3.shivani P. Shetye Dr. Ajeet Godbole Dr. Shilpa Bhilegaokar Pankaj Gajare

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Human Journals

Review Article
Vol.:1, Issue:1
© All rights are reserved by Shivani P. Shetye et al.

Hydrogels: Introduction, Preparation, Characterization and

Keywords: hydrogels, swelling, mechanical, biocompatible,
preparation, applications, sensors, contact lenses


Shivani P. Shetye*, Dr. Ajeet Godbole, Dr. Shilpa Hydrogels are three-dimensional, hydrophilic, polymeric
Bhilegaokar, Pankaj Gajare networks capable of absorbing large amounts of water or
biological fluids. Due to their high water content, porosity
Department of Pharmaceutics, Ponda Education and soft consistency, they closely simulate natural living
tissue, more so than any other class of synthetic biomaterials.
Society’s Rajaram and Tarabai Bandekar College of
Furthermore, hydrogels can be formulated in a variety of
Pharmacy, Farmagudi, Ponda, Goa. physical forms, including slabs, microparticles, nanoparticles,
coatings, and films. As a result, hydrogels are commonly used
in clinical practice and medicine for a wide range of
applications, including Tissue engineering and Regenerative
medicine, Diagnostics, Cellular immobilization, separation of
biomolecules or cells, and barrier materials to regulate
biological adhesions. Hydrogels are also relatively
deformable and can conform to the shape of the surface to
www.ijrm.humanjournals.com which they are applied. In the latter context, the
mucoadhesive or bioadhesive properties of some hydrogels
can be advantageous in immobilizing them at the site of
application or in applying them on surfaces that are not
horizontal. They have started to create a niche in several
fields of medicine like in specific site drug delivery, tissue
reconstruction and tissue engineering and even as biosensors.
In this review article an attempt has been made to explain the
properties of hydrogels, their methods of preparation and its


Hydrogels are three-dimensional, hydrophilic, polymeric networks capable of absorbing large

amounts ofwater or biological fluids. Due to their high water content, porosity and soft
consistency, they closely simulate natural living tissue, more than any other class of synthetic

Hydrogels may be chemically stable or they may degrade and eventually disintegrate and
dissolve [1].

They are prepared from materials such as gelatin, polysaccharides, cross-linked polyacrylamide
polymers, polyelectrolyte complexes, and polymers or copolymers derived from methacrylate
esters. They are insoluble in water and are available in dry or hydrated sheets or as a hydrated gel
in drug delivery systems designed for single use [11].

Furthermore, hydrogels can be formulated in a variety of physical forms, including slabs,

microparticles, nanoparticles, coatings, and films. As a result, hydrogels are commonly used in
clinical practice and medicine with a wide range of applications, including Tissue Engineering
and Regenerative Medicine, Diagnostics, Cellular immobilization, Separation of biomolecules or
cells, and barrier materials to regulate biological adhesions [3].

These unique physical properties of hydrogels have stimulated particular interest in their use in
drug delivery applications. Their highly porous structure can easily be tuned by controlling the
density of cross-links in the gel matrix and the affinity of the hydrogels for the aqueous
environment in which they are swollen [3].

Their porosity also permits loading of drugs into the gel matrix and subsequent drug release at a
rate dependent on the diffusion coefficient of a small molecule or a macromolecule through the
gel network [3].

Since the polymer cannot dissolve due to the covalent crosslinks, water uptakes far in excess of
those achievable with hydrophilic linear polymers can be obtained [14].

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.

Indeed, the benefits of hydrogels for drug delivery may be largely pharmacokinetic – specifically
that a depot formulation is created from which drugs elute slowly, maintaining a high local
concentration of drug in the surrounding tissues over an extended period of time, although they
can also be used for systemic delivery [3].

Hydrogels are also generally highly biocompatible, which may be attributed to the high water
content of hydrogels. Biodegradability or dissolution in case of hydrogels may be brought about
by enzymatic, hydrolytic, or environmental (e.g. pH, temperature, or electric field) pathways;
however, degradation is not always desirable depending on the time frame and location of the
drug delivery device [3].

