Philosophy Bank

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Introduction to Philosophy C) the ideas. 3.

Establish the appropriate relationship between philosophical

BASIC LEVEL D) the causes. discipline and object of study with the following data.
1. María marries Juan because of his inheritance. What attitude does E) divinity. YO. epistemology
María have? UNMSM 2011 - II II. ontology
A) aesthetics B) scientific C) religious III. Philosophical Anthropology
D) pragmatic E) moral 10. Gustavo shares Marx's definition of philosophy. How would IV. ethics
Gustavo define philosophy? to. good
2. Point out the attitude that Thomas has when he crosses himself in A) Science that allows culture to be transformed. b. essence of man
front of a cross. B) Theory that allows reality to be transformed. c. be
A) moral B) religious C) pragmatics C) Praxis reforming reality. d. scientific law
D) scientific E) philosophical D) Theory that reforms reality in practice. A) Ic, IIa, IIId, IVb
E) Interpretation of the world and culture. B) Ib, IIc, IIIa, IVd
3. To discover the law of inertia, Galileo had to have an attitude C) Ia, IIb, IIIc, IVd
A) pragmatics. B) moral. C) aesthetics. ADVANCED LEVEL D) Id, IIc, IIIb, IVa
D) scientific. E) religious. 11. Identify the correct definitions of philosophy. E) Ib, IId, IIIa, IVc
YO. Descartes: philosophy seeks the foundation of knowledge.
4. The attitude that allows us to reflect on the meaning of life is II. Hegel: philosophy is the search for absolute knowledge. 4. Matter is neither created nor destroyed, it is only transformed. The
A) moral. B) scientific. C) philosophical. III. Wittgenstein: philosophy is a science of language. previous statement belongs to
D) aesthetics. E) pragmatic. IV. Etymological definition: philosophy is desire for knowledge. A) realism.B) idealism. C) materialism.
A) VFVF D) spiritualism. E) naturalism.
5. The philosophical characteristic that allows us to question science B) VVFV
is the C) VFFV 5. What does ethics study?
A) transcendental. B) rational. D) VVFF A) morality and science B) to man and values
C) problematic. D) criticism. E) FFVV C) values and being D) morality and duty
E) radical. E) morals and values
12. Relate the characteristics of philosophy to their respective
6. The all-encompassing philosophy is ............. and going to the root definitions. 6. Philosophical, scientific and ordinary knowledge is studied by
of everything is ............. YO. radical A) ethics. B) epistemology. C) axiology.
A) radical - totalizing. II. criticism D) ontology. E) epistemology.
B) totalizing - transcendental. III. totalizer
C) rational - criticism. IV. rational 7. Point out the statement that corresponds to idealism.
D) totalizing - radical. to. Argue your claims rigorously. A) Consciousness depends on the brain.
E) transcendental - radical. b. Seek the being of everything. B) Consciousness depends on matter.
c. Try to explain everything that exists. C) Consciousness does not depend on matter.
7. For Ricardo, philosophy allows us to analyze language to express d. If the arguments are not supported, question them. D) Consciousness depends on nature.
ourselves clearly. Which philosopher does Ricardo take into account? A) Ib, IId, IIIa, IVc E) Consciousness produces consciousness.
A) Descartes B) Id, IIc, IIIb, IVa UNMSM 2008 - II
B) Marx C) Ia, IIb, IIIc, IVd
C) Wittgenstein D) Ib, IId, IIIc, IVa INTERMEDIATE LEVEL
D) Aristotle E) Ic, IId, IIIb, IVa 8. Mariana wants to know why she values a Philosophy degree more
E) Thomas Aquinas than Anthropology. The philosophical discipline that could resolve
Philosophical disciplines Mariana's question is
INTERMEDIATE LEVEL BASIC LEVEL A) anthropology. B) ethics. C) axiology.
8. If Martín does philosophy according to the etymological definition, 1. The philosophical discipline that studies the being of reality is D) aesthetics. E) epistemology.
then it would be A) philosophical anthropology. B) axiology.
A) he who does not possess wisdom. C) epistemology. D) ontology. 9. The human condition is studied by ............. and the good or bad
B) lover of knowledge. E) epistemology. actions of men for the .............
C) the one who loves science. A) anthropology - morality.
D) possessor of wisdom. 2. Identify the ontological question. B) moral - philosophical anthropology.
E) the one who wishes not to have wisdom. A) What is morality? C) anthropology - ethics.
B) What is the foundation of value? D) philosophical anthropology - ethics.
9. According to Aristotle, philosophy is, fundamentally, C) How did man emerge? E) philosophical anthropology - axiology.
the study of D) What is primary, matter or spirit?
A) myths. E) What is scientific knowledge?
B) logic.
10. Ricardo is surprised to hear politicians say that everyone has their 5. The ............. It was the material condition for the emergence of D) FVVV E) FVFV
own truth, and that everyone can value what they want. What philosophy. 12. Relate the concepts to their respective statements.
philosophical disciplines can resolve Ricardo's concern, respectively? A) culture B) religion C) slavery YO. myth
A) anthropology and ethics D) ideology E) idleness II. admiration
B) ethics and axiology III. philosophy
C) philosophical and ethical anthropology 6. What is the ideological condition for the emergence of IV. cosmogonic myth
D) epistemology and axiology philosophy? to. Explanation of the origin of the world.
E) epistemology and axiology A) the economy B) maritime trade b. Philosophical attitude towards the facts of the world.
C) slavery D) cultural exchange c. Use logos to explain the world.
ADVANCED LEVEL E) the existence of sacred books d. Serves to maintain ideological dominance
11. Determine whether the following statements are true (T) or false about a social class.
(F) and choose the correct sequence. 7. Slavery in ancient Greece allowed A) Ia, IId, IIIb, IVc
YO. Being for materialism is nature. A) the emergence of religion. B) Id, IIc, IIIa, IVb
II. Idealism denies the existence of nature. B) cultural exchange. C) Id, IIb, IIIa, IVc
III. Idealism is based on religious ideas. C) the division of labor. D) Ia, IId, IIIc, IVb
IV. The universe has a beginning for the materialist. D) the decline of Greek society. E) Id, IIb, IIIc, IVa
A) VVFF B) VFVF C) FFVF E) the exploitation of masters by slaves.
D) FFFV E) VVVF Ancient Philosophy: Cosmological Period
12. Which of the following concepts are addressed by epistemology? 8. The passage from myth to logos means 1. The beginning of everything that existed for the first philosopher
A) metaphysics, science and truth A) leaving aside the rational explanation for the mythical explanation. was the
B) logic, verification and design B) moving away from the mythological explanation for a rational A) air. B) fire. C) water.
C) law, hypothesis and sample explanation of the world. D) number. E) ápeiron.
D) paradigms, theories and verification C) the decline of Greek culture in ancient times.
E) axioms, dogmas and veracity D) absolutely putting aside myths for a rational explanation of the 2. Philosophers of the cosmological period searched for the
UNMSM 2011 - I world. beginning
E) the rationalization of myths to explain the world. A) of the gods. B) of man. C) philosophy.
Myth and philosophy D) of being. E) of nature.
BASIC LEVEL 9. Álvaro states that slavery was necessary in ancient Greece for the
1. The myths of ancient people are based on emergence of 3. Luis supports Thales' theory of hylozoism, hence he would affirm
To science. B) rational explanations. A) lovers of myths. that nature
C) the reason. D) philosophy. B) possessors of wisdom. A) is inert. B) was created.
E) the fantastic. C) science lovers. C) is static.
D) knowledge holders. D) is like a living being. E) has no beginning.
2. The origin of the world was explained in ancient times through E) lovers of wisdom.
myths due to the 4. What characteristic does the Anaximander principle have?
A) scientific advance. 10. When throwing objects into the sky, Alan observes that they fall A) determined B) limited C) finite
B) ignorance of reality. without any resistance; But when observing the sun, one wonders: D) indeterminate E) defined
C) emergence of philosophy. Why does it, being so big, not fall? Plato and Aristotle would claim
D) use of reason. that Alan is philosophizing because 5. Air is neither created nor destroyed, it is only transformed. What
E) origin of science. A) fear the mysteries of nature. philosopher would agree with such a statement?
B) has knowledge of Astronomy. A) Anaximander B) Thales C) Pythagoras
3. The apocalypse manifests the end of our world. What kind of myth C) is amazed and admired by the world. D) Anaximenes E) Anaxagoras
is it? D) ignores natural laws.
A) anthropogonic B) cosmogonic E) has a scientific attitude. 6. Pythagoras states that the beginning of nature is ............. and that
C) moral D) eschatological the man is .............
E) theogonic ADVANCED LEVEL A) air - soul. B) number - soul.
11. Regarding the conditions for the emergence C) soul - a god. D) number - a god.
4. When heaven and earth separated, man did not yet exist. The of philosophy, indicate the correct sequence E) water - matter.
goddess Un-Kua, wife of Fu-hsi, modeled the man with yellow earth. truth (V) or falsehood (F).
The previous story corresponds to a myth of type YO. the rise of democracy 7. In pre-Socratic Greek philosophy, philosophical theses radically
A) cosmogonic. B) eschatological. C) theogonic. II. cultural exchange opposed to those of Parmenides were raised by
D) anthropogonic. E) moral. III. the origin of the Greek polis A) Plato. B) Aristotle. C) Heraclitus.
IV. the division of labor D) Empedocles. E) Zeno.
8. Identify the characteristic of being according to Parmenides. C) maieutics and intuition. III. The worst ignorance is believing that you know.
A) begotten B) mobile C) flows D) refutation and maieutics. IV. maieutics allows us to extract wisdom.
D) immutable E) imperfect E) dialectic and synthesis. v. The best govern in democracy.
UNMSM 2010 - I A) I, II, III and IV B) I, III and IV C) II, III and IV
9. The principle of the cosmos “is and is not” for .............; while 4. For the sophists, morals, values and social laws are
for ............., “being is and non-being is not”. A) universal. B) absolutes. C) relative. 12. Regarding the thesis of the sophists, point out the alternative
A) Thales – Parmenides B) Heraclitus - Pythagoras D) natural. E) divine. that presents the correct sequence of true (T) or false (F).
C) Democritus – Parmenides D) Heraclitus - Parmenides YO. They are Athenian citizens who teach political virtue.
E) Parmenides – Heraclitus 5. For Socrates, true knowledge is found in II. Virtue is in the soul of politicians and rulers.
A) the books. B) the wise. C) nature. III. Ethical and political virtue can be learned by anyone.
10. John affirms that the world does not have one beginning, but Of the soul. E) the philosophers. IV. Everything is relative except politics.
several. John would agree with A) FFFV B) FVFV C) VFFV
A) Anaximander. B) Pythagoras. C) Anaximenes. 6. The sophists taught virtue ............. for D) VFVF E) FFVF
D) Anaxagoras. E) Heraclitus. make Athenians good citizens.
A) ethics B) moral C) religious Ontological period I
ADVANCED LEVEL D) military E) politics BASIC LEVEL
11. Determine whether the following statements are true (T) or false 1. The disciple of Socrates manifested the existence of a world
(F) and choose the correct sequence. 7. The Socratic method allows us at first to accept our ............. and in different from nature, which he called the world of
YO. Everything flows through the unity and struggle of opposites a second moment, take out ............. of the soul. A) things. B) atoms. C) appearances.
according to Heraclitus. A) wisdom - knowledge D) ideas. E) the copies.
II. Being is equal to thinking for Parmenides. B) ignorance - ignorance
III. Homeomeries are infinitely divisible according to Anaxagoras. C) wisdom - knowledge 2. Point out the characteristic that nature has according to the
IV. The nous orders the world for Empedocles. D) ignorance - knowledge idealist philosopher of the ontological period.
A) VVFF B) VVFV C) VVVF E) virtue - knowledge A) perfect B) ideal C) eternal
D) VFVV E) VFVF D) corporeal E) immutable
12. Identify the correct alternative regarding the theses of 8. What was Protagoras' intention in stating that man is the measure 3. The sensible world was organized by an intelligent being called,
Democritus and Leucippus. of all things? according to Plato,
YO. There is non-being. A) Affirm that everyone has the absolute truth. Bye bye. B) good. C) demiurge.
