Gurukul Oswal Ojective Physics AIIMS IITJEE 2-48-80

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Motion in a Straight Line
ӽ Frame of reference, distance, and displacement: Inertial frame of reference, non-inertial frame of
reference; Types of motion.
ӽ Average speed and average velocity: Speed; Average speed; Velocity; Average velocity.
ӽ Instantaneous speed and velocity: Introduction; Instantaneous speed; Instantaneous velocity.
ӽ Acceleration: Introduction; Average acceleration.
ӽ Kinematic equations for uniformly accelerated motion: Free fall acceleration; Distance-time graph,
velocity-time graph, acceleration-time graph.
ӽ Relative velocity: Introduction.



Distance and Speed and Velocity Acceleration and Kinematics Relative Velocity
Displacement (Speed: How fast an Retardation Equations (Velocity of
(Distance: The length object is moving (Acceleration: (Equations a body with
of path covered by Velocity: Rate at Rate of increase for uniformly respect to
object during its time which an object in velocity accelerated motion) another body,
interval changes its position) Retardation: Rate v  u  at which is moving
Displacement: It is of decrease in 1 or at rest)
S  ut  at 2
the shortest distance velocity) 2
between the intial v 2  u2  2 aS
and final position of a
the moving object. Sn  u  ( 2n  1)

Mind Map 1: Motion in Straight Line


Displacement-Time Graphs Velocity-Time Graphs Acceleration-Time Graphs

• Slope equals velocity • Slope equals acceleration • Slope is meaningless
• g-intercept equals the initial • g-intercept equals the initial velocity • g-intercept equals the
displacement • When two curves coincide, the two initial acceleration
• When two curves coincide, the two objects have the same velocity at that • When two curves
objects have the same displacement time coincide, the two
at that time • Straight lines imply uniform acceleration objects have the same
• Straight lines imply constant velocity • Curved lines imply non-uniform acceleration at that time
• Curved lines imply acceleration acceleration

Mind Map 2: Kinematics Graphs

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Frame of Reference, Distance, and Displacement

ӽ It is a set of co-ordinates that can be used to determine positions and velocities of objects in that frame.
■ Inertial frame of reference: Frame of reference that remains at rest or moves with constant velocity with
respect to other frames of reference. It has constant velocity and Newton’s laws of motion are valid. E.g.—
Š Our Earth; A space shuttle moving with constant velocity relative to the Earth; A rocket moving with constant
velocity relative to the Earth.
■ Non-inertial frame of reference: Frame of reference that is undergoing acceleration with respect to an inertial
frame. In it, Newton’s laws of motion are not valid. It does not have a constant velocity. E.g.—
Š Frame could be travelling in straight line but speeding up or slowing down; Frame could be travelling along
curved path at steady speed; Frame could be travelling along curved path and speeding up or slowing down.
ӽ When object changes its position w.r.t. its surroundings with time, then it is in motion. When object does not
change its position w.r.t. its surroundings with time, it is at rest. Rest and motion are relative states.
Types of Motion
ӽ One-dimensional motion: When only one out of three co-ordinates specify position of object changes w.r.t. time.
E.g., motion of block in train in straight track, man walking on levelled road and object falling under gravity, etc.
ӽ Two-dimensional motion: When only two out of three co-ordinates states the position of the object changes with
respect to time, then the motion is known as two-dimensional motion. For example, circular motion.
ӽ Three-dimensional motion: When all the three co-ordinates specify the position of the object changes with respect
to time. For examples, a flying bird, kite, aeroplane or the random motion of gas molecules, etc.
ӽ The length of actual path travelled by object during its motion in each interval of time is distance travelled by it.
ӽ Distance travelled by body is path length. It is a scalar quantity.
ӽ Displacement is length of shortest path between final and initial points. Its direction is from initial point to final
point. It is vector quantity.
ӽ In one-dimensional motion displacement of the object will be the shortest distance between final and initial point.
For example, displacement of a particle in a circular motion would be zero when it reaches the starting point.
ӽ Displacement in given time interval can be positive, negative or zero but distance is positive. Value of
displacement can not be greater than distance covered. Magnitude of displacement for motion between two points
may be zero, but the corresponding path length is not zero.
Average Speed and Average Velocity
ӽ Speed is rate of change of position of the body with time in any direction. Average speed of object is distance
travelled divided by the time elapsed. If a particle travels a distance x in time t1 to t2 the average speed is
t 2  t1

ӽ Velocity of a body is defined as the rate of change of displacement of the body with time.
ӽ Average velocity is defined as the ratio of the displacement to the time interval for which the motion takes place.
x axis
(x1, t1) (x2, t2)
 x  x x
vaverage  v  2 1 
t 2  t1 t
ӽ If beginning and ending velocities for this motion are known, and acceleration is constant, the average velocity is
V1 displacement V2 x axis
(x1, t1) (x2, t2)
 v v
vaverage  v  1 2

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Instantaneous Speed and Velocity

ӽ Average velocity tells how fast object has been moving over given time interval but does not tell how fast it moves
at different instant S of time. Instantaneous speed is the rate of change of distance with respect to time.
ӽ Instantaneous speed is always greater than or equal to zero and is scalar quantity. For uniform motion, instantaneous
speed is constant. Velocity of body at given instant of time during motion is instantaneous velocity.

Instantaneous velocity  lim
t  0 t

ӽ The direction of instantaneous velocity at any time gives the direction of motion of a particle at that point in
time. The magnitude of instantaneous velocity equals the instantaneous speed. This happens because, for an
infinitesimally small-time interval, the motion of a particle can be approximated to be uniform.
ӽ Instantaneous velocity is a vector quantity. Instantaneous speed is magnitude of instantaneous velocity. It has
same value but is not vector, so it has no direction. The speedometer of automobile measures instantaneous speed.
Average speed of body is greater than or equal to magnitude of the average velocity over a given time interval.


ӽ It is the rate of change of velocity with time. Ways to accelerate is by changing speed or change in direction or to
change both.
ӽ Acceleration of a body is defined as the rate of change of velocity of a body with time.
Change in velocity
Acceleration =
Time taken
ӽ It is a vector quantity. If velocity of object increases/decreases with time, its acceleration increases/decreases
ӽ Average acceleration is rate at which total velocity changes. It is the change in total velocity divided by an elapsed
v v2  v1
Average acceleration  
t t2  t l
ӽ The acceleration of the moving body at any instant of time is defined as its instantaneous acceleration.
dv d2 x
a ins  lim  lim 2
t  0 dt t  0 dt

Kinematic Equations for Uniformly Accelerated Motion

ӽ Uniformly accelerated motion is that in which velocity changes at the same rate throughout motion.
ӽ Equation of motion for a uniformly accelerated motion:
1 a
v  u  at ; s  ut  at 2 ; v 2  u2  2as; sn  u  (2n  1)
2 2
Where u is initial velocity, v is final velocity, a is uniform acceleration, s is distance travelled in time t, sn is distance
covered in nth second. These equations are not valid if the acceleration is non-uniform.

Free Fall Acceleration

ӽ Freely falling motion of a body under the effect of gravity is an example of uniformly accelerated motion.
ӽ Kinematic equation of motion under gravity can be obtained by replacing acceleration ‘a’ in equations of motion
by acceleration due to gravity ‘g’. Equations of motion for a freely falling body under gravity.
1 g
v  u  gt ; h  ut  gt 2 ; v 2  u2  2gh; hn  u  (2n  1)
2 2
ӽ Value of g is positive when body falls vertically downwards and negative when body is projected up words.
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ӽ If the body dropped from height h, that means its initial velocity u = 0. Then equations are:
1 g
v  gt ; h  gt 2 ; v 2  2gh; hn  (2n  1)
2 2
Distance-Time Graphs
ӽ The vertical axis of a distance-time graph is the distance travelled from
the start, and the horizontal axis is the time taken from the start.
ӽ Features of the graphs:
■ Slope of graph shows velocity. g-intercept equals initial displacement.
When two curves coincide, two objects have same displacement at that
■ Straight lines imply constant velocity. Curved lines imply acceleration.
Object undergoing constant acceleration traces portion of parabola.
■ Average velocity is the slope of the straight line connecting the
endpoints of a curve. Figure: Distance-time graphs
■ Instantaneous velocity is the slope of the line tangent to a curve at any point.
■ Positive slope implies motion in the positive direction. Negative slope implies motion in the negative direction.
■ Zero slope implies a state of rest.
Velocity-Time Graphs
ӽ The vertical axis of a velocity-time graph is the velocity of the object and the
horizontal axis is the time taken from the start.
ӽ Features of the graphs:
■ Slope of graph shows acceleration. g-intercept equals initial velocity. When
two curves coincide, two objects have same velocity at that time.
■ Straight lines imply uniform acceleration. Curved lines imply non-uniform
acceleration. An object undergoing constant acceleration traces a straight line.
■ Average acceleration is the slope of the straight line connecting endpoints of
curve. Instantaneous acceleration is the slope of the line tangent to a curve at
any point. Figure: Velocity-Time graphs
■ Positive slope implies an increase in velocity in the positive direction. Negative slope implies an increase in
velocity in the negative direction. Zero slope implies motion with constant velocity.
■ The area under the curve equals the change in displacement.
Acceleration-Time Graphs
ӽ The vertical axis of an acceleration-time graph is the change in the velocity
of the object and the horizontal axis is the time taken from the start.
ӽ Features of graphs:
■ Slope of graph is meaningless. g-intercept equals the initial acceleration.
■ When two curves coincide, two objects have same acceleration at that
time. Object undergoing constant acceleration traces a horizontal line.
■ Zero slope implies motion with constant acceleration. The area under the
curve equals the change.
Figure: Acceleration-time graphs
Relative Velocity