Hydrogels are relatively deformable and can conform to the shape of the surface onto which they
are applied. In the latter context, the mucoadhesive or bioadhesive properties of some hydrogels
can be advantageous by keeping them immobilized at the site of application or in applying them
on surfaces that are not horizontal. However the amount and homogeneity of drug loading into
hydrogels may be limited, particularly in the case of hydrophobic drugs.The high water content
and large pore sizes of most hydrogels often result in relatively rapid drug release, over a period
of few hours to a few days. Ease of application can also be problematic; although some
hydrogels are sufficiently deformable to be injectable, many are not, necessitating surgical
implantation [3].

Above problems restrict the practical use of hydrogel-based drug delivery systems in the clinical
practice [3].

Classification of hydrogel products

The hydrogels can be broadly classified on different bases as detailed below:

1) Classification based on source

Hydrogels can be classified into two groups based on their natural or synthetic origins [5].

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.


2) Classification according to polymeric composition

The method of preparation leads to formations of some important classes of hydrogels. These
can be exemplified by the following:

(a) Homopolymeric hydrogels are referred to polymer network derived from a single species of
a monomer, which is a basic structural unit comprising of any polymer network. Homopolymers
may have cross-linked skeletal structure depending on the nature of the monomer and
polymerization technique [5].
(b) Copolymeric hydrogels are comprised of two or more different monomer species with at
least one hydrophilic component, arranged in a random, block or alternating configuration along
the chain of the polymer network [5].
(c) Multipolymer interpenetrating polymeric hydrogel (IPN), an important class of
hydrogels, is made of two independent cross-linked synthetic and/or natural polymer
components, contained in a network form. In semi-IPN hydrogel, one component is a cross-
linked polymer and other component is a non-cross-linked polymer [5].

3) Classification based on configuration

The classification of hydrogels depends on their physical structure and chemical composition can
be classified as follows:

(a) Amorphous (non-crystalline)

(b) Semicrystalline: A complex mixture of amorphous and crystalline phases
(c) Crystalline [5]

4) Classification based on type of cross-linking

Hydrogels can be divided into two categories based on the chemical or physical nature of the
cross-link junctions.

(a) Chemically cross-linked networks have permanent junctions.

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.

(b) While physical networks have transient junctions that arise from either polymer chain
entanglements or physical interactions such as ionic interactions, hydrogen bonds, or
hydrophobic interactions [5].

5) Classification based on physical appearance

Hydrogels appearance as matrix, film, or microsphere depends on the technique of

polymerization involved in the preparation process [5].

6) Classification according to network electrical charge

Hydrogels may be categorized into four groups on the basis of presence or absence of electrical
charge located on the cross-linked chains:

(a) Nonionic (neutral).

(b) Ionic (including anionic or cationic).
(c) Amphoteric electrolyte (ampholytic) containing both acidic and basic groups.
(d) Zwitterionic (polybetaines) containing both anionic and cationic groups in each structural
repeating unit [5].

7) Classification according to mechanism controlling the drug release they are classified

a. Diffusion controlled release systems

b. Swelling controlled release systems
c. Chemically controlled release systems
d. Environment responsive systems [5]


1) Swelling properties

All polymer chains in hydrogels are cross linked to each other either physically or chemically
and thus, considered as one molecule regardless of its size. For this reason, there is no concept of

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.

molecular weight of hydrogels and therefore, sometimes called infinitely large molecules or
super macromolecules [2].

One of the variables that effects capacity of water absorption is the degree of cross linking and
the type of cross linking agent used [2].

A small change in environmental condition may trigger fast and reversible changes in hydrogel.
The alteration in environmental parameters like pH, temperature, electric signal, presence of
enzyme or other ionic species may lead to a change in physical texture of the hydrogel [2].

These changes may occur at macroscopic level as precipitate formation, changes in size and
water content of hydrogels [2].

The amount of the aqueous medium incorporated in a hydrogel is determined gravimetrically and
can be expressed by its swelling ratio

Swelling = Ws-Wd

Where, Ws is the weight of hydrogel in swollen state and Wd is the weight of hydrogel in dry
state [8].

