Shine On 5 Tests

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Shine On!

Tests Introduction
The Shine On! tests track students’ achievement It is up to you to decide which students take which
throughout the school year, testing their knowledge level of tests. Please see the section on scoring below
of the core syllabus through a variety of activities for further guidance about attainment levels. You
including listening and speaking. The tests follow the can also make a judgment about when a transition
Shine On! controlled reading and writing progression, may be desirable from one level to the other, based
ensuring students are always being assessed within on performance but also on the confidence and
their expected capacity and that the level of challenge engagement of individual students.
progresses appropriately through the year. The listening tests can be administered simultaneously,
as both versions of the test use the same recording, but
Contents of the Tests the activities that students are expected to complete
are tailored to two different levels of linguistic
Shine On! offers the following tests:
• Unit tests 1–8: There are eight unit tests which cover
The speaking tests are also differentiated, with clear
the core vocabulary and grammar from each unit
procedural notes for prompting students to speak, and
through graded exercises.
marking their spoken performance.
• Speaking tests: Every two units there is a one-to-
one speaking test which assesses students’ ability to
produce the core vocabulary and/or grammar from
Administering the Tests
the preceding two units. The tests can be administered at the end of each unit,
• End-of-year tests: Comprehensive tests which cover when students have completed the review page and
the full year’s syllabus. These are longer tests and practice pages. Tell your students that there will be a
reflect the knowledge and skills that the students test in the next lesson, and encourage them to revise
have acquired through the year. the unit material for homework, but remember to
emphasize learning goals, and encourage students to
Each unit test offers a maximum of 15 points. The end-
find a way of studying that is fun and works for them.
of-year tests are marked out of 10 points. The end-of-
In the lessons before the main test you can use songs,
course tests (Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking) are
flashcard games, and review activities to emphasize
marked out of 20 points.
the idea that review can be fun.
Allow 40 minutes for the unit tests. If you have a
Differentiated for Mixed Ability longer lesson, you may wish to start with a song or a
The Shine On! tests are differentiated for mixed ability structured review activity before having students take
classes, offering On-level (Yellow) and Below-level (Blue) the test. It is important that the classroom atmosphere
versions of each test. is relaxed and supportive.
Differentiated tests ensure that all students are Make sure that students have all the necessary
assessed in a way that should motivate and bring a materials to complete the test: pens, pencils, and
sense of achievement. The tests focus on accuracy and colored pencils or crayons.
an introduction to formal assessment, but students Read through the tasks with the students and ensure
should be encouraged to see testing as a positive that they understand what is required. Point out the
element of learning, helping them to identify both scoring and make sure that students understand how
strengths and areas of their progress that may need the points are allocated.
a bit more effort. The Below-level (Blue) tests allow
students who are nearly at the required level, but need
extra support, to take a test alongside their peers and
to map their personal progress. Differentiating in this
way allows all students to focus on their own learning,
making testing a positive, motivational tool.

1 Introduction
Listening For students taking the Yellow tests who consistently
achieve in the 0–7 points range, a transition to
In both levels of tests, listening activities use the same Blue tests may be desirable. For students taking the
recording, and can be administered at the same time. Blue tests who consistently achieve in the 14–15 points
Make sure all students have read the instructions and range, a transition to Yellow tests may be desirable.
looked carefully at any artwork before listening. The However, in both cases, when considering a transition,
instructions are not recorded. it is advisable to think about the student’s overall
At the beginning of each activity, tell students to put performance and attitude in class and consider
their pens down, and just listen, focusing on what they whether the change is the best option. Some students
have to do. Play the recording through once. may benefit from the confidence boost of higher
Tell the students how many times they are going to scores, and can be moved up later, when their
hear the recording. Depending on the group, you may confidence is solid. Poorly performing students may
wish to play it two or three times, for all students to benefit from help with review and advice about
complete the activity. Make sure students know what self-study techniques. Consider setting up a
to expect, and let them know when you are playing it study-buddy system, which pairs students of
for the last time. Give students a moment to check their different ability to allow peer assistance.
answers before moving on to the next activity.
Speaking Assessment helps you:
The speaking tests are one-to-one activities that give • to determine students’ strengths and weaknesses.
students an opportunity to produce the language • to determine what the class have learned and what
they have learned within a supported framework, needs more attention.
and allow you to focus on individual students and • to monitor and follow the progress of individuals.
evaluate their speaking skills in a controlled activity.
• to monitor the effectiveness of your instruction.
The activities are graded to the students’ level and
capacity, and should allow students to showcase the • to give feedback to students, parents, and other
language they have acquired. teachers.
As the tests are one-to-one, you may wish to carry The Shine On! tests focus on accuracy and the more
them out during a project lesson or when the other formal side of assessment, but there are plenty of
students are completing review or practice activities. opportunities within the course to work on fun,
Ensure that the classroom is quiet enough to allow fluency, and confidence-building. Integrating the tests
students to focus, but try to establish a relaxed into this motivating and engaging framework should
atmosphere, in which students can speak without the provide students with a solid foundation for study and
pressure of a performance. self-evaluation as they continue to learn English in the
years ahead.
Each differentiated test is accompanied by procedural
notes to help you guide students through the activities.