ӽ If motion of particle w.r.t. object which is also moving w.r.t. ground, then velocity w.r.t. ground is actual velocity
and velocity w.r.t. moving object is relative velocity and velocity of moving object (w.r.t. ground) is reference
ӽ Relative velocity of a body A with respect to body B, when they are moving in the same direction is given by,
  
v AB  v A  v B
ӽ Relative velocity of a body A with respect to body B when they are moving in the opposite direction is given by,
  
v AB  v A  v B

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related to time t (in sec) by t  3 x  6 . The

Frame of Reference, Distance, and
Displacement displacement of the particle when its velocity is zero,
will be:
1. Which branch of physics deals with motion without (a) 2 m (b) 4 m
considering its causes? (c) 0 m (d) 6 m
(a) Statics (b) Dynamics 9. The area under velocity-time graph for a particle in a
(c) Kinematics (d) Hydrodynamics given interval of time represents:
2. Which of the following is correct? (a) velocity (b) acceleration
(a) Displacement is always equal to the distance. (c) work done (d) displacement
(b) Displacement must be in the direction of the 10. All the graphs below are intended to represent the same
acceleration of the body. motion. One of them does it incorrectly. Pick it up.
(c) Displacement must not be in the direction of Velocity
(d) None of these (a) Position
3. If a man goes 12 m towards north and 5 m towards
east, then his displacement is: distance
(a) 22.5 m (b) 17 m
(c) 13 m (d) 30 m
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect? (b) time
(a) Displacement is independent of the choice of
origin of the axis.
(b) Displacement may or may not be equal to the
distance travelled.
(c) When a particle returns to its starting point, its (c) time
displacement is not zero.
(d) Displacement does not tell the nature of the
actual motion of a particle between the points. Velocity
5. A drunkard is walking along a straight road. He
takes five steps forwards and three steps backwards
and soon. Each step is 1 m long and takes 1 second. (d) time
There is a pit on the road 11 m away from the starting
point. The drunkard will fall into the pit after:
(a) 21 s (b) 29 s
(c) 31 s (d) 37 s Average Speed and Average Velocity
6. The numerical ratio of distance to displacement is 11. Which of the following graphs represents the position-
(a) always equal to one. time graph of a particle moving with negative velocity?
(b) always less than one. x
(c) always greater than one. (a)
(d) equal to or more than one.
7. The acceleration of a particle, starting from rest, varies
with time according to the relation a  s 2 sin t .
The displacement of this particle at a time t will be: t
(a) s sin ωt (b) sω cos ωt (b)
(c) sω sin ωt (d)   
s 2 sin t t 2
8. A particle of mass m moving in one dimension whose
displacement is x under the action of a force, is t
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x (a) 33 cm/s (b) 18 cm/s

(c) (c) 16 cm/s (d) 32 cm/s
17. The position x of a particle with respect to time t
along x-axis is given by x = 9t2 − t3 where x is in
metres and t is in seconds. What will be the position
t of this particle when it achieves maximum speed
x along the positive x-direction?
(d) (a) 54 m
(b) 81 m
(c) 24 m
(d) 32 m
18. The motion of a particle is described by
12. A cyclist moving on a circular track of radius 40 m
x  x0 (1  e  kt ); t  0, x0  0, k  0. With what
completes half a revolution in 40 seconds. Its average
velocity is: velocity does the particle start?
(a) zero (b) 4π m/s x0
(c) 2 m/s (d) 8π m/s (a) (b) x0 k
13. A boy walks on a straight road from his home to a
market 2.5 km with a speed of 5 km/h. Finding the (c) (d) 2 x0 k
market closed, he instantly turns and walks back with x0
a speed of 7.5 km/h. What is the average speed and 19. The speed-time graph of a particle moving along a
average velocity of the boy between t = 0 and t = 50
fixed direction as shown in the figure. The distance
traversed by the particle between t = 0 s to t = 10 s is:
(a) 0, 0 (b) 6 km/h, 0
(c) 0, 6 km/h (d) 6 km/h, 6 km/h v
14. A particle moves with uniform velocity. Which of the (m s–1)
following statements about the motion of the particle
is true? 12
(a) Its speed is zero.
(b) Its acceleration is zero.
(c) Its acceleration is opposite to the velocity. t(s)
(d) Its speed may be variable. 0 5 10
[Hint: Rate of change in velocity is acceleration.] (a) 20 m (b) 40 m
15. Figure shows the x – t plot of a particle in one- (c) 60 m (d) 80 m
dimensional motion. Two different equal intervals of
time are shown. Let v1 and v2 be average speed in 20. Figure shows the displacement (x) and time (t) graph
time intervals 1 and 2 respectively. Then, of the particle moving on the x-axis.
x x

O t0 t
(a) v1 > v2. (b) v2 > v1. (a) The particle is at rest.
(c) v1 = v2. (d) Data is insufficient. (b) The particle is continuously going along
[Hint: Average speed in a small interval of time is x-direction.
equal to the slope of x-t graph.] (c) The velocity of the particle increases up to time,
t0 and then becomes constant.
Instantaneous Speed and Instantaneous (d) The particle moves at a constant velocity up to
Velocity a time, t0 and then stops.
16. The motion of a particle is described by the equation 21. The displacement-time graph of a moving particle is
x = at + bt2, where a = 15 cm/s and b = 3 cm/s2. Its as shown in the figure. The instantaneous velocity of
instantaneous velocity at t = 3 s will be: the particle is negative at the point:
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(c) change in velocity. (d) distance travelled.

29. The displacement of a body is given to be proportional
D to the cube of time elapsed. The magnitude of the
acceleration of the body is
Time (a) increasing with time.
(b) decreasing with time.
(a) C (b) D (c) constant but not zero.
(c) E (d) F (d) zero.

22. A particle located at x = 0 at time t = 0, starts moving 30. For the one-dimensional motion, described by x =
along the positive x-direction with a velocity v that t – sin t.
varies as v   x . The displacement of the particle (a) x(t) > 0 for all t > 0
varies with time as: (b) v(t) > 0 for all t > 0
(c) a(t) > 0 for all t > 0
(a) t3 (b) t2
(d) All of these
(c) t (d) t1/2
31. A particle moving along a straight line has a velocity
23. The displacement x of a particle moving in one v m/s when it cleared x m. These two are connected
dimension, under the action of a constant force is
by the relation: v  49  x . When its velocity is
related to the time t by the equation t = √x + 3 where x
is in metre and t is in seconds. Find the displacement 1 m/s, its acceleration is:
of the particle when its velocity is zero. (a) 2 m/s2 (b) 7 m/s2
(a) Zero (b) 3 (c) 1 m/s 2 (d) 0.5 m/s2
(c) 9 (d) Cannot determine 32. A particle starts from point A moves along a straight
24. The displacement x of a particle varies with time t line path with an acceleration given by a = p − qx
as x  ae  t  be  t , where a, b, α, and β are positive where p and q are constants and x is distance from
constants. The velocity of the particle will point A. The particle stops at point B. The maximum
(a) be independent of α and β. velocity of the particle is:
(b) drop to zero when α = β. p p
(c) go on decreasing with time. (a) (b)
q q
(d) go on increasing with time.

q q
Acceleration (c) (d)
p p
25. Curved lines in velocity-time graph for a particle in a 33. The given acceleration-time graph represents which
given interval of time implies of the following physical situations?
(a) velocity.
(b) distance.
(c) work done.
(d) non-uniform acceleration.
26. The motion of a body is given by the equation
dv t
 6  3v where v is the speed in m/s and t is time
in second. The body is at rest at t = 0. The speed
varies with time as: (a) A cricket ball moving with a uniform speed is
(a) v = (1 − e−3t) (b) v = 2(1 − e−3t) hit with a bat for a very short time interval.
−2t (b) A ball is falling freely from the top of a tower.
(c) v = (1 + e ) (d) v = 2(1 + e−2t)
(c) A car moving with constant velocity on a
27. The slope of the tangent drawn on velocity-time graph straight road.
at any instant of time is equal to the instantaneous (d) A football is kicked into the air vertically
(a) acceleration. (b) velocity. upwards.
(c) impulse. (d) momentum. 34. The relation between time t and distance x is t = ax2
28. The area under acceleration-time graph represents the + bx where a and b are constants. The acceleration
(a) initial velocity. (b) final velocity. is:
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(a) –2av3 (b) 2av2