The difference in concentration of mobile ions in the hydrogel interior relative to external
solution (osmotic pressure), changes in solvent pH, drives the volume change. Hydrogels with
acidic or basic functional groups respond to the fluctuations in the external environmental pH.
Degree of ionization of the functional groups dictates its swelling profile and hence the volume
changes [2].

2) Mechanical properties

Mechanical properties of hydrogels are very important from the pharmaceutical and biomedical
point of view. The evaluation of mechanical property is essential in various biomedical
applications viz. ligament and tendon repair, wound dressing material, matrix for drug delivery,
tissue engineering and as cartilage replacement material. The mechanical properties of hydrogels

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.

should be such that it can maintain its physical texture during the delivery of therapeutic moieties
for the predetermined period of time [2].

By changing the degree of crosslinking the desired mechanical property of the hydrogel can be
achieved. Increase in the degree of crosslinking, a stronger hydrogel can be obtained through the
higher degree of crosslinking decreases the % elongation of the hydrogels creates a more brittle
structure [2].

3) Biocompatible properties

It is important for the hydrogels to be biocompatible and nontoxic in order to make it applicable
in biomedical field. Most polymers used for this purpose must pass cytotoxicity and in-vivo
toxicity tests [2].

Biocompatibility is the ability of a material to perform with an appropriate host response in a

specific application. Biocompatibility studies consists of two parameters namely biosafety and

(a) Biosafety i.e. appropriate host response not only systemic but also local (i.e. surrounding
tissue), the absence of cytotoxicity, mutagenesis, and/or carcinogenesis and

(b) Biofunctionality i.e. the ability of material to perform the specific task for which it is

This definition is particularly relevant in tissue engineering since the nature of tissue construct is
to continuously interact with the body through the healing and cellular regeneration process as
well as during scaffold degradation [2].

Furthermore, initiators, organic solvents, stabilizers, emulsifiers, unreacted monomers and

crosslinkers used in polymerization and hydrogel synthesis may be toxic to host cells if they seep
out to tissues or encapsulated cells [2].

To remove hazardous chemicals from preformed gels, various purification processes should be
followed such as solvent washing or dialysis [2].

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.


Evaluation of biocompatibility

1) In vitro cell culture tests are often used to screen the tissue compatibility of implantable
devices. The cell culture methods are also known as cytotoxicity tests. Three primary cell culture
assays are used to evaluate biocompatibility of the hydrogels:[2]

a) Elution (extract dilution)

b) Direct contact

c) Agar diffusion

These assays are described in the US Pharmacopeia and in standards published by the
International Standards Organization [2].

The in vivo assessment of tissue compatibility of a hydrogel is the knowledge of chemical

composition of the biomaterial and the conditions of tissue exposure (including nature, degree,
frequency and duration of exposure). Principles generally applied to the biological evaluation of
hydrogels are described as follows:

The material(s) of manufacture; Intended additives, process contaminants, and residues;

Leachable substances; Degradation products; other components and their interactions in the final
product determine the properties and characteristics of the final product [2].

Most of the problems associated with hydrogel regarding toxicity, are the unreacted monomers,
oligomers and initiators that leach out during application [2].

Modifying the kinetics of polymerization and extensive washing of the resulting hydrogel can
reduce the toxicity. The formation of hydrogels without any initiators and using alternate path
like radiation may eliminate the problem of the residual initiator [2].

Technologies adopted in the preparation of hydrogels

In general, hydrogels can be prepared from either synthetic polymers or natural polymers. The
synthetic polymers are hydrophobic in nature and chemically stronger compared to natural
polymers. Their mechanical strength results in slow degradation rate, but on the other hand,

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.

mechanical strength provides the durability as well. These two opposite properties should be
balanced through optimal design [5].

Water-soluble linear polymers of both natural and synthetic origin are cross-linked to form
hydrogels in a number of ways:[5]

1. Linking polymer chains via chemical reaction.

2. Using ionizing radiation
3. Physical interactions such as entanglements, electrostatics, and crystallite formation.

In general, the three integral parts of the hydrogels preparation are monomer, initiator, and cross-

To control the heat of polymerization and the final hydrogels properties, diluents can be used,
such as water or other aqueous solutions [5].

