2019 Dec. EE203-H - Ktu Qbank
2019 Dec. EE203-H - Ktu Qbank
2019 Dec. EE203-H - Ktu Qbank
1 Design a clamper circuit to create a dc offset of -3V to a sine wave input of (5)
amplitude 5V also draw the output waveform
2 Draw the frequency response of CE amplifier and explain why gain falls at very (5)
high frequencies & very low frequencies.
3 What is the concept of negative feedback in amplifiers? List out the advantages (5)
of negative feedback in amplifiers.
4 Show that the closed loop gain of opamp amplifier can be made independent of (5)
its open loop gain.
5 Draw the circuit diagram of a Schmitt trigger. Why it is called as a regenerative (5)
6 Explain with neat circuit diagram, the operation of Logarithmic amplifier (5)
7 How triangular wave can be generated using opamps? (5)
8 Determine the output frequency of the 555 astable multivibrator for C=0.01µF, (5)
RA=2kΩ & RB=200kΩ.
Answer any twofull questions, each carries10 marks.
9 Design a Voltage divider circuit for a silicon transistor with hfe=100 and S≤8. (10)
The desired Q-point is VCE=5V, IC=1mA. Assume VCC=10V and RE=1kΩ
10 Explain using neat sketches, the operation & characteristics of a n-channel JFET. (10)
11 a) Illustrate with neat circuit diagram how the change in base emitter voltage is (5)
compensated in transistor amplifiers
b) Draw the Hybrid-π model of BJT and explain significance of each parameters. (5)
Answer any twofull questions, each carries10 marks.
12 Show that the maximum conversion efficiency of class A power amplifier can be (10)
increased using transformer coupling.
13 Draw the neat circuit diagram of RC phase shift oscillator and derive its (10)
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frequency of oscillations
14 a) List out the advantages and disadvantages of a transformer coupled multistage (5)
b) How CMRR and Slew rate influence the performance of an opamp? (5)
Answer any twofull questions, each carries 10 marks.
15 With neat circuit diagram, explain the operation of an Instrumentation amplifier (10)
and derive an expression for its voltage gain. What are its advantages?
16 Draw the internal circuit diagram of 555 IC and explain its operation as astable (10)
17 a) Explain the working of half wave precision rectifier using neat circuit diagram (5)
b) With neat circuit diagram explain the operation of Wien bridge oscillator using (5)
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