Lic LP 2023-24

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School of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Course Plan
Semester: 4thSemester Year:2023-24
Course Title: Linear Integrated Circuits Course Code: 19EECC203
Total Contact Hours: 50 Duration of ESA: 3 Hours
ISA Marks: 50 ESA Marks: 50
Lesson Plan Authors: Shraddha B Hiremath Date: 20/02/2024
R. V. Hangal
Jyoti Patil
Poornima Patil
Pallavi Hiremath
Checked By: Date: 21/02/2024

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of the course the student should be able to:

i. Analyze the operation of current mirror, differential amplifier using MOSFET and evaluate the
respective performance parameters.
ii. Design and analyze the linear applications of Op-Amp for the given specifications.
iii. Design and analyze the non-linear applications of Op-Amp for the given specifications.
iv. Design and simulate a functional block for a given application using linear IC’s.

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School of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Course Articulation Matrix: Mapping of Course Outcomes (COs) with Program Outcomes (POs)
Course Title: Linear Integrated Circuits Semester: 4 - Semester
Course Code: 19EECC203 Year:2023-24

Outcomes O O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9 110 111 112 113 114 115
(COs) / 1
Analyze M
of current

Design and M H
analyze the
of linear
s using Op-
amp for the
Design and M H
analyze the
of non-

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s using Op-
amp for the
Design and M M M L L
simulate a
block for a
using linear

Degree of compliance L: Low M: Medium H: High

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Competency addressed in the Course and corresponding Performance Indicators

Competency Performance Indicators
PO1.3 - Demonstrate competence in PO1.3.1 - Apply fundamentals of Electrical
engineering fundamentals engineering principles and laws
PO1.4 - Demonstrate competence in electronics PO1.4.1 - Apply principles of electronic device
and communication engineering knowledge
PO1.4.2 - Ability to understand electronic
PO2.1 - Demonstrate an ability to identify and PO2.1.2 - Identify engineering systems,
characterize an engineering problem variables, and parameters to solve the problems

PO5.1 - Demonstrate an ability to identify/ PO5.1.1 - Identify modern engineering tools,

create techniques and resources for engineering
modern engineering tools, techniques and activities.
PO10.1 - Demonstrate an ability to comprehend PO10.1.2 - Produce clear, well-constructed, and
technical literature and document project work. well-supported written engineering documents
PO14.2 - Demonstrate the ability to analyze, PO14.2.2 - Ability to design and develop
design and develop. considering the constraints.

Eg: 1.2.3: Represents Program Outcome ‘1’, Competency ‘2’ and Performance Indicators ‘3’.

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School of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Course Content

Program: IV Semester Bachelor of Engineering( Electronics and Communication

Course Code: 19EECC203 Course Title: Linear Integrated Circuits
L-T-P-SS: 4-0-0 Credits: 4 Tutorial/Practical/
ISA Marks: 50 ESA Marks: 50 Total Marks: 100
Teaching Hrs: 50 Exam Duration: 3
Content Hrs
Unit - 1
Chapter No 1. Op-Amp characteristics 4 hrs
Ideal and non-ideal Op-Amp terminal characteristics, Input and output impedance,
output Offset voltage, Small signal and Large signal bandwidth
Chapter No 2. Current Mirrors 10 hrs
Current Mirror circuits and Modeling, Figures of merit (output impedance, voltage
swing), Widlar, Cascode and Wilson current Mirrors, Current source and current sink.

Chapter No 3. Basic Op-Amp architecture 8 hrs

Basic differential amplifier, Common mode and difference mode gain, CMRR, 5-pack
differential amplifier with design, 7-pack operational amplifier.
Unit - 2
Chapter No 4. Op-Amp with Feedback 6 hrs
Op-Amp under Positive and Negative feedback, Impact Negative feedback on
Bandwidth, Input and Output impedances, Offset voltage under negative feedback,
Follower property & Inversion Property under linear mode operation.
Chapter No 5. Linear applications of Op-Amp 12 hrs
DC and AC Amplifier, Summing, Scaling and Averaging amplifiers (Inverting, Non-
inverting and Differential configuration),Instrumentation Amplifier, Integrator,
Differentiator, Voltage sources, current sources and current sinks, Active Filters –First
and second order Low pass & High pass filters. V to I and I to V converters.
Unit - 3
Chapter No 6. Nonlinear applications of Op-Amp 10 hrs
Crossing detectors (ZCD. Comparator), Inverting Schmitt trigger circuits,
Triangular/rectangular wave generators, Waveform generator, Voltage controlled
Oscillator, sample and hold circuits, Phase shift oscillator, Wein bridge oscillator.
Data Converters: Digital to Analog Converters: Weighted resistor; R -2R, Current
steering DAC, Pipeline. Analog to Digital Converters: Flash, Dual slope, Pipeline and

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Text Book (List of books as mentioned in the approved syllabus)

1. Behzad Razavi, Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 2016
2. Phillip E. Allen, Douglas R. Holberg, CMOS Analog Circuit Design, Oxford University Press,
USA, 2010
3. Ramakant A. Gayakwad, Op - Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits, 4th Edition
1. A.S. Sedra & K.C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, 7th Edition, 2017
2. Design With Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, Sergio Franco, 4th
edition ,Tata McGraw Hill 2014
3. David A. Bell, Operational Amplifiers and Linear IC’s, 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, 2011
4. B. Razavi, Fundamentals of Microelectronics, 2nd edition.