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of hydrogel preparation

Hydrogels are usually prepared from polar monomers. According to their starting materials, they
can be divided into natural polymer, synthetic polymer, and combinations of the two [5].

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.


1) Bulk polymerization

Many vinyl monomers can potentially be used for the productions of hydrogels. Bulk hydrogels
can be formed with one or more types of monomers. Usually, a small amount of cross-linking
agent is added to hydrogel formulation. The polymerization reaction is normally initiated with
radiation, ultraviolet, or chemical catalysts [5].

The choice of a suitable initiator depends upon the type of monomers and solvents being used.
The polymerized hydrogel may be produced in a wide variety of forms including films and
membranes, rods, particles, and emulsions [5].

Bulk polymerization is the simplest technique, which involves only monomer and monomer-
soluble initiators. The viscosity of reaction increases markedly with the conversion which
generates the heat during polymerization. These problems can be avoided by controlling the
reaction. The bulk polymerization of monomers to make a homogeneous hydrogel produces a
glassy, transparent polymer matrix which is very hard. When placed in water, the glassy matrix
swells to become soft and flexible [5].

2) Solution polymerization/cross-linking

In solution copolymerization/cross-linking reactions, the ionic or neutral monomers are mixed

with the multifunctional cross-linking agent. The polymerization is initiated thermally by UV-
irradiation or by a redox initiator system [5].

The prepared hydrogels need to be washed with distilled water to remove the monomers,
oligomers, cross-linking agent, the initiator, the soluble and extractable polymer, and other
impurities. Phase separation occurs and the heterogeneous hydrogel is formed when the amount
of water during polymerization is more than the water content corresponding to the equilibrium
swelling [5].

Typical solvents used for solution polymerization of hydrogels include water, ethanol, water–
ethanol mixtures, and benzyl alcohol [5].

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.


Fig. 2. Hydrogel preparation block diagram Fig. 3. Solution polymerization with (solution
polymerization/cross-linking procedure) recycle loop

3) Suspension polymerization or inverse-suspension polymerization

Dispersion polymerization is an advantageous method since the products are obtained as powder
or microspheres (beads), and thus, grinding is not required. Since water-in-oil (W/O) process is
chosen instead of the more common oil-in-water (O/W), the polymerization is referred to as
“inverse-suspension” technique [5].

In this technique, the monomers and initiators are dispersed in the hydrocarbon phase as a
homogenous mixture. The viscosity of the monomer solution, agitation speed, rotor design, and
dispersant type mainly governs the resin particle size and shape. The dispersion is
thermodynamically unstable and requires both continuous agitation and addition of a low
hydrophilic–lipophilic-balance (HLB) agent [5].

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.


Fig. 4. Suspension terpolymerization process with recycle loop

4) Polymerization by Irradiation

Ionizing high energy radiations like gamma rays and electron beams have been used as an
initiator to prepare the hydrogels of unsaturated compounds. The irradiation of aqueous polymer
solution results in the formation of radicals on the polymer chains. Also, radiolysis of water
molecules results in the formation of hydroxyl radicals, which also attack the polymer chains,
resulting in the formation of macro-radicals [5].

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.

The major advantage of the radiation initiation over the chemical initiation is the production of
relatively pure and initiator-free hydrogels [5].

5) Grafting to a support

Generally, hydrogels prepared by bulk polymerization have inherent weak structure. To improve
the mechanical properties of a hydrogel, it can be grafted on surface coated onto a stronger
support. This technique involves the generation of free radicals onto a stronger support surface
and then polymerizing monomers directly onto it as a result a chain of monomers are covalently
bonded to the support [5].

Desired features of hydrogel material

The functional features of an ideal hydrogel material can be listed as follows.

 Must have highest absorption capacity (maximum equilibrium swelling) in saline.

