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Savitribai Phule Pune University

Project Report-I I

Design And Development of Thermoacoustic

Refrigeration System

Submitted by
Group No : 20
Mr. Mukesh Chaudhari (B190070828)

Mr. Rushikesh Khatake (B190070866)

Mr. Ashlesh Raut (B190070910)

Mr. Utkarsh Waykole (B190070947)

(Final Year B.E)

Under the Guidance of
Prof. A. D. Zope

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Engineering and Technology,
& GKPIOM, Pune

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University

Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Engineering and Technology, &

GKPIOM, Pune-411009


This is to certify that the following students have successfully completed

project stage- II, entitled “Design And Development of Thermoacoustic
Refrigeration System” in the partial fulfilment of Bachelor’s Degree in
Mechanical Engineering of Savitribai Phule Pune University.

Mr. Mukesh Chaudhari (B190070828)

Mr. Rushikesh Khatake (B190070866)

Mr. Ashlesh Raut (B190070910)

Mr. Utkarsh Waykole (B190070947)

Prof. A.D. Zope Dr. M. M. Bhoomkar

Project Guide Internal External Head of the

Examiner Examiner Department

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University


It is a single person cannot carry out a humble brief that any project work with
success. Nevertheless, we have made attempt to this report to express our deepest graduate
to all those who have contribute to make this project either directly or indirectly.

We are also grateful to “Pune Vidyarthi Griha's College of Engineering and

Technology, & GKPIOM”, Pune for providing us with the necessary resources and a
conducive environment to carry out our research and development activities.

We whole heartedly thanks to our guide “ Prof. A.D. Zope ” for their valuable
ideas to inspiration, guidance and co-operation in the completion of project as without his
guidance, it would have been difficult to overcome the problems faced during analysis
and enhancement of thermos-acoustic refrigerator.

We are in debited to them for their guidance , Inspiration and encouragement that
they have rendered through the various phases in the completion of the project. We are
also express our gratefulness to all faculty members, college and group members and well
wishes whenever it due.

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University

Thermoacoustics is a field that combines thermodynamics, fluid dynamics and
acoustics. In thermoacoustics it is possible to construct thermodynamic engines, prime
movers and heat pumps which respectively use heat to create work, and use work to create
or move heat.

Thermoacoustic is a relatively new field of science and engineering. The subject is

still quite unknown and not much literature is available on the subject. But there is a positive
trend in the number of research papers being published about the subject.

There are two types of thermoacoustic devices, travelling wave and standing wave.
The first use a standard travelling acoustic wave and the second use a resonator in which the
acoustic waves interfere causing a standing wave.

The goal of this project is to develop a standing wave thermoacoustic refrigerator.

This report gives an introduction in thermoacoustic. The different parts of a thermoacoustic
refrigerator have been discussed as well.

A few suggestions for future work are also included in this report. Also given a larger
impetus thermoacoustic refrigeration could well prove to be the most attractive alternative
to traditional cooling.

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University


Sr. No Title Page

1 Relationship between the phase of the wave, the pressure and the 12
actual arrangement of the molecules
2 Schematic of Thermoacoustic Refrigerator 14

3 The Sound hauss tube 16

4 Hofler’s standing-wave refrigerator 17
5 Configurations for study of thermoacoustic oscillations 18
6 Schematic of a resonator with a non-uniform cross section 27
7 Schematic of the geometry for Transient State Analysis 28
8 Grid representation of computational domain 31
9 Acoustic driver (Loudspeaker) 35
10 Schematic of the refrigeration assembly showing various sub-groups 36
11 Stack 37
12 Heat Exchanger 38
13 Resonator Tube 39
14 Conical buffer volume 40
15 Amplifier 40
16 Frequency Sound Generator Display 41
17 The TAR CAD model 41
18 The TAR assembly ready for operation 42
19 Schematic of the Experimental Setup and Allied Instrumentation 43
20 Comparison of steady state cold temperatures by numerical 45
integration and FDM
21 Transient temperature profiles at various instants of time from t=30 s 46
to t=120 s.
22 Transient temperature profiles at various instants of time from t=240 s 46
to t=960 s.
23 Transient temperature profiles at various instants of time from 47
t=2400s to t=9600s
24 Transient temperature profiles at various instants of time from 48
t=10800s to t=21600s
25 Variation of cold temperature with time monoatomic & diatomic gas 49
26 Graph (Time Vs. Temperature) 50

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University


Sr. No Title Page No

1 Plan of Work/Timeline 14

2 Research Paper and Conclusion 18,19

3 Operating, design parameters and material properties 21

4 Hofler’s operating parameters and stack dimensions 23

5 Tijani’s operating parameters and stack dimensions 23

6 Performance of thermoacoustic refrigerators 24

7 Operating Parameters, Working Gas and Stack Material 33

8 Dimensions of TAR resonator 34

9 Expenditure 43

10 Operating Parameters and Dimensions of various components 46

11 Observation and results 59

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University


1.Introduction ................................................................................................................ 11

1.1 Need & Basic Concept ........................................................................................... 11

1.2 Problem Statement ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.3 Solution Offered to the Problem ............................................................................. 12

1.4 Objectives ............................................................................................................. 13

1.5 Plan Of Execution ................................................................................................. 15

2. Literature Review ...................................................................................................... 16

2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 16

2.2 Methodology ......................................................................................................... 20

3. Design Of System ....................................................................................................... 21

3.1 Thermoacoustic Refrigerators (Tars) ..................................................................... 21

3.1.1 Theoretical Models ....................................................................................... 21

3.1.2 Experimental Work ....................................................................................... 23

3.2 Summary................................................................................................................ 24

3.3 Actual Models........................................................................................................25

4. Theoretical Analysis Of A Standing Wave Tar .......................................................... 27

4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 27

4.2 Loudspeaker Driven Gas Columns ........................................................................ 27

4.2.1 The Impedance Transfer Technique .............................................................. 27

4.3 Deltaec Model........................................................................................................ 28

4.4 Transient State Model Of A Standing Wave Tar ...................................................... 29

4.4.1 Geometry ..................................................................................................... 30

4.4.2 Assumptions ................................................................................................. 30

4.4.3 Governing Equations ................................................................................... 31

4.4.4 Computational Domain And Boundary Conditions ...................................... 32

4.4.5 Solution Methodology .................................................................................. 32

4.5 Operating Parameters And Working Gas ................................................................ 34

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B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University

4.5.1 Operating Parameters .................................................................................. 34

4.5.2 Working Gas ................................................................................................ 35

4.5.3 Stack Material ............................................................................................. 35

4.5.4 Design Choices ............................................................................................ 35

4.6 Geometric Dimensions .......................................................................................... 36

4.6.1 Resonators For Dynamic Pressure Measurements ........................................ 36

4.6.2 Resonator Of Tar ......................................................................................... 36

4.6.3 Stack ........................................................................................................... 36

5. Fabrication And Experimental Setup ....................................................................... 37

5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 37

5.2 Acoustic Driver ..................................................................................................... 37

5.3 Refrigerator Assembly ........................................................................................... 38

5.3.1 Fabrication .................................................................................................. 39

5.3.2 Assembly ..................................................................................................... 43

5.4 Experimental Setup And Instrumentation .............................................................. 44

5.5 Expenditure ........................................................................................................... 45

6. Results And Discussion .............................................................................................. 46

6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 46

6.2 Theoretical Results Of The Transient State Model ................................................. 46

6.2.1 Comparison With Numerical Integration ...................................................... 46

6.2.2 Transient Temperature Profiles .................................................................... 47

6.2.3 Cooldown Characteristics Of Working Gases ................................................ 51

6.3 Observation & Result ............................................................................................ 51

7. Conclusions And Future Scope .................................................................................. 53

7.1 Conclusions .......................................................................................................... 53

7.2 Future Scope ......................................................................................................... 55

References ...................................................................................................................... 57

Publications .................................................................................................................... 59

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University


Symbol Meaning (SI Unit)

p pressure (N m-2)

T temperature (K)

f frequency (Hz)
ρ density (kg m-3)

a sound speed (m s-1)

λ wavelength (m)

k wave number (m-1)

ω angular frequency (rad s-1)

γ ratio of specific heats

δk thermal penetration depth of gas(m)

δs thermal penetration depth of plate (m)

δv viscousl penetration depth of gas(m)

β thermal expansion coefficient (k-1)
k thermal conductivity (W m-1 k-1)

Cp isobaric specific heat (J kg-1 k-1)

Γ normalized temperature gradient

f Rott’s function

s specific entropy (J kg-1 k-1)

Qc cooling power (W)

COP Coefficient of performance

W acoustic power (W)

L length of resonator (m)

Ls length of stack (m)

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University

εs Thermal Effusivity

1 half plate thickness (m)

y0 half plate spacing (m)

П wetted perimeter (m)

xs stack centre position (m)

x Local x-coordinate (m)

A Area of cross section (m2)


m mean

a amplitude
1 local ampliude

s solid (plate)
n normalized
r, res resonator

Other Symbols

~ Complex Conjugate

Re[ ] Real Part of [ ]

Im[ ] Imaginary Part of [ ]

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University

Chapter 1

1.1 Need & Basic Concept:

Thermo acoustic refrigerator is a device that operates efficiently by using sound
waves and non-flammable environmentally friendly gases and that is suitable for
handling residential refrigeration needs.

