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International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research (IJETER)

Volume 5, Issue 12, December (2017) www.ijeter.everscience.org

A Survey of Image Processing Technique for Wheat

Disease Detection
Varinderjit Kaur
Ph.D C.S.E, R.I.M.T University, India.

Dr.Ashish Oberoi
A.P, H.O.D (C.S.E), R.I.M.T University, India.

Abstract – There are many types of diseases which are present in 1.2 What is Digital Image?
plants. To detect these diseases pattern are required to recognize
them. There are many types of pattern recognition algorithm Digital image processing is the use of computer algorithms to
which gives detection of disease with accuracy. In the existing perform image processing on digital images. As a subcategory
work back propagation and principal component analysis are or field of digital signal processing, digital image processing
used to detect plant diseases. These algorithms are learned from has many advantages over analog image processing. It allows
training supervision in neural network. There is an issue of a much wider range of algorithms to be applied to the input data
accuracy in these algorithms. These algorithms are able to detect and can avoid problems such as the build-up of noise and signal
diseases in plant but in accurate way. So to increase the accuracy distortion during processing. Since images are defined over
for plant detection a new method will be proposed.
two dimensions, digital image processing may be modeled in
Index Terms – PCA ,B.P, SVD, 2-D,3-Dimages. the form of multidimensional systems Digital images can be
1. INTRODUCTION divided into number of pixels. Each pixel represented by
numerical value [1].
1.1 What is an Image?
Image processing is used in a wide variety of applications to
An Image may be defined as a two dimensional function, f improve the visual appearance of images and to prepare images
(x,y), where x and y are spatial co-ordinates, and the amplitude for measurement. Image processing usually refers digital
of at any pair of co-ordinates (x,y) is called the intensity or gray Image processing but optical and analog image processing also
level of that image at that point. When x,y, and the amplitude are possible. This article is about general techniques that apply
off are all finite, discrete quantities, we call the image a digital to all of them. The acquisition of images is referred to as
image. The field of digital image processing involves imaging. Image processing is also known as digital image
processing digital images by means of digital computer Image processing. Optical and analog image processing are also
processing is composed of a finite number of elements, each of possible. There are different types of image processing fields
which has a particular location and value. These elements are like computer graphics where images are created, image
referred to as picture elements, image elements and pixels. processing where manipulation and enhancement of images are
Image processing involves processing or altering an existing to be done and computer vision where analysis of images is
image in terms of pixels in a desired manner. [2] done [17].
An area of digital image processing applications includes: Image processing is also defined as the discipline in which
input and output both are images. An image processing defines
• medical applications
a new image y in terms of the existing image x. An image can
• restorations and enhancements be transformed in two ways. These ways are as follow:
• digital cinema 1. Domain Transformation
• image transmission and coding 2. Range Transformation
• color processing A pixel is a sample of continuous function. Modern digital
technology has made it feasible to control multi-dimensional
• remote sensing
signals with systems ranges from simple digital circuits to
• robot vision advanced parallel computers. The goal of this manipulation can
be divided into three categories
• face smile
Image Processing (image in -> image out)
• pattern recognition

ISSN: 2454-6410 ©EverScience Publications 133

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research (IJETER)
Volume 5, Issue 12, December (2017) www.ijeter.everscience.org

Image Analysis (image in -> measurements out) context, diagnosing diseases in an accurate and timely way is
of the utmost importance. There are several ways to detect plant
Image Understanding (image in -> high-level description out)
pathologist. Some diseases do not have any visible symptoms
An image may be considered to contain sub-images sometimes associated, or those appear only when it is too late to act. In
referred to as regions-of-interest. This concept reflects the those cases, normally some kind of sophisticated analysis,
reality that images commonly contain collections of objects usually by means of powerful microscopes, is necessary. In
which can be the basis for a region. In a sophisticated image other cases, the signs can only be detected in parts of the
processing system, it should be feasible to apply specific image electromagnetic spectrum that are not visible to humans. A
processing operations to regions that are selected only. Thus, common approach in this case is the use of remote sensing
one part of an image might be processed to improve color techniques that explore multi and hyper spectral image
rendition and other is to be processed to suppress motion blur. captures. The methods that adopt this approach often employ
digital image processing tools to achieve their goals. The naked
The images should be available in digitized form is the most
eye observation method is generally used to decide diseases
requirements for image processing of images, that is, arrays of
severity in the production practice but results are subjective and
finite length binary words. For digitization, first of all the given
it is not possible to measure the disease extent precisely. Image
Image is sampled on a discrete grid and each sample or pixel is processing technology in the agricultural research has made
quantized using a finite number of bits. The digitized image is significant development. To recognize and classify fungi
processed by a computer. To display a digital image, it is first
disease an automated system has been implemented using
converted into analog signal, which is scanned onto a display
algorithm such as back propagation, pca and svd techniques of
neural network.[14]
1.3. Operations on an Image with the help of Image Processing: Fig.1: Naked eye Observation to Detect Diseases
•Euclidean geometry transformations such as enlargement,
reduction, and rotation
•Color corrections such as brightness and contrast adjustments
, color mapping, color balancing, quantization, or color
translation to a different color space
•Digital compositing or optical compositing (combination of
two or more images), which is used in film-making to make a Fig.2: Type of Diseases in Wheat
•Interpolation, demos icing, and recovery of a full image from
a raw image format using a Bayer filter pattern
•Image registration, the alignment of two or more images
•Image differencing and morphing
•Image recognition, for example, may extract the text from the
image using optical character recognition or checkbox and
bubble values using optical mark recognition 1.5 Artificial Neural Networks
Artificial Neural Networks are electronic models based on the
•Image segmentation
neural structure of the brain. The brain basically learns from
•High dynamic range imaging by combining multiple images experience. It is natural proof that some problems that are
beyond the scope of current computers are indeed solved by
•Geometric hashing for 2-D object recognition with affine
small energy efficient packages. This brain modeling also
promises a less technical way to develop machine solutions.
1.4 Diseases Detection in Wheat [19]
When to use a BP Neural Network[22]
Agriculture has become much more than simply a means to
Here are some situations where a BP NN is a good idea:
feed ever growing populations. Plants have become an
important source of energy, and are a fundamental piece in the •A large amount of input/output data is available, but you're not
puzzle to solve the problem of global warming. There are sure how to relate it to the output.
several diseases that affect plants with the potential to cause
devastating economic, social and ecological losses. In this

