government. The results have been supported and
correlated with the H1 of the study. The anchorpersons generally do
discuss issues without homework and there have been always
shortcomings of verified facts and figures therefore in this way they
try to transfer media salience through exaggerating the story or
manipulating the facts and figures in favor of a certain party or group.
Many anchorpersons are attached with some newspapers under cross
media ownership arrangements. They usually, contribute columns to
some national newspapers and since the columns are purely a
personalized experience and writer can be less objective and impartial

JPDC Vol 03-Issue 01 January-June 2019


and can enjoy leniency. However, talk show is an interaction between

different political parties and groups while the prime duty of the host
is to facilitate the audiences by giving useful and concise input for
meaningful end. H2 and H3 got support from the results of the study.
The results shown a positive correspondence between the time
consumed by anchorpersons and the slant given to the issues.
Moreover, it has also been examined that Geo News have the
tendency to invite those guests or experts for ‘Aaj Kamran Khan Kay
Saath’ who are more consistent with the policy line of the media
outlet. In a normal practice and pattern of a political talk show,
anchorperson does facilitate and remain impartial and unbiased to
explore some new ideas, opinion and recommendations from the
guests. It has been noticed during the analysis that anchorpersons of
the programs remained more eager to give recommendations rather
inviting the experts for the same. Although, this trend has been
penetrating in all the newly established channels in the country but it
depends on the style, attitude and ethical approach of the
anchorpersons as well. Anchorpersons on private news channels
apparently do not follow ethical and moral bindings. They are used to
pamper themselves for arguments on controversial political, religious
and social issues. Anchorpersons do try to impose their own or media
organization’s ideology in a bureaucratic way. They are used to
enforce and inculcate the audiences with their own philosophies that
undermine the objective journalism.

JPDC Vol 03-Issue 01 January-June 2019



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JPDC Vol 03-Issue 01 January-June 2019

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