p.7 Science Pre Mock Set 1 2024

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Read the following instructions carefully: FOR EXAMINERS’

1. Do not write your school or district name USE ONLY

anywhere on this paper.
2. This paper has two sections A and B. Section A has Qn. No. MARKS EXR’S
40 questions and section B has 15 questions
.This paper has 11 pages printed altogether. 1 – 10
3. Answer all questions. All the working for both 11 – 20
sections A and B must be shown in the spaces
21 – 30
4. All working must be done using a blue or black 31 – 40
ball point pen or ink. Any work done in pencil will 41 – 43
NOT be marked except drawings and diagram. 44 – 46
5. Unnecessary changes in your work and 47 – 49
handwriting that cannot be easily read may lead to
50 – 52
loss of marks.
6. Do not fill anything in the table indicated “For 53 – 55
examiners’ use only” and the boxes inside the TOTAL
question paper.

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Questions 1 to 40 carry one mark each
1- Why should a nursery bed be raised?
2- How is a vent pipe important on a VIP latrine?
3- What causes marasmus?
4- Name the sexually transmitted disease which destroys the white blood
5- What is soil erosion?
6- How are the villi adopted to their function?
7- To which type of change does ripening of fruits belong?
8- Mention the energy resource from water.
9- What are immiscible liquids?
10- Name the process that helps in the formation of urine.
11- How is iodine important in the body?
Study the diagram below and answer questions 12 and 13

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12- Name the plant process illustrated above.
13- Give the importance of the above process to the environment.
14- Name any one body organ protected by the ribcage.
15- Which sexually transmitted disease causes madness at its late stage if
not treated?
16- Where does fertilization take place in humans?
17- In which state of matter is water at 00C?
18- Briefly explain deamination.
19- How do deciduous plants breathe during dry season?
20- Why are vitamins important in one’s diet?
An illustration showing magnets in iron keepers use it to answer
questions 21 and 22.


Iron keepers
21- How do iron keepers prevent magnets from losing their magnetism?

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22- State the law of magnetism.
23- Name one condition that can lead to bottle feeding.
24- How does heat travel through iron bars?
25- How does mulching improve soil fertility?
26- Mention any one effect of early pregnancy.
27- What type of immunity do people get after immunization?
28- By what process does food move along the alimentary canal?
29- Write ECOSAN in full.
30- Name any one factor that affects the speed of sound.
The diagram below shows an instrument used in a cattle farm when
milking. Study it carefully to answer question 31 and 32.

31- Name the instrument shown above.

32- Which cattle disease is detected using the above instrument?
33- Why is a person with hook worms most likely to suffer from anemia?

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34- Which type of teeth is not common in young children?
35- What is leaf venation?
36- In which units is power measured?
37- To which group of arthropods does a millipede belong?
38- Mention the vaccine given orally apart from polio vaccine.
39- How is a rainbow formed?
40- Convert 350C to 0F


41- (a)What is a resource?
(b) Mention any one example of renewable resource.
(c)Why is the above resource in (b)above regarded as a renewable
(d) How can renewable resources be conserved?

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42- (a)Which digestive juice is produced by the stomach walls?
(b)Write the class of food which is digested in the stomach.
(c)Name the part of the digestive system where the absorption of digested
food takes place.
(d) Give any one disorder of the digestive system.
43- The diagram below is of the
reproductive system of a woman.
(a) Name the parts marked by letter A and
(b) Give the function of part marked B
(c) Identify any one sexually transmitted disease that attacks the system

44- (a)What is a machine?

(b)State any two advantages of using machines.
(c)When is work done?

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45- (a)What are root tubers?
(b)Mention any two examples of root tubers.
(c)What food value do we get from eating the above root tubers?

46- (a)Name two examples of poultry.

(b)Mention any two ways in which you can care for poultry.
47- The diagram below shows food being cooked. Use it to answer the
questions that follow.

(a) What is the importance of covering food with banana leaves when
(b) State one disadvantage of preparing food when it is not covered.
(c) Name the form of heat transfer that helps in the cooking of food.
(d) Why is it advisable to use insulators to lift a hot source pan from fire?
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48- Daniel left a nail outside for a night. He found it when it has brown
powder on the nail.
(a) What do we call the brown powder on the nail?
(b) Name the process led to the formation of the brown powder on the
(c) Give one way how the above process affect tools.
(d) State on way how the process can be prevented in metals.

49- (a)What is air?

(b)Give the component of air that makes the soil fertile.
(c) How is burning similar to rusting?
(d)Name the instrument used to put out fire.
50- The table below shows organisms in our environment. Study it
carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Ferns Conifers Moss Toad stools
(a) Give any on common similarity among the organisms A , B and C
(b) How are organisms B different from the rest of the organisms in terms
of reproduction?
(c) Why is organisms in D unable to make its own food?

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(d) Give one economic importance of organisms in B to people.
51- (a)Give the meaning of an echo as used in sound.
(b)Mention the importance of echo to man.
(c)Identify one way of controlling echoes.
(d)How do musicians change the pitch of sound in a guitar?
52- (a)What is swarming as it is used in bee keeping?
(b)Give two causes of swarming in honey bees.
(c)Which type of bees makes a buzzing sound when flying?
53- Study the diagram below and answer questions that follow.

(a)Name the gas shown by each of the

arrows D and C above.


(b) Name the process marked by each of the arrows B and A above.
A_____________________________ B_____________________________________

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54- (a)Give any two examples of commonly abused drugs.
(i)_____________________________ (ii) _________________________________
(b)State any one danger of drug abuse to an individual.
(c)Mention any on reason why people smoke.

55- (a)What are natural changes?

(b)Give any two examples of natural changes.
(c)Mention one effect of natural changes to the environment.


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