The customer’s needs in this market segment are efficiency, long life span and
warranty, capacity, acceptable price, nice design and color, quietness, respected brand,
safety and environmental friendliness. Thermo acoustic refrigerator has the most
important features built in our products to satisfy these consumer needs. We will
especially be good at offering environmental friendly, well-designed and long lasting

From creating comfortable home environments to manufacturing fast and

efficient electronic devices, air conditioning and refrigeration remain expensive, yet
essential, services for both homes and industries. However, in an age of impending
energy and environmental crises, current cooling technologies continue to generate
greenhouse gases with high energy costs. Thermoacoustic refrigeration is an innovative
alternative for cooling that is both clean and inexpensive. Through the construction of
a functional model, the effectiveness of a thermoacoustic refrigerator will be

Refrigeration relies on two major thermodynamic principles. First, a fluid’s

temperature rises when compressed and falls when expanded. Second, when two
substances are placed in direct contact, heat will flow from the hotter substance to the
cooler one. While conventional refrigerators use pumps to transfer heat on a
macroscopic scale, thermoacoustic refrigerators rely on sound to generate waves of
pressure that alternately compress and relax the gas particles within the tube.

This market feasibility study focuses on thermoacoustic refrigerator, which is

currently under development. The study is mainly based on the secondary research that
is conducted on a wide variety of relevant materials. Most of the arguments within this
paper are the result of this research. A small-sized primary research in the form of
interviews was also conducted to test the accuracy of the secondary research. The result
of this research is reflected in various parts of the study such as the discussion of the
customer needs and product features. But there will also be a short part devoted to the
result of only the primary research.

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University

1.2 Problem Statement :

The goal of this project is to design and develop a prototype of a thermoacoustic
refrigeration system. This system will utilize sound waves to create a refrigeration effect,
offering an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional refrigeration technologies
that rely on harmful refrigerants.

Environmental Concerns:
Traditional refrigeration systems often use hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which are potent greenhouse gases contributing to global
warming and ozone layer depletion. By contrast, thermoacoustic refrigeration does not
use these harmful substances, potentially reducing the environmental impact.

Energy Efficiency:
Thermoacoustic refrigeration has the potential to be more energy-efficient compared to
conventional systems. The technology leverages the acoustic energy and could convert
electrical energy into refrigeration more efficiently under certain conditions.

Innovation in Cooling Technology:

Thermoacoustic refrigeration represents a novel and innovative approach to cooling
technology. Advancing this technology can lead to new applications and improvements in
various fields, from household appliances to industrial cooling systems.

Scalability and Versatility:

This technology can be scaled for various applications, from small-scale refrigeration
units for personal use to large industrial cooling systems. Its versatility makes it a
promising area for research and development.

Reduction of Mechanical Components:

Traditional refrigeration systems rely heavily on mechanical components like
compressors, which are prone to wear and tear, require regular maintenance, and are
sources of noise. Thermoacoustic systems can potentially reduce or eliminate some of
these components, leading to more durable and quieter systems.

In the long term, thermoacoustic refrigeration systems could be more cost-effective due
to lower maintenance costs and the absence of expensive refrigerants. Additionally, as the
technology matures, the initial costs could decrease, making it a competitive alternative.

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University

1.3 Solution Offered To The Problem:

A thermoacoustic refrigerator pumps heat from low temperature to high temperature

region using energy of sound waves. Schematic of a thermoacoustic refrigerator is
shown in Figure 1.1.

The source of acoustic energy is called ‘acoustic driver’ which can be a loudspeaker.
The acoustic driver emits sound waves in a long hollow tube filled with gas at high
pressure. This long hollow tube is called ‘resonance tube’ or simply ‘resonator’. The
frequency of the driver and the length of the resonator are chosen so as to get a standing
pressure wave in the resonator. A solid porous material like a stack of solid plates is
kept in the path of sound waves in the resonator.

Due to thermoacoustic effect heat starts to flow from one end of stack to the other. One
end starts to heat up while other starts to cool down. By controlling temperature of hot
side of stack (by removing heat by means of a heat exchanger), the cold end of stack
can be made to cool down to lower and lower temperatures. A refrigeration load can
then be applied at the cold end by means of a heat exchanger.

‘Thermoacoustics’ is a ‘green’ and a new technology. The working medium of TAR is

an inert gas. There is no need of conventional refrigerants like CFCs that pose hazards
to the environment. TAR has minimal moving parts and no valves to regulate fluid flow.
Once designed efficiently, they require very less maintenance. Because of use of
acoustic power, the pressure difference between which a TAR operates is very small.
This means TAR can find immense application where noise or vibration can’t be
tolerated. Besides this, they have no close tolerances and can be fabricated from easily
available materials.

Figure 1.1: Schematic of a thermoacoustic refrigerator.

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University

1.4 Principle of Thermoacoustic System:

Thermoacoustic is based on the principle that sound waves are pressure waves.
These sound waves propagate through the air via molecular collisions. The molecular
collisions cause a disturbance in the air, which in turn creates constructive and destructive
interference. The constructive interference makes the molecules compress, and the
destructive interference makes the molecules expand. This principle is the basis behind
the thermoacoustic refrigerator.

One method to control these pressure disturbances is with standing waves.

Standing waves are natural phenomena exhibited by any wave, such as light, sound, or
water waves. In a closed tube, columns of air demonstrate these patterns as sound waves
reflect back on themselves after colliding with the end of the tube. When the incident and
reflected waves overlap, they interfere constructively, producing a single waveform. This
wave appears to cause the medium to vibrate in isolated sections as the traveling waves
are masked by the interference.1 Therefore, these “standing waves” seem to vibrate in
constant position and orientation around stationary nodes. These nodes are located where
the two component sound waves interfere to create areas of zero net displacement. The
areas of maximum displacement are located halfway between two nodes and are called
antinodes. The maximum compression of the air also occurs at the antinodes. Due to these
node and antinode properties, standing waves are useful because only a small input of
power is needed to create a large amplitude wave. This large amplitude wave then has
energy to cause visible thermoacoustic effects.

Figure 1.2 : Relationship between the phase of the wave, the pressure and the actual
arrangement of the molecules

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University

1.5 Objective Of Present Work:

The aim of present work is “To design and develop a Standing Wave TAR driven by
a loudspeaker, capable of cooling to a temperature near 250 K”.

The principal objectives of the project are as stated under:

1) To theoretically investigate the effect of different operating parameters and
working gas on TAR performance, so as to come up with a suitable TAR design.

2) To develop a TAR setup driven by an available loudspeaker . This involves suitable

modifications of the driver, design and fabrication of various TAR components, assembly
and experimental investigations

1.6 Plan Of Execution :

Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May


• A= Topic finalization • F= Purchasing of components

• B= Literature Review • G= Manufacturing
• C= Formulation of Problem • H= Assembly and Testing
• D= Parametric analysis • I= Results and Conclusion
• E=Development of CAD models of system • J= Report Writing

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University

Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction:
In his 1686 work Principia , Newton included a mechanical interpretation of
sound as being pressure pulses transmitted through neighboring fluid particles. Newton
though this expansion sand compression sharpened without affecting the temperature,
while in fact they do produces light variations in temperature as found by LaPlace. This
was observed by 19th-century glass blowers who not iced that as the glass was heated up
sound was produced (Garrett). This made people wonder if a change temperature could
produce sound, could sound produce a change in temperature?

In the mid-1800s, Rijke and Sondhaus made numerous discoveries significantly

progressing the study of thermo acoustics. Rijke determined that a large vertical tube,
open at both ends, emitted sound when heat was place at one quarter of the tube length.
Additionally, Send Haus describe dhowatube close at one end will produce sound when
the closed end is heated.

Figure 2.1: The Sound hauss tube

In 1975, Merkli and Thomann were able to observe sound producing a temperature
difference (Symko,646). Rotter searched these effects and developed the mathematics
describing oscillations in a tube with a temperature gradient(Swift, Unifying Perspective
2380).These results confirmed the connection between sound and heat. In1983, Wheatley
developed a thermo acoustic refrigerator ,which produced a temperature difference of 100oC
when pumped withs found at 500Hz at a level above 185 d B in pressurized helium
gas(Symko,648). Five years later, Hofler invented as tending-wave thermo acoustic
refrigerator, confirming the validity and accuracy of Rott’s approach to acoustics in small
channels (Swift, A Brief Description1).The Space Thermo acoustic Refrigerator(STAR) was
the first electrically-driven thermo acoustic chiller designed to operate outside a laboratory
.It was launched on the Space Shuttle Discovery (STS-42) on January 22, 1992.

