Stories For Children

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There was a little prince who didn't want to study. One night, after having
received a good scolding for his laziness, he sighed sadly, saying:

Oh! When will I be old enough to do what I want?

And behold, the next morning, he discovered a coil of gold thread on his
bed from which came a faint voice:
Treat me with care, prince.

This thread represents the succession of your days. As they pass, the
thread will become loose. I'm not unaware that you want to grow up
soon... Well, I grant you the gift of unwinding the thread as you wish, but
everything that you have unwound will not be able to be wound again,
because the days gone by do not return.

The prince, to make sure, pulled vigorously on the thread and found
himself transformed into a handsome prince. He pulled a little more and
saw himself wearing his father's crown. He was king! With a new tug, he

Tell me coil, what will my wife and children be like?

At the same moment, a beautiful young woman and four blonde children
emerged at her side. Without stopping to think, his curiosity was taking
over him and he continued to ask more questions about what his children
would be like when they grew up.

Suddenly he looked in the mirror and saw the image of a decrepit old
man, with sparse snowy hair. He was scared of himself and of the little
thread that was left on the spool. The moments of his life were
numbered! Desperately, I try to wind the line on the spool, but to no

Then the faint little voice that I already knew spoke like this:

You have foolishly wasted your existence. Now you know that lost days
cannot be recovered. You have been lazy to try to go through life without
bothering to do your everyday work. So suffer your punishment.

The king, after a cry of panic, fell dead: he had consumed his existence
without doing anything useful.

It had stopped snowing and the children, eager for freedom, left the
house and began to run around the newly formed white and fluffy carpet.

The blacksmith's daughter, taking handfuls of snow with her skillful little
hands, devoted herself to the task of molding it.

I will make a doll like the little brother I wish I had, he told himself.

A beautiful little boy came out, round, with coal eyes and a red button for
a mouth. The little girl was enthusiastic about her work and made the doll
her inseparable companion during the sad days of that winter. He talked
to him, pampered him...

But soon the days began to get longer and the sun's rays warmer... The
doll melted down, leaving no trace of its existence other than a puddle
with two coals and a red button. The girl cried in dismay.

A little old man, who was looking for warmth in the sun for his winter,
said sweetly to her: Dry your tears, darling, because you have just
received a great lesson: now you know that your heart should not be set
on perishable things.

Once upon a time there was a cedar satisfied with its beauty.

Planted in the middle of the garden, it towered over all the other trees. Its
branches were so beautifully arranged that it looked like a gigantic

Planted in the middle of the garden, it towered over all the other trees. Its
branches were so beautifully arranged that it looked like a gigantic

If, as beautiful as I am, I also bore fruit, he said to himself, no tree in the
world could compare to me.

And he decided to observe the other trees and do the same with them.
Finally, at the top of its upright cup, I point out a beautiful fruit.

I'll have to feed him well so he grows a lot, he told himself.

That fruit grew so much and so much that it became too big. The top of
the cedar, unable to support it, began to bend; and when the fruit was
ripe, the crown, which was the pride and glory of the tree, began to
stagger until it broke heavily.

How many men, like the cedar, are ruined by too much ambition!

There was a prince much admired in his kingdom. All the marriageable
young women wanted to have him as a husband. But he didn't pay
attention to any of them and spent his time playing with Zapaquilda, a
beautiful kitten, next to the flames of the hearth.

One day he said out loud:

You are so loving and adorable that, if you were a woman, I would marry

At the same moment the Fairy of the Impossibles appeared in the room
and said:

Prince your wishes have been fulfilled

The young man, dazzled, discovered Zapaquilda next to him, transformed

into a beautiful girl.

The next day the wedding was celebrated and all the nobles and poor of
the kingdom who attended the banquet were enraptured by the beautiful
and sweet bride. But, suddenly, they saw the young woman jump on a
little mouse that was zigzagging around the room and eat it as soon as
she caught it.

The prince then began to call on the Fairy of the Impossible to turn his
wife into the kitten she had been. But the Fairy did not come, and no one
has told us if he had to spend his life watching his wife account for all the
mice in the palace.

Once upon a harsh winter day. The snow was falling, the wind was
blowing and Belinda was playing with some dwarfs in the forest. Suddenly
a long howl was heard.

What's that? the girl asked.

It's the hungry wolf. "You shouldn't go out because it would devour you,"
the wise dwarf explained.