(c) –2av2 (d) 2bv3 Kinematic Equations for Uniformly
Accelerated Motion
35. The x and y co-ordinates of the particle at any time
are x = 5t − 2t2 and y = 10t respectively, where x and
40. A car starts from rest, attains a velocity of 36 km/h
y are in metres and t in seconds. The acceleration of
with an acceleration of 0.2 m/s2, travels 9 km with
the particle at t = 2 s is:
this uniform velocity and then comes to halt with a
(a) 5 m/s2 (b) −4 m/s2 uniform deceleration of 0.1 m/s2. The total time of
(c) −8 m/s2 (d) 0 travel of the car is:
36. A particle moves a distance x in time t according to (a) 1,050 s
equation x = (t + 5)–1. The acceleration of particle is (b) 1,000 s
proportional to: (c) 950 s
(a) (velocity)3/2 (b) (distance)2 (d) 900 s
(c) (distance) −2 (d) (velocity)2/3 41. The distance travelled by a particle starting from rest
37. Which graph corresponds to an object moving with a and moving with an acceleration 4/3 m/s2 in the third
constant negative acceleration and a positive velocity? second is:
(a) 10/3 m (b) 19/3 m
(c) 6 m (d) 4 m
(a) Velocity 42. Free fall of an object in vacuum is a case of motion
(a) uniform velocity.
(b) uniform acceleration.
(c) variable acceleration.
(d) uniform speed.
(b) Velocity
43. Which of the following statements is not correct?
(a) The zero velocity of a body at any instant does not
Time necessarily imply zero acceleration at that instant.
(b) The kinematic equations of motion are true
only for motion in which the magnitude and the
direction of acceleration are constants during
(c) Velocity
(c) The sign of acceleration tells us whether the
Distance particles speed is increasing or decreasing.
(d) All of these
44. A car moving along a straight road with speed of
(d) Velocity 144 km/h is brought to a stop within 200 m. How
long does it take for the car to stop?
Distance (a) 5 s (b) 10 s
(c) 15 s (d) 20 s
38. A particle of unit mass undergoes one-dimensional 45. A girl standing on a stationary lift (open from above)
motion such that its velocity varies according to throws a ball upwards with initial speed 50 m/s. The
v(x )  bx 2n where b and n are constants and x is time taken by the ball to return to her hands is:
the position of the particle. The acceleration of the
(a) 5 s (b) 10 s
particle as function of x, is given by:
(c) 15 s (d) 20 s
(a) −2nb2 x −4n −1 (b) 2b2 x 2n 1
[Hint: Take g = 10 m/s2]
46. An object falling through a fluid is observed to
(c) 2nb2 e 4n 1 (d) −2nb2 x −2n −1
have acceleration given by a = g − bv where g =
39. The displacement of a particle is given by gravitational acceleration and b is constant. After
y  a  bt  ct 2  dt 4. The initial velocity and a long time of release, it is observed to fall with
acceleration are respectively: constant speed. The value of constant speed is:
(a) b, −4d (b) −b, 2c (a) g/b (b) b/g
(c) b, 2c (d) 2c, −4d (c) bg (d) b
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47. A bullet fired into a wooden block loses half of its
2h h
velocity after penetrating 40 cm. It comes to rest (a) (b)
after penetrating a further distance of: g 2g
(a) 22/3 cm (b) 40/3 cm
h 2h
(c) 20/3 cm (d) 22/5 cm (c) (d)
2g g
48. Stopping distance of a moving vehicle is directly
proportional to 56. From a balloon moving upwards with a velocity of
(a) square of the initial velocity. 12 m/s a packet is released when it is at a height of
(b) square of the initial acceleration. 65 m from the ground. The time taken by it to reach
(c) the initial velocity. the ground is (g = 10 ms2):
(d) the initial acceleration. (a) 5 s (b) 8 s
49. If a body loses half of its velocity on penetrating 3 cm (c) 4 s (d) 7 s
in a wooden block, then how much will it penetrate 57. A ball dropped from a point A falls vertically to C,
more before coming to rest? through the midpoint B. The descending time from A
(a) 1 cm (b) 2 cm to B and that from A to C are in the ratio:
(c) 3 cm (d) 4 cm (a) 1:1 (b) 1:2
50. A car moving with a speed of 50 km/h, can be (c) 1:3 (d) 1:√2
stopped by brakes after at least 6 m. If the same car
is moving at a speed of 100 km/h, the minimum 58. Two bodies of masses m1 and m2 fall from heights
stopping distance is: h1 and h2 respectively. The ratio of their velocities,
(a) 12 m (b) 18 m when they hit the ground is:
(c) 24 m (d) 6 m h1 h1
(a) (b)
51. Speeds of two identical cars are u and 4u at a specific h2 h2
instant. If the same deceleration is applied on both
the cars, the ratio of the respective distances in which m1h1 h12
(c) (d)
the two cars are stopped from that instant is: m1h2 h22
(a) 1:1 (b) 1:4
(c) 1:8 (d) 1:16 59. A stone falls from a balloon that is descending at
52. A ball is released from the top of a tower of height h a uniform rate of 12 m/s. The displacement of the
metre. It takes T second to reach the ground. What is stone from the point of release after 10 sec is:
the position of the ball in T/3 second? (a) 490 m (b) 510 m
(a) h/9 metre from the ground (c) 610 m (d) 725 m
(b) 7h/9 metre from the ground 60. Two bodies begin a free fall from the same height at
(c) 8h/9 metre from the ground a time interval of N s. If vertical separation between
(d) 17h/18 metre from the ground the two bodies is 1 after n second from the start of the
53. A car, starting from rest, accelerates at the rate f first body, then n is equal to:
through a distance s, then continues at constant speed 1
(a) nN (b)
for time t and then decelerates at the rate f/2 to come gN
to rest. If the total distance traversed is 15 s, then:
1 1 1 N 1 N
(a) s = ft 2 (b) s = ft 2 (c) + (d) −
2 4 gN 2 gN 4
(c) s = ft (d) None of these
61. The ratio of distances traversed in successive
54. A parachutist after bailing out falls 50 m without intervals of time when a body falls freely under
friction. When parachute opens, it decelerates at 2 m/s2. gravity from certain height is:
He reaches the ground with a speed of 3 m/s. At what (a) 1:2:3 (b) 1:5:9
height, did he bail out? (c) 1:3:5 (d) √1:√2:√3
(a) 293 m (b) 111 m
62. From a tower of height H, a particle is thrown
(c) 91 m (d) 182 m
vertically upwards with a speed u. The time taken by
55. Water drops fall at regular intervals from a tap which the particle, to hit the ground, is n times that taken by
is h m above the ground. After how many seconds it to reach the highest point of its path. The relation
does the first drop reach the ground? between H, u, and n is:
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(a) 2gH = n2 u2 (b) gH  (n  2)2 u2 69. A body is projected vertically upwards. If t1 and t2 be
the times at which it is at height h above the projection
(c) 2gH  nu2 (n  2) (d) gH  (n  2)2 u2 while ascending and descending respectively, then h is:

63. A rocket is moving in a gravity free space with a 1

(a) gt1t 2 (b) gt1t 2
constant acceleration of 2 ms−2 along + x direction (see 2
figure). The length of a chamber inside the rocket is 4 m. (c) 2gt1t 2 (d) 2hg
A ball is thrown from the left end of the chamber in
+ x direction with a speed of 0.3 ms−1 relative to the 70. Two balls A and B of same mass are thrown from the
rocket. At the same time, another ball is thrown in –x top of the building. A thrown upward with velocity v
direction with a speed of 0.2 ms−1 from its right end and B, thrown down with velocity v, then
relative to the rocket. The time in seconds when the (a) velocity A is more than B at the ground.
two balls hit each other is: (b) velocity of B is more than A at the ground.
2 (c) both A and B strike the ground with same velocity.
0.3 ms–1 0.2 ms–1
(d) None of these
71. A rocket is fired upward from the Earth’s surface
such that it creates an acceleration of 19.6 m/s2. If
(a) 3 (b) 2 after 5 s, its engine is switched off, the maximum
(c) 1 (d) None of these height of the rocket from Earth’s surface would be:
64. A particle when thrown, moves such that it passes (a) 980 m
from same height at 2 seconds and 10 seconds, then (b) 735 m
this height h is: (c) 490 m
(a) 5g (b) g (d) 245 m
(c) 8g (d) l0g 72. A man throws balls with same speed vertically
65. A particle starts sliding down a frictionless inclined inwards one after the other at an interval of 2 s. What
plane. If Sn is the distance travelled by it from time should be the speed of throw so that more than two
t = n − 1 sec to t = n sec, the ratio of Sn/Sn−1 is: balls are in air at any time?
(a) Only with speed 19.6 m/s
2n  1 2n + 1
(a) (b) (b) More than 19.6 m/s
2n  1 2n (c) At least 9.8 m/s
(d) Any speed less than 19.6 m/s
2n 2n  1
(c) (d) 73. A ball is released from the top of tower of height h
2n + 1 2n  1
metre. It takes T second to reach the ground. What is
66. A body dropped from top of a tower fall through 40 m the position in (m) from the ground of the ball in T/3
during the last two seconds of its fall. The height of second?
tower is (g = 10 m/s2): h 7h
(a) 60 m (b) 45 m (a) (b)
9 9
(c) 80 m (d) 50 m
8h 17h
67. A stone thrown vertically upwards with a speed of (c) (d)
5 m/sec attains a height H1. Another stone thrown 9 18
upwards from the same point with speed of 10 m/sec 74. A ball is dropped vertically from a height d above the
attains a height H2. The correct relation between H1 ground. It hits the ground and bounces up vertically
and H2 is: to a height d/2. Neglecting subsequent motion and
(a) H 2 = 4 H1 (b) H 2 = 3H1 air resistance, its velocity v varies with the height h
above the ground as:
(c) H1 = 2H 2 (d) H1 = H 2
(a) v
68. From a pole of height 10 m, a stone is thrown
vertically upwards with a speed 5 m/s. The time d
taken by the stone, to hit the ground, is n times that h
taken by it to reach the highest point of its path. The
value of n is: [take g = 10 m/s2]
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 5

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v (a) 75 m/s (b) 55 m/s

(c) 40 m/s (d) 60 m/s
79. A stone falls freely under gravity. It covers distances
h h1, h2, and h3 in the first 5 s, the next 5 s and the next
d 5 s respectively. The relation between h1, h2, and h3
h2 h3
(a) h= 1 = = (b) h2 3= h1 and h3 3h2
(c) v 3 5
(c) h=
1 h=
2 h3 (d) =
h1 2=
h2 3h3
d 80. A juggler keeps on moving four balls in the air
h throwing the balls after intervals. When one ball
leaves his hand (speed = 20 ms−1) the position of
other balls (height in m) will be: (Take g = 10 ms−2)
(a) 10, 20, 10 (b) 15, 20, 15
(c) 5, 15, 20 (d) 5, 10, 20
d 81. A body is thrown vertically upwards. Which one of
the following graphs correctly represents the velocity
versus time?
75. A stone is dropped into a well in which the level of
water is h below the top of the well. If v is velocity t
of sound, the time T after which the splash is heard is
given by:
 2h  h (b)
(a) T = 2 h / v (b) T     v
 g  v
 h  2h
(c) T    
2h h
(d) T    
v  2g  v (c) v
76. A stone is dropped from a rising balloon at a height
of 76 m above the ground and reaches the ground in
6 s. What was the velocity of the balloon when the
stone was dropped? [Take g = 10 m/s2]
(d) v
(a)   m/s upwards
 3  t
(b)   m/s downwards
 3  82. Two stones are thrown up simultaneously from the
edge of a cliff 240 m high with initial speed of 10 m/s
(c) 3 m/s and 40 m/s respectively. Which of the following
graph best represents the time variation of relative
(d) 9.8 m/s position of the second stone with respect to the first?
77. A ball released from a height falls 5 min per second. (Assume stones do not rebound after hitting the
In 4 second it falls through: ground and neglect air resistance, take g = 10 m/s2)
(a) 20 m (b) 25 m (The figures are schematic and not drawn to scale)
(c) 40 m (d) 80 m (a) (y2 – y1) m
78. A ball is dropped from a high-rise platform at t = 0
starting from rest. After 6 s another ball is thrown
downwards from the same platform with a speed v.
The two balls meet at t = 18 s. What is the value of t(s)
8 12
v? (take g = 10 m/s2)
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every 6 min in the opposite direction. The period T

