DystoniaRelaxation 710

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Hypnosis Script

Dystonia Relaxation Script

Begin with your favourite Induction and Deepener from Hypnotic World.

As you settle down deeper into this lovely calm and peaceful feeling - just be
aware of how comfortable and relaxed your body is. It's such a wonderful feeling
to be calm and relaxed - nothing else matters right now - there are no problems
to solve - there's nothing at all to do but relax, and let go.

And if your mind begins to wander away to some pleasant thoughts then that's
okay. Because nobody wants anything at all right now - nobody needs anything -
there's absolutely nothing to do but relax - and enjoy this wonderful awareness
that is developing within you, right now.

For in hypnosis not only the body relaxes but also the mind is free to discover
and explore things about yourself that you didn't even know you knew. Because
everything you do, say and feel is recorded in your wonderful subconscious

And it's interesting to note how the mind works - it is almost as though you can
detach from yourself and view a part of you as though you were an observer -
and yet still experience different feelings and thoughts.

Your mind can control almost every aspect of your body. From simple things
such as walking and holding your breath, to more complex issues such as
diabetes or hay fever.

All you have to do is believe in the power of your own wonderful subconscious

And hypnosis can also help your dystonia. As I am sure you know - dystonia is a
movement disorder that causes the muscles to contract and spasm involuntarily.
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Opposing muscles often contract at the same time as if they are "competing" for
control of a body part.

The involuntary muscle contractions force the body into repetitive and often
twisting movements as well as awkward, irregular postures.

Hypnosis can soothe the spasms of dystonia by using the power of the
unconscious mind and I will show you how to do this now.

The first thing to do to provide some relief is to decrease the use of caffeine,
alcohol, tobacco and unnecessary drugs. Taking a nice hot bath, massaging the
affected area, or using a heating pad or ice pack can help relieve symptoms in
some patients. Regular moderate exercise may also be beneficial, as will
developing a regular sleep routine.

From this moment on - you find yourself eating a healthful, balanced diet to
ensure that you receive a plentiful supply of vitamins and minerals. If you think
you are deficient in any of these, you may also take supplements such as iron,
folic acid, and magnesium.

If you were to go to the doctor about your dystonia, he may prescribe you some
drugs that work by interfering with neurotransmitters - these are the chemical
substances that carry messages within the brain. They act on the junctions
between nerves and muscles, preventing the release of one of the chemical
messengers - acetylcholine - from the nerve endings. This reduces muscle
contractions and can cause the overactive muscles to calm down.

However, your body is capable of doing this by itself - using naturally produced
drugs from inside your body, and this is what we are going to do today.

So now we are going to take a journey deep inside your brain to the centre of
your core self where all bodily functions are controlled. Imagine yourself going
there right now, down to the centre of your existence, like descending a huge
flight of stairs.

And as you travel down the stairs you go deeper and deeper into a more relaxed,
hypnotic state, where there is nothing to do other than listen to the sound of my
voice. At the bottom of the stairs is a room - a very special room where you find
that you are in total control.
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And now that you have entered this room - I would like you to take a look around

There are many switches, valves, and pressure controllers plus numerous levers.
You see there is a valve for your stress levels, but this is almost fully off, as you
are deeply relaxed during this hypnosis session.

However you know that increased stress levels can worsen your dystonia, so you
find a piece of rope and tie down this lever. This ensures that no matter what
situation you are in, you will not let it get to you and your stress levels will remain

On this panel, you see a lever labelled ACETYLCHOLINE - this lever is raised,
almost to the top. You know that this chemical is responsible for your muscle
spasms, so you walk over to it and decrease it slowly. And as you do, you get a
sudden adrenaline rush throughout your body and your mind.

And all of a sudden - you feel elevated - you really feel so good - because you
have so much energy running through your veins - and your muscles can relax
all by themselves.