The next day the wolf's howl was heard again and Belinda, sad, thought
that everyone was unfair to the beast. When the dwarves were careless,
he left the house and left a basket of food on the snow.

The next day the snow stopped and the wind calmed down. The girl went
out for a walk and saw a beautiful white lamb approaching.

Hello hello! The girl said. Do you want to come with me?

Then the lamb jumped on Belinda and the hidden wolf pounced on it,
biting it. The cunning and evil stepmother lost the skin of the animal with
which she had disguised herself and escaped, uttering horrible screams of
pain and fear.

Only then did the wolf return to the mountain and Belinda felt her heart
shake, with joy, more than for having been saved, for having gained a

Once upon a time there was a poor woodcutter who was returning home
after a day of hard work. While crossing a small bridge over the river, he
dropped his ax into the water.

Then he began to lament sadly: How will I earn my living now that I don't
have an axe?

Instantly, oh, wonder! A beautiful nymph appeared above the waters and
said to the woodcutter:

Wait, good man: I will bring your axe.

He sank into the current and shortly after reappeared with a golden ax in
his hands. The woodcutter said that was not his. For the second time the
nymph submerged, only to reappear later with another silver axe.

"It's not mine either," said the grieving woodcutter.

For the third time the nymph searched underwater. When he reappeared
he was carrying an iron axe.

Oh thank you, thank you! That is mine!

But, for your honesty, I will give you the other two. You have preferred
poverty to lies and you deserve a reward.

There were millions of stars in the sky.

Stars of all colors, white, silver, green, gold, red, blue...

One day, restless, they approached God and said:

_Lord God, we would like to live on Earth among men.

_Thus it will be done, answered the God. I will keep all of you little ones,
as you are seen so that you can come down to Earth.

It is said that on that night, there was a beautiful shower of stars.

Some huddled in the church towers, others went to play and run with the
fireflies through the fields, others mixed with the children's toys...

And the earth was wonderfully illuminated...

But as time went by, the stars decided to abandon men and return to the
sky, leaving the Earth dark and sad.

_Why did they come back? God asked as the stars reached the sky.
_ Lord, it was not possible for us to be on Earth, there are many bad
things there and people fight, there are wars, a lot of evil and many
people die without knowing anything about You.

And God told them:_ Of course! Your place is here in Heaven, this is the
place that I made for you. Men and women, boys and girls, young people
and the elderly live on Earth.
Heaven is my home and the place where you have to be. Because heaven
is the place of the perfect, of that which has no stain, of that which
changes, everything here is beautiful...

After the stars arrived, God counted them one by one... And then with a
different voice he said: They are not all here, one is missing here, what
happened that they are not all there?
The other stars looked at each other until an angel said to God:

_ Sir, a star wanted to stay among the people who live on Earth. She
discovered that her light helped people, brightened the nights, the days,
the fields, the squares and many places where there were many people
without joy or peace...
God really liked hearing about that and he gave that brave little star who
had stayed on Earth a bigger and brighter light, so that she could
illuminate all the people she wanted...

Jesus spoke to the people again:

--I am the light that illuminates all those who live in this world.
Follow me and you will not walk in the darkness, because you will have
the light that gives you life. (John 8:12)

A long, long time ago, when no season of the year had appeared on our
planet, Mr. Winter was already preparing for its arrival.

Mr. Winter likes to reach every corner of the Earth happy and distribute
delicious chocolates to all the children in the world.

But, although he liked to spread joy to everyone, he had no one to give it

to, because there was no life in this world yet.

This is how the Creator of the seasons saw him so happy that he thought
it would be time to begin the long journey of the beloved seasons of the

To do this, the Creator thought that he should first ask his friends: Mr.
Autumn, Mrs. Spring and Mr. Summer if they wanted to accompany him
on this march.

As they were all very good companions they had no problems and began
to let their time pass for Don Winter to appear and as the seasons passed
Don Winter was in charge of preparing a great white party for all the
inhabitants of the Earth.

It was then that he prepared snow in large quantities to play with all the
children of the world.

But like any party, there was no shortage of delicious cakes or chocolates
of all colors.

He also distributed warm and colorful scarves; and warm hats and gloves
for everyone.

Don Winter also took care to become good friends with Don Sol so that
when the frozen snow falls from the sky, the sun warms everyone.
It was then that the Creator told him: -Now, friend Winter, I let you go
into the world to meet all the children and cheer them up with your

Since that day every year, June 21, our friend winter arrives loaded with
cold, snow, chocolates and many, many more things...

