CA Model-2 Q .P Set 3

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(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to Anna University–Chennai & Accredited
by NBA, NAAC with “A” grade & TCS)
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Year / SEM: Date: SET-3

Time: 3 hrs Marks: 100

PART – A (10X2=20)

C Leve
O l
In a circuit consisting of two 50Ω resistors connected in series and
1 1 1. third resistor R is connected across the series resistors. The
equivalent resistance is found to be 60Ω. Calculate the resistance
value, R.
Find the current I and voltage across 30 Ω resistor in the circuit
shown in Fig.

1 1 2.

Determine the current flow through the capacitor shown in fig.

2 1 3.

2 2 4. State maximum power transfer theorem?

Determine the average power delivered to the circuit consisting of an

3 3 5. impedance z= (5+j8) Ω when the current flowing through the circuit
is I =5 ∠300 Amps.
The Voltage v=12 cos(60t+450) is applied to a 0.1H inductor. Find
3 1 6.
the steady state current through the inductor?

2 7. Determine the quality factor of a coil for the RLC series circuit has
R=10Ω , L=0.01H, C=100µF.

1 8. An RLC series circuit has R=10Ω, X C=62.833 Ω. Find the value of L

for resonance at 50HZ?
Define Incidence Matrix and its types.
5 1 9.
Differentiate oriented and unoriented graph.
5 1 10.

PART – B (5X13=65)

(a) Using Nodal Analysis, find the currents through the resistance R3
and R4 for the circuit shown in fig.


3,4 11. (b) Write the nodal equation for the network shown in fig. Hence
find the potential difference between nodes 2 and 4.


4 12. (a)(i) Find the current through 23O resistor of the given circuit using
2 superposition theorem.

(ii)Determine the current I in the network by using Thevenin’s
theorem. (6)

(b) (i)For the circuit shown, determine Norton’s equivalent circuit
between the output terminals AB. (7)

(ii) Determine the load resistance to receive maximum power from

the source and also find the power. Deliver to the load on the circuit
shown in figure.


3 3,4 13. (a)(i) A resistance of 100Ω is connected in series with a 50µF

capacitor. When the supply voltage is 200V,50Hz. Find the
impedance, current and power factor, the voltage across the resistor
and across capacitor. Draw the phasor diagram. (7)

(ii) When A Voltage Of 100V at 50Hz is applied to chocking coil 1,

the current taken is 8A and the power is 120W. When the same
supply is applied to chocking coil 2, the current is 10A and the power
is 500W. Find the current and power when the supply is applied to
two coils connected in series. (6)

(b)(i) A coil of resistance 10ohm and inductance 0.1H is connected in

series with 150µF capacitor across 200V, 50Hz. Calculate inductive
reactance, capacitive reactance, impedance, current and power factor,
voltage across the coil and capacitor. (7)

(ii) The voltage across a load is v(t) = 60 cos(ωt – 10 0)V and the
current through the element in the direction of the voltage drop is i(t)
= 1.5 cos(ωt + 500)A. Find (a) the complex and apparent powers, (b)
the real and reactive powers, and (c) the power factor and the load


(a) For the circuit shown, determine the current i1 and i2 when the
switch is closed at t=0. Assume that the initial current through the
inductor is 0.

4 4 14.


(b) A Series RLC Circuit has R=50Ω, L=0.2H and C=50 µF.
Constant voltage of 100V is impressed upon the circuit at t=0. Find
the expression for the transient current assuming initially relaxed
conditions. (13)

(a) For the electrical network shown in the figure. Draw its
5 15. topological graph and any four possible trees.
(b) For the network given, draw the graph and a tree. Show the link
currents. Write the tie set schedule for the tree, the equations for the
branch currents in terms of link currents. Also write independent


PART – C (1X15=15)
3 1,3 16. (a) (i) A coil having an inductance of 100 mH is magnetically
coupled to another coil having an inductance of 900 mH. The
efficient of coupling between the coils is 0.45. calculate the
equivalent inductance if the two coils are connected in
i. Series aiding
ii. Series opposing
iii.Parallel aiding
iv.Parallel opposing. (8)

(ii) The number of turns in two coupled coils are 500 turns and 1500
turns respectively. When 5 A current flows in coil 1, the total flux in
this coil is 0.6 *10-3 weber and the flux linking in second coil is
0.3*10-3 weber. Determine L1, L2, M and K.

(b) Determine current Io in the circuit of the figure using mesh

CO1 -To analyze and design of circuits.
CO2 – Understanding the concept of circuits.
CO3 – To study the formula’s and execution of given values.
CO4 - To study the concept of RC, RL, RLC circuits with transients method of switch
opening and closing.
CO5 – Analyzing the method of network topology and mutual inductance.

K1 – Remember, K2 – Understand, K3 – Apply, K4 – Analysis, K5 – Evaluate, K6 – Create

Subject In-charge HOD/ECE Ist Yr Co-ordinator Principal

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