CH # 13 (Current Electricity) - Physics 12 (TC)

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MDCAT – Physics 2nd Year

Ch# 13 (Current Electricity)

1. Unit of electric flux is:
(A) JmC−1 (B) Nm2 C−1 (C) Vm (D) all
2. S.I unit of specific resistance is:
(A) ohm-cm (B) M ohm-m (C) ohm-m (D) ohm
3. When wheatstone bridge is balanced then galvanometer shows:
(A) Maximum deflection (B) Zero deflection
(C) In between (a), (b) (D) None of these
4. Kirchhoff’s first rule is manifestation of law of conservation of:
(A) Energy (B) charge (C) Momentum (D) K.E
5. The current through a resistor of 100 Ω when connected through a source of 220 V is:
(A) 220 A (B) 22000 A (C) 2.2 A (D) 0.45 A
6. Heat generated by a 40 watt bulb in one hour is:
(A) 4800 J (B) 40 J (C) 144000 J (D) 14400 J
7. The charge carries in the electrolyte are:
(A) Free electrons (B) Negative and positive ions
(C) Electrons and ions (D) Holes
8. Unit of conductivity is:
(A) ohm (B) (ohm−m)−1 (C) ohm−1 -m (D) ohm-m−1
9. The algebraic sums of potential charges in a closed circuit is zero, called:
(A) Kirchhoff’s 2nd rule (B) Kirchhoff’s voltage rule
(C) Kirchhoff’s point rule (D) none of these
10. Terminal potential difference is greater than emf of the cell when:
(A) Circuit is open
(B) Circuit is closed
(C) Small battery is being charged by bigger battery
(D) None of these
11. Two resistance of 4 Ω 6 Ω are series. They are parallel with a 10 Ω resistance. The equivalent
resistance is:
(A) 5 Ω (B) 8 Ω (C) 12 Ω (D) 20 Ω
12. The e.m.f. is the conversion of----------------- energy into electrical energy:
(A) Chemical (B) Solar (C) Light (D) None of these
13. The product of resistance and conductance is:
(A) 1 (B) Resistivity (C) Conductance (D) zero
14. The equivalent resistance between A and B is:

(A) 10 Ω (B) 20 Ω (C) 30 Ω (D) 50 Ω

15. A circuit is set up with an LDR and a fixed resistor as shown. The voltmeter reads 4V. the light
intensity is increased. What is possible voltmeter reading?
MDCAT – Physics 2nd Year

(A) 3V (B) 4 V (C) 6 V (D) 8 V

16. In a potentiometer experiment the balancing length with a cell is at 240 cm. on shorting the cell
with a resistance of 2 Ω, the balancing length becomes 120 cm. the internal resistance of cell is:
(A) 2 Ω (B) 4 Ω (C) 0.5 Ω (D) 1Ω
17. The potential difference between A and B is:

(A) 3 V (B) 15 V (C) -5.1 V (D) + 5.1 V

18. A conductor of resistance 12.8 Ω is cut into number of parts. All these are connected parallel. The
resistance of combination so obtained is 5Ω. The number of parts are:
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 12
19. A uniform wire of resistance 36 Ω is bent in the form of a circle. The effective resistance between A
and B is:

(A) 2.75 Ω (B) 3 Ω (C) 33 Ω (D) 36 Ω

20. In a conductor the drift velocity of free electrons in the absence of applied voltage is of the order of:
(A) 10−3 m/s (B) 103 m/s (C) zero (D) Infinite
21. Maximum power is delivered to a load when:
(A) Internal resistance =( External resistance )2 (B) Internal resistance > External resistance
(C) Internal resistance < External resistance (D) Internal resistance = External resistance
22. The instrument which measures potential difference accurately:
(A) Potentiometer (B) Digital voltmeter
(C) Cathode ray oscilloscope (D) All
23. The equivalent resistance is:

(A) 2 Ω (B) 12 Ω (C) 10 Ω (D) 30 Ω

24. The e.m.f. of the cell in the following circuit is 9.0V. the reading on the high-resistance voltmeter is
7.5V. What is the current I?

(A) 0.1 A (B) 0.5 A (C) 0.6 A (D) 2.0 A

25. A piece of cooper and a piece of Ge is cooled from room temperature to 77 K:
(A) the resistance of each of them increases (B) the resistance of each of them decreases
(C) the resistance of copper deceases (D) the resistance of copper decreases and that of Ge
26. A student has 10 identical resistors, each of resistance r. The minimum resistance made by him:
MDCAT – Physics 2nd Year

r r r
(A)10 r (B) (C) (D)
10 100 5
27. The value of I is:

1 1 1 3
(A) A (B) A (C) A (D) A
45 15 10 5
28. The resistance of an ideal ammeter and voltmeter is:
(A) Zero, infinite (B) High, low (C) low, high (D) infinite, zero
29. The conductance of a conductor increases when:
(A) Its temperature increases (B) its temperature decreases
(C) its length increases (D) none of these
30. If three resistors are connected parallel to each other then their equivalent resistance is:
(A) Greater than larger individual resistance (B) Less than smaller individual resistance
(C) Equal to larger value (D) Equal to smaller value
31. A rheostat can be used as:
(A) Variable resistor (B) Potential divider (C) Both (a), (b) (D) none of these
32. An ammeter and a voltmeter are joined in a series to a cell. Their readings A and V respectively. If
a resistance is now joined in parallel with voltmeter:
(A) A will increase, V will decrease (B) A will decreases, V will increase
(C) Both A and V will decrease (D) Both A and V will increase
33. In the circuit galvanometer shows zero deflection. If cells negligible internal resistance, value of R
will be:

(A) 1000 Ω (B) 500 Ω (C) 100 Ω (D) 200 Ω

34. Which one of the following bulbs has least resistance?
(A) 100 W (B) 200 W (C) 500 W (D) 1000 W
35. The substance whose resistance decrease with increase in temperature:
(A) Germenium (B) Iron (C) Wood (D) Steel
36. In wheatstone bridge, how many resistors are adjustable:
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 3 (D) 4
37. A wire of resistance 4 Ω is bent into a circle. The resistance between ends of a diameter of a circle:
(A) 4 Ω (B) 1Ω (C) 1/4 Ω (D) none
38. Three 4 Ω resistors are connected in the form of an equilateral triangle. The total resistance
between any two corners is:
(A) 8 Ω (B) 3/8 Ω (C) 8/3 Ω (D) 12 Ω
39. In the circuit below, bulb B does not light although ammeter A indicates that the current is
following. Why does the bulb not light?

(A)The bulb is fused

(B) there is a break in the circuit between bulb and ammeter
MDCAT – Physics 2nd Year

(C) the variable resistor has too large a resistance

(D) there is a break in the circuit between bulb and variable resistor
40. Two unequal resistances are connected in parallel. Which one of the following statements is
(A) the current flowing is same in both (B) more current will flow from higher resistance piece
(C) the potential drop is same in both (D) All of the above

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