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University

Developed and tested at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA, it has the
ability to move five watts overheated exhibited a peak Carnot efficiency of 20% across the
stack (Penn State).

Figure 2.2: Hofler’sstanding-wave refrigerator

In 1995, the Shipboard Electronics Thermo acoustic Chiller was used to cool
electronics on board the Use coma Spruance-classed story Erin the Atlantic Fleet. While
at sea ,it produced a maximum cooling power of 419 watts and at the lowest temperature
which could be achieved using water as the heat exchanging fluid ,it produced 294 watts
of useful cooling .It exhibited a peak Carnot efficiency of 17%.

1. Temp gradient( T/ x)
The temperature gradient is measured as
∆T/ x = P / ρξCp
Where p is the acoustic pressure,
ξ is the displacement
amplitude, ρ is the density
Cp is the specific heat/unit

2. Thermal penetration length (ζ )

The thermal penetration length is the distance heat can diffuse
through a gas in a time t seconds.
ζ = k t / ρ Cp.
Where k is the thermal conductivity,
ρ is the density and

Cp is the specific heat/unit mass.

Depending on the thermal penetration depth the distance between the stack plates
is varied. If the distance is very large heat transfer will be minimum or if the distance is

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University

too small the gas will be unable to pass through the stack plates and moreover transfer of
heat to plates will be difficult. So the stack of plates should be kept at proper distances
apart. Moreover the acoustic pressure determines the temperature gradient setup. So, a
resonator is a must in a thermo acoustic refrigerator.

The study of thermoacoustic oscillations has a rich and interesting history. Bryon
Higgins (1777) made the first observations of thermoacoustic oscillations. A organ pipe
open at both ends started to emit sound when it was heated at certain locations along its
length. Sondhauss (1850) made experimental investigations of heat generated sound
when blowing a hot glass bulb at the end of a cold glass tube. Rijke (1859) found that
strong sound oscillations can be generated in an open ended hollow tube by keeping a
heated wiremesh screen at a quarter length distance from open end. The experimental
configurations for study of thermoacoustic oscillations are shown in Figure 2.1.

a) Higgins Tube b) Rijke tube c) Sondhauss tube

Figure 2.3: Configurations for study of thermoacoustic oscillations

Sr no. Title of paper Author name and date Conclusions

Optimizing the design B L. Minner, Braun, L. Cu alloy exchanger used

of a TR Mongeau 1996 He & Xe mixture results in
shorter device a lower
1. operating frequency as
compared to pure helium
and results were nearly
Thermo-acoustic Gregory Swift,1997 Thermo acoustic
natural gas liquefier skill successfully
implemented to liquefy
natural gas

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University

Design of TR J.C.H. Zeegers,

Nov2001 Even after reducing the
parameters results obtained
were 95% accurate as that
of the original one

Resource letter on Garrett, Jan2004

It does not matter if wave is
thermo acoustic
4. travelling or standing the
engines and
heat that is pumped matters
Development of low Loudspeaker of 250W was
cost loudspeaker used for successful working
5. driven TR 2005 with COPPER stack

6. An overview of stack Bhansali.P. S, Stack spacing affects stack

design for TR JUNE2015 performance too low
spacing leads to higher
viscous losses and too
larger spacing results in
only a small volume of gas
involved in thermal

Measuring the David Bartos,2015

Best performing material is
performance of
7. stainless steel followed by
different stack
plastic and then paper
materials in thermo
acoustic device
Performance Ramesh Nayak, June The temperature difference
evaluation of TR 2015 across the hot end and cold
using air as working end of the stack increases
medium with increase of acoustic
power for mean pressure of
10 bar
A study of TR system Pranav Mahamuni, FEB
Parallel type stacks of
9. thermoplastic gave
satisfying results

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University

2.2 Methodology :
The methodology involved in the development of a thermo acoustic refrigerator
involved certain steps which ultimately led to a design which is easy to manufacture and
highly engineered. The design methodology path used is as follows:

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University

Chapter 3

3.1 Thermoacoustic Refrigerators (Tars) :

Swift’s review paper led to development of many practical thermoacoustic refrigerators.
Some of important theoretical and experimental findings and compare with the Actual
Calculations are described in this section.

3.1.1 Theoretical Models:

A design algorithm for TAR was given by Herman 7. Various operating and design
parameters were indentified by the authors as shown in Table 2.1. To reduce the complexity
of theoretical expressions due to a large number of variables, normalization technique was
Table 3.1 Operating, design parameters and material properties

Operating Design Parameters Material Properties

Parameters Design requirementsStack geometry Working gas Stack

pm Mean Tc Cold end Ls Stack length µ Dynamic ρs Density

Pressure Temperature Viscosity
f Operating Th Hot end xs Stack center k Thermal ks Thermal
Frequency Temperature position Conductivity conductivity
p1 Pressure Qc Cooling Load l Half Plate γ Cp/Cv ratio Cs Specific
Amplitude Thickness Heat
Tm Mean W Input Acoustic y0 Half Plate a Sound Speed
Temperature Power spacing
A Cross section

The simplified expressions for cooling power and acoustic power in terms of normalized
parameters are respectively given by,

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University

The design algorithm is as follows:

Step 1: Choose the operating parameters such as mean pressure (with the constraint of
material strength), mean temperature, frequency, and the pressure amplitude. The pressure
amplitude should be low enough so as not to induce turbulence. This is ensured by keeping
the acoustic Reynold’s number less than 500 [1]. The acoustic Reynold’s number is given

Choose the working gas and stack material. From the calculated values of thermal
penetration depth, find plate spacing of the stack. The optimized plate spacing is equal to
twice the thermal penetration depth [1]. Assuming porosity, find plate thickness.
Step 2: Define stack COP as COP=Qcn/Wn. The stack COP becomes a function of only two
variables viz. Lsn and xsn. For different values of xns, the values of COP are plotted with
Lsn and optimal COP in each case is found out.

Step 3: Choose an optimum COP from the set and corresponding Lsn and xsn. From the
values of required cooling power Q and expression of normalized cooling power, calculate
stack cross section area.

Step 4: Calculate the resonator length so as to obtain a standing wave phasing between
oscillatory pressure and velocity. The length-frequency relation is given by,

Step 5: Determine the lengths of cold and hot side heat exchangers using the values of
displacement amplitudes and the cold and hot exchanger locations respectively. The optimal
length equals twice the displacement amplitude. The porosity of heat exchangers should be
equal to that of stack to prevent any discontinuity in gas flow passage.

Step 6: Apply 1st Law to resonator-stack-HXs system and choose a suitable

loudspeaker/acoustic driver which can pump in the required acoustic power.
A computational model of thermoacoustic refrigerators for performance prediction at steady
state was given by Jebali 8. The components of refrigerator were represented in terms
of acoustic network elements viz. compliance, inertance, viscous resistance, thermal
relaxation conductance and attenuation factors. The one dimensional cross section averaged
equations were discretized using the network analogy. The frequency response of the model
indicated maximum cooling power near the resonance frequency.

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

B.E. Mechanical
Savitribai Phule Pune University

3.1.2 Experimental Work:

The first fully functional thermoacoustic refrigerator was designed and built by Tom Hofler.
The loudspeaker driven refrigerator employed Kapton as the material for stack and Helium
as the working gas. Lowest temperature ratio achieved by Hofler was 0.66 while the
optimum COP was 12 % of Carnot COP. The operating parameters and stack dimensions of
Hofler’s refrigerator are given in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2 Hofler’s operating parameters and stack dimensions

Operating parameters Stack Dimensions

Mean Pressure 10 bar Plate Thickness 0.08 mm
Frequency 500 Hz Plate Spacing 0.38 mm
Drive Ratio 3% Length 0.08 m
Mean Temperature 255 K Cross Section Area 0.0012 m2
Hot end temperature 300 K Centre Location 0.09 m

Based on the design algorithm given by Herman, Tijani designed and constructed
a loudspeaker driven thermoacoustic refrigerator. The effect of blockage ratio on
performance of refrigerator was studied experimentally by varying the plate spacing . It was
observed that maximum heat flux occurs when plate spacing was twice the thermal
penetration depth. By using binary mixtures of inert gases , the effect of Prandtl number was
studied. A 30-70 mixture of Xe-He with a Prandtl Number of 0.2 gave optimum results. A
technique to optimize the loudspeaker to drive a given refrigerator was given by the authors.
The lowest temperature reported was -65oC. The operating parameters and stack dimensions
are given below in Table 3.3.
Table 3.3 Tijani’s operating parameters and stack dimensions

Operating parameters Stack Dimensions

Mean Pressure 10 bar Plate Thickness 0.1 mm
Frequency 400 Hz Plate Spacing 0.3 mm
Drive Ratio 2% Length 0.085 m
Mean Temperature 250 K Cross Section Area 0.00118 m2
Hot end temperature 283 K Centre Location 0.08 m

Besides these, several other refrigerators were developed by various research groups.
Details of some notable refrigerators are given in Table 3.4.