 Must show desired rate of absorption (preferred particle size and porosity) depending on the
application requirement.
 Must exhibit the highest absorbency under load (AUL).
 Should show lowest soluble content and residual monomer.
 Have lowest price.
 Must have highest durability and stability in the swelling environment and during the storage.
 Must have highest biodegradability without formation of toxic species following the
 pH-neutrality after swelling in water.
 Colorless, odorless, and absolutely non-toxic.
 Must have good photo stability.
 Re-wetting capability (if required) the hydrogel has to be able to give back the imbibed
solution or to maintain it; depending on the application requirement (e.g., in agricultural or
hygienic applications) [7].

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.


Extending the effectiveness of hydrogels for drug delivery

The high water content of most hydrogels typically results in relatively rapid release of drugs
from the gel matrix over the period of hours or days, particularly in the case of hydrophilic drugs
for which hydrogel delivery is typically applied. The release profile is much shorter than those
which can be achieved using microspheres or macroscopic devices based on more hydrophobic
polymers (for example, PLGA). In response, a range of strategies have been explored to reduce
the release rate of drug from hydrogels. These strategies can be categorized by whether they
enhance the interactions between the drug and the hydrogel matrix and/or increase the diffusive
barrier to drug release from the hydrogel [3].

I) Drug–hydrogel interactions

Both physical and chemical strategies can be employed to enhance the binding between a loaded
drug and the hydrogel matrix to extend the duration of drug release, as illustrated schematically
in the Fig. 5 [3].

Fig. 5. Physical (a) and chemical (b) strategies for enhancing the interaction between a
loaded drug and a polymeric gel to slow drug release.

a) Physical interactions

Charge interactions between ionic polymers and charged drugs have frequently been employed
to increase the strength of the interactions between the gel and a target drug to delay drug release

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.

Both anionic and cationic functional groups typically found in carbohydrate-based polymers can
have significant effects on prolonging the release of a drug of opposite charge [3].

b) Covalent bonding

Drugs can also be covalently conjugated to the hydrogel matrix such that their release is
primarily controlled by the rate of chemical or enzymatic cleavage of the polymer–drug bond [3].

Drug release may be regulated via the hydrolysis of the polymer backbone, possibly inducing the
release of a partially modified drug analogue. For example, methacrylic-functionalized non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have been conjugated to methacrylic-functionalized dextrans
via UV irradiation. The cross-linker can be engineered to give specific durations of release [3].

II) Gel network engineering

A simple method of performing such modifications is to increase the percentage of cross-linking

monomer incorporated into the gel. However, highly cross-linked gels exhibit very slow
responses to environmental stimuli and may possess undesirable mechanical properties. As a
result, more sophisticated strategies may be required [3].

a) Interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs)

An interpenetrating polymer network is formed when a second hydrogel network is polymerized

within a pre-polymerized hydrogel.

This is typically done by immersing a pre-polymerized hydrogel into a solution of monomers and
a polymerization initiator. IPNs can be formed either in the presence of a cross-linker to produce
a fully interpenetrating polymer network (full IPN) or in the absence of a cross-linking
mechanism to generate a network of embedded linear polymers entrapped within the original
hydrogel (semi-IPN). Dense hydrogel matrices can be produced with stiffer and tougher
mechanical properties, more widely controllable physical properties, and (frequently) more
efficient drug loading compared to conventional hydrogels [3].

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.


Fig. 6. Formation and structure of semi- and full interpenetrating polymer networks (IPN)

IPNs can also moderate the effect of environmental changes on hydrogel responses and burst
drug release effect because of their ability to restrict the equilibrium swelling of either or both of
the interpenetrating phases according to the elasticity (i.e. cross-linking density) of either or both
gel phases [3].

b) Surface diffusion control

As an alternative to changing the bulk structure of a hydrogel, surface-specific modifications can

be performed to generate a reduced-permeability “film” layer at the hydrogel surface, often in
conjunction with a thermosensitive switch for on–off drug release [3].

By using this mechanism, thermosensitive PNIPAM polymers can be grafted onto the surface of
hydrogels to provide temperature-dependent surface permeability. Drug release is rapid at low
temperatures but is significantly slowed down at higher temperatures as the thermosensitive
polymer undergoes a phase transition and collapses onto the hydrogel surface. Alternately, a
drug-loaded hydrogel can be coated with a dense polyelectrolyte multilayer film, limiting drug
diffusion out of the bulk hydrogel [3].

