Answer Answer All Questions, Each Carries 3 Marks
Answer Answer All Questions, Each Carries 3 Marks
Answer Answer All Questions, Each Carries 3 Marks
3 What is line regulation and load regulation in the context of a voltage regulator. (3)
4 Compare between FET and BJT. (3)
Answer any two full questions, each carries 9 marks
5 a) Draw the circuit of an RC differentiator and explain how it differentiate a square (4)
signal. Draw the input and output waveforms.
b) Design a good differentiator circuit for a square wave signal with Vpp = 10V and (5)
frequency 10 KHz.
Also draw the input and the output waveforms.
6 With neat sketches,
sketches explain the construction, principle of operation, and (9)
N-channel enhancement MOSFET.
characteristics of anN
7 Draw the circuit diagram of a transistorised series voltage regulator and explain (9)
how regulation is achieved. Also improve this circuit by introducing over current
protection in it.
Answer all questions, each carries 3 marks
8 Name the three non--sinusoidal
sinusoidal oscillators. Do any of them have memory? Justify (3)
your answer.
9 What are the classification of amplifiers. (3)
10 Explain the effect of negative feedback on the gain of the amplifier. (3)
11 State and explain Barkhausen criteria for sustained oscillation.
oscillation (3)
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E E3842 Pages: 2
Answer any two full questions, each carries 9 marks
12 Draw the circuit of an RC coupled amplifier and explain the function of each (9)
element. Sketch the frequency response and write the reasons for gain reduction in
both ends.
13 Draw the circuit of an astable multivibrator using transistors and explain its (9)
working with a sketch of the waveforms at the collector and base terminals of both
the transistors.
14 Consider a self-biasing
biasing circuit shown in figure below with VCC = 20 V, RC = (9)
1.5k,, which is operated at Q-point
Q (VCE = 8V, IC = 4mA). If hFE () = 100, find
R1, R2 and RE. Assume VBE=0.7 V
Answer any four full questions, each carries 10 marks
15 a) Draw and explain the functional blocks that constitute an Op-Amp
Op Amp (5)
b) Draw the circuit diagram of a 3-input
3 input summing amplifier using Op Op-Amp and (5)
explain its working with supporting derivations.
16 a) Sketch the circuit of an a integrator circuit using Op-Amp
Amp and prove that the (5)
integration happens on the input signal.
b) Draw the circuit of a Schmitt trigger using Op-ampand
ampand explain its hysteresis curve. (5)
17 Explain the terms gain,
g bandwidth, slew rate, CMRR and offset voltage in the (10)
context of an Op-Amp.
18 a) Design and draw a first order low pass filter using Op-Amp,
Op Amp, with higher cut off (5)
frequency of 2GHz and pass band gain of 2.
b) With a neat block diagram explain successive approximation type A/D convertor
convertor. (5)
19 With neat functional diagram explain the working of an astable multivibrator using (10)
IC555 timer. Also write the expression for the time period.
20 a) Draw and explain R--2R ladder type D/A convertor circuit. (5)
b) Draw the circuit diagram of a simple sample and hold circuit and explain the (5)
necessity of this circuit in A to D conversion.
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