2 Grade Warm Up

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Name: ______________________________________________

What is the date today? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Write words that rhyme with the word below. Write the “ea” words shown below.

_________ _________ _________ ___________ ___________

Correct the errors in the sentence below.

Choose the word that correctly completes the Read the sentence below and then answer the
sentence below and write it in the blank space. question.

went learn come enter Devon opened the door and was greeted by a
large, playful, chestnut-colored dog named Oscar.

Did you ^^^^ by yet? What did Devon do?

He opened the door. He played with his friends.
He searched for his dog. He laughed.

Write the name for the number below. Solve the problem below.

7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 39 + 28 = ________
What is the name of the shape below? Write the hundreds, tens, and ones for the
number shown below.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 417 _________
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Name: ______________________________________________

What did you do after school yesterday? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Write three adjectives that could describe the Write the past tense form of the words below.
__________ __________ __________ hold ___________ sit ___________

Create a compound sentence from the following sentences. ”I went to the store. I bought ice cream.”

Choose the word that correctly completes the Read the sentence below and then answer the
sentence below and write it in the blank space. question.

may May mae Diana asked her mom to retell the story after she
had finished reading it.

I was born in ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. What does the word ”retell” mean?

Write the name for the number below. Solve the problem below.

12 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 98 – 54 = ________
What is the name of the shape below? Circle the even numbers below.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 21 17 34 29 16
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Name: ______________________________________________

What is your favorite food? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Write three adverbs that could describe running. Write the plural form of the words below.

__________ __________ __________ tooth ___________ fish ___________

Correct the sentence and write it correctly on the line below. ”Tiana picked elevin rose’s at the park”

Choose the word that correctly completes the Read the sentence below and then answer the
sentence below. question.

to too two Mario picked up an additional book at the

bookstore yesterday.

It is ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ hot today. What does the word ”additional” mean?

Write the name for the number below. Solve the problem below.

23 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 62 – 47 = ________
What is the name of the shape below? Compare the numbers below by writing >, <, or =
in the circle.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 129 136
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Name: ______________________________________________

What is your favorite book genre? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Write words that rhyme with the word below. Write the “ou” words shown below.

_________ _________ _________ ___________ ___________

Create a compound sentence from the following sentences. ”I asked for the papers. She gave them to me.”

Choose the word that correctly completes the When you write a letter to someone, which parts
sentence below and write it in the blank space. of the letter need a comma?
Maine main mane ___________________________________________
Alana liked to brush the^^ ___________________________________________
horse’s long ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. ___________________________________________
Write the name for the number below. Solve the problem below.

64 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 58 + 29 = ________
Partition each of the shapes below into halves. Write the hundreds, tens, and ones for the
number shown below.
942 _________ _________ _________
hundreds tens ones
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Name: ______________________________________________

What is your favorite type of weather? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Write three adjectives that could describe an Write the past tense form of the words below.
__________ __________ __________ hide ___________ tell ___________

Expand the following sentence by adding adjectives. ”The ice cream was good.”

Choose the word that correctly completes the Read the sentence below and then answer the
sentence below and write it in the blank space. question.

We’ll wheel well while The stapler broke because it was misused.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ go tomorrow. What does the word ”misused” mean?

Continue counting by 5’s up to 30. Solve the problem below.

5^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 78 – 49 = ________
Write the name of the fraction shown below. Circle the odd numbers below.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 11 9 24 27 13
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Name: ______________________________________________

What is your favorite movie? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Write three adverbs that could describe speaking. Write the plural form of the words below.

__________ __________ __________ mouse ___________ goose ___________

Correct the sentence and write it correctly on the line below. ”clara piked forteen tulips on tuesday.”

Choose the word that correctly completes the Write the compound words shown below.
sentence below.

rite write right

Tie your ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^shoe. ___________________ ___________________

Continue counting by 10’s up to 60. Solve the problem below.

10^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 81 – 58 = ________
Write the name of the fraction shown below. Compare the numbers below by writing >, <, or =
in the circle.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 93 101
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Name: ______________________________________________

What is your favorite subject? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Write words that rhyme with the word below. Correctly spell the words shown below.

_________ _________ _________ ___________ ___________

Create a compound sentence from the following sentences. ”I went to the store. I returned a shirt.”

Choose the word that correctly completes the List as many words as you can that are synonyms
sentence below and write it in the blank space. for “happy.”
peace piece peece ___________ ___________ ___________
She asked for a ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ___________ ___________ ___________
of vanilla cake.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ___________ ___________ ___________
Write the name for the number below. Solve the problem below.

49 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 64 + 33 = ________
Circle the fractions that show one-half. Write the hundreds, tens, and ones for the
number shown below.
107 _________ _________ _________
hundreds tens ones
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Name: ______________________________________________

Do you like to play sports? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Write three adjectives that could describe a forest. Write the past tense form of the words below.

__________ __________ __________ speak ___________ hear ___________

Expand the following sentence by adding adjectives. ”I liked the shoes.”