(b) (y2 – y1) m of the bus service is:
(a) 4.5 min (b) 9 min
(c) 12 min (d) 24 min
87. A police van moving on a highway with a speed of
8 12 30 km/h fires a bullet at a thief’s car speeding away
in the same direction with a speed of 192 km/h. If
(c) (y2 – y1) m the muzzle speed of the bullet is 150 m/s, with what
240 speed does the bullet hit the thief’s car?
(a) 95 m/s (b) 105 m/s
(c) 115 m/s (d) 125 m/s
t(s) 88. A train A which is 120 m long is running with
8 12
velocity 20 m/s while train B which is 130 m long is
(d) (y2 – y1) m running in opposite direction with velocity 30 m/s.
240 What is the time taken by train B to cross the train A?
(a) 5 s (b) 25 s
(c) 10 s (d) 100 s
t(s) 89. On a long horizontally moving belt, a child runs to
and fro with a speed 9 km/h (with respect to the belt)
83. Let A, B, C, and D be points in a vertical line such that between his father and mother located 50 m apart
AB − BC = CD. If a body is released from position A, on the moving belt. The belt moves with a speed of
the times of descent through AB, BC, and CD are in 4 km/h. For an observer on a stationary platform, the
the ratio: speed of the child running in the direction of motion
(a) 1 : 3  2 : 3  2 of the belt is:
(b) 1 : 2 − 1 : 3 − 2 (a) 4 km/h (b) 5 km/h
(c) 9 km/h (d) 13 km/h
(c) 1 : 2 − 1 : 3 90. A body is at rest at x = 0. At t = 0, it starts moving in
the positive x-direction with a constant acceleration.
(d) 1 : 2 : 3 − 1 At the same instant another body passes through x =
0 moving in the positive x-direction with a constant
Relative Velocity speed. The position of the first body is given by x1 (t)
after time t and that of the second body by x2 (t) after
84. A ball A is thrown vertically upwards with speed u. At the same time interval. Which of the following graphs
the same instant another ball B is released from rest at correctly describes (x1 − x2) as a function of time t?
height h. At time t, the speed of A relative to B is: (a) (x1 – x2)
(a) u (b) u − 2gt
(c) u 2 − 2 gh (d) u − gt

85. A bird is tossing (flying to and fro) between two cars t

moving towards each other on a straight road. One
(b) (x1 – x2)
car has speed of 27 km/h while the other has the
speed of 18 km/h. The bird starts moving from first
car towards the other and is moving with the speed of
36 km/h when the two cars were separated by 36 km.
The total distance covered by the bird is: t
(a) 28.8 km (b) 38.8 km
(c) (x1 – x2)
(c) 48.8 km (d) 58.8 km
86. Two towns A and B are connected by a regular bus
service with a bus leaving in either direction every
T minute. A man cycling with a speed of 20 km/h
in the direction A to B notices that a bus goes past t
him every 18 min in the direction of his motion, and
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(d) (x1 – x2) (c) 1 m/s2 (d) 2.0 m/s2

94. A swimmer crosses a flowing stream of width d to
and fro in time t1. The time taken to cover the same
distance up and down the stream is t2, then the time
O t the swimmer would take to swim a distance 2d in
still water is:
t2 t2
91. A motor boat covers a given distance in 6 hours (a) 1 (b) 2
t2 t1
moving downstream of a river. It covers the same
distance in 10 hours moving upstream. The time (c) t1t 2 (d) t1 + t 2
(in hours) it takes to cover the same distance in still
water is: 95. A 120 m long train is moving in a direction with
(a) 6 (b) 7.5 speed 20 m/s. A train B moving with 30 m/s in the
(c) 10 (d) 15 opposite direction and 130 m long crosses the first
train in a time?
92. A train of 150 m length is going towards north direction (a) 6 sec (b) 36 sec
at a speed of 10 m/s. A parrot flies at the speed of 5 m/s (c) 38 sec (d) None of these
towards the south direction parallel to the railway track.
The time taken by the parrot to cross the train is: 96. A boat is sent across a river with a velocity of 8
(a) 12 s (b) 8 s km/h. If the resultant velocity of boat is 10 km/h,
(c) 15 s (d) 10 s then velocity of the river is:
(a) 10 km/h (b) 8 km/h
93. On a two-lane road, car A is travelling with a speed (c) 6 km/h (d) 4 km/h
of 36 km/h. Two cars B and C approach car A in
opposite directions with a speed of 54 km/h each. 97. A river 2 km wide is flowing at the rate of 2 km/h.
At a certain instant, when the distance AB is equal A boatman, can row the boat at a speed of 4 km/h in
to AC, both being 1 km, B decides to overtake A still water, goes 2 km upstream and then comes back.
before C does. What minimum acceleration of car B The time taken by him to complete his journey is:
is required to avoid an accident? (a) 60 min (b) 70 min
(a) 9.8 m/s2 (b) 10 m/s2 (c) 80 min (d) 90 min


Frame of Reference, Distance, and
Displacement 2

1. Two fixed points A and B are 20 m apart. At time A C B

t = 0, the distance between a third point C and A
is 20 metres and the distance between C and B is O
10 m. The component of velocity of point C along
both CA and CB at any instant is 5 m/s. Then the (a) The distance travelled by first aeroplane is
distance between A and C at the instant all the greater than that of second aeroplane.
three points are collinear will be: (b) The distance travelled by first aeroplane is less
(a) 5 m (b) 15 m than that of second aeroplane.
(c) 10 m (d) 25 m (c) The displacement of both aeroplanes is different.
2. An aeroplane is flying from city A to city B along (d) None of these
path 1. The path 1 is a circular arc whose centre 3. A bird flies with a speed of 10 km/h and a car moves
coincides with the centre of the Earth. Another with uniform speed of 8 km/h. Both start from B
aeroplane is flying along path 2 from A to B. The towards A (BA = 40 km) at the same instant. The bird
path 2 is circular arc whose centre is at C. O is the having reached A, flies back immediately to meet the
centre of the Earth. Then, approaching car. As it reaches the car, it flies back to A.

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The bird repeats this till both the car and the bird reach (a) Average speed is v/2.
A simultaneously. The total distance covered by bird is: (b) The magnitude of average velocity is v/π. 2
(a) 80 km (b) 40 km (c) The magnitude of average acceleration is .
(c) 50 km (d) 30 km πR
(d) Average velocity is zero.

Average Speed and Average Velocity Kinematic Equations for Uniformly

Accelerated Motion
4. A length of path ACB is 1500 m and the length of the
path ADB is 2100 m. Two particles start from point A 7. In the figure a small particle of mass m is initially
simultaneously around the track ACBDA. One of them situated at point P inside a hemi-spherical surface of
travels on the track in clockwise sense and other in anti- radius r. A horizontal acceleration of magnitude a0 is
clockwise sense with their respective constant speeds. suddenly produced on the particle in the horizontal
After 12 sec from the start, the first time they meet at the direction. If gravitational acceleration is neglected,
point B. After minimum time (in seconds) in which they then time taken by the particle to touch the sphere
meet first at point B, again will they meet at the point B again is:
is time tmin = (12)x. The value of x is: O
C α

(a) 2 (c) 4 4r sinα 4r tanα
(a) (b)
(b) 3 (d) 5 a0 a0

Instantaneous Speed and Instantaneous 4r cos α

(c) (d) None of these
Velocity a0

5. The velocity of a body at a given instant of time 8. A police party is moving in a jeep at a constant speed v.
during motion is: They saw a thief at a distance x on a motorcycle
 which is at rest. At the same moment the thief saw
(a) Instantaneous velocity  the police and he started at constant acceleration a.
Which of the following relations is true, if the police
 party can catch the thief?
(b) Average velocity  lim
t  0 t
(a) v2 < ax (b) v2 < 2 ax
(c) v ≥ 2 ax
2 (d) v2 = ax

s 9. A juggler keeps n balls going with one hand, so that
(c) Instantaneous velocity  lim
t  0 t at any instant, (n − 1) balls are in air and one ball in
the hand. If each ball rises to a height of x metres, the
(d) None of these
time for each ball to stay in his hand is:
1 2x 2 2x
Acceleration (a) (b)
n −1 g n −1 g
6. An object is moving on a circular path of radius, R
with constant speed, v. During this motion of the 2 2x 1 2x
(c) (d)
particle from point A to point B: n g n g

10. Points P, Q, and R are in a vertical line such that PQ

= QR. A ball at P is allowed to fall freely. The ratio
O of times of descent through PQ and QR is:
(a) 1:1 (b) 1:2
(c) 1 :  2 1  (d) 1 :  2 1 
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to the line of motion of A. If at t = t0, A just escapes
Relative Velocity being hit by B, t0 in seconds is:
11. Two trains 121 m and 99 m in lengths are running
in opposite directions with velocities 40 km/h and
32 km/h. In what time they will completely cross
each other? 30° 60°
(a) 9 sec (b) 11 sec
(c) 13 sec (d) 15 sec (a) 5 sec (b) 6 sec
(c) 5 min (d) 6 min
12. Aeroplanes A and B are flying with constant velocity 13. Two trains take 3 sec to pass one another when
in the same vertical plane at angles 30° and 60° with going in the opposite direction but only 2.5 sec if the
respect to the horizontal respectively as shown in the speed of the one is increased by 50%. The time one
figure. The speed of A is 100 3 ms−1. At time t = 0 would take to pass the other when going in the same
sec, an observer in A finds B at 500 m. This observer direction at their original speed is:
sees B moving with a constant velocity perpendicular (a) 10 sec (b) 12 sec
(c) 15 sec (d) 18 sec


