Leng IngIII Read1

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Asignatura Datos del alumno Fecha

Apellidos: Odriozola Lopez

Lengua Inglesa III 12/11/2018


Reading I: The Pearl by John Steinbeck

Reading Comprehension

A. Click on the link, read John Steinbeck’s biography and write a summary using your
own words (5-10 lines).

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John Steinbeck was a Nobel and Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist. He was
born on February 27, 1902, in Salinas, California. John is the the author of a lot of
bokes, like “Of Mice and Men (1937), The Grapes of Wrathand (1939), The Pearl (1947),
East of Eaden (1952), etc. In 1940 Steinbeck earned Steinbeck a Pulitzer Prize for The
Grapes of Wrath and in 1962, the author received the Nobel Prize for Literature for his
realistic and imaginative writings, combining as they do sympathetic humour and keen
social perception. In addition, in 1919 Steinbeck enrolled at Stanford University. To the
end, Steinbeck died of heart disease on December 20, 1968, at his home in New York

B. Answer the following questions: The correct answer in black.

1. How are the pearls created?

A. They are solidified stones inside the oysters.
B. They are pieces of sand covered by the oyster with smooth plaster.
C. They are stones that became white due to the erosion of the sea.

2. What plans does Kino dream about after finding the pearl?

Reading: The Pearl

Asignatura Datos del alumno Fecha
Apellidos: Odriozola Lopez
Lengua Inglesa III 12/11/2018

A. Travelling North to have a better life, marrying in the church,

schooling for Coyotito and buying a rifle.
B. Marrying in the church, buying a rifle and new clothes.
C. Buying new clothes and a rifle, schooling for Coyotito and marrying in the

3. How much do the buyers finally offer Kino?

A. 1,500 pesos.
B. 1,000 pesos.
C. 500 pesos.

Reading: The Pearl

Asignatura Datos del alumno Fecha
Apellidos: Odriozola Lopez
Lengua Inglesa III 12/11/2018

4. What did the trackers think they heard before Kino’s attack?
A. A baby crying.
B. A woman crying.
C. A wild dog with some puppies.

5. How many men did Kino kill in the end?

A. A man at home and two of the trackers.
B. Two men at home and one of the trackers.
C. Two men at home and three of the trackers.

C. Order the following sentences as they take place in the book.

1. Coyotito is stung by a scorpion.
2. The priest comes to Kino’s house and makes him promise Kino will marry.
3. The doctor comes to Kino’s house to heal Coyotito.
4. Kino and Juana put on their best clothes to go to town in order to sell the
5. The buyers offer Kino a very low price for the pearl.
6. Kino hits Juana in the face.
7. Kino is attacked and his house is set on fire.
8. Juan Tomás hides Kino and Juana at his house.
9. Kino and Juana hides in a cave up in the mountain.
10. Kino throws the pearl back into the sea.
D. Decide whether this statements are true or false, according to the book.
1. Kino owns a boat and makes a living by fishing pearls. T
2. Juana is the doctor’s servant. F
3. The doctor does not see Coyotito because Kino does not have money. F
3. Juan Tomás tries to steal Kino’s pearl the first time he sees it. F
4. After selling the pearl, Kino buys a rifle. F
5. Kino and Juana escape after their house is set on fire. .T
6. Coyotito dies in Juana’s arms while they are hidden in a cave. T
7. The seaweed makes Coyotito feel better. T
8. Kino and Juana lives a house with three bedrooms. F
9. Kino kills a man near his house after being attacked. T
10. Juana thinks about leaving Kino after he slaps her. T

Reading: The Pearl

Asignatura Datos del alumno Fecha
Apellidos: Odriozola Lopez
Lengua Inglesa III 12/11/2018

Use of English

A. Write definitions using your own words for the following words:
1. Greedy: People that wish good 7. To cheat: ignore the rules.
thing and wealth.
8. Loose: Is not held to something
2. Shawl: It´s a piece of cloth that o somebody.
is placed over the shoulders.
9. Shell: cover something.
3. Pavements: an artificial surface. 10. Seaweed: seaplants
4. Valuable: that has value. 11. To whisper: talk softly.
5. Hunger: need to eat. 12. Madness: crazy
6. Prayers: the words that 13. To take off: grab
someone says or think when 14. To be worth: value
they are praying. 15. To nod: head gesture.
16. To paddle: row using a paddle.

B. Write sentences with the words from the previous exercise to retell the plot of the
book. Modify the word accordingly if necessary.
1. Greedy fingers went through his clothes.
2. The head shawl covered the baby.
3. There were narrow pavements besides the building.
4. The pearl has high value.
5. She could stand fatigue and hunger.
6. She whispered her combination of prayer and magic.
7. You want to cheat me.
8. Slowly he forced the oyster loose.
9. The shell was partly open.
10. She lifted the poultice of seaweed and looked at the shoulder.
11. The music of the pearl drifted to a whisper and disappeared.
12. A foolish madness came over him so that he spoke foolish words.
13. He reached to take off his hat
14. He wondered what the pearl would be worth.
15. He nodded his head.
16. Their drove their double-bladed paddles into the sea.

Reading: The Pearl

Asignatura Datos del alumno Fecha
Apellidos: Odriozola Lopez
Lengua Inglesa III 12/11/2018

C. Complete the following sentences using the Conditionals (Zero, First and Second
Conditional) and the verbs between brackets.

1. If Kino sells the pearl, he and Juan will married.

2. Juan Tomás said to Kino if he were him, he would not go to the capital.
3. Juana will go with Kino if he leaves their home.
4. The doctor would treat Coyotito if Kino were rich.
5. If people like Kino finds a pearl, they becomes rich.
6. If Kino and Juana do not run away, the thieves kill them.
7. Kino will kill the trackers if they discover Juana and Coyotito.
8. Juana said to Kino she would throw the pearl back to the sea if she were him .
9. If the buyers offer a good price, Kino gets a lot of money.
10. If the doctor comes to heal Coyotito, Kino pays him some money.


Imagine Kino and Juana’s life after selling successfully the pearl. Write about how their
lives have changed (100-120 words). Use your own words.

The life of Kino and Juana would have been very different if they had been able to sell
the pearl. I think that they would have had an easier and better or stable life. Also, the
childhood of the child would have been placid. The family would have been famous and
respected. To continue, the boy had had friends in the village and would go to school
with them. Parents would have opened to jewelry store made with pearls, the business
would have done well. Moreover, they would have had money and they would have
lived in their village. They would have bought a new house where they would be happy
all three forever. To the end, the most important thing is that they would not have had
bad luck.

Reading: The Pearl

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