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Alan Giambattista

6.7 Elastic Potential Energy 221 9.10 Viscous Drag 357

6.8 Power 224 9.11 Surface Tension 359

Online Supplement: Turbulent Flow; Surface Tension

Chapter 7 Linear Momentum 241
7.1 A Conservation Law for a Vector Chapter 10 Elasticity and Oscillations 373
Quantity 242 10.1 Elastic Deformations of Solids 374
7.2 Momentum 242 10.2 Hooke’s Law for Tensile and
7.3 The Impulse-Momentum Theorem 244 Compressive Forces 374
7.4 Conservation of Momentum 250 10.3 Beyond Hooke’s Law 377
7.5 Center of Mass 253 10.4 Shear and Volume Deformations 380
7.6 Motion of the Center of Mass 256 10.5 Simple Harmonic Motion 384
7.7 Collisions in One Dimension 258 10.6 The Period and Frequency for SHM 387
7.8 Collisions in Two Dimensions 262 10.7 Graphical Analysis of SHM 391
10.8 The Pendulum 393
10.9 Damped Oscillations 397
Chapter 8 Torque and Angular 10.10 Forced Oscillations and
Momentum 276 Resonance 398
8.1 Rotational Kinetic Energy and Online Supplement: Period of a Physical Pendulum
Rotational ­Inertia 277
8.2 Torque 282
Chapter 11 Waves 411
8.3 Calculating Work Done from
the Torque 287 11.1 Waves and Energy Transport 412
8.4 Rotational Equilibrium 289 11.2 Transverse and Longitudinal Waves 414
8.5 Application: Equilibrium in the 11.3 Speed of Transverse Waves on a String 416
Human Body 298 11.4 Periodic Waves 418
8.6 Rotational Form of Newton’s 11.5 Mathematical Description of a Wave 419
Second Law 302 11.6 Graphing Waves 421
8.7 The Motion of Rolling Objects 303 11.7 Principle of Superposition 423
8.8 Angular Momentum 306 11.8 Reflection and Refraction 424
8.9 The Vector Nature of Angular 11.9 Interference and Diffraction 426
Momentum 310 11.10 Standing Waves 429

Online Supplement: Mechanical Advantage; Online Supplement: Refraction

Rotational Inertia
Chapter 12 Sound 442
Chapter 9 Fluids 331 12.1 Sound Waves 443
12.2 The Speed of Sound Waves 445
9.1 States of Matter 332
12.3 Amplitude and Intensity of Sound Waves 447
9.2 Pressure 332
12.4 Standing Sound Waves 452
9.3 Pascal’s Principle 334
12.5 Timbre 457
9.4 The Effect of Gravity on Fluid
12.6 The Human Ear 458
Pressure 336
12.7 Beats 460
9.5 Measuring Pressure 339
12.8 The Doppler Effect 462
9.6 The Buoyant Force 342
12.9 Echolocation and Medical Imaging 466
9.7 Fluid Flow 347
9.8 Bernoulli’s Equation 350 Online Supplement: Attenuation (Damping) of Sound
9.9 Viscosity 354 Waves; Supersonic Flight


Thermal Physics Electromagnetism

Chapter 13 Temperature and the Chapter 16 Electric Forces and Fields 583
Ideal Gas 477 16.1 Electric Charge 584
13.1 Temperature and Thermal Equilibrium 478 16.2 Electric Conductors and Insulators 588
13.2 Temperature Scales 478 16.3 Coulomb’s Law 593
13.3 Thermal Expansion of Solids 16.4 The Electric Field 597
and Liquids 480 16.5 Motion of a Point Charge in a Uniform
13.4 Molecular Picture of a Gas 484 Electric Field 605
13.5 Absolute Temperature and the Ideal 16.6 Conductors in Electrostatic Equilibrium 609
Gas Law 487 16.7 Gauss’s Law for Electric Fields 612
13.6 Kinetic Theory of the Ideal Gas 491
13.7 Temperature and Reaction Rates 496
13.8 Diffusion 498 Chapter 17 Electric Potential 628
Online Supplement: Mean Free Path 17.1 Electric Potential Energy 629
17.2 Electric Potential 632
17.3 The Relationship Between Electric Field
Chapter 14 Heat 511 and ­Potential 639
17.4 Conservation of Energy for Moving Charges 643
14.1 Internal Energy 512
17.5 Capacitors 644
14.2 Heat 514
17.6 Dielectrics 647
14.3 Heat Capacity and Specific Heat 516
17.7 Energy Stored in a Capacitor 653
14.4 Specific Heat of Ideal Gases 520
14.5 Phase Transitions 522
14.6 Thermal Conduction 527 Chapter 18 Electric Current
14.7 Thermal Convection 530 and Circuits 669
14.8 Thermal Radiation 532
18.1 Electric Current 670
Online Supplement: Convection
18.2 Emf and Circuits 671
18.3 Microscopic View of Current in a Metal:
Chapter 15 Thermodynamics 550 The Free-Electron Model 674
18.4 Resistance and Resistivity 676
15.1 The First Law of Thermodynamics 551 18.5 Kirchhoff’s Rules 683
15.2 Thermodynamic Processes 552 18.6 Series and Parallel Circuits 684
15.3 Thermodynamic Processes 18.7 Circuit Analysis Using Kirchhoff’s Rules 690
for an Ideal Gas 556 18.8 Power and Energy in Circuits 693
15.4 Reversible and Irreversible Processes 559 18.9 Measuring Currents and Voltages 695
15.5 Heat Engines 561 18.10 RC Circuits 696
15.6 Refrigerators and Heat Pumps 564 18.11 Electrical Safety 700
15.7 Reversible Engines and Heat Pumps 566
15.8 Entropy 569
15.9 The Third Law of Thermodynamics 572 Chapter 19 Magnetic Forces
and Fields 717
Online Supplement: A Reversible Engine Has the Maximum
Possible Efficiency; Details of the Carnot Cycle; Entropy 19.1 Magnetic Fields 718
and Statistics 19.2 Magnetic Force on a Point Charge 721

19.3 Charged Particle Moving Perpendicularly to 22.2 Antennas 837

a Uniform Magnetic Field 727 22.3 The Electromagnetic Spectrum 840
19.4 Motion of a Charged Particle in a Uniform 22.4 Speed of EM Waves in Vacuum and
­Magnetic Field: General 732 in ­Matter 845
→ →
19.5 A Charged Particle in Crossed E and B 22.5 Characteristics of Traveling Electromagnetic
Fields 733 Waves in Vacuum 849
19.6 Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Wire 737 22.6 Energy Transport by EM Waves 851
19.7 Torque on a Current Loop 739 22.7 Polarization 855
19.8 Magnetic Field due to an Electric Current 743 22.8 The Doppler Effect for EM Waves 862
19.9 Ampère’s Law 748
Online Supplement: Ampère-Maxwell Law
19.10 Magnetic Materials 750

Chapter 23 Reflection and Refraction

Chapter 20 Electromagnetic of Light 873
Induction 767
23.1 Wavefronts, Rays, and Huygens’s
20.1 Motional Emf 768
Principle 874
20.2 Electric Generators 771
23.2 The Reflection of Light 877
20.3 Faraday’s Law 774
23.3 The Refraction of Light: Snell’s
20.4 Lenz’s Law 779
Law 878
20.5 Back Emf in a Motor 782
23.4 Total Internal Reflection 883
20.6 Transformers 783
23.5 Polarization by Reflection 888
20.7 Eddy Currents 785
23.6 The Formation of Images Through Reflection
20.8 Induced Electric Fields 786
or Refraction 890
20.9 Inductance 787
23.7 Plane Mirrors 892
20.10 LR Circuits 791
23.8 Spherical Mirrors 894
23.9 Thin Lenses 900
Chapter 21 Alternating Current 807
21.1 Sinusoidal Currents and Voltages: Resistors Chapter 24 Optical Instruments 917
in ac Circuits 808 24.1 Lenses in Combination 918
21.2 Electricity in the Home 810 24.2 Cameras 921
21.3 Capacitors in ac Circuits 811 24.3 The Eye 924
21.4 Inductors in ac Circuits 815 24.4 Angular Magnification and the
21.5 RLC Series Circuits 816 Simple ­Magnifier 929
21.6 Resonance in an RLC Circuit 821 24.5 Compound Microscopes 932
21.7 Converting ac to dc; Filters 823 24.6 Telescopes 934
24.7 Aberrations of Lenses and Mirrors 938

Chapter 25 Interference and

PART FOUR Diffraction 950
Electromagnetic Waves and Optics 25.1 Constructive and Destructive
Interference 951
25.2 The Michelson Interferometer 955
Chapter 22 Electromagnetic Waves 835
25.3 Thin Films 957
22.1 Maxwell’s Equations and Electromagnetic 25.4 Young’s Double-Slit Experiment 963
Waves 836 25.5 Gratings 966

25.6 Diffraction and Huygens’s Principle 970 28.4 The Uncertainty Principle 1062
25.7 Diffraction by a Single Slit 972 28.5 Wave Functions for a Confined Particle 1064
25.8 Diffraction and the Resolution of 28.6 The Hydrogen Atom: Wave Functions
Optical ­Instruments 975 and Quantum Numbers 1067
25.9 X-Ray Diffraction 978 28.7 The Exclusion Principle; Electron Configurations
25.10 Holography 979 for Atoms Other Than Hydrogen 1069
28.8 Electron Energy Levels in a Solid 1072
28.9 Lasers 1074
28.10 Tunneling 1077