Testing and Assessment

Scoring – Unit Tests
14–15 points Excellent
11–13 points Very good
8–10 points Satisfactory
0–7 points Student needs extra help
Scoring – Speaking Tests/End-of-Year Tests
9–10 points Excellent
7–8 points Very good
5–6 points Satisfactory
0–4 points Student needs extra help

2 Introduction
On-level (Yellow) tests: answer key and notes
Unit 1 • Award half a point for each correct
vocabulary item, and half a point for
Units 3–4
1 Listen and number. each correct short answer. Speaking
Answers 1 guitar, 2 piano, 3 drums, Answers Sports: golf, tennis, volleyball
1 Look and say the five things.
4 trumpet, 5 saxophone Instruments: xylophone, guitar, trumpet
Answer the questions.
2 Look and write the answers. 2 Look and say the countries • Give pupils time to look at the pictures.
Answers 1 I’m playing the drums.
and places. Answer the Elicit the words, What’s this? (It’s a
2 I’m playing the saxophone. 3 I’m
questions. camera.)
playing the trumpet. 4 I’m playing the • Give pupils time to look at the flags • Don’t point to the items, but elicit the
guitar. 5 I’m playing the piano. and the pictures. Elicit the names of the prices, asking, How much is the camera?
countries and the places. • Award half a point for each correct
3 Look and write questions. • Ask pupils questions about themselves: vocabulary item and half a point for
Circle the correct answers. Where are you from? Where do you live? to each correct price.
Answers 1 Are they playing golf? Yes, elicit true answers. Answers 1 camera $58, 2 laptop $87,
they are. 2 Are they playing ice hockey? • Award half a point for each correct 3 cell phone cover $10.34, 4 watchband
No, they aren’t. 3 Are they playing the vocabulary item, and half a point for $2.99, 5 TV $100
xylophone? Yes, they are. 4 Are they each correct response.
playing table tennis? Yes, they are. 2 What do they want? Look and
Answers Countries: 1 Italy, 2 Brazil,
5 Are they playing golf? No, they aren’t. correct your teacher.
3 the UK, 4 Japan
Places: A city, B town, C suburbs, • Pupils look and find 10 things. They
D countryside make sentences with He wants, She wants,
Unit 2 They want, etc.
1 Listen and match. • Then point to five people and make false
Unit 3 statements for pupils to correct, e.g., He
Answers 1 B, 2 D, 3 E, 4 A, 5 C wants a laptop case. (He doesn’t want a
1 Listen and match.
2 Look and write answers with laptop case. He wants headphones.)
Answers 1 laptop case, 2 calculator,
We’re from.
3 cell phone cover, 4 camera,
Answers 1 We’re from the UK. 2 We’re 5 headphones Unit 5
from Brazil. 3 We’re from the USA. 4 We’re
from Australia. 2 Look at activity 1. Complete. 1 Listen and make a .
Answers 1 laptop case, 2 calculator, Answers 1 morning, 2 afternoon,
3 Write questions and answers. 3 afternoon, 4 evening, 5 night
3 cell phone cover, 4 camera,
1 Where do you live? I live in the city. 5 headphones
2 Look at activity 1. Complete
2 Where do you live? I live in the the sentences.
3 Complete the questions and
answers with want or wants. Answers 1 homework, morning; 2 home,
3 Where do you live? I live in the suburbs. Match. afternoon; 3 shower, afternoon; 4 plays,
Answers 1 A want, wants; 2 E want, want; evening; 5 bed, night
Units 1–2 3 C want, want; 4 B want, wants; 3 Write answers to the questions.
5 D want, want
Speaking Answers 1 In the morning. 2 At seven

Unit 4
1 Look and say three sports and o’clock. 3 At twelve thirty. 4 In the
afternoon. 5 At five o’clock.
three instruments. Answer the
questions. 1 Listen and circle.
• Give pupils time to find and say the three Answers 1 $64, 2 $100, 3 $40, 4 $54, Unit 6
sports and the three instruments. 5 $31 1 Listen and circle.
• Point to the kids playing golf and ask, Are
2 Look and complete.
they playing ice hockey? (No, they aren’t.) Answers 1 sometimes, 2 always, 3 often,
• Point to the kids playing table tennis Answers 1 jar, 2 bunch, 3 box, 4 bag 4 sometimes, 5 never
and volleyball and elicit positive short 2 Look and write.
3 Write the words in order to
make questions. Answers 1 wash the dishes, 2 vacuum
• Point to the kids playing the xylophone
and ask, Are they playing the drums? (No, Answers 1 How many chocolates are in the carpet, 3 make the bed, 4 set the
they aren’t.) the box? table, 5 walk the dog
• Point to the kids playing the guitar and 2 How many bananas are in the bunch?
the trumpet and elicit positive short 3 How many mushrooms are in the box?
answers. 4 How many apples are in the bag?
5 How many olives are in the jar?
6 How many tomatoes are in the bag?

