Book 27 Jun 2024

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· . u ,~- twO Wi::1v ~ ·· Suen i11 i.

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red are......,.d••by ,,....,, Wture . • irnurtl· .... _ Lr
roduce _,_ ged + utee" d by mixi11g
P s1ue ,- · roduce JS JTll 11 l1
. . The colour p There . rence. .
coJours . d a secondary colour. 1nterfe f fj o h t : Whe n Light wa v e~ fal l
, t-1o n o n rin
5ecof'l~ary colours is calle enta a nd cyan a s J)1({ rD J o r a s mall ape rture wh ose d . a 1\
any two primary colours yellow, mag b RW C e . 1rn(•n·
~...,. tiu-ee secondary . u ,gent• Blue + Greert • Cy•n ,:4 j7,cd O • to
the wave length o f li ght, th en th ; r1
..,,...parab e . r•rr, 1
""' - .,.-,1 + BJuc • ,... co,,. the rect•. 11nea
1f rn r pro p aga t·10 n an d Ii, 1
.... .....t .. yeuow l'rY . · ,d w hilr
reeri + ru:v- d y colour~ ore m1 Xl , rture ro . I h Ar r•,.,
G ..i . - , secon ar c p a . h region of g eom etn ca 5 adn w. ·rh,. ·
When the uu .... - d e rs into t e h 1· . prc sc r1bcd bi· '->pn.· ,:
ent gy be yond t e 1m 1t . _ 1 rr:q 1
is produced I' _ht en er
colour Yellow-+ Magenta + Cyan • WhHC' cd o f ig . of nght j g ca JJ ed d 1ffract1o n of li vht 1 1i
ropagation I") •
L--- . - • A1 rtwo coloursw h cnodd . the proces s b y w hich . a bf·a n,
i... ,h,111 ~ 1) P . ffractio-n 1s
('(lmpk.,w,1 .1" \ . 1"mentary co Iours.
. word s, d J tems of wave i• s s pre a d out as a rE.'. ')ult r, rr r1t
. . . 1· t, re -aid to be comp e .
roduce white 1ig' a s l . . ,ing primary or ot h e r B Ys . . · ). ;:>~
~early a secondary colour an~ , t ,e rem a n an blue and narrow opening o r acrosc, a n edg~·
I rare com.plementarv colout s. Re d and cy , f ch through a ·
t>olJ r i~,Jti<JO of light : P~laric:;a tirJr I':-~:,. ....
coelolu . and 0'1"Pf311 a11d m~genta are complementary o ea
~11 O" b·-- Green phenomenon which proves that ligh_t is a?a,--,·,c,.•
other. Light is an electroma~et1c wav e 1n •nr 1 -= rr ~re .

,,.. The different colours and their magnetic field ve~ors vibrate p ~rpe:1d ] CU la r ►r, :::::r:-
mixtures are shown by the
and also perpendicular to the duectlon of p "-::::::£:::·
colour triangle. ordinary light, the vibrations of e lectric he c: ·, ':'.r:=·,
,,.. ln coloured television, the three
every plane perpendicular to the d ir ectior 0 - :¥-:: ::
rimarv. colours are used. h, I
..... ,. f Blue Magenta Red of wave. Polarisation is the phenomenort oi ~~5 :--~
1...... l. our c ~"-XLCS :
The colour o vibrations of a light in a particul ar d ir ectior ·; ;- ~
a body is the colour of light which it reflects or transmits. An
object is white, if it reflects all the components of white light
perpendicular to the direction of p ropagatior er ~-
and it is black if it absorbs all the light incident over it. This > The visible effect of light is only d ue to
is why a red rose appears red when viewed in white or red ~ct~ -
light but appears black when viewed in blue or green light.
Human Eye
►How a body will appear in light of different colour can be
u thP follow-inQ table Human eye basically consists of a con vex ler.s -
UJ, U.,,lC.J.. .:> \..VV U U' ) t,,....& ,...._. .__..__. ' - ' • • - -- ~
·o ---- -
- ~--- -- forms real and inverted image of an oc1ec :-: ~=
Name~f :\Sn""..,.~ ln ,red In gn~en In yellow In blue
I 1:.,1,, light light I l(ght > There are two kinds of vision cells in the :-e:.~ ~
r .,.~_
Ii aC?hl -o·
Red Green Yellow Blue are called rods and cones on account oi l~t'~ :-
\f\'hi$e paper White
Red Black Black Black shape. Rods decides the intensity of light wr.t'~ 2:
IRecipaper Red
Green Black Black distinguish colour of light.
~~ Blad
Black Yellow Black > Least distance of distinct vision is 25 cm.
¥ello" ' ~ Yellow Black
Black Black Black Blue > The eye adjusted its focal length so that the _':'
Blat paper Blue
fromed at ratina for the object plac~d at an_\ _:_.-
► Spe ctrum O f colour in Compact Disc. (CD) is due1 to
r e £l,e ction · from ridges 1n the m e ta •
o f w h J·te light fron1 eye. this is called accomL'da:1(',1 oi eyt'.
(._.- •--c.-·-- of .:,.~- _ When light waves fall on small
Defects of hu1nall\ eve and the remed ies : ... ,
" ;"s-::i.,
bodie :S dust Particles,_water particles in su~pension, . . ,uttt'nn:
1. ~ I) up1a or !--hur c s tght~dn~'SS : A person - . t·,r ""
suspended particle& in collotdaJ so)utior~, they a1e thro~n I , vhi t' ,u,
out in all directions. Thjs phenomenon 1s called scattering n1yopic1 can see the near objects clear) " 1
of light. are not clear
. tht' 3.\ 1·,.•
\. \ n bll.., : 1. Elongation of eye ball along_ !rn5
Scattering o { light i!:i maximum in case of violet colour . th ot eve
and minimum in case of red colour of light. 2. Sh ortening of focal Ieng d, [x'I
.· us e5 ·
► B1ue colour o { i;ky is d u.e to scattering of light. 3. Over stretching of ahary rn
bh. the elastic lin1it. d
► The brilliant red colour of ri sing and setting i,;un is due
to scattering of light. Ren1 ecty : Diverging (concave) lens is use · d eSS
'). . . l tl p1.•,,)pic1 o r hypermetropia or Jongsighteu,eLi~ J
Inkrten ·), ,• t,t I ~pt : When two light w a ve8 of exactly . . ansee
the same frequ ency and a constant pha&e differen ce travel person suffering from hypermetropia c .
in same direction and superimpose then the resultant objects clearly but not the near objects. u,e 8X1
intensity in the region of superposition is different from the Causes : 1. Shortening of eye ball al:~f eye 1
sum of intensity of individual waves. This rnodification in 2. Increase in the focal Ieng Jes,
the intensity of light in the region of s uperposition is called ·1· ry muse
3. Stiffening o f c11a . sed· 1
interference of light. Interference is of two types 15
Remedy: A converging (convex) lens u d j11el0
1. Constructive interference 2. Destructive interference 3 P b . II fot1J1 )(
'· res yop1a : This defect is genera Y , ,,es, e)'i
Df' r c::nn r. . . _ . .. . . . .. . . ...... , 11,(

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