Regular Testing: Flash Tests

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Regular testing • Energy Checks are placed at the end of each
unit in the Students’ Book. They are designed to
It is important for both students and teachers that test students more formally in the key language
progress tests are given regularly. areas of vocabulary, grammar and
For students, a progress test: communication. They contain a short
self-evaluation check for students to see easily
– shows them how much they have learnt and
how well they did in each area.
what they need to review.
However, the Energy Checks could also
– motivates them to revise what they have studied
be used less formally in the same way as
in their lessons before the tests.
Flash Tests.
– usually motivates them to attain a good result
and this builds confidence. • Cumulative Revision Tests are included
in the Teacher’s Pack. They provide a range
For teachers, a progress test: of light-hearted activities for students to revise
– helps them to evaluate their students’ progress and check their progress.
and focus on areas that need remedial teaching.
– provides a measure of students’ performance Formal test types
and enables them to give practical and concrete • The Energy Placement Test is designed
feedback to individual students on areas to help the teacher to place students at the right
of difficulty. level in the Energy series. It can be given
– facilitates progress report writing. at the beginning of the school year, or at the
end, to check if students are ready to move
The Energy testing system to the next level.
The comprehensive range of testing systems in • Unit Tests are designed to provide formal
Energy is designed to test and evaluate students’ testing of specific language, functions and skills
progress both formally and informally. It comprises: development at the end of each unit in:
• Two-minute Tests in the Teacher’s Book notes Listening, Vocabulary, Grammar, Communication
and Reading.
• Flash Tests in the Teacher’s Pack
• Skills Tests are placed after Units 3, 6 and 10.
• Energy Checks in the Students’ Book
They are designed as a formal means
• Mixed-ability Test Book in the Teacher’s Pack of assessing students’ overall performance
• Mixed-ability Skills Tests in the Teacher’s Pack in language acquisition and skills development
• Placement Test in the Test Master CD over a longer period of time in: Listening, Use
• Cumulative Revision Tests in the Teacher’s Pack of English, Reading and Writing.

Informal test types The Energy Mixed-ability Test Book

• Two-minute Tests are placed at the beginning The Unit Tests are oriented to the UCLES suite of
of each Focus page in the Teacher’s Book. They ESOL exams, particularly the KET exam at level 1,
are designed to be easy to prepare for the and use similar task types to introduce students to
teacher, and a light-hearted and lively way for exam requirements.
students to revise and practise language from
the previous Focus. They often involve team Test administration
or group work in a speaking activity, and can
The tests in the Mixed-ability Test Book are ‘write
be used either as a warm-up activity at the start
in’ so students can write their answers on the test
of the lesson, or to provide a change of pace
and energy levels when needed.
• Flash Tests provide a quick, informal test of the
specific grammar points in each unit. They are
referred to in the relevant section in the
Teacher’s notes and can be used:
a) immediately after each Grammar Focus
to check how much students have absorbed.
b) before each Grammar Focus as a diagnostic
tool to see what students already know.
c) as a quick revision test at a later stage.

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The Unit Tests should be completed in 45–60 • Marking

minutes, although different classes may need For ease of marking and grading, the total
more or less time. number of marks in both tests = 100. The
When setting up a test the teacher can use the breakdown of marks in each test is:
following procedure: – Listening: 2 tasks = 15 marks
– distribute the copies of the tests (Tests B include – Vocabulary: 3 or 4 tasks = 20 marks
easier activities that can be used with students – Grammar: 3 or 4 tasks = 40 marks
with difficulties). – Communication: 1 task = 10 marks
– check the instructions and the examples given – Reading: 1 or 2 tasks = 15 marks
for each exercise and demonstrate what
students should do.
– point out the number of marks given for each • Grading
section of the test to the students. The following scale of grading is suggested:
– give students a time limit and let them complete
the test alone. Excellent A 90 or over
NB: To allow students to do the rest of the test Very good B 75–89
at their own pace, the Listening section should
Good C 60–74
always be administered first. Note that the
recording for both A and B tests is the same, Narrow fail D 50–59
though the tasks are different. Play each recording Fail E Less than 50
twice (though if your students have particular
difficulty, the recording could be played three • Speaking tasks
No specific oral tests are provided in the Energy
Mixed-ability Test Book for assessing students’
Assessment, marking and grading speaking skills. However, this can be done in the
• General comments on marking following ways:
Most tasks test specific points (see below for – Ongoing assessment: when students are doing
guidelines on marking Speaking). Students have a speaking activity from the Students’ Book
to give the right answer in order to get full in small groups you can monitor and award
marks. However, flexibility in the marking marks to individual students according to the
scheme is built in so that credit can be given to criteria listed below.
answers that are not wholly correct. For example,
if the task is checking a grammar point and the – Formal assessment: at the end of
student makes a spelling mistake in another part term/semester, test students in pairs or groups
of the answer, half marks can be given at your of three. Give collaborative tasks for them to
discretion. The important thing is to be do together. For example: use speaking tasks
consistent with the awarding of marks for all like those provided in the Students’ Book; use
students. pictures they can describe to each other; give
The Scoring Chart included after the them a list of questions about specific topic
Introduction helps to keep records of students’ areas from the book to ask/answer and find
achievements. It also helps to show how they out about each other’s family, background,
are progressing in each specific area and helps interests, etc.
the teacher to give constructive feedback. It can
be used as a report sheet for parents and you
may wish to add your own comments.
A copy of the Chart could also be given to
individual students for their own record keeping.

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• Assessment criteria for Speaking

A total of 20 marks can be awarded in each
speaking test. Suggested criteria for awarding
marks are:

– Accuracy/Range: of structures and vocabulary,

including pronunciation. (5 marks)
– Fluency: speed of speech, use of linking
devices and level of hesitation. (5 marks)
– Interaction/Collaboration: turn-taking, initiating,
responding and maintaining conversation.
(5 marks)
– Task achievement: getting the message across,
expressing ideas in a coherent way, using
relevant language and completion of task.
(5 marks)

Continuous assessment
Ideally, formal tests should form only a part of the
assessment of students’ overall progress and
achievement. An overall report on each student
could include reference to other criteria. For
example: effort made; attendance and motivation;
marks for homework; willingness to participate and
cooperate in class.
Continuous assessment, particularly of speaking
and writing, can also take place on a less formal
basis by setting regular tasks in class or for
homework. Students need to know that these will
form part of their overall mark for the term or year.


Energy Mixed-ability Test Book 2 Scoring Chart



Name: Class:

Unit Test Listening Vocabulary Grammar Communication Reading Total Comment

Página 7

1 /100

2 /100

3 /100

© Pearson Educación, S.A., 2007

Unit Test Listening Vocabulary Grammar Communication Reading Total Comment

4 /100

5 /100

6 /100

energy 2
Continued …


Energy Mixed-ability Test Book 2 Scoring Chart Continued


energy 2
Unit Test Listening Vocabulary Grammar Communication Reading Total Comment


7 /100

8 /100
Página 8

9 /100

10 /100

Total Scores (all tests)

Listening Vocabulary Grammar Communication Reading Total Comment

Unit Tests /150 /200 /400 /100 /150 /1000

© Pearson Educación, S.A., 2007


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