PART FIVE Online Supplement: Energy Levels in Solids

Quantum and Particle Physics

and Relativity Chapter 29 Nuclear Physics 1089
29.1 Nuclear Structure 1090
Chapter 26 Relativity 991 29.2 Binding Energy 1093
29.3 Radioactivity 1097
26.1 Postulates of Relativity 992
29.4 Radioactive Decay Rates and
26.2 Simultaneity and Ideal Observers 995
Half-Lives 1103
26.3 Time Dilation 998
29.5 Biological Effects of Radiation 1109
26.4 Length Contraction 1001
29.6 Induced Nuclear Reactions 1115
26.5 Velocities in Different Reference
29.7 Fission 1117
Frames 1003
29.8 Fusion 1121
26.6 Relativistic Momentum 1005
26.7 Mass and Energy 1007
26.8 Relativistic Kinetic Energy 1009 Chapter 30 Particle Physics 1132
30.1 Fundamental Particles 1133
Chapter 27 Early Quantum Physics 30.2 Fundamental Interactions 1135
and the Photon 1022 30.3 Beyond the Standard Model 1138
30.4 Particle Accelerators 1141
27.1 Quantization 1023
30.5 Unanswered Questions
27.2 Blackbody Radiation 1023
in Particle Physics 1141
27.3 The Photoelectric Effect 1024
27.4 X-Ray Production 1030
27.5 Compton Scattering 1031 Appendix A
27.6 Spectroscopy and Early Models of Mathematics Review A-1
the Atom 1033
A.1 Algebra A-1
27.7 The Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom;
A.2 Graphs of Linear Functions A-2
Atomic Energy Levels 1037
A.3 Solving Equations A-2
27.8 Pair Annihilation and Pair Production 1043
A.4 Exponents and Logarithms A-4
Online Supplement: Radii of the Bohr Orbits A.5 Proportions and Ratios A-7
A.6 Geometry A-8
A.7 Trigonometry A-9
Chapter 28 Quantum Physics 1055 A.8 Sinusoidal Functions of Time A-11
28.1 The Wave-Particle Duality 1056 A.9 Approximations A-12
28.2 Matter Waves 1057 A.10 Vectors A-13
28.3 Electron Microscopes 1060 A.11 Symbols Used in This Book A-15

Appendix B Answers to Selected Questions and

Reference Information B-1 Problems AP-1
B.1 Physical Constants B-1 Index I-1
B.2 Unit Conversions B-2
B.3 SI Prefixes B-2
B.4 SI Derived Units B-3
B.5 Useful Physical Data B-3
B.6 Astrophysical Data B-3
B.7 Periodic Table of the Elements B-4
B.8 Properties of Selected Nuclides B-5
List of Selected Applications
Biology/Life Science • Chemistry • Geology/Earth Science • Astronomy/Space Science
Architecture • Technology/Machines • Transportation
Sports • Everyday Life
Biology/Life Science Compression of the femur, Ex. 10.2
Bone density and osteoporosis, Ex. 1.1 Osteoporosis, Sec. 10.3
Red blood cell count, PP 1.1 Bone structure, Sec. 10.3
Surface area of alveoli in the lung, Ex. 1.7 Size limitations on organisms, Sec. 10.3
Estimating the surface area of the human body, Ex. 1.10 How walking speed depends on leg length, Ex. 10.10
Can the lion catch the buffalo?, Sec. 2.3 Sensitivity of the human ear, Sec. 11.1
Doppler echocardiography, Ex. 2.6 Seismic waves used by animals, Sec. 11.2
Traction apparatus, Ex. 4.1 Ultrasonography, Ex. 11.5
Newton’s third law: swimming, walking, skiing, Sec. 4.4 Frequency ranges of animal hearing, Sec. 12.1
Tensile forces in the body, Sec. 4.7 Sound waves from a songbird, Ex. 12.2
Effects of acceleration on the human body, Sec. 4.10 The human ear, Sec. 12.6
Centrifuges, Ex. 5.2, Ex. 5.4 Echolocation by bats and dolphins, Sec. 12.9
Effects of acceleration on organisms, Sec. 5.2; Ex. 5.4 Ultrasound and ultrasonic imaging, Sec. 12.9
Energy conversion in jumping athletes, kangaroos, and Temperature conversion, Sec. 13.2, Ex. 13.1
fleas, Sec. 6.7, Ex. 6.12, PP 6.12 Regulation of body temperature, Ex. 13.1, Sec. 13.7
Molecular motors in bacteria and in muscles, Ex. 6.13, PP 6.13 Breathing of divers, Ex. 13.6
Protecting the body from injury, Sec. 7.3, Ex. 7.2, PP 7.2, Temperature dependence of biological processes, Sec. 13.7
Ballistocardiography, Sec. 7.4 Diffusion of O2, water, platelets, Sec. 13.8, Ex. 13.9
Jet propulsion in squid, Ex. 7.5 Why ponds freeze from the top down, Sec. 14.5
Exercise is good for you, PP 8.4 Using ice to protect buds from freezing, Sec. 14.5
Posture and center of gravity of animals, athletes, Sec. 8.4, Temperature regulation in the human body, Sec. 14.7
PP 8.9 Forced convection in the human body, Sec. 14.7
Conditions for equilibrium in the human body, Sec. 8.5 Convection and radiation in global climate change,
Forces on human spine during heavy lifting, Sec. 8.5 Sec. 14.7, Sec. 14.8
Torque and equilibrium in the human body, Sec. 8.5, Thermography, Sec. 14.8
Ex. 8.10, PP 8.10 Heat loss and gain by plants and animals, Ex. 14.12,
Flexor versus extensor muscles, Sec. 8.5 Ex. 14.14, PPs 14.13, 14.14
Force to hold arm horizontal, Ex. 8.10 Changes in internal energy for biological processes,
Conservation of angular momentum in figure skaters, Ex. 15.1
­divers, Sec. 8.8 Entropy and evolution, Sec. 15.8
Pressure on divers and animals underwater, Ex. 9.3 Hydrogen bonding in water and in DNA, Sec. 16.1
Sphygmomanometer and blood pressure, Sec. 9.5 Electrolocation in fish, Sec. 16.4
Specific gravity measurements in medicine, Sec. 9.6 Gel electrophoresis, Sec. 16.5
Animals manipulating their densities to float or sink, Transmission of nerve impulses, Sec. 17.2
Sec. 9.6, Ex. 9.8 Electrocardiographs, electroencephalographs, and
Specific-gravity measurements of blood and urine, ­electroretinographs, Sec. 17.2
Sec. 9.6 Potential differences across cell membranes, Sec. 17.2,
Speed of blood flow, Ex. 9.9 Ex. 17.11, PP 17.11
Plaque buildup and narrowed arteries, Ex. 9.9 Neuron capacitance, Ex. 17.11
Arterial flutter and aneurisms, Sec. 9.8 Defibrillator, Ex. 17.12
Narrowing arteries and high blood pressure, Sec. 9.9 Propagation of nerve impulses, Sec. 18.10
Arterial blockage, Ex. 9.12 Effects of current on the human body, Sec. 18.11
How insects can walk on the surface of a pond, Sec. 9.11 Defibrillator, Sec. 18.11
Surfactant in the lungs, Sec. 9.11 Magnetotactic bacteria, Sec. 19.1
Lung pressure, Ex. 9.14 Medical uses of cyclotrons, Sec. 19.3
Elastic properties of bone, tendons, ligaments, and hair, Mass spectrometry, Sec. 19.3
Secs. 10.2–10.4 Electromagnetic blood flowmeter, Sec. 19.5