PVG’s College of Engineering & Technology, Pune

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Table 3.4 Performance of thermoacoustic refrigerators

Name ∆T (oC) Tc (oC) Qc (W) COPR

Prototype at Purdue University 8.9 15.6 40 0.033
Frankenfridge 10.8 17.2 26 0.067
Triton 18 10.4 2161 0.04
Ben & Jerry cooler 58.5 -24.6 119 0.22

3.2 Summary Of Theoretical Model:

It can be summarized from the literature that the theory of standing wave thermoacoustics is
well established. Several theoretical models as well as simulation softwares to forecast the
performance of a TAR at steady state are also available. However, there are only a few
notable instances where a fully functional standing wave TAR is designed, constructed and
experimentally investigated. Similarly, there is only one instance available, where the
transient state temperature profiles inside the stack of a TAR are reported.
In view of this, it is decided to design and develop a standing wave thermoacoustic
refrigerator capable of cooling to temperatures near 250 K. The effect of operating
parameters on TAR performance at steady as well as transient state would be investigated
theoretically and experimentally.

3.3 Actual Models:

3.3.1: Design parameter range:

Table 3.5 Properties of Air

𝛾 1.4
M 0.02897 kg/mol
R 8.31 j/mol
Tc 20℃

Speed of sound in Working Gas (c) = √𝛾𝑅𝑇𝑀 = 355,991.37 mm/s

Frequency range = 30Hz to 250Hz
Speed of sound and air density is taken with respect to 40℃
Hot side of stack is at 40℃

3.3.2: Dimension of Resonator:

Resonator Diameter as per dimension of speaker = 350mm
Length of resonator Lr = 𝜋𝑟 2 = 370mm
Resonance frequency (f ) = 4𝐿𝑟 = 240.5 Hz

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𝑐 355991.37
Sound Wavelength ( λ ) = = = 1480.21mm
𝑓 240.5
Since there is no information on the buffer in the literature so far, we designed it base
on Tijani’s design with some modifications.
The end cap is a part to make sure that the resonator is closed so that the pressure will
be maintained and there should not be pressure losses. The end cap was also designed
to deliver gases from here. And last but not least, the end cap also functions as an open
end to the resonator.

3.3.3: Stack Dimension :

Stack Length Ls << ( 𝜆/2𝜋) = 235.58mm

Stack length to be tested = 70mm, 130mm, 175mm (max)
Stack position form driver = = 74.01mm
The acoustic power drop is lower at stack position λ/8 than at stack position λ/20.
Therefore closer the stack form the driver more the acoustic power drop occurs.

3.3.4: Choosing the operating parameters:

1.First chose the temperature gradient(∆Tm) and cooling power (Qcn) wanted
∆Tm = 50k and Qcn = 5w

2. Then we state the available operating frequency (f) in here we choose f = 240.5Hz
3. Tijani’s mentioned that to avoid nonlinear effect, M, Mach number
has to be limited to M ≈ 0.1.
𝑀=𝜌 2
Where: Po = Dynamic Pressure
Pm= Average Pressure
With M = 0.1, the Drive Ratio should be less than 0.03, D ≤ 0.03. Then we choose D =
D = P a / Pm
The Average Pressure, Pm should be as large as possible. Due to difficulties in
fabrication we choose Pm = 10bar. Then we can decide the dynamic pressure, Po. So we
get Po = 0.2bar
4. The mean temperature, Tm is set to be Tm = 300 K and then calculate the Normalized
temperature difference, ∆Tm by this equation below,
∆Tmn = Tm
∆Tmn = Normalized temperature difference
∆Tm = Temperature gradient
Tm = mean temperature

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Table 3.6 Choosing Operating Parameter

Operating Parameters

Operating frequency : f = 240.5 Hz

Average pressure : Pm = 2 bar
Dynamic Pressure : Po =0.04bar
Drive Ratio : D = Po/Pm = 0.02
Mean Temperature : Tm = 300 K
Temperature gradient: ∆Tm = 50K
Normalized temperature difference : ∆Tmn = 0.166K
Cooling power: Qcn = 5W

3.3.5: List of Working gas parameter:

Working gas parameter
Thermal Conductivity : K = 0.024 W/m.K
Sound velocity : c = 355m/s
Ratio of isobaric to isochoric specific heats : γ = 1.4
Heat capacity : cp = 700 J/kg.K
Gas density : ρ_m = 1.204 kg/m3
Dynamics viscosity : µ = 1.825 x 10-5 kg/s.m
Prandtl Number : σ (Pr) = 0.7309

3.3.6: Heat exchanger Design:

Finned tube:
1. Height of fin (L) : 0.05 m
2. Width of fin (W) : 0.5 m
3. Thickness of fin (b) : 0.003 m
4. Number of fins (N) : 4
5. O.D. of fin tube (D) : 0.025 m.
6. Thermal conductivity of fin material (K) : 15.0 kcal/h-m-

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Chapter 4

4.1 Introduction:
A standing wave TAR can be divided into two major sub-systems – the heat pumping
assembly and the driver assembly. The heat pumping system consists of the stack, the
two heat exchangers and the resonator. The driver assembly consists of a magnet-voice
coil based electro-dynamic motor and a pusher cone suitably constructed for
thermoacoustic refrigeration.

This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part describes a theoretical model of a
loudspeaker driven straight gas column. This can be thought of a TAR assembly void
of the stack and the heat exchangers. The resonance frequency and dynamic pressure
generated in the gas column can be predicted using this analysis. Due to observed non-
linear effects in straight resonators, it is concluded that a resonator with non-uniform
cross section be used. The second part of this chapter describes the design of this new
resonator using an available software, DeltaEC. Finally, in the third part, an iterative
method is developed to predict the thermodynamic performance of a TAR

4.2 Loudspeaker Driven Gas Columns :

In order to predict the thermodynamic performance of a TAR, it is first essential
to determine the dynamic pressure that the available acoustic driver can generate. Other
than the driver parameters which are introduced in following sub-section, the dynamic
pressure depends on the charging pressure, the working gas and the operating frequency
of the system. The theoretical prediction of the dynamic pressure is done using the
impedance transfer technique. This technique enables one to calculate the effective
acoustic impedance of the load at the driver piston, and its resonance frequency. The
electrical network model of a moving coil loudspeaker is coupled with this acoustic
impedance model so that the dynamic pressure can be directly computed as a function
of input electrical voltage to the system.

4.2.1 The Impedance Transfer Technique :

Consider a straight hollow channel of length ‘L’ and uniform cross section area ‘A’, filled
with a gas at pressure ‘pm’ and temperature ‘Tm’. The speed of sound in the gas is ‘a’. A
source of acoustic wave (acoustic driver) is attached to one end of the channel at x=0.
When an acoustic wave with an angular frequency ‘ω’ propagates through this channel,
the acoustic impedance at any location ‘x’ in the channel is given by:


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where, p1(x) and u1(x) are the oscillatory pressure and velocity at location ‘x’. The
transfer function giving the acoustic impedance at location ‘x’ in terms of acoustic
impedance at any other location ‘x`’ is given by [3] :



Here, ‘k’ is the wave number and ‘fv’ is the complex Rott’s viscosity function denoting
the loss of acoustic power at the walls of the channel. A rigidly sealed end at x=L would
result in a location of infinite acoustic impedance. In this case, the acoustic impedance
at the driver piston would be:


This complex acoustic load resonates when its imaginary part is zero. The relation
between the channel length, the frequency and the sound speed for fundamental
resonance mode is:

As can be seen from eqn (4.4), the acoustic impedance of a given geometry depends on
the density of the working medium. Thus, it can be varied by changing the mean
pressure, mean temperature or the medium itself. However in practice, it is not feasible
to vary the mean temperature of the working medium.

4.3 DeltaEC Model:

In the course of experiments with loudspeaker driven gas columns, periodic
shocks can be observed. This non-linear effect hamper the magnitude and distort the
sinusoidal nature of dynamic pressure. Saenger and Hudson have also observed such
shocks which are bound to exist in straight gas columns with uniform cross section,
when excited at high amplitudes and operated very near the resonance frequency.
Though the shocks are minimal for low excitation levels, the dynamic pressure
generated in that case is too low to drive a thermoacoustic refrigerator. It was also
confirmed that such shocks can be prevented by use of resonators which are not straight,
but of non-uniform cross section.

One such geometry of resonator is shown below in Figure 4.2. It consists of a

larger diameter tube of diameter D1 and length L1, a conical reducer of length L2, a
smaller diameter tube of diameter D3 and length L3, and a conical buffer volume of

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length L4 in specified order. The larger diameter of the conical buffer is D4. The
acoustic driver is located at the beginning of the larger diameter tube at x=0. A similar
geometry was also used by Tijani in their standing wave TAR.

