NLC Math 2 Consolidation WB v.1

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Consolidation Camp

Learner’s Workbook
Consolidation Learning Camp

Learner’s Workbook

Mathematics Grade 2

Table of Contents

Day 1: Lesson 1 ........................................................................................ 1

Giving the Place Value and Finding the Value of a Digit in
Three- Digit Numbers
Day 2: Lesson 2 ........................................................................................ 4
Reading and Writing Numbers up to 1000 in Symbols and in Words
Day 3: Lesson 3 ........................................................................................ 6
Adding Numbers with sums up to 100 in Expanded Form
Day 4: Lesson 4 ........................................................................................ 8
Ordering Numbers Up to 1000 from Smallest to Largest and Vice
Day 5: Lesson 5 ...................................................................................... 13
Determining the next term/s in Increasing or decreasing Pattern
Day 6: Lesson 6 ...................................................................................... 16
Creating Increasing or Decreasing Pattern
Day 7: Lesson 7 ...................................................................................... 20
Visualizes and counts numbers by 2s, 5s, 10s, 50s, and 100s
Day 8: Lesson 8 ...................................................................................... 23
Comparing Using Relational Symbol and Arranging in Increasing or
Day 9: Lesson 9 ...................................................................................... 28
Visualizing, Representing, and Adding Two-Digit by Three-Digit and
Three-Digit by Three-Digit Numbers with Sums up to 1000 without
and with Regrouping
Day 10: Lesson 10 .................................................................................. 32
Solving Routine and Non-routine Problems Involving Addition of
Whole Numbers Including Money with Sums up to 1000 Using
Appropriate Problem-solving Strategies and Tools

Day 11: Lesson 11 .................................................................................. 35
Subtracting Numbers Where Both Numbers are Less Than 1000, with
and without Regrouping
Day 12: Lesson 12 .................................................................................. 41
Solving Routine and Non-routine Problems Involving Subtraction of
Whole Numbers Including Money with Minuends up to 1000 Using
Appropriate Problem-solving Strategies and Tools
Day 13: Lesson 13 .................................................................................. 45
Illustrating and Writing Multiplication as Repeated Addition Using
Variety of Concrete and Pictorial Models and Numerals Using
Group of Equal Quantities, Arrays, Counting by Multiples and Equal
Jumps on a Number Line and Writing a Related Equation for Each
Type of Multiplication: Repeated Addition, Array, Counting by
Multiples, and Equal Jumps on the Number Line.
Day 14: Lesson 14 .................................................................................. 49
Illustrating the following Properties of Multiplication and Applying
each in Relevant Situation: (a) Identity, (b) Zero, and (c)
Day 15: Lesson 15 .................................................................................. 52
Multiplying Numbers Using the 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10.
Day 16: Lesson 16 .................................................................................. 55
Illustrating and Writing Division Expressions Using a Variety of
Concrete and Pictorial Models and Numerals in Modeling Division
as: Equal sharing or Formation of Equal Groups of objects and
Repeated Subtraction.
Day 17: Lesson 17 .................................................................................. 61
Dividing Numbers Using 2,3,4,5, and 10 Multiplication Table
Day 18: Lesson 18 .................................................................................. 64
Solving Division Problems Using the 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 Multiplication
Tables, Including Problem Involving Money

Day 19: Lesson 19 .................................................................................. 68
Representing and Describing Circles, Half Circles and Quarter
Day 20: Lesson 20 .................................................................................. 73
Composing and Decomposing Composite Figures Made up of
Squares, Rectangles, Triangles, Circles, Half Circles and Quarter
Circles Using Cut-outs and Square Grids
Day 21: Lesson 21 .................................................................................. 77
Determining Missing Term/s of a Given Continuous Pattern using
Two Attributes
Day 22: Lesson 22 .................................................................................. 81
Determines the missing terms using one attribute in a given
continuous pattern and in a given repeating pattern
Day 23: Lesson 23 .................................................................................. 81
Identifying and Explaining the Difference Between Straight and
Curve Lines and Flat and Curve Surfaces of 3-Dimentional Object

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics for Grade 2 Lesson 1
Giving the Place Value and Finding the Value of a Digit in Three-Digit

Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)

1. Tell the number represented by each of the figures using the illustration below.

2. Can you still recall how each of these figures is called?
3. If you combine 2 flats, 3 longs, and 4 unit blocks, what number will be formed?
4. Write the number represented and supply the digits in the Place Value Chart.

Hundreds Tens Ones

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)

Key words/terms are:
• Place Value
• Value
• Digit
• Number
• Place Value Chart

Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
1.Give the value of the underlined digit in each number.
a. What is the place value of the underlined digit 100, 20 and 8?

b. Which digit is in the hundreds place? tens? ones? In the number 100, 20, and 8?

2.Show the pupils the chart of the place value. Let them remember that there are three
columns in the chart namely: The Blue column represents the hundreds place, the red
column represents tens place, and the white column represents ones place.

Hundreds Tens Ones

a. How many chips are there in the hundreds of places?
b. If there are 2 chips under the hundreds place and each chip represent 100, what is its
c. How many chips are there in the tens place?
d. If there are 3 chips under tens place and each chip represents 10, what is its value?
e. How many chips are there in the ones place?
f. If there are 2 chips under ones place each chip represents 1, what is its value?
g. What is value of the digits in the smallest number that can be formed using the same

Part 4B
Item 1
1. What is the value of 3 in the number 369?
2. What number is in the place value of tens in this given number 750?
3. What is the value of 9 in the number 689?

Part 4C
Item 2
1. Put in the proper column the right place value of the given number 549.

2. What is the value of 1 in number 591?

3. What is the value and place value of 7 in number 872?

Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals)

1. What did you feel about doing this activity?

2. Did it help you to learn the place value and value of a number?

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics for Grade 2 Lesson 2
Reading and Writing Numbers in Words and Symbols Up to 1000.

Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)

1. Give the value and place value of the underlined number below.
Value Place Value
1. 533
2. 321

2.What do you call the place value of the number in the second position from left to right?
3.What do you call the place value of the number in the third position from left to right? e

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)

Key words/terms are:
• Digit
• Number
• Words
• Symbol
Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
1. Make three numbers using the number cards.

9 2 0 5

a. What number you have formed from the given number cards?
b. Write it in words and read it aloud.

2. Show pupils’ different examples of number cards, number words and let them answer the
following in symbols and words.

Number Cards In words

a. 780
b. 896
c. 577

Number Cards In Symbols

a. Five Hundred Sixty-One
b. Two Hundred Ninety-Four
c. Six Hundred Thirty-Five

a. How do you write number words properly?

b. How do you write numbers in symbols?
c. How many digits does thousand have?
d. How many digits do hundreds have?
e. How many digits do tens have?
Part 4B
Item 1
1. How do you write these numbers in symbols, Eight hundred sixty-one?
2. Write 476 in number words.
Part 4C
Item 2
1. How do you write 112 words?
2. How do you write Six hundred nine in symbols?
3. How do you write Five hundred eighty-six?
Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals
1. What do you feel in doing this activity?
2. What is your most learning in this activity?

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics for Grade 2 Lesson 3
Adding Numbers with sums up to 100 in Expanded Form

Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)

1. How to write 3562 in words?
2. How to write three thousand seven hundred three in symbols?
3. What do you call this step we took?

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)

Key words/terms are:
• Digit
• Number
• Expanded Form
• Amount
• Value
Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
Look at the illustration below, how do you write these symbols in expanded form?