(d) x
Frame of Reference, Distance, and

1. The displacement of a particle is given by x  (t  2)2

where x is in metres and t in seconds. The distance t
covered by the particle in first 4 seconds is: 3. In one-dimensional motion, instantaneous speed v
(a) 4 m (b) 8 m satisfies 0 < v < v0.
(c) 12 m (d) 16 m (a) The displacement in time T must always take
non-negative values.
Average Speed and Average Velocity (b) The displacement x in time T satisfies −v0T < x
< v0T.
2. Among the four graphs, there is only one graph for
(c) The acceleration is always a non-negative
which average velocity over the time interval (0, T)
can vanish for a suitably chosen T. Which one is it?
(d) The motion has no turning points.
(a) x
4. A vehicle travels half the distance L with speed v1
and the other half with speed v2, then its average
t speed is:
v1 + v2 2v1 + v2
(a) (b)
2 v1 + v2
2v1v2 L(v1 + v2 )
(b) x (c) (d)
v1 + v2 v1v2


t 5. A lift is coming from eighth floor and is just about to

x reach fourth floor. Taking ground floor as origin and
positive direction upwards for all quantities, which
one of the following is correct?
(a) x < 0, v < 0, a > 0
(b) x > 0, v < 0, a < 0
(c) x > 0, v < 0, a > 0
t (d) x > 0, v > 0, a < 0
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time t2. The time taken by her to walk up on the

Relative Velocity moving escalator will be:
t +t t1t 2
6. At a metro station, a girl walks up a stationary (a) 1 2 (b)
2 t 2 − t1
escalator in time t1. If she remains stationary on
the escalator, then the escalator takes her up in t1t 2
(c) (d) t 2 − t1
t 2 + t1


Directions: In the following questions, a statement of assertion is followed by a statement of reason. Mark the
correct choice as:
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If both assertion and reason are false.

Reason: Their changes can either be continuous or

Frame of Reference, Distance, and discontinuous.
Displacement 7. Assertion: For a particle, acceleration-time graph
gives the velocity.
1. Assertion: The magnitude of the displacement for a Reason: Rate of change of velocity is acceleration.
course of motion may be zero. 8. Assertion: The equation of motion can be applied
Reason: The path length for the corresponding course only if acceleration is along the direction of velocity
of motion is zero. and is constant.
2. Assertion: In one-dimensional motion of an object, Reason: If the acceleration of a body is zero then its
path length comes out to be equal to displacement. motion is known as uniform motion.
Reason: Direction of object is changed two times.
Kinematic Equations for Uniformly
Average Speed and Average Velocity Accelerated Motion
3. Assertion: The average speed of an object is greater 9. Assertion: The position-time graph of a body moving
than or equal to the magnitude of the average velocity uniformly in a straight line is parallel to position axis.
over a given time interval. Reason: The position-time graph in a non-uniform
Reason: The two are equal only if the path length is motion gives constant velocity at all instants of time.
equal to the magnitude of displacement. 10. Assertion: Doubling the initial velocity, the stopping
distance of moving object increases by a factor of 4
Instantaneous Speed and Instantaneous (for the same deceleration).
Velocity Reason: Stopping distance is proportional to the
square of the initial velocity.
4. Assertion: The average and instantaneous velocities 11. Assertion: Kinematic equations are exact and are
have same value in a uniform motion. always correct.
Reason: In uniform motion, the velocity of an object Reason: The definitions of instantaneous velocity
increases uniformly. and acceleration are true only for motion in which the
magnitude and direction of acceleration are constant
Acceleration during motion.
5. Assertion: The acceleration of an object at a particular 12. Assertion: Velocity-time graph for an object in
time is the slope of the velocity-time graph at that uniform motion along a straight path is a straight line
instant of time. parallel to the time-axis.
Reason: For uniform motion, acceleration is zero. Reason: In uniform motion of an object velocity
6. Assertion: Acceleration and velocity cannot change increases as the square of time elapsed.
values abruptly at an instant. [Hint: In uniform motion, velocity is constant.]
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Reason: Sometimes relative velocity between two
Relative Velocity bodies is equal to difference in velocities of the two
13. Assertion: The relative velocity between any two
bodies moving in opposite direction is equal to sum
of the velocities of two bodies.


Practice Time

1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (c) 4 (c) 5 (b) 6 (d) 7 (a) 8 (c) 9 (d) 10 (b)
11 (b) 12 (c) 13 (b) 14 (b) 15 (a) 16 (a) 17 (a) 18 (b) 19 (c) 20 (d)
21 (c) 22 (b) 23 (a) 24 (d) 25 (d) 26 (b) 27 (a) 28 (c) 29 (a) 30 (a)
31 (d) 32 (b) 33 (a) 34 (a) 35 (b) 36 (a) 37 (c) 38 (a) 39 (c) 40 (a)
41 (a) 42 (b) 43 (c) 44 (b) 45 (b) 46 (a) 47 (b) 48 (a) 49 (a) 50 (c)
51 (d) 52 (c) 53 (d) 54 (a) 55 (a) 56 (a) 57 (d) 58 (b) 59 (c) 60 (c)
61 (c) 62 (c) 63 (b) 64 (d) 65 (a) 66 (b) 67 (a) 68 (c) 69 (a) 70 (c)
71 (b) 72 (b) 73 (c) 74 (a) 75 (b) 76 (a) 77 (d) 78 (a) 79 (a) 80 (b)
81 (a) 82 (b) 83 (b) 84 (a) 85 (a) 86 (b) 87 (b) 88 (a) 89 (d) 90 (c)
91 (b) 92 (d) 93 (c) 94 (a) 95 (d) 96 (c) 97 (c)

High Order Thinking Skill

1 (b) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (a) 5 (c) 6 (c) 7 (c) 8 (c) 9 (b) 10 (c)
11 (b) 12 (a) 13 (c)

NCERT Exemplar Problems

1 (b) 2 (b) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (a) 6 (c)

Assertion and Reasons

1 (c) 2 (c) 3 (a) 4 (c) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (b) 8 (d) 9 (d) 10 (a)
11 (d) 12 (c) 13 (a)


Practice Time

1 (c) Kinematics is the branch of mechanics that The velocity would be in the same direction as the
describes the motion of an object. net acceleration if the body was initially at rest.
But if it had an initial velocity, then it may or may
2 (d) None of the given statement is correct.
not be in line. But velocity will always be in the
Displacement is a vector quantity which points
direction of displacement.
from the initial position of an object to its final
position. Whereas Distance is a numerical 3 (c) Let’s assume, AB = 12 m towards north
measurement of how far apart objects are. and, AC = 5 m towards east
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N 9 (d) The area under the velocity-time graph represents

the displacement over a given time interval.
10 (b) Graphs in option (c) position-time and option (a)
W E velocity-position are corresponding to velocity-
time graph option (d) and its distance-time graph
is as given below. Hence distance-time graph
option (b) is incorrect.
Then Displacement, 11 (b) According to the position-time graph of a particle
moving with negative velocity if the velocity of a
AC  AB2 +BC 2 particle decreases as the time increases. So
 122  52 x
 13 m
4 (c) When a particle returns to its starting point, its
displacement is zero because displacement is a
vector which points from the initial position of an
object to its final position.
t is correct answer.
5 (b) Displacement in first eight steps = 5 – 3 = 2 m
Time taken for first eight steps = 8 sec 12 (c) Average velocity = Displacement/Time taken
Time taken by the drunkard to cover first 6 m of = 2R/t
journey = (8/2) × 6 = 24 sec = 2 m/s
If the drunkard takes five steps more, he will fall into 13 (b) Time taken by the boy to go from his home to the
the pit, so the time taken by the drunkard to cover last 2. 5 1
five steps = 5 s. Total time taken = 24 s + 5 s = 29 s market, =
t1 = h
5 2
6 (d) Distance is scalar, it is never negative. Therefore,
distance can be equal or greater than displacement. Time taken by the boy to return from the market
That implies ratio of displacement to distance is 2.5 1
always equal to or less than 1. to his home, =
t2 = h
7. 5 3
Distance ≥ Displacement
Total time taken
7 (a) As we know that,
 t1  t 2
d2 x
a 1 1
dt 2  h h
 s 2 sint 2 3
On integrating, we have 5
dx cos t 6
 s 2
dt   50 min
 s cos t
Again, on integrating, we have Totalt  50 m in
distance travelled = 2.5 km + 2.5 km
sin t = 5 km
x  s Displacement = 0

 s sin t Again,
8 (c) Given that, Distance travelled
Average speed =
 3
t  x 6 Time taken
x t 6 =
x  (t  6)3 6
dx = 6 km/h
dt Displacement
Average velocity =
3(t  6)3  0 Time taken
t 6 =0
 x  (6  6)3 14 (b) A particle moving with uniform velocity has zero
x 0 acceleration.
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15 (a) The average speed in a small interval of time is uniform velocity of a particle. On the other hand,
equal to the slope of x-t graph during that interval. after (t > t0) a straight line parallel to time-axis
As slope of interval 1 > slope of interval 2 so v1 > indicates particle at rest.
v2 21 (c) The slope of the tangent at any point on the
displacement-time graph gives instantaneous
16 (a) Given that,
velocity at that instant. In the given graph, the
x  at  bt 2 slope is negative at point E.
a  15 cm/s, b  3 cm/s2 22 (b) Given that,
dx v  x
dt dx
d  x
 (at  bt 2 ) dt
dt dx
 a  2bt   dt
t 3 dx
v  15  2  3  3  x    dt (on integrating)