II. Being exists. B) Maintain that no one has the truth. D) nous. E) reason.
III. There is no movement. C) Affirm that everyone has their opinion.
IV. Atoms are grasped with reason. D) Maintain that no one has the right to give their opinion. 4. Where is true knowledge according to Plato?
v. Only atoms exist. E) Deny that everything is relative. To the nature B) the cosmos C) the soul
A) I, II, III and V B) I, II and IV C) II, IV and V D) the unreal E) the world
D) I, II and V E) II and V 9. If Charles shares the ideas of Socrates, he would affirm that rulers
commit injustice 5. In the ideal world there are the .............., while in the sensible
Anthropological period A) because they are corrupt. world there are ...............
BASIC LEVEL B) because they know what injustice is. A) copies - essences. B) essences - ideas.
1. In the anthropological period, the sophists and Socrates are C) for ignoring justice. C) appearances - copies. D) ideas - essences.
concerned with D) because they accept their ignorance. E) essences - copies.
A) the principle of nature. E) since they know that they don't know.
B) the order of the world. 6. What is the essence of man according to Plato?
C) Greek culture. 10. Richard claims to be a sophist like Protagoras, so he would claim A) the immortal body B) the idea of the soul
D) the virtue of man. that C) the immortal soul D) the body and soul
E) the rights of man. A) to be a good politician we should accept our ignorance. E) the mortal soul
B) we should learn to lie and deceive the population.
2. Indicate what the wise men who taught virtue in the C) the people have the right to govern without knowing politics. INTERMEDIATE LEVEL
anthropological period were called. D) to be virtuous we should learn oratory, rhetoric and eristics. 7. Identify the works of Plato.
A) philosophers B) teachers C) politicians E) philosophers should govern in democracy. A) Phaedo, Metaphysics, Republic
D) sophists E) scientists B) Republic, Phaedo, Politics
ADVANCED LEVEL C) Banquet, Republic, Politics
3. In the Socratic method, the essential moments are the 11. From Socrates' theory it could be stated that D) Banquet, Phaedo, Republic
A) maieutics and observation. YO. man is soul. E) Republic, Banquet, Poetics
B) deduction and induction. II. every man is virtuous. UNMSM 2010 - I
A) motionless B) perfect C) immutable B) the individual happiness of the just and wise.
8. Luis states that human justice is not perfect. If Luis shares Plato's D) movement E) ideal C) the happiness of the entire Peruvian society.
theory, he would state that true justice is found D) the well-being of the politicians and rulers of our society.
A) beyond the ideal world. 3. What is philosophy for Aristotle? E) the happiness and economic well-being of the entire society
B) inside the man. A) science B) technique C) activity
C) beyond nature. D) practice E) politics 11. Regarding Aristotle's theory of four causes, indicate the correct
D) inside nature. sequence of truth (T) or falsehood (F).
E) in true philosophers. 4. Nature for Aristotle is composed of ............ and ............... YO. The first mover is the final cause of nature.
A) ideas - forms. B) forms - essences. II. The formal cause is the essence of the substances.
9. A central theme proposed by Plato in the “allegory of the cave” is C) matter - forms. D) atoms - matter. III. The substrate is the material cause of the substances.
A) the nature of knowledge. E) ideas - essences. IV. The philosopher is the one who seeks the four causes of things.
B) the need of the gods. v. Essences are beyond reality.
C) the essence of the human soul. 5. What type of animals would doctors and engineers be for A) VVFFV B) VFVVF C) VVVVF
D) the origin of the company. Aristotle? D) FFVVV E) VFFVV
E) the foundation of morality. A) sensitive and instinctive
UNMSM 2008 - II B) rational and irrational 12. Match the following concepts with their respective definitions
C) vegetative and instinctive according to Aristotelian theory.
ADVANCED LEVEL D) rational and political YO. efficient cause
10. Alan does not worry about studying for his entrance exam, since E) political and instinctive II. hylemorphism
he states that he will only reminisce, which means, according to III. act
Plato's theory, the 6. For Aristotle, the purpose of man in the world is IV. power
A) remember what has already been studied at the academy. A) politics. B) govern. C) happiness. to. What has the possibility of being in action.
B) accept your ignorance in the middle of the admission exam. D) the good. E) philosophize. b. What updates the power among its possibilities
C) remember the true knowledge that is in your soul. to be something.
D) seek the true knowledge that is in nature. INTERMEDIATE LEVEL c. Essence and substrate make up the substances.
E) remember that you can only know that you do not know. 7. Aristotle would say that Heraclitus was wrong in stating that d. What has form and therefore existence.
movement is due to the unity and struggle of opposites, since for him A) Ib, IIa, IIIc, IVd B) Id, IIb, IIIc, IVa
11. Regarding Plato's theory, indicate the correct sequence of truth it is due C) Ia, IIc, IIIb, IVd D) Ib, IIc, IIId, IVa
(T) or falsehood (F). A) to the transition from act to power. E) Ic, IIa, IIIb, IVd
YO. The sensible world was created from nothing by the demiurge. B) to the movement of atoms.
II. Nature is in constant change and movement. C) to the transition from power to power. Medieval philosophy: patristic
III. Man belongs to nature and the ideal world. D) because everything flows. BASIC LEVEL
IV. Nature can be known through the senses. E) to the passage from power to act. 1. The main theme of medieval philosophy is
A) VVFV B) FVFF C) FVVV To matter. B) atoms.
D) VVFF E) FVFV 8. If Carlos shares Aristotelian ethics, he would advise his students C) science. D) the spirit.
A) contemplate nature and seek the being of things. E) the two truths.
12. Match the following concepts with their respective definitions B) study the values and morals of your polis.
according to Platonic theory. C) look for the right medium to be virtuous and, therefore, happy. 2. Patristics was mainly influenced by the philosophy of
YO. soul D) seek philosophy to find pleasure in your actions. A) Aristotle. B) Thomas Aquinas.
II. intellect E) purify your soul and thereby achieve happiness. C) Plato. D) Democritus.
III. irascible E) Socrates.
to. Capacity that allows man to govern. 9. Aristotle, when questioning his teacher, would affirm that the
b. Intrinsic capacity of man, which allows him to defend society. being of things is not in another world, but is 3. Augustine of Hippo states that the ............... is subordinate to
c. It is the essence of being human. A) in the unmoved mover, who is an intelligent god. the ...............
A) Ib, IIa, IIIc B) Ic, IIb, IIIa C) Ia, IIc, IIIb B) in matter, hence allowing the existence of the sensible world. A) science - faith. B) faith - reason.
D) Ib, IIc, IIIa E) Ic, IIa, IIIb C) in the forms, which are only appearances of reality. C) law - science. D) reason - faith.
D) in the things themselves, which are composed of matter and form. E) faith - law.
Ontological period II E) in the ideas themselves, which have essences.
1. For Aristotle, apart from nature there is 4. The greatest representative of patristics states that we have to
A) demiurge. B) good. C) mobile engine. believe that God made the world
D) nous. E) stationary motor. ADVANCED LEVEL A) of chaos. B) of the matter.
10. Aristotle, in political matters, would advise the president of the C) out of nowhere. D) of the stationary engine.
2. Identify the characteristic that nature has according to Plato's Republic that the purpose of his government is to seek E) of the apeiron.
disciple. A) the economic well-being of Peruvian society.
5. How is true knowledge achieved for Augustine of Hippo? 11. Match the following concepts with their respective definitions E) of causality
A) By reason and faith. according to Augustine's theory.
B) Through divine illumination. YO. God 6. The five ways are based, according to Thomas Aquinas, on
C) By science and faith. II. evil To science.
D) Through research. III. providentialism B) experience.
E) Remembering God. IV. earthly city C) the senses.
to. The evil actions of the cities are known by the Good. D) the reason.
6. Identify the characteristic that evil has according to Augustine of b. Men who have chosen to live apart from the one who knows E) reminiscence.
Hippo. everything.
To be B) existence c. Absence of the supreme being, without God having any INTERMEDIATE LEVEL
C) essence D) non-existence responsibility. 7. Alan, when reflecting on the existence of God, states that his
E) to be and not to be d. Supreme good that created all the good in the world. demonstration is necessary through reason. But, for Thomas
A) Ib, IIa, IIIc, IVd Aquinas, it can also be said that God exists through
INTERMEDIATE LEVEL B) Id, IIc, IIIa, IVb A) scientific research.
7. Ricardo wonders why he has the ability to do whatever he wants? C) Ib, IIc, IIIa, IVd B) scientific experiments.
Agustín would respond that D) Ic, IId, IIIb, IVa C) revelation through reason.
A) it is due to the faith that God gave him when he was created. E) Ia, IIc, IIIb, IVd D) faith through revelation.
B) it is because of the destiny that God gave him when he created E) revelation through intelligence.
him. 12. Gustavo seeks true knowledge that is beyond time. Augustine
C) reason allows him to have that capacity. would state that this knowledge is in 8. The Cardinal of Lima, when observing nature, concludes that it is in
D) God gave man free will when creating him. A) nature and in God. constant change and transformation. What path does the cardinal
E) his faith has made him free and without needing God to give it to B) the human soul. refer to according to Thomas Aquinas?
him. C) the supreme good. A) of causality
D) the cosmos and man. B) of movement
8. Luis, when observing the robberies, murders and wars, asks E) books and faith. C) of the degrees of perfection
himself: If God exists, then why do these evils exist? According to D) of necessity
Augustine's theory of evil, one could respond that Medieval philosophy: scholasticism E) of the purpose
A) it is because of the evil that man does to other men. BASIC LEVEL
B) is due to the struggle of good and evil in the world. 1. Scholasticism was mainly influenced by the philosophy of the 9. Gustavo, a theology student and follower of Thomism, states that
C) God is punishing man for his lack of faith. philosopher to demonstrate the existence of the first mover one must start from
D) man has distanced himself from God, hence these events occur. A) Socrates. B) Plato. A) the observation of nature towards God.
E) it is the destiny of humanity to suffer these evils forever. C) Augustine of Hippo. D) Aristotle. B) God as a supreme being towards nature.
E) Pythagoras. C) nothing towards the observation of nature.
9. Juan is about to go in to take his exam and the priest from his D) God as an immobile motor towards nature.
neighborhood tells him to remember the theory of Augustine of 2. What institutions emerged in scholasticism? E) humanity's observation of nature.
Hippo. Juan would have to remember that A) the schools B) universities
A) He must have studied very well so that he does not forget what he C) the institutes D) the academies ADVANCED LEVEL
knows. E) the high schools 10. Regarding the theory of Thomas Aquinas, indicate the correct
B) he already has the knowledge, he just has to remember. sequence of truth (V) or falsehood (F).
C) God will be in charge of illuminating your soul. 3. Thomas Aquinas states that the existence of God can be YO. God and nature exist through reason.
D) he must accept his ignorance and not solve the exam. demonstrated through the use of II. Faith can prove the existence of God.
E) man must accept his destiny and let it be what God wants. To science. B) the laws. III. God is the being necessary for the existence of nature.
C) the reason. D) the senses. IV. God needs reason to live and exist.
10. Regarding the theory of the main representative of patristics, D) FFVF E) VVVV
indicate the correct sequence of truth (V) or falsehood (F). 4. Thomas Aquinas states that the ............... is complemented by
YO. God does not know the future of Peru, because it is the ............... 11. Match the following concepts with their respective definitions
unpredictable. A) science - reason. B) reason - reason. according to the theory of Thomas Aquinas.
II. God is the only being who possesses absolute truths. C) faith - reason. D) reason - law. YO. contingency route
III. Man cannot do whatever he wants in the world. E) sensation - reason. II. God
IV. Man achieves knowledge if he goes to mass. III. path of change
A) VVFV B) FVFF C) FVVV 5. What is the way that allows us to demonstrate that God is a to. Supreme being who created everything, for example, the cosmos.
D) VVFF E) FVFV necessary being according to Thomas Aquinas? b. A being is necessary for the movement of the stars.
A) of change B) of the degrees of perfection c. An eternal being is needed for the existence of the world.
C) of movement D) of the contingency A) Ib, IIa, IIIc B) Ic, IIb, IIIa C) Ib, IIc, IIIa
D) Ic, IIa, IIIb E) Ia, IIc, IIIb E) The moon is the center of everything that exists and especially of BASIC LEVEL
12. Aristotle considers that for natural entities to exist they must be the world. 1. State the main theme of modern philosophy.
composed of matter and form, while for Thomas Aquinas 8. Álvaro, when observing animals and plants, affirms that he shares A) the being
A) form, idea and matter. the same conception of Pico de la Mirrla regarding man. What is that B) morality
B) matter, essence and atoms. idea you share? C) knowledge
C) essence, form and idea. A) Plants, animals and men have dignity. D) the man
D) existence, form and matter. B) Unlike plants and animals, man is a beast. E) nature
E) matter, existence and earth. C) Man is different from other beings because he has freedom and
dignity. 2. Descartes is the father of philosophy
Renaissance Philosophy D) Plants and animals are more worthy than any human being. A) old.