On-level (Yellow) tests: answer key and notes

3 Look and write sentences for 2 Look and write sentences with How often do you help your mom and
Lucas. I like. dad?
What chores do you do?
Answers 1 I sometimes take out the Answers 1 I like going on a boat ride. What do you like doing on vacation/on
trash. 2 I always wash the dishes. 2 I like going to the beach. 3 I like having weekends?
3 I often water the plants. 4 I never cook a picnic. 4 I like going shopping. Do you like playing computer games?
dinner. 5 I always do the laundry. 5 I like reading magazines. What do you want for your birthday?
3 Look and write questions. Can you play the piano/an instrument?
Units 5–6 Circle the correct answers. Listening
Speaking Answers 1 Do you like watching TV? Yes,
I do. 2 Do you like meeting friends? Yes,
1 Listen and number the flags.
1 Look and say the actions. I do. 3 Do you like playing computer
Listen again and match.
Circle for you and answer the games? No, I don’t. 4 Do you like going Answers 1 E the USA (the city), 2 A Japan
questions. to a museum? Yes, I do. 5 Do you like (playing a computer game),
• Give pupils time to look at the pictures eating in a restaurant? No, I don’t. 3 D Australia (going to the beach),
and circle when they do them. Elicit 4 C Italy (the countryside), 5 B the UK
(playing the trumpet)
sentences. Units 7–8
• Ask questions with When and What time 2 Read, listen, and make a .
to elicit two different sentence types. Speaking
Answers 1 volleyball, 2 sore throat,
• Award half a point for each correct
1 Look, match, and say. 3 laptop case, 4 $10.33, 5 afternoon
activity, and half a point for each
correctly formulated answer. • Give pupils time to look at the pictures
and say the illnesses.
2 Look and say the chores. • Tell them to match four of them, and 1 Read and match.
Circle for you and answer the make sentences with When I…, I… .
Answers 1 C, 2 A, 3 D, 4 E, 5 B
• Pupils look and identify the chores. They
2 Look and say the activities. 2 Read and circle.
fill in the table by circling the graphic
Draw or . Answer the
questions. Answers 1 B, 2 B, 3 A, 4 C, 5 A
that represents how often they do the
tasks (if necessary, remind them what • Pupils look and say six activities. Ask, Writing
each represents). What do you like doing on vacation? and
• Ask, How often do you…? and elicit an elicit three sentences. Ask three Yes/No 1 Read and complete the text.
answer with adverbs of frequency. questions to elicit short answers. Write one word in each gap.
• Award half a point for each correct Answers 1 live, 2 play, 3 playing, 4 want,
vocabulary item, and half a point for
each correct response.
End-of-year test 5 walk

Speaking 2 Read the questions and write

answers for you.
Unit 7 1 Look and say the ten items.
Answers 1 I’m from…, 2 I live in…,
Answer the questions.
1 Listen and number. Write. 3 I… make my bed. 4 I like…, 5 When I
• Allow pupils time to look at the pictures have a cold, I…
Answers 1 cold, 2 stomach ache, and prepare the vocabulary. Encourage Students’ own answers.
3 headache, 4 sore throat, 5 fever, them to make notes to help them when
6 cough they are speaking.
2 Look and write. • Ask five questions about price to prompt
the high numbers, e.g., How much is a box
Answers 1 toothache, go to the dentist; of chocolates?
2 cough, take medicine; 3 earache, go to • Award half a point for each correct
the doctor vocabulary item (noun) and a full point
3 Look at activity 2. Write for each correct answer about price (half
sentences with When. a point for just the number).

Answers 1 When I have toothache, I go 2 Look and think about the

to the dentist. 2 When I have a cough, I topics. Answer the questions.
take medicine. 3 When I have earache, I • Ask pupils the following questions. Point
go to the doctor. to the relevant picture prompt to support
them with the meaning of the question, if
Unit 8
1 Listen, read, and make a . Where are you from?
Answers 1 Yes, I do. 2 Yes, I do. 3 No, I Where do you live?
don’t. 4 Yes, I do. 5 No, I don’t. When do you do your homework?
What time do you go to bed?

On-level (Yellow) tests: answer key and notes



1 Listen and number.


2 Look and write the answers.

1 What are you playing? 2 What are you playing?

3 What are you playing? 4 What are you playing?

5 What are you playing?


3 Look and write questions. Circle the correct answers.

1 (golf) Yes, they are.

? No, they aren’t.

2 (ice hockey) Yes, they are.

? No, they aren’t.

3 (the xylophone) Yes, they are.

? No, they aren’t.

4 (table tennis) Yes, they are.

? No, they aren’t.

5 (golf) Yes, they are.

? No, they aren’t. /5
TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and match.

1 2 3 4 5



2 Look and write answers with We’re from.

1 Where are you from? 2 Where are you from?

3 Where are you from? 4 Where are you from?

3 Write questions and answers. a city the countryside
the suburbs
1 2 3

Where / you / live? Where / you / live? Where / you / live?

TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press



1 Look and say three sports and three

instruments. Answer the questions.


2 Look and say the countries and the places. Answer the questions.

1 2 3 4


TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and match.

1 2 3 4 5


2 Look at activity 1. Complete.

1 They want a l c . 4 They want a c .

2 They want a c . 5 They want h .
3 They want a c p /5
c .

3 Complete the questions and answers with want or wants. Match.


1 What does he ? He a games console.

2 What does she ? She doesn’t a camera bag.
3 What do they ? They a TV.
4 What does she ? She a tablet.
5 What do they ? They don’t a laptop.
TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and circle.
1 2
$4 $64 $40 $100 $33 $10

3 4
$14 $40 $30 $4 $50 $54

$31 $1 $71
2 Look and complete.