Enjoy it!
While God was admiring such beauty, night fell and morning came. That
was the third day.

The Creator then said: “I want there to be lights in the sky that separate
the day from the night, lights that indicate the seasons, the days and the
years, lights in the blue sky that illuminate the earth...

Genesis 1: 13-14 (LA)


The days already seem longer to us. The sun lets us play a little more in
the afternoon. We heard the birds sing from very early in the morning.

The flowers, yes! The flowers are showing their most beautiful colors...
What is happening then? Friends, spring is making its entrance.

How beautiful spring is!, right?

Spring, like the rest of the seasons, has only one Creator and that is God.

God has not only created this beautiful season of the year for us to enjoy
but also everything we see in nature. The Bible tells us that: God created
everything in heaven and on earth, what can be seen and what cannot be

The beautiful birds and doves, but also the flowers and all the fruit trees,
God created them...

But did you ever stop to think that God was also the one who created you
yourself. Your eyes, your hair, your entire body, your heart and its beats,
everything was created by God and he did it in a special way.

But although God created you special, sometimes you don't even
remember that or it just happened that no one had told you. Like maybe
no one told you that God does not like it when we do bad things, such as
lying, disobeying our parents and teachers, or having bad thoughts and
that all these attitudes separate us from God.

But don't get discouraged, especially on spring days. God has beautiful
news for you and that is that Jesus, His Son wants to be the person who
leads you to enjoy friendship with God, and not only in this spring but
throughout your life.

The Bible shows us these words of Jesus: -I am the way, the truth and
the life. Without me, no one can reach God the Father.

What you have to do is believe and accept these words of Jesus in your
If you believe it, you should tell him right now: “Dear God, I accept Jesus
in my heart because I believe it is the only path that leads me to You,
Amen.” So be it!
Now that you have prayed this prayer you are a child of God, the book of
God, the Bible says that “to all who received him, those who believe in his
name, he gave the power to be called children of God.”

First day

A long, long time ago. God created heaven and angels. The sky is
wonderful. God lives there with his angels. Nothing existed below. It was
a great dark and sad void. God ordered: let the earth be made. And the
earth was made. Because everything that God arranges is done
immediately. But the darkness continued. Then God said: Let there be
light. And there was light. Thus ended the first Day of Creation.

Second day

God created the blue sky that we see from earth, which is not the sky
where He and His angels live. It is the sky where the clouds navigate and
that the kites want to reach. The sky of swallows and flying reeds.

Third day

At first the earth and water were mixed, forming a large neighborhood.
On the Third Day, God separated the land and the water. Thus he created
the seas, lakes and lagoons. On the solid land he made weeds and rose
bushes sprout. And he ordered trees to grow such as oaks and ombúes,
ceibos and pines. Everything was turning out nice.

Fourth day

On the fourth day God created the sun, the moon and the stars. So that
the sun would illuminate us during the day, so that there were sunrises
and sunsets, to shelter the poor children in winter and so that the shadow
seemed cooler in summer. He created the moon and the stars so that the
nights would be less black, so that the little ones could write verses to the
moon and so that the space rockets would have somewhere to land.

Fifth day

God created birds and fish. In other words, he created the birds and the
fish. The benteveo and the mojarrita, the caranchos and the silversides,
the whale, the condors, the shark and the calandrias and the birds gave
glory to God by singing in the branches. And the fish waited for the
fishermen, since there were no fishermen yet.

Sixth day
When the Sixth Day came, he created all animals other than birds and
fish. From elephants to mousefish, from rhinos to weasels. The lion and
the horse. The cockroach and cricket. Grasshoppers and vipers. Dogs and
cats. And then God decided: now I am going to create man. He made a
clay figure, about the size of a person, blew on it and gave it an immortal
soul. The figure came to life. He was the first man and his name was

Seventh day

His work was finished, God rested. And so he taught us that it is advisable
to take a break, after working hard and well.

It means: Father, Son and Holy Spirit

The 3 are God, that is, the three are one: God.

God: Father
God: Son Jesus
God: Holy Spirit

Did you know that the holy spirit is not a force or a wind or a dove, it is
God himself who manifests himself as He wants?

God the Father is seated on his throne in heaven.

God the son Jesus is sitting at the right hand of his father asking for us.
And God the Holy Spirit is here on earth
To guide us, talk to us and help us.