The rate of diffusion can be designed to be dependent on the pH of the medium, the degradation
rate of the film, or the environmentally controlled swelling state of the coated hydrogel, which
can exert mechanical pressure on the coating to cause film rupture and thus burst drug release at
site of target organ [3].

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.


Fig. 7. Surface diffusion control Fig. 8. Composite hydrogel

D1 = release from entrapping secondary release vehicle

D2 = diffusion through hydrogel

c) Composite hydrogels

Microspheres, liposomes, and other types of particulate drug delivery vehicles have proven
capacity for long-term release. As a result, growing interest has focused on overcoming the
inherent pharmacological limitations of hydrogels by co-formulating particulate systems into the
hydrogel matrix to form composite or “plum pudding” hydrogel networks, as illustrated in the
Fig. 8 [3].

The formation of composite hydrogel drug release vehicles may increase the biocompatibility of
the particulate vehicle by “hiding” the microparticles within the hydrogel and also preventing
microparticle migration away from their targeted site in vivo [3].

The hydrogel phase may also improve the kinetic release profile of microspheres by providing an
additional diffusion barrier to drug release, moderating or eliminating the burst release typically
observed with microspheres and extending release of drugs [3].

Surfactant-stabilized microemulsion droplets, surfactant micelles, and polymeric micelles can

similarly be entrapped in hydrogel networks to provide prolonged drug release. Polymeric
micelles based on block copolymers have particular promise due to their lower toxicity given the
absence of small-molecule surfactants or organic solvents [3].

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.


Expanding the range of drugs amenable to hydrogel-based delivery

Classically, hydrogels have been used to deliver hydrophilic, small-molecule drugs which have
high solubility in both the hydrophilic hydrogel matrix and the aqueous solvent swelling the
hydrogel [3].

In this case, it is relatively simple to load a high quantity of drug into a swollen hydrogel by
simple partitioning from a concentrated aqueous drug solution and subsequently release the
hydrophilic drug into an aqueous environment [3].

However, this process is relatively inefficient in the case of large macromolecular drugs (e.g.
proteins, nucleic acids, etc.) which have diffusive limitations to their partitioning into a hydrogel
phase or hydrophobic drugs which are sparingly soluble in both the aqueous and the hydrogel
phases [3].

Both of these classes of drugs, however, are becoming increasingly important clinically as a
result of improved understanding of the molecular basis of disease and the more frequent
application of molecular design approaches for small-molecule drug design. Macromolecular
drug uptake is typically restricted by the diffusion of the macromolecular drug payload through
the hydrogel network and thus can be addressed at least partially by engineering the pore size of
hydrogels [3].

Hydrogel-based hydrophobic drug delivery is in many respects a more difficult problem given
the inherent incompatibility of the hydrophilic hydrogel network and the hydrophobic drug.
Thus, the problem of hydrophobic drug delivery is two-fold: how to load the hydrophobic drug
into the gel matrix and, once present, how to effectively release the drug into the aqueous gel
environment [3].

A variety of strategies for introducing hydrophobic domains directly into otherwise hydrophilic
hydrogel networks have permitted significant improvements in the loading of hydrophobic drugs.
These basic strategies are illustrated schematically below [3].

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.


Fig. 9.Strategies for hydrophobic drug delivery via hydrogels (a) random copolymerization
of a hydrophobic monomer; (b) grafting of hydrophobic side-chains; (c) incorporation of

a) Incorporation of hydrophobic sites

The most common approach for generating hydrophobic domains within hydrogels is the
copolymerization with hydrophobic comonomers, introducing statistically distributed
hydrophobic sites within the networks. This strategy introduces binding sites for hydrophobic
drugs and condenses the bulk dimensions of the gel, reducing the average pore size and slowing
diffusion-limited release [3].


Fig. 10. Several applications of hydrogels

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.