BASIC LEVEL E) Plants, animals and man have dignity because they are divine B) post-modern.
1. For the philosophy of the Renaissance, the main theme is creations. C) medieval.
A) being and essence. D) modern.
B) science and being. 9. Martín states that to solve political and social problems we should E) contemporary.
C) the universe and man. study them from Machiavelli's point of view. What is Martín's
D) the woman and the man. proposal to study 3. According to Descartes, man is composed of the ............... and
E) knowledge and science. the political problems? the ...............
A) Study society from a moral and religious point of view. A) res inextensa - res cogitans.
2. According to Pico de la Mirarla, man has the ability to B) Reflect on reality from a philosophical and political point of view. B) infinite matter - res.
A) make the world. B) choose your destination. C) Study politics from its economic and social system. C) res cogitans - res extenso.
C) seek immortality. D) choose not to die. D) Analyze politics from an economic and philosophical point of view. D) finite res - infinite res.
E) create God. E) Study politics as it really is and not as it should be. E) reason - res pensante.

3. Niccolò Machiavelli separates the ............... from the ............... ADVANCED LEVEL 4. According to Descartes, what are clear and distinct ideas?
A) ethics - morality. B) moral - substance. 10. Regarding Machiavelli's theory, indicate the correct sequence of A) the adventitia
C) politics - ethics. D) religion - morality. truth (T) or falsehood (F) with respect to the following statements. B) the fictitious ones
E) politics - society. YO. The so-called political realism began. C) the innate
II. Man is neither good nor bad, but he tends towards evil. D) the confusing ones
4. What phrase summarizes the philosophy of Niccolò Machiavelli? III. In politics, the end does not justify the facts. E) the sensitive ones
A) “being is, and non-being is not” IV. Separates politics from theology and ethics.
B) “know thyself” v. Politics is taking power and keeping it. 5. According to the father of modern philosophy, innate ideas are in
C) “being is and is not” A) VVFFV B) VFVVF C) VVFVV To the head.
D) “the end justifies the means” D) FFVVV E) VFFVV B) the brain.
E) “I only know that I know nothing” C) nature.
11. Match the idols of Francis Bacon with their respective definitions. Of the soul.
5. According to Giordano Bruno, how many worlds exist? YO. cave idol E) the matter.
A) two B) one C) finite II. tribe idol
D) infinite E) three III. theater idol 6. For Descartes, our thoughts evidence our existence, which is why
to. The mind of man warps and distorts reality. he states that
6. According to Francis Bacon, the end of scientific knowledge is b. Creations of fictional worlds that we invent. A) “I only know that I know nothing.”
A) organize society. c. They are the individual prejudices of each person that distort what B) “dare to think for yourself.”
B) the dominance of men. is real. C) “know thyself.”
C) contemplate nature. A) Ib, IIa, IIIc B) Ic, IIb, IIIa C) Ia, IIc, IIIb D) “I think therefore I am.”
D) the dominion of nature. D) Ib, IIc, IIIa E) Ic, IIa, IIIb E) “knowledge is power.”
E) contemplate society.
12. Indicate the incorrect relationship that has been established from INTERMEDIATE LEVEL
INTERMEDIATE LEVEL the following statements. 7. For Descartes, Galileo discovered the law of inertia through the
7. Carlos declares that he would not mind dying at the stake like A) Niccolò Machiavelli: The Prince use of
Giordano Bruno for defending this philosopher's theory of the B) Francis Bacon: Novum Organum A) the senses in observation.
universe. What idea is Carlos defending? C) Pico de la Mirarla: Discourse on the indignity of man. B) the experience of other scientists.
A) The earth is the center of everything and especially of the D) Giordano Bruno: On the infinite universe and worlds C) scientific experimentation.
universe. E) Renaissance: Rebirth of Greco-Roman culture D) mathematics, using reason.
B) The sun is the center of the universe and everything that exists. E) methodical doubt in science.
C) Man is the center of everything and also of the universe.
D) The sun has a relative center, but not of the universe. Modern philosophy: rationalism
8. Luis desires to possess true knowledge. According to Descartes, 3. For the father of liberalism, we perceive .............. and .............. ADVANCED LEVEL
Luis should apply his rules of method, starting with the first one, qualities of things. 10. Regarding John Locke's theory, indicate the correct sequence of
which is A) secondary - substances truth (T) or falsehood (F).
A) the review. B) the evidence. C) the analysis. B) objective - primary YO. Empiricism proposes the inductive method.
D) synthesis. E) the numbering. C) primary - secondary II. Locke believes that man is free and equal by nature.
D) subjective - secondary III. The State guarantees respect for private property.
9. Marcos, when applying Descartes' methodical doubt, will doubt E) primary - substances IV. The substance is something I don't know what, which lies in the
A) the senses, reason and supreme intelligence. middle of the qualities.
B) reality, reason and the divinity of God. 4. For the empiricist philosopher Hume, we can only know A) VVFV B) FVVF C) VVVV
C) the senses, reality and mathematics. A) substances and ideas. B) essences and D) FFVV E) VVFV
D) mathematics, reason and the senses. substances.
E) reality, nature and the infinite universe. C) impressions and ideas. D) impressions and essences. 11. Match the following concepts with their respective definitions
E) ideas and qualities. according to David Hume's theory.
10. Regarding the theory of the father of modern philosophy, 5. In Hume's theory it is observed that impressions are the II. causality
indicate the correct sequence of truth (T) or falsehood (F). most ............., and ideas are the most ............. .. III. impression
YO. Methodical doubt allows us to doubt even doubt itself. A) weak - strong. to. Immediate perception that produces other perceptions.
II. Knowledge is achieved by intuition and deduction. B) objective - subjective. b. Memory or copy of an immediate perception.
III. The movement of the world is due to mechanical laws. C) strong - weak. c. Perceptions that have no necessary connection.
IV. True knowledge is in the soul of every human being. D) mediate - immediate. A) Ib, IIa, IIIc B) Ib, IIc, IIIa C) Ic, IIb, IIIa
v. The first certainty obtained through methodical doubt is thought. E) subjective - objective. D) Ia, IIc, IIIb E) Ic, IIa, IIIb
D) FFVVV E) FVVVV 6. About God, the self and substances, what would David Hume say? 12. Álvaro, after observing and tasting an apple, states that it is red,
A) We have your impressions. sweet and soft. What would Hume say about such a statement?
11. Match the following concepts with their respective definitions B) We capture them with our senses. A) Red, sweet and soft are qualities of the apple.
according to Descartes. C) We do not own your impressions. B) That Álvaro describes the apple as it really is.
YO. innate idea D) We can know them. C) The color and flavor do not exist either in Álvaro's consciousness
II. knowledge E) They exist in reality. or in the apple.
III. soul D) That the apple described by Álvaro is only the association of his
to. It is the first certainty and its existence is intuited. INTERMEDIATE LEVEL impressions.
b. It is intuitive and simple. 7. According to John Locke, Galileo discovered the law of inertia E) The apple is an impression of reality and the world.
c. It is obtained by intuition and deduction. through
A) Ib, IIa, IIIc B) Id, IIc, IIIa C) Ic, IIb, IIIa A) the sole use of reason. Criticism
D) Ia, IIb, IIIc E) Ib, IIc, IIIa B) methodical doubt. BASIC LEVEL
C) the deductive method. 1. For Immanuel Kant, the Enlightenment gains meaning with the
12. Indicate the incorrect relationship that has been established with D) external and internal experience. phrase
the following statements of the founder of rationalism. E) the exclusive use of your intelligence. A) “know thyself.” B) “I think, therefore I am.”
A) innate ideas: clear ideas C) “dare to think for yourself.” D) “I only know that I know
B) adventitious ideas: confusing ideas 8. Gustavo states that the order of nature can be explained through nothing.”
C) fictitious ideas: misleading ideas the law of causality. What would Hume say about E) “being is and is not.”
D) analysis: dividing ideas Gustavo's statement?
E) synthesis: joining ideas A) The law of causality is in nature. 2. What is the only thing that can be known for Kant?
B) We cannot know the law of causality. To reality B) the noumenon C) the thing itself
Empiricism C) The law of causality is a divine law that everyone should obey. D) the phenomenon E) the substance
BASIC LEVEL D) We know the law of causality, but we do not perceive it in nature.
1. For empiricism, knowledge originates in E) The law of causality we only say that they exist by habit. 3. The representative of criticism states that the knowledge of every
A) the reason. B) the intellect. C) intelligence. human being begins in ............... and originates in ............... .
Of the soul. E) experience. 9. Luis shares David Hume's theory of knowledge, therefore, he A) the reason - experience.
would say that we have ideas B) the intellect - the reason.
2. According to John Locke, man is born A) simple, compound and innate that are in the soul. C) the senses - the experience.
A) with ideas. B) without reason. B) adventitious, fictitious and innate that are a product of experience. D) experience - understanding.
C) tabula rasa. D) with experiences. C) simple, that when associating them, compound ideas emerge. E) the senses - the soul.
E) with innate ideas. D) composite and not simple as Locke states.
E) of the substance, God and the self, through experience. 4. For Kant, human behavior is based on
A) experience and reason. B) intellect and experience.
C) freedom and reason. D) knowledge and reason. D) FVVVV E) VVFVF INTERMEDIATE LEVEL
E) freedom and experience. 7. Carlos states that when contemplating nature he does not
5. For the representative of a prioriism, what cannot be known? 11. Match the following concepts with their respective definitions perceive God. What would Hegel say about what Carlos said?
A) the appearance B) the phenomenon C) perception according to Kant. A) That God does not exist and that he is an invention of religions.
D) reality E) the apparent YO. hypothetical imperative B) It is impossible to see God, since we do not have the ability to
II. categorical imperative know him.
6. Kant's Copernican turn means that man organizes III. time and space C) Carlos cannot perceive it due to his lack of faith and conviction.
A) the thing itself. B) the noumenon. C) reality. to. They are a priori and allow us to have experiences. D) Nature is God himself alienated.
D) the phenomenon. E) the substance. b. Universal a priori laws, dictated solely by reason. E) Neither reason nor our senses can capture God.
c. They are based on human experience being a posteriori.
INTERMEDIATE LEVEL A) Ia, IIb, IIIc B) Ic, IIb, IIIa C) Ib, IIc, IIIa 8. Alan observes that the State tries to organize and maintain the
7. All human beings can explain the organized world like Newton. D) Ic, IIa, IIIb E) Ia, IIc, IIIb order of our society, against the demonstrations of workers and
According to Kant, this happens because peasants. For Alan, what would the State be if it shared Hegel's
A) Men are born with innate ideas in their souls. 12. Indicate the incorrect relationship that has been established with theory?
B) we all have the ability to know reality. the following statements by Kant. A) It would be an instrument of domination of one class over the
C) human beings can know reality only through experience. A) Time: it does not exist outside of consciousness. other.
D) we are born with forms and categories that allow us to organize B) Reality: it is outside the consciousness of every man. B) It would be the expression of the absolute spirit that guarantees
the world. C) Appearance: it is in human consciousness. our rights.
E) human beings can know nature and its laws. D) Space: it is in reality and also in the consciousness of every human C) It would be an instrument that allows social classes to be
being. reconciled.
8. For Descartes, knowledge originates in reason and for John Locke, E) The good: it is fulfilling our duty for the very duty of good will. D) It would be what allows the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie to be
in experience. What would Kant say about the statement of maintained and defended.
Descartes and John Locke? German idealism E) It would be the maximum expression of the objective spirit that
A) Descartes and Locke were not wrong in their statements. BASIC LEVEL guarantees our freedom.
B) Descartes is right, and Locke was wrong. 1. Hegel's philosophy is
C) They were both wrong, since knowledge has no origin. A) realistic. B) materialistic. C) idealist. 9. Gustavo, when reflecting and studying the past of humanity, states
D) Locke is right and Descartes was wrong. D) empiricist. E) mechanistic. that he shares the same thesis of history proposed by Hegel. What
E) They were both wrong, since reason and experience are necessary thesis about history does Gustavo share?
to know. 2. For Hegel, reality is a product of the dialectical development of A) It is the process in which the universal spirit becomes self-aware of
absolute reason, this being itself, achieving its freedom.