Figure 4.1 Schematic of a resonator with a non-uniform cross section

The geometry shown above is modeled in DeltaEC. For a set of user specified operating
parameters and geometry, DeltaEC integrates the thermoacoustic wave equation so that
the specified boundary conditions are satisfied. In the present DeltaEC model, the
operating parameters viz. the mean pressure and temperature, the dynamic pressure at
x=0, the operating frequency and the working gas are specified. All the geometric
parameters shown in the Figure 3.2, except L3, are also assumed. The rigid termination
at the extreme end of the buffer volume is a region of zero oscillatory velocity, hence a
location of infinite acoustic impedance. In order to enforce resonance at the chosen
operating frequency, the oscillatory pressure and velocity at x=0 are kept in phase. With
these input parameters, DeltaEC solves for the value of L3 and the oscillatory velocity
at x=0.
An equally viable alternative is of choosing L3 arbitrarily and solving for L4 with the
same boundary conditions. In a similar way, an iterative method may be formulated to
geometrically optimize the resonator for a given set of operating parameters and
boundary conditions

4.4 Transient State Model of a Standing Wave TAR:

A one dimensional model is developed to predict the transient state response of
a Standing Wave TAR. The total power flux equation is used to describe the transient
regime. In case of standing wave refrigerators, the contribution of travelling wave
component (the acoustic power flow) to the total power flow is very negligible as
compared to the standing wave component. Hence, the total power flow can be used to
approximate the enthalpy flow through the stack region. The method also predicts the
steady state cold temperature that a given TAR configuration can attain.

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4.4.1 Geometry :
The geometry considered here is a typical Hofler style standing wave TAR. As shown in
Figure 3.3, it consists of a resonator of length L, with a source of acoustic waves (acoustic
driver) kept at x=0. The end of resonator (x=L) is rigidly closed. A parallel plate stack of
length Ls is kept inside the resonator at x=xs from the driver end. Hot and cold heat
exchangers of lengths Lh and Lc respectively are kept to left and right of the stack.

Figure 4.2 Schematic of the geometry for Transient State Analysis

4.4.2 Assumptions:
Following assumptions are made while carrying out the transient state analysis of the
TAR :-

1. The model developed is One Dimensional-

a) Frequency of acoustic wave is small enough to ensure a plane wave-front

inside the resonator. The condition for plane wave propagation thorough a
hollow pipe with diameter D is [3]:


b) Heat flow in the stack and the resonator are longitudinal, lateral heat leaks
into the refrigerator are neglected

2. The model remains in framework of the Linear Theory with the Boundary Layer
Approximation [1].

3. Parallel plate geometry is considered for stack as well as for the heat exchangers.
Their porosities are assumed to be same and large enough not to disturb the
standing wave phasing.

4. Complete heat exchange limit [Brewster] is taken while calculating the heat
transfer coefficients between the stack and the heat exchangers.

5. The working gas is ideal.

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4.4.3 Governing Equations :

The acoustic field in the resonator has standing wave phasing between the dynamic
pressure and oscillatory velocity, with a pressure antinode at the driver end. Assuming
that the presence of stack does not alter the standing wave phasing, the spacial variation
for dynamic pressure and oscillatory velocity are given by:



Due to porosity of stack, the oscillatory velocity inside the stack gets modified to:

According to Rott’s acoustic approximation [2], the time averaged heat flux at a certain
cross section inside the stack is given by:


where β is the thermal expansion coefficient of working gas and Γ is the ratio of actual
temperature gradient to the critical temperature gradient. The first term in RHS of eqn(4.10)
is the heat pumping due to thermoacoustic effect, while the second term denotes the heat flux
returning back through the stack due to conduction by solid as well as gas. For an ideal gas,
the thermal expansion coefficient is the inverse of its absolute temperature. Hence, a
simplified expression for heat flux can be written down as:

where, A(x) and B(x) are functions of the axial coordinate in the stack.

The heat transfer coefficients between the heat exchangers and ends of stack are calculated
using ‘complete heat exchange limit’ . The heat transfer coefficients at the cold and hot heat
exchangers are given by:


where Br is the porosity of stack (and heat exchangers) and u1 is the amplitude of oscillatory
velocity at the heat exchanger location.

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The pressure oscillations in the resonator are adiabatic and hence, the principal mode of heat
transfer in the resonator (neglecting the thermoacoustic effect at the resonator walls) is heat

A typical control volume of the stack region is shown below in Figure 4.3. The temperature
variation of this control volume can be determined by the heat flowing in and out of it.

Figure 4.3 Heat flowing in and out of a cell of ‘stack’ region.

The variation is given by:


This one-dimensional unsteady state heat transport equation governs the temperature
distribution in the stack in transient regime.

4.4.4 Computational Domain and Boundary Conditions :

The one-dimensional computational domain consists of the hot heat exchanger,

the stack, the cold heat exchanger and the gas column in the resonator in order as shown
above in Figure 4.3. Thus, the domain is bounded by hot heat exchanger at the left end
and by rigid termination at the extreme right end of the resonator.

An isothermal boundary condition is imposed at the hot heat exchanger. In

practical case, such a boundary condition can be realized by maintaining its temperature at
a chosen constant value by removing heat from it (for example, by circulating cooling
water). The other extreme end of the domain is taken to be insulated

4.4.5 Solution Methodology:

The transient state equation is solved using Implicit Finite Different Method. To
solve the problem, the computational domain is divided into a one-dimensional grid. Stack
and the gas column inside the resonator are each divided into ‘n’ grid-points. In standing
wave TARs, the optimal length of heat exchangers is twice the oscillatory displacement
amplitude of gas at the heat exchanger location [1]. As this amplitude is quite small, the
heat exchangers are modeled as ‘lumped’ elements. The grid representation of the
computational domain is shown below in Figure 4.4.

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Figure 4.4 Grid representation of computational domain.

For a general stack cell ‘i’, the heat balance is given by:


where ‘C’ is the ‘mcp’ of cell, given by:


Here, the coefficients A and B, as well as the temperature gradients are evaluated at the
cell faces. Using central difference scheme to approximate the temperature gradient and
rearranging terms, eqn(3.17) simplifies to:


The finite difference equation for the cold heat exchanger (‘n+1’th cell) is:


Similarly, for an ‘i’th cell of hollow resonator, the discretised equation is given by:


The resultant system gives temperature of all the cells constituting the computational
domain at time step ‘k+1’ in terms of temperatures at previous time step ‘k’.

Eqns(4.17 – 4.19) represent a system of ‘2n’ linear equations in ‘2n’ unknowns. The
system can be written in a matrix form:
where ‘a’ is a 2n x 2n square matrix comprising of the coefficients of temperatures of
‘k+1’th time step (i.e LHS), ‘T’ is 2n x 1 column matrix representing temperatures of
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‘k+1’th time step and ‘b’ is again 2n x 1 column matrix with the terms on RHS of the
system of equations.

The Gauss inversion scheme is used to calculate temperatures of ‘k+1’th time step. The
temperatures of old time step ‘k‘, are then updated by the calculated values of new time
step. This procedure is iteratively repeated till the temperatures at two successive time
steps do not differ significantly.

The transient state temperature profiles, the cooldown curves and other theoretical
results of this analysis are presented in a later chapter.

4.5 Operating Parameters and Working Gas :

This section describes the implications of the operating parameters, the working
gas and the stack material on the TAR performance.

4.5.1 Operating Parameters :

The important operating parameters that govern the performance of a TAR are
the mean pressure and the mean temperature of the working gas, the operating
frequency and the dynamic pressure. The energy density of an acoustic field is directly
proportional to the mean pressure of the medium and the operating frequency. Hence,
it is advisable to keep both of these as high as possible. However, the maximum
allowable mean pressure is limited by the strength of the TAR hardware material. It can
also be noticed from the expression of thermal penetration depth that, it becomes lesser
with high mean pressure and operating frequency. As a result, less amount of gas
remains in thermal contact with the plates of a given stack, thereby decreasing the heat
pumping effect. Hence, while deciding the mean pressure and operating frequency, a
compromise has to be made between be made between device size and its heat pumping

The other parameter on which the performance of a TAR depends, is the

dynamic pressure. The cooling power, which a TAR can generate at the cold end, is
directly proportional to square of the dynamic pressure amplitude. Hence, a large
dynamic pressure is preferable. However, beyond a certain upper limit of dynamic
pressure, turbulence effects set in and hamper the TAR performance. The transition to
the turbulent or the non-linear regime of operation is governed by the boundary layer
Reynold’s Number:

In order to prevent the non-linear effects, the boundary layer Reynold’s Number should
be less than 500 [Swift paper]. In practice, the dynamic pressure in a standing wave
TAR is limited to about 2-3 % of the mean pressure.
In a loudspeaker driven standing wave TAR, the obtainable dynamic pressure in the
resonator depends on the mean pressure and the operating frequency. The dynamic
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pressure amplitude has a maximum value when the TAR is operated at resonance.
Similarly, at higher mean pressure, the dynamic pressure is also higher.