Magnetic resonance imaging, Sec. 19.8 (28) P 11–13, 73, 74. (29) CQ 9–12; P 32, 33, 36, 37,
Magnetoencephalography, Sec. 20.3 41, 42, 45–50, 55, 66, 79, 84, 85, 90.
Infrared detection by snakes, beetles, and bed bugs,
Sec. 22.3 Chemistry
Thermograms of the human body, Sec. 22.3 Collision between krypton atom and water molecule,
Fluorescence, Sec. 22.3 Ex. 7.9
Biological effects of UV exposure, Sec. 22.3 Why reaction rates increase with temperature, Sec. 13.7
X-rays in medicine and dentistry, CAT scans, Sec. 22.3 Polarization of charge in water, Sec. 16.1
Navigation of bees, Sec. 22.7 Hydrogen bonding in water and in DNA, Sec. 16.1
Endoscope, Sec. 23.4 Current in neon signs and fluorescent lights, Sec. 18.1
Kingfisher looking for prey, Sec. 23.4 Spectroscopic analysis of elements, Sec. 27.6
Human eye, Sec. 24.3 Fluorescence, phosphorescence, and chemiluminescence,
Correcting myopia, Sec. 24.3 Sec. 27.7
Correcting hyperopia, Sec. 24.3 Electronic configurations of arsenic, Ex.28.4
Astigmatism of the eye, Sec. 24.3 Understanding the periodic table, Sec. 28.4
Microscopy, Sec. 24.5 Lasers in medicine, Sec. 28.9
Interference microscopy, Sec. 25.2 Radiocarbon dating, Sec. 29.4
Iridescent colors in butterflies, birds, and other animals, Dating archaeological sites, Ex. 29.9
Sec. 25.3 Biological effect of radiation, Sec. 29.5
Resolution of the human eye, Sec. 25.8 Radioactive tracers in medical diagnosis, Sec. 29.5
X-ray diffraction studies of nucleic acids and proteins, Gamma knife radio surgery, Sec. 29.5
Sec. 25.9 Radiation therapy, Sec. 29.5
Medical x-rays, Ex. 27.4
Problems (7) P 44. (13) CQ 13, 14; P 27–39, 57–70, 75, 77,
Bioluminescence, Sec. 27.7
82, 117. (16) P 19. (17) P 122. (18) MCQ 1; P 7. (19)
Positron emission tomography, Sec. 27.8
P 29, 31–33, 95. (26) P 42, 91. (27) P 33–54, 63–66, 81,
Electron microscopes, Sec. 28.3
86, 88, 95. (28) CQ 12; P 6, 19, 30, 41, 55, 72, 82, 84.
Lasers in medicine, Sec. 28.9, Ex. 28.5, PP 28.5
(29) P 3–17, 21, 25, 31–43, 51–65, 80, 81.
Radiocarbon dating, Sec. 29.4, Ex. 29.9, PP 29.9
Biological effects of radiation, Sec. 29.5, Ex. 29.11
Radioactive tracers, Sec. 29.5 Geology/Earth Science
Positron emission tomography, Sec. 29.5 Angular speed of Earth, Ex. 5.1
Radiation therapy, Sec. 29.5 Angular momentum of hurricanes, Sec. 8.8
Problems (1) P 5, 13, 14, 26, 27, 33, 37, 42, 54–56, 64, 66, Hidden depths of an iceberg, Ex. 9.7
70–75, 93, 95, 97. (2) P 7, 27, 43, 50, 75, 76, 86. (3) P 59, Why ocean waves approach shore nearly head on,
62, 64, 80, 101, 103, 105, 111. (4) CQ 4; P 6, 23, 29, 44, Sec. 11.8
93, 101, 113, 126, 132, 154, 158, 176. (5) P 8, 14, 17, 53, Resonance and damage caused by earthquakes, Sec. 11.10
54, 59, 62, 79, 84. (6) CQ 11; P 8, 33, 62, 69, 70, 81–83, Ocean currents and global warming, Sec. 14.7
85, 86, 106, 113, 114, 117, 131. (7) P 21, 33, 76, 97. Global climate change, Sec. 14.8
(8) CQ 9–11, 15, 16; MCQ 10; P 18, 42–48, 53, 77–79, Second law and evolution, Sec. 15.8
82, 83, 87, 90, 91, 94, 113, 119, 125. (9) CQ 7, 12, 14; Second law and conserving fuel, Sec. 15.8
P 7, 10, 15–17, 19, 24–26, 30, 39, 41, 42, 48, 61–62, 66, Electric potential energy in a thundercloud, Ex. 17.1
67, 69, 75, 78, 84–86, 94, 97–99, 113. (10) CQ 10; P 2, Thunderclouds and lightning, Sec. 17.6
3, 8–10, 13–18, 27, 38–40, 47, 90, 91, 110. (11) CQ 10; Earth’s magnetic field, Sec. 19.1
P 2, 44. (12) CQ 4, 5, 8; P 3–5, 14–18, 26, 49, 55–58, 63, Deflection of cosmic rays, Ex. 19.1
67–72. (13) P 31, 45, 70, 73, 74, 80, 81, 84, 92, 95, 96, Magnetic force on an ion in the air, Ex. 19.2
104, 106, 115, 116. (14) P 17, 22, 23, 30, 31, 36, 46, 47, Intensity of sunlight reaching the Earth, Ex. 22.6
51, 63–67, 78–85, 91, 92, 98, 99, 101, 102. (15) P 16, Colors of the sky during the day and at sunset, Sec. 22.7
44, 45, 67–70, 78, 85, 96. (16) P 19, 20, 28, 56, 91, 107. Rainbows, Sec. 23.3
(17) CQ 16; P 43, 65, 75, 88, 89, 91, 102–108, 114, 122. Cosmic rays, Ex. 26.2
(18) CQ 11–13; P 27–29, 86, 90, 100–102, 105. (19) Radioactive dating of geologic formations, Sec. 29.4
P 25–28, 30–34, 43, 63, 66, 81, 93, 94, 96, 98–100, 105. Neutron activation analysis, Sec. 29.6
(20) CQ 8; P 50, 69. (21) P 54–56, 74. (22) P 13, 68–70. Problems (1) P 84, 88. (2) P 114, 115. (8) CQ 21. (9) CQ 8;
(23) CQ 17, 20, 21; MCQ 1, 3, 4, 8, 10; P 10, 11, 26, 27, P 52, 82, 92, 95. (11) CQ 9; P 80, 82, 83, 91, 93. (12) P 7,
31, 50, 70, 75. (24) CQ 10–15; P 21–32, 41–51, 63, 74, 8, 52. (13) P 55. (14) CQ 4, 6; P 104, 120. (16) P 70, 83,
82, 85. (25) CQ 16; P 20, 53, 57, 58, 60, 72, 73, 90, 97. 88. (17) CQ 19; P 69, 81, 90. (18) P 133. (22) CQ 6, 7,
(26) P 51–55. (27) CQ 2, 19; P 52, 55, 60, 65–68, 72, 92. 11; P 49, 50, 64. (29) CQ 6; P 72.

Astronomy/Space Science Hydraulic lifts, brakes, and controls, Sec. 9.3, Ex. 9.2
Mars Climate Orbiter failure, Sec. 1.5 Mercury manometer, Ex. 9.5
Why Voyager probes keep moving, Sec. 4.2 Hot air balloons, Sec. 9.6
Discovering planets in other solar systems Ex. 4.5 Venturi meter, Ex. 9.11
Orbiting satellites, Sec. 5.2, Sec. 5.4, Ex. 5.9, Ex. 5.10 Sedimentation velocity and the centrifuge, Sec. 9.10
Circular orbits, Sec. 5.4 Operation of sonar and radar, Sec. 12.10
Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, Sec. 5.4 Bimetallic strip in a thermostat, Sec. 13.3
Speed of Hubble Telescope orbiting Earth, Ex. 5.8 Volume expansion in thermometers, Sec. 13.3
Geostationary orbits, Sec. 5.4 Air temperature in car tires, Ex. 13.5
Apparent weightlessness of orbiting astronauts, Sec. 5.7 Heat engines, Sec. 15.5
Artificial gravity and the human body, Sec. 5.7 Internal combustion engine, Sec. 15.5
Elliptical orbits, Sec. 6.2 Refrigerators and heat pumps, Sec. 15.6
Orbital speed of Mercury, Ex. 6.7 Efficiency of an automobile engine, Ex. 15.7
Escape speed from Earth, Ex. 6.8 Photocopiers and laser printers, Sec. 16.2
Center of mass of binary star system, Ex. 7.7 Cathode ray tube, Ex. 16.9
Motion of an exploding model rocket, Ex. 7.8 Electrostatic shielding, Sec. 16.6
Orbital speed of Earth, Ex. 8.15 Lightning rods, Sec. 16.6
Angular momentum of pulsars, Sec. 8.8 Electrostatic precipitator, Sec. 16.6
Composition of planetary atmospheres, Sec. 13.6 Battery-powered lantern, Ex. 17.3
Temperature of the Sun, Ex. 14.13 van de Graaf generator, Sec. 17.2
Aurorae on Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn, Sec. 19.4 Transmission of nerve impulses, Sec. 17.2
Cosmic microwave background radiation, Sec. 22.3 Computer keyboard, Ex. 17.9
Light from a supernova, Ex. 22.2 Condenser microphone, Sec. 17.5
Doppler radar and the expanding universe, Sec. 22.8 Camera flash attachments, Sec. 17.5
Telescopes, Sec. 24.5 Oscilloscope, Sec. 17.5
Hubble Space Telescope, Sec. 24.6 Random-access memory (RAM) chips, Sec. 17.5
Radio telescopes, Sec. 24.6 Resistance thermometer, Sec. 18.4
Observing active galactic nuclei, Sec. 26.2 Resistive heating, Ex 18.4
Aging of astronauts during space voyages, Ex. 26.1 Battery connection in a flashlight, Sec. 18.6
Nuclear fusion in stars, Sec. 29.8 Trying to start a car using flashlight batteries, Ex. 18.5
Problems (1) P 15, 36, 82, 87, 93. (6) P 26, 48–57, 97. Electric fence, Sec. 18.11
(7) P 108. (8) CQ 17; P 72, 89, 92. (9) CQ 5. (10) P 25. Household wiring, Sec. 18.11
(11) P 1, 6. (13) P 68. (14) MCQ 1–3; P 25, 116. (16) Bubble chamber, Sec. 19.3
P 88. (19) P 16, 17. (22) P 10, 32, 33, 37, 52, 54. Mass spectrometer, Sec. 19.3
(24) CQ 5, 17; MCQ 6; P 52–55, 57–59, 70, 77. Cyclotrons, Ex. 19.5
(25) CQ 3, 4; P 54, 56, 67, 76. (26) CQ 8, 12; MCQ 2, 4; Velocity selector, Sec. 19.5
P 3, 5, 8, 9, 13–19, 22, 40, 64, 65, 67, 69, 70, 73, 76, 77, Hall effect, Sec. 19.5
85, 88, 95. (27) CQ 4; P 91. (30) P 11. Electric motor, Sec. 19.7
Galvanometer, Sec. 19.7
Architecture Audio speakers, Sec. 19.7
Cantilever building construction, Sec. 8.4 Electromagnets, Sec. 19.10
Strength of building materials, Sec. 10.3 Magnetic storage, Sec. 19.10
Vibration of bridges and buildings, Sec. 10.10 Electric generators, Sec. 20.2
Expansion joints in bridges and buildings, Sec. 13.3 DC generator, Sec. 20.2
Heat transfer through window glass, Ex. 14.10 Back emf in a motor, Sec. 20.5
Building heating systems, Sec. 14.7 Ground fault interrupter, Sec. 20.3
Problems (9) CQ 4. (10) CQ 5, 12; P 1, 22, 82. (13) P 12, Moving coil microphone, Sec. 20.3
14, 90. (14) P 59, 71, 94. (15) CQ 12. Transformers, Sec. 20.6
Distribution of electricity, Sec. 20.6
Technology/Machines Eddy-current braking, Sec. 20.7
Catapults and projectile motion, Sec 3.5 Induction stove, Sec. 20.7
Two-pulley system, Ex. 4.12 Radio’s tuning circuit, Ex. 21.3
Products to protect the human body from injury, Ex. 7.2 Laptop power supply, Ex. 21.5
Recoil of a rifle, Sec. 7.4 Tuning circuits, Sec. 21.6
Atwood’s machine, Ex. 8.2 Rectifiers, Sec. 21.7
Angular momentum of a gyroscope, Sec. 8.9 Crossover networks, Sec. 21.7