ISSN: 2454-6410 ©EverScience Publications 134

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research (IJETER)
Volume 5, Issue 12, December (2017) www.ijeter.everscience.org

•The problem appears to have overwhelming complexity, but cycles. With few exceptions, bacteria exist as single cells and
there is clearly a solution. increase in numbers by dividing into two cells during a process
called binary fission Viruses are extremely tiny particles
•It is easy to create a number of examples of the correct
consisting of protein and genetic material with no associated
•The solution to the problem may change over time, within the
Mr. Pramod S. la ndge, [3] The Author proposed and
bounds of the given input and output parameters (i.e., today
experimentally evaluate a software solution for automatic
2+2=4, but in the future, we may find that 2+2=3.8).
detection and classification of plant diseases through Image
•Outputs can be fuzzy, or non-numeric. [20] Processing. Farmers in rural India have minimal access to
agricultural experts, who can inspect crop images and render
One of the most common applications of NNs is in image advice. Delayed expert responses to queries often reach farmers
processing. Some examples would be: identifying hand-written
too late. This paper addresses this problem with the objective
characters; matching a photograph of a person's face with a
of developing image processing algorithms that can recognize
different photo in a database; performing data compression on
problems in crops from images, based on color, texture and
an image with minimal loss of content. Other applications
shape to automatically detect diseases or other conditions that
could be: voice recognition, RADAR signature analysis, stock might affect crops and give the fast and accurate solutions to
market prediction. All of these problems involve large amounts the farmer with the help of SMS. The design and
of data, and complex relationships between the different
implementation of these technologies will greatly aid in
selective chemical application, reducing costs and thus leading
2. RELATED WORK to improved productivity, as well as improved produce.
All the related works that have been done by other researchers Anand.H.Kulkarni and Ashwin Patil R. K, [4] They introduced
that are related to the current research problem should be a methodology for detecting plant diseases early and
summarized in this section. accurately, using diverse image processing techniques and
artificial neural network (ANN). Farmers experience great
Savita N. Ghaiwat, Parul Arora, [1] They present survey on difficulties in changing from one disease control policy to
different classification techniques that can be used for plant leaf another. Relying on pure naked-eye observation to detect and
diseases classification. A classification technique deals with classify diseases can be expensive various plant diseases pose
classifying each pattern in one of the distinct classes. A a great threat to the agricultural sector by reducing the life of
classification is a technique where leaf is classified based on its the plants. the present work is aimed to develop a simple
different morphological features. There are so many disease detection system for plant diseases. The work begins
classification techniques such as k-Nearest Neighbor with capturing the images. Filtered and segmented using Gabor
Classifier, Probabilistic Neural Network, Genetic Algorithm, filter. Then, texture and color features are extracted from the
Support Vector Machine, and Principal Component Analysis, result of segmentation and Artificial neural network (ANN) is
Artificial neural network, Fuzzy logic. Selecting a then trained by choosing the feature values that could
classification method is always a difficult task because the distinguish the healthy and diseased samples appropriately.
quality of result can vary for different input data. Plant leaf Experimental results showed that classification performance by
disease classifications have wide applications in various fields ANN taking feature set is better with an accuracy of 91
such as in biological research, in Agriculture etc. This paper
provides an overview of different classification techniques Haiguang Wang, Guanlin Li, Zhanhong Ma, Xiaolong Li, [5]
used for plant leaf disease classification. The k-nearest- In this paper they proposed to achieve automatic diagnosis of
neighbor method is perhaps the simplest of all algorithms for plant diseases and improve the image recognition accuracy of
predicting the class of a test example. An obvious disadvantage plant diseases, two kinds of grape diseases (grape downy
of the k-NN method is the time complexity of making mildew and grape powdery mildew) and two kinds of wheat
predictions. diseases (wheat stripe rust and wheat leaf rust) were selected as
research objects, and the image recognition of the diseases was
Prof. Sanjay B. Dhaygude and Mr. Nitin P. Kumbhar, [2] In conducted based on image processing and pattern recognition.
this paper they introduced the detection of plant leaf is a very After image preprocessing including image compression,
important factor to prevent serious outbreak. Automatic image cropping and image denoising, K_means clustering
detection of plant disease is essential research topic. Most plant algorithm was used to segment the disease images, and then 21
diseases are caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Fungi are color features, 4 shape features and 25 texture features were
identified primarily from their morphology, with emphasis extracted from the images. Backpropagation (BP) networks
placed on their reproductive structures. Bacteria are considered were used as the classifiers to identify grape diseases and wheat
more primitive than fungi and generally have simpler life diseases, respectively. The results showed that identification of