 33 cm/s 2 x1/2   t
17 (a) Given that, 2
x  9t  t 3 x    t2
dx Displacement is proportional to t2.
dt dt 23 (a) Where, t = √x + 3 = > √x = t − 3
d d Squaring both sides, we get x = t2 − 6t + 9,
 (9t 2  t 3 )
dt As we know velocity, v = dx/dt
 18t  3t 2 So that,
For maximum speed we get v = dx/dt = 2t − 6
Put v = 0, we get, 2t − 6 = 0
d 2v So, t = 3 s

dt 2 When t = 3 s, x = t2 − 6t + 9 = 9 − 6(3) + 9 = 0
0 Hence, the displacement of the particle is zero
0  18  6t when its velocity is zero.
or t  3 s 24 (d) Given that,
x max  9  32  33 x  ae  t  be  t
 54 m dx
Velocity, v 
18 (b) Given that, dt
x  x0 (1  e  kt )  a e  t  b e  t
Velocity, i.e., go on increasing with time.
dx 25 (d) Curved lines in velocity-time graph for a particle
v in a given interval of time implies non-uniform
 x0 ke  kt
26 (b) Given that,
at t  0, v  x0 k
19 (c) Distance = Area under speed-time graph over a  6  3v
given time interval. dv
Distance traversed by the particle between t = 0 dt 
6  3v
to t = 10 s will be 1
t   ln(6  3v )  C
 Area of OAB 3
1 When, t  0, v  0
  10  12 1
2 C  ln 6
 60 m 3
1  6  3v 
20 (d) In the given displacement-time graph, a straight t   ln 
line inclined to time-axis, (till t = t0) indicates 3  6 
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dx dt
3t 1 dv
e 1 v v
2 dx
v  2(1  e 3t ) dv
27 (a) The slope of the tangent drawn on velocity- v a
time graph at any instant of time is equal to the  p  qx
instantaneous acceleration.
vdv  ( p  qx )dx
28 (c) The area under acceleration-time graph represents
the change in velocity. Integrating both sides we get,
29 (a) Given that, v2 qx 2
The displacement of a body is proportional to the  px 
2 2
cube of time elapsed.
v  2 px  qx 2
As x ∝ t3 p
Velocity, v ∝ 3t 2 x
Acceleration, a ∝ 6t
30 (a) Given that, v max 
x  t  sin t q
33 (a) The a-t graph shows that initially the body moves
dx with uniform velocity. Its acceleration increases
dt for a short time and then fails to zero and there
 1  cos t after the body moves with a constant velocity.
dv Such a physical situation arises when a cricket
a ball moving with a uniform speed is hit with a bat
 sin t for a very short time interval.
x(t) > 0 for all values of t > 0 and v(t) can be zero 34 (a) Given that,
for one value of t. a(t) can zero for one value of t. The relation between time t and distance x is:
31 (d) Given that, t  ax 2  bx
v  49  x Integrating the equation with respect to t, we get
v 2  49  x dx dx
1  2ax b
dv dx dt dt
v  Put,
dt dt
dv dx
2v  v v
dt dt
dv 1 1
dt 2 2ax  b
dv dv
a  2av  v 2
dt dt
 0.5 m/s2  2av 3
32 (b) Given that, 35 (b) Given that,
A particle starts from point A moves along The x and y co-ordinates of the particle at any
a straight line path with an acceleration, at time are
maximum velocity: x  5t  2t 2
a  p  qx y  10t
a0 dx
0  p  qx  vx
p  5  4t
q dy
Acceleration, dt
dv  10
dt dv x dv y
dv dx  4, 0
 dt dt
dx dt ax  4, a y  0,
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Acceleration, v0  b  2c(0)  4d(0)3

a  ax ɵi  a y ɵj b
 4ɵi (for initial velocity,, t  0)
The acceleration of the particle at t  2 is  4 m/s2 . Now,
36 (a) Given that, a
Distance, x  (t  5)1  2c  12dt 2
Velocity,  a0  2c  12d(0)2
dx  2c, (at t  0)
dt 40 (a) Let the car be accelerated from A to B. It moves
d with uniform velocity from B to C and then moves
 (t  5)1
dt with uniform deceleration from C to D. For the
 (t  5)2 motion of car from A to B,
v  (t  5)2 = u 0= =
, v 36 =
km/h 10 m/s, a 0.2 m/s2
v  (t  5)1 Time taken,
v 3/2  (t  5)3 v u
dv a
a 10  0
 2(t  5)3 0. 2
 50 s
From above two equations,
For motion from B to C, we have
a  2v 3/2
S = 9 km
a  (velocity )3/2 = 9,000 m
37 (c) According to question, object is moving with Time taken,
constant negative acceleration i.e., a = − constant,
(C) 9000
t2 =
 C = 900 s
dx For motion from C to D, we have
vdv  Cdx
v  0, u  10 m/s, a  0.1 m/s2
 Cx  k 0  10
2 t3 
v2 k 0.1
x   100 s
2C C
So that, graph (c) represents correctly. Total time taken = 1,050 s
38 (a) According to the condition, 41 (a) Distance travelled in the third second = Distance
travelled in 3 s − distance travelled in 2 s.
v(x )  bx 2n As, u = 0,
dv 1 1
  2nbx 2n 1 S3  a(3)2  a(2)2
dx 2 2
Acceleration of particle as function of x
dv  a.5
av 2
dx 4
a  m/s2

 bx 2n b(2n)x 2n 1  3
 2nb x 2 4 n 1 10
S3  m
39 (c) As we know that, 3
dy 42 (b) Free fall of an object in vacuum in case of motion
dt with uniform acceleration.
 b  2ct  4dt 3


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43 (c) The sign of acceleration does not tell us whether the Stopping distance = log distance + breaking
particles speed is increasing or decreasing. The sign distance
of acceleration depends on the choice of the positive V2
direction of the axis. For example, if the vertically 2 gF
upward direction is chosen to be positive direction 
of the axis the acceleration due to gravity is negative. 2 gF
If a particle is falling under gravity, this acceleration So slopping distance of a moving vehicle is direct
though negative results in increase in speed. proportional to sqaure of initial velocity.
44 (b) Given that, 49 (a) For first part of penetration, by equation of
u  144 km/h  40 m/s u

v  0, S  200 m u2     2a(3)
v 2  u2  2aS u2  8a
a  4 m/s2 For later part of penetration,
v  u  at u
0     2ax
t  10 s 2
45 (b) As we know that, u  8ax

1 x  1 cm
S  ut  at 2
2 50 (c) According to the conditions,
S  0, u  0 m/s, a   g  10 ms 2 For first case,
1 u1 = 50 km/h
0  50t   (10)t 2
t  10 s = m/s
46 (a) Here, a = g−bvc 9
When an object falls with–constant speed vc, its Acceleration,
acceleration becomes zero.  u2
g − bvc = 0 a 
vc = g/b  125  1
47 (b) For first part of penetration, by equation of motion  9 
2  16 m/s2
 2   u  2aS
For second case, we have
  u2  100 km/h
a 250
8S  m/s
For later part, we have 9
0     2aS ’ 2a
2  250 
 u2      2  16
S ’     9 
 8a   24 m
 u2  1 51 (d) Both are given the same deceleration
S ’    simultaneously and both finally stop.
  Formula relevant to motion: u2 = 2aS
S u2
 For first car, S1 =
3 2a
40 For second car,
48 (a) If a driver puts or the brackes of a moving vehicle, (4u)2
the vehicle coill not come slop immediately. The 2a
Slopping distance is the distance the vehicle S1 1
travels before its comes to rest. S2 16
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52 (c) As we know, equation of motion, a  2 m/s2
S  ut  gt 2 (3)2  u2  2  2  h1
1 2 971
h  0  gT h1 
2 4
 242.75 m
2h  gT 2
Total height  50  242.75
After (T /3) sec
 293 m
1 T  55 (a) As we know that,
S  g 
2 3 1
h  ut  gt 2
Solving these equations, we have 2
h 1 2
From top, S = h  gt
9 2
[ u  0]
h 8h t  2h / g
Height from ground h  
9 9 56 (a) As we know that,
53 (d) For first part of journey, 1
S  ut  at 2
s = S1 2
65  12t  5t 2
1 2
s1 = ft1 S On solving we get,
= S t 5 s
v = ft1 57 (d) According to the conditions,
For second part of journey, For A to B
s2 = vt 1
S  gt 2
s2 = ft1t
For A to C
For third part of journey,
1 f 2S  gt ’2
s3  (2t1 )2 2
22 Dividing (i) by (ii) we get
s3  2 s1
t 1
2 s 
t 2
s1  s2  s3  15 s
58 (b) When a body falls through a height, it acquires a
s  ft1t  2 s  15 s
velocity 2gh .
ft1t  12 s
Divide the above equation with,
59 (c) Given that,
s1 = ft12 s = =
u 12 m/s, g 9.8 m/sec2, t = 10 sec
t 1
t1 = Displacement  ut  gt 2
6 2
ft 2 1
s=  12  10  9.8  100
72 2
54 (a) According to the conditions, initially the  610 m
parachutist falls under gravity 60 (c) According to the given condition,
u2  2ah 1 1
y1  gn2 , y2  g(n  N )2
 2  9.8  50 2 2
 980  y1  y2  g n  (n  N )2 

