S6 Physics Paper 1-Ssingo Sec SCH Internal Mocks 2015

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Paper 1
2½ Hours
Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education
Paper 1
2 hours 30 minutes

Answer fOUR questions, including at least one, but not more than two from each of
the sections A and B.
Non – programmable scientific calculators may be used.

Assume where necessary.

Acceleration due to gravity g = 9.8ms-2
Avogadro’s constant = 6.02 x 1023 mol-1
Electron charge e = 1.6 x 10-19C
Election mass = 9.1 x 10-31kg
Radius of Earth = 6.4 x 106m
Radius of the sun = 7.0 x 108m
Radius of orbit of the Earth = 1.5 x 1011m
Speed of light in vacuum = 3.0 x 108ms-1
Wien’s constant = 2.9 x 10-3mK
Specific heat capacity water = 4.2 x 103Jkg-1K-1
Planck’s constant h = 6.63 x 10-34Js
Specific latent heat of steam = 2.26 x 106Jkg-1
Stefan’s – Boltzmann’s constant, = 5.67 x 10-8Wm-2K-4
Thermal conductivity of Iron = 80Wm-1K-1
Universal gravitational constant, G = 6.67 x 10-11Nm2kg-2
Avogadro’s number, NA = 6.02 x 1023 mol-1
Density of water = 1,000kg m-3
Density of mercury = 13,600kg m-3
Gas constant, R = 8.31J mol-1K-1
Young’s modulus for Copper = 1.2 x 1011 Pa
Young’s modulus for steel = 2.0 x 1011 Pa


1(a) Distinguish between conservative and non-conservative forces and give an example of each.
(03 marks)
(b) A ball is thrown vertically upwards from the top of a building to 10.5m tall. The ball takes
9.0 seconds to reach its maximum height.
(i) Sketch a graph of displacement against time for the motion of the ball. (02 marks)
(ii) State the energy changes that take place as the ball moves upwards. (02 marks)
(iii) Find the time taken by the ball to hit the ground below from the time it is thrown. (03 marks)
(c) (i) State Newton’s law of gravitation. (01 mark)
(ii) A body of mass m kg is at a height h metres above the earth’s surface. Show that the

mechanical energy of the body is given by where G is gravitational constant, M is

mass of the earth and Re is the earth’s radius. (05 marks)

(iii) If the acceleration due to gravity at height h in (c)(ii) above is a ninth of the acceleration due
to gravity on the earth’s surface, find the value of h. (04 marks)

2. a(i) Define the term momentum. (01)

ii) A body of mass m1 initially moving with a velocity u1 collides with another
body of mass m2 initially moving with a velocity u 2 . Assuming that no external force acts on
the system show that the quantity ( m1u1  m2 u 2 ) is conserved. (05)

c) A body of mass 50 g falls from a height of 30cm on to a horizontal surface and

rebounds to a height of 20cm. If the time of collision was 0.05s, calculate

i) the average force experienced by the body during impact. (05)

ii) the kinetic energy lost by the body during impact (04)

d) You are provided with a helical spring, a metre rule, retort stand with a clamp, a
piece of manila paper, a stop clock and several 50g masses. Describe an experiment you can
carry out in a school laboratory to determine the acceleration due to gravity.

3. (a) Distinguish between elastic and perfectly inelastic collisions. (02 marks)

(b) A bullet of mass 0.012kg and horizontal speed 70m-1 strikes a block of wood of
mass 0.4kg and instantly comes to rest with respect to the block. The block is
suspended from the ceiling by means of a thin string.
(i) Calculate the height to which the block rises. (04 marks)
(ii) Estimate the amount of heat produced in the block. (02 marks)

(c) (i) Define the following terms, Young’s modulus and work hardening as used in
relation to properties of matter. (02 marks)
(ii) Show that the energy stored per unit volume of a stretched wire is given by
E is Young’s modulus. (04 marks)

