PYC4809 Assignment 02 635137 2024

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Assignment 02

Assignment 02: Compulsory assignment for examination admission

The mark for this assignment counts for the year mark
Closing date: 17 July 2024

Unique number: PYC4809 - 635137

Section A

1. Briefly describe a therapeutic approach of your choice. (Three to four typed

pages only.) We suggest that you use extra scientific sources of information –
apart from the prescribed book when answering this question.

2. How did this approach contribute to your self-understanding? (± ½ to one


3. Discuss how your chosen approach could be utilised in the organisation

where you did volunteer work (± 1½ page.)

Please list your references before answering Sections B, C and D.

Section B

Please start this section on a new page

Please give us the following information:

1. Give the name of the therapeutic approach that you discussed in section A
(we need this for research purposes).

2. Identify the organisation where you did your voluntary work and give its
address (Please make sure that you mention the postal code.)

3. Give your supervisor’s name and telephone number.

4. Approximately how many hours of voluntary work did you do in total?

(Please indicate how these hours were spread over time.)

Section C
1. Describe some of the challenges that you had to face whilst doing
voluntary work. How did you cope with these challenges?

2. Share some of the high and low points of your voluntary work.

Section D

1. Please use a 10-point scale to rate PYC4809 on the aspects mentioned


A rating of 10 indicates that you are totally satisfied with a specific aspect and
a rating of 1 indicates that you are totally dissatisfied with a specific aspect.

Rating 1 to 10
a. The format of the course ………………..
b. The textbook ………………..
c. Tutorial Letter 101 ………………..
d. The voluntary work ………………..
e. The work load ………………..
f. Interaction with lecturers ………………..
g. Contents of the course ………………..
h. Overall rating of the course ………………..

2. Please comment on your satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the course.

We will appreciate any recommendations that you might have.

Please note:

1. The mark that you obtain for this assignment counts towards your final mark.

2. We will keep Section B to D of Assignment 02 for research purposes. Please

answer Section B to D separately, starting each section on a new page. Mark
the sections clearly as Section B, Section C and Section D and write your
student number at the top of Section B and Section C (not Section D).

3. Assignment 02 (Section A) requires that you focus on any single approach which
you choose. The recommended reading given below merely provides examples
of different approaches. You may select any one of these. Of course, you are
also free to choose any approach from your prescribed book.

We urge you also to study the information about literature references in Tutorial Letter
PSYHONM/301/2023. Give special attention to the topic of plagiarism.

Plagiarism is the act of taking words, ideas and thoughts of others and passing them
off as your own. It is a form of theft which involves a number of dishonest academic
The Disciplinary Code for Students is given to all students at registration. Students
are advised to study the Code, especially Sections 2.1.13 and 2.1.4 (pp. 3-4). Kindly
read the University’s Policy on Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism as well.


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