Evaluation Scheme
ISA Scheme
Assessment Weightage in Marks

ISA-I 20


Pre Test/ Post Test 05

Simulation/Written 05

ESA 50

Total 100

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Course Unitization for Minor Exams and End Semester Assessment

No. of No. of No. of
Topics / Chapters Teachin Question Question Questions
g hours s in s in in
Minor Minor Assignmen
exam 1 exam 2 t
Unit I
Op-Amp characteristics 4 1 0 1
Current Mirrors 10 1 0 1
Basic Op-Amp architecture 8 1 0 1
Unit II
Op-Amp with Feedback 6 0 1 1
Linear applications of Op-Amp 12 0 2 2
Unit III
Nonlinear applications of Op-Amp & Data 10 0 0 1

1. Each Question carries 20 marks and may consists of sub-questions.
2. Mixing of sub-questions from different chapters within a unit (only for Unit I and Unit II) is allowed in
Minor I, II and ESA.
3. Answer 5 full questions of 20 marks each (two full questions from Unit I, II and one full question
from Unit III) out of 8 questions in ESA.

Date: 20-02-2024 HoS

School of Electronics &Communication Engineering

Course Assessment Plan

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School of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Course Title: Linear Integrated Circuits Course Code:


Course outcomes (COs) Weightage Assessment Methods

assessmen ISA 1 ISA 2 Pre/Post ESA
t Test


1. Analyze the operation 30% ✓ ✓ ✓

of current mirror,
differential Amplifier
using MOSFET and
evaluate the respective

2. Design and analyze 30% ✓ ✓ ✓

the linear applications
of Op-Amp for the
given specifications.

3. Design and analyze 20% ✓ ✓

the non-linear
applications of Op-Amp
for the given

4. Design and simulate a 20% ✓

functional block for a
given application using
linear IC’s.

Weightage 220%0 20%20% 2 10% 50%%


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School of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Course Delivery: Flipped Mode

The Flipped classroom

(An Inverted Method of Teaching and Learning)

I. What does it mean to “Flip?”

What is typically presented in class (i.e. lectures, content, background knowledge, or real life
experiences) by a live teacher, students receive at home via online resources. What is typically given
as home work is done in class with the assistance of the teacher.

“Teacher Centric to Learner Centric”

To convert classroom to interactive problem solving sessions. The flipped classroom describes
a reversal of traditional teaching where students gain first exposure to new material outside of class,
usually via reading or lecture videos, and then class time is used to do the harder work of assimilating
that knowledge through strategies such as discussion, problem-solving or debates.

II. Advantages:
● Excellent video lectures from Academia and Industry experts: Customized to our needs

● Learn at your own pace/ space

● Time for hands-on learning and creative projects

● Improving the self-learning capability and enhancing attention towards individual students

● Brings in innovation, intervention and is scalable.

III. Resources:
Videos are available online on internet and on KLE Tech intranet
Internet KLE Tech Intranet



IV. Procedure:

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1. Student Enrollment:
Students are enrolled to the course and instructions to access the video and assessment
details will be shared in the first class.
2. Before Class:
Videos can be watched any number of times at home or in Campus. Access is open for the
entire semester

3. Assessment:
Pre-test: Should be taken before coming to the class. It can be taken at home or in campus.
Passing Criteria is 40% and can be taken as many as 5 attempts to track their improvement.
Best of all attempts would be the final score.

4. Class Details:
Each class is of 02 hours duration:
● Summary of portion covered through video ………………

● Discussion and clarifications and deeper understanding.

✔ Promote self-learning in students

✔ Learning from peers and discussions

✔ Helping Learning Enablers to be facilitators so that students are at the

center of learning.
✔ Ensure students mostly learn from questions by Learning Enablers and not just
answers from Learning Enablers.

● In class (template):

✔ Open ended thinking questions

✔ Problem solving –Individual

✔ Problem solving-- In groups

5. Post Test:
Post-test will be conducted chapter wise in classrooms through eklakshya
online/Moodle as part of ISA (In Semester Assessment)

V. Video Content and Duration

SNo Video Content Duration of Video (mins)

1. MOS Device Characteristics 30

2. Current Mirror Basics and FOM 25

3. Current Mirror Topologies 30

4. Current Mirror Applications 25

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5. Linear Symmetric Networks 25