Biomedical applications of hydrogels

1) Contact lenses and ocular implants

Soft contact lenses are one of the most widely used applications of hydrogels. One of the main
characteristics is the comfort since the hydrogel perfectly adapts to the global ocular curvature.
Also they allow atmospheric oxygen to reach the cornea by dissolving in the water of lens [6].

The PHEMA-based hydrogels are extensively used as soft contact lenses due to their excellent
biocompatibility and mechanical properties. Several companies subsequently developed a range
of hydrogel contact lens materials containing various monomers such as N-VP, MAA, MMA and
glyceryl methacrylate among others which are incorporated to increase the water content of
hydrogel contact lens, in the attempt to obtain materials with suitable mechanical properties,
which allow them to resist the force of the eyelid along with an elevated permeability to oxygen

Medicated contact lenses are attracting keen interest for ophthalmic drug delivery, as they
significantly increase residence time of the drug in the precorneal area because of the geometric
barrier provided by the contact lenses to the drug when it diffuses out from the gel matrix into
the tear film [6].

2) Tissue regeneration and tissue engineering

Hydrogels have a micro-architecture similar to that of natural extracellular matrix (ECM hence
these have been utilized to support and assist restoration of range of tissues such as bones,
cartilage, nerves, vessels and skin [6].

Scaffolds act as three-dimensional artificial templates in which the tissue targeted for
reconstruction is cultured to grow onto. The high porosity of hydrogel allows for the diffusion of
cells during migration, as well as the transfer of nutrients and waste products away from cellular
membranes [6].

The micronized hydrogels (microgels) have been used to deliver macromolecules like
phagosomes into cytoplasm of antigen-presenting cells. The release is because of acidic

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.

conditions. Such hydrogels mold themselves to the pattern of membranes of the tissues and have
sufficient mechanical strength. This property of hydrogels is also used in cartilage repairing [10].

Examples of various tissue engineering employing various hydrogels have been provided below:
Collagen-coated tissue culture inserts are used for growing three- dimensional corneal implant,
tracheal gland cells etc. [12].

Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) polymer foams are seeded with preadipocytes for the
epithelial cell culture of the breast. [12]

Porous scaffolding (e.g. filter, swatch of nylon, transwell, biodegradable microcarrier) coated
with fibrillar collagen, ideally type III collagen mixed with fibronectin or with Matrigel are used
for the culture of the normal mature liver cells (polyploidy liver cells) [12].

There is a growing interest in using hydrogels in the regeneration of the central nervous system.
Chemically cross-linked PHEMA tube shave been created by synthesizing centrifugal force; the
outer diameter of these tubes is 2.4 mm and wall thickness is 40-400 um, which could be used
for guided regeneration in the nervous system [6].

3) Biosensors

Hydrogels are used in the preparation of biosensors, acting as supports for immobilization of
enzymes. The microenvironment that surround the immobilized enzyme can act as a barrier for
the free diffusion of molecules but it also may attract or repel the substrate or product to its
surface thus concentrating or depleting the immediate vicinity of the enzyme. The Verones group
has prepared diverse biosensors for enzyme immobilization, one of them being an amperometric
sensor constructed by using PEG modified glucose oxidase immobilized in a PVA cryogel
membrane, obtained by a freezing-thawing cyclic process. This sensor allows for determination
of glucose electrochemically by measuring the hydrogen peroxide production as a result of the
enzymatic reaction, which can be used in the determination of serum glucose. In view of the
importance of sugar in foods and beverage industries, it is rather important to have e a detection
method that is simple, sensitive and fast. Thus a biosensoric method of fructose determination
has been developed based on polymer matrix of Polyethyleneimine (PEI) and

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.

Polycarbamoylsulphonate hydrogel used for immobilization of the enzyme D-fructose
dehydrogenase [6].

4) Wound dressings

Hydrogel dressings are available in several forms including amorphous hydrogels (that can take
up the shape of the wound), saturated gauzes or hydrogel sheets. Hydrogels that are shapeless or
amorphous are composed of insoluble non-crosslinked hydrophilic polymers such as polyvinyl
pyrrolidine or polyacrylamide in the form of a gel containing 70-95% water. Amorphous
hydrogels may be packaged in tubes, spray bottles or foil packs. The gel is applied directly to the
wound and is usually covered with a secondary dressing (for example foam or gauze). Exudate is
absorbed into the gel whilst moisture evaporates through the secondary dressing [9].