By decreasing this chemical called acetylcholine - messages between your nerve

cells and your central nervous system have been reduced - only the messages
you are trying to send yourself are getting through, the unwanted ones that
cause the spasms have been blocked.

Now that you have fixed that problem, your dystonia symptoms will soon
improve. You will notice many improvements - immediately - and in the days and
weeks that follow.

And now that you have fixed that problem, I want you to ascend the stairs from
the control room back to your subconscious mind.

And every day you go into hypnosis for at least ten minutes, taking yourself to
the centre of your existence, going deeper and even deeper into this wonderful
state of deep relaxation and depressing the lever, decreasing the acetylcholine in
your nerve junctions, little by little, until it reaches an acceptable range.

You now find it so easy to relax and feel calm - and as a direct result of this new,

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calm, relaxed feeling that you now have - you now find it so easy to let go of
worries and drift down into comfort and relaxation.

Your subconscious mind remembers this wonderful feeling and can allow it to
flow back into your awareness whenever you need it.

And your muscles will feel much calmer and more relaxed. You are now able to
control your movements so much more and more - and you also find that the
muscle spasms which you used to experience are now a thing of the past.

You feel absolutely wonderful - in fact - you soon forget that you ever even had a
problem, because you no longer feel any discomfort at all.

In a moment I'm going to count from one to five and at the count of five you'll be
wide awake, but this lovely, calm relaxing feeling will remain with you, it will
remain and stay with you throughout the day.

And each and every time you repeat this exercise of hypnosis you find it gets
easier and easier to relax, and you become more in control of your mind, your
body and your health.

So get ready now whilst I count to five and come all the way back at the count of
five, bringing with you all these calm and peaceful feelings.

One, two, three, four, five.

Please note: this session is intended for relaxation purposes only. It is not a
medical or therapeutic device and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or
prevent any medical condition or disease.

Eye Focus Script (Complimentary Induction)


When using the technique described below it is important that you do not look
into the client’s eyes but rather to the bridge of the nose - otherwise, you could
be the one who ends up in hypnosis! Sentences in italics for therapists only;
words in bold-italic to be emphasised.

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Keep looking into my eyes. Don’t look away but you can blink when you need

Keep your eyes totally and completely focused on my eyes.

And soon, very soon you’ll notice your eyelids becoming heavy as they begin to
blink more and more – at first they may begin to feel a little strained, or a little
uncomfortable, but soon they will become so heavy that you can barely keep
them open.

But I want you to try to keep them open - just try and keep those heavy eyes

They are blinking more and more now – your eyes are so heavy you can barely
keep them open, they just want to close; they are beginning to blink more and
more, (time this suggestion with subject’s blinking).

Your eyes are becoming so heavy now – it takes so much effort to let them stay

Perhaps you can relax those little muscles around the eyes, the outer corners –
that’s right – just allow them to relax.

Your eyes are getting heavier and heavier, but you still try to keep them open.

Very soon those eyes are going to close all by themselves and as they do you
can allow yourself to just drop right down into a lovely warm and comfortable
feeling deep inside you.

The following suggestion is offered once they eyes show signs of closing,
otherwise further suggestions of eye-fatigue should be made.

That’s right, those eyes are beginning to close now; they are feeling heavier and

Good - take a deep, comfortable breath now and just let those eyes close
whenever they want to.
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That’s right, those eyes are now so heavy, so comfortable, so relaxed, that it’s
just too much effort at all to let them open – those muscles around the eyes just
don’t want to work at all.

So let them remain closed now – as you continue listening to the sound of my

It’s just too much effort to try to open them, so let them stay closed and
comfortable, heavy and relaxed.

And let that relaxing, comfortable feeling flow all the way down to the very tips of
those toes – until every nerve, every muscle, every cell, every consciousness of
your body, becomes comfortable and relaxed; that’s right, comfortable, relaxed,
and at peace with the universe.

Good. Now see or sense or just experience yourself at the top of a long flight of
stairs, preparing to descend.