1 a of olives 2 a of bananas

3 a of chocolates 4 a of apples

3 Write the words in order to make questions.

1 chocolates / many / How / are / box / ? / in / the

2 many / the / How / bunch / bananas / are / in / ?

3 the / mushrooms / How / are / in / box / ? / many

4 many / are / in / apples / the / bag / How / ?

5 How / jar / olives / are / in / the / ? / many

6 tomatoes / How / are / bag / in / many / the / ?

TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press



1 Look and say the five things. Answer the questions.

1 2 3 4 5

$58 $87 $10.34 $2.99 $100


2 What do they want? Look and correct your teacher.

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and make a .

1 2 3

4 5

2 Look at activity 1. Complete the sentences.

1 James does his in the 4 James with his friends in

before school. the .
2 He comes at three thirty 5 He goes to at ten o’clock
in the . at .
3 He takes a in the .
3 Write answers to the questions.

1 2 3

When does Alice get up? What time does What time does
Alice go to school? she have lunch?

4 5

When does she play What time does she /5

with her friends? do her homework?
TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and circle.

1 2 3 4 5

2 Look and write.

1 2 3

4 5


3 Look and write sentences for Lucas.

How often do you help at home, Lucas?

1 I . 4
2 I . 5
3 /5
TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press



1 Look and say the actions. Circle for you and answer the questions.

1 2 3

4 5


2 Look and say the chores. Circle for you and answer the questions.

always often sometimes never

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and number. Write.

2 Look and write.
Illnesses Remedies


3 Look at activity 2. Write sentences with When.

Example: When I have a fever, I stay in bed.

3 /3
TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen, read, and make a .

1 Yes, I do. 2 Yes, I do.

No, I don’t. No, I don’t.

3 Yes, I do. 4 Yes, I do.

No, I don’t. No, I don’t.
Yes, I do.
No, I don’t. /5

2 Look and write sentences with I like.

1 2

3 4


3 Look and write questions. Circle the correct answers.

1 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

2 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
3 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
4 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
5 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. /5
TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press



1 Look, match, and say.



5 C



2 Look and say the activities. Draw or . Answer the questions.

1 2 3

4 5 6

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

1 Look and say the ten items. Answer the questions.

1 2 3 4 5

$5.99 $56 $44 $79 $87

6 7 8 9 10

$2.66 $10.50 $92 $1.44 $1.75


2 Look and think about the topics. Answer the questions.

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

1 Listen and number the flags. Listen again and match.


2 Read, listen, and make a .

1 What are the children 2 What’s wrong with 3 What does Jenny
playing? Alex? want?

4 How much is the 5 When does Ben do his

box of chocolates? homework?

$10.33 $11.43


TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

1 Read and match.

1 When I have a stomach A

ache, I stay in bed.

2 When I have a toothache, B

I go to the dentist.

3 When I have a sore

throat, I take medicine.

4 When I have a cold, D

I watch TV.

5 When I have a fever,

go to the doctor.

2 Read and circle. 1 Where does James live?
Hi! I’m James! I live in a
small town in England. I live 2 What job does James always do?
with my mom and my three A B C
brothers. I help in the house!
I always take out the trash 3 How often does he cook dinner?
and I often walk the dog. I do A B C
my homework in the evening,
so I never cook dinner, but I 4 What does he like doing?
sometimes wash the dishes. I A B C
like reading magazines and
watching TV. I watch TV in
5 When does he watch TV?
the morning before school.

Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press TOTAL / 10

1 Read and complete the text. Write one word in each gap.

Hello! My name is Lina. I’m from the USA. I (1)

in a city. I can (2) the piano and the guitar. I
love sports, too. I like (3) ice hockey and table
tennis. And I love taking photos. I have an old camera, but I
(4) a new camera for my birthday. I don’t often
help at home, but I sometimes (5) the dog.


2 Read the questions and write answers for you.

1 Where are you from?

2 Where do you live?
3 How often do you make your bed?
4 What do you like doing on vacation?
5 What do you do when you have a cold?