4.5.2 Working Gas :

The choice of working gas is as important as the choice of operating parameters.
The working gas should have a high sound speed so that the energy density of acoustic
field for a given operating frequency is high. This helps to reduce the system size for a
certain cooling requirement. However, the overall system length increases with the sound

Other important thermodynamic properties of the working gas are its thermal
conductivity, specific heat capacity ratio and viscosity. It is advisable to use a gas with
lower thermal conductivity so that the loss of cooling power due to axial conduction in
the stack is low. But, lower thermal conductivity results in lower thermal penetration
depth which in turn is detrimental to the cooling power. Higher specific heat capacity
ratio results in higher temperature oscillations in the gas for same magnitude of dynamic
pressure. This helps to improve the heat pumping capacity of the TAR. The working gas
should have a low viscosity so as to minimize the loss of acoustic power in the viscous
penetration depth. In addition to all these, the working gas should be inert from the point
of view of safety of life, environment friendly, readily available and cheap.

4.5.3 Stack Material :

The choice of material for constructing the stack is based in its properties like thermal
conductivity, specific heat capacity and density. Thermal conductivity ensures less
cooling power loss due to axial conduction through the stack. Its specific heat capacity
should be higher than that of working gas so that its temperature fall remains steady.

4.5.4 Design Choices :

Air was chosen as the working gas for designing the TAR. This is because Air has the
highest thermal conductivity and sound speed among gases. Copper was chosen as the
material for making the stack due to its low thermal conductivity and ready availability at
a cheap price. The choice of mean pressure is done by theoretical parametric analysis,
while the operating frequency is chosen so as keep the resonator length within reasonable
limits. The operating parameters, properties of working gas and the stack material are
given below in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Operating Parameters, Working Gas and Stack Material Properties

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4.6 Geometric Dimensions :

The dimensions of the TAR derived from the theoretical analysis are given in this section.

4.6.1 Resonators for Dynamic Pressure Measurements :

The lengths of straight resonators used for these measurements are derived from the
acoustic impedance analysis (section 3.2.1). To investigate the effect of working gas on
dynamic pressure, two resonators were designed. From eqn(3.5), the lengths of Air
resonator respectively are calculated as 558 mm. These lengths ensured a half wavelength
standing wave in each case at 400 Hz. The inner diameter of the resonators was chosen to
be 115 mm. It is to be noted that for a straight resonator of uniform cross section, the
resonance frequency is independent of the diameter.

4.6.2 Resonator of TAR :

The resonator for TAR has a shape as shown above in Figure 3.2 and its dimensions
were determined using DeltaEC. The dimensions are given below in Table 4.2 below:

Table 4.2 Dimensions of TAR resonator

Length Value Diameter Value
L1 0.1 m D1 0.032 m
L2 0.02 m D3 0.0126 m
L3 0.1846 m D4 0.12 m
L3 0.1 m

The total length of the resonator was 0.558 m and which corresponds to a quarter
wavelength standing wave in Helium at 400 Hz.

4.6.3 Stack :
For ease of construction, spiral geometry was chosen for the stack. The Copper film
thickness of 0.18 mm was chosen because of its ready availability. The spacing between
layers of the stack was taken to be 0.3 mm. This spacing corresponds to 2.5 δk which
is close to its optimal value of 2 δk. The porosity of the stack was 0.53.The length of
the stack was chosen to be 100 mm and thickness of the roll to be 200 mm so as to fit
tightly into the larger diameter part of TAR resonator.

The fabrication of all the TAR components is described in detail in the following

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Chapter 5
5.1 Introduction:
This chapter describes the fabrication of the various TAR components. Several
aspects related to fabrication like the choice of materials, the machining processes
involved, etc. are addressed. The fabrication and assembly of the two sub-systems of a
TAR – the acoustic driver assembly and the refrigerating assembly is described in
separate sections. Fabrication details of the setup for dynamic pressure measurement
are also given. The chapter concludes with the description of experimental setup and
the allied instrumentation.

5.2 Acoustic Driver :

The acoustic driver constructed for the present investigations is based on an
electro-dynamic motor of a moving coil loudspeaker. Its main components are – the
magnet and the pole piece, the voice coil and the sound radiating cone, the suspensions
and mechanical vibration dampers, and the supporting rings. This assembly is mounted
on a flange and is enclosed by a cylindrical back jacket. The acoustic driver is shown
below in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1 acoustic driver (Loudspeaker)

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5.3 Refrigerator Assembly :

The refrigeration assembly can be divided into three sub-groups- the warm HX, the
vacuum chamber and the mounting flange, and the resonator system. The warm heat
exchanger and mounting flange group consists of a warm heat exchanger which
facilitates heat exchanger between the working gas and the ambient. It also has a
mounting flange and a provision for water cooling.

Figure 5.2 Schematic of the refrigeration assembly showing various sub-groups

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The resonator system comprises of the stack, the stack holder, the cold heat exchanger
(CHX), resonator tube and the buffer volume. The resonator system is designed in
DeltaEC so as to have quarter wave resonance in Air at 400 Hz.

5.3.1 Fabrication :
a) The Spiral Stack :
The stack is manufactured from a 0.18 mm thick Copper film. 0.3 mm thick Nylon
fishing lines are used as spacers. As discussed in the previous chapter, spiral geometry
is chosen for the stack, because of its ease in manufacturing. The distance between two
adjacent spacing lines is 3 to 5 mm throughout the stack cross section. This particular
spacing ensured that the two layers of the Copper film do not touch each other and the
gas passage channels are uniform. This has been realized through repeated attempts of
making the stack. The length of the stack is 100 mm and its diameter is 32 mm. The
stack manufacturing process is described as follows: A long wooden plank wide
enough to accommodate the width of Copper film is taken and equidistant slits at 5 mm
from each other are made on both its edges. The Copper film is then held tightly on the
plank. Nylon fishing line is wound over the Copper film. This can be visualized better
from Figure 4.10. After each turn, the fishing line passes through the next slit which is
as 5 mm from the previous one. This ensures a winding pitch of 5 mm and hence, a
spacing of 5 mm between two consecutive fishing lines. The fishing lines are then glued
to the Copper film. This can be either done by means of an adhesive tape or an adhesive
like insulating varnish. It is found that the use of adhesive tape increases the thickness
of the Copper film layer and hence, use of insulating varnish is advisable. The fishing
lines are then cut along the edges of the Copper film. Thus, the stack is ready for rolling.
Rolling is carefully done so as not to disturb the spacing lines.

Figure 5.3 The PVC plank with slits on its edges. The Copper film and Nylon fishing
lines can also be seen.

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b) The Stack Holder :

The stack holder houses the stack and is sandwiched between the two heat
exchangers. The stack material should have a low thermal conductivity to minimize the
axial conduction losses when a temperature difference is generated across the stack. It
should be strong enough to hold the gas at the desired charging pressure. To meet these
requirements, Delrin was chosen as the material for the stack. Apart from being light
weight (ρ = 1420 kg/m3) and poor conductor of heat (k = 0.3 W/m-k), it has the best
machinability among other polymers like PTFE, nylon, etc.
The total length of the stack holder is 100 mm and its inner diameter is 200 mm.
It has a bolting flange of diameter 205 mm and thickness 5 mm at each of its end. The
entire structure is machined out as an integral part from a Delrin rod.

c) Heat Exchangers (HXs) :

The HXs facilitate the exchange of heat from gas near the hot/cold end of the
stack and the ambient. It also provides a surface to mount the sensors for measurement
of temperature. Because of the requirement of high thermal conductivity, the HXs are
made out of soft copper.
The CHX has the shape of a ring of 200 mm ID and 205 mm OD. The length of
the CHX was 5 mm. This length provided easy access to the CHX circular surface and
enough space so as to mount a sensor for temperature measurement. However, this
length is much more than the optimal HX length as given in literature. The gas side of
the CHX is filled with a stack of copper screens of size 100.
The body of warm HX is to be maintained at ambient by circulating cooling
water. Hence, to increase the heat exchange area, circular fins are provided. The ID of
warm HX is 200 mm and its OD is 205 mm. Its total length is 11 mm with four circular
fins of thickness 1 mm and length 5 mm.

Figure 5.4 Heat Exchanger

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d) Resonator Tube :
The resonator tube is the hollow component of the resonator system. It is placed
between the cold HX and the buffer volume. To ensure low thermal conductivity, high
strength and light weight, the resonator tube was machined out of a Steel rod. The
resonator tube consists of a conical taper followed by a straight hollow tube. The conical
taper provides the reduction of diameter from 210 mm at the cold HX side to the 70 mm
diameter tube. The total length of the resonator tube is 295 mm. In future the resonator
tube a tapped hole for connection of dynamic pressure transducer. The schematic of the
resonator tube is shown in Figure 5.5.