Did you know that the Holy Spirit, although he is sometimes named third
in the Bible, does not mean that he is less important than the father or
the son

Did you know that when Jesus resurrected and ascended to heaven he
sent the Holy Spirit here to earth so that we would not be alone.

Do you want to meet him? He has a personality characteristics of his

..Well listen carefully is:

The Holy Spirit is the most loving, tender, sensitive person you can

He can speak love feel perceive respond have emotions, He is your

personal friend who will help you pray read the Bible, He wants to fill you
with the presence of God.

We just have to ask him, precious Holy Spirit, can you please help me and
he will come to our aid.

Just because we don't see it doesn't mean it's not there, it's more real
than you can imagine.

A man went to a hair salon to cut his hair and trim his beard, as is
customary. In these cases he started a pleasant conversation with the
person who attended him. They talked about so many things and touched
on many topics, suddenly they touched on the topic of God, the
hairdresser said:

- Notice, gentleman, that I do not believe that God exists, as you say.

- But why do you say that? - asked the client.

- Well, it's very easy, you just have to go out into the street to realize
that God does not exist, or tell me, perhaps if God existed, there would
be so many sick people, there would be abandoned children, if God
existed there would not be so much suffering or pain for humanity, I
cannot think that there is a God who allows all these things.

- The client thought for a moment, but did not want to respond to avoid
an argument.

- The hairdresser finished his work and the customer left the business.
He had just left the hair salon when he saw a man on the street with a
beard and long hair. Apparently he hadn't had his hair cut in a long time
and he looked very unkempt. Then he entered the hair salon again and
said to the hairdresser.

- Do you know something? hairdressers do not exist.

- How come they don't exist? asked the hairdresser

- Yes, here I am and I am a hairdresser.

- No! The client said, they don't exist because if they existed there
wouldn't be people with hair and beards as long as that man walking
down the street.

- Ahh, hairdressers do exist, what happens is that those people don't

come to me.

- Exact! The client said that is the point, God does exist, what happens is
that people do not go to him and do not look for him, that is why there is
so much pain and misery in the world.

Once upon a time there was a very rich but very greedy wolf. He never
gave even a little of what he had left over. Feeling old, he began to think
about his own life, sitting at the door of his house.

Could you lend me four measures of wheat, neighbor? The donkey asked

I'll give you; eight, if you promise to watch over my tomb for the three
nights following my burial.

The wolf died a few days later and the little donkey went to keep vigil at
his grave. During the third night the duck who had no home joined him.
And they were together when, in the middle of a horrible gust of wind, the
eaglet arrived and said to them:

If you let me take the wolf I will give you a bag of gold.

It will be enough if you fill one of my boots. The duck said he was very

The eaglet left to return immediately with a large sack of gold, which he
began to dump on the boot that the sagacious duck had placed over a
grave. Since it had no sole and the pit was empty, it was not completely
filled. The eaglet then decided to go in search of all the gold in the world.

And when he was trying to cross a cliff with a hundred bags hanging from
his beak, he crashed hopelessly.

Donkey friend, we are already rich. Said the duck. The evil of the Eaglet
has benefited us.

And all the poor people in the city. The donkey said, because with them
we will distribute the gold.

A thief who was hanging around a military camp stole a beautiful horse
taking advantage of the darkness of the night. In the morning, as he was
heading to the city, a battalion of dragoons passed along the road that
was on maneuvers. Upon hearing the drums, the horse escaped and,
along with the troops, performed the fabulous exercises for which it had
been trained.

This horse is ours! The dragon captain exclaimed. Otherwise I wouldn't

know how to do the exercises. Have you stolen it? I ask the thief.

Oh me...! I bought it at the fair from a dealer...

So, tell me what that individual's name is right away so I can go look for
him, because there is no doubt that he has been robbed.

The thief got nervous and couldn't say a word. Finally, seeing himself
discovered, he confessed the truth.

"It seemed to me," the captain exclaimed, "that this noble animal could
not belong to a ruffian like you!"

The thief was arrested, demonstrating that theft and deception rarely go

An oyster was in love with the Moon. When his great silver disc appeared
in the sky, he spent hours and hours with his valves open, looking at it.

From his observation post, a crab noticed that the oyster opened
completely during the full moon and thought about eating it.

The next night, when the oyster opened again, the crab put a pebble

The oyster instantly tried to close, but the pebble prevented it.