(d) A copper wire and steel wire of the same diameter and of length 1.0m and 2.0m
respectively are connected end to end. A force is applied which stretches their
combined length by 1.0cm. Find:
(i) The extension in each wire. (04 marks)
(ii) The stress in the composite wire. (02 marks)


5. (a) (i) Define specific latent heat of vaporization. (01 marks)

(ii) With the aid of a well labeled diagram, describe the accurate methods of
determining the specific latent heat of vaporization water. (06 marks)

(b) A warm water tap and a cold water tap are opened at the same time into a bath
table. Water from the warm water tap flows out at a rate of 3.0kg min-1 at a
temperature of 60oC, while cold water flows out at a rate of 4.0kg,min-1. When
the taps have been opened for 50.0 seconds, the temperature of the water in the
tab is found to be 32oC. If the water in the tab loses heat at an average rate of
100W, find,
(i) the mass of water in the tab after 50.0 seconds. (02 marks)

(ii) The temperature of the water flowing out of the cold water tap. (04 marks)

(c) (i) Define thermal conductivity of a material. (01 mark)

(ii) A house has an iron roof of area 5.0m . The temperature on top of the roof is
30oC while that inside the room is 20oC. If the iron sheets are 1.0mm thick, find
the percentage decrease in the rate of heat flow into the room. (04 marks)
(iii) If a ceiling material of thermal conductivity 0.6 Wm-1K-1 and thickness

6(a) (i) State the assumptions made in the derivation of the gas equation P = (02 marks)

(ii) Deduce the expression. P= (05 mark)

iii) The coil of a platinum resistance thermometer has a resistance of 12 at the triple
point of water. What will be the resistance of the coil at a temperature of 437 K ? (03)

b) State three advantages of the continuous flow method over the method of

Mixtures for determination of specific heat capacity of a liquid. (03)

c) In an experiment to determine the specific heat capacity of a liquid by the

electrical method, the liquid flows past an electrical heater coil and in the

steady state the inlet and outlet temperatures are 10.4 0 C and. 13.50 C .

Electrical energy of 1.562 x10 4 J is necessary when 1.92kg of liquid flows

through the apparatus in 10 min for the temperatures above to be observed.

When the mass of liquid flowing through the apparatus is increased to 1.98kg

an electrical energy of 1.737 x10 4 J is necessary for the same inlet and outlet

temperatures to be observed.

i) Explain why two sets of data are essential and use the given data to obtain
the specific heat capacity of the liquid. (04)

ii) Explain why it is necessary to keep the temperature difference the same in
both sets of data in the experiment. (02)
iii) Calculate the rate of heat loss in the above experiment. (03)

7. (a) (i) Define a thermometric property. (01 mark)

(ii) State any four thermometric properties. (02 marks)
(b) (i) With the use of a well labeled diagram explain how a constant volume gas
thermometer is used to measure the absolute temperature of a substance.(5 marks)
(ii) State two advantages and two disadvantages of a constant volume gas
thermometer. (02 marks)
(c) (i) The electrical resistance in ohms of a certain thermometer varies with
temperature T, according to the equation R = R0[1 + 4 x 10-3(T-T0)]. The
resistance is 112Ω at 600K.
What is the temperature when the resistance is 120Ω? (06 marks)
(ii) Explain why on a winter night one would feel warmer when clouds cover the
sky than when the sky is clear. (04 marks)
8.(a)(i) What is meant by the term dimensions of a physical quantity? (1 mark)

(ii) The viscous drag on a spherical ball bearing falling centrally through a tall glass jar is
given by F  6 x a y v z , where  , a, and v are the coefficient of viscosity, the radius
of the ball and the velocity respectively. Use the method of dimensions to determine the
powers x, y and z . (5 marks)

(b)(i)Define the term terminal velocity. (1 mark)

(ii) Derive the expression for the terminal velocity of a steel ball bearing of radius r

, and density  , falling through a liquid of density  and coefficient of viscosity  .

(5 marks)

(c)(i) State the laws of friction. (3 marks)

(ii) Describe an experiment to determine the coefficient of static friction. (5 marks)

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