6. Differential Amplifier Basics 25

7. Differential Amplifier topologies 20

8. Why Opamp is called Linear IC 08

Op-Amp Characteristics 06

9. Op-Amp Non Idealities With Negative Feed back 35

10. Non Linear Distortion and Op-Amp as Linear IC 15

11. Introduction to OPAMP Linear Applications 06

Inverting & Non Inverting Amplifier 20

12. Summing Amplifier 07

Integrator & Differentiator 20

13. Regenerative Feedback 10

All Pass Filter and Phase shifter 16

14. Linear Applications – Voltage Follower 13

15. Linear Applications - Op-Amp as Summing Amplifier 11

16. Linear Applications - Op-Amp as Averaging Amplifier 12

17. Linear Applications – Integrator and Differentiator 16+9

18. Linear Applications – Op-Amp as voltage controlled current 16


19. Linear Applications – Active filters – Filter Terminologies 17

20. Linear Applications – Active filters – Introduction to second 14

order filter

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21. Linear Applications – Active filters – Application of active 10

filters: phono pre-amplifiers

22. Linear Applications – Active filters – 2nd order low pass filter 7

VI. Pre-test:

SNo Video Content No. of Questions

1. Why Opamp is called LinearIC 10

Op-Amp Characteristics

2. Op-Amp Non Idealities With Negative Feed back 10

3. Non Linear Distortion and Op-Amp as Linear IC 10

4. MOS Device Characteristics 10

5. Current Mirror Basics and FOM 10

6. Current Mirror Topologies 10

7. Current Mirror Applications 10

8. Linear Symmetric Networks 10

9. Differential Amplifier Basics 10

10. Differential Amplifier topologies 10

11. Introduction to OPAMP Linear Applications 10

Inverting & Non Inverting Amplifier

12. Summing Amplifier Integrator & Differentiator 10

13. Regenerative Feedback 10

All Pass Filter and Phase shifter

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VII. Post-Test:
S.No Chapters No. of Questions

1. Op-Amp Characteristics and Op-Amp With Feedback 05

2. Current Mirrors 05

3. Basic Op-Amp Architecture 05

4. Linear applications of Op-Amp 05

Chapter-wise Plan
Course Code and Title: 19EECC203 / Linear Integrated Circuits
Chapter Number and Title: 1.Op-Amp Characteristics Planned Hours: 4 hrs

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the topic the student should be able to:
TLO's CO's BL CA Code
List the characteristics and compare the performance of an ideal and 1 2 1.4
non ideal Op-Amp.
Describe the differential and common mode signals. 1 2 1.4

Discuss the importance of output offset voltage, input and output 1 2 1.4
impedances, small signal and large signal bandwidth of ap-amp.

Analyze the open loop configurations of Op-Amp for inverting, 1 2 1.4

Non-inverting and differential amplifier.

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Lesson Schedule
Class No. - Portion covered per hour
1. Ideal and non-ideal OP-AMP terminal characteristics
2. Input and output impedance
3. Output Offset voltage.
4. Small signal and Large signal bandwidth.

Review Questions
Sr.No. - Questions TLO BL PI Code
1. List the ideal characteristics of an Op-Amp. Give its symbolical 1 1 1.4.1
representation and explain the functions of each terminal. Tabulate the
ideal Op-Amp terminal characteristics.

2. Explain the terms input impedance, output impedance; output offset 2 2 1.4.1
voltage, common mode and difference mode gain.

3. Explain the small signal and large signal bandwidth. 3 2 1.4.1

4.Design the open loop configurations of Op-Amp for differential 4 2 1.4.1

amplifier with
1) Vin1 = 2V and Vin2= -3V.
2) Vin1 = 3µV and Vin2= --4.5µV.

5. For the following amplifier configuration with a differential gain Ad = 4 L2 1.4.2

103, common mode gain Acm = 5 and output offset voltage Voo = 2V,
draw the output waveform for the given input voltages

i. V1=-2mV and V2=3mV.

ii. V1= 3sin(ωt +π)µV and V2= 5sinωt µV
iii. V1= 3sinωt µV and V2= 4cosωtµV
iv. V1= 3cosωt µV and V2= 4sinωtµV
v. V1= 3sinωtµV and V2= 4sinωtµV
6. For the open loop frequency response of an OPAMP, 4 L3 2.1.2

a) What is UGB? What is the typical value for 741C?

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b) Determine the bandwidth of the amplifier if the gain is 5.

Course Code and Title: 19EECC203/ Linear Integrated Circuits

Chapter Number and Title: 2. Current Mirrors Planned Hours: 8 hrs

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the topic the student should be able to:

TLO's CO's BL CA Code

Model and analyze the functionality of the current mirror. 1 3 1.4,
Differentiate between current source and current sink. 1 2 1.3

Design & analyze the performance characteristics of the current mirror 1 2 1.4
in terms of figure of merit. 2.1

Discuss the working principle of a standard cascode, Widlar& Wilson 1 3 2.1

current mirror.

Determine a suitable circuit configuration for current sink, current 1 3 2.1

source, Wilson & Widlar current mirror and find the expression for

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output impedance.