The cunning crab came out of its hiding place, opened its sharp claws,
pounced on the innocent oyster and ate it.

This is what happens to those who open their mouths to divulge their
secret: there is always an ear that catches them.


There was a sheet of paper on a table, along with other sheets just like it,
when a pen, dipped in very black ink, stained it, filling it with words.

Couldn't you have spared me this humiliation? The sheet of paper said
angrily to the ink. Your infernal black man has ruined me forever.

I haven't dirty you. He replaced the ink. I have dressed you in words.
From now on you are no longer a sheet of paper, but a message. You
save the thought of man. You have become something precious.

In fact, while tidying up the office, someone saw those scattered leaves
and gathered them to throw them into the fire. But he noticed the "dirty"
sheet of ink and returned it to its place because it carried, clearly visible,
the message of the word. Then I threw the rest into the fire.

The pretty Maria, daughter of the forest ranger, one day found a golden
nut in the middle of the path.

-I see you have found my nut.

"Give it back to me," said a voice behind him.

María turned around and found herself facing a tiny, skinny being,
dressed in a crimson doublet and a pointed cap. It could have been a boy
because of its size, but from the cunning of its face the girl understood
that it was a little pixie.

"Come on, return the nut to its owner, the Forest Goblin," he insisted,
bowing mockingly.

-I will return it to you if you know how many folds it has in the bark.
Otherwise I will keep it, I will sell it and I will be able to buy clothes for
the poor children, because the winter is very harsh.

-Let me think..., it has one thousand one hundred and one folds!

Maria counted them. The pixie had not been wrong! With tears in his
eyes, he held out the nut to her.

"Keep it," the elf then told him, "your generosity has moved me." When
you need something, ask the golden nut.

Without further ado, the pixie disappeared.

Mysteriously, the golden nut provided clothing and food for all the poor in
the region. And since Mary was never separated from her, from then on
they called her by the charming name of 'Golden Nut'.

That winter was harsher than usual and hunger was felt in the region. But
it was the little birds who bore the brunt, because in the eternal blanket
of snow that covered the earth they could not find sustenance.

Little Red Riding Hood, taking pity on the daring and hungry little beings,
put grains and crumbs of bread on her window, so that they could feed
themselves. Finally, losing their fear, they went to perch on the shoulders
of their protector and shared the warm shelter of their little house.

One day the inhabitants of a nearby town, who were also suffering from
shortages, surrounded Little Red Riding Hood's village with the intention
of stealing their livestock and wheat.

"There are more of them than us," said the men. We would have to
request the sending of troops to defend us.

-But it is impossible to cross the snowy mountains; "We would perish on

the way," some responded.

Then Little Red Riding Hood spoke to the white dove, one of her protégés.

The little bird, with its little eyes fixed on the girl, seemed to understand
her. Little Red Riding Hood tied a message to one of its legs, showed it a
direction from the window, and sent the white dove up into the air.

Two days passed. The girl, distraught, wondered if the little dove had
succumbed to the intense cold. But, furthermore, the situation of all the
residents of the village could not be more serious: their enemies had
managed to enter and were dedicated to stealing all the provisions.

Suddenly, a cry of hope resounded everywhere: a squad of Cossacks

wrapped in their fur coats arrived at the village, putting the attackers to

After them came the white dove, which had delivered the message. Little
Red Riding Hood held out her hands and the little animal gently let itself
fall into them, with its last strength. Then, feeling the warmth of the girl's
cheek in his heart, he left this world forever.

He was a very rich man, but also very miserly. One day he went to the
fair, where they offered him a very cheap ham.

-I buy it! After all, I'm in business, because with that money I wouldn't
have bought any potatoes.

And he binged on ham, a delicacy he never tried. It turned out that it was
rotten and the next day, suffering from severe pain, he had to call the

- What have you eaten? -the doctor asked him

The miser, between sighs, mentioned his cheap purchase.

-You did a good job! -the doctor mocked-.

Between the pharmacy's bill and mine, rotten ham is going to be



One day when the water was in its element, that is, in the superb sea, he
felt the capricious desire to ascend to heaven. Then he turned to the fire:

- Could you help me go higher, higher?

The fire accepted and with its heat, made it lighter than air, transforming
it into subtle vapor.

The vapor rose higher and higher into the sky, it flew very high, to the
lightest and coldest strata of the air, where the fire could no longer follow
it. Then the vapor particles, chilled with cold, were forced to gather tightly
together, becoming heavier than air and falling in the form of rain.