Figure 5.5 Resonator Tube

e) Buffer Volume :

The buffer volume is a large open conical volume which simulates the ‘open end’
of the quarter wavelength resonator. It is made of a SS 304 sheet of 2 mm thickness. The
sheet is cut in the required shape and then turned into a truncated cone on a rolling
machine. The cone is then welded using welding technique along its slant length. The
larger end of the truncated cone is closed by welding a circular cut SS 304 sheet.
The total height of the buffer volume is 200 mm, the larger and smaller diameters are
respectively 70 mm. The cone can be Welded to the resonator tube with the help of this

Figure 5.6 Conical buffer volume

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f) Amplifier :
An amplifier was used to boost the sound output from speakers, as the thermoacoustic
effect without it is too negligible to notice. It is connected to speaker at one end and to
frequency generator in an android phone at other end. The Amplifier is shown below in
Figure 5.7.

Figure 5.7 Amplifier

g) Frequency Generator:
An android app called frequency sound generator was used to generate signal to be
fed to amplifier. It is a free alternative to frequency generating chips and has capability
to generate waveforms of different types such as sinusoidal, triangular and square. It
can be tuned finely from 0.1 Hz to 1000 Hz.

Figure 5.8 : Frequency Sound Generator Display

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5.3.2 Assembly :
Prior to assembly of the components, it is ensured that the stack fits tightly in the stack
holder. The cold HX is then held between the stack holder and the resonator tube. The
stack holder and the resonator tube is then Welded. Utmost care is taken while welding
these two components.

Figure 5.9 The TAR CAD model

Figure 5.10 The TAR assembly ready for operation

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As they are made of brittle Delrin, local over-tightening can simply cause the
components to crack at the portion. After this, the buffer volume is welded to the other
end of the resonator tube. All the joints are sealed by means of neoprene rubber O-rings.
The TAR is now ready for operation. The TAR assembly along with the acoustic driver is
shown in Figure 5.10

5.4 Experimental Setup and Instrumentation :

The schematic of the experimental setup is shown in Figure 5.11. The TAR is
powered by a variable frequency variable voltage power source. The input power, the
voltage and the current are measured by means of a digital AC power meter. The
magnitude of the dynamic pressure wave generated by the acoustic driver in the resonator
is measured using a dynamic pressure transducer. The transducer is placed inside the
resonator downstream of the stack. The small voltage signal from the pressure transducer
is amplified by a differential amplifier and fed to the digital oscilloscope. The dynamic
pressure is calculated from the voltage waveform observed on the digital oscilloscope.
For cold temperature measurement, a copper constant in (type-T) thermocouple is used.
The thermocouple is passed through a small hole drilled through the CHX block where it
is in direct contact with the cold gas inside the TAR.

Figure 5.11 Schematic of the Experimental Setup and Allied Instrumentation

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5.5 Expenditure :
Sr. No Part Name Material Quantity Cost
1 Pipe SS 1 5000
2 Cone SS 1 4000
3 Speaker STD (8 Inch.) 1 2000
4 Heat Exchanger Copper 2 4500
5 Stack STD 1 3500
6 Frame MS 1 1000
7 Silicon STD 1 500
8 Nut Bolt M-6 MS 0.5kg 100
9 Wiring Copper 3M 300
10 Miscellaneous - - 3500
Total 25100

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Chapter 6

6.1 Introduction :
In Previous Chapter, design of the quarter wave resonator for the TAR and the half
wave resonators for dynamic pressure measurement has been discussed. Accordingly,
these resonators and other components of the TAR setup have been fabricated. Thereafter,
experimentation is carried out to determine the unknown driver parameters. The
experiments for measurement of dynamic pressure in hollow pipes and the cooldown
measurements of the stack are done.
Transient analysis is carried out for the developed TAR setup.

This chapter presents the theoretical results of the transient state analysis. The
theoretical predictions of the dynamic pressure, resonance frequency, etc. are compared
with the experimental measurements. The cooldown performance of the TAR setup is
also presented discussed.

6.2 Theoretical Results of the Transient State Model :

The theoretical prediction of the temporal evolution of temperature profiles in a
standing wave TAR, the cooldown time, etc are shown in this section. To validate the
model, the theoretically obtained steady state cold temperatures are compared with those
given in literature. The cooldown characteristics of various working fluids are also shown
using the transient state model.

6.2.1 Comparison with Numerical Integration :

Numerical integration of thermoacoustic wave equation and enthalpy flux
equation for a preselected set of operating parameters and stack dimensions is a simple
practice carried out to predict the steady state performance of a TAR. Here, the steady
state cold temperature at different cooling loads is calculated using the FDM technique.
For comparison, the operating parameters and the stack dimensions are taken same as
those of Hofler’s TAR. Figure 6.1 shows a comparison between results obtained using
present model and those reported by Hofler.

The calculations are done at two different drive ratios (Dr = pmax/pmean)- 1.5 % and
3 % of the mean pressure. The drive ratios are kept small enough to ensure that there is
no turbulence in the refrigerator. At a drive ratio of 3 %, the value of boundary layer
Reynold’s Number , Rea at the center of stack is approximately equal to 50. As predicted
by the Linear Theory, the steady state cooling power obtained at the cold heat exchanger
is proportional to the square of drive ratio. This indicates that, at higher drive ratios the
cooling capacity of a TAR is more for a given cold end temperature. Hence, the cooling
load line for Dr = 3 % is much flat as compared to the cooling load line for Dr= 1.5%.

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Figure 6.1 Comparison of steady state cold temperatures by numerical integration

and FDM.
The steady state results predicted by present technique slightly overestimate those
calculated by numerical integration. This error may be accounted for the following
difference in two techniques. In numerical integration, all the calculations are done by
assuming a certain mean temperature (Tm=255K). The properties of working gas and stack
material are calculated at this particular mean temperature. In the present technique, the
mean temperature is assumed to be equal to ambient the ambient temperature at start. The
mean temperature is re-calculated after each iteration. The properties like the sound speed
and specific heat capacity of stack material, which vary significantly with temperature,
are also re-calculated at the updated mean temperature. A constant error of 10 K persists
in case of Dr=3 %, while the maximum error in temperature calculation is 12 K at 1.5 %
drive ratio. However, the qualitative trend in results of both techniques is very much

6.2.2 Transient temperature profiles :

The evolution of temperature profiles in the TAR which is designed in Previous Chapter
is presented in this section. The working gas used is Air. The stack material is taken as
Copper while the heat exchanger material is copper. The geometrical dimensions of the
setup are same as those derived in Section 4.5.2. The effect of taper after the CHX and
the buffer volume has been neglected while computing the temperature profile. The
operating parameters are taken same as those used in the cooldown experiments. The
resonance frequency of the TAR is experimentally found out to be 384 Hz which is close
to the design frequency of 400 Hz. Similarly, the dynamic pressure measured downstream
of the stack scales to about 5500 Pa at the driver surface. This scaling is done using
eqn.(4.9). The operating parameters and the geometrical dimensions are listed in Table

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Table 6.1 Operating Parameters and Dimensions of various components

Operating Stack (Copper) Resonator Cold HX (Copper)
Parameters Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions
pm 10 bar 2l 0.18 mm L 0.305 m Ls 0.008 m
fres 384 Hz 2y0 0.30 mm Ares 1.24E-4 m A 8E-4 m2
pa 5500 Pa Ls 0.10 m xs 0.1517 m
Th 308 K A 8E-4 m
xs 0.0977 m

Figure 6.2 Transient temperature profiles at various instants of time from t=30 s to
t=120 s.

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Figure 6.3 Transient temperature profiles at various instants of time from t=240 s to
t=960 s. In the initial stages (Figures 6.2 & 6.3), there is hardly any noticeable fall in
the resonator temperature because the heat diffusion process is much slower than the
thermoacoustic heat pumping.

Figure 6.4 Transient temperature profiles at various instants of time from t=2400s to
Figure 6.4 shows temperature profiles from t=2400 s to t=9600 s. After about t=2400
s the temperature of hot side of stack returns to ambient temperature following the
boundary condition imposed at the ambient HX. This is because, the thermoacoustic
heat flow decreases with the passage of time and hence, the ambient HX has less heat
to transfer out. After approximately t=9600 s, a steep temperature gradient develops
across the stack. At this time, the effect of heat diffusion can also be seen in the
resonator. The entire resonator tube is below ambient temperature.

Figure 6.5 shows the temperature profiles from t=10800 s to t=21600 s. In this time
interval, the temperature distribution in the stack has almost reached a steady state.
The cold HX reaches its minimum temperature after approximately t=10800 s. At this
point of time, the thermoacoustic heat pumping is counter balanced by the heat
diffusing from the hot to the cold end of the stack. Hence, there is no net heat pumping
from the cold to the hot end of the stack causing the cold HX temperature to stabilize.