Choose the word that correctly completes the Read the sentence below and then answer the
sentence below and write it in the blank space. question.

see sea Her neat handwriting was readable.

I want to ^^^^^^^^^the movie. What does the word ”readable” mean?

Write the time shown on the clock. Solve the problem below.

12 + 14 + 9 + 23 = ________
Write the name of the fraction shown below. Circle the even numbers below.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 18 29 24 16 33
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Name: ______________________________________________

What makes you happy? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Write three adverbs that could describe walking. Write the plural form of the words below.

__________ __________ __________ loaf ___________ shelf ___________

Correct the sentence and write it correctly on the line below. ”she asked me to sent her moor flowers.”

Choose the word that correctly completes the Write the compound words shown below.
sentence below.

nite knight night

The ^^^^^^^^^^^^ wore armor. ___________________ ___________________

If you have two quarters and three dimes, how Solve the problem below.
much money do you have?
17 + 41 + 15 + 4 = ________
Write the name of the fraction shown below. Compare the numbers below by writing >, <, or =
in the circle.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 44 41
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Name: ______________________________________________

What state do you live in? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Write words that rhyme with the word below. Correctly spell the rhyming words shown below.

_________ _________ _________ ___________ ___________

Create a compound sentence from the following sentences. ”I asked her to play. She said yes.”

Choose the word that correctly completes the List as many words as you can that are synonyms
sentence below and write it in the blank space. for “said.”
flour flower ___________ ___________ ___________
The baker needed more ___________ ___________ ___________
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^for the cake. ___________ ___________ ___________
Write the name for the number below. Solve the problem below.

15 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 41 + 23 + 12 + 7 = ________
What is the name of the shape below? Write the hundreds, tens, and ones for the
number shown below.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 170 _________
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Answer Key
Name: ______________________________________________

What is the date today? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Answers will vary. Example: Today is May 13, 2024.

Write words that rhyme with the word below. Write the “ea” words shown below.

_________ hat
_________ sat
_________ bread
___________ thread
Correct the errors in the sentence below.

Choose the word that correctly completes the Read the sentence below and then answer the
sentence below and write it in the blank space. question.

went learn come enter Devon opened the door and was greeted by a
large, playful, chestnut-colored dog named Oscar.

Did you come

^^^^ by yet? What did Devon do?
x He opened the door. He played with his friends.
He searched for his dog. He laughed.

Write the name for the number below. Solve the problem below.

7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
seven 67
39 + 28 = ________
What is the name of the shape below? Write the hundreds, tens, and ones for the
number shown below.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 4
_________ 1
_________ 7
417 hundreds tens ones
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Answer Key
Name: ______________________________________________

What did you do after school yesterday? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Answers will vary.

Write three adjectives that could describe the Write the past tense form of the words below.
__________ blue
__________ frigid
__________ held
hold ___________ sit ___________

Create a compound sentence from the following sentences. ”I went to the store. I bought ice cream.”

I went to the store, and I bought ice cream.

Choose the word that correctly completes the Read the sentence below and then answer the
sentence below and write it in the blank space. question.

may May mae Diana asked her mom to retell the story after she
had finished reading it.

I was born in ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. What does the word ”retell” mean?
to tell again
Write the name for the number below. Solve the problem below.

12 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
twelve 44
98 – 54 = ________
What is the name of the shape below? Circle the even numbers below.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 21 17 34 29 16
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Answer Key
Name: ______________________________________________

What is your favorite food? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Answers will vary.

Write three adverbs that could describe running. Write the plural form of the words below.

__________ slowly
__________ quickly
__________ teeth
tooth ___________ fish fish or fishes
Correct the sentence and write it correctly on the line below. ”Tiana picked elevin rose’s at the park”

Tiana picked eleven roses at the park.

Choose the word that correctly completes the Read the sentence below and then answer the
sentence below. question.

to too two Mario picked up an additional book at the

bookstore yesterday.

It is ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ hot today. What does the word ”additional” mean?
another, more, added
Write the name for the number below. Solve the problem below.

23 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
twenty-three 15
62 – 47 = ________
What is the name of the shape below? Compare the numbers below by writing >, <, or =
in the circle.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 129 < 136
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Answer Key
Name: ______________________________________________

What is your favorite book genre? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Answers will vary.

Write words that rhyme with the word below. Write the “ou” words shown below.

_________ log
_________ fog
_________ house
___________ cloud
Create a compound sentence from the following sentences. ”I asked for the papers. She gave them to me.”

I asked for the papers, and she gave them to me.

Choose the word that correctly completes the When you write a letter to someone, which parts
sentence below and write it in the blank space. of the letter need a comma?
Maine main mane The date, the greeting, and the closing
Alana liked to brush the^^ need commas.
horse’s long ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. ___________________________________________
Write the name for the number below. Solve the problem below.

64 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
sixty-four 87
58 + 29 = ________
Partition each of the shapes below into halves. Write the hundreds, tens, and ones for the
number shown below.
_________ 4
_________ 2
942 hundreds tens ones
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Answer Key
Name: ______________________________________________

What is your favorite type of weather? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Answers will vary.