Lesson Schedule
Class No. - Portion covered per hour
1. Introduction: Current Mirror circuits
2. Current Mirror circuits: Current source and current sink.
3. Figures of merit (output impedance, voltage swing)
4. Widlar Current Mirrors
5. Cascode Current Mirrors
6. Wilson current Mirrors
7. Numerical on Mirrors
8. Numerical on Mirrors

Review Questions
Sr.No. - Questions TLO B PI
L Cod
1. Differentiate between current source and current sink? Illustrate with the help of a TLO4 L 1.3.
single MOS transistor. 2 1
2. Describe the working principle of a standard cascode current sink. Compare its TLO3 L 1.4.
performance with basic current sink. 2 1

3. Derive the equation of output impedance of a standard cascode current sink. TLO3 L 1.3.
(small signal model approach) 2 1

4. Explain the working of Wilson and Widlar current mirror with neat diagram TLO3 L 1.4.
2 2

5. Derive the expression for output impedance of Wilson and Widlar current mirror. TLO5 L 1.3.
2 1

6. In basic current mirror circuit using two transistor having equal lengths, widths TLO1 L 1.4.
related by W2/W1 = 5, design a current mirror to obtain I= 0.5 mA, let V DD= -VSS= 5V, 3 2
k’n(W/L)1 = 0.8 mA / V2, VT= 1 V, find the value of R.
7. Design an NMOS current mirror with VDD= 5 V, VSS= 0 V and Iref = 100 µA. For the TLO2 L 1.4.
matched MOSFETS L= 10 µm, W = 100 µm, VT = 1V and Kn’ = 20 µA/ V2. 3 1

8. Determine a suitable circuit configuration to mirror the current from a reference TLO5 L 1.4.

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current of 200µA with high input impedance to drive a differential amplifier with 2 2
common mode input voltage for the following parameters: R = 2KΩ, k’ n2= 10, k’n1=
250 µA/ V2,VDD= 5V.
9. Compute the value of output voltage Vo for the circuit shown below TLO1 L 2.1.
3 2

10. Below figure shows an arrangement where M1 and M2 serve as current sources TLO3 L 2.1.
for circuits 1 and 2. Design the circuit for the power budget of 3mW. 3 2

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Course Code and Title: 19EECC203 / Linear Integrated Circuits

Chapter Number and Title: 3. Basic Op-Amp Architecture Planned Hours: 10 hrs

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the topic the student should be able to:
TLO's CO's BL CA Code
Describe the working of a basic differential amplifier and Design the 1 2 2.1
differential amplifier for the given specifications.

Define common mode gain, difference mode gain and CMRR. 1 2 1.4

Represent the input signals of a differential amplifier in terms of their 1 2 1.4

differential and common mode gain. 2.1

Describe the architecture of 5-pack and 7-pack differential amplifier. 1 3 2.1

Derive the expression for small signal voltage gain.

Analyze the limitations of the slew rate & understand what is instability 1 2 1.4
and compensation

Lesson Schedule
Class No. - Portion covered per hour
1. Basic differential amplifier
2. Common mode and difference mode gain
3. Numericals
5. 5-pack differential amplifier –small signal analysis.
6. 5-pack differential amplifier design.
7. 7-pack operational amplifier.
8. 7-pack operational amplifier-small signal analysis
9. Numerical on Differential Amplifiers

10. Numerical on Differential Amplifiers

Review Questions
Sr.No. - Questions TLO BL PI Code
1. Describe the working principle of a basic differential amplifier, with 1 L2 1.4.1
common mode and differential input voltages.

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2. Explain small signal operation of the MOS differential pair with 2 L2 1.4.2
differential and common mode gain. Explain CMRR and ICMR.
3. For the 5 pack differential amplifier using NMOS device as input and 4 L2 2.1.2
PMOS loads obtain the expression for small signal differential voltage
4. Design the currents and W/L values of the current mirror load 1 L2 1.4.2
differential amplifier to satisfy the following specifications:
VDD= -VSS =2.5V,SR 10V/µs(C load=5pf),
f-3db 100KHz(C L=5pF),a small signal voltage gain of 100,
-1.5ICMR2V and Pdiss1mW.
Use model parameters of k’n= 110µA/V2, k’p= 50µA/V 2, VTP=-0.7V,
VTN=0.7V,λn=0.04V-1 , λp= 0.05V-1.
5. Draw the architecture of a two stage operational amplifier. And explain 4 L2 1.4.1
the function of each block..
6. For a MOS differential pair with a common mode voltage VCM 1 L2 1.4.2
applied ,let VDD =-VSS= 1.5V,k’n(W/L)=4mA/V2,
VT =0.5V,ID=0.4mA and RD =2.5KΩ
Neglect the channel length modulation.
Find VOV and VGS for each MOSFET’s.
For VCM=-0.2V find Vs, ID1, ID2, VD1 and VD2.
What is the highest value of VCM for which M1 and M2 remain in
7. Compute VD,VS, VDS and VGS if ID = 2 mA, RD= 500 Ω, VOV3 = 0.5 1 L3 1.4.1
V, and identical Q1& Q2 with μnCox(W/L ) = 8 mA/V2, Vt= 0.5 V, λ = 0.

