IMAGING-INFORMATICS (Radiologic Technologist)

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Image Processing: deals with the

development of problem specific
approaches to enhance the raw
medical data for the purpose of Coding and Decoding: This paper
selective visualization as well as introduces an encoding decoding
further analysis. process for medical images. This
method gives more speed and
Image Analysis: Concentrates on accuracy in the process of
the development of techniques to encryption and decryption, where
supplement the usually qualitative speed is needed for storing a large
and frequently subjective assessment number of medical images from
of medical image by human experts. different scanning departments and
these images are characterized by
Quality Evaluation: Plays an larger sizes than average.
important role in assessing any new
hardware, software, image Stable and Unstable Signal
acquisition techniques, image Processing: The system is said to be
reconstruction or post processing stable only when the output is
algorithms. bounded for bounded input. For a
bounded input, if the output is
Statistical Analysis and Entropy: unbounded in the system, then it is
Statistics of medical imaging fills said to be unstable.
the gap and provides a theoretical A system satisfies the Bounded input
framework for statistical for Bounded Output (BIBO) means
investigation into medical imaging finite in amplitude.
Transformation: An image
Color calibration: Color transformation can be applied to an
information in digital images is used image to convert it from one domain
for many practical purposes, mainly to another. Viewing an image in
in security fields and also with gray domains such as frequency or hough
scale images applications. space enables the identification of
features that may not be easily
detected in the spatial domain.
Common Image Transforms: 3.Discrete Cosine Transform
(DCT) represents an image as a sum
The 1.Hough transform is a robust of sinusoids of varying magnitudes
technique for detecting simple and frequencies. The dct2 function
geometric shapes in images, even computes the two-dimensional
when they are distorted, incomplete, discrete cosine transform (DCT) of
or partially obscured. It is a versatile an image.
technique that can be applied to
detect lines, circles, ellipses, and
other simple shapes.

2.Radon Transform often

4.Discrete Fourier Transform
calculated for a large number of
(DFT) converts a finite sequence of
angles and displayed as an image.
equally-spaced samples of a function
Calculate the radon transform for the
into a same-length sequence of
square image at angles.
equally-spaced samples of the
discrete-time Fourier transform
(DTFT), which is a complex-valued
function of frequency.
science, archaeology, materials
5.Wavelet Transform is a science, and nondestructive testing.
mathematical function applied in
digital image processing and 2.Background Removal is a digital
compression. Its main aim is to image processing procedure that can
improve the image quality. Also, be used to classify parts of an im-
wavelets can divide signals into time age in terms of unwanted and
and frequency components. Wavelet interest regions. Many applications
transform is the decomposition of a of image processing and computer
signal to the frequency components. vi- sion require background removal
before further anal- ysis and

3.Noise Removal reduction is a

common task in digital image
processing, where you try to remove
unwanted or random variations in
pixel values from an image. Noise
can degrade the quality and clarity
of an image, and affect its usefulness
for analysis or display.

4.Image compression is a process

applied to a graphics file to
minimize its size in bytes without
Pre-Medical Image Processing degrading image quality below an
Image pre-processing technique that acceptable threshold. By reducing
not only removes unwanted artifacts the file size, more images can be
from the medical image but also stored in a given amount of disk or
enhances the required portion. memory space.

1.Image Reconstruction Post Medical Image Processing

Techniques are used to create 2-D Advanced post-processing describes
and 3-D images from sets of 1-D the manipulation of radiographic
projections. These reconstruction images to derive additional
techniques form the basis for qualitative data.
common imaging modalities such as
CT, MRI, and PET, and they are 1.Filtering is a technique for
useful in medicine, biology, earth modifying or enhancing an image.
For example, you can filter an image
to emphasize certain features or
remove other features. Image
processing operations implemented Medical Image Display
with filtering include smoothing, The adequate and repeatable
sharpening, and edge enhancement. performance of the image display
system is a key element of
2.Contraction and Enhancement information technology platforms in
is the process of adjusting digital a modern radiology department.
images so that the results are more
suitable for display or further image End of Day 3….
analysis. For example, you can
remove noise, sharpen, or brighten
an image, making it easier to
identify key features.

3.Image registration is defined as a

process that overlays two or more
images from various imaging
equipment or sensors taken at
different times and angles, or from
the same scene to geometrically
align the images for analysis.

4.Texture Classification is the

problem of distinguishing between
textures, a classic problem in pattern
recognition. Since many very
sophisticated classifiers exist, the
key challenge here is the
development of effective features to
extract from a given textured image.

5.Image segmentation is a
commonly used technique in digital
image processing and analysis to
partition an image into multiple
parts or regions, often based on the
characteristics of the pixels in the

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