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press
Below-level (Blue) tests: answer key and notes
Unit 1 • Award half a point for each correct
vocabulary item, and half a point for
Units 3–4
1 Listen and circle. each correct short answer. Speaking
Answers 1 guitar, 2 piano, 3 drums, Answers Sports: golf, tennis, volleyball
1 Look and say the five things.
4 trumpet, 5 saxophone Instruments: xylophone, guitar, trumpet
Answer the questions.
2 Look and complete. 2 Look and say the countries. • Give pupils time to look at the pictures.
Answers 1 drums, 2 guitar, 3 piano, • Give pupils time to look at the flags. Elicit Elicit the words, What’s this? (It’s a
the names of the countries. camera.)
4 trumpet, 5 saxophone
• Ask pupils questions about themselves: • Don’t point to the items, but elicit the
3 Write the words in order to Where are you from? to elicit true answers, prices, asking, How much is the camera?
make questions. Circle the if possible (or, Where do you live? if • Award half a point for each correct
correct answers. students are from a country not on the vocabulary item and half a point for
Answers 1 Are they playing golf? Yes, list). each correct price.
they are. 2 Are they playing ice hockey? • Award half a point for each correct Answers 1 a camera $58, 2 a laptop $87,
No, they aren’t. 3 Are they playing the vocabulary item, and half a point for 3 a cell phone cover $10.34,
xylophone? Yes, they are. 4 Are they each correct response. 4 a watchband $2.99, 5 a TV $100
playing table tennis? Yes, they are. Answers Countries: Italy, Brazil, the UK,
5 Are they playing golf? No, they aren’t. Japan, Australia, Spain, the USA, Mexico
2 What do they want? Look and
• Pupils look and find five things. They
Unit 2 Unit 3 make sentences with He wants, She wants,
1 Listen and circle the flags. They want, etc.
1 Listen and make a or an .
• Then point to five people and make false
Answers 1 Mexico, 2 Australia, 3 Spain, Answers 1 cell phone cover, statements for pupils to correct, e.g., He
4 Japan, 5 the UK laptop case; 2 calculator, wants a laptop case. (He doesn’t want a
headphones; 3 camera, cell phone laptop case. He wants headphones.)
2 Read and number. cover; 4 camera, calculator;
Answers 1 We’re from the UK. 5 headphones, laptop case
2 We’re from Brazil. 3 We’re from the USA.
2 Look at activity 1. Complete.
Unit 5
4 We’re from Australia.
Answers 1 laptop case, 2 calculator,
1 Listen and make a .
3 Write questions and circle the 3 cell phone cover, 4 camera, Answers 1 morning, 2 afternoon,
correct answers. 5 headphones 3 afternoon, 4 evening, 5 night
Answers 1 Where do you live? I live in a
3 Read and circle. Number. 2 Look at activity 1. Complete
2 Where do you live? I live in the Answers 1 C wants, 2 E doesn’t, 3 A want, the sentences.
countryside. 4 B does, 5 D don’t Answers 1 homework, morning; 2 home,
3 Where do you live? I live in the suburbs. afternoon; 3 shower, afternoon; 4 plays,

Unit 4 evening; 5 bed, night

Units 1–2 1 Listen and circle.

3 Look and complete the
Speaking Answers 1 $64, 2 $100, 3 $40, 4 $54,
Answers 1 Alice gets up in the morning.
1 Look and say three sports and 5 $31
2 She goes to school at seven o’clock.
three instruments. Answer the 2 Read and match. 3 She has lunch at twelve thirty.
questions. 4 She plays with her friends in the
Answers 1 a bag of apples, 2 a bunch of
• Give pupils time to find and say the three bananas, 3 a box of chocolates, 4 a jar
sports and three instruments. 5 She does her homework at five o’clock.
of olives
• Point to the kids playing golf and ask, Are
they playing ice hockey? (No, they aren’t.) 3 Write the words in order to
• Point to the kids playing table tennis make questions.
and volleyball and elicit positive short Answers 1 How many chocolates are in
answers. the box?
• Point to the kids playing the xylophone 2 How many bananas are in the bunch?
and ask, Are they playing the drums? (No, 3 How many mushrooms are in the box?
they aren’t.) 4 How many apples are in the bag?
• Point to the kids playing the guitar and 5 How many olives are in the jar?
the trumpet and elicit positive short 6 How many tomatoes are in the bag?