2 3 2 3
1. How do you write numbers in expanded form?
a. What is the expanded form of the illustrated image above?
b. How many digits does the illustration above have?
2. Show the expanded form of the following numbers

a) 986 = __________ + ___________+ ____________

b) 6,789 = __________ + ___________+ ____________+ ___________

c) 8,052 = ___________+ ___________+ ____________+___________

a.Write the numbers in expanded form of the following images below:

Part 4B
Item 1
1. What is the expanded form of 463?
2. What is the exact value of the expanded numbers 500 + 60 + 2?
Part 4C
Item 2
1. Does 300+40+9 is equal to 349?
2. Does 500+70+3 is equal to 678?
Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals)
1. What do you feel in doing this activity?
2. Did it help you to learn something?

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics for Grade 2 Lesson 4
Ordering Numbers Up to 1000 from Smallest to Largest and Vice Versa
Key Idea
Order Numbers Up to 1000 from Smallest to Largest and Vice Versa.
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)
Ladder Game: Compare the numbers and arrange it in order from smallest to largest .
1. Arrange the numbers from smallest to largest.

46 34 98 93 88

2. Arrange the numbers from largest to smallest.

312 114 423 192 505

3. Arrange the numbers from smallest to largest.

6 456 9 345 7 345 4 345

4. Arrange the numbers from largest to smallest.

9 099 9 109 9 009 9 090

Lesson Component 2 (Lesson Purpose/Intention)
To arrange the numbers from smallest to largest or vice versa, compare the largest value
from other number or vice versa. Arrange them from Increasing number meaning from
smallest to largest or decreasing number meaning from largest number to smallest number.
In comparing two digit number we use the symbol >(Greater than) < (Less than) and =
Now, let’s compare numbers up to 1000 using >, <, or =, and arrange them to Increasing
and decreasing order.

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)

Key words/terms are:
• Greater than
• Less than
• Relation symbols
• Ordering numbers
• Increasing Order
• Decreasing order
• Smallest
• Largest
Part 4A

Stem for Items 1 and 2

1.Study the Data. Ask them in what place value does the corresponding numbers
belongs. Let the pupils count the Popsicle sticks that represent the numbers.
Given Thousands
Hundreds Tens Ones
1 Popsicle 3 Popsicle 4 Popsicle
stick sticks sticks

3 Popsicle 2 Popsicle 5 Popsicle

sticks sticks sticks

135 < 325

a. Look at the hundred place, which value is higher, the number 1 that represents 100 or
the number 3 that represents 300?
b. To know which number is higher between the two set, compare the highest place value
c. Write the correct relation symbol to compare the given numbers. Is it >, <, or =?

2. Count the popsicle sticks and write the number to its corresponding place value.
Compare and arrange the numbers in increasing order.

a. What is the highest place value?
b. Compare the popsicle sticks which group has a greater number, start from the highest
place value.
c. Arrange the Given number in increasing order. The more popsicle sticks in the highest
place value the greater is the number.
d. How will you write the number from least to greatest?

Part 4B
Item 2
1. Using the digits 352 and 413, draw the number of chips that corresponds to its place
value. Compare them. Which relation symbol fits in the blank?

Given Thousands
Hundreds Tens Ones


3 popsicle 5 popsicle 2 popsicle

sticks sticks sticks

4 popsicle 1 popsicle 3 popsicle
sticks sticks sticks

352 _______ 413

2. Using the digits 622 and 722 draw a smiley face that corresponds to its place value.
Compare them. start from the highest place value. Which relation symbol fits in the blank?
Given Thousands
Hundreds Tens Ones


6 smiley face 2 smiley face 2 smiley face


7 smiley face 2 smiley face 2 smiley face

622 _______ 722

Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals):

o What do you think were the key mathematical concepts addressed in this
o Would you rate your level of understanding of the material covered in this
lesson as high, moderate, or low?
o Has the lesson helped you to gain further insight into aspects of the
material covered that represent strengths or represent weaknesses?
o What would you describe as the main barriers, if any, to your ongoing
progress and achievement in relation to the topic area addressed in this
o What do you think would best assist your ongoing progress and
achievement in relation to the topic area?

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics for Grade 2 Lesson 5
Determining the next term/s in Increasing or decreasing Pattern

Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)

1. Count the number of suns, write the number on the space provided. Study the pattern to find
the missing number.

1 2 3 4

2. Count the number of balls, write the number on the space provided. Study the pattern to find
the missing number.

2 4 6 8

3. Count the number of pins, write the number on the space provided. Study the pattern to find
the missing number.

3 6 9 12

Lesson Component 2 (Lesson Purpose/Intention)

Teacher states:
Number patterns have a rule or pattern that determine the arrangement of a particular number. To find the
missing term we should determine the pattern. Those patterns involve increasing, decreasing and
sometimes it uses basic operation like addition and subtraction.

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)
Key words/terms are:
Key words/terms are:
• Number Pattern
• Term
• Continuous Pattern
• Increasing
• Decreasing

Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)

Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
1. Study the number set.

6, 9, 12, 15, 18 , __
2. Study the number set.

30, 25, 20,15,10, __

Part 4B
Item 1
1. Study the set of numbers and find the missing Pattern.

12, 16, 20, 24, __,

2. Have your skip counting of 5’s. What is the missing pattern?

45, 40 ,35 ,30,

3. Decreasing number. What is the next pattern?

10, 9, 8, _, 6, 5
Part 4C
Item 2
Find the pattern then write the missing term on the space provided.

4, 6, __, 10, __, 14


42, 40 , __, __,34,32


63, __, 57, 54, __, 48

Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals)
o What do you think were the key mathematical concepts addressed in this lesson?
o Would you rate your level of understanding of the material covered in this lesson as high,
moderate, or low?
o Has the lesson helped you to gain further insight into aspects of the material covered that
represent strengths or represent weaknesses?
o What would you describe as the main barriers, if any, to your ongoing progress and
achievement in relation to the topic area addressed in this lesson?
o What do you think would best assist your ongoing progress and achievement in relation to
the topic area?

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics for Grade 2 Lesson 6
Creating Increasing or Decreasing Pattern
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)
1. Count the number of the flower/s, Draw the missing pattern, and write the number on the
space provided. Examine the pattern in finding the missing pattern.

1 2

2. Draw the missing pattern on the space provided. Examine the pattern in finding the missing

3. Draw the missing pattern on the space provided. Examine the pattern in finding the
missing pattern.

4. Draw the missing pattern on the space provided. Examine the pattern in finding the missing

Lesson Component 2 (Lesson Purpose/Intention)

A Number pattern is a repeated arrangement of each set of the number. In finding the pattern,
examine the given numbers from first up to the last. Check the repeated numbers and their pattern using
one attribute.
Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)
Key words/terms are:
• Number Pattern
• Term
• Sequence
• Continuous Pattern
• Repeating Pattern
Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
1. Study the number set. Find the missing pattern.

3, 5, 7, __, 5 , __
a. What is the first number in the given set?
b. How about the second number?
c. How about the third?
d. Did you find any repeated numbers? What number ?
e. What number is before the repeated number? How about after the repeated number?
f. Are number is increasing? By how many?
f. What should be the 4th and last missing number?

2. Study the number set. Find the missing pattern.

12, 15, 18, 3, __, 9

a. What is the first number in the given set?
b. How about the second number?
c. How about the third and fourth?
d. Do you see any pattern?
e. Do you find the gap between the numbers?

f. What should be the 5th missing number?

Part 4B
Item 1
1. Have your skip counting of 4’s. What is the missing pattern?

4, 8, 12, 4, __, 12, __

2. Study the set of numbers and find the missing Pattern.

6, 10, 14, 6, __, 14, __

3. Find the pattern and supply the missing terms.

4, 5, 6, __, 5, 6, 4, __
Part 4C
Item 2
Find the pattern then write the missing term on the space provided.
1. Study the set of numbers and find the missing Pattern.