A) For VG= 0 and

B) For VG= 1 V. Repeat the exercise for λ = 0.1.

8. What is the input common-mode range in the circuit 1 L3 1.4.2

below? Q1 and Q2 are Identical and RD = 500. Use
μnCox(W/L ) = 8 mA/V2 , Vt = 0.5 V and VG3 = 1 V.

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4 L3 2.1.2
9. (W/L) 1-4 =50/0.5, I =1mA, λn=0.1and λp=0.2, what is the small

signal differential gain? For V in,CM=1.5V, What is maximum

allowable output voltage swing?


Course Code and Title: 19EECC203 / Linear Integrated Circuits

Chapter Number and Title: 4. Op-Amp With Feedback Planned Hours:6 hrs

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the topic the student should be able to:
TLO's CO's BL CA Code
Discuss the significance of negative feedback and explain the four basic 2 2 1.4
feedback topologies.

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Describe the effect of inversion and follower property under linear mode 2 3 2.1
operation and design a suitable signal conditioning circuit for given

Compare the characteristics and behavior of an Op-Amp under positive 2 2 1.4

and negative feedback.

Lesson Schedule
Class No. - Portion covered per hour
1. Op-Amp under negative and positive feedback,
2. Impact of negative feedback on bandwidth,
3. Input and output impedances,
4. Offset voltage under negative feedback,

5. Follower property & Inversion property under linear mode operation

6. Numericals

Review Questions
Sr.No. - Questions TLO BL PI Code
1. Discuss the effect of negative feedback on the performance 2 2 1.4.1
characteristics of Op-Amp.

2.Draw and explain the generalized feedback structure 1 1 1.4.1

3. Explain basic feedback topologies with block diagrams. 1 1 1.4.1

4. Derive the expressions for input and output impedances with respect 1 2 1.4.1
to voltage series feedback amplifier and voltage shunt feedback

5. Explain the effect of negative feedback on bandwidth of an Op-Amp. 4 2 1.4.1

6. Explain voltage shunt feedback amplifier and derive the equation for 3 2 1.3.1

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closed loop voltage gain.

7. Assuming the op-amp to be ideal, calculate the value of R if the gain 3 2 2.1.2
of the amplifier is -12.

8. A capacitor coupled voltage follower is to be designed to have a lower 3 3 1.4.2

cutoff frequency of 120Hz. The load resistance is 8.2Kohms and Op-
Amp used has a max i/p bias current of 600nA . Design a suitable
9. Explain voltage series feedback amplifier and derive the equation for 3 2 1.3.1
closed loop voltage gain. Comment on the gain equation.
10. Design a suitable amplifier for gain of 100 using Op-Amp so that 3 3 1.4.2
output voltage is proportional to input voltage/ current.
11. Design a voltage series feedback amplifier using Op-Amp for a gain 1 2 1.4.1
of 100.
12. Discuss the effect of negative feedback on the performance 2 2 1.4.1
characteristics of Op-Amp.

13. Explain basic feedback topologies with block diagrams. 1 1 1.4.1

Course Code and Title: 19EECC203 / Linear Integrated Circuits

Chapter Number and Title: 5. Linear applications of Op-Amp Planned Hours: 12

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the topic the student should be able to:

TLO's CO's BL CA Code

Differentiate between DC and AC amplifiers 2 2 1.4

List and explain the different configurations of OPAMP. Design inverting 2 2 1.4
and non inverting amplifier for the given specifications.

Design and explain the working principle of Integrator and Differentiator. 2 2 1.4,

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Design the Instrumentation amplifier to obtain the expression for voltage 2 3 1.4,
gain for given specifications. 2.1

Derive the expression of gain & cutoff frequency for first and second 2 3 1.4
order low pass and high pass filters and verify the filter response for a
given frequency.

Discuss the basic principle of oscillator. Design and analyze the 2 2 1.4
operation of Phase shift oscillator, Tuned oscillator and RC oscillators.

Lesson Schedule
Class No. - Portion covered per hour
1. DC Amplifiers, AC Amplifiers,
2. Summing, Scaling and Averaging amplifiers (Inverting, Non-inverting and Differential
3. Summing, Scaling and Averaging amplifiers (Inverting, Non-inverting and Differential
4. Integrator and Differentiator,
5. Current amplifiers,
6. Instrumentation amplifier,
7. Phase shift oscillator, Tuned Oscillators, Crystal Oscillator,
8. Active Filters –First order low pass &high pass filters.
9. Active filters- Second order low pass & high pass filters

10. V to I and I to V converters.

11. Numerical on Linear Applications of Op-amp

12. Numerical on Linear Applications of Op-amp Contd..

Review Questions
Sr.No. - Questions TLO BL PI Code
1. Briefly explain the difference between the DC and AC amplifiers. 1 2 1.4.1

2. What are the major advantages and disadvantages of a single 1 1 1.4.1

supply AC amplifier?

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3. Explain the difference between (a) inverting and differential summing 2 2 1.4.1
amplifier and (b) inverting and non-inverting averaging amplifier.

