3.5 Engaged FUP Chain (x7)

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Engaged FUP Chain (x7)

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A lot of prospects need to be nurtured to be converted. To nurture them to the next stage, we
need a vigorous 7-step followup chain that breaks patterns.

Here’s what it looks like:

(B) FUP1: simple text

(B) FUP2: simple text
(B) FUP3: MEME + text
(B) FUP4: MEME + text
(B) FUP5: MEME + text
(B) FUP6: MEME + text
(B) FUP7: MEME + text

You might think 7 follow-ups is extreme. It is, but that’s why we get extreme results :)

Follow-ups 1&2 should be sent within 12-24 hours of the previous message.

Follow-ups 3,4,5,6 & 7 should be sent 48 hours after the previous message.

(B)FUP1 & (B)FUP2

These are simple text messages just ‘bumping’ the video. They don’t require much thought or
creativity. 3-6 words, simply trying to re-engage them to watch the vid, or tell us to go away.

Here are ours:


- Thoughts on that video firstname?


- Was it that bad? 😉

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These are slightly more ‘cultured’. They require not only text, but a meme as well.

Memes are great as they break the pattern and introduce some humour.

Key points

- Should be relevant to your niche

- Should be funny, but the goal is to get a reply not make them laugh
- Should be appropriate

To create your memes, go here (you need to create 5, upload them to google drive):

Meme Generator - Imgflip

Here are some example memes:

(Examples) (B) Meme Followups (linked here)

(yes, we actually have used these and they’ve generated us 500-1000 appointments):

Accompanying Text

Each meme you’ve created should be accompanied with some short text.

Example (as per the above meme examples):

3. gotta warn you they’re coming!!

4. 👀
5. just gonna drop this here..
6. I’m getting old here 😉
7. where are we firstname, 1,2,3 or 4?

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If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.
Write your accompanying text below:

This should give some very brief context to the meme in question.


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If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other purpose.

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