100 , 150 , 200, 100, ___, 200, ___


20, 25, 30, 35, 20__, 30, ___


5, 5, 10, 10, 15, __, 20, 20, __

Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals)
o What do you think were the key mathematical concepts addressed in this lesson?
o Would you rate your level of understanding of the material covered in this lesson as
high, moderate, or low?
o Has the lesson helped you to gain further insight into aspects of the material covered
that represent strengths or represent weaknesses?
o What would you describe as the main barriers, if any, to your ongoing progress and
achievement in relation to the topic area addressed in this lesson?
o What do you think would best assist your ongoing progress and achievement in relation
to the topic area?

Mathematics Grade 2 Worksheet 7
Visualizes and counts numbers by 2s, 5s, 10s, 50s, and 100s

Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)

Time: 10 minutes
1. If each box has 5 eggs inside, count and choose how many eggs are there in all.
A. 40 C. 30
B. 25 D. 50

2. Write the missing numbers to complete the pattern.

2 4 10 12

3. What comes next to the numbers 60, ____, _____,90, 100?

A. 40 & 50 B. 70 & 80 C. 80 & 90 D. 70 & 50

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)

Time: 10 minutes
Key words/terms are:
• Pattern
• Number Line
• Skip Counting
Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Time: 30 minutes
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
Study the given number lines below.

by 2s 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

by 5s 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
by 10s

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
by 50s

by 100s 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

a. What have you noticed on the first number line?
b. Started with the number_____ and ended with _____.
c. How many of each jump were added on the first number? The second number and so
d. This is called skip counting by _________?
e. Ask the same questions to the following number lines.
Part 4B
Item 1
1. Count by 2s to complete the given set of numbers.

2, 4, ____, ____, 10

2. Count by 5s to complete the given set of numbers.

10, 15, 20, ___, ___

3. Count by 10s to complete the given set of numbers.

___, 20, 30, ___, 50

Part 4C
Item 2
1. Count by 10s to complete the given numbers.

50 60 __ __ _90
__ __ __
__ __
2. __
Count by 50s to complete the given numbers.

___ 150 200 250 ___

3. Count by 100s to complete the given numbers.

300 ___ 500 600 ___ 800

Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals)

• What were the main mathematical concepts that you learned today?
• What new vocabulary words have you encountered today? How are you going to use
• Has the topic helped you improve your skills in counting numbers?
• Which part of the lesson did you have the most difficulty with?
• State the strengths and weaknesses you gained from this topic. What is your plan to
improve your weaknesses?

Mathematics Grade 2 Lesson Plan 8
Comparing Using Relational Symbol and Arranging in Increasing
or Decreasing Order the Unit Fractions

Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)

Time: 10 minutes
1. Which of the two rectangles shows 1/2?

2. Which of the two rectangles shows 1/3?

3. Which of the two rectangles shows 1/4?

4. Which of the two rectangles shows 1/6?

5. Which of the two rectangles shows 1/8?

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)

Time: 10 minutes
Key words/terms are:
• Unit Fraction
• Increasing Order
• Decreasing Order
Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Time: 30 minutes
Part 4A
1. In comparing unit fractions, we are using the relation symbols like:

> greater than, < less than , = equal

When comparing unit fractions always remember that when the denominator is small it has
a larger part, and the larger the denominator it has a smaller part.

Study the given unit fractions below.

2 > 1
a. What are the given fractions?
b. Which of the two fractions is bigger? Which one is small?
c. What relation symbol was used to compare the two fractions?
d. How did the comparison happen?

Study the given unit fractions below.

8 < 1

e. What are the given fractions?
f. Which of the two fractions is bigger? Which one is small?
g. What relation symbol was used to compare the two fractions?
h. How did the comparison happen?

Study the given unit fractions below.

4 = 1
i. What are the given fractions?
j. Which of the two fractions is bigger? Which one is small?
k. What relation symbol was used to compare the two fractions?
l. How did the comparison happen?
2. The order of the unit fraction is working from smallest to largest (least to greatest or ascending)
or largest to smallest (greatest to least or descending). To arrange unit fractions in increasing
and decreasing order, we must know first if the fractions given are greater than or less than the
other fractions. The relation symbols help us to know which fractions are bigger or smaller.

1 1 1
8 6 2
a. What are the given fractions?
b. Which of the three fractions has the biggest value? Which has the smallest value?
c. How did the comparison happen between the fractions?
d. What order of unit fractions was shown?
Study another example.

1 1 1
2 6 8
a. What are the given fractions?
b. Which of the three fractions has the biggest value? Which has the smallest value?
c. How did the comparison happen between the fractions?

d. What order of unit fractions was shown?
Part 4B
Item 1
1. Compare the unit fractions below.

1 1
2 3
2. Compare the unit fractions below.

1 1
8 4
3. Compare the unite fractions below.

1 1
6 6
Part 4C
Item 2
1. Arrange the unit fractions in increasing order. Write your answer in the space provided.

1 1 1
4 2 3

Answer: _____, ______, _____

2. Arrange the unit fractions in decreasing order. Write your answer in the space provided.

1 1 1
3 8 5

Answer: _____, ______, _____

Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals)

Mathematics Grade 2 Lesson Plan 9
Visualizing, Representing, and Adding Two-Digit by Three-Digit
and Three-Digit by Three-Digit Numbers with Sums up to 1000
without and with Regrouping

Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)

Time: 10 minutes
1. Write the corresponding number of the representations. Write your answer on the
space provided.

100 100 100 Total Number


100 100 100

2. Write the corresponding number of the representations. Write your answer on the
space provided.

10 10 Total Number

1 1

10 1 1

3. Sum up the total number from 1 and 2. 6 0 3

+ 3 4

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)
Time: 10 minutes
Key words/terms are:
• Addition
• Addends
• Sum
• With Regrouping
• Without Regrouping
Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Time: 30 minutes
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
1. Read the short story.
One Sunday morning, Tine and Owy went to the beach to catch some seashells.
After 2 hours of collecting, they take a rest under a shed of a very big tree. They were
happy to see the beautiful seashells that they had found. They counted all the seashells
in their baskets, Owy had collected 105 seashells while Tine had collected 132 seashells.
a. Who are the characters in the story?
b. How many seashells did Owy collect?
c. How many seashells did Tine collect?
d. How many seashells did they collect together?
e. Using the place value chart, let us know how many seashells they collected together.


105 1 0 5

132 1 3 2
TOTAL 2 3 7
f. Let us sum up first the numbers under One’s Place, which are 5 and 2.
g. Then, let us sum up the numbers under Tens Place, which are 0 and 3.
h. Last, let us sum up the numbers under Hundreds Place, which are 1 and 1.
i. What is the sum of the given numbers?
j. Study another example.

Number 1

245 3 5 7

321 4 3 5
TOTAL 7 9 12

l. Let us sum up first the numbers under One's Place, which are 7 and 5 and the sum is
12. Since we already have 12 ones in the one’s column, we can rename them as 1 ten
and 2 ones. Then, we regroup 1 ten in the tens place and place the remaining 2 ones in
the ones place.
m. Then, let us sum up the numbers under Tens Place, which are 5, 3, and the regroup
number 1.
n. Last, let us sum up the numbers under Hundreds Place, which are 3 and 4.
o. What is the sum of the given numbers?
Part 4B
Item 1
1. Using the Place Value Chart, solve the sum of 245 and 321.


245 2 4 5
321 3 2 1

2. What is the sum of 633 and 25? Use the place value chart to plot the numbers and to
get the answer.


633 6 3 3
25 2 5

Part 4C
Item 2
1. Find the sum of 455 and 27.
2. Find the sum of 255 and 35.
3. Find the sum of 329 and 15.

Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals)

• What were the main mathematical concepts that you learned today?
• What new vocabulary words have you encountered today? How are you going to use
• Has the topic helped you improve your skills in counting numbers?
• Which part of the lesson did you have the most difficulty with?
• State the strengths and weaknesses you gained from this topic. What is your plan to
improve your weaknesses?

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics Grade 2 Lesson 10
Solving Routine and Non-routine Problems Involving Addition of Whole
Numbers Including Money with Sums up to 1000 Using Appropriate
Problem-solving Strategies and Tools
Key Idea
Solve routine and non-routine problems involving addition of whole numbers including money
with sums up to 1000 using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)
Time: 10 minutes
What is the total amount of Philippine money shown in each number?

1. +

2. +
3. +

4. +
Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)
Time: 10 minutes
Key words/terms are:
• routine problems
• non-routine problems
• money
• strategies and tools

Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Time: 30 minutes
Part 4A
Stem for items 1 and 2
1. Read and understand the problem carefully then answer the questions that follow.

Aling Marta went to the market to buy fruits. She bought a kilo of
mangoes worth ₱ 200.00 at the first stall. Then she bought bananas worth
₱ 150.00 and watermelon for ₱ 80.00. How much money did Aling Marta
spend in buying fruits at the market?

1. Who went to the market?
2. What did Aling Marta bought at the market?
3. How much did the mangoes cost?
4. How much did the bananas cost?
5. How much did the watermelon cost?

2. Read the problem carefully.

During Christmas days, James received a cash gift from his Ninong worth
₱ 300.00 while his uncle gave him ₱ 500.00. Also, his grandfather gave him
₱ 1000.00. How much was the total money does he have?

a. Using the Philippine real/play money bills and coins, can you show me the
amount received by James from his Ninong?
b. Can anyone show me how much money does he received from his uncle?
c. Which bill represents the amount of money he received from his grandfather?
d. What is the total amount of cash gifts he received during the Christmas days?
e. Is it easier to solve the problem using real/ play money?
f. Provide another non-routine problem to be solved using real/ play money.

Part 4B
Item 1
Read the problem carefully then answer the questions that follow.

Mang Jose has 340 chickens and 135 goats in his farm. How many
animals does Mang Jose have in his farm?

1. Understand
a. What is asked in the problem?
b. What are given?
2. Plan
c. What operation will be used to solve the problem?
d. Write the Number Sentence.
3. Solve
4. Look back. Check your answer.

Part 4C
Item 2
Bring out your play money to answer the following problems.
1. Bryan bought a shirt worth ₱250.00 and a pants worth ₱500.00. How much does his
clothes cost?

2. Aling Maria went to the mall and bought a table worth ₱650.00 and 4 chairs worth
₱450.00 for their kitchen. How much money did Aling Maria spent for the table and
3. Justin sells fruits and vegetables at the market for 3 weeks and earned profit as shown
below. How much did he earn for 3 weeks of selling fruits?

+ +

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals)

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics Grade 2 Lesson 11
Subtracting Numbers Where Both Numbers are Less Than 1000, with
and without Regrouping
Key Idea
Subtract numbers where both numbers are less than 1000, with and without regrouping.
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)Time:
10 minutes
DIRECTIONS: Find the difference of the two sets of blocks in each number.


2. -

3. -
Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)Time:
10 minutes
Key words/terms are:
• Subtraction
• Minuend
• Subtrahend
• Subtraction With Regrouping

• Subtraction Without Regrouping

Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)

Time: 30 minutes
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
Activity # 1
a. Get the Trading Board and triangles. Show it to the class.
b. Ask a pupil to give the least 2-digit number that can be formed using the digits 5 and 8.
c. Write and plot the corresponding triangles on the first row of the Trading Board.
d. Ask another pupil to givethe least 2-digit that can be formed using the digits 2, and 6. Plot
the corresponding triangles on the second row of the Trading Board.
e. Ask the pupils to get the sum of the formed numbers.

Given number Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones




a. Let us count the triangles by column. In the ones column, there are 8 orange triangles on

the first row and 6 orange triangles on the second row, what is the difference? Write the

answer on the third row.

b. In the tens column, there are 5 green triangles on the first row and 2 green triangles on

the second row, can you subtract? Write the answer on the third row.

c. What is the difference of the numbers?

d. Provide another set of numbers, this time provide 3-digit minuends and let the pupil

subtract without regrouping using the Trading Board.

Activity # 2
Read the given numbers and plot the corresponding triangles.

Given number Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones





a. Let us count the triangles by column. In the ones column, there is 1 triangle on the first row

and 5 orange triangles on the second row, Can you subtract 5 from 1? Since you can’t, trade 1

triangle from the tens place for 10 triangles in the ones place. The 4 triangles in the tens place will

now become 3, while the 1 triangle in the ones place will now become 11. Can you now subtract 5

from 11?

b. In the tens column, there are 3 triangles left in the first row and 2 triangles in the second

row. What is the difference? Write the answer in the third row.

c. In the hundreds column, there are 6 triangles in the first row and 3 triangles in the second row.

Can you subtract? Write the answer in the third row.

d. What is the difference of the numbers?

e. Provide another set of 2-digit and 3-digit minuends and let the pupils subtract with regrouping

using the Trading Board.

Part 4B
Item 1
1. Using the Trading Board, solve for difference of 726 and 413.

Given number Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones




2. What is the difference of 823 and 534? Plot the corresponding triangles on the
Trading Board to represent the numbers and get the difference.

Given number Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones




3. In the equation 346 - 52 = N, find the value of N using the Trading Board.

Given number Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones




Part 4C
Item 2
1. Using the Trading Board, solve for difference of 973 and 246.

Given number Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones




2. What is the difference of 856 and 782? Plot the corresponding triangles on the
Trading Board to represent the numbers and get the answer.

Given number Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones




3. In the equation 785 - 35 = N, find the value of N using the Trading Board.

Given number Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones




Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals)

▪ What do you think were the key mathematical concepts addressed in this
▪ Would you rate your level of understanding of the material covered in this
lesson as high, moderate, or low?
▪ Has the lesson helped you to gain further insight into aspects of the
materialcovered that represent strengths or represent weaknesses?
▪ What would you describe as the main barriers, if any, to your ongoing
progress and achievement in relation to the topic area addressed in this
▪ What do you think would best assist your ongoing progress and achievementin
relation to the topic area?

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics Grade 2 Lesson 12
Solving Routine and Non-routine Problems Involving Subtraction of
Whole Numbers Including Money with Minuends up to 1000 Using
Appropriate Problem-solving Strategies and Tools
Key Idea
Solve routine and non-routine problems involving subtraction of whole numbers including
money with minuends up to 1000 using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)
Time: 10 minutes
Find the difference of the amount of Philippine money in each number.

1. -

2. -

3. -

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)
Time: 10 minutes
Key words/terms are:
• Polya’s Four Step Problem Solving Method.
• Illustration Method
• Savings
• Withdrawal
• Change
Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Time: 30 minutes
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
1. Read the problem carefully.

During recess time, Andrew went to the canteen and bought biscuits
worth ₱20 as his snack. How much will be his change if he will give the
seller a one-hundred-peso bill?

a. Who went to the Canteen to buy a snack?
b. What did he buy there?
c. How much does a biscuit cost?
d. How much money did he give the seller to pay for the biscuit?
e. We can solve this problem using Polya’s Four Step Problem Solving Method. Since the
first step is to understand it,find out what is asked. Then, tell me what are the given
f. If second step is to plan, identify the operation to be used and write a number sentence
that can solve the problem.
g. Now that we are on the third step, who can go to the board and solve?
h. Finally, check and look back. How much change will Andrew receive?
i. Provide another routine problem to be solved using Polya’s Method.