4. Calculate the voltage gain of an Op-Amp inverting amplifier which 2 3 1.4.2

has R1=680 ohms and R2=39 Kohm. Also determine the new
voltage gain if the resistor positions are reversed.

5. A high i/p impedance capacitor coupled non-inverting amplifier is to 2 3 1.4.2

be designed to have Av=120 and f1=100 Hz. The input signal is
50mV, and the load resistance ranges from 2.7Kohm to 27Kohm.
Design a suitable circuit using a 741 op amp.

6. It is required to measure the weight of the vehicle using weigh bridge 4 2 2.1.2
system, suggest and explain suitable signal conditioning circuit for
measuring the weight in terms of voltage.

7. Differentiate between Integrator and Differentiator and give one 3 2 1.4.1

application of each.

8. Explain the different types of controlled sources. 1 2 1.4.1

9. Describe the operation of inverting integrator and obtain the 2 2 1.4.1

expression for the transfer function.
10. Discuss the operation of Op-Amp as differentiator. 3 2 1.4.1

11. An integrating circuit as shown below has the following components 3 3 1.4.1

R1=15Kohm, R2=330Kohm, C1=0.03µF, R3=15Kohm. Determine

the output produced when 400Hz, 3V peak to peak square wave is
applied as i/p.

12. Determine the value of CN for the circuit given below to ensure VX = VY 1 3 2.1.2
assuming ideal Op-Amp. Given input VX is a sinusoid.

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13. The CMRR of the differential amplifier shown is 2 3 1.4.2

14. In the figure shown below, the operational amplifier is ideal and its 2 3 1.4.2
output can swing between – 15 and + 15 volts.

The input Vi, which is zero for t<0, is switched to 5 volts at the instant t =
0. Given that the output Vo is + 15 volts for t<0, sketch the waveforms of
Vo and Vi. You must give the values of important parameters of the

15. The circuit of figureshown below uses an ideal operational amplifier. 2 3 1.4.2
For small positive values of Vin explain the working of the circuit.

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16. Design a non inverting amplifier with a gain of 2.At a maximum 2 3 1.4.2
output voltage of 10V the current in the voltage divider is to be 10µA.

17. An Op-Amp having a 106-db gain at dc and a single pole frequency 5 3 1.4.2
response with ft=2Mhz is used to design a non inverting amplifier
with nominal dc gain of 100.Find the 3-db frequency of the closed

18. The Guest speaker addressing crowd of 500 audience in an 5 3 2.1.2

auditorium is subjected to noise from audience and acoustics of the
room, Design a suitable selctive circuit to enhance the audibility by
eliminating the noise. [Hint : assume maximum voice frequency]

19. Determine the output voltage VO of the following circuit 2 3 1.4.2

20. For the following circuit if δ=0.05, Determine the output VO 2 3 1.4.1

21. Determine the gain of the circuit given below 2 3 2.1.2

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School of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Unit III
Course Code and Title: 19EECC203 / Linear Integrated Circuits
Chapter Number and Title: 6. Nonlinear Applications of Op-Amp Planned Hours: 10

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the topic the student should be able to:
TLO's CO's BL CA Code
Construct and describe the operation of comparators, Zero crossing 3 2 1.4
detectors Voltage Controlled Oscillators, triangular and square wave
generator and sample and hold circuit.

Design Inverting Schmitt trigger circuit and analyze. 3 3 1.4

Sketch the circuit of Phase shift oscillator, Wein bridge oscillator and 3 2 1.4
determine the frequency of oscillations.

With neat block schematic explain the working of Flash ADC. 3 2 1.4

Describe the operation of Successive Approximation Register ADC. 3 2 1.4,


Construct weighted resistor DAC and explain its operation. 3 2 1.4

Lesson Schedule

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Class No. - Portion covered per hour

1. Crossing detectors (ZCD. Comparator)
2. Inverting Schmitt trigger circuits
3. Waveform generator: Triangular/rectangular wave generators.
4. Voltage controlled Oscillator
5. Sample and hold circuits
6. Phase shift oscillator, Wein bridge oscillator.
7. DAC: Weighted resistor; R -2R,.

8. Current steering DAC and numericals

9. ADC:Flash, Dual slope,
10. Successive Approximation ADC and numericals

Review Questions
Sr.No. - Questions TLO BL PI Code
1. What is comparator? What is the difference between a basic 1 1 1.4.2
comparator and the Schmitt trigger?

2. List the important characteristics of the comparator? Explain Zero 1 2 1.4.2

crossing detectors.

3. Design a circuit using Op-Amp to obtain the following transfer 2 3 1.4.2

characteristics with VLTP=-2V; VUTP=3V; Vsat=15V; –Vsat=15V. Explain
the operation using waveforms and obtain the expressions.

4. Explain sample and hold circuit with neat circuit schematic. 1 2 1.4.2

5. For an 8-bit R-2R ladder DAC, the nominal full-scale voltage is 10V. 6 3 1.4.2
Calculate the analog o/p for i) 10100000 ii) 11101010.