Below-level (Blue) tests: answer key and notes

Unit 6 Unit 8 2 Look and think about the
topics. Answer the questions.
1 Listen and number. 1 Listen, read, and make a . • Ask pupils the following questions. Point
Answers 1 C, 2 E, 3 A, 4 D, 5 B Answers 1 Yes, I do. 2 Yes, I do. 3 No, I don’t. to the relevant picture prompt to support
4 Yes, I do. 5 No, I don’t. them with the meaning of the question,
2 Look and complete. if necessary. Ask follow-up questions as
Answers 1 wash, 2 vacuum, 3 make,
2 Look and complete. necessary, to elicit an answer. Award two
4 walk, 5 set Answers 1 boat ride, 2 shopping, 3 going full points for each correct, full-sentence
to the beach, 4 reading magazines, answer. Award one full point for a single-
3 Look and complete the 5 having a picnic word answer or a correct structure with
sentences for Lucas. an incorrect vocabulary item.
Answers 1 I sometimes take out the
3 Look and write questions.
trash. 2 I always wash the dishes.
Circle the correct answers.
Where are you from?
3 I often water the plants. 4 I never cook Answers 1 Do you like watching TV? Yes, When do you do your homework?
dinner. 5 I always do the laundry. I do. 2 Do you like meeting friends? Yes, What time do you go to bed?
I do. 3 Do you like playing computer What do you do to help in the house?
games? No, I don’t. 4 Do you like going What do you like doing on vacation/on
Units 5–6 to a museum? Yes, I do. 5 Do you like weekends?
Speaking eating in a restaurant? No, I don’t.
1 Look and say the actions.
Answer the questions. Units 7–8 1 Listen and match.
Answers 1 E the USA (the city), 2 A Japan
• Give pupils time to look at the pictures Speaking
(playing a computer game),
and circle when they do them. Elicit
sentences. 1 Look and say. 3 D Australia (going to the beach),
• 4 C Italy (the countryside), 5 B the UK
• Ask questions with When to elicit answers Give pupils time to look at the pictures
(playing the trumpet)
with times of day. and say the illnesses.
• Award half a point for each correct 2 Look and say the activities. 2 Read, listen, and make a .
activity, and half a point for each
Draw or . Answer the Answers 1 volleyball, 2 sore throat,
correctly formulated answer.
questions. 3 laptop case, 4 $10.33, 5 afternoon
2 Look and say the chores. • Pupils look and say six activities. Ask Reading
Complete for you and answer three Yes/No questions to elicit short
the questions. answers. 1 Read and match.
• Pupils look and identify the chores. They Answers 1 C, 2 A, 3 D, 4 E, 5 B
fill in the table by circling the graphic
that represents how often they do the
End-of-year test 2 Read and circle.
tasks (if necessary, remind them what Speaking Answers 1 A, 2 B, 3 A, 4 B, 5 A
each represents).
• Ask, How often do you...? and elicit an 1 Look and say the five items. Writing
answer with adverbs of frequency. Answer the questions.
• 1 Read and complete the text.
• Award half a point for each correct Allow pupils time to look at the pictures
vocabulary item, and half a point for and prepare the vocabulary. Encourage Answers 1 live, 2 play, 3 playing, 4 want,
each correct response. them to make notes to help them when 5 walk
they are speaking.
2 Read the questions and write
• Ask five questions about price to prompt
Unit 7 the high numbers, e.g., How much is a box
answers for you.
1 Listen and circle. of chocolates? Answers 1 I’m from…, 2 I live in…,

Answers 1 cold, 2 stomach ache,

• Award one point for each correct 3 I… make my bed. 4 On vacation,
vocabulary item (noun) and a full point I like…, 5 When I have a cold, I…
3 headache, 4 sore throat, 5 fever, for each correct answer about price (half Students’ own answers.
6 cough a point for just the number).
2 Look and write.
Answers 1 toothache; go to the dentist;
2 cough, take medicine; 3 earache, go to
the doctor
3 Look at activity 2. Complete
the sentences.
Answers 1 When I have a toothache,
I go to the dentist. 2 When I have a
cough, I take medicine. 3 When I have an
earache, I go to the doctor.

Below-level (Blue) tests: answer key and notes



1 Listen and circle.

1 2 3

4 5

2 Look and complete.
1 What are you playing? 2 What are you playing?
I’m playing the d . I’m playing the g .

3 What are you playing? 4 What are you playing?

I’m playing the p . I’m playing the t .

5 What are you playing?

I’m playing the s .

3 Write the words in order to make questions. Circle the correct answers.

1 playing / Are / golf / they / ? Yes, they are.

No, they aren’t.

2 ice hockey / Are / playing / they / ? Yes, they are.

No, they aren’t.

3 they / Are / the / xylophone / playing / ? Yes, they are.

No, they aren’t.

4 Are / table tennis / playing / they / ? Yes, they are.

No, they aren’t.

5 playing / they / golf / Are / ? Yes, they are.

No, they aren’t. /5
TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and circle the flags.

1 2 3 4 5

Mexico the USA Spain Japan the UK

Brazil Australia the UK the USA Italy

2 Read and number. /5

1 2 We’re from Brazil.

We’re from the USA.

3 4 We’re from Australia.

We’re from the UK.

3 Write questions and circle the correct answers.
1 2 3

1 do you ? I live in a city / town.

2 Where ? I live in the suburbs / countryside.
3 I live in the suburbs / a city.
TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press



1 Look and say three sports and three

instruments. Answer the questions.


2 Look and say the countries.

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and make a or an .

1 2 3

4 5

2 Look at activity 1. Complete.

camera laptop case calculator cell phone cover headphones

1 They want a . 4 They want a .

2 They want a . 5 They want .
3 They want a

3 Read and circle. Number. /5


1 What does he want? He want / wants a games console.

2 What does she want? She doesn’t / don’t want a camera bag.
3 What do they want / wants? They want a TV.
4 What does / do she want? She wants a tablet.
5 What do they want? They don’t / doesn’t want a laptop. /5
TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and circle.

1 $64 $40 2 $100 $10 3 $14 $40

4 $50 $54 5 $31 $71


2 Read and match.

1 2 3 4

a jar of a box of a bunch of a bag of

olives chocolates bananas apples
3 Write the words in order to make questions.

1 chocolates / How many / are / ? / in the box

2 many / How / bananas / are / in the bunch?

3 mushrooms / How / are / in the box / ? / many

4 many / are / apples / in the bag / How / ?

5 How / olives / are / in the jar? / many

6 tomatoes / How / are / many / in the bag?

TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press



1 Look and say the five things. Answer the questions.

1 2 3 4 5

$58 $87 $10.34 $2.99 $100


2 What do they want? Look and say.

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and make a .