2. Read the problem carefully.

Jason received ₱500 from her grandmother during his birthday. He gave ₱250
to his younger brother from it. How much will be left from his money?

a. Using the Philippine bills and coins, can you show me the amount of Jason’s money
given by her grandmother during his birthday?
b. Using play/ real money, can anyone show me how much he left from Jason’s money after
giving some of it to his younger brother?
c. How will we find the amount left after giving some of his money to his younger brother?
e. Is it easier to solve the problem using real/ play money?
f. Provide another non-routine problem to be solved using illustration.

Part 4B
Item 1
Read the problem carefully then answer the questions that follow.

Julius bought a lechon for the Christmas Celebration worth ₱4,000. He got
the money from his piggy bank savings worth ₱8,500 in buying the lechon. How much
left from the savings of Julius?

1. Understand
a. What is asked in the problem?
b. What are given?
2. Plan
c. What operation will be used to solve the problem?
d. Write the Number Sentence.
3. Solve
4. Check and Look Back

Part 4C
Item 2
Use play money or illustration to answer the following problems.
1. Wilson bought a cellphone worth ₱8500. If she paid the cashier ₱1000, how much
will his change be?
2. Mang Isagani has 245 chickens in his farm. If he sold 145 chicken to a buyer, how
many chickens would be left unsold?
3. Marlon needs to travel a distance of 85 kilometers to reach his destination. If he
reached a distance of 50 kilometers from the starting point, how long would he need
to travel to reach his destination?

Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals)

o What would you describe as the main barriers, if any, to your ongoing
progress and achievement in relation to the topic area addressed in this
o What do you think would best assist your ongoing progress and achievement
in relation to the topic area?

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics for Grade 2 Lesson 13
Illustrating and Writing Multiplication as Repeated Addition Using Variety of
Concrete and Pictorial Models and Numerals Using Group of Equal Quantities,
Arrays, Counting by Multiples and Equal Jumps on a Number Line and Writing a
Related Equation for Each Type of Multiplication: Repeated Addition, Array,
Counting by Multiples, and Equal Jumps on the Number Line.

Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)


1. Each basket has 2 bananas. Count and write the total number of bananas in the box provided.
2. Write the repeated addition based on the number of bananas in each basket.
3. Place the bananas into a basket.
4. Write the repeated addition if the bananas are grouped as illustrated below.

5. If you multiply the number of bananas in each basket to the total number of baskets, what will be the
multiplication equation.
Lesson Component 2 (Lesson Language Practice)
Key words/terms are:
• Illustration
• Multiplication Equation
• Repeated Addition
• Array
• Multiples
• Number Line

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Activity)
Stem for Items 1 and 2
1. Play the game 'The Boat is Sinking'.
Only 12 pupils from the class and two game masters will join. For those who will not participate in the
game, they will be the audiences.

Game Mechanics:
a. The players will form a big circle.
b. When the Game Masters say "The Boat is Sinking, Form a group with ____members”,
you should group yourselves into said number.
c. To determine the correct number of members in each group, the audiences will count

1. When the players were asked to have 6,2,4 and 3 members in each group, how many
groups were formed?
2. Write the repeated addition that represents the number of members in each group.
3. What will be the multiplication equation of the repeated addition formed.

Using a chart, analyze the illustrations.


1. Write the multiplication equation to show the total number of male pupils illustrated in figure A.
2. Show the multiplication equation 6 x 2 as repeated addition.
6 x 2 = ________________
3. What is the multiplication equation that can be derived in figure B showing the total
number of female pupils?
4. Show the multiplication equation 4 x 2 as repeated addition.
4 x 2 = ________________

2. Sing the numbers below to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star":
2, 4, 6, 8, 10,12, 14
16, 18, 20, 22, 24
26, 28, 30, 32
34, 36 and 38
These are the numbers in skip counting by 2s.
Let’s continue skip counting
40, 42, 46, 48, 50,
52, 54, 56, 58, 60
62, 64, 66, 68, 70,
72, 74, 76, 78, 80,
82, 84, 86, 88, 90,
92, 94, 96, 98, 100

3. Play ‘Skip Counting’.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Activity Guide:
a. Start with skip counting by 2s:
1. Stand at number 1 on the grid.
2. Jump to every second number, saying the number out loud as they land on it. For example, you
would jump from 1 to 3, then 5, 7, and so on.
3. Continue skip counting by 2's as far as you can go.

b. Move on to skip counting by 3s, 4s, and so on, using the same instructions.
c. Choose a starting number and guide your classmates to jump on the grid accordingly.
1. How many numbers did you land on?
2. Is it right to say, 3x10=30?

Part 4B
Item 1
1. The illustration shows 4 boxes with 4 balls each. What is the repeated addition for this?

2. Write the mathematical equation of the illustration above.

3. How do you draw five stars inside each of the four circles?

Part 4C
Item 2
1. Show the mathematical equation 3 x 3 = 9 by circling the first three multiples of 3 in the number grid
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. Draw hearts inside the triangle to illustrate the mathematical equation 3 x 3 = 9.

Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals)

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics for Grade 2 Lesson 14
Illustrating the following Properties of Multiplication and Applying each in
Relevant Situation: (a) Identity, (b) Zero, and (c) Commutative

Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)

1. Count the number of apples on the tree. Which of the following multiplication equations
represents the illustration?

A. 5 X 2 = 10 B. 5 X 1 = 5 C. 6 X 1 = 6

2. Based on the illustration below, how many fish are there in 5 fishbowls?

A. 6 B. 5 C. 0
3. What multiplication equation can be derived in the illustration above?
A. 2 X 3 = 6 B. 1 X 5 = 5 C. 5 X 0 = 0

4. How will you regroup the eggs below if you switch the number of eggs into 3?



5. As illustrated in item four, there are 12 eggs arranged in 4 by 3. How many eggs are
there after switching it to 3 by 4?
A. 9 B. 11 C. 12

6. After the rearrangement, do the number of eggs stay the same?
A. Yes B. No C. Maybe

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)

Key words/terms are:
• Illustration
• Multiplication Equation
• Properties of Multiplication
• Identity Property of Multiplication
• Zero Property of Multiplication
• Commutative Property of Multiplication
Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
1. Recite the following equations.

1 x 1=1 2 x 1=2 3 x 1=3

1 x 6=6 1 x 7=7 10 x 1 = 10

a. What is the answer to the equation 1 x 1, 2 X 1, 3 x 1, 1 x 6, 1 x 7 and 10 x 1?
b. What do you notice when you multiply a number by one? What is the resulting
c. What do you call to the property of multiplication wherein when you multiply a number
and 1, the product is that number?

2. Multiply-a-thon
a. Solve multiplication equations as quickly as possible.
2 x 0 = _____ 0 x 5= _______
0 x 6 = _____ 0 x 6 = _____
b. What do you call the property of multiplication that when you multiply a number and

a zero, the product is zero?______________________

3. Play Time!
Lego bricks
Paper Cups

a. Go to your group.
b. Get the materials needed.
c. Get 3 paper cups and place them upside down. Build a tower using 7 Lego bricks.

a. How many Lego bricks are placed on top of the paper cups?______________________________
b. How many paper cups have stack of Lego bricks?______________________________________
c. What multiplication equation best represents the illustration above?_________________________
d. If you interchange the number of paper cups in with Lego bricks, how will it look
like? Illustrate.__________________________________________________________________
e. Is the number of paper cups still the same?___________________________________________
f. What do you call the property of multiplication that when you multiply the factors in any
order, the product stays the same?__________________________________________________

Part 4B
Item 2
1. Illustrate the commutative property of multiplication using the number of stars below.

2. Write the multiplication equation of the illustration above showing the commutative property of
multiplication. _____________________________________________________________________
Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals)

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics for Grade 2 Lesson 15
Multiplying Numbers Using the 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10.

Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)

1. Count the birds inside the box and write the number below it.

2. The illustration below shows multiples of 3. Supply the missing numbers to complete
the list of multiples.

3 9 15
3. Hop with Dice!
Large number grid (1-50)

Game Mechanics:
a. Look at the number grid on the floor.
b. Turn rolling the dice. The number rolled on the dice determines the skip count. For example, if you
roll a 3, you will skip count by 3s.
c. The game continues until you reach the end of the grid or a predetermined
number of rounds.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)
Key words/terms are:
• Visualization of Multiplication
• Multiplication of Numbers
• Group
• Set
Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
1. Examine the given illustration below.

a. How many frogs are there?
b. Write the mathematical statement representing the number of eggs in each frog above.
c. How many eggs are there in all? Write the multiplication equation showing the total
number of eggs.
d. If two more sets of 5s are added, how many sets are there in all? Draw your answer.
e. What will be the new multiplication equation showing the total number of frog if two
more sets of 5s have been added?
2. Sorting Objects into Sets
Toys, pencils, papers, colored blocks, fruits, any objects

1. Gather a collection of objects that can be easily grouped into sets.
2. Listen to your teacher as she/he explain the concept of sets.
3. Start with the set of 2. Find objects that come in pairs or can be grouped into twos. For example, a
pair of socks, a pair of shoes, or a pair of dice.
4. Move on to the set of 3. Find objects that come in groups of three or can be grouped into threes. For
example, a set of three primary colors, a set of three different fruits, or a set of three different shapes.
5. Proceed to the set of 4 and 5.

Part 4B
Item 1
1. Study the sets of animals in illustrations A and B.
What multiplication equation can be derived in illustration A and B?

2. Which of the illustrations has 3 sets of 2s?
3. Write the multiplication equation of 3 sets of 3s.

Part 4C
Item 2
1. How many ‘likes’ are there in the illustration below?

2. Write the multiplication equation to show the total number likes in the illustration

3. Write the mathematical statement of the illustration below.

4. What is the multiplication equation of 5 sets of 2s?______________________________________

Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals)

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics for Grade 2 Lesson 16
Illustrating and Writing Division Expressions Using a Variety of Concrete
and Pictorial Models and Numerals in Modeling Division as: Equal
sharing or Formation of Equal Groups of objects and Repeated
Key Idea
Illustrating and Writing Division Expressions Using a Variety of
Concrete and Pictorial Models and Numerals in Modeling
Division as: Equal sharing or Formation of Equal Groups of
objects and Repeated Subtraction.
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)
Time: 10 minutes
Directions: Study the given illustration below and answer
the questions that follow.

1. Which group of fruits make 3 sets of 2s?
2. Which group of fruits make 3 sets of 3s?
3. Write the multiplication equation of A and B.
Lesson Component 2 (Lesson Purpose/Intention)
Time: 5 minutes
Teacher states:
In the past activity, we learned about separating sets into
equal parts.
Before we jump to our next lesson, let us sing a “Division

song” in a tune of Baa Baa Black Sheep.
Division song
Separating into parts
That is what division about
Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)
Time: 10 minutes
Key words/terms are:
• visualization
• equation
• equal sharing
• repeated subtraction
• equal jumps
• equal groups
(Note: Create action to help the pupils remember the
words and its meaning)
Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Time: 30 minutes
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
1.a. Draw objects and show the division of objects as
equal sharing. Write a division equation for each
situation. (An example is shown below.)
12balloons are equally grouped into 3.
Cath went to her friend’s birthday party. She saw 12
balloons that were in 3 equal groups.

a. What is the division equation.
b. How many balloons are there in each group?
Equally group 12 When we equally group
balloons into 3 equal 12 by 3, the answer is 4.

Let’s draw!

We write: 12 ÷ 3 = 4
There are 4 balloons in each group.
Your turn!
a. Separate 8 candies for 2 kids.
b. Twelve balls are shared equally for three boys.
(Note: Draw candies/balls clearly, so you will be able to
group your answer with no overlapping.)

1.b. Study the given illustration below. Divide the number

of ice-cream using repeated subtraction.




a. How many ice-cream do we have?
Ans. ____
b. What number did we subtract from 9?
Ans. ____
c. How many times did we subtract the 3 from 9?
Ans. ____

Your turn!
1. Divide 12 by 3 using repeated subtraction.
2. Divide 16 by 4 using repeated subtraction.

2.a. Represent division in a situation as formation of equal

group of objects. An example below will serve as your
Example: Share 12 toy cars equally between 3
children. How many toy cars does each child get.

Division Equation: 12 ÷ 3 = 4
Each child gets _____ toy cars.

a. Divide the pencils into 3 groups.
b. How many pencils are there in each group? Ans. ______

Part 4B
Item 1
A. Directions: Visualize division as equal sharing by drawing
objects based on the given situation.
1. 9 cones will be shared equally by 3 kids
2. Equally distribute 20 eggs into 5 children feeding

B. Directions: Use repeated subtraction, show 12 ÷ 3

12 - ____ = ____

9 - ____ = ____

6 - ____ = ____

3 - ____ = ____
a. How many crayons do we have?
Ans. ____
b. What number did we subtract from 12?
Ans. ____
c. How many times did we subtract the 3 from 12?
Ans. ____

Part 4C
A. Directions: Group the objects based on the given
division situation.

1. The fish bowls are divided to 2 people

2. Divided the bag to 5 girls

Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion –

Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals)
Time: 5 minutes
The teacher facilitates pupil reflection and discussion, that
addresses such questions as:
o What do you think were the key mathematical
concepts learned in this lesson?
o Would you rate your level of understanding of the
material covered in this lesson as high, moderate,
or low?
o Has the lesson helped you to gain further insight
into aspects of the material covered that
represent strengths or represent weaknesses?
o What would you describe as the main barriers, if
any, to your ongoing progress and achievement
in relation to the topic area addressed in this
o What do you think would best assist your ongoing
progress and achievement in relation to the topic

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics for Grade 2 Lesson 17
Dividing Numbers Using 2,3,4,5, and 10 Multiplication Table

Key Idea
Dividing Numbers Using 2,3,4,5, and 10 Multiplication Table
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)
Time: 10 minutes
1. How many groups of 2s can be made in 6 birds?

2. What is the division equation in item 1?

3. Divide the number of apples by 2 using repeated subtraction.

4. How many apples do we have?

5. How many times did we subtract the 2 from 6?
Lesson Component 2 (Lesson Purpose/Intention)
Time: 5 minutes
Dividing Numbers Using 2,3,4,5, and 10 Multiplication Table
Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)
Time: 10 minutes
Key words/terms are:
• Visualization
• Division of numbers
Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Time: 30 minutes
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
1. Count the number of squares and divide them based on the succeeding

a. How many 2s of square are there? Mark X every 2s of square then count.
b. How many 5s of square are there? Draw a straight line every 5s of square then

2. Get 30 square tiles. Group them according to the division situation below and
answer the questions that follow.

a. Group the square tiles by 5.
b. How many groups are formed?
There are ___ groups of tiles formed by 5.
b. What will be the division equation if the square tiles are grouped by 5?
c. Group the square tiles by 10.
d. How many groups are formed?
There are ___ groups of tiles formed by 10.
e. What will be the division equation if the square tiles are grouped by 10?

Part 4B
Item 1
1. How many 2s are there in 20 popsicle sticks? Box a set of 2s.

2. Write the division equation that can be derived in item 1.

3. How many 2s are there in 20 popsicle sticks? Make a set of 5s by encircling.
4. Write the division equation that can be derived in item 3?

Part 4C
Item 2
A. Directions: Lara likes to eat eggs every day, so she bought 40 eggs.
See the presentation and answer the questions that questions
that follow.