6. A triangular wave which goes from -12V to +12V is applied to the 2 3 1.4.2
inverting input of the Op-Amp. Calculate the voltage that switches
between the non-inverting input.

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7. Vin = 20V ±20%, Vout = 10V, Calculate the maximum power 2 3 1.4.2
dissipation in Q1if load current through RL is 200m

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School of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Model Question Paper for Minor Exam I

Course Course Title: Linear Integrated Circuits


Duration: 75min

Max. Marks: 40

Note: Answer any two full questions

Q.N Questions Marks CLO BL
Describe the working principle of a standard cascode current 06 1 1.4.2 2
1a sink and compare its performance in terms of impedance with
simple current sink.
Identify the following current mirror configuration and determine 06 1 1.4.2 3
the drain current of M4 if all the transistors are in saturation.

For two transistor with equal lengths and widths related by 08 1 1.4.2 3
W2:W1 = 5,design a basic current mirror to obtain I= 0.5 mA. , let
VDD= -VSS= 5 V, k’n (W/L) 1 = 0.8 mA / V2, VT= 1 V also determine
the appropriate load resistor.
Draw non-inverting and inverting open loop configuration using 06 1 1.4.1 2
Op-Amp, determine the output voltage swing for the following
2a Vin1=2µV
Vin2= 0.5V
Vin3= -3.5µV
Given that VCC= -VSS=12V
In the differential amplifier circuit given below the width of M2 is 06 1 1.3.1
b twice as that of M1. Find the expression for small signal gain of
the amplifier if the input voltages Vin1 and Vin2 are equal.. 3

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Design a suitable current biasing circuit for a common source 08 1 2.1.2 3

c amplifier with a bias of 1µA is required? Explain the compen
For the differential amplifier configuration given below, with 06 1 1.3.1 3
(W/L)1,2=25/0.5, µnCox=50µA/V2, VTH=0.6V, λ=γ=0 and VDD =3V
a. What is the required input CM for which RSS sustains
b. Calculate RD for a differential gain of 5


Sketch the transfer characteristics of Op-Amp. 06 1 1.4.1 2

i. Over what differential voltage is the Op-Amp a good limiter?
ii. Over what differential voltage is the transfer characteristic
curve is linear?
iii. How does the trans-conductance vary with differential
c Draw the circuit of Cascode current mirror and explain.And 08 1 1.3.1 3
derive the small signal voltage gain of the circuit shown below

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School of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Model Question Paper for Minor Exam II

Course Code: 19EECC203 Course Title: Linear Integrated Circuits

Duration: 75min

Max. Marks: 40

Note: Answer any two full questions

Questions Marks CLO
Q.No Code L

Find the output voltage Vo, assuming the Op-Amps are ideal. 06 2 1.4.2 2


It is required to measure the room temperature of the tissue culture 06 2 2.1.2 3

laboratory in order to maintain the constant temperature of the room
for the better growth of the tissues which is measured using the
b RTD .Design a signal conditioning circuit to generate a voltage
proportional to measured temperature. [Sensitivity of RTD is

For the following Op-Amp configuration, with three inputs V1,V2 and 08 2 1.4.2 3
V3 , compute the value of feedback resistor R to obtain v out =100V.

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Given V1=1V,V2=-3V and V3= -5V

Two different pre-amp microphones are used in a recording studio, 06 2 2.1.2 3

one for vocals and other for the musical instrument with output
voltage in the range of 0-2V and 0-0.5V respectively. Design a
suitable circuit using Op-Amp to combine signals from both the
microphones in such a way that the signal corresponding to the
musical instrument should be twice amplification as that of vocal

For the circuit shown below with the values of R1=10KΩ, Rf=100 KΩ, 06 2 1.4.2 2
1.Lower frequency limit of integration and
2. Response for the step, square and sine inputs.

c For the non inverting amplifier shown below with Rin=50Ω, Ci= 08 2 1.4.2 3
C1=0.1µF, R1=R2=R3=100k Ω, Rf=1M Ω and VCC=+15V.Determine a)
Bandwidth of the amplifier

b) Maximum output voltage swing.

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Compute output voltage Vout for the circuit shown below Amplifier with 06 2 1.4.2 3
Buffer Circuit.


Find the output voltage Vo, assuming the Op-Amps are ideal. 06 2 1.4.2 3

Draw the circuit configuration of an Instrumentation amplifier with high 08 2 1.4.2 2

input impedance. Using circuit analysis techniques arrive at an
expression for the output voltage in terms of input voltage and

Model Question Paper for End Semester Assessment

Course Code:19EECC203 Course Title: Linear Integrated Circuits

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School of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Duration: 3 hrs

Max. Marks: 100

Note: Answer five questions; any two full questions from each unit-I and unit-II and one full