He reaches the ground with speed = 3 m/s g
 1  (2n  N )N
1 N 69
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2 22
1 N 0.09
 n    0.0225
gN 2 4
61 (c) As we know, distance traversed in nth So, collision of two balls will take place very near
to left wall.
 Sn  u  a(2n  1) where u  0, a  g Now, motion of ball B relative to rocket
1 S  ut  at 2
 Sn  g(2n  1) 2
Distance traversed in 1st second, i.e., 4  0.2t   2  t 2
n 1 2
Solving the above equation, we get
S1  g(2  1  1) t = 1. 9 s
1 Nearest integer = 2
2 64 (d) From the figure,
Distance traversed in 2nd second, i.e., B (u = 0)
4 sec 4 sec
S2  g(2  2  1)
3 (2 sec) A C
Distance traversed in 3rd second, i.e.,
n3 (t = 0)
S3  g(2  3  1)
2 As the time taken from D to A = 2 sec
5 and D  A  B  C ,
2  10 sec (given)
1 3 5
 S1 : S2 : S3  g : g : g As ball goes from B  C ,
2 2 2
1: 3 : 5 (u  0, t  4 sec)
62 (c) At highest point final velocity is zero. Let at time vc  0  4g
t1 it reaches to the highest point.
As it moves from C to D,
v  u  gt 1
u  gt 1 h  ut  gt 2
u 1
t1  h  4 g 2  g 4
Let t2 be the time taken to hit the ground, then  10 g
t 2  nt1
65 (a) As we know that,
H  ut 2  gt 22 a
2 Sn  (2n  1)
2 2
nu 1  nu 
H  u  g   a
g 2  g  Sn 1  [2(n  1)  1]
nu2 1 n2 u2 a
H    (2n  1)
g 2 g 2
2gH  nu2 (n  2) Sn 2n  1

63 (b) Maximum of ball A from left wall Sn 1 2n  1

u2 66 (b) Let the body fell through the height of tower in t

2a a
0. 3  0. 3 seconds. From, Dn  u  (2n  1)
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We have, total distance travelled in last 2 seconds u
of fell is t
D  Dt + D(t 1)
u  u 2  2 gH
 g   g  t
 0  (2t  1)  0  2  t  1  1 g
 2   2  nu
g g  (from question)
 (2t  1)  (2t  3) g
2 2
2gH  n(n  2)u2
 (4t  4) 2 gH
2 n(n  2)  2
10 u
  4(t  1) 2  10  10
40  20(t  1) 55
or t  2  1
3 s
Distance travelled in t second is, 69 (a) According to the kinematic equation
1 h  ut1  gt12
s  ut  at 2 2
1 h  ut 2  gt 22
 0   10  32 2
 45 m After simplifing above equations, we have
67 (a) According to the third equation of the motion, 1
h = gt1t 2
v  u  2ah2 2
70 (c) If h is the height of the building, then
In first case initial velocity, u1 = 5 m/sec
v A2  v 2  2gh and v B2  (v )2  2gh
Final velocity, Clearly v A  v B
v1  0 71 (b) Velocity when the engine is switched off.
a  g v  19.6  5  98 ms 1
Maximum height obtained is H hmax  h1  h2
25  v2 
Then, H1 = 1 2
2g  where h1  at and h2  
 2 2g 
1 98  98
In second case, u2  10 m/sec, v2  0, a  g hmax   19.6  5  5 
2 2  9.8
 735 m
Maximum height obtained is H2
72 (b) Height attained by balls in 2 sec is
Then, H 2 = 1
2g   9. 8  4
 19.6 m
So that, we have the same distance will be covered in 2 second (for
H 2 = 4 H1 descent)
68 (c) Given that, Time interval of throwing balls remaining same.
So, for two balls remaining in air, the time of
= =
H 10 m, u 5 m/s, g = 10 m/s 2 ascent or descent must be greater than 2 seconds.
Hence, speed of balls must be greater than 19.6 m/
Speed on reaching ground, sec.
v  u 2  2 gH 73 (c) From second law of motion,
Now, v  u  at
u  2gH  u  gt
Time taken to reach highest point is

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t=0 76 (a) According to the kinematic equation,

u=0 1
S  ut  at 2
t= T 76  u  6   10  (6)2
3 2
h 52
u m/s
77 (d) Since, S  ut 1 / 2gt 2 where u is initial velocity
o t=T and a is acceleration.
1 In this case u = 0 and a = g
h  ut   gT 2 So, distance travelled in 4 sec is,
1 1
h  0  gT 2 S   10  (4)2
2 2
(u  0)  80 m
 2h  78 (a) Clearly distance moved by first ball in 8 s =
 T   distance moved by second ball in 12 s.
 g  Now, distance moved in 18 s by first ball
At t s 1
3   10  182  90  18
1 T  2
s  0  g   1620 m
2 3
1 T2 Distance moved in 12 second by second ball,
s  g 1
2 9 S  ut  gt 2
g 2h  2h  2
s   T  
18 g  g   1620  12v  5  144
 v  135  60
Therefore, s = h/9 m
Hence the position of ball from the ground  75 ms 1
= h − h/9 = 8h/9 m 79 (a) According to the given condition,
74 (a) Before hitting the ground, the velocity v is given 1
by v2 = 2gd  h  gt 2
Further, 1
 h1  g(5)2
d 2
v 2  2g   
2  125
 gd 1
h1  h2  g(10)2
v 2
    2  500
h2  375
or v  v 2
As the direction is reversed and speed is decreased 1
 h1  h2  h3  g(15)2
and hence graph (a) represents these conditions 2
correctly.  1125
75 (b) Time taken by the stone to reach the water level, h3  625
2h h2  3h1 , h3  5h1
t1 =
g h2
or h1 
Time taken by sound to come to the mouth of the 3
well, h3

h 5
t2  80 (b) Time taken by same ball to return to the hands of
 Total time  t1  t 2
2h h
g v
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2u S  AB

g 1
2  20 2

10 ⇒ 2S  AC
4 s 1 2
So, he is throwing the balls after each 1 sec. Let at  g  t1  t 2 
same instant he is throwing ball number 4. Before
1 sec of it he throws ball. So, height of ball 3:
3S  AD
h3  20  1  10(1)2 1 2
2  g  t1  t 2  t 3 
 15 m 2
Before 2 sec, he throws ball 2. So, height of ball 2: 2S
1 g
h2  20  2  10(2)2
2 4S
t1  t 2 
 20 m g
Before 3 sec, he throws ball 1. So, height of ball 1:
4S 2S
1 t2  
h1  20  3  10(3)2 g g
 15 m 6S
t1  t 2  t 3 
81 (a) For a body thrown vertically upwards acceleration
remains constant (a = −g) and velocity at any time 6S 4S
t is given by v = u − gt g g
During rise velocity decreases linearly and during
t1 : t 2 : t 3 :: 1 : ( 2  1) : ( 3  2 )
fall velocity increases linearly and direction is
opposite to each other. Hence graph (a) correctly 84 (a) Taking upwards motion of ball A for time t, its
depicts velocity versus time. velocity is vA = u −gt
82 (b) For a body thrown vertically upwards acceleration Taking downwards motion of ball B for time t, its
remains constant (a = −g) and velocity at any time velocity is vB = gt
t is given by Relative velocity of A w.r.t. B
= vAB = (u − gt) − (−gt) = u
v = u − gt
During rise velocity decreases linearly and during 85 (a) Given that,
fall velocity increases linearly and direction is Velocity of Car A: v A   27 km/h
opposite to each other. Hence graph (b) correctly Velocity of Car B: v B  18 km/h
depicts velocity versus time.
83 (b) From the given condition, Relative velocity of Car A with respect to Car B
A  vA  vB
 27  (18)
S  45 km/h
Time taken by two cars to meet
2S S = 0. 8 h
3S The distance covered by bird
C  36  0.8
 28.8 km
S 86 (b) Let v km/h be the constant speed with which the
bus travel ply between the towns A and B. Relative
velocity of the bus from A to B with respect to the
D cyclist = (v − 20) km/h

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Relative velocity of the bus from B to A with 91 (b) Let vw be the velocity of water and vb be the
respect to the cyclist = (v + 20) km/h velocity of motor boat in still water. If x is the
Distance travelled by bus in time T (minutes) = vT distance covered, then
vT x  (vb  vw )  6
v  20 and x  (vb  vw )  10
vT vb
6 vw 
v  20 4
Solving them, we have  v 
x  vb  b   6  7.5vb
v = 40 km/h  4
T = 9 min Time taken by motorboat to cross the same
87 (b) Given that, distance in still water,
Speed of police van w.r.t. ground, x
v PG = 30 km/h vb
Speed of thief w.r.t. ground, =
vTG = 192 km/h vb
= 7.5 hour
Speed of bullet w.r.t. police van,
92 (d) Choose the positive direction of x-axis to be from
v BP  150 m/s south to north. Then
18 Velocity of train, vT = +10 m/s
 150  Velocity of parrot, vp = −5 m/s
 540 km/h Relative velocity of parrot with respect to train
Speed with which bullet hit the thief’s car, = vp−vT
= (−5 m/s) − (+10 m/s)
v BT  v BG  vGT = −15 m/s
 v BP  v PG  vGT Parrot appears to move with a speed of 15 m/s
 540  30  192 from north to south. Time taken by the parrot to
 378 km/h cross the train = 150/15 = 10 sec
 105 m/s 93 (c) Given that,
88 (a) Length of train A = 120 m Velocity of car A,
Velocity of train A, vA = 20 m/s v A = 36 km/h
Length of train B = 130 m
= 10 m/s
Velocity of train B, vB = 30 m/s
Relative velocity of B w.r.t. A = vA + vB = 50 m/s Velocity of car B,
Total path length to be covered by B v B = 54 km/h
= 130 + 120 = 250 m = 15 m/s
Time taken by train B = 250/50 = 5 s Velocity of car C,
89 (d) In this case, speed of belt w.r.t. ground vBG vC  54 km/h
= 4 km/h  15 m/s
Speed of child w.r.t. belt vCB = 9 km/h
v BA  v B  v A
For an observer on a stationary platform, speed of
child running in the direction of motion of the belt  5 m/s
is vCG = vCB + vBG = 9 + 4 = 13 km/h vCA  vC  v A
90 (c) As u = 0, v1 = at, v2 = constant for the other  25 m/s
particle. Initially both are zero. Relative velocity = BC
AB = 1 km = 1, 000 m
of particle 1 w.r.t. 2 is velocity of 1 − velocity of Time taken by car C to cover 1 km to reach car A
2. At first the velocity of first particle is less than
1, 000
that of 2. Then the distance travelled by particle =
1 increases as x1 = (1/2) at12. For the second it is 25
proportional to t. Therefore, it is a parabola after = 40 s
crossing x-axis again. Curve (c) satisfies this. In order to avoid an accident, the car B accelerates
such that it overtakes car A in less than 40 sec. Let
the minimum required acceleration be a. Then
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u  5 m/s, t  40 s, S  1,000 m, a  ? 95 (d) Total distance = 130 + 120 = 250 m