Electric dipole antenna, Ex. 22.1 Power of a car climbing a hill, Ex. 6.14
Microwave ovens, Sec. 22.3 Momentum of a moving car, Ex. 7.1
Liquid crystal displays, Sec. 22.7 Force acting on a car passenger in a crash, Ex. 7.3
Periscope, Sec. 23.4 Jet, rocket, and airplane wings, Sec. 7.4
Fiber optics, Sec. 23.4 Collision at a highway entry ramp, Ex. 7.10
Zoom lens, Ex. 23.9 Torque on a spinning bicycle wheel, Ex. 8.3
Cameras, Sec. 24.2 How a ship can float, Sec. 9.6
Microscopes, Sec. 24.5 Airplane wings and lift, Sec. 9.8
Lens aberrations, Sec. 24.7 Shock absorbers in a car, Sec. 10.9
Reading a compact disk (CD), Sec. 25.1 Shock wave of a supersonic plane, Sec. 12.8
Michelson interferometer, Sec. 25.2 Regenerative braking, Sec. 20.2
Interference microscope, Sec. 25.2 AC generator, Ex. 20.2
Antireflective coating, Sec. 25.3 Problems (1) P 96. (2) P 33, 43–47, 51, 55, 68, 70, 78. (3) P 12,
CD tracking, Sec. 25.5 46–49, 73–79, 82, 87, 88, 96, 100, 102, 108, 114. (4) P 12,
Diffraction and photolithography, Ex. 25.7 81, 101, 103, 117, 130, 134, 138, 153, 157, 159, 169,
Spectroscopy, Sec. 25.5 174. (4) P 14, 18–19, 69, 79, 84, 85, 88, 101. (5) P 10,
Resolution of a laser printer, Ex. 25.9 23–27, 29, 42, 92. (6) P 5. (7) P 71, 88. (8) CQ 6; P 93.
X-ray diffraction, Sec. 25.9 (9) CQ 11, 16; P 8, 25, 48, 94, 111, 112. (10) CQ 16;
Holography, Sec. 25.10 P 24, 38, 39, 44, 68, 72. (12) P 14. (13) P 8, 9, 23, 39,
Photocells for sound tracks, burglar alarms, garage door 40, 83, 96. (14) CQ 9, 10, 26. (15) P 24. (18) P 8, 10,
openers, Sec. 27.3 11. (20) MCQ 5, 10.
Diagnostic x-rays in medicine, Ex. 27.4
Quantum corral, Sec. 28.5 Sports
Lasers, Sec. 28.9 Velocity and acceleration of an inline skater, Ex. 3.5
Scanning tunneling microscope, Sec. 28.10 Rowing and current, PP 3.9
Atomic clock, Sec. 28.10 Hammer throw, Ex. 5.5
Nuclear fission reactors, Sec. 29.7 Bungee jumping, Ex. 6.4
Fusion reactors, Sec. 29.8 Rock climbers rappelling, Ex. 6.5
High-energy particle accelerators, Sec. 30.4 Speed of a downhill skier, Ex. 6.6
Problems (5) P 73, 74, 83, 85, 87. (6) P 6. (8) P 7, 12, 13, Work done in drawing a bow, Sec. 6.6
17, 28, 31, 50, 52, 54, 59, 73, 76, 81, 93, 97, 104. (10) Dart gun, Ex. 6.11
CQ 7; P 32, 36, 42, 88. (12) P 17. (16) CQ 6; P 80, 93. Choking up on a baseball bat, Sec. 8.1
(17) P 76. (18) P 4, 5, 12, 73, 95, 106. (19) CQ 5, 13, Muscle forces for the iron cross (gymnastics), Sec. 8.5
16, 21; P 55–57, 91, 102, 103. (20) CQ 1, 6, 7, 16; Rotational inertia of a figure skater, Sec. 8.8
MCQ 1, 2, 7, 10; P 14, 15, 17–23, 25, 33–42, 48, 57, 99, Pressure on a diver, Ex. 9.3
100. (21) CQ 1–18; MCQ 1–10; P 1–10, 25, 39, 50, Compressed air tanks for a scuba driver, Ex. 13.6
57–66, 67–97. (22) CQ 1, 2, 9; MCQ 4, 7, 9; P 1–14, Problems (1) P 34. (2) P 3, 15, 18, 24, 25, 34, 59, 73, 81.
16–22, 24–29, 55, 58, 59, 61, 64, 66, 67, 79, 81, 83, 85, (3) MCQ 4, 12; P 4, 14, 36, 37, 68, 84, 89, 90. (4) P 17,
86. (23) CQ 19; MCQ 2. (24) CQ 1, 4–7, 12, 14–16; 44, 69, 127, 170. (5) P 2, 5, 22. (6) P 18, 22, 37, 42, 53,
MCQ 1, 2, 6, 7, 10; P 6, 7, 11–21, 34, 36–52, 54–57, 59, 67, 68, 74, 75, 81, 83–85, 92, 97. (7) CQ 15, 17; P 12,
60, 63–65, 68, 72, 78, 85. (25) CQ 7; MCQ 4; P 1, 16, 17, 24, 76, 77, 81, 83, 105. (8) CQ 7, 15, 19; MCQ 9;
10–12, 43. (26) P 24, 66. (27) CQ 18; P 15–21, 60, 71, P 3, 8, 32–34, 53, 74, 75, 78, 79, 87, 114, 129. (9) CQ 18;
93. (28) CQ 6, 13, 14; P 18. (29) CQ 13; P 7. (30) P 14, P 74, 87. (10) CQ 9, 10; P 88. (11) P 19. (12) P 3.
16, 19, 27. (14) P 4, 6, 7.

Transportation Everyday Life

Braking a car, Ex. 2.4 Buying clothes, unit conversions, Ex. 1.6
Acceleration of a sports car, Ex. 2.5 Snow shoveling, Ex. 4.3
Relative velocities for pilots and sailors, Sec. 3.5 Hauling a crate up to a third-floor window, Ex. 4.10
Airplane flight in a wind, Ex. 3.9 Rotation of a DVD, Sec. 5.1
Angular speed of a motorcycle wheel, Ex. 5.3 Speed of a roller coaster car in a vertical loop, Ex. 5.11
Banked roadways, Sec. 5.3 Rotation of a potter’s wheel, Ex. 5.13
Banked and unbanked curves, Ex. 5.7 Antique chest delivery, Ex. 6.1
Banking angle of an airplane, Sec. 5.3 Pulling a sled through snow, Ex. 6.2
Circular motion of stunt pilot, Ex. 5.14 Getting down to nuts and bolts, Ex. 6.10
Damage in a high-speed collision, Ex. 6.3 Motion of a raft on a still lake, PP 7.8

Automatic screen door closer, Ex. 8.4 Cosmetic mirrors and automobile headlights, Sec. 23.8
Work done on a potter’s wheel, Ex. 8.5 Side-view mirrors on cars, Ex. 23.7
Climbing a ladder on a slippery floor, Ex. 8.7 Colors in soap films, oil slicks, Sec. 25.3
Pushing a file cabinet so it doesn’t tip, Ex. 8.9 Neon signs and fluorescent lights, Sec. 27.6
Torque on a grinding wheel, Ex. 8.11 Fluorescent dyes in laundry detergent, Sec. 27.6
Pressure exerted by high-heeled shoes, Ex. 9.1 Problems (1) P 1, 6, 11. (6) P 7–9, 27, 32, 72, 73, 117, 120.
Cutting action of a pair of scissors, Ex. 10.4 (7) CQ 1, 13; P 1, 15, 31, 47, 79, 87. (8) CQ 3, 12–14, 18;
Difference between musical sound and noise, Sec. 11.4 MCQ 1; P 11, 13–16, 18, 19, 21, 26, 30, 32, 35, 37, 50,
Sound from a guitar, Sec. 12.1 54, 55, 68, 80, 92, 103, 112, 115. (9) CQ 2, 13; MCQ 2;
Sound from a loudspeaker, Sec. 12.1 P 2, 4, 13, 17, 28, 35, 39, 40, 42, 43, 49, 52, 56–58, 86,
Sound level of two lathes, Ex. 12.4 109. (10) CQ 2, 3; P 1, 25, 36, 45, 71, 79. (11) CQ 1–6;
Wind instruments, Sec. 12.4 MCQ 3–5; P 2–4, 9, 10, 16, 18, 38, 46, 51, 53, 50–59,
Tuning a piano, Sec. 12.7 55–64, 72, 77, 81, 85, 88. (12) MCQ 1–3, 9, 10; P 13, 18,
Chill caused by perspiration, Sec. 14.5 20–27, 36, 37, 40–45, 47, 53, 55, 62, 63, 69. (13) CQ 6,
Double-paned windows, Ex. 14.10 8, 19, 20; P 4, 6, 43, 44, 71, 89, 102, 103. (14) CQ 5, 11,
Offshore and onshore breezes, Sec. 14.7 12, 17, 19, 22; MCQ 5; P 14, 24, 29–38, 45, 53, 61, 65,
Incandescent lightbulb, Sec. 14.8 70, 71, 74, 77, 79, 83, 91, 98, 108. (15) CQ 1, 2, 5–8, 11,
Static charge from walking across a carpet, Ex. 16.1 13; MCQ 6; P 13, 29, 33, 35, 36, 41, 42, 44, 47, 51, 52,
Grounding of fuel trucks, Sec. 16.2 63, 73, 76, 97. (16) CQ 2, 12. (17) CQ 3, 16; P 67, 118.
Resistance of an extension cord, Ex. 18.3 (18) CQ 1, 3, 9, 13, 18; P 1, 29, 61–63, 68, 71, 85,
Resistance heating, Sec. 21.1 97–99, 110, 114, 115. (19) CQ 9. (20) CQ 14, 17; P 37,
Polarized sunglasses, Sec. 22.7 77. (21) P 1, 2, 6, 78, 97, 98. (22) P 9, 17, 19, 80, 56, 57.
Colors from reflection and absorption of light, Sec. 23.1 (23) CQ 5, 14, 26; P 19, 28, 29, 35, 44, 70, 83, 98, 101.
Mirages, Sec. 23.3 (25) CQ 2; P 7, 14–17. (27) P 60.
Physics is intended for a two-semester college course in introductory physics using
algebra and trigonometry. The main goals for this book are:

∙ to present the basic concepts of physics that students need to know for later
courses and future careers,
∙ to emphasize that physics is a tool for understanding the real world, and
∙ to teach transferable problem-solving skills that students can use throughout their


Although the fundamental philosophy of the book has not changed, many improve-
ments have been made based on detailed feedback from instructors and students using
the previous edition. Some of the most important updates include:

∙ The comprehensive math review, found in Appendix A, has been expanded for
this edition. A new section A.8 (Sinusoidal Functions of Time) provides support
for important topics such as oscillations, waves, Faraday’s law, and interference.
Section A.6 (Geometry) has been rewritten to emphasize the skills most relevant
to physics problems. Math skills have been added to the Concepts and Skills to
Review on the chapter opener pages. New references to Appendix A have been
added to the text.
∙ The visual presentation has been streamlined. The content of tips and warnings
found in marginal icons and text highlighting, has been moved into Problem-
Solving Strategy boxes and/or into the end-of-chapter Master the Concepts
boxes, as appropriate.
∙ Concepts and Skills to Review lists are now more prominently featured on the
chapter opener page.
∙ Many of the figure legends have been expanded to help students learn more from
the illustrations.

Notable revisions to the text include:

∙ Example 1.9 has been expanded to demonstrate an alternative method of per-

forming dimensional analysis. New problems have been added to Chapter 1 to
give students more practice using ratios and proportions.
∙ Section 3.6 on relative velocity and reference frames has been revised to empha-
size that velocity of A relative to B is the vector difference of the two velocities
as measured in a common reference frame.
∙ Example 4.9 has been rewritten to focus more clearly on Newton’s third law.
∙ Section 4.10 (Apparent Weight) no longer develops a formula for apparent
weight. Instead, the section emphasizes fundamental skills (drawing an FBD and
analyzing the forces) and summarizes the procedure in a new Problem-Solving
Strategy box.
∙ In Chapter 5, the Problem-Solving Strategies for uniform and nonuniform circu-
lar motion have been revised to show a parallel structure. A new figure shows
the forces acting on a car traveling around a banked curve.


∙ Chapter 6 has new Problem-Solving Strategies for work done by a constant force
and for mechanical energy.
∙ In Section 8.2, the discussion of the lever arm has been clarified.
∙ Section 11.5 (Mathematical Description of a Wave) has been rewritten to be more
∙ Sections 12.7 and 12.8 (Beats, The Doppler Effect) have been rewritten. Formu-
lating the Doppler effect in terms of relative velocities makes an arbitrary sign
convention unnecessary.
∙ Sections 15.5–15.7 contain improved explanations of heat engines and heat
∙ A table of circuit symbols is now included at the end of Chapter 18.
∙ Section 19.10 has been rewritten to provide a more complete description of para-
magnetism and diagmagnetism.
∙ Chapter 20’s treatment of inductance has been streamlined, with the quantitative
material on mutual inductance moved into an online supplement. Chapter 20 has
gained 10 new end-of-chapter problems on Faraday’s law.
∙ Section 22.7 now includes a description of circular polarization.
∙ New Figure 23.47 is a ray diagram for the formation of a virtual image by a
converging lens.
∙ Section 24.3 describes astigmatism of the eye. Section 24.7 contains an expanded
explanation of lens aberrations.
∙ Chapter 25 simplifies the discussion of phase differences for constructive and
destructive interference.
∙ Chapter 30 mentions the observation of gravitational waves by the LIGO

Some students approach introductory physics with the idea that physics is just the
memorization of a long list of equations and the ability to plug numbers into those
equations. Physics emphasizes that a relatively small number of basic physics con-
cepts are applied to a wide variety of situations. Physics education research has
shown that students do not automatically acquire conceptual understanding; the
­concepts must be explained and the students given a chance to grapple with them.
The presentation in Physics blends conceptual understanding with analytical skills.
The “concepts-first” approach helps students develop intuition about how physics
works; the “formulas” and problem-solving techniques serve as tools for applying
the concepts. The C­ onceptual Examples and Conceptual Practice Problems in the
text and a variety of ranking tasks and Conceptual and Multiple-Choice Questions
at the end of each chapter give students a chance to check and to enhance their
conceptual understanding.


Key concepts and quantities are introduced in an informal and intuitive way, using a
concrete example to establish why the concept or quantity is useful. Concepts moti-
vated in this way are easier for students to grasp and remember than are concepts
introduced by seemingly arbitrary, formal definitions.
For example, in Chapter 8, the idea of rotational inertia emerges in a natural way
from the concept of rotational kinetic energy. Students can understand that a rotating

rigid body has kinetic energy due to the motion of its particles. The text discusses
why it is useful to be able to write this kinetic energy in terms of a single quantity
common to all the particles (the angular speed), rather than as a sum involving par-
ticles with many different speeds. When students understand why rotational inertia is
defined the way it is, they are better prepared to move on to the more difficult concepts
of torque and angular momentum.
The text avoids presenting definitions or formulas without motivation. When
an equation is not derived in the text, a conceptual explanation or a plausibility
argument is given. For example, Section 9.9 introduces Poiseuille’s law with two
identical pipes in series to show why the volume flow rate must be proportional
to the pressure drop per unit length. The text then discusses why ΔV/Δt is propor-
tional to the fourth power of the radius (rather than to r2, as it would be for an
ideal fluid).
Similarly, the definitions of the displacement and velocity vectors can seem
arbitrary and counterintuitive to students if introduced without any motivation.
Therefore, presentation of the kinematic quantities is preceded by an introduc-
tion to Newton’s laws, so students know that forces determine how the state of
motion of an object changes. The conceptual groundwork for a concept is par-
ticularly important when its name is a common English word such as velocity or


Previous editions of Physics have been tested for over 15 years in Cornell’s nontra-
ditional course, where students rely on the textbook as their primary source of infor-
mation because there are no lectures. The text is therefore well suited to use in flipped
classrooms and other nontraditional course formats. Nonetheless, completeness and
clarity are equally advantageous when the book is used in a more traditional classroom
setting. Physics frees the instructor from having to try to “cover” everything. The
instructor can then tailor class time to more important student needs—reinforcing
difficult concepts, working through Example problems, engaging the students in peer
instruction and cooperative learning activities, describing applications, or presenting


Physics was developed specifically for the algebra/trig-based course; it’s not
a spinoff of a calculus-based text for engineers or physics majors. The writing is
intended to be down-to-earth and conversational in tone—the kind of language
an experienced teacher uses when sitting at a table working one-on-one with
a student. Students should feel confident that they can learn by studying the
Although learning correct physics terminology is essential, Physics avoids
unnecessary jargon—terminology that just gets in the way of the student’s
­understanding. For example, the term centripetal force does not appear in the
book, since its use sometimes leads students to add a spurious “centripetal force”
to their free-body diagrams. Radial component of acceleration is preferred
over centripetal acceleration because it is less likely to introduce or reinforce

Coverage of topics such as mechanical advantage, turbulence, surface tension, attenu-
ation of sound waves, magnetic materials, and circular polarization has been expanded
or added to this edition based on the 2015 revision of the MCAT® exam. Students
who plan to take the MCAT® can rest assured that all the physics topics on that exam
are included in the text.


Problem-Solving Approach
Problem-solving skills are central to an introductory physics course. These skills
are illustrated in the Example problems. Lists of problem-solving strategies can be
useful; Physics presents such strategies when appropriate. However, the most elusive
skills—perhaps the most important ones—are subtle points that defy being put into
a neat list. To develop real problem-solving expertise, students must learn how to
think critically and analytically. Problem solving is a multidimensional, complex
process; an algorithmic approach is not adequate to instill real problem-solving
An important problem-solving skill that many students need to practice is extract-
ing information from a graph or sketching a graph without plotting individual data
points. Graphs often help students visualize physical relationships more clearly than
they can with algebra alone. Graphs and sketches are emphasized in the text, in
worked examples, and in the problems.