Saturated gauzes, obtained when gauze is impregnated with amorphous hydrogel, are sometimes
used to fill the dead space in deeper wounds [9].

Hydrogel sheets do not need a secondary dressing as a semi-permeable polymer film backing
which may or may not have adhesive borders, controls the amount of water vapour transmitted
through the dressing [9].

They are nonadherent dressings that through semipermeable film allow a high rate of
evaporation (and cooling) without compromising wound hydration. This makes them useful in
burn treatment. Hydrogels are also very useful in hairy are where entrapment of hair into the
dressing would not be traumatic [16].

Poultice is a drug-in-adhesive type of TDS and is very popular in eastern countries. The hydrogel
PSA is a base adhesive for poultice, as well as for skin care cosmetic sheets [15].

5) Oral

The oral administration of drugs through hydrogels is one of the routes that have aroused the
highest interest among researchers, which have tackled this form of administration, mainly
through two strategies [6].

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.

One of these strategies is the development of mucoadhesive hydrogels that interact with mucous
as a result of physical entanglement and secondary bonding, mainly through hydrogen bonding
and Van der Waals forces, due to the presence of hydroxyl, carboxyl, amine, and amide groups
on the surface of polymeric matrix, thus prolonging the residence time of the dosage form on the
absorption site [6].

The use of buccal cavity for placing devices of controlled drug release allows it to avoid the first-
pass metabolism and prevents degradation of the drug in the GIT [6].

Another area of the GI tract being considered for hydrogel drug delivery is the colon. One
advantage that the colon has is that there is less proteolytic activity there compared to the small
intestine. Various hydrogels, particularly enzyme-sensitive hydrogels, are currently being
considered and developed for use in colon-specific drug delivery [7].

Rectal Delivery has been used to deliver many types of drugs for treatment of diseases associated
with the rectum, such as hemorrhoids. This route is an ideal way to administer drugs suffering
heavy first-pass metabolism [5].

6) Super porous hydrogel systems

These swellable systems differ sufficiently from the conventional types to warrant separate
classification. In this approach to improve gastric retention time (GRT) super porous hydrogels
of average pore size >100 micro miter, swell to equilibrium size within a minute due to rapid
water uptake by capillary wetting through numerous interconnected open pores. They swell to a
large size (swelling ratio: 100 or more) and are intended to have sufficient mechanical strength to
withstand pressure by gastric contraction. This is advised by co-formulation of hydrophilic
particulate material [13].

7) Sealant

Research into the use of self-healing hydrogels has revealed an effective method for mitigating
acid spills through the ability to selectively crosslink under acidic conditions. Research carried
out by the University of California San Diego, various surfaces were coated with self-healing
hydrogels and then mechanically damaged with 300 micrometer wide cracks with the coatings

Citation: Shivani P. Shetye et al. Ijrm.Human, Vol. 1 (1): 47-71.

healing the crack within seconds upon exposure to low pH buffers. The hydrogels also can
adhere to various plastics due to hydrophobic interactions. Both findings suggest the use of these
hydrogels as a sealant for vessels containing corrosive acids [4].


Hydrogels are hydrophilic polymeric networks which are capable of absorbing large amounts of
water or biological liquids, due to which they are widely being used in the medical industry as
dressings and even in tissue regeneration and tissue engineering.

Vast improvements have been made in the properties of hydrogels used in drug delivery.
However further improvements needs to be made to improve the applicability of hydrogels.
Further progress needs to be achieved in the delivery of hydrophobic molecules. Progress and
success in such aspects would significantly improve the delivery of drugs through hydrogels to
certain desired locations in the body.


The authors wish to thank the Board of Management, Principal and staff of P.E.S.’s Rajaram and
Tarabai Bandekar College of Pharmacy, Farmagudi, Ponda, Goa for their support and


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