Electronics and Electric Circuit Note 221112

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1. Write down the difference between Electrical and Electronics.

# Content Electrical Electronics

Electronic technology deals with
Electrical technology deals with the
designing, amplifying, and switching
01 Definition generation, distribution, storage, and
electrical energy with the help of
conversion of electrical energy/power, etc.
different electronics equipment.
In the electronic circuit, the energy
In the electrical circuit, electrical energy
02 Fundamental Role consists of the flow of electron and
consists of the flow of electron.
Device Principle The electrical devices produce the voltage Electronic devices control the voltage
(Voltage & Current) and current. and current.
It works on Alternating Current (AC). The Only the Direct Current (DC) work on
Current AC power may be a single-phase or three it. The range of the voltage is ‘mV’ to
Function(AC & DC) phases (220V/440V) in the ‘V’ to ‘kV’ ‘V’. The general rating of the voltage is
range. 5V,12V,24V, etc.
05 Function They cannot manipulate data. It manipulates the data to assign.
Transformer, Alternator Motor and Diode, Transistor, Thyristor,
06 Example Generator, Fuse, Circuit breaker and etc. Microcontroller, etc. are the example of
are the example of electrical devices. electronic devices.

2. What is diode? Write a short note on diode.

A diode is a semiconductor device that essentially acts as an one-way switch for current. It allows current to
flow easily in one direction, but severely restricts current from flowing in the opposite direction.
Diodes are rated according to their type, voltage, and current capacity. Diodes have polarity, determined by an
anode (positive lead) and cathode (negative lead). Most diodes allow current to flow only when positive
voltage is applied to the anode.

When a diode allows current flow, it is forward-biased. When a diode is reverse-biased, it acts as an
insulator and does not permit current to flow. The diode symbol's arrow points against the direction of electron

3. Write down the application of diode.

Applications and Uses of diodes

There are various types of diodes and these diodes are used in numerous ways.

 The most basic function would be changing AC current to DC current by removing some part of the
signal. This functionality would make them rectifiers. They are used in electrical switches and are
used in surge protectors because they can prevent a spike in the voltage.
 Diodes help in performing digital logic.
 They are used for isolating signals from a supply. They are also used in creating power supplies and
voltage doublers. Using a full wave rectifier will help to deliver a more stable voltage. Combination of
a diode with a capacitor will help to make small AC voltage multiply to create a very high voltage.
 The light emitting diodes or LEDs are used in sensors and also in laser devices any many other light
illumination devices.
 Zener diodes are used as voltage regulators and varactors are used in electronic tuning and varistors
are used in suppressing AC lines.
 Diodes are the basis of Operational Amplifier and transistors.

4. Define rectifier circuit. Write a short note on rectifier.

The process of converting an AC (sinusoidal) signal into a DC signal is called Rectification. The electronic
circuit which performs the rectification is known as the Rectifier circuit. In short, we can call it a rectifier. So,
by using this circuit, we can convert the electrical signal, which is of sinusoidal (AC) form, into DC form.

5. Explain rectifier circuit diagram.

Here is a diagram of a commonly used rectifier circuit:

In an AC signal, the current flows in one direction for one-half cycle and the opposite direction for the
other half cycle. Whereas in a DC signal, the current flows in only one direction. We know that the p-
n junction diode is the unilateral element. Hence, the p-n junction diode is the main electronic
component in the rectifier circuit.

6. What is transistor? Explain parts of a transistor.

A transistor is a type of semiconductor device that can be used to conduct and insulate electric current or
voltage. A transistor basically acts as a switch and an amplifier.
A typical transistor is composed of three layers of semiconductor materials or, more specifically, terminals
which help to make a connection to an external circuit and carry the current. A voltage or current that is
applied to any one pair of the terminals of a transistor controls the current through the other pair of terminals.
There are three terminals for a transistor. They are listed below:

 Base: This is used to activate the transistor.

 Collector: It is the positive lead of the transistor.
 Emitter: It is the negative lead of the transistor.

7. Explain types of transistor.
There are mainly two types of transistors, based on how they are used in a circuit.
Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) : The three terminals of BJT are the base, emitter and collector. A very
small current flowing between the base and emitter can control a larger flow of current between the collector
and emitter terminal.

Furthermore, there are two types of BJT and they include:

 P-N-P Transistor: It is a type of BJT where one n-type material is introduced or placed between two p-
type materials. In such a configuration, the device will control the flow of current.

 N-P-N Transistor: In this transistor, we will find one p-type material that is present between two n-
type materials. N-P-N transistor is basically used to amplify weak signals to strong signals.

Field Effect Transistor (FET)

For FET, the three terminals are Gate, Source and Drain. The voltage at the gate terminal can control a current
between the source and the drain. FET is a unipolar transistor in which N-channel FET or P-channel FET are
used for conduction. The main applications of FETs are in low noise amplifiers, buffer amplifiers and
analogue switches.

Other Types

Apart from these, there are many other types of transistors which include MOSFET, JFET, (ITFET),
(FREDFET), (OFET) etc.
8. Explain the working principle of transistor.

A transistor is an electronic component that is used in circuits to either amplify or switch electrical signals or
power. It consists of three terminals: emitter, base, and collector. The basic idea behind a transistor is that it
lets you control the flow of current through one channel by varying the intensity of a much smaller current
that’s flowing through a second channel.

The transistor works as a gated device to the electric current. If the gate is open, there is a flow, and if the gate
is closed, there is no flow. The role of the transistor input signal is to open and close the gate, as desired. The
output is, thus, controlled by the input.

Electrical Circuit
1. What is meant by Series and Parallel Circuits? Explain their circuit
diagram. Write down their advantages and disadvantages.

In a series circuit, all components are connected end-to-end to form a single path for current flow. In a parallel
circuit, all components are connected across each other with exactly two electrically common nodes with the
same voltage across each component.

Figure: Example of a series circuit.

Figure: Example of a parallel circuit.

Circuit Type Advantages Disadvantages

Series Circuit Simple, current conservation Component dependency, limited power capacity

Parallel Circuit Independent operation, increased power capacity Complexity, potential power consumption

2. Explain Kirchhoff’s First and Second Law.

Kirchhoff’s First and Second Laws are two fundamental principles of electrical circuit theory. Kirchhoff’s
First Law, also known as the Current Law, states that the sum of the currents entering a node in a circuit is
equal to the sum of the currents leaving that node. This law is based on the principle of conservation of

Kirchhoff’s Second Law, also known as the Voltage Law, states that the sum of the voltages around any
closed loop in a circuit is zero. This law is based on the principle of conservation of energy.

3. Calculate RMS Voltage using graphical method.

Md. Minarul Hasan

Department of Civil Engineering
Pabna University of Science and Technology
Pabna-6600, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01959259435
E-mail: [email protected]

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