Strategy Each Example begins with a discussion—in language that the students
can understand—of the strategy to be used in solving the problem. The strategy
illustrates the kind of analytical thinking students must do when attacking a prob-
lem: How do I decide what approach to use? What laws of physics apply to the
problem and which of them are useful in this solution? What clues are given in
the statement of the question? What information is implied rather than stated out-
right? If there are several valid approaches, how do I determine which is the most
efficient? What assumptions can I make? What kind of sketch or graph might help
me solve the problem? Is a simplification or approximation called for? If so, how
can I tell if the simplification is valid? Can I make a preliminary estimate of the
answer? Only after considering these questions can the student effectively solve
the problem.

Solution Next comes the detailed solution to the problem. Explanations are inter-
mingled with equations and step-by-step calculations to help the student understand
the approach used to solve the problem.

Discussion The numerical or algebraic answer is not the end of the problem; the
Examples end with a discussion. Students must learn how to determine whether
their answer is consistent and reasonable by checking the order of magnitude of the
answer, comparing the answer with a preliminary estimate, verifying the units, and
doing an independent calculation when more than one approach is feasible. When
several different approaches are possible, the discussion looks at the advantages and
disadvantages of each approach. The discussion generalizes the problem-solving

techniques used in the solution, examines special cases, and considers “what if”

Practice Problem After each Example, a Practice Problem gives students a

chance to gain experience using the same physics principles and problem-solving
tools. By comparing their answers with those provided at the end of each chapter,
students can gauge their understanding and decide whether to move on to the next

Using Approximation, Estimation, and

Proportional Reasoning
Physics is forthright about the constant use of simplified models and approximations
in solving physics problems. One of the most difficult aspects of problem solving that
students need to learn is that some kind of simplified model or approximation is usu-
ally required. The text discusses how to know when it is reasonable to ignore friction,
treat g as constant, ignore viscosity, treat a charged object as a point charge, or ignore
Some Examples and Problems require the student to make an estimate—a useful
skill both in physics problem solving and in many other fields. Proportional reasoning
is used as not only an elegant shortcut but also as a means to understanding patterns.
Examples and problems frequently use percentages and ratios to give students practice
in using and understanding them.

Helping Students See the Relevance of

Physics in Their Lives
Students in an introductory college physics course have a wide range of back-
grounds and interests. To stimulate interest in physics, the text describes many
applications relevant to students’ lives and aligned with their interests. Examples
and end-of-chapter problems that involve applications help students learn that
they can answer questions of interest to them using physics concepts and
skills. The text, Examples, and end-of-chapter problems draw from the everyday
world; from familiar technological applications; and from other fields, such as
biology, medicine, archaeology, astronomy, sports, environmental science, and
geophysics. An icon ( ) identifies applications from the biological or medical
Everyday Physics Demos give students an opportunity to explore and see phys-
ics principles operate in their everyday lives. These activities are chosen for their
simplicity and for their effectiveness in demonstrating physics principles.
Each Chapter Opener includes a photo and vignette, designed to capture
student interest and maintain it throughout the chapter. The vignette describes
the situation shown in the photo and asks the student to consider the relevant
physics. The vignette topic is then discussed at the appropriate place within the
chapter text.

Focusing on the Concepts

A marginal Connections box helps students understand that what may seem like
a new concept may really be an extension, application, or specialized form of a

concept previously introduced. The goal is for students to view physics as a small
set of fundamental concepts that can be applied in many different situations,
rather than as a collection of loosely related facts or equations. By identifying areas
where important concepts are revisited, the Connections return the focus to core
The exercises in the Review & Synthesis sections help students see how the
concepts in the previously covered group of chapters are interrelated. These exercises
are also intended to help students prepare for tests, in which they must solve problems
without having the section or chapter title given as a clue.
Checkpoint questions encourage students to pause and test their understanding
of the concept explored within the current section. The answers to the Checkpoints
are found at the end of the chapter so that students can confirm their knowledge
without jumping too quickly to the provided answer.

Support for Essential Math Skills

In an introductory college physics course, students need to be confident using
algebra, geometry, and trigonometry to solve problems. Weak math skills present
a major obstacle to success in the course. Instructors seldom (if ever) feel they
have enough class time to do enough math review. To help students review on their
own and to serve as a comprehensive reference, Physics provides an exceptionally
detailed Mathematics Review (Appendix A). For the fifth edition, more frequent
references to Appendix A have been added to the text, especially in the early
chapters, to encourage students to use the Appendix to reinforce their math skills.
Appendix A has been expanded to include a new section on Sinusoidal Functions
of Time.
While revising the Mathematics Review, the author also contributed to a
major revision of the ALEKS® Math Prep for College Physics course by selecting
learning objectives that align with the specific math skills most used in college

Student Solutions Manual

The Student Solutions Manual contains complete worked-out solutions to selected
end-of-chapter problems and questions, and to selected Review & Synthesis prob-
lems. The solutions in this manual follow the problem-solving strategy outlined in
the text’s Examples and also guide students in creating diagrams for their own

ALEKS® Math Prep for College Physics
ALEKS Math Prep for College Physics is a web-based program that provides targeted
coverage of critical mathematics material necessary for student success in Physics.
ALEKS uses artificial intelligence and adaptive questioning to assess p­recisely a

s­tudent’s preparedness and deliver personalized instruction on the exact topics the
student is most ready to learn. Through comprehensive explanations, practice, and
feedback, ALEKS enables students to quickly fill individual knowledge gaps in order
to build a strong foundation of critical math skills.
Use ALEKS Math Prep for College Physics during the first six weeks of
the term to see improved student confidence and performance, as well as fewer

ALEKS Math Prep for College Physics Features:

∙ Artificial Intelligence: Targets gaps in student knowledge

∙ Individualized Assessment and Learning: Ensure student mastery
∙ Adaptive, Open-Response Environment: Avoids multiple-choice questions
∙ Dynamic, Automated Reports: Monitor student and class progress

McGraw-Hill Connect®
Connect is a digital teaching and learning environment that improves student perfor-
mance over a variety of critical outcomes; it is easy to use; and it is proven effective.
Connect empowers students by continually adapting to deliver precisely what they
need, when they need it, and how they need it, so class time is more engaging and

Build instructional materials wherever, whenever, and however you want!
Accessed through the instructor resources in Connect is, an online digital library
containing photos, artwork, interactives, clicker questions, and other media types can
be used to create customized lectures, visually enhanced tests and quizzes, compelling
course websites, or attractive printed support materials. Assets are copyrighted by
McGraw-Hill Higher Education, but can be used by instructors for classroom pur-
poses. The visual resources in this collection include

∙ Art Full-color digital files of all illustrations in the book can be readily
­incorporated into lecture presentations, exams, or custom-made classroom
∙ Photos The photos collection contains digital files of photographs from the text,
which can be reproduced for multiple classroom uses.
∙ Workbook The workbook contains questions and ideas for classroom exercises
that will get students thinking about physics in new and comprehensive ways.
Students are led to discover physics for themselves, leading to a deeper intuitive
understanding of the material.
∙ Lecture PowerPoints Ready-made presentations combine art and lecture notes
for each chapter of the text.

∙ Test Bank A comprehensive bank of test questions that accompanies P ­ hysics

is available for instructors to create their own quizzes and exams. These
same questions are also available and assignable through Connect for online
∙ Instructor’s Resource Guide The guide includes many unique assets for instruc-
tors, such as demonstrations, suggested reform ideas from physics education
research, and ideas for incorporating just-in-time teaching techniques.
∙ Instructor’s Solutions Manual The accompanying Instructor’s Solutions Manual
includes answers to the end-of-chapter Conceptual Questions and complete,
worked-out solutions for all the end-of-chapter Problems from the text.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
other skin-grafting methods, is to be looked for and remedied later by
minor plastic operations.
Fricke’s Method.—The best results in blepharoplasty, after the
extirpation of tumors, are undoubtedly obtained by Fricke’s method.
A flap is obtained from the temporal region, with its base in line with
the inferior border of the defect to be covered. The flap must be cut
to about twice the size of the bared surface, because of the
contraction that follows in healing, and also to permit of covering the
defect in its longest diameter when twisted. The flap should be taken
from the tissues at the outer angle of the eye and cut in the curved
form depicted in Fig. 95 to overcome its distortion as much as
possible in twisting. It is twisted upon its pedicle at an angle of 90°
and sutured into the defect, as shown in Fig. 96.

Fig. 95. Fig. 96.

Fricke Method.

The lids are temporarily sewed together, thus stretching the defect
fully into which the flap is to be sutured. The pedicle is severed after
thorough circulation in the flap has been established.
Owing to the free movement of the skin over the temporal fascia,
the wound formed by the incision of the flap can be entirely closed
by a single line of interrupted sutures.
Ammon and Von Langenbeck Method.—A very similar method,
especially devised for the correction of extensive ectropion of the
lower lid, is that in which the pedunculated flap is taken from the
latter aspect of the cheek.
A curved incision is made just below the tarsal border, freely
loosening the attached conjunctiva in this manner. The cicatricial
tissue or other cause of the defect is thoroughly excised and the lids
fixed together by suture.
The wound is then fully exposed. A curved incision, as shown in
Fig. 97, is now made, with its base in line with the superior line of the
raw surface. It is carefully dissected up and twisted into position and
held by suture (Fig. 98).

Fig. 97. Fig. 98.

Ammon-Von Langenbeck Method.