9. Luis, a high school student, states that he is free to do whatever he To the nature. B) the universe C) God. B) It is the process in which the subjective spirit becomes self-aware
wants without obeying his parents or the laws of society. What D) the matter. E) the cosmos. of itself, achieving its freedom.
advice would Kant give to Luis? C) It is the fight of man against nature and other men confronted by
A) You need to subject yourself to the laws of society without 3. What is philosophy for the philosopher Hegel? necessity.
questioning. A) interpretation of the world B) activity D) It is the process in which the objective spirit becomes self-aware
B) He should obey only his parents, since they have a lot of C) science D) absolute knowledge of itself, achieving its freedom.
experience. E) praxis E) It is the idea outside itself that has not become aware of itself,
C) You are free to do what you want, as long as you do what reason hence it has no freedom.
dictates. 4. The ............... is the alienated nature of the idea itself.
D) He must obey only the divine laws that God dictates to him. A) idea for me B) thing in itself C) idea for himself ADVANCED LEVEL
E) He is free to act as he wishes, but it is necessary that he obey the D) thing for me E) idea outside of oneself 10. Regarding Hegel's theory, indicate the correct sequence of truth
philosophers. (T) or falsehood (F) with respect to the following propositions.
5. Regarding Hegel's dialectic, identify the correct alternative. YO. Man is the expression of the idea in itself, outside of itself and for
ADVANCED LEVEL A) mechanistic and dualistic B) illogical and irrational itself.
10. Regarding Kant's ethical theory, indicate the correct sequence of C) is based on denials D) a dyad of thesis and synthesis II. The universal reason, the absolute spirit and the idea itself is God.
truth (T) or falsehood (F). E) is based on assertions III. The negation of the negation is the thesis in Hegelian dialectic.
YO. Because it is based on duty itself, it is called deontological IV. Panlogism is that “everything real is rational and everything
morality. 6. For Hegel, the idea in itself is the .............., while the idea outside rational is real.”
II. Hypothetical imperatives are also dictated by reason. of itself is the .............. . v. Philosophy is the expression of the objective spirit.
III. Reason dictates categorical imperatives to us. A) thesis - synthesis. B) synthesis - thesis. A) VVVFV B) FVVVF C) FVFVV
IV. Because it is based on the dictates of reason, it is known as C) antithesis - thesis. D) thesis - antithesis. D) VFVVF E) FVFVF
autonomous morality. E) synthesis - antithesis.
v. The postulates of his ethics are the existence of God and the 11. Relate each idea to the work in which it is studied according to
human soul. the philosopher of the theory of panlogism.
A) VVVFV B) VFVVV C) FVFVV YO. Alienated and transformed idea.
II. Idea that becomes self-aware of itself. Martín stated, according to Augusto Comte, in what stage would BASIC LEVEL
III. Pure idea that transforms into its opposite. Peru be? 1. According to Karl Marx, philosophy allows us to transform the
to. Phenomenology of the spirit A) theological and abstract B) positive or scientific A) education. B) culture. C) reality.
b. science of logic C) metaphysical and positive D) religious and scientific D) nature. E) religion.
c. Philosophy of nature E) theological or religious
A) Ia, IIb, IIIc B) Ic, IIb, IIIa C) Ib, IIc, IIIa 8. Ricardo states that to study nature, the scientist should use the 2. Indicate to which philosophical field Karl Marx's theory belongs.
D) Ic, IIa, IIIb E) Ia, IIc, IIIb method proposed by Augusto Comte, since this allows him A) dogmatism B) idealism C) materialism
A) accept mythological and abstract explanations. D) metaphysical E) skepticism
12. Indicate the incorrect relationship that has been established B) reconcile abstract explanations with scientific ones.
according to Hegel's approaches. C) find the essences of natural and social phenomena. 3. What is the being of reality, according to Carlos Marx and Federico
A) Synthesis: the denial of the idea outside itself, this being D) reject all types of metaphysical and religious explanation. Engels?
humanity. E) accept scientific and abstract explanations. A) spirit B) reason C) God
B) Philosophy: the absolute knowledge of all reality. D) matter E) energy
C) Antithesis: negation of the negation in which the idea itself is 9. Juan wants to know how nature works. According to positivism,
alienated. what would be the object of study for Juan if he wanted to know how 4. According to Frederick Engels, man evolved mainly by
D) History: spirit that has followed a coherent process towards nature works? A) the reason. B) nature. C) God.
freedom. A) The substances of natural phenomena. From work. E) society.
E) Thesis: the affirmation of the idea itself, this being God. B) Only the essentials of things or facts should be studied.
C) Only natural phenomena and not substances. 5. For the historical materialism of Karl Marx, a society must be
Positivism D) The substances or essences of the universe. studied based on
BASIC LEVEL E) The phenomena and essences of nature. A) its culture. B) education. C) the values.
1. For Augusto Comte, any society will achieve order and progress D) its economy. E) science.
through the development of ADVANCED LEVEL
A) morality. B) science. C) religion. 10. Regarding the theses of Auguste Comte, indicate the correct 6. What is happening to man, according to Karl Marx and Frederick
D) the values. E) politics. sequence of truth (V) or falsehood (F). Engels, in capitalist societies?
YO. Youth is the positive stage of humanity. A) becoming civilized B) alienating C) socializing
2. According to the founder of positivism, what is the third stage of II. At the scientific stage we can only answer the why of things. D) evolving E) becoming human
humanity? III. The philosopher would have no place in a scientific society.
A) metaphysical B) religious C) scientific IV. Reality cannot be known as it is. INTERMEDIATE LEVEL
D) abstract E) theological v. The great being in the scientific or positive stage is humanity. 7. Martín, when reflecting on the social conflicts that exist in his
A) FFFVV B) FVVFV C) VFFVV country, states that the State always defends the interests of
3. According to Auguste Comte, in the stage ............... man explains D) VVFVV E) FVFVF companies before its population. What would Marx say to Martín
nature based on supernatural beings. about the State?
A) metaphysical B) religious C) abstract 11. Match the following terms with their respective statements A) The State defends the interests of businessmen because it is
D) positive E) scientific according to positivism. convenient for the country.
YO. social physics B) The State is an instrument that serves to dominate a social class.
4. For Augusto Comte, the scientific method that he proposes is II. scientific stadium C) The population is violent, hence it needs State repression.
based on III. positive society D) Politicians use the State to defend the Constitution and its laws.
A) the hypothesis. B) the theories. C) observation. to. The study of natural laws begins to explain nature. E) The State is used to defend democracy and freedom.
D) speculation. E) religion. b. It is organized by the philosopher, based on knowledge of scientific
laws. 8. Juan observes that in companies in Peru, the more their workers
5. At what stage does man explain the world based on natural laws, c. Study the laws that allow order and progress. produce, the businessmen accumulate and possess more and more
according to positivism? A) Ib, IIa, IIIc B) Ic, IIb, IIIa C) Ib, IIc, IIIa wealth. For Karl Marx, this wealth is due
A) theological B) scientist C) religious D) Ic, IIa, IIIb E) Ia, IIc, IIIb A) to unpaid work for the worker, thus creating surplus value or
D) abstract E) metaphysical wealth.
12. Indicate the incorrect relationship that has been established B) to the capacity and effort of entrepreneurs for work.
6. According to the founder of positivism, .............. is the science that according to the approaches of the Frenchman Augusto Comte. C) unpaid work for the employer, thus creating surplus value.
allows us to organize and reform society. A) Social dynamics: studies the progress of humanity. D) to the businessman's work that has allowed him to accumulate
A) mathematics B) sociology C) biology B) Scientific method: look for what the facts are like and not why wealth.
D) chemistry E) physics they occur. E) the ability of entrepreneurs to produce wealth.
C) Science: only serves to discover the laws of nature.
INTERMEDIATE LEVEL D) Social statics: studies the order of society. 9. In the capitalist system, Peruvians value the material world they
7. Martín states that when an earthquake occurs in Peru, Peruvians E) Sociology: term used for the first time by Augusto Comte. produce more than the human world. For Karl Marx, the Peruvian
know that it is due to the collision of tectonic plates. From what population
Marxism A) it is progressing hence they value the economic.
B) he is becoming dehumanized, therefore alienating himself. 3. What philosophical position does the philosopher Nietzsche YO. The Apollonian is rational, passionate and instinctive.
C) they are now more aware of their economic capacity. represent? II. Servant morality is characterized by resentment of the higher life.
D) is not aware of the value that human beings have as such. A) atheism B) empiricism C) voluntarism III. The superman values life, and is guided by his instincts.
E) is forgetting its colonial and retrograde past. D) criticism E) materialism IV. The death of God means the end of all absolute truth.
v. Philosophy is metaphysical, but it allows us to do our will.
ADVANCED LEVEL 4. Identify the phrase that expresses the nihilism of the philosopher A) VVFFV B) FVVVF C) FVFVF
10. Regarding the theory of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, indicate Nietzsche. D) FFVVV E) VFFVV
the correct sequence of truth (V) or falsehood (F). A) God is not dead B) Religion is the opium of the
YO. Matter is eternal, it is in constant change and transformation. people 11. Match the following concepts with their respective definitions
II. Law, education and politics are determined by culture. C) Knowledge is power D) God is dead according to Nietzsche.
III. Wealth is the product of the work of the worker and the E) I only know that I know nothing YO. progress
businessman. II. Christianity
IV. Marxism is a scientific conception of the world. 5. What does the death of God mean for Nietzsche? III. western philosophy
v. The only way to transform society is through dialogue. A) The end of all absolute truth. to. metaphysics
A) VVFFV B) VFVVF C) VVFVF B) The decline of religion. b. myth
D) FFVVV E) VFFVF C) The progress of Western culture. c. decadent
D) The decline of society. A) Ib, IIa, IIIc B) Ic, IIb, IIIa C) Ia, IIc, IIIb
11. Match the following concepts with their respective definitions E) The origin of absolute truth. D) Ib, IIc, IIIa E) Ic, IIa, IIIb
according to the scientific conception of the world.
YO. society 6. For Nietzsche, with the death of God the transmutation of 12. Indicate the incorrect relationship that has been established
II. Be social A) culture. B) the values. C) the economy. according to Nietzsche's approaches to voluntarism.
III. social conscience D) men. E) religion. A) Apollonian: accepts the existence of the world, rationalizing it.
to. Superstructure, which is based on the mode of production. B) Superman: he is a creator of values, transmuting them.
b. Place where the superstructure and structure emerge and interact. INTERMEDIATE LEVEL C) Will to power: connatural and internal force that is free and
c. It determines the superstructure of every human group. 7. Alan states that his friends are brave, strong, virile and do his will. creative.
A) Ib, IIa, IIIc B) Ic, IIb, IIIa C) Ia, IIc, IIIb For a representative of voluntarism, what is the type of morality that D) Dionysian: he is instinctive, virile, irrational and values life.
D) Ib, IIc, IIIa E) Ic, IIa, IIIb young Alan's friends possess? E) Man: values the metaphysical and religious, guided by reason.
A) of the lord B) of the slave C) of the servant
12. Indicate the incorrect relationship that has been established D) of the worker E) of the peasant 20th century: existentialism
according to the approaches of the scientific conception of the world. BASIC LEVEL
A) Socialism: it is a transition from capitalism to communism. 8. Ricardo states that he no longer wants to do the will of his parents 1. Identify the main thesis of the existentialist philosophical current.
B) Dialectical materialism: it is the philosophy of Marxism. and society but rather to do his own will. What would the A) Knowledge is power.
C) Communism: there is no private property, no State or social philosopher Nietzsche advise Ricardo? B) Dare to think for yourself.
classes. A) In order not to do the will of others, one must govern others. C) Existence precedes essence.
D) Primitive community: it is the second mode of production of the B) He will be able to do his will if he rejects only the Christian religion. D) I think, therefore I am.
human being. C) That he must surpass himself as a man to make way for the E) Essence precedes existence.
E) Historical materialism: method that studies society from its superman.
economic base. D) To do his will he must stop being alienated or insane. 2. According to Heidegger, man is a
E) To do your will you must be guided by your reason. A) be social. B) be free. C) symbolic animal.
Voluntarism D) be rational. E) rational animal.
BASIC LEVEL 9. Mariana states that there are no laws in nature or in society,
1. According to the representative of voluntarism, Western culture therefore, she wants to live as she sees fit, without laws. What would 3. What is philosophy for Heidegger?
must be a voluntarist philosopher say to Mariana? A) science B) technique C) religion
A) changed. B) rejected. C) eliminated. A) You must respect the laws and norms of your society. D) technology E) metaphysics
D) transformed. E) reformed. B) That she thinks this way because she ignores social and natural
laws. 4. Heidegger states that the ontic studies ............... and
2. Nietzsche rejects Western culture's .............. for despising life and C) He is right, because all laws are conventional and let him do his ontology, ...............
its .............. for being metaphysical. will. A) being - entities. B) the essence - the existence.