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Figure 6.5 Transient temperature profiles at various instants of time from

t=10800 s to t=21600 s.
On careful inspection, it can also be seen in Figure 6.5, that after the cold HX cools to
minimum, its temperature begins to rise slightly. This rise is due to diffusion of heat from the
resonator to the cold HX. This temperature rise continues till the entire gas in hollow resonator
cools down to near the cold HX temperature. In other words, the gas in the resonator acts as a
‘heat load’ on the cold HX, causing its temperature to rise. But the effect of this heat load is
apparent only after the stack has reached a steady state.

The temperature profile at t=36000 s (10 hours) is shown in Figure 6.6. At this time, the average
temperature inside the resonator is about to 230 K. This is close to the 227 K which is the CHX
temperature at that time. Eventually, it is expected that the entire resonator would attain the
CHX temperature at steady state.

Figure 6.6 Temperature Profile at t=36000 s. The CHX temperature is 227.2 K.

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6.2.3 Cooldown Characteristics of Working Gases:

This section presents the cooldown characteristics of the TAR when different working
gases are used. As discussed above, the resonator takes much longer to cool down as
compared to the stack and hence, only the cooldown of cold HX is presented and
discussed. The operating parameters and the stack dimensions are taken same as given in
Table 5.1 so that a comparison could be made for different working gases. Each gas has
its own sound speed and so a given TAR will resonate at different frequencies for different
gases. Instead, here the resonator length is adjusted so that the refrigerator always
resonates at around 384 Hz for all the gases considered. The cooldown curves for different
gases are shown in Figures 6.7a & 6.7b.
It can be seen from Figure 6.7a, that Air has the fastest cooling rate in the transient regime.
It is followed by Neon and then Argon. Neon cools to a minimum no load temperature
among the three gases while the no load temperature of Argon is maximum.

Figure 6.7 Variation of cold temperature with time (a) monoatomic gases (b) diatomic


6.3 Observation & Result :

1. Experiments are carried out on a TADTAR with the gas as a working fluid to analyse
the influence of an operating parameter. The effect of two geometric parameters, TAR
stack position and the Resonator length, are also assessed on the performance of

2. Theoretically, a temperature drop of 10 degrees can be achieved by considering all the

other parameters constant, but a temperature of 29.9 degrees achieved from the
temperature of 32 degree, the reason is because the theoretical calculations were done at
10 bar and the experiment was conducted at 1 bar pressure.

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Inlet Water Temperature Time (Sec.) Changed Temperature (K)


305 600 304.6

305 900 304.2
305 1200 303.8
305 1500 303.5
305 1800 302.9

Figure 6.6 Graph (Time Vs. Temperature)

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Chapter 7
7.1 Conclusions :
In-depth theoretical investigations of Standing Wave TARs have been done in the
course of present work. Various theoretical TAR design models reported in literature have
been studied. A theoretical model has been developed to study the transient state of a
TAR. This model is based on the Linear Theory of Thermoacoustics. Using this model,
the transient temperature profiles and the cooldown characteristics of a given TAR
configuration have been predicted. The model has been further extended to a theoretical
study the cooldown characteristics of various working fluids.

The phenomenon of standing wave resonance has been well understood through
present study. A parametric study of dynamic pressure in a loudspeaker driven TAR has
been done both theoretically and experimentally. The charging pressure and operating
frequency are used as the independent parameters.

The design aspects of TAR- the choice of operating parameters, the geometric
dimensions, the choice of materials and the fabrication techniques have been explored. A
TAR driven by a commercially available moving coil loudspeaker has been designed and
constructed. It employs readily available metallic and delrin tubings for its construction.
As such, no sophisticated manufacturing techniques were required for fabrication.

Following are some of the important conclusions drawn from the present work:-

1) Refrigerators based on thermoacoustic technology are capable of reaching low

temperatures at the cost of quite meagre acoustic power. However, their overall
efficiency is hampered when they are driven by acoustic drivers. This is because the
electro-acoustic efficiency of drivers is very low. The typical range of electro-acoustic
efficiency of drivers specially designed for thermoacoustic refrigeration is 25-35 % .

2) From the transient state analysis it is observed that, the cooldown time of resonator
is several times that of the stack. For faster cooldown, the resonator length should be
kept as low as possible.

3) The no-load temperature that a working gas can attain depends upon its volumetric
heat capacity. Gases with lesser volumetric heat capacity cool to lower temperatures.

4) A lighter gas has a higher cooldown rate because it has a higher oscillatory velocity
for a given dynamic pressure amplitude.

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5) The impedance transfer technique accurately determines the resonance frequency

of an acoustic load. The dynamic pressure prediction at lower level of excitation is also
very good.
However, the technique fails at high levels of excitation due to non-linear effects.

6) Resonance frequency plays a vital role in the operation of a TAR. It is found that
the dynamic pressure attains a maximum value when the operating frequency is close
to the resonance frequency. Away from resonance, the dynamic pressure is negligible
even at high input power.

7) Dynamic pressure in a given resonator column can be made to increase by

increasing the load impedance. This can be done by increasing the charging pressure
or by using a denser working gas.

8) Although easy to design and fabricate, straight resonators are not suitable for
Standing Wave TARs. This is because of the non-linear effects that are prevalent in
straight resonators driven at resonance frequency and high amplitudes. Periodic shock
waves have been observed in the experiments. These non-linear effects hamper the
amplitude as well as phasing of the standing wave.

9) In order to cool to low temperatures, high dynamic pressures are required. At low
dynamic pressures, the cooldown rate of a TAR is very slow and the cold end is highly
sensitive to external heat leaks.

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7.2 Future Scope :

A realistic validation of the transient model by the method of experiment could not be
achieved during the present investigations. In view of this, following are some of the areas
which need to be investigated on, in the course of future work:

1) Transient State Model :

The effect of TAR hardware on the cooldown characteristics of a TAR needs to be
incorporated into the present transient state model. This will include taking into
consideration the cooldown of stack holder, heat exchangers and the resonator walls.
The heat transfer coefficients for oscillatory flows also need to be modeled more

2) Acoustic Driver Efficiency :

The efficiency of the acoustic driver can be maximized by making it resonate at the
design frequency of the TAR. In the present study, a commercial loudspeaker motor was
used and hence, mechanical resonance of the driver could not be achieved. This caused
the driver to draw more current to generate a certain dynamic pressure. As a result, the
current limit of the voice coil reached at very low dynamic pressure levels. In the present
work, a very light voice coil with a total mass of 12 gm has been successfully
manufactured. However, the stiffness of the rubber suspension still remained too low to
shift up the driver mechanical resonance near the operating frequency. Hence, proper
suspensions with high enough stiffness need to be designed. The use of gas-spring as
suggested by Tijani can also be implemented after proper analysis.

In order to construct a powerful driver, magnetic materials with higher strength and
pole piece material with higher permeability are needed. Along with this, the arrangement
of the magnet and pole pieces is to be designed so as to maximize the field strength in the
magnetic flux gap. The length of the voice coil has to be minimized so as to decrease the
DC resistance and the weight. To decrease the weight, super-insulated CCA (Copper Clad
Aluminum) wires may be used, but at the expense of increased resistance. The two
opposing effects can be countered by proper optimization. The uniform suspension of
voice coil in the magnetic flux gap is also important in order to minimize the damping or
the mechanical resistance

3) Designe of Heat Exchangers :

The heat exchangers are needed to carry heat in and out from the refrigerator. In
the present work, the design of heat exchangers for oscillating flows hasn’t been
studied extensively. The heat exchangers have been fabricated based on the fact that
their optimal length is equal to twice the local acoustic displacement of gas. However,
the mechanisms of heat transfer from the gas to the HX matrix inside the TAR and the
techniques to transfer this heat outside the refrigerator need special focus.

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4) Fabrication of Stack :
The stack is called ‘the heart’ of a TAR. Its proper design and fabrication is of utmost
importance. Though many design methodologies are available [1,7,18], these are based
on the ‘short stack’ assumption that the stack does not hamper the standing wave.
However, as observed in present work, an improper fabricated stack causes the
dynamic pressure to decrease tremendously. Hence, the fabrication aspects of the stack
need to be studied. The use of other geometries of stack is also viable. The stack can
be constructed using other materials like ceramic, kapton, etc.

5) Quarter Wave Resonators :

As suggested in Section 3.3, an optimization algorithm may be developed to design a
resonator that would yield high amplitudes of dynamic pressure at the design
frequency. Such resonators with non-uniform cross section are void of non-linear

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1. G. W. Swift “Thermoacoustic: A unifying perspective for some engines and

refrigerators” Hand book published by the Acoustical Society of America through
the “American Institute of Physics”

2. R. C. Dhuley, M. D. Atrey, "Design guidelines for a thermoacoustic refrigerator",

Indian Journal of Cryogenics, 35(1-4), 2010.

3. R. C. Dhuley, M. D. Atrey, “Investigations on a Standing Wave Thermoacoustic

Refrigerator”, paper presented at the 16th International Cryocooler Conference at
Atlanta, GA, May 2010.

4. R. C. Dhuley, M. D. Atrey, “Transient Analysis of a Thermoacoustic Refrigerator”,

manuscript under preparation.

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