The sides of the wound made by the excision of the flap are
brought together by an interrupted suture.
The skin of the cheek is liable to contract more readily than that
from the temporal region, because it is thicker. Again, it is less
suitable for grafting because of its subcutaneous layer of adipose
Dieffenbach-Serre Method.—Where the defect is too large to be
covered with any of the preceding methods, as is often the case
following the extirpation of carcinomata, a rhomboid flap can be
utilized as shown in Fig. 99.
The extirpation incision is made in the form of a V. The faulty
tissue or scar is removed, care being exercised to retain as much of
the conjunctiva as possible. A rhomboid flap is then taken from the
lateral aspect of the cheek and slid over the defect and sutured into
place, as shown in Fig. 100.

Fig. 99. Fig. 100.

Dieffenbach-Serre Method.

The objection to this method is that the extensive contraction

following the healing of the wound made by the raising of the flap
causes the lid to be drawn outward. This wound is usually allowed to
heal by granulation, but it is better to place Thiersch grafts over the
area which cannot be closed by suture, either immediately or as
soon as a good granulating surface has been obtained and the
sutured portions have become healed.
The outer or free margin of the conjunctiva is sutured to the upper
free border of the rhomboid flap or enough of the flap should be at
first provided by incision to warrant the turning in of its superior or
palpebral border after it is slid into place.
In such case, however, it is best to provide mucous-membrane
grafts from the lip of the patient to overcome the loss of conjunctiva
Because of the splendid success obtained with temporal flaps it is
better to follow the method of Fricke in the above operation,
changing the shape of the flap to suit the form of the defect to be
Tripier Method.—For the restoration of an entire lid the method of
Tripier is to be advocated. A bridge flap with both ends attached is
taken from the healthy eyelid (Fig. 101). It is obtained by making the
curved inferior incision in a line with the superior border of the tarsal
cartilage, and the superior incision parallel to the first at a distance
depending upon the size of the defect to be covered. The flap thus
formed should include some of the fibers of the orbicularis muscles
detached from the tarsal cartilage, making it really musculo-

Fig. 101. Fig. 102. Fig. 103.

Tripier Method.

This bridge or musculo-cutaneous flap, attached at both ends, is

then gently drawn forward with a tenaculum and slid downward over
the upper lid upon the defect of the lower lid, and there retained by
interrupted silk sutures (Fig. 102), the superior margin of the bridge
flap being sutured to the conjunctival fold freed by the previous
extirpation of the lower lid.
The retention of the fibers of the orbicularis palpebrarum in the flap
covering the defects is intended to take the place of the part of
muscle destroyed by the incision of the faulty tissue in the lower lid,
and enables the patient to open and close the lid almost as well as in
the normal state.
The margins of the wound made by the removal of the flap are
snugly brought together and heal without the least discomfort to the
patient, inasmuch as the skin covering the lid is quite loose and
elastic (Fig. 103).
Von Artha Method.—It sometimes happens that by the extirpation
of tumors part of both eyelids has to be removed. To restore such
defect the following method may be followed:
Two sickle-shaped flaps are raised from the skin bordering the
outer margins of the primary incision, according to Von Artha, and
sliding them about so as to reform the canthus of the palpebral
fissure (Figs. 104 and 105).

Fig. 104. Fig. 105.

Von Artha Method.
This method leaves little if any secondary effect, its immediate
success depending upon the preservance of the conjunctiva at the
time of extirpation.
As will be seen, the foregoing method only included operations
about the lower lid. The majority of these operations are required
only for the lower lid; where defects of the upper lid are to be
corrected the flaps and incisions mentioned must be made to
correspond to the defect, while in the V-Y method the incision must
be inverted.

Ectropion of Both Lids

In the case of ectropion of both lids the palpebral tissue may be

sutured for a period of several months with certain benefit, if no other
operations can be decided upon. Or the method may be combined
with any other plastic operation deemed serviceable for its
correction. In most defects of the upper lid, however, if they are not
too extensive, the loose skin of the lid itself can be utilized by sliding
flap methods to cover the defect (Kolle).

This condition, in which a fold of skin stretches across from the
inner end of the brow to the side of the nose covering the inner
canthus, is met with principally in children. It usually disappears later
in life. It may remain, however, owing to nondevelopment of the
nasal bridge and is often met with in the colored races.
Bull Method.—This defect may be corrected by the excision of an
elliptical piece of skin from the anterior aspect of the bridge of the
nose, and sewing the wound together with interrupted fine silk
sutures, as shown in Figs. 106 and 107.
Fig. 106. Fig. 107.
Bull Method.

Paraffin Injection.—As the above operation leaves a linear scar

on the anterior nasal line, the author has found it much better to
correct the defect by building up the nasal bridge, or the entire
anterior nasal line by the subcutaneous injection of one of the
paraffin compounds, thus overcoming both the epicanthus and the
nasal deformity. In fourteen cases, two Japanese and the rest
negroes, the author has obtained excellent and permanent results.
The process herein referred to was first suggested in a general
way by Gersuny, and has been extensively and successfully utilized
in many ways, especially in this country. A special chapter is given to
the method elsewhere.
Following the injection of the substance employed there is slight
swelling for a few days, which may or may not involve the eyelids.
This disappears about the second or third day. The injected material
becomes organized in two or three weeks’ time and gives no further
trouble to the patient.
If the patient complains of a dull pain or soreness in the area thus
operated upon, the application of cold extract of hamamelis is to be
applied on little squares of sterilized gauze, which usually relieves
the discomfort in a few hours.

Canthoplasty involves the lengthening of the palpebral fissure at
the external canthus. The canthus is divided outward to the extent
designed with a pair of angular scissors, probe pointed (Fig. 108),
and to the extent as shown in Fig. 109.

Fig. 108.—Probe-pointed Angular Scissors.

The contiguous ocular conjunctiva is dissected (Fig. 110) up and

attached to the newly made skin margin with silk sutures to prevent
its reunion, one suture uniting the angle of the wound with the raised
tip of conjunctiva (Fig. 111).
The sutures are allowed to remain about five days. Traction with
the fingers should be made several times each day to thoroughly
separate the wound and to prevent the contraction of the
conjunctival triangle, which would offset entirely the object of the
operation. As a rule the fine silk sutures heal out of the mucodermal
margins owing to the softening of the tissue through the increased
lachrymal secretion caused by the irritation of their presence and the
resultant reaction following the operation.
Fig. 109. Fig. 110. Fig. 111.
External Canthoplasty.

A slight regional conjunctivitis usually follows this operation,

yielding readily to simple treatment, often requiring no special care
but the hygiene of secondary-wound antisepsis.

This is a drooping of the upper eyelid, due to congenital or
paralytic causes. It may be unilateral or bilateral.
Apart from internal and proper external electrical and other
treatment the simplest surgical method to be employed is to remove
an elliptical piece of skin from the eyelid and to suture the margins of
the wound together. Care should be taken not to take out too much
tissue, as this would involve inability to close the lid.

A condition in which the two lid margins are united by cicatricial
adhesion. These should be removed and the margin of the lids be
rebuilt by any of the methods suggested if possible. Mucous-
membrane flaps are naturally to be preferred.
A common condition after middle life, when not due to other
causes than normal changes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
Edematous pressure due to disease is a common factor.
The wrinkling may be marked or slight.
To correct the condition is to remove the redundant or baggy
tissue by excision, as massage in any form accomplishes little if any
benefit. The shape of the incision should be made to include the
loose tissue and varied somewhat, as shown in Figs. 112 and 113.

Fig. 112. Fig. 113.

Blepharoplasties, Author’s Method.

The superior line of incision in operations of the lower lid should be

made as close to the tarsal line as is practical, so as to show as little
of the resulting scar as possible. The best distance is about an
eighth of an inch below the tarsal cartilage fold. Accuracy in making
the superior line of the incision is furthered by outlining the flap to be
removed with a very fine bistoury.
In operations about the upper lid a somewhat widened elliptical
piece of skin is excised with its inferior margin about one fourth to
one half inch above the tarsal line, so as to allow the line of union to
lie above it and within the curved fold when the eye is open.

Fig. 114.—Curved Eye Scissors.

For the excision it will be found best to use a fine pair of curved
eye scissors, beginning the incision by raising the skin at the outer
canthus with a fixation forceps or tenaculum.
Another guide to outline the necessary amount of tissue to be
removed is to mark the area, prior to operation, with India ink or an
indelible pencil. The parts can then be snipped away readily without
fear of causing ectropion. There is usually very little bleeding, and in
most cases the tissue is exceedingly thin.
The margins of the wound are brought together with very fine
twisted silk, using the continuous suture preferably on account of the
ease with which it can be removed.
The wound is then powdered with a suitable antiseptic powder and
covered with antiseptic adhesive silk plaster moistened with an
antiseptic. The form of the plaster should be of suitable shape, not
too wide, and nicked so as to permit of proper application.
There is more or less edema following the operation, associated
with or without discoloration, which disappears usually without
treatment in forty-eight hours. It is advisable to administer a saline
laxative each morning following the operation for several days. Small
doses of magnesium sulphate answer the purpose very well.
The sutures are withdrawn in from twenty-four to forty-eight hours
after having been carefully softened with warm boric-acid solution, or
a ten-per-cent peroxid-of-hydrogen aqueous solution. The early
removal of the sutures prevents stitch cicatrices. The part is again
powdered as before and covered with the adhesive silk plaster,
which answers both purposes of protection and splinting.
The resulting cicatrization is so surprisingly little as to be almost
invisible in the great majority of cases. In patients of blond
complexion the redness of the scar disappears as early as three
weeks, but is more prolonged in persons of darker type. It is not
advisable to do both upper and lower eyelids in one operation to
avoid the discomfort of the edema which usually follows.
In rare instances there appears a hypertrophy of the scar line,
which is best treated with strips of thiosinamin plaster mull, twenty
per cent, applied nightly and removed the next morning. If irritation
results the plasters should be discontinued for a day or two.