You can go down, deeper and deeper, going down, down, down, relaxing more
and more with each step down - going deeper down now, really deep down.

You are halfway down now; half way down into comfort and relaxation, going
deeper and deeper relaxed.

And when you reach the bottom of the stairs just take another deep refreshing
breath and really enjoy those wonderful feelings inside of you – good.


When you’re doing the eye blinking, remember to time the suggestions to
coincide with your client’s blinking pattern.


This induction can be followed by another deepener or lead straight onto

suggestions for therapy depending on how the subject has reacted.

Blackboard Script (Complimentary

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Begin with your favourite Induction from Hypnotic World.

I want you to imagine yourself now - standing in front of an old-fashioned


You have a piece of chalk in one hand and an eraser in the other.

Nod your head when you can see the blackboard.

Wait for affirmation. Some clients may take a few seconds to be able to visualise.

Good. At the moment the blackboard is clear but what I would like you to do - is
to take the chalk and draw on the blackboard the number ten - see - the one and
the zero - the number ten.

Let me know when you can see the number ten on the blackboard - in your
mind's eye.

Good - now when you can see the number ten - and only when you can see the
number ten - I want you to take the eraser and rub it out - rub out the number ten
- so that the blackboard is clear once more.

And when the blackboard is clear once more - I want you to take the piece of
chalk and in the top right-hand corner of the blackboard - I would like you to write
the word sleep - sleep - the word sleep - see the s and the l and the two e's and
the p.

Sleep - notice the size of the word and the formation of the letters - the position
of the word sleep on the board.

And when you can see the word sleep - and only when you can see the word
sleep - I want you to take the eraser and wipe it away - just wipe away the word -
sleep - and as you erase the word sleep from your mind - so you find yourself
becoming sleepier and much more comfortable and much more relaxed.

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Now when the board is clear - and only when the blackboard is clear - I want you
to take the chalk and draw the number nine - the number nine - on the
blackboard - and when you can see the number nine - and only when you can
see the number nine - I want you to take the eraser and rub it out - rub out the
number nine - so that the blackboard is clear once more.

And when the blackboard is clear once more - I want you to take the piece of
chalk and in the top right-hand corner of the blackboard - I would like you to write
the word sleep - sleep - the word sleep - see the s and the l and the two e's and
the p.

Sleep - notice the size of the word and the formation of the letters - the position
of the word sleep on the board - and when you can see the word sleep - and only
when you can see the word sleep - I want you to take the eraser and wipe it
away - just wipe away the word - sleep - and as you erase the word sleep from
your mind - you can find yourself becoming sleepier and much more comfortable
and much more relaxed.

Now when the board is clear - and only when the blackboard is clear - I want you
to take the chalk and draw the number eight - the number eight - on the
blackboard - and when you can see the number eight - and only when you can
see the number eight - I want you to take the eraser and rub it out - rub out the
number eight - so that the blackboard is clear once more.

And I want you to continue in this manner - first of all drawing the number ten -
wiping it away - and then when the board is clear - and only when the blackboard
is clear - do you write on it the word sleep.

And each time you wipe away the word sleep - you find yourself drifting deeper
and deeper into a warm and sleepy sort of feeling - a very relaxed and a very
comfortable sort of feeling - deeper and deeper relaxed.

So I want you to begin now - with the number ten - and as you do this - I'm going
to be talking directly to your subconscious mind - but you don't even need to - - -
- listen to me - - - - because your subconscious mind will hear everything - that
it needs to hear.

And you will find that - after just a short while - the board and the numbers and
words will simply fall out of your mind - just as the dust from the chalk falls away

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from the blackboard when you wipe them away - you won't want or be able to
draw the numbers or write the letters - as you become so very deeply relaxed
and comfortable - sleepy, safe, warm and relaxed - and focus completely on the
sound of my voice.


Continue with suggestions.

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