ISSN: 2454-6410 ©EverScience Publications 135

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research (IJETER)
Volume 5, Issue 12, December (2017) www.ijeter.everscience.org

the diseases could be effectively achieved using BP networks. Learning can also be unsupervised, in the sense that the system
Accuracy and the prediction accuracy were both 100%. is not given an a priori labeling of patterns, instead it
Piyush Chaudhary, Anand K. Chaudhari, Dr. A. N. Cheeranand establishes the classes itself based on the statistical regularities
Sharda Godara [6] They proposed an algorithm for disease spot of the patterns. The classification or description scheme usually
segmentation using image processing techniques in plant leaf uses one of the following approaches: statistical syntactic and
is implemented. This is the first and important phase for structural or neural. Statistical pattern recognition is based on
automatic detection and classification of plant diseases. statistical characterizations of patterns, assuming that the
Disease spots are different in color but not in intensity, in patterns are generated by a probabilistic system. Structural
comparison with plant leaf color. So, we color transform of pattern recognition is based on the structural interrelationships
RGB image can be used for better segmentation of disease of features. Neural pattern recognition employs the neural
spots. In this paper, a comparison of the effect of CIELAB, HSI computing paradigm that has emerged with neural networks.
and YCbCr color space in the process of disease spot detection [5] There is problem of accuracy in existing methods. To
is done. Median filter is used for image smoothing. Finally, overcome this problem a method will be proposed with SVD
threshold can be calculated by applying Otsu method on color algorithm to enhance its accuracy.
component to detect the disease spot. An algorithm which is
3.2 Objectives and Scope of Study
independent of background noise, plant type and disease spot
color was developed and experiments were carried out on 1. To analysis the performance of existing image processing
different “. techniques for wheat disease detection.
3. PROPOSED MODELLING 2. To develop improved image enhancement techniques for
better wheat disease detection.
3.1 Problem Formulation
3. To propose and implement a technique for wheat disease
The machine leaning is the technique which is applied for the
plant disease detection. The machine learning algorithms lean
from the previous values and drive new values on the basis of 4. To test and validate the proposed techniques both
current situations. In the base paper, [19] following are the Quantitatively and Qualitatively.
techniques of machine learning are applied for plant disease
detection: -
1. The algorithm of partial least square is applied which utilize Following are the various expected outcomes of this research
or learn the parameters of the plant from the disease need to be 1. This research is based on to detect the diseases from the
detected and also derive the values of the disease symptoms wheat. The proposed algorithm will detect the diseases in the
minimum amount of time
2. The Gaussian process regression algorithm is being applied
which learn the symptoms of the wheat leaf diseases for the 2. The proposed algorithm will detect the area of fraction in
disease detection which disease is spread and also the type of disease
3. The algorithm of SVD is been applied which take the input 3. To improve performance of PLSR, SVR and GPA algorithm
of the train dataset which are the symptoms of the disease and for the wheat disease detection and compare with the existing
test dataset from which disease need to be detected. The system
algorithm will mark the disease from the test dataset. [6]
Pattern recognition aims to classify data (patterns) based on 4. Apply improved technique for the wheat disease detection
either a priori knowledge or on statistical information extracted
from the patterns. The patterns to be classified are usually
groups of measurements or observations, defining points in an
appropriate multidimensional space. A complete pattern
recognition system consists of a sensor that gathers the
observations to be classified or described; a feature extraction
mechanism that computes numeric or symbolic information
from the observations and a classification or description
scheme that does the actual job of classifying or describing
observations, relying on the extracted features. The
classification or description scheme is usually based on the
availability of a set of patterns that have already been classified
or described. This set of patterns is termed the training set and
the resulting learning strategy is characterized as supervised. Fig.3: Steps to Detect Disease in Wheat Leaf [12]

ISSN: 2454-6410 ©EverScience Publications 136

International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research (IJETER)
Volume 5, Issue 12, December (2017) www.ijeter.everscience.org

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