Write three adjectives that could describe an Write the past tense form of the words below.
__________ large
__________ miniature
__________ hid
hide ___________ tell ___________

Expand the following sentence by adding adjectives. ”The ice cream was good.”

The cold, frosty ice cream was good.

Choose the word that correctly completes the Read the sentence below and then answer the
sentence below and write it in the blank space. question.

We’ll wheel well while The stapler broke because it was misused.

We’ll go tomorrow.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What does the word ”misused” mean?
not used correctly
Continue counting by 5’s up to 30. Solve the problem below.

78 – 49 = ________
10 15 20 25 30
Write the name of the fraction shown below. Circle the odd numbers below.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 11 9 24 27 13
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Answer Key
Name: ______________________________________________

What is your favorite movie? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Answers will vary.

Write three adverbs that could describe Write the plural form of the words below.
__________ loudly
__________ quietly
__________ mice
mouse ___________ geese
goose ___________

Correct the sentence and write it correctly on the line below. ”clara piked forteen tulips on tuesday.”

Clara picked fourteen tulips on Tuesday.

Choose the word that correctly completes the Write the compound words shown below.
sentence below.

rite write right

Tie your ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^shoe. starfish
___________________ mailbox

Continue counting by 10’s up to 60. Solve the problem below.

81 – 58 = ________
20 30 40 50 60
Write the name of the fraction shown below. Compare the numbers below by writing >, <, or =
in the circle.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 93 < 101
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Answer Key
Name: ______________________________________________

What is your favorite subject? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Answers will vary.

Write words that rhyme with the word below. Correctly spell the words shown below.

_________ fun
_________ bun
_________ grapes
___________ cake
Create a compound sentence from the following sentences. ”I went to the store. I returned a shirt.”

I went to the store, and I returned a shirt.

Choose the word that correctly completes the List as many words as you can that are synonyms
sentence below and write it in the blank space. for “happy.”
peace piece peece joyous
___________ joyful
___________ gleeful
She asked for a ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ pleased
___________ cheerful
___________ merry
___________ smiling
___________ carefree
of vanilla cake.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Write the name for the number below. Solve the problem below.

49 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
forty-nine 97
64 + 33 = ________
Circle the fractions that show one-half. Write the hundreds, tens, and ones for the
number shown below.
_________ 0
_________ 7
107 hundreds tens ones
© We Are Teachers. Teachers may make copies of this for school and classroom use.
Answer Key
Name: ______________________________________________

Do you like to play sports? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Answers will vary.

Write three adjectives that could describe a Write the past tense form of the words below.
__________ misty
__________ damp
__________ spoke
speak ___________ heard
hear ___________

Expand the following sentence by adding adjectives. ”I liked the shoes.”

I liked the sparkly, blue shoes.

Choose the word that correctly completes the Read the sentence below and then answer the
sentence below and write it in the blank space. question.

see sea Her neat handwriting was readable.

I want to ^^^^^^^^^the movie. What does the word ”readable” mean?
able to be read
Write the time shown on the clock. Solve the problem below.

9:00 58
12 + 14 + 9 + 23 = ________
Write the name of the fraction shown below. Circle the even numbers below.

one-half 18 29 24 16 33
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Answer Key
Name: ______________________________________________

What makes you happy? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Answers will vary.

Write three adverbs that could describe walking. Write the plural form of the words below.

__________ lazily
__________ hastily
__________ loaves
loaf ___________ shelves
shelf ___________

Correct the sentence and write it correctly on the line below. ”she asked me to sent her moor flowers.”

She asked me to send her more flowers.

Choose the word that correctly completes the Write the compound words shown below.
sentence below.

nite knight night

The ^^^^^^^^^^^^ wore armor. tablespoon
___________________ rainbow

If you have two quarters and three dimes, how Solve the problem below.
much money do you have?
17 + 41 + 15 + 4 = ________
80 cents
Write the name of the fraction shown below. Compare the numbers below by writing >, <, or =
in the circle.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 44 > 41
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Answer Key
Name: ______________________________________________

What state do you live in? Respond with a complete sentence, including a capital and period.

Answers will vary.

Write words that rhyme with the word below. Correctly spell the rhyming words shown below.

_________ dip
_________ skip
_________ sock
___________ rock
Create a compound sentence from the following sentences. ”I asked her to play. She said yes.”

I asked her to play, and she said yes.

Choose the word that correctly completes the List as many words as you can that are synonyms
sentence below and write it in the blank space. for “said.”
flour flower stated
___________ replied
___________ asked
The baker needed more answered
___________ responded
___________ spoke
declared uttered mentioned
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^for the cake. ___________ ___________ ___________
Write the name for the number below. Solve the problem below.

15 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
fifteen 83
41 + 23 + 12 + 7 = ________
What is the name of the shape below? Write the hundreds, tens, and ones for the
number shown below.
1 7 0
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 170 _________
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