A) science – philosophy B) philosophy - religion D) That he accepts social laws because the strongest have imposed C) existence - the essence. D) nature - entities.
C) religion – science D) science - religion them. E) the entities - the being.
E) religion - philosophy E) It should create its own laws and impose itself on others.

ADVANCED LEVEL 5. According to the representative of existentialism, the question

10. Regarding Nietzsche's theory of voluntarism, indicate the correct about being goes through
sequence of truth (T) or falsehood (F). A) the universe. B) nature. C) the entity.
D) science.E) the man. to. study the entities D) are being unified through the clarification of language.
b. ask about being E) allows the existence of various scientific propositions.
6. Indicate the correct alternative regarding existentialism. c. study the being
A) Man is a being there. A) Ib, IIa, IIIc B) Ic, IIb, IIIa C) Ia, IIc, IIIb 8. When Newton investigated the stars, he concluded that the Earth
B) Authentic life is ideal. D) Ib, IIc, IIIa E) Ic, IIa, IIIb revolves around the Sun. According to Neopositivism, Newton
C) Man is a being in himself. reached this conclusion
D) Science must study being. 12. Indicate the incorrect relationship that has been established A) using the inductive method and being partial in your research.
E) Being is the beginning of everything. according to the approaches of the representative of existentialism. B) observing the universe with your telescope objectively.
A) Science: studies entities C) through the analytical method and investigating partially.
INTERMEDIATE LEVEL B) Daseín: being in itself D) observing the stars impartially and using the inductive method.
7. Roberto wants to enter university, but his admission, he says, does C) Man: it's a project E) using the dialectical method and being neutral.
not depend on him but on the will of God. What would Heidegger say D) Philosophy: studies being
to young Roberto? E) Authentic life: it is the non-alienated life 9. Martín states that philosophical theories do not have any meaning,
A) That he cannot choose what he wants to be and must accept his however, scientific statements do. What would the first Wittgenstein
destiny. Analytical philosophy and Neopositivism say about what Martin stated?
B) He is right, because he is not free and has to accept the will of BASIC LEVEL A) Martín is wrong, since scientific theories do not make sense.
God. 1. For Wittgenstein, philosophy is a B) Martín is right, because philosophy is expressed with propositions.
C) That your income does not depend on a divine being, since A) technique that clarifies language. C) Martin is wrong, since no theory makes sense.
everything depends on him. B) theory that studies language. D) Martín is right, since science is expressed with propositions.
D) He believes in destiny because he has not dedicated himself to C) science that analyzes language. E) Martín is wrong, since the philosophical statements make sense.
studying philosophy. D) language clarifying activity.
E) That he accepts the world as it is and that he only has to wait for E) activity that studies language. ADVANCED LEVEL
what is coming. 10. Regarding the second period of Wittgenstein's analytical
2. What is the world composed of, according to the representative of philosophy, indicate the correct sequence of truth (V) or falsehood
8. Luis states that he has the freedom and possibility of choosing analytical philosophy? YO. Proposes isomorphism.
everything he wants to be. According to the representative of A) of substances B) of entities C) of things II. Philosophy is a therapy for language diseases.
existentialism, the only thing D) of facts E) of objects III. Take the pragmatic turn in language.
who cannot and does not have the possibility of choosing Luis is IV. He looked for the meaning of the propositions.
A) be a philosopher. B) not work. C) be free. 3. Wittgenstein in his first period proposed the IV. Work: scientific investigations.
D) not die. E) be animal. A) holism. B) isomorphism. C) hylemorphism. A) VVVFV B) FVVVV C) FVVVF
D) hylozoism. E) animism. D) FVVFV E) VFFVF
9. Carlos, watching his grandmother dying in a hospital, begins to
reflect on death and become anguished about it. According to 4. The Vienna Circle was influenced, mainly, by 11. Regarding the theory of the Vienna Circle, indicate the correct
Heidegger, Charles begins to live A) Marx and Wittgenstein. B) Comte and Hegel. sequence of truth (V) or falsehood (F).
A) for death. B) an inauthentic life. C) Nietzsche and Comte. D) Descartes and Wittgenstein. YO. Rejects all types of metaphysics.
C) an authentic life. D) for his grandmother. E) Wittgenstein and Comte. II. He proposes carrying out the physicalist project.
E) an alienated life. III. The propositions are metaphysical.
5. What method should the scientist use to investigate, according to IV. Philosophy falls into nonsense.
ADVANCED LEVEL the Vienna Circle? v. It is known as logical empiricism.
10. Regarding Heidegger's theory, indicate the correct sequence of A) scientist B) deductive C) analytical A) VVFFV B) FVFVV C) VFFVV
truth (T) or falsehood (F). D) dialectical E) inductive D) FFVVV E) VVFVV
YO. Man is a being there, thrown into the world.
II. Accepting the anguish of death leads to an ideal life. 6. For Neopositivism, the scientist begins with observation .............. 12. Indicate the incorrect relationship that has been established
III. The question about being passes through the human being in scientific research. according to the approaches of Wittgenstein and Neopositivism.
IV. Man is a finite and temporary being, therefore he is a being for A) partial and neutral B) neutral and impartial A) Verification: allows science to be divided from pseudoscience.
death. C) impartial and subjective D) partial and impartial B) Isomorphism: propositions and facts have the same logical
v. Science and philosophy can study the being. E) objective and partial structure.
A) VVFFV B) VFVVF C) VVFVF C) Things: it is the combination of facts.
D) FFVVV E) VFFVV INTERMEDIATE LEVEL D) Language: it is the totality of the propositions.
7. Carlos, is aware that there are diverse cultures in the world and E) Science: set of propositions possible to be verified.
11. Match the following concepts with their respective definitions that these are manifested in their different ways of life. For Critical rationalism and epistemological relativism
according to the thesis of existentialism. Wittgenstein, in his second period, these forms of life BASIC LEVEL
YO. man A) they are being unified thanks to the language of science. 1. For the representative of critical rationalism, the scientific method
II. metaphysics B) have allowed the emergence of a universal language. must be the
III. science C) allow the existence of various language games. A) inductive hypothetical. B) analytical.
C) hypothetical deductive. D) dialectical. C) the Chavín and Caral cultures have been falsified but not A) The indigenous person is human.
E) analytical hypothetical. contrasted. B) It is unfair to wage war on the Indian.
D) the Chavín culture has already been falsified as the oldest, while C) The indigenous is civilized.
2. What criterion does Popper propose to differentiate science from Caral has been proven to be the oldest. D) The indigenous person is born to obey.
metaphysics? E) the antiquity of the Caral culture has been verified, but that of E) The indigenous person was born to command.
A) falsification B) verification C) contrast Chavín has been falsified.
D) falsification E) deduction 5. The ideas of the enlightened period served to achieve the
ADVANCED LEVEL independence of the
3. According to Karl Popper, the scientist begins his research from a 10. Regarding the theory of epistemological relativism, indicate the A) indigenous. B) Creoles. C) Spanish.
mind that correct sequence of truth (V) or falsehood (F). D) mestizos. E) Americans.
A) this tabula rasa. B) is neutral. C) this full table. YO. It proposes to analyze science in science itself.
D) is impartial. E) is blank. II. Science is based on enigmas and anomalies. 6. Benito Laso defends sovereignty ...............; while Bartholomew,
III. The change from one paradigm to another is called paradigm sovereignty ...............
4. Epistemological relativism states that science is based on substitution. A) of the indigenous people - of the people.
A) the inductive method. B) dialectic. IV. A paradigm loses validity due to the accumulation of enigmas. B) of intelligence - of the virtuous.
C) the deductive method. D) the enigmas. v. The paradigms are incommensurable with each other. C) of the Church - of the military.
E) the paradigms. A) VVVFV B) FFVFF C) FVVVF D) of the intelligence - of the people.
D) FFVFV E) VFFVF E) of the people - of intelligence.
5. What does Thomas Kuhn call the problems not resolved by the
current paradigm? 11. Regarding the theory of critical rationalism, indicate the correct INTERMEDIATE LEVEL
A) paradigm B) normal science sequence of truth (T) or falsehood (F). 7. Raúl states that only those who have been designated by God
C) enigmas D) abnormal science YO. Rejects all types of metaphysics. should govern and impose their will on the people. What would
E) anomalies II. Poses induction and falsification. Benito Laso say about what Raúl said?
III. Science is based on hypotheses. A) I would support Raúl since the people do not have the necessary
6. For Thomas Kuhn, ............... must be analyzed from a .............. IV. Philosophy studies verification. education to govern themselves.
perspective. v. It presents a clean and full table. B) I would be in favor of Raúl, since there are men who by nature are
A) science - dialectic. B) history - analytical. A) FVFFV B) FVFVV C) VFFVF born to govern and others to obey.
C) science - historical.D) current science - dialectics. D) FFVFF E) VVFVF C) I would be against Raúl since the people have the right to govern
E) the anomaly - historical. and do their will.
12. Indicate the incorrect relationship that has been established, D) I would be against Raúl since God has designated that the will of
INTERMEDIATE LEVEL according to the approaches of epistemological relativism. the people and not of a few must be done.
7. Einstein's theory is currently considered by scientists as scientific A) Paradigm: it is a theoretical model of explanation. E) That is right, because the people only dedicate themselves to
knowledge. What would Popper say about today's scientists? B) Science: it is based on paradigms. having fun and working, while others dedicate themselves to
A) They are accepting Einstein's theory which is false. C) Anomaly: problems not resolved by prescience. governing.
B) They accept Einstein's theory without contrasting or verifying it. D) Substitution of paradigms: scientific revolution.
C) They are accepting that theory because it has been verified. E) Enigmas: problems solved by normal science. 8. Luis states that in order to free ourselves from our medieval
D) They accept this theory because it will never be false. thinking, we must take into account the enlightened period of our
E) They are accepting this theory, but sooner or later it will be Philosophy in Peru I philosophy. What European authors of the Enlightenment period
falsified. 1. To justify the European invasion of the new world, the humanity of should be taken into account to free ourselves from medieval
the world was questioned. thought according to Luis?
8. Newton's theory is no longer valid today. This is due, according to A) Creole. B) Spanish. C) mestizo. A) Aristotle, Kant and Descartes
Thomas Kuhn, D) Peruvian. E) indigenous. B) Marx, Nietzsche and Locke
A) to the exchange of anomalies for enigmas. C) Descartes, Locke and Diderot
B) to the validity of that paradigm for being the best. 2. Bartolomé de las Casas stated that the war against the indigenous D) Marx, Newton and Galileo
C) to the exchange of enigmas for other enigmas. people is illegal since they are E) Hegel, Montesquieu and Voltaire
D) to the replacement of anomalies by others. A) inferior.B) humans. C) barbarians.
E) because it has been replaced by another paradigm. D) superior. E) animals.
3. From which philosopher were the arguments taken to
9. The Chavín culture was previously considered the oldest demonstrate the humanity of the indigenous people in the neo- 9. The former president of Peru stated that indigenous people are
civilization in America, now being Caral. According to Karl Popper, scholastic period? second-class citizens, not civilized. What would Bartolomé de las
this is because A) Socrates B) Plato C) Descartes Casas have said about what the former president stated?
A) the antiquity of the Caral culture has been contrasted and verified, D) Epicurus E) Aristotle A) That he is right, because Peru is underdeveloped because of them.
but not that of Chavín. B) That is wrong, since the indigenous people were born to govern.
B) the Chavín culture has only been verified, while the Caral culture 4. Identify the statement that is not linked to Ginés de Sepúlveda's C) That he is wrong, since the most virtuous of the indigenous people
has been falsified. arguments. should govern.
D) Which is fine, because the Spanish and Creoles are not capable of C) Manuel Vicente Villarán D) Manuel González Prada IV. Mariano Iberico and Deustua state that the indigenous people are
governing. E) Daniel Alcides Carrión an exhausted race.
E) That is wrong, because the indigenous people are civilized beings A) VFVF B) FVFV C) VFVV
and even know how to govern. 5. Spiritualism was a product of the reaction against D) FFVV E) VVFV
A) to idealism. B) to scholasticism.
ADVANCED LEVEL C) to Romanticism. D) to positivism. 11. Match the following currents with their respective definitions.