1. If you put all the eggs on the tray, how many set of 5 would there be?
2. Write the division equation for item 1.
3. If the 10 by 10 egg tray is used for 100 eggs, how many sets of 10 would there

4. Use this egg tray to make a set of 4. How many sets of eggs are

5. Write the division equation for item 4.

Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil
Time: 5 minutes
The teacher facilitates pupil reflection and discussion, that addresses such
questions as:
o What do you think were the key mathematical concepts addressed in
this lesson?
o Would you rate your level of understanding of the material covered in
this lesson as high, moderate, or low?
o Has the lesson helped you to gain further insight into aspects of the
material covered that represent strengths or represent weaknesses?
o What would you describe as the main barriers, if any, to your
ongoing progress and achievement in relation to the topic area
addressed in this lesson?
o What do you think would best assist your ongoing progress and
achievement in relation to the topic area?

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics for Grade 2 Lesson 18
Solving Division Problems Using the 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 Multiplication Tables, Including
Problems Involving Money

Key Idea
Solving Division Problems Using the 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 Multiplication Tables, Including
Problems Involving Money
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)
Time: 10 minutes
Directions: 3 ÷ 2 is a multiplication equation for 3 as the dividend and 2 as divisor.
Now, complete the table below by writing the correct multiplication
equation and quotient in each column.

Item Dividend Divisor Division Equation Quotient

1. 10 2
2. 21 3
3. 40 4
4. 75 5
5. 100 10
Lesson Component 2 (Lesson Purpose/Intention)
Time: 5 minutes
Solving division problems using the 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 Multiplication Tables, including
problems involving money.
Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)
Time: 10 minutes
Key words/terms are:
• Solve Routine Problems
• Solve Non-routine Problems
• Dividing Numbers
• Other Operations
• Problem-Solving Strategies
• Tools

Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Time: 30 minutes
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
1. Joy earned money from selling bottles. He earned ₱20 on Saturday and ₱30 on
Sunday. If he spends it equally from Monday to Friday, how much will be her budget
for each day?

₱20 ₱30

How much is Joy’s daily

Saturday: ₱20
budget? Sunday: ₱30
Total: ₱50
Total no. of days from
Monday to Friday: 5

₱50 ÷ 5 = 10

a. How do you solve a problem?
b. Do you follow the steps to solve a problem? Enumerate the steps.
- What is asked in the problem?
- What are the given facts?
- How much money does she have?
- How many days are there from Monday to Friday?
- What operation/s are you going to use?
- What will be the number sentence for the given problem?
- Show the solution on the board.
c. Did you get the answer correctly?
d. How much allowance did he spend each day?

2. Lena buys 35 pencils. She wants to keep 5 pieces and give the rest to her 10
friends, how many pencils will each of her friends receive?

a. How many pencils does Lena have?
b. How many pencils does she keep?
c. How many pencils will she give to her friends?
d. Illustrate the number of pencils she will give by taking away the number of pencils
she will keep.
e. If she will give 30 pencils to her 10 friends equally, how many pencils will each of
her friends receive?
f. How did Jhada distribute the pencils to her friends equally?
g. Illustrate the division of 30 pencils to her 10 friends.
h. Write the division equation to show the number of pencils received by her friends.

Part 4B
Item 1
Leo paid ₱50 for 2 notebooks and 1 pencil. If the pencil is worth ₱10, How
much does each notebook cost?
1. Understand:
What is asked in the problem?
What are the given facts?

2. Plan:
What operation will be used?
What will be the number sentence?

3. Solve:
Show your solution.
4. Look back and Check:

Did you follow the steps correctly?
How much does each notebook cost?

Part 4C
Item 2
There are 12 candies in Lance’s jar. How many candies will each of his 3
friends have, if he shares 6 pieces of it with his younger brother?
1. How many candies are there in the jar?
2. How many candies were left after giving 6 pieces of it to his brother?
3. Draw 12 candies and mark X the 6 pieces of candy.
4. How many candies will he give to her friends?
5. Draw 6 candies and group them into 3.
6. How many candies did each of his friends receive?
7. Is there any excess candies?
8. Write the division equation of the illustration below.

__ ÷ __ = __
Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil
Time: 5 minutes
The teacher facilitates pupil reflection and discussion, that addresses such questions
o What do you think were the key mathematical concepts addressed in this
o Would you rate your level of understanding of the material covered in this
lesson as high, moderate, or low?
o Has the lesson helped you to gain further insight into aspects of the
material covered that represent strengths or represent weaknesses?
o What would you describe as the main barriers, if any, to your ongoing
progress and achievement in relation to the topic area addressed in this
o What do you think would best assist your ongoing progress and
achievement in relation to the topic area?

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics for Grade 2 Lesson 19
Representing and Describing Circles, Half Circles and Quarter Circles
Key Idea
Represents and describes circles, half circles and quarter circles
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)
Time: 7 minutes
Teacher states:
Together let us sing “It’s fun to study Math because we learn so much, then let’s go back
and do it all over again, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1”
Now, let us have a quick review.

Directions: Idenitfy if the figure below is a circle. Draw a check mark ( ) in the figure if it
is a circle and cross mark ( ) if it is not.

1 2 3 4

Lesson Component 2 (Lesson Purpose/Intention)
Time: 3 minutes
Teacher states:
In the previous activity, you were able to identify circles using figures. Today, we will
use cut-outs, protractor, compass, and ruler to represent and describe circles, half circles
and quarter circles.

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)
Time: 5 minutes
Key words/terms are:
• Plane Figure
• Protractor
• Compass
• Circle
• Half Circle
• Quarter Circle
Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Time: 25 minutes
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
Teacher will draw and cut with pupils too:
1. Draw and cut out a circle.

Let’s cut the circle in This is a one-half

This is a circle. two equal parts. part of a circle.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

a. What kind of plane figure is shown in Figure 1?
b. What do you notice in Figure 2?
c. Describe Figure 3. What do you call it? .
d. How many half circles are there in one whole circle?
e. What Mathematics tool can help you draw a semi-circle/ half circle?
Draw and cut out:
Draw and cut out a circle. Fold it into halves and cut out the 2 half circles.
2. Look closely to the figures in the set.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4

a. What kind of plane figure is shown in Figure 1?
b. What do you notice in Figure 3?
c. Do you remember Figure 2? What do you call it?
d. What happened in Figure 4 and how is this figure called?
e. How many quarter circles are there in one whole circle?

Draw and cut out:

Can you draw and cut out another circle of the same size? Then, fold it into quarters and
cut out the 4 quarter circles.

Answers in 1: a. circle
b. it is cut equally into 2 parts
c. it is called a half-circle.
d. 2 halves
e. protractor
Answers in 2: a. circle
b. the half circle is cut into two equally.
c. Yes, it is a half-circle.
d. It is called a quarter circle
e. There are 4 quarter circles in one whole circle.

Part 4B
Item 1
1. Which of the following figures below is a half-circle?

Figure A Figure B Figure C

2. Which of the following Mathematical tools best represents a half-circle?

A. cut-out B. protractor C. compass
3. Draw the figure that completes Figure A to make a half-circle.
4. Draw a ray which cuts Figure C into two half-circles.

Answers to Item 1
1. Figure B
2. B


Part 4C

Item 2

1. Which of the figures below is a quarter-circle?

2. Which of the following Mathematical tools best draws a perfect circle?

A. cut-out B. protractor C. compass
3. Draw another quarter circle congruent to the quarter circle in Figure D.
4. Sketch 2 rays to make Figure A into four quarter-circles.