1 2 3

4 5

2 Look at activity 1. Complete the sentences.

evening homework morning home bed

afternoon shower afternoon plays night
1 James does his in the before school.
2 He comes at three thirty in the .
3 He takes a in the .
4 James with his friends in the .
5 He goes to at ten o’clock at .
3 Look and complete the answers.
1 2 3

Alice gets up She goes to school She has lunch

. . .
4 5

She plays with her friends She does her homework /5

. . TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and number.


2 Look and complete.

1 2 3

the dishes the carpet the bed

4 5

the dog the table


3 Look and complete the sentences for Lucas.

never sometimes always often always

How often do you help at home, Lucas?

1 I take out the trash. 4 I cook dinner.
2 I wash the dishes. 5 I do the laundry.
3 I water the plants.
TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press



1 Look and say the actions. Answer the questions.

1 2 3

4 5


2 Look and say the chores. Complete

for you and answer the questions.

always often sometimes never

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen and circle.

1 2 3

I have a cough / cold. I have a headache / I have a sore throat /

stomach ache. headache.
4 5 6

I have a toothache / I have a cold / fever. I have a headache /

sore throat. cough.
2 Look and write.

dentist cough medicine earache doctor toothache

Illnesses Remedies


3 Look at activity 2. Complete the sentences.

1 When I have , I go to the .

2 When I , I take .
3 When ,I . /3
TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press


1 Listen, read, and make a .

1 Yes, I do. 2 Yes, I do.

No, I don’t. No, I don’t.
Yes, I do. 4 Yes, I do.
No, I don’t. No, I don’t.
5 Yes, I do.
No, I don’t.

2 Look and complete.

1 I like going on a 2 I like going

b r . s .
3 I like going to the 4 I like reading
b . m .
I like having a p .

3 Look and write questions. Circle the correct answers.

1 like / watch TV? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

2 like / meet friends? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
3 like / play computer games? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
4 like / visit a museum? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
5 like / eat in a restaurant? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
TOTAL / 15
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press



1 Look and say.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8


2 Look and say the activities. Draw or . Answer the questions.

1 2 3

4 5 6

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

1 Look and say the five items. Answer the questions.

1 2 3



4 5

$79 $10.50


2 Look and think about the topics. Answer the questions.

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

1 Listen and match.


2 Read, listen, and make a .

1 What are the children 2 What’s wrong with 3 What does Jenny
playing? Alex? want?

4 How much is the 5 When does Ben do

box of chocolates? his homework?

$10.33 $11.43

TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

1 Read and match.

1 When I have a stomach

ache, I stay in bed.

2 When I have a toothache,

I go to the dentist.

3 When I have a sore

throat, I take medicine.

4 When I have a cold, D

I watch TV.

5 When I have a fever,

I go to the doctor.

2 Read and circle.
1 Where does James live?
Hi! I’m James! I live in
a small town in England. 2 What job does James always do?
I help in the house! I always take
out the trash and
I often walk the dog. I do my
homework in the evening, so 3 How often does he cook dinner?
I never cook dinner, A B
but I sometimes wash the dishes.
I like reading magazines and
watching TV. I watch TV in the 4 What does he like doing?
morning before school. A B

5 When does he watch TV?


TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

1 Read and complete the text. playing want live play walk

Hello! My name is Lina. I’m from the USA. I (1)

in a city. I can (2) the piano and the guitar. I
love sport, too. I like (3) ice hockey and table
tennis. And I love taking photos. I have an old camera, but I
(4) a new camera for my birthday. I don’t help
at home often, but I sometimes (5) the dog.


2 Read the questions and write answers for you.

1 Where are you from?

I’m .
2 Where do you live?
I live .
3 How often do you make your bed?
I .
4 What do you like doing on vacation?
On vacation, I .
5 What do you do when you have a cold?
When I .
TOTAL / 10
Shine On! 5 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press
Tests Transcripts
Unit 1 Unit 4 Unit 6
2.43 2.46 2.48
Transcript Transcript Transcript
1 A: What are you playing? 1 Girl: Oh Look. That’s a cool tablet. Excuse 1 Girl: Hi Kyle! What are you doing?
Boy: I’m playing the guitar. me. How much is this? Boy: I’m cleaning my bedroom.
2 A: What are you playing? A: This tablet? It’s 64 dollars. Girl: Oh. Er… Wow! It’s messy! How often
Boy: I’m playing the piano. 2 Boy: I like this cell phone! Excuse me. do you clean your bedroom?
How much is this? Boy: Well… I sometimes clean it.
3 A: What are you playing?
Girl: I’m playing the drums. A: This is a great cell phone, but it’s 100 2 Boy: Hi Lisa. What are you doing?
dollars. Girl: I’m cutting the grass!
4 A: What are you playing?
Boy: Oh… Boy: Oh. OK. How often do you cut the
Boy: I’m playing the trumpet.
3 Girl: Look at these headphones! They’re grass?
5 A: What are you playing? Girl: I always cut the grass! It’s my job!
cool! How much are these?
Girl: I’m playing the saxophone.
A: The headphones… Just a minute… 3 Boy: Hi Emma! Where are you?
They’re 40 dollars. Girl: I’m at home. I’m helping Mom. I’m
Unit 2 4 Boy: Look at this cool watch! I like it! folding clothes.
2.44 Excuse me. How much is this? Boy: How often do you fold clothes?
Transcript A: That’s a great watch! It’s 54 dollars. Girl: I often fold clothes. My brother
1 A: Where are you from? never helps but I often fold clothes.
5 Girl: I need a calculator. Here’s one! How
Boy: We’re from Mexico. much is this? 4 Boy: Hi George! What are you doing?
2 A: Where are you from? A: The calculator… let me see… It’s 31 Boy: I’m cooking dinner!
Girl: We’re from Australia. dollars. Boy: Oh. Cool. How often do you cook
3 A: Where are you from?
Boy: Well, Mom often cooks, and
Girl: We’re from Spain.
Unit 5 Dad sometimes cooks dinner – and I
4 A: Where are you from? 2.47 sometimes cook dinner.
Boy: We’re from Japan. Transcript
5 Girl: Hi Shelley. Oh! These plants don’t
5 A: Where are you from? Girl: Hi James. You’re very busy! look good.
Boy: We’re from the UK. Boy: Yes, I am! I’m very busy. I have a lot of Girl: No. Mom isn’t happy. It’s my job to
homework. water the plants.
Girl: Oh. When do you do your homework? Girl: Hmmm. How often do you water
Unit 3 Do you do it in the evening? the plants.
Transcript Boy: No, I don’t! I do my homework in the Girl: Uh… I never water the plants. Look!
morning – before school. Girl: Oh dear!
1 A: What do they want? Girl: Hmmm. When do you come home?
B: They don’t want a cell phone cover. Boy: I come home at three thirty in the
They want a laptop case. afternoon. Unit 7
2 A: What do they want? Girl: What do you do then? Do you help 2.49