10. Regarding the romantic period of Peruvian philosophy, indicate E) to the religious. YO. spiritualism
the correct sequence of truth (V) or falsehood (F). II. positivism
YO. The main theme is sovereignty and science. 6. Alejandro Deustua states that the ............... should not be III. anarchism
II. Benito Laso was against totalitarianism. educated since it is an exhausted race. to. Seek the unlimited freedom of man without authority.
III. Bartolomé Herrera was in favor of totalitarianism. A) Creole B) Peruvian C) American b. Seek the freedom of man without metaphysics.
IV. They are divided into conservatives and liberals. D) mestizo E) indigenous c. Seek the unlimited freedom of man as a creator.
A) VVFV B) FVVV C) FVVF A) Ib, IIa, IIIc B) Ic, IIa, IIIb C) Ia, IIc, IIIb
7. María states that Peru is in chaos because we do not take into
11. Match the following representatives with their respective account the theses of Alejandro Deustua. What should we do 12. Indicate the correct relationship that has been established
concepts. according to María? according to the periods of Peruvian philosophy.
YO. Benito Laso A) Peruvians should be educated morally and spiritually. A) Deustua: freedom is creative force and order is natural law.
II. Bartolome de las Casas B) An elite should govern, bringing scientific progress. B) Manuel Vicente Villarán: he is against an idealistic education.
III. Bartolome Herrera C) Education must be for an elite, from a moral perspective in order C) Mariano Iberico: religious life is superior to aesthetics.
to. Proposes providentialism. to govern. D) Javier Prado: proposes the scientific method in law.
b. Indigenous people and slaves are also free. D) It should educate Peruvians scientifically and morally. E) Manuel González Prada: proposes the economic development of
c. The indigenous people know how to govern themselves. E) Education for the indigenous is a problem, that is why we are in the bourgeoisie.
A) Ib, IIa, IIIc B) Ic, IIb, IIIa C) Ia, IIc, IIIb chaos.
D) Ib, IIc, IIIa E) Ic, IIa, IIIb Philosophy in Peru III
8. Álvaro rejects the ideals of spiritualism, but claims to share the BASIC LEVEL
12. Indicate the correct relationship that has been established ideals of Peruvian positivism. For this reason, Álvaro would be against 1. José Carlos Mariátegui proposes to analyze Peru with the method
according to the periods of Peruvian philosophy. A) a scientifically based education for Peruvians. of
A) Machiavelli: influenced the scholastic period. B) the ideals of Javier Prado and Vicente Villarán. A) inductive materialism. B) dialectical positivism.
B) Encyclopedists: they mainly influenced the romantic period. C) a metaphysical and therefore idealistic education. C) historical materialism. D) historical voluntarism.
C) Nietzsche: influenced the romantic period. D) all order and moral progress of Peruvians. E) historical idealism.
D) Newton: influenced the enlightened period. E) an education from a perspective of Augusto Comte and Spencer.
E) Comte: influenced the enlightened period. 2. Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre studies the reality of America and
9. Regarding students preparing to enter university in Law, Art, Europe, with the method of
Philosophy in Peru II Literature, Education and Philosophy, what would Manuel Vicente A) dialectical materialism. B) historical space and time.
BASIC LEVEL Villarán say? C) historical materialism. D) space and time.
1. To rebuild Peru after the war with Chile, philosophy was imported A) That they should be the best in these careers for the development E) space-time and metaphysical.
A) Marxist of Marx and Lenin. of science.
B) Nietzsche Schopenhauer's nihilist. B) That they should go to engineering or technical careers, rather
C) positivist Comte and Spencer. than arts, since they are not productive. 3. What is the main problem of the indigenous people according to
D) voluntarist of Nietzsche and Marx. C) They are unprofitable careers to live in and that is why they should José Carlos Mariátegui?
E) socialist of Lenin and Marx. go to more profitable careers. A) education B) social C) racial
D) Those students are wrong because the career of the future is D) land E) politics
2. Manuel González Prada proposes to make a revolution to Epistemology.
achieve .............. in Peru. E) That it supports them since we need literate and well-prepared 4. Identify the topic that is studied by Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre.
A) socialism B) anarchism C) communism men. A) globalization B) paradigm C) technology
D) liberalism E) individualism D) imperialism E) humanism
3. What type of education does Alejandro Deustua propose for Peru? 10. Regarding the spiritualist period of Peruvian philosophy, indicate 5. For Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre, the social class that must lead the
A) elitist and positivist B) academic and scientific the correct sequence of truth (V) or falsehood (F). revolution must be
C) moral and elitist D) elitist and technical YO. Its representatives, Mariano Iberico and Alejandro Deustua, are A) the bourgeoisie B) the peasantry.
E) religious and class metaphysicians. C) the big bourgeoisie. D) the proletariat.
II. Alejandro Deustua's motto is order, freedom and progress. E) the middle class.
4. Identify the author who does not belong to Peruvian positivism. III. It is linked to Bergson's spiritualist theories.
A) Javier Prado B) Benito Laso
6. José Carlos Mariátegui states that imperialism is the .............. IV. Mariátegui states that the indigenous problem is race. B) dialectic - end in itself.
phase of capitalism in the world. A) FVFF B) VVFV C) FVVF C) autotelia - means in itself.
A) penultimate B) second C) third D) VVFV E) FVFV D) dialectic - social being.
D) last E) penultimate E) autotelia - end in itself.
11. Match the following terms with their respective statements
INTERMEDIATE LEVEL according to Mariátegui's theory. INTERMEDIATE LEVEL
7. Gustavo states that the wealth of our country belongs to him and YO. middle class 7. Carlos states that Peruvians are alienated. What is the behavior of
is exploited by another nation. What would José Carlos Mariátegui II. proletariat Peruvians like, according to Augusto Salazar Bondy, if Carlos
say about what Gustavo stated? III. farmer Is right?
A) That the wealth of our country belongs to other nations due to to. They transform society where they help other social classes. A) We act with freedom and autonomy in our society.
globalization. b. They transform society with those who lead the revolution, but B) We have a critical and creative attitude towards reality.
B) If our country wants to progress, it must allow them to take our they are a minority. C) We are original and critical in our actions.
wealth. c. They transform society but they do not direct, being the vast D) We live without freedom, without meaning and without
C) This is due to imperialist countries that subjugate and exploit majority. personality.
other nations like ours. A) Ib, IIc, IIIa B) Ic, IIb, IIIa C) Ia, IIc, IIIb E) We act conscious of our actions and with freedom.
D) This is due to private investment that allows us to progress with D) Ib, IIa, IIIc E) Ic, IIa, IIIb
the taxes they pay. 8. Álvaro observes that his society is divided into social classes and
E) This is due to the imperialist countries that want us to progress 12. Indicate the incorrect relationship that has been established that they fight among themselves for the distribution of wealth, since
and therefore exploit and take our wealth. according to the theories of Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre. one social class takes control of it. What would Francisco Miró
A) Einstein influences Haya de la Torre on time and space. Quesada say about what Álvaro is observing?
8. José states that humanity has a history. What would Víctor Raúl B) Hegel influences Haya de la Torre on consciousness. A) That there is no social class struggle and that it is Álvaro's opinion.
Haya de la Torre say about what José stated? C) Lenin influenced Haya de la Torre on Russian imperialism. B) I would state that it is necessary for one of the social classes to
A) He is right because humanity is one and that is why there is a D) The bourgeois democratic revolution in China influences Haya de disappear.
universal history. la Torre as a model for Peru. C) That we have to fight together with the oppressed class to liberate
B) Imperialism is proof that humanity has only one history. E) Mariátegui's debate is with Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre. it.
C) You are wrong since each country has its own history, depending D) I would state that we must fight for humanity and not for a social
on time and space. Philosophy in Peru IV class.
D) He is right since capitalism when it reaches its highest phase is BASIC LEVEL E) That we must stay calm, since God will come one day to save us.
universal. 1. According to Augusto Salazar Bondy, our culture is
E) You are wrong, because when analyzing history from historical A) original. B) authentic. C) genuine. 9. For Mariana, education should be liberating as Augusto Salazar
materialism we see that history is relative by country. D) alienated. E) independent. Bondy states. What characteristics or principles should education in
Peru have for Mariana?
9. Mariana states that the only ones who have become aware of 2. What is the philosophy proposed by Francisco Miró Quesada? A) objective, critical and free
their reality are the intellectuals and not the workers and peasants, A) Marxism B) existentialism C) socialism B) critical, socialist and creative
That is why they cannot lead the revolution. What would Mariátegui D) humanism E) voluntarism C) creative, uncritical and reified
say about what Mariana said? D) objective, creative and critical
A) That he does not agree, since the only ones aware are the E) critical, creative and cooperation
peasants. 3. For Augusto Salazar Bondy, our country is alienated mainly by
B) He is not interested in what is stated, since he is apolitical and dominance ADVANCED LEVEL
intellectual. A) religious. B) political. C) economical. 10. Regarding Francisco Miró Quesada's theory, indicate the correct
C) That he does not share this statement because the proletariat D) scientific. E) ideological. sequence of truth (V) or falsehood (F).
must lead. YO. Marxism will allow us to fight against inequality.
D) I would tell him that both the proletarian, the peasant and the 4. Identify the alternative that is not related to the thought of II. Humanism's principle is to treat man as a means and an end in
petty bourgeois must lead. Francisco Miró Quesada. himself.
E) That they are not wrong since they are the only ones who know A) reification B) the project of philosophizing III. Estimative ideology is based on axiological principles.
how we are. C) autotelia D) humanism IV. He is against imperialism, the subjugation of one nation over
E) political praxis another.
10. Regarding what is stated in the theories of José Carlos Mariátegui 5. For Augusto Salazar Bondy, education in Peru should be D) FVVF E) VFVV
and Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre, indicate the correct sequence of A) alienating. B) dominating. C) liberating.
truth (V) or falsehood (F). D) uncritical. E) dependent. 11. Match the following terms with their respective statements
YO. Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre states that we are absolutely a according to Augusto Salazar Bondy.
colony. 6. Francisco Miró Quesada proposes humanism based on the YO. cultural domination
II. Mariátegui analyzes Peru from a dialectical perspective. principle of .............., which allows us to treat man as a ............. .. II. economic domination
III. Haya de la Torre states that humanity has a unique history. A) autotelia - being social. III. liberation culture
to. Product of dependency due to underdevelopment. B) An authentic philosophy with anguish.
b. Stimulates the creative virtues of society. C) A philosophy that seeks to be original. Philosophical Anthropology
c. The main cause is economic underdevelopment. D) An authentic philosophy without anguish. BASIC LEVEL
A) Ib, IIa, IIIc B) Ic, IIb, IIIa C) Ib, IIc, IIIa E) An inauthentic philosophy without anguish. 1. Identify the question that corresponds to philosophical
D) Ic, IIa, IIIb E) Ia, IIc, IIIb anthropology.
8. What should we do, according to Salazar Bondy, for Alan to A) Is man free by nature?
12. Indicate the incorrect relationship according to the humanist achieve an original and authentic philosophy? B) How does the human brain work?
principles of Francisco Miró Quesada. A) We should free ourselves from cultural and then economic C) How does the human body work?
A) Solidarity: do not use others as means. domination. D) Is the man alienated?
B) Anti-racism: do not divide men into races. B) We should create a philosophy of liberation and economic E) What is life?
C) Autotelia: living beings are not a means, but an end in themselves. domination.
D) Classless society: avoid the exploitation of some over others. C) Free ourselves first from alienated philosophy and then from 2. For Darwin, the evolution of man is mainly due to nature, while for
E) Anti-imperialist: avoid the dominance of one class over another. economic domination. Frederick Engels it is mainly due
D) Free ourselves from economic domination to achieve it in the A) to the matter. B) to a divine being.
Philosophy in Latin America cultural field. C) to work. D) to animals.
BASIC LEVEL E) We should dominate other cultures, even if they dominate us E) to a spirit.
1. For Augusto Salazar Bondy, philosophy in Peru is economically.
A) creative. B) original. C) authentic. 3. What is man for the disciple of Socrates?
D) genuine. E) imitative. 9. Álvaro states that the philosophy he develops is neither a copy nor A) mortal soul B) be rational C) soul and body
a copy, but is a heroic creation. What generation would Álvaro be in? D) be free E) immortal soul
2. Is there authentic philosophy in Latin America for Francisco Miró A) third generation B) second generation
Quesada? C) first and second generation D) first generation 4. The father of modern philosophy stated that the human being is
A) No, it's just a project. B) Yes, but it is imitative. E) second and third generation composed of res .............. and res...............
C) No, just philosophizing. D) Yes, it is authentic philosophizing. A) extensive - infinite. B) thinking - inextended.
