CCI HWU Safety Through Innovative Design

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• Following several successful land-based operations
CCI were awarded a scope of work to develop an
offshore compliant hydraulic work over unit for a local
WA operator

• CCI completed a BOD with innovative safety design

features at the forefront of the design criteria

• These designs and engineered solutions eliminate

many risks present with Hydraulic work over
operations and ensure the safety and wellbeing of the
operating crew
Hazards are identified, analysed and

Safety in Design
The “Safety in Design” principle The design complies with relevant
ensures that hazards arising regulations codes and standards
from equipment design are
assessed and mitigated during
Risks are tolerable and it can be demonstrated, in the
the design phase. The process early phases of a project, that the decisions made will
commences early in the design help on the path to achieving a design where the risk is
where the opportunity to achieve
step change improvement in
safety outcomes is the greatest. Safety design measures that are provided to
Ref: W1000SF5568513 Rev 1 Engineering protect personnel are suitable for the hazardous
Standard Safety in Design events which they are designed to manage
MAE / Fatality Risk Causes Preventing controls (Design) Mitigating Controls (Design)
Extreme Weather Event • API 4F Design – 100yr • Multiple escape routes
Storm Case for region • Digital wind speed monitor
Mechanical Overload • Grillage support beams & alarm
Structural collapse of HWU • Dynamic loads
Incorrect Instillation independent of frame
• Modular components
designed to install in
specific configuration
• Back up failure / not • Remote Control Panel • Permanent handrails
engaged removes operator from red designed to AS code
Struck by rotating Equipment • Operator in Line of Fire zone
(Hydraulic Tong) • Safety line not installed • Dual rated snub point (5T)
• Snub point not rated allows both make and
• Handrails not sufficient / in break side to be
place permanently installed
• Parted work string • Remote control removing • Beveled edges on work
Mechanical failure of • Sudden release of energy personnel from work window
equipment / components • Struck by equipment basket / red zone • Dead man switch on jack &
during high over-pull / jarring • Pressure control admin Slips
switch limiting overpull
Design features attributed to a
safer operation - HWU
• Design Standards – API4F
• Remove personnel from line of fire
• Fail safes (deadman switch)
• Large Work Area (Rig Floor)
• Hose Management (Reduction & Routing)
• Access / Egress
• Component Interface / Equipment selection
• Minimise working at heights
Design & Build Standard
Designed and built-in accordance with API 4F and Australian relevant standards
The unit can safely operate in wind speeds of 40 knots and can remain rigged up during wind speeds of
110.8 knots (Cat-4 Cyclone).
Remote Control RF Module
• HWU is operated via an ATEX rated RF remote control
panel that syncs directly with the HPU
• During normal operating conditions housed in a semi
fixed control panel on the rig floor
• During high-risk activities or when the operator needs
to move to a position for better visibility the unit can
be removed and is operational up to 250m from the
• Remote control unit has successfully been operated to
remotely Jar on a stuck string, perform high over-pulls
and remove a coil tubing hanger without a single
person on the unit
• HPU pressure limited with coded admin control to
prevent excessive overpulls
Winch & Slip system
• Dual winch System hydraulically restricted to not exceed
• Spool mode feature to allow pay out of winch line under
low load condition
• Fail-safe engineered weak point on winch line to avoid
excessive load being transmitted through tower
• Safety deadman switch on pipe slips to avoid inadvertent
setting or opening
• Safety deadman switch on Jack to prevent inadvertent
Tubular Make / Break
• traditionally considered a high-risk activity on HWOU due
to limited space
• Incident occurred in WA Offshore in 2020 leading to LTI
• Following investigation, it was ascertained that;
Safety Line not installed,
Integral Back up not engaged,
Tong operated in high gear during initial bite
• IP subsequently struck by tong sustaining lacerations and
Operator Tong Operator
in red zone and
Single safety line of fire


Single Safety


CCI HWOU Tong arrangement

Tong Operator removed from red zone via remote Panel

Dual Safety Line permanently installed on Tong

Remote controlled hydraulic tong jib to reduce manual

Ladders & Handrails
• All Ladders and Handrails are designed in
accordance with AS1657 and AS1892

• Tower section of the unit designed to

minimize fall distance by alternating
ladder position between sections

• Ladders access all the way to the work

floor with self closing spring-loaded
gates removing the need of a “trap-

• Handrails always remain in place and in

accordance with the standard including
around the pipe-slide access point
Compliant ladders for Gin Fixed cartridge retention pins
Pole access prevent drops

Double retention on Large, clear work

tong safety line floors

Remote Tong Panel Multiple access &

Egress Points with
Self closing gates
Kick Plates to
prevent drops

Handrails & Ladders

FRP non-Slip grating in accordance with
AS. Standards

Funnel Guides to
Beveled edges on
prevent hands on
jack & work
16kms Tubing 8420 Man
Tripped Hours Worked

844 Remote ZERO 13 Rig Up /

Connections LOST TIME Down Events

4 Remote High 2 Offshore

Risk Activities Facilities
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