B: They don’t want headphones. They your mom?

want a calculator. Boy: Um… No, I don’t. I take a shower in 1 A: How do you feel?
3 A: What do they want? the afternoon. Boy: I have a cold!
B: They don’t want a camera. They want Girl: Oh, OK. When do you play with your 2 A: How do you feel?
a cell phone cover. friends? Do you play with your friends in Girl: Ugh! I have a stomach ache.
the afternoon?
4 A: What do they want? 3 A: How do you feel?
Boy: No, I don’t. I play with my friends in
B: They don’t want a calculator. They Girl: Shhhh! I have a headache.
the evening. We play after dinner.
want a camera. 4 A: How do you feel?
Girl: Oh. After dinner?
5 A: What do they want? Boy: Yes, I play with my friends in the Boy: I have a sore throat.
B: They don’t want a laptop case. They evening. We play computer games – on the 5 A: How do you feel?
want headphones. Internet! Girl: I have a fever.
Girl: Oh, OK. When do you go to bed? 6 A: How do you feel?
Boy: I go to bed late! I go to bed at ten Boy: I have a cough.
o’clock at night.
Girl: Ten o’clock at night! That’s very late.
Boy: Hmmm, yes, I’m very busy.
Girl: Hmmmm.
Unit 8 Transcript

Transcript 1 Girl 1: Hi Jane! Can I play with you?
1 Girl: Do you like painting pictures? Girl 2: Sure! Come on!
Boy: Yes, I do! I like painting pictures on Girl 1: What are you playing?
weekends. Girl 2: We’re playing volleyball.
Girl 1: Volleyball! Great! I like playing
2 Girl: Do you like meeting your friends?
Boy: Yes, I do. I like meeting my friends
at the park. 2 Girl: Good morning Alex. How do you
3 Girl: Do you like eating in a restaurant?
Boy: I don’t feel well. I have a sore throat.
Boy: No, I don’t! Mom and Dad like it, but
Girl: A sore throat? Poor you. Take some
I don’t like eating in a restaurant. It’s so
3 Boy: It’s Jenny’s birthday on Saturday.
4 Girl: Do you like visiting a museum?
Let’s get her a present.
Boy: Yes, I do. I like history. I like visiting
Girl: Good idea. What does she want?
a museum.
Boy: She has a new laptop.
5 Girl: Do you like playing computer Girl: Yes, I think she wants a laptop case.
games? Boy: Good idea. A laptop case.
Boy: No, I don’t. I like playing outside. I
4 Boy 1: Mom likes chocolates. Let’s get her
don’t like playing computer games.
a surprise.
Boy 2: OK. Look at this box of chocolates!
End-of-year test Boy 1: How much is the box of
Transcript Boy 2: It’s ten dollars and thirty-three
1 Boy: Hi! Where are you from? cents.
Girl: We’re from the USA. 5 Girl: Oh! I have lots of homework!
Boy: Cool! Where do you live? Boy: Me too!
Girl: We live in a city. In New York City. Girl: When do you do your homework,
2 Girl: Where are you from? Ben?
Boy: We’re from Japan. Boy: I do my homework in the afternoon.
Girl: What are you playing?
Boy: We’re playing a computer game.
3 Boy: Where are you from?
Girl: We’re from Australia.
Boy: What do you like doing on
Girl: We like going to the beach!
4 Girl: Where are you from?
Boy: We’re from Italy.
Girl: Where do you live?
Boy: We live in the countryside.
5 Boy: Where are you from?
Girl: We’re from the UK.
Boy: What are you playing?
Girl: We’re playing the trumpet!

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