E) No, but it is original. ADVANCED LEVEL C) cogitans - extensive. D) infinite - finite.
10. Regarding philosophy in Peru, according to Augusto Salazar E) finite - cogitans.
3. For Augusto Salazar Bondy, the main cause of our philosophy being Bondy, indicate the correct sequence of truth (V) or falsehood (F).
alienated is due to the dominance YO. There is no philosophy in Peru. 5. What differentiates us from animals according to Plato's disciple?
A) ideological. B) scientist. C) cultural. II. It begins with the invasion of Europe. A) We are free.
D) economic. E) religious. III. Our philosophy is liberating. B) We reproduce and nourish.
IV. Peruvian philosophy alienates us. C) We have sensations.
4. Identify the alternative that is related to the thesis on Latin A) VFVF B) FVFV C) VVFV D) We think.
American philosophizing according to Francisco Miró Quesada. D) FVVF E) VFVV E) We have movement.
A) The technicians are the first generation.
B) There are three generations. 6. According to existentialism, what is man?
C) The patriarchs are those who spread authentic philosophy. 11. Relate the following generations to their respective A) be rational B) free animal C) be in itself
D) Latin American philosophy is not authentic. characteristics according to Francisco Miró Quesada. D) be social E) possibility
E) There are four historical generations. YO. third generation
II. first generation INTERMEDIATE LEVEL
5. Is philosophy done in Peru according to Augusto Salazar Bondy? III. second generation 7. Gustavo states that man is subject to natural laws and must be
Year B) maybe C) it is not known IV. Fourth generation guided by them. What philosopher would agree with Gustavo?
D) yes E) it is probable to. Theoretical blurring occurs. A) Pascal B) Heidegger C) Marx
b. There is a fork. D) Nietzsche E) Descartes
6. Francisco Miró Quesada states that philosophizing in Peru c. The project arises.
is ..............., while for Augusto Salazar Bondy it is ............... . d. Philosophical naturalness is achieved. 8. Alberto states that in order to humanize himself and maintain his
A) inauthentic - original. B) authentic - genuine. A) Ib, IIa, IIIc, IVd B) Id, IIb, IIIa, IVc C) Ib, IIc, IIIa, IVd existence, he had to have production relations. What philosopher
C) original - authentic. D) alienated - alienating. D) Ic, IIa, IIId, IVb E) Ia, IIc, IIIb, IVd Would you agree with Alberto?
E) authentic - imitative. A) Cassirer B) Nietzsche C) Marx
12. Indicate the correct alternative related to the thought of D) Aristotle E) Descartes
INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Francisco Miró Quesada.
7. Juan states that, upon finishing his studies in philosophy, he wants A) Philosophizing in Peru begins with the Spanish invasion. 9. Alan states that, unlike animals, man fights and defends his flag,
to belong to the fourth generation of philosophers of Francisco Miró B) The bifurcation occurs in the fourth generation. his religious icons, the statues of his heroes, etc. What philosopher
Quesada. What kind of philosophy would Juan do if he belonged to C) Philosophizing in Latin America begins in the universities. would agree with Alan?
the fourth generation? D) The assumptives achieved authentic philosophizing. A) Descartes B) Marx C) Aristotle
A) A philosophy that spreads what is European. E) The affirmatives failed to create authentic philosophy. D) Cassirer E) Plato
E) individual, subject and representation C) objective, necessary and universal
ADVANCED LEVEL D) universal, grounded and particular
10. Regarding human nature, indicate the correct sequence of truth 3. Philosophical knowledge is .............., while scientific knowledge E) contingent, universal and subjective
(T) or falsehood (F). is .............
YO. Existentialism states that man is born without essence. A) empirical - selective. ADVANCED LEVEL
II. According to Aristotle, man has the intellective function of the B) selective - empirical. 10. Regarding the theory of knowledge, point out the
soul, hence he is a rational animal. C) totalizer - radical. correct sequence of truth (V) or falsehood (F).
III. Plato and Descartes, from their point of view, maintain that man D) rational - selective. YO. Everyday knowledge is empirical.
is composed of body and soul, which are his essence. E) totalizer - selective. II. Discursive knowing is immediate.
IV. For both Aristotle and Cassirer, men are animals, but with III. If it is objective, it is necessary.
different capacities. 4. The levels of knowledge are, respectively, the IV. The knowable object is the subject.
v. The animal is a transition from man to superman according to A) ordinary, religious and scientific. v. The a posteriori is after the experience.
Nietzsche. B) religious, scientific and philosophical. A) FVVVF
A) VVVFV B) VVFVV C) FVFVV C) ordinary, scientific and philosophical. B) FVVFV
D) VVFVF E) VFVVF D) scientific, philosophical and the scientific. C) VVFVV
E) religious, ordinary and scientific. D) VFVFV
11. Establish the appropriate relationship between the philosopher E) VVVVV
and the human essence. 5. Knowledge tries to reflect reality without altering it. What
YO. Descartes characteristic of knowledge is referred to? 11. Establish the appropriate relationship between the concept and
II. Plato A) subjective its definition.
III. Aristotle B) objective YO. discursive knowledge
to. Man is the only entity that thinks why he has an intellectual soul. C) particular II. a posteriori knowledge
b. Man, apart from being a body, is also a soul, which allows him to D) universal III. rational knowledge
think. E) real to. You need experience to support your arguments.
c. Man is a spiritual being who has intellect that allows him to think. b. It is mediate, rational and not immediate.
A) Ib, IIa, IIIc 6. Knowledge is universal if it is valid for c. Concepts, judgments and reasoning are given.
B) Ia, IIc, IIIb A) everyone, except for scientists. A) Ib, IIc, IIIa
C) Ib, IIc, IIIa B) scientists. B) Ia, IIc, IIIb
D) Ia, IIb, IIIc C) all individuals. C) Ib, IIa, IIIc
E) Ic, IIb, IIIa D) philosophers. D) Ia, IIb, IIIc
E) everyone, except for the religious. E) Ic, IIb, IIIa
12. Indicate the incorrect relationship regarding the following
statements of the founder of rationalism. INTERMEDIATE LEVEL 12. Indicate the correct relationship with respect to the following
A) Existentialism: man has unlimited freedom. 7. The law of gravity is accepted by all scientific communities and epistemological approaches.
B) Symbolism: man is the only one who immerses himself in his exists independently of them, hence it is A) Rational knowledge: first phase of the act of knowing.
culture to act. A) universal and singular. B) Empirical: second level of human knowledge.
C) Spiritualism: man is a rational and free being. B) objective and particular. C) Knowledge: it is speculative and universal.
D) Marxism: man acquires his essence in society. C) selective and singular. D) Philosophical: it is totalizing, radical and fallible.
E) Dualism: man is composed of two different and contradictory D) necessary and subjective. E) Knowable object: what is known by the knowing subject.
substances. E) universal and objective.
Possibility and origin of knowledge
Gnoseology: knowledge 8. The human being, to acquire his knowledge and make concepts, BASIC LEVEL
BASIC LEVEL judgments and reasoning, in the act of knowing, must first 1. For skepticism, the human being
1. Identify the question that corresponds to epistemology. A) reason about knowledge and concepts. A) know reality.
A) What is scientific knowledge? B) have sensations so that the representation arises. B) does not know reality at all.
B) What is philosophical knowledge? C) seek to satisfy their material needs and then reason. C) only knows part of reality.
C) What is human knowledge? D) reason about your instincts, which are the product of your D) knows only the appearance of the real.
D) What is philosophy? sensations. E) can only give an opinion about reality.
E) What is science? E) have sensations and then impressions.
2. What can be known for the representative of criticism?
2. What are the elements of human knowledge? 9. Juan, when in the living room, states that it is cold, while Francisco A) the substance
A) subject, object and practice states that it is hot. What characteristics of knowledge are not met in B) the essence
B) percept, subject and the individual the statement about Juan and Francisco? C) the phenomenon
C) subject, object and representation A) objective, subjective and necessary D) reality
D) object, representation and practice B) particular, necessary and universal E) the noumenon
B) The dogmatists are right and the skeptics are wrong. B) sensation
3. For the representative of relativism, knowledge is C) Both the skeptics and the dogmatists are right. C) printing
A) absolute and universal. D) Both skeptics and dogmatists are wrong. D) construction
B) contingent and objective. E) It would suspend judgment against the approaches of the skeptics E) reflection
C) universal and relative. and the dogmatists.
D) necessary and universal. 3. According to Kant, knowledge is
E) relative and subjective. ADVANCED LEVEL A) reflection.
10. Regarding the origin of knowledge, indicate the correct sequence B) construction.
4. The skepticism of .............. shows that we can only know our of truth (T) or falsehood (F). C) sensation.
impressions. YO. Rationalism states that man is born with knowledge. D) printing.
A) Kant II. The factual sciences are the model sciences for rationalism. E) perception.
B) Protagoras III. For empiricism we are born with experiences.
C) Hume IV. For rationalism, a person blind from birth possesses knowledge of 4. The contemporary philosopher who formulated the semantic
D) Pyrrho the world. conception of truth was
E) Descartes v. Empiricism states that all men are born without ideas and without A) Frege.
the ability to use reason. B) Russell.
5. What is the model of science for Descartes? A) VVVFV C) Wittgenstein.
A) the factual sciences B) FVVFV D) Tarski.
B) natural sciences C) FVFVV E) Bunge.
C) social sciences D) VFFVF UNMSM 2010 - II
D) analytical sciences E) FVVVF
E) the formal sciences 5. For the W. James, the truth of a statement
11. Establish the appropriate relationship between the term and its A) is expressed in the relationship with theory.
6. For rationalism, knowledge originates in ..............., while for respective statement. B) is presented as evident to reason and the senses.
empiricism it originates in ............... YO. Pyrrhonism C) is expressed in correspondence with reality.
A) intelligence - experience. II. relativism D) is presented as evident to the senses and to reality.
B) intellect - conscience. III. agnosticism E) is expressed in the practical consequences or in its social
C) consciousness - intellect. to. What is real is not known, only what we perceive. usefulness.
D) the spirit - the experience. b. About the world you have to doubt everything.
E) the reason - the experience. c. Knowledge is subjective sensation. 6. The position of the agnostic is
A) Ib, IIa, IIIc A) reject everything religious.
B) Ib, IIc, IIIa B) doubt everything.
INTERMEDIATE LEVEL C) Ic, IIa, IIIb C) believe only in material things.
7. Thales stated that the principle of nature is water. What would D) Ia, IIb, IIIc D) think that God is unknowable.
Pyrrho say to Thales for this statement? E) Ic, IIb, IIIa E) deny God.
A) That is your opinion, but you are wrong. UNMSM 1994
B) That he is wrong, since we know reality, but not its principle. 12. Indicate the incorrect relationship that has been established with
C) That it cannot manifest anything about reality. the following epistemological approaches. INTERMEDIATE LEVEL
D) That he is wrong, since we only know what is apparent and not A) Criticism: man does not know reality, only what is apparent. 7. For Neurath, which statement would be true according to the
the beginning of reality. B) Agnosticism: we can express only our impressions. geocentric theory?
E) That he cannot say anything about the beginning of the world, but C) Rationalism: innate ideas are in our brain. A) The Moon revolves around the Sun.
he can say his opinion. D) Dogmatism: we can know reality without a doubt. B) No stars revolve around the Earth.
E) Skepticism: reality exists but it cannot be known. C) Mars revolves around the Sun.
8. Mark wants to know what we can know. What would Kant say to D) The Moon revolves around the Earth.
Mark about what we can know? Essence and truth of knowledge E) Jupiter revolves around the Moon.
A) We can only know what exists, but not reality. BASIC LEVEL
B) We cannot know anything, not even what is apparent. 1. For realism, ............... is the reflection of reality. 8. Carlos states that he shares Aristotle's theory of knowledge. What
C) We can only know the world and not what appears in our A) the world would Carlos say about the world?
consciousness. B) appearance A) The world is the perception of a consciousness, from there it can
D) We cannot know the appearance, but we can know the reality. C) the phenomenon be known.
E) We only know what appears in our consciousness, but not reality. D) the substance B) The world is the subject's construction of what is given by
E) knowledge experience.
9. What would Kant say about the approaches of the skeptics and C) The world does not exist, it is only apparent and not real.
dogmatists? 2. What is knowledge for the representative of subjective idealism? D) The world exists independently of the subject and is reflected in
A) The skeptics are right and the dogmatists are wrong. A) perception consciousness.
E) The world does not exist, but we can know it. D) description E) application C) a hypothetical statement.
D) a scientific prediction.