Answers to Item 2
1. Figure D
2. C


Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals)

Time: 5 minutes
The teacher facilitates pupil reflection and discussion, that addresses such questions as:
o What do you think were the key mathematical concepts addressed in this
o Would you rate your level of understanding of the material covered in this
lesson as high, moderate, or low?
o Has the lesson helped you to gain further insight into aspects of the material
covered that represent strengths or represent weaknesses?
o What would you describe as the main barriers, if any, to your ongoing
progress and achievement in relation to the topic area addressed in this
o What do you think would best assist your ongoing progress and achievement
in relation to the topic area?

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics for Grade 2 Lesson 20
Composing and Decomposing Composite Figures Made up of Squares,
Rectangles, Triangles, Circles, Half Circles and Quarter Circles Using Cut-outs and
Square Grids

Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)

1. Which of the following shapes is a square? Color your answer with blue color.

2. . Which of the following shapes is a circle? Color your answer with green color.

3. Which of the following shapes is a triangle? Color your answer with yellow color.

4. . Which of the following shapes is a rectangle ? Color your answer with red color.





Lesson Component 2 (Lesson Purpose/Intention)

In the previous activity, you were able to identify the four basic shapes. Today, we will use real
objects, cut-outs, compass, and ruler identify, name, and describe the four basic shapes on the 2-
dimensional and 3-dimensional objects.
Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)
Time: 10 minutes
Key words/terms are:
• Square
• Rectangle
• Triangle
• Circle
• 2-Dimensional Objects
• 3-Dimensional Objects
Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
1. Let’s play “I’m inside the shape”. The teacher will draw a big Circle, triangle, square and
rectangle. The student will stay at the center of the shape they choose.

Tell them that this shape is plane figure.

a. What shape has 3 sides?
b. What shape has a 4 equal sides?
c. It is a plane close figure, it has no sides. What is it?

d. It has a 4 sides were the opposite sides are equal. Who am I?
e. Can you name some objects that have any of the four basic shapes?
Part 4B
Item 2
Choose the shape of the 2-dimensional that best fits the description in each item.

1. Which of the shapes above is a circle, draw your answer inside the box.

2. Which of the basic shape has 4 equal sides, draw your answer inside the box?

3. Which of the closed figure has three sides, draw your answer inside the box?

4. Which of the four figures have two pairs of equal sides, draw your answer inside the box?

Part 4C
Item 2
Use the illustrations below to answer the questions that follow.

1. What basic shape can you see in Figure G? ______________
2. How many circle shapes make up Figure H? _____________
3. Which of the figures above consists of six squares? __________
4. What basic shapes make up Figure I? ____________
5. How many rectangle shapes are there in Figure F? ______________

Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals)

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics for Grade 2 Lesson 21
Determining Missing Term/s of a Given Continuous Pattern using Two Attributes
Key Idea
Determine missing term/s in a given continuous pattern using two attributes
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)
Time: 7 minutes
Teacher states:
Together let us sing “1’s for the wonder of our math class; 2’s for the lessons that I’ve
learned, 3’s for the teacher who guides me do the 4’s for my classmates who help me do
the job. It’s my Mathematics fun class.”
Now, let us have a quick review.
Directions: Circle the shapes that follow the rule:
1. shapes with 3 corners?



2. No corners?



3. Draw the shape that match the word.
a. rectangle b. square c. circle d. triangle

Lesson Component 2 (Lesson Purpose/Intention)

Time: 3 minutes
Teacher explains:
A pattern is the repeated arrangement of shapes, sizes, colors, letters, numbers, figures,
etc. in each set. By finding the pattern, we can determine the missing term/s in a given
continuous pattern using two attributes.
Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)
Time: 5 minutes
Key words/terms are:
• Pattern
• Term
• Attribute
(Note: words To be flashed and to be explained through songs/actions)
Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)
Time: 25 minutes
Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
Teacher will show the following pattern.
1. Look closely at the shapes/figures in the set.

a. What do the shapes make?
b. What is the first shape and its color?
c. What is the second shape and its color?
d. Do you see any pattern?
e. What should be the next term to continue the pattern?

2. Use the shapes to copy the pattern. Circles the one that comes next.

a. What do the shapes make?
b. Do you see any pattern?
c. What is the first term in the pattern?
d. What is the second term in the pattern?
e. What should be the next term to complete the pattern?
Part 4B
Item 1
1.Use shapes to find the pattern. Draw the missing term.


2.Use shapes to find the pattern. Draw the missing term.


3.Use shapes to find the pattern. Draw the missing term.


Part 4C
Item 2
1. Find the pattern and write the missing term.

1 2 1 2 1
2 1 ______

2. Find the pattern and write the missing term.

3 2 1 3 2 1 ______ 2 1 3 2 1

3. Find the pattern and draw the missing term.

4. Find the pattern and draw the missing term.

Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals)

Time: 5 minutes
The teacher facilitates pupil reflection and discussion, that addresses such questions as:
o What do you think were the key mathematical concepts addressed in this
o Would you rate your level of understanding of the material covered in this
lesson as high, moderate, or low?
o Has the lesson helped you to gain further insight into aspects of the material
covered that represent strengths or represent weaknesses?
o What would you describe as the main barriers, if any, to your ongoing
progress and achievement in relation to the topic area addressed in this
o What do you think would best assist your ongoing progress and achievement
in relation to the topic area?

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics for Grade 2 Lesson 22
Determines the missing terms using one attribute in a given continuous pattern
and in a given repeating pattern

Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)

Time: 10 minutes
1.What are the names /colors of each shape? Is this a pattern? What is the missing pattern?

2. What are the names of the object? Is this a pattern? What is the missing pattern?


3. What are the names /colors of each shape? Is this a pattern? What is the missing pattern?


Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)

Key words/terms are:
Key words/terms are:
• Number Pattern
• Term
• Continuous Pattern
• Giving Pattern

Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)

Part 4A
Stem for Items 1 and 2
Item 1

_________ __________

1 4 7 10 ___
Part 4C
Item 2

1. _______ ________

2. ________ _________

3. 2 4 8 2 4 8 2 4__
98 96 94 ___

5. ____________

Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals)

o What did you observe in the pattern?
o What kind of patterns are they?
o Is it a repeating pattern? Or not a repeating pattern?
o Can you make your own patterns?
o What are the rules in making patterns.

Pupil Worksheet in Mathematics for Grade 2 Lesson 23
Identifying and Explaining the Difference Between Straight and Curve Lines and
Flat and Curve Surfaces of 3-Dimentional Object.
Lesson Component 1 (Lesson Short Review)
Time: 10 minutes


1. What kind of line is picture A?
2. How about picture B?
3. What kind of surface is picture C
4. How about picture D?
5. What is the difference between picture A and picture B?
6. What is the difference between picture C and D?

Lesson Component 3 (Lesson Language Practice)

Key words/terms are:
Key words/terms are:
• Straight Line
• Curved Line
• Flat Surface
• Curved Surface

Lesson Component 4 (Lesson Activity)

Part 4 B
Stem for Items 1 and 2
Look at the pictures below. Identify whether the objects have flat surfaces or curved surfaces.
Write your answer in the blank.

1. The onion has ___________ surface.

2. The ruler has ________ surface.

3. The road has _______ surface.

4. The pot has ________ surface.

5. The monitor has _________ surface

Part 4C
Line Identification
Identify the straight lines and curved lines in the picture below.

Straight lines Curved Lines

____________ ____________
____________ ____________
____________ ____________
Examine each object below and identify the type of lines (straight or curved lines) present on the object.
Determine whether the object has flat or curved surface.

1. Lines____________

2. Lines____________

3. Lines____________
Lesson Component 5 (Lesson Conclusion – Reflection/Metacognition on Pupil Goals)
What characteristics define a straight line?
What characteristics define a curved line?
What characteristics define a flat surface?
What characteristics define a curved surface?
What are examples of objects that have a straight line, Curved lines, Flat surface, Curved
surface that can be found inside your classroom?


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