Relative velocity = 30 − (−20) = 50 m/s
S  ut  at 2 Hence, t = 250/50 = 5 s
1 96 (c) Given that,
1, 000  5  40   a  402

AB  Velocity of boat
a  1 m/s 2
 8 km/h
94 (a) Let u be the velocity of swimmer and v be the 
velocity of river flow. Then AC  Resultant velocity of boat
 10 km/h
u2  v 2 BC  Velocity of river
d d  AC 2  AB2
uv uv
 102  82
 2 2  6 km/h
u v
If t is the time taken by swimmer to swim a 97 (c) According to the question, the velocity of
distance 2d in still water, then upstream is (4 – 2) km/h and downstream is
(4 + 2) km/h
2ud 2d
t2  t   2 2
u2  v 2 u Total time taken  
4d 2 2 6
 2 2  80 min
u v
t 22

High Order Thinking Skill

1 (b) The length of side CA at any time t is = 20 − 5t R

The length of side CB at any time t is = 10 − 5t OC =
At the instant A, B and C are collinear Putting the value,
(20 − 5t) + (10 − 5t) = 20
Solving we get t = 1 2 
So that, length of CA at t = 1 is 20 − 5 = 15 m 2R

20 m 3
A 2  
3 R
5 m/s 2 R
5 m/s C(t = 0) 3
 0.67 R
2 (b) From the given figure, For Path 2
l1 l2   r
  ( AC )
r C 
A B   r sin
R/2 3
R θ θ
 0.866 R
So, it is clear that,
l1  l2

l1 = Distance travelled by aeroplane 1 along path 1 3 (c) Given that,

l2 = Distance travelled by aeroplane 2 along path 1 Speed of bird, vb = 10 km
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Speed of car, vc = 8 km Displacement

Average velocity 
Distance between BA = 40 km Total elapsed time
Distance travelled by car, 2R 2v
s  vc  t
 time taken by car,
Total distance
40 Average speed 
t Total elapsed time
5 h R
That means car reached in 5 hours at the destination. R
So, the total distance travelled by the bird is v
determined by vb × t = 10 × 5 = 50 km. Average acceleration
4 (a) Given that, v f  vi

ACB = 1500 m Total elapsed time
ADB = 2100 m 2v 2v 2
time taken = 12 s v
The velocity of first particle, 7 (c) From the image shown
1, 500
v1 = m/s α α
The velocity of second particle, α s α
v2 = m/s
Let after completing n1 and n2 and trips, they will Given that,
again meet at the point B. s  2r cos 
3, 600n1 3, 600n2 u0
 t From the kinematics equation:
v1 v2
[total length of path  1, 500  2,100  3, 600 m] s  ut  1/2at 2
Solving the above equation, we have 1
s  a0t 2
n1 v1 2
 Putting the value we get
n2 v2
1500 / 12 2r cos  a0t 2
2100 / 12 So that
So that
 4r cos
2100 t
5 a0

7 8 (c) Let assume that the police catch the thief after
3, 600  5 time t. Then,
t min 
v1 Distance travelled by police, Spolice = vt
 144 s 1 2
x 2 Distance travelled by thief, Sthief = at
(12)  (12) 2
x 2 The police will catch the thief,
5 (c) The velocity of a body at a given instant of 1
x  at 2  vt
time during motion is known as instantaneous 2
velocity. v  v 2  2ax
 t
s a
Instantaneous velocity  lim
t  0 t
v 2  2ax  0
6 (c) As we know that, v 2  2ax
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9 (b) Lets assume u be the initial velocity of the ball Time taken by each train to cross the other train
when it is going in upward direction. 220/20 = 11 s
So, the final velocity of the ball at height x is Hence the two trains will cross each other in 11 s.
12 (a) From the figure,
So according to kinematics equation, u = 2gx 

Time of flight will be T = 2 30° 60°
During time, T ,  n  1 balls will be in air and v B cos 30  v A
one ball will be in hand. So time for one ball in  vB 
hand, cos 30
T  vB  vA 
n  1 2
 v B  100 3 
2 2x 3

n  1 g  200 m/s
10 (c) Given that, And time t0 = (Relative distance)/(Relative velocity)
PQ  QR  h 500
1 1 v A sin 30
h  gt12 and 2h  g(t1  t 2 )2
2 2 5 s
1 t12 13 (c) Using the equation,

2 (t1  t 2 )2 t = d/vr
t1 1 We have,

t 2 ( 2  1) 3 = d/v1 + v2
11 (b) Given that, vA = 40 km/h, vB = −32 km/h 2.5 = d/1.5v1 + v2
Length of train A, lA = 121 m Solving we get,
Length of train B, lB = 99 m
v1 = 2d/15 and v2 = d/5
Relative velocity of two trains is given by,
vAB = vA − vB = 40 – (–32) = 72 km/h = 72 × 5/18 When they are going in same direction,
= 20 m/s vr = v2 – v1 = d/15
Total distance to be travelled by each train for Thus, t = d/vr = d/(d/15) = 15 s
completely crossing the other train From the above observation we conclude that,
= 121 + 99 = 220 m option (c) is correct.

NCERT Exemplar Problems

1 (b) Given that, The distance covered by the particle in first 4

2 seconds is,
x  (t  2)
D = D 1 + D2 + D 3 + D 4 = 8 m
t  0 s, x  x0  (0  2)2  4 m
t  1 s, x  x1  (1  2)2  1 m 2 (b) In the graph (b), for one value of displacement,
2 there are two timings. As a result of it, for one time,
t  2 s, x  x2  (2  2)  0 m
the average velocity is positive and for other time
t  3 s, x  x3  (3  2)2  1 m is equal but negative. Due to it the average velocity
t  4 s, x  x 4  (4  2)2  4 m for timings (equal to time-period) can vanish.
The distance covered by the particle in first second 3 (b) The maximum distance covered in time, T = v0T.
is, Therefore, for the object having one-dimensional
D1 = x0 – x1 = 3m motion, the displacement x in time T satisfies –
v0T < x < v0T.
Similarly, D2 = 1 m, D3 = 1 m, D4 = 3 m
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bjective Physics

4 (c) Time taken to travel first half distance, 2v1v2

L =
v2 + v1
t1 = 2 5 (a) As lift is coming from eighth to fourth floor, it is
retarding, i.e., a is acting upwards. So, a > 0 and the
= value of x becomes less hence negative, i.e., x < 0,
2v1 velocity is downwards (i.e., negative) so, v < 0.
Time taken to travel second half distance, 6 (c) Let L be the length of escalator. Velocity of girl
w.r.t. escalator, v ge =
t2 = 2 t1
= L Velocity of escalator, ve =
= t2
Total time taken will be t1 + t2 = + Velocity of girl w.r.t. ground would be, v g  L  L
2v1 2v2
t1 t 2
As we know the average speed of any object can
The desired time is,
be defined as
Total distance travelled t
Average speed = vg
Total time taken

L L t1 t 2
2v1 2v2 2t t
t 2  t1

Assertion and Reasons

1 (c) The magnitude of the displacement for a course Thus, in uniform motion average and instantaneous
of motion may be zero but the corresponding path velocities have same value.
length is non-zero. For example, if a car starts 5 (b) For uniform motion acceleration is zero because
from a point O. goes to a point P and then returns acceleration is equal to change in velocity per
to O. The final position coincides with the initial unit time.
position and the displacement is zero. The path 6 (c) Acceleration and velocity cannot change values
length of this journey is OP + OP = 20 P.
abruptly at an instant. Their changes cannot be
2 (c) In one-dimensional motion, path length is equal
to displacement only when direction of motion discontinuous.
remains unchanged. 7 (b) For a particle, acceleration-time graph gives the
3 (a) In one-dimensional motion the two quantities are velocity because rate of change of velocity is
equal only because the object does not change acceleration.
its direction during motion. In all other cases, 8 (d) Equation of motion can be applied if the
the path length is greater than the magnitude of acceleration is in opposite direction to that of
displacement. velocity and uniform motion mean the acceleration
4 (c) An object is said to be in uniform motion if it is zero.
undergoes equal displacement in equal intervals 9 (d) If the position-time graph of a body moving
of time. uniformly in a straight line is parallel to position
s1  s2  s3  ... axis, it means that the position of body is changing
t1  t 2  t 3  ... at constant time, which is absurd and shows that
s  s  s  ... the velocity of the body is infinite.
 10 (a) Let, the distance travelled by the vehicle before it
t  t  t  ... stops be ds, then using v 2  u 2  2as .

nt Put v = 0, S = ds (stopping distance), we get
s u2
vins  ds =
t 2a
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Motion in a Straight Line Chapter |3|
Thus, the stopping distance is proportional to the t = 0, 1, 2 sec will always be constant. Thus,
square of the initial velocity. velocity-time graph for an object in uniform
11 (d) The definitions of instantaneous velocity and motion along a straight path is a straight line
acceleration are exact and are always correct parallel to time-axis.
while the kinematics equations are true only for 13 (a) When two bodies are moving in opposite
motion in which the magnitude and the direction directions, relative velocity between them is
of acceleration are constant during motion. equal to sum of the velocity of bodies. But if the
12 (c) In uniform motion the object moves with uniform bodies are moving in same direction their relative
velocity (zero acceleration), the magnitude velocity is equal to difference in velocity of the
of its velocity at different instance, i.e., at bodies.


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