9. Phenomenalism maintains that 3. The functions of science are E) a scientific principle.
A) knowledge surpasses reality. A) observe, measure and experiment. UNMSM 1991
B) the things themselves are accessible. B) describe, explain and act.
C) only phenomena exist. C) describe, explain and predict. ADVANCED LEVEL
D) the phenomena are empirical. D) explain, experiment and predict. 10. Regarding the hypotheses, indicate the correct sequence of truth
E) we only know appearances. E) describe, predict and act. (T) or falsehood (F).
UNMSM 2004 - II UNMSM 2004 - I YO. They are known as untested theories.
II. They are provisional answers.
ADVANCED LEVEL 4. The hypotheses of the formal sciences are ..............., while the III. They are also called guesses.
10. Regarding realism, indicate the correct sequence of truth (T) or hypotheses of the factual sciences are ............... IV. They are knowledge to be discovered through verification.
falsehood (F). A) analyze - contrast. A) VVFF B) VVFV C) FVVF
YO. Reality is the reflection of our conscience. B) they propose - they reason. D) VVVF E) FVFF
II. Knowledge is the perception of a consciousness. C) deduce - analyze.
III. Reality exists independently of our perception. D) they observe - they study. 11. Establish the appropriate relationship between the term and its
IV. Knowledge is the faithful reflection of reality. E) demonstrate - contrast. respective statement.
A) VFVF B) FFVV C) VFFV YO. prediction
D) VFFF E) FVVV 5. Which of the following characteristics does not belong to scientific II. description
knowledge? III. explanation
11. Establish the appropriate relationship between the term and its A) selective to. Name the causes that occur in the facts and then be able to
respective statement. B) universal predict.
YO. pragmatism C) totalizer b. Through regularities one anticipates the facts.
II. semantics D) systematic c. Name what the facts are like so you can explain them later.
III. coherence E) objective A) Ib, IIa, IIIc B) Ib, IIc, IIIa C) Ic, IIa, IIIb
to. The truth of propositions is expressed through metalanguage. D) Ia, IIb, IIIc E) Ic, IIb, IIIa
b. Truth is the adequacy of a proposition with a theory. 6. The tentative answer for the possible solution of the problem is 12. Please indicate the incorrect relationship that has been
c. The truth of a statement is expressed in the vital activity of man. the established
A) Ib, IIa, IIIc B) Ib, IIc, IIIa C) Ic, IIa, IIIb A) contrast. with the following approaches to science.
D) Ia, IIb, IIIc E) Ic, IIb, IIIa B) hypothesis. A) Fallible: it is subject to error.
C) scientific law. B) Selective: studies part of reality.
12. Indicate the incorrect relationship that has been established with D) verification. C) Technology: it is the application of science.
the following epistemological approaches. E) demonstration. D) Methodical: it has unnecessary steps.
A) Phenomenalism: knowledge is only a construction of what is given E) Systematic: organizes your knowledge.
B) Correspondence: truth is the relationship of a statement with 7. Luis states that scientific knowledge is progressing. What Axiology: the value
reality. characteristic of scientific knowledge does Luis take into account? BASIC LEVEL
C) Subjective idealism: the object is the most important thing in A) rational 1. Identify the question that corresponds to axiology.
perception. B) methodical A) What is the value of the good?
D) Realism: the object is represented without being deformed in C) systematic B) What is freedom?
consciousness. D) objective C) What is the value of justice?
E) Coherence: a statement is true if it is related to a theory. E) perfectible D) What is the value of dignity?
E) Who determines the value?
Epistemology: the science 8. According to the steps of the scientific method, Darwin's theory of
BASIC LEVEL evolution before being a theory was 2. A politician or ruler who commits a crime is violating a value
1. Identify the question that corresponds to epistemology. A) verified knowledge. A) economical.
A) Can you know the world? B) an untested hypothesis. B) vital.
B) What is knowledge? C) proven knowledge. C) aesthetic.
C) Are you born with knowledge? D) a true hypothesis. D) ethical.
D) What is technology? E) ordinary knowledge. E) hedonistic.
E) What is the truth of knowledge?
9. “The boiling of water, under certain conditions, occurs at 100 ºC” 3. Identify the value judgment.
2. What function of science names the characteristics of natural is A) Alberto Fujimori is Japanese.
phenomena? A) a descriptive statement. B) Carlos is a lawyer for drug traffickers.
A) prediction B) research C) explanation B) an explanatory statement. C) Alan states that the money comes alone.
D) Marcos is a mediocre student. 5. Where are the values for objective idealism?
E) Luis says that Karen is beautiful. ADVANCED LEVEL A) in the subject
10. With respect to the evaluative act, indicate the correct sequence B) on the object
4. When it is stated that the sacred is more valuable of truth (T) or falsehood (F). C) beyond the material world
that the useful, the characteristic of the value that is highlighted is YO. The world is estimated neutrally and impartially. D) in our culture
the II. First the evaluative act occurs and then the contemplative act. E) beyond the ideal world
A) hierarchy. III. When making a value judgment we are having a biased attitude.
B) polarity. IV. When valuing something is always accepted or rejected. 6. Objects do not lose their value even when they deteriorate. The
C) objectivity. A) VVFF B) FVVV C) VFFV above is an argument in favor of
D) gradualness. D) FFVV E) FVVF A) idealism.
E) subjectivity. B) objectivism.
UNMSM 2011- I 11. Point out the characteristics that we do not find in the table of C) subjectivism.
values. D) intuitionism.
5. The values ............... are productivity and effectiveness. YO. neutrality in valuation E) socioculturalism.
A) ethical II. polarity in values
B) theoretical III. preference of one value over another INTERMEDIATE LEVEL
C) economic IV. impartiality on said values 7. Juan says that his girlfriend is beautiful and intelligent. What would
D) aesthetic A) only IV B) I, II and III C) only III Plato argue about what John said?
E) moral D) I, II and IV E) only II A) That Juan expresses a value that is in love.
B) That Juan is wrong, since there is no such thing as beauty or
6. The possibility of qualifying something as good or bad exemplifies 12. Indicate the incorrect relationship that has been established with intelligence.
a characteristic of values called the following axiological approaches. C) That he is wrong, because beauty and intelligence is beyond the
A) morality. A) Polarity: accepted and rejected. material world.
B) gradualness. B) Hierarchy: refers to more than one value. D) That he is wrong, since Juan only expresses one emotion.
C) ethics. C) Contemplative act: allows us to give scientific statements. E) That the beauty of his lover depends on Juan's point of view.
D) subjectivity. D) Graduality: refers to a value.
E) polarity. E) Evaluative act: accept and reject everything neutrally.
UNMSM 2009 - II 8. Karl Marx states that in the capitalist system the material world
Axiological theories has more value than the human world. What would Ayer say about
7. Mariana prefers to study Economics rather than Philosophy 1. The value depends on the object according to the A) That Marx is right, since in the capitalist system the material world
because it is more profitable. What characteristic of value is A) socioculturalism. has more value.
expressed in the previous statement? B) relationism. B) That Marx is wrong, because value is in an ideal world and is not
A) objective B) subjective C) gradualness C) subjectivism. due to the capitalist system.
D) polarity E) hierarchy D) objectivism. C) That Marx is right, since value is imposed by the capitalist system.
E) axiological skepticism. D) That Marx is wrong, because the material world has no more value
8. A politician states that the Cajamarcans than the human world in the capitalist system.
They do not want to progress because they reject the project 2. Who determines the value for subjectivism? E) That Karl Marx is wrong, because values do not exist.
Conga. The politician expresses about the Cajamarcans A) subject
A judgment B) object 9. The end justifies the means. What would Aristotle say about this
A) ontic. C) culture phrase?
B) contemplative. D) society A) That if the goal is happiness, then he does not agree with said
C) analytical. E) science phrase.
D) philosophical. B) Which is the other way around, since the means justify the end.
E) axiological. 3. Value is in the very things of the world according to the C) That if the end is happiness, the means would be the happy
A) naturalism. medium and prudence.
9. Álvaro, student at the Aduni academy, states B) subjective materialism. D) That he does not agree, because man does not have an end.
that no value is superior to another, C) subjective idealism. E) That he does not agree with said phrase, since there are no means
since everyone is on the same level for him. D) hedonism. to the ends.
What characteristic of value does Álvaro omit? E) subjectivism.
A) gradualness ADVANCED LEVEL
B) polarity 4. For Epicurus, what is valuable is 10. Regarding axiological theories, indicate the sequence
C) hierarchy A) useful. B) ideal. C) pleasant. correct truth (V) or falsehood (F).
D) objectivity D) good. E) material. YO. For socioculturalism, value is relative to each culture.
E) subjectivity II. Value is not subjective according to objective idealism.
III. The value is not cultural, since it does not exist for emotivism. E) conscience and instincts. C) FFFVV
IV. What causes static pleasure is valued according to hedonism. D) FVFVF
A) VFFV B) VVFV C) FFVV 5. Identify the moral standard. E) FVVVF
D) VVVV E) FVVV A) Do not take if you are a minor.
B) Study to be a better person. 11. Match the following terms with their respective statements
11. According to axiological subjectivism, values C) Always tell the truth. about ethics.
YO. They are in the subject and the object. D) Smoking is prohibited. YO. morality
II. They depend on the benefit and pleasure they bring to the E) Loving animals. II. moral
greatest number of people. III. right
III. we attribute them to objects. 6. What is moral freedom? to. Set of values and norms that guide our moral actions.
IV. They depend on the pleasure they cause to the individual. A) Ability to think good and bad. b. Set of norms that emerge after the primitive community.
A) II, III and IV B) Ability to discern good and bad. c. Set of actions typical of the person who has autonomy and the
B) I and III C) Ability to choose autonomously. ability to discern.
C) I, II and IV D) Ability to choose without autonomy, but with freedom. A) Ib, IIa, IIIc B) Ic, IIb, IIIa C) Ib, IIc, IIIa
D) I, II and III E) Ability to never do wrong. D) Ic, IIa, IIIb E) Ia, IIc, IIIb
E) III and IV
INTERMEDIATE LEVEL 12. Indicate the incorrect relationship with respect to the approaches
12. Indicate the incorrect relationship with respect to the following 7. Kant states that man is not a means but an end in himself. What to ethics according to the author.
axiological statements. value does Kant demand for men? A) Amoral: it does not have freedom or conscience or any of these.
A) Objectivism: value exists independently of the human being. For good B) Moral: allows coexistence between people.
B) Utilitarianism: what causes maximum happiness, pleasure and B) solidarity C) Freedom: ability to choose without any coercion or obligation.
benefit to the greatest number of people is valued. C) dignity D) Responsibility: the moral person possesses freedom and
C) Hedonism: the subject places value on things according to D) equality conscience.
pleasure. E) justice E) Consciousness: ability to discern only the good and not the bad.
D) Naturalism: the value is intrinsic in the objects and not extrinsic.
E) Objective idealism: value is transcendent and magnetizing in 8. Luis demands that the citizens of his country be more supportive
things. of their compatriots. What does Luis demand from the citizens of his
Ethics: morality country?
BASIC LEVEL A) The equitable distribution of goods, rewards and punishment
1. Identify the question that corresponds to ethics. among their compatriots.
A) What is value? B) The same respect for each of his compatriots.
B) What is the foundation of value? C) Maximum respect for all his compatriots.
C) What is law? D) Mutual cooperation between their compatriots.
D) What is freedom? E) Treat each other as ends in themselves and not as means among
E) Is man good by nature? their compatriots.

2. Human beings comply with moral standards by 9. Miguel observes that his classmates do not want to take
A) obligation. responsibility for their actions. In order for Luis's colleagues to be
B) convenience. responsible for their actions, they need to have
C) coercion. A) experience and ability to think.
D) conviction. B) reason and autonomy.
E) fear. C) norms and experience.
D) conscience and moral freedom.
3. What does it mean to have moral conscience? E) values and ability to think.
A) Ability to choose autonomously.
B) Ability to discern between good and bad. ADVANCED LEVEL
C) Ability to choose only the good. 10. Regarding the moral norm, indicate the correct sequence of truth
D) Ability to choose to do good or bad. (T) or falsehood (F).
E) Ability to choose to be responsible for their actions. YO. It arises with humanity or society.
II. It is fulfilled by conviction and also by obligation.
4. The legal entity owns III. It arises together with society and the State.
A) reason and responsibility. IV. It is internalized.
B) caution and responsibility. v. It arises before the State appears.
C) freedom and conscience. A) VFVVV
D) freedom and naivety. B) VFFVV

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