Question from unit-III. Assume missing data if any


Q. Ma PI
Questions CLO BL
rks Code
Differentiate between a current source and current sink? Illustrate with the 06 1 1.4.1 2
1a help of a single MOS transistor.
Determine a suitable circuit configuration to mirror the current from a
reference current of 200ua with high input impedance to drive a differential 06 1 1.4.2 3
amplifier with common mode input voltage for the following parameters:
R = 2K Ω, kn2= 10 µA/ V2, kn1= 250 µA/ V2 VDD= 5V.
For a MOS differential pair with a common mode voltage VCM applied, let
VDD = VSS= 1.5V, k’n (W/L)=4mA/V2, VT =0.5V ,I=0.4mA and RD =2.5KΩ
neglect the channel length modulation. 08 1 2.1.2 3
i. Find VOV and VGS for each MOSFET’s
ii. For VCM=-0.2 find vs,iD1,iD2,vD1 and vD2
What is the highest value of vcm for which M1 and M2 remain in saturation?
Design an NMOS current mirror with V DD= 5 V, VSS= 0 V and Iref = 100 µA.
06 1 1.4.1 3
2a for the matched MOSFETS L= 10 µm, W = 100 µm, V T = 1 V and k’n = 20
µA/ V2.
Draw the circuti configuration of a two stage operational amplifier and 06 1 1.4.1 2
b explain the different sub circuits in it.
Compute the power dissipated by 8Ω resistor if δ=
i. 0V, ii. 1nV and iii. 2.5µV

08 1 1.4.1 2

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Define: Input bias current, input offset current, input offset voltage, output
offset voltage, PSRR, CMRR and slew rate. 06 1 1.4.1 2

List the ideal and practical characteristics values of an OP-AMP. 06 1 1.4.1 2

Design the currents and W/L values of the current mirror load differential
amplifier to satisfy the following specifications: Vdd= -Vss=2.5V,SR>=
08 1 1.4.2 3
c 10V/us(Cload=5pf),f-3db>= 100kHz(CL=5pF),a small signal voltage gain of
100 V/V,-1.5<=ICMR<=2V and Pdiss<=1mW. Use model parameters of KN’=
110uA/V2, KP’= 50uA/V2, VTP=-0.7V, VTN=0.7V,λN=0.04V-1 , λP= 0.05V-1.
Unit II

It is required to measure the room temperature of the food processing unit 2.1.2 3
in order to maintain the constant temperature using LM35. Design a circuit
06 2
4a to measure the temperature of the food processing unit in order to
generate a voltage proportional to change in measured temperature.
[Change in voltage for per degree rise in temperature is 3mV.]
The circuit shown below uses 1N750 diode, which is characterized by a 1.4.2 1
Zener voltage of 4.7V. Determine the voltages labeled V1, V2 and V3.

06 2

1.4.2 3
c Design an Op-Amp circuit that will provide an output voltage equal to the average of08 2 input voltages. Assume that
the three
in +10V

It is required to use the microwave system in Microfabrication unit for 2.1.2 2

processes such as plasma processes (surface modification, chemical
vapor infiltration, powder processing), chemical synthesis and processing, 06 2
and waste remediation. Design the circuit for operating the microwave
system in the range of 5 MHz to 50 GHz frequency with 20 db / decade roll
off rate. Assume the parameters required to design the given application.
In the figure shown below, the Op-Amps are ideal and the output can 1.4.2 2
swing between ±15V. The output is +15V for t<0. Calculate the output 06 2
voltage and sketch the output waveform indicating the time constant.

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A sensor provides a signal voltage between -30mV and +75mV 1.4.2 3

v out
a) If an inverting amplifier is used with avoltage gain of =1000 and
± 15V dc supplies, what is the expected output voltage range? 08 2
b) If a non-inverting amplifier is used with ± 15V dc supplies, what is the
maximum resistance ratio that can be used without the op amp

It is required to measure the weight of the vehicle using weigh bridge 2.1.2 2
system, Suggest and explain suitable signal conditioning circuit for 06 2
measuring the weight interms of voltage.

A sinusoidal signal is riding on a 2V dc offset ie. the average value of the 2.1.2 3
total sinusoidal signal is 2V. Design a circuit to remove the dc offset, and 06 2
amplify the sinusoidal signal without phase reversal by a factor of 100.

Design a voltage shunt feedback amplifier using Op-Amp for gain of 5. 08 2 1.4.1 2

Unit III

7a Formulate a circuit using Op-Amp to produce the following hysteresis. 1 3 2.1.2 3

Explain the operation using waveforms and obtain the expressions. V LTP=- 0
2; VUTP=3; VSAT=15; –VSAT=-15.

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Draw the circuit configuration to generate Square wave and triangular 1.4.2 2
10 3
b wave. Explain the circuit operation using waveforms.

ImWith a neat block diagram explain the working of SAR ADC. A 10 3 1.4.2 3
nd calculate the output of 3-bit SAR ADC for input voltage of 2.5V and
5.5V.Assume V REF =8 V

With neat block diagram explain the working of R-2R DAC and design a 3- 1.4.2 3
bit R-2R DAC with R=1KΩ and R F=2KΩ and V REF =5 V . Assume that the
10 3
b resistance of the switches are negligible. Determine the value of i TOT for
each digital input and the corresponding output voltage, vOUT.

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