Alcoholic Beverages

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Alcoholic beverages

Depending on the type of the raw material used for fermentation and the type of processing ( with
or without distillation) different type of alcoholic beverages are obtained

Type of beverages

(Based on type of processing)



Undistilled beverages

Undistilled alcoholic drinks are those which have had little or nothing done to them past the
fermentation process.

During the fermentation process, bacteria or yeast chemically convert sugar

and starches into ethanol.

The alcohol by volume (ABV) and alcohol proof of undistilled alcohol are
lesser than distilled alcohol

Wine and beer are the main types of undistilled drinks and have been made
and consumed around the world


After water and tea, beer is the most commonly consumed drink in the
world and likely the oldest recorded in history.

Most beers come as either a larger or ale with an average ABV of between 4
and 6%.

Some beers do come with lower or higher ABV, with light beers usually
having between 2 and 4% and malt liqueurs and strong lagers having up to

Some beers do come with lower or higher ABV, with light beers usually
having between 2 and 4% and malt liqueurs and strong lagers having up to

The most common forms of wine come in red, white, and rose varieties with
a standard ABV of between 12 and 14%.

The most common forms of wine come in red, white, and rose varieties with
a standard ABV of between 12 and 14%.

Fortified wines such as vermouth, port, and Madeira are mixed with distilled
alcohol to give a higher ABV, normally around 20%.


Sake uses fermented rice and originates from Japan

It typically has a higher ABV than other undistilled alcohols at around 16-

Distilled beverages

Distilled alcoholic drinks go through a further process after the

fermentation stage.

distillation is where the alcohol created during fermentation is

removed from the wash to form a concentrated liquid
The distillation process concentrates the alcohol content of fermented
drinks by removing water and other components, making them stronger.

First distillation
The wash from fermentation is poured into stills that are heated with steam.
can be done in two ways.

 Pot still
 Column still

Pot still
which acts as a large kettle that is heated.
Alcohol boils at a lower temperature than water, and therefore will evaporate first.
As the still is heated the alcohol evaporates and is separated off into another container
called a condenser through the swan neck of the still. In the condenser, constantly
running cold water turns the vapour back into liquid.
Column still

the wash is trickled down a series of plates, with steam rising up the opposite
The steam heats the alcohol as it goes and it evaporates off.
Foam is more likely to be created from a wash that has only been fermented for a short
period of time. This foam carries solids that will spoil the liquid in the condenser
The distiller is able to control the amount of foam produced by reducing the heat and
maintaining the level of foam at a certain point.
In this first distillation, lasting around 6 hours, the alcohol and some water is separated
from the solids and liquids of the wash. The result is called low wines, which are at an
ABV of around 21-30%.

The second distillation creates an even more concentrated liquid as more water is
There is no chance of frothing either as there are no solids in the liquid.
The distiller must be sure of when to stop distillation, as different flavour compounds
boil at different levels. This is called “making the cut”.
In order to assess whether the liquid can be cut or not, the distiller must look at the run
of the liquid that has been produced.

Spirit space

a small metal box where the distillate can be view.

heads or foreshots.
These are compounds with a low boiling point.
These elements must be removed, for being unhealthy or unpleasant to taste. These are
moved to another container called a feints receiver.
hearts of the wash.
This is the bit that the distiller wants to preserve
tails of the spirit
which is similar to the heads, as in they are undesirable.
the distiller is able to redirect their path and move them into a separate container from
the hearts.
The ABV of the liquid that comes out after the second distillation is around 70%

There are some elements in the foreshots and feints that contribute a pleasant and
desirable flavour to beverages.

Some of the foreshots contribute sweet, fruity and citrus notes while the heavier,
oily feints contribute smoky notes.

The point at which the distiller makes the cut will determine the overall texture
of the Whisky, whether it is light of heavy. The earlier it is cut, the lighter it is
and vice versa.

Types of distilled drinks


Gin is made with a combination of juniper berries and other botanical elements. Its
ABV ranges from 35 to 60%.


Brandy is a form of distilled wine that is stronger than other fortified wines. The most
famous type of brandy is Cognac that has an ABV of 40% with other types of brandy
ranging from 35 to 60%.


Whisky is made with fermented grain and has its origins in Scotland, though is now
produced in different varieties all over the world. The typical ABV for whisky is 40 to


Rum is made by distilling fermented sugarcane or molasses and comes in dark,

white, and spiced versions. Typically, rum has an ABV of 40% though some
overproofed versions can be 57.5 to 75.5%.


Tequila originates from Mexico and is made from fermented agave, a type of cactus.
Tequila ABV is normally around 40% but can go up to 60%. The drink usually comes
in clear or golden colors, but can be combined with other ingredients to create new


Vodka has its origins in Russia and other Eastern European countries, typically made
by distilling fermented grains and potatoes with a clear finish. Standard vodka
concentration is 40% but like tequila, some can reach 60%.

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