They had ascended to heaven filled with pride and were immediately put
to flight. The thirsty land absorbed the rain and, in this way, the water
was imprisoned in the soil for a long time and purged its sin with a long

A poor slave from ancient Rome, due to his master's carelessness,

escaped into the forest. His name was Androcles. Seeking safe shelter, he
found a cave. In the weak light that came from outside, the boy
discovered a magnificent lion. He licked his right paw and roared from
time to time. Androcles, without feeling fear, said to himself:

-This poor animal must be injured. It seems as if fate has guided me here
so that I can help you. Come on, friend, don't be afraid, come on...

Thus, speaking gently to it, Androcles overcame the beast's suspicion and
probed its wound until he found an arrow deeply stuck. He removed it and
then washed the wound with fresh water.

For several days, the lion and the man shared the cave. Until Androcles,
believing that they would no longer look for him, decided to leave.
Several Roman centurions armed with their spears fell on him and took
him prisoner to the circus.

After a few days, he was taken out of his pestilent dungeon. The venue
was packed to the brim with people eager to watch the fight.

Androcles prepared to fight the lion that was heading towards him.
Suddenly, with a terrifying roar, the beast stopped dead and began to
affectionately rub its big head against the slave's body.

- Sublime! It's sublime! Caesar, forgive the slave, for he has subdued the
wild beast! -the spectators shouted

The emperor ordered the slave to be set free. What everyone ignored was
that Androcles did not possess any special power and that what happened
was nothing more than a demonstration of the animal's gratitude.

There was once a caliph in Baghdad who wanted above all things to be a
just ruler. He inquired among the courtiers and his subjects and they all
assured that there was no caliph more just than him.
- Will they express themselves like this out of fear? -the caliph asked
Then he dedicated himself to touring the cities; disguised as a shepherd
and never heard the slightest murmur against him. And it happened that
the Caliph of Ranchipur also felt the same fears and made the same
inquiries, without finding anyone who criticized his justice.

"Perhaps they praise me out of fear," he said to himself.

I will have to investigate far from my kingdom.

As fate would have it, the luxurious carriages of both caliphs would meet
on a narrow road.

- Pass to the Caliph of Baghdad! -asked his vizier.

- Pass to the Caliph of Ranchipur! -the second one demanded.

Since neither wanted to give in, the viziers of the two sovereigns tried to
find a way out of the situation.

"Let's give preference to the oldest one," they agreed.

But the caliphs were of the same age, the same breadth of possessions
and the same armies. To settle the matter, the vizier of the caliph of
Baghdad asked the other:

-How fair is your master?

"To the good he is kind," replied the vizier of Ranchipur, "just to those
who love justice, and inflexible to the hard-hearted."

- For my master is gentle with the inflexible, kind with the bad, with the
unjust he is fair, and with the good even more kind.

- The other vizier replied.

Hearing this, the Caliph of Ranchipur ordered his charioteer to humbly

move aside, because the one from Baghdad was more worthy of crossing
first, especially because of the lesson he had given him of what true
justice was.

The hunters, armed with spears and sharp spears, approached silently.

The lioness, who was nursing her babies, smelled the smell and
immediately realized the danger.

But it was too late: the hunters were before her, ready to hurt her.

At the sight of those weapons, the lioness, terrified, wanted to escape.

And suddenly he thought that his little children would then be at the
mercy of the hunters. Determined to do everything to defend them, she
lowered her gaze so as not to see the threatening tips of those irons and,
taking a desperate leap, she threw herself at them, putting them to flight.

Her extraordinary courage saved her and her little ones. Because nothing
is impossible when love guides actions.


There was a merchant so miserly that, to save food for his donkey, which
he made work hard transporting goods, he covered its head with a lion's
skin and since people fled in fear, the donkey could graze in the fields of

One day the peasants decided to arm themselves with sticks and face the
lion. The poor donkey, who was binge eating, brayed in horror when he
saw the number of his enemies.

- He's a donkey! -said the peasants-.

But the blame for the deception must lie with his master.

Let's follow him and we will discover the scoundrel.

The poor donkey began the great race to the merchant's stable; and after
him came the peasants armed with their clubs, beating the miser so badly
that for several days he could not move. At least the lesson helped that
greedy man feed his donkey with feed bought with the money that the
faithful animal gave him to earn.

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