A yellow discoloration of irregular patchlike formation in the skin of
the lids, usually about the region of the inner canthus.
The condition may involve both upper and lower lids
symmetrically. The patches are generally slightly elevated and vary
in size. They make their appearance usually late in life, and are due
to the infiltration of the deeper layers of the skin with groups of cells
overburdened with fat.
They are best removed by excision, following the method of the
preceding operation. There may or may not be a recurrence of the
disease at an indefinite period, when the tissue must again be

All of the above operations in blepharoplasty can be done under
local anesthesia, using either the two- or three-per-cent cocain or,
preferably, Beta-eucain solutions.
About ten minutes after each operation a sharp stinging sensation
is experienced in the eyelid operated upon, which lasts for almost an
hour or more, and indicates nothing alarming except the absorption
of the anesthetic and a return to the normal state. A sponge dipped
into cold sterile water relieves the parts considerably at the time.
It is advisable to inform the patients of this symptom beforehand to
avoid unnecessary alarm on their part. Patients are easily frightened
when cutting operations around the eye are undertaken, and should
be apprised of what is to be done, and what to expect, especially
when the operation has been done as a purely cosmetic one.
After the sutures are removed the patient is instructed to allow the
plasters to remain until they fall off, which occurs usually in about
two days, unless there be reasons for dressings for discharges due
to infection, the result of carelessness in operating.
Should at any time, from carelessness or accident, the wound be
torn open, the parts need only be brought together with adhesive silk
plaster. Healing will go on, giving practically as good a result as with
the suture. Bardeleben does not suture these wounds at all, yet the
author believes it a safeguard and a psychological necessity in most
cosmetic cases.
(Surgery of the Ear)

This branch of surgery has to do with the corrective and

restorative operations of and about the external ear.
Traumatisms of the auricle, owing to the exposed position of that
organ, are frequently met with and are commonly the result of stab
wounds, direct blows, shot wounds, and human bites, especially in
Spaniards and Italians, who follow this queer kind of revenge upon
one another.
Such wounds of the ear may involve only part of or the whole of
the auricle. Loss of auricular substance may also be the results of
gangrene following freezing or the direct result of burns.
Fracture of the cartilage of the ear is exceedingly rare
Where the injury is one of incision or laceration without loss of the
part, the site should be cleansed gently but thoroughly with a boric-
acid solution, and the free torn edges brought together with fine silk
sutures. If the cartilage projects unduly into the line of union it should
be trimmed away with a fine pair of scissors (Roser). Wounds of
such character usually heal well, even if the pieces hang loosely by
threads of skin, a linear indent of cicatricial tissue usually marking
the traumatic separation of the cartilage.
In the negro where razor cuts about the ear are often seen, a
hypertrophic scar or keloid is liable to result, even to the extent of
involving the punctures of the suturing needle.
It is advisable to save all that is left of the injured member, even if
entirely severed, with the hope of obtaining union, since the
rebuilding of even part of an ear is by no means an easy matter,
owing to the complicated formation of the cartilaginous frame.
Wounds about the meatus are liable to result in stenosis, which
should be guarded against by packing of small strips of gauze or in
the case of loss of substance immediately about the orifice by the
employment of a sliding flap taken from the skin of the vicinity or by
the transplantation of a nonpedunculated skin flap taken from some
other part of the body and sewn into place.


If a loss of substance of the auricle cannot be avoided, the
surgeon must rely upon otoplastic means to make up the deficiency.
For the best cosmetic defects it is desirable to have as much of
the cartilage remaining as possible. The stump of the ear is
freshened at its outer margin with the bistoury and the frontal skin
carefully dissected away from the cartilage to the extent of a quarter
A flap, one third larger than the defect to be supplied, is now
outlined on the skin back of the ear in such a way that the flap
included therein will not be subjected to too much torsion.
This flap must necessarily vary in shape and size, according to the
nature of the deformity to be corrected. It may even extend into the
hair of the scalp over the squamoparietal region of the head or a part
of the neck laterally and below the ear.
This flap, after careful estimation as to size, should be dissected
up freely down to the periosteum, leaving a bridge of tissue at the
point where the least resistance will be caused after its free end has
been sutured to the remains of the ear.
The free flap is stitched to the stump with several silk sutures.
After bleeding has been controlled, a few layers of borated gauze
are introduced under the flap to prevent its reattachment and to
encourage its thickening, and the entire site of the operation dusted
over with an antiseptic powder, and covered with loose folds of
sterile gauze. A bandage can be lightly applied over the whole to
keep the parts in place.
The success of union of the flap depends upon the immobility of
the parts while healing is taking place. The patient is to rest at night
in a semirecumbent position with the head held down firmly on the
uninjured side with the aid of a tight-fitting linen cap made for the
purpose and tied by attached tails of the same material to the bed in
such a way that the head cannot be turned during sleep, yet allowing
of more or less movement in either direction, never enough,
however, to cause tension in the flap. During the day the patient
should be on his feet as usual, since the operation is hardly severe
enough to compel absolute rest.
As soon as the union of the flap to the ear has been established,
which is about the eighth day, the sutures are carefully removed to
avoid irritation, but the pedicle of the flap is not to be severed until
the tenth or fifteenth day, when satisfactory circulation has been
The flap when severed will shrink more or less, but will be seen to
be somewhat thicker than when dissected up in the primary
Nothing should be done for a few days hereafter except to keep
the granulating surfaces of the flap and back of the ear aseptically
clean and healthy.
As soon as the flap loses its pale color and takes on a pinkish
glow it may be deemed safe to cover the granulating or secondary
wound on the head with grafts of skin, using whatever method most
suitable for the purpose. The transplantation of a single flap of skin
taken from the anterior border of the arm is perhaps productive of
the best result.
To assure of success the graft may be healed under the blood
dressing; the methods for which have been fully described
Once the secondary wound is healed the surgeon’s attention must
be given to the flap attached to the stump. By the aid of the judicious
use of the nitrate-of-silver pencil certain parts of this flap may be
stimulated to become thickened.
The upper or outer border of the flap should be taken under
operation first to form the new helix of the ear. This can be done by
making several incisions along its free edge and gently turning
backward these small flaps so that their raw surfaces face that of the
This procedure, if neatly done, will eventually give a thickened
border to the superior rim.
Should the flap have been cut large enough to permit of lining its
entire back this can be done, but care must be exercised not to
cause a too abrupt folding over of the same, as gangrene is likely to
result. The more slowly this freshening is accomplished the better
will the result be eventually.
If, however, this flap will not permit of autolining, and its raw
surface presents a healthy granulated appearance, recourse may be
had to the transplantation of a flap from the arm upon it and fastened
to the denuded edges of the aural flap.
As soon as healing has been established a number of delicate,
often complicated incisions are made in the newly formed part of the
ear to give it proper shape and size.
Kuhnt has obtained excellent results in a case where he employed
a flap from the back of the ear, combined with two pedunculated
tongue-shaped flaps taken from the cheek above and the neck
below, which he twisted about back of the flap of the newly formed
ear, so that their epidermal surfaces faced its raw surface with the
object of giving greater thickness to the ear at that point.
At best, however, the restoration of an entire ear may be
considered impracticable, and only in such cases where the greater
part of the ear remains can cosmetic results be looked for.
In the illustration shown the author restored the upper third of the
ear shown above the line drawn obliquely across the ear. Seventeen
delicate operations were necessary to obtain the result (see Fig.
Fig. 115.—Partial Restoration of the Auricle.
(Author’s case.)

Where the loss of substance is not too great and along the helix of
the ear, a flap can be taken from the back of the ear, leaving it
attached at its cicatrized union with the primary wound, and sliding
this flap upward or outward until the defect of the helix is
overcorrected to allow for contraction and suturing the flap in its new
The secondary wound if too large to permit of direct union with
sutures may at once be covered with a flap taken from the anterior
border of the arm, or, if preferred, from the inner aspect of the calf of
the leg. The wound occasioned by the removal of the graft can easily
be closed by suture, leaving simply a linear scar of little
consequence. Usually such defects of the rim can be hidden by the
combing of the hair, especially in women.

When the injury has resulted in complete loss of the organ or so
much of it that its remaining stump will not permit of otoplasty,
protheses or artificial ears or parts of ears may be employed to
render the patient less unsightly. These protheses are usually made
of aluminum, papier maché, or rubber, and painted to match the
good ear. They are attached with a special kind of gum, termed zinc-
leim, which makers of such protheses furnish, or are held by metal
springs, which are inserted under strips or bridges of skin surgically
created for the purpose. The esthetic effect is surprisingly good in
most cases.

A very common injury observed in women is laceration of the
lobule of the ear or ears, generally due to the wearing of heavy
earrings, which gradually cut their way through the tissues.
Coloboma may be occasioned by the forcible tearing out of the
earrings; it has also been found to be congenital in rare cases.
The simplest method for correcting this deformity is to cut away
both cicatrized edges of the defect by the aid of the angular scissors,
exposing fully the width of the lobular tissue on both sides (Fig. 116),
as the cicatricial edges are likely to be thinner than the lobule proper,
and if brought together would leave a depression along the line of
union. The freshened cut surfaces are brought together with fine silk
sutures, an inferior one being taken in the outer border, so as to
establish perfect coaptation at this point (Fig. 117).
The objection to the above operation is that invariably owing to the
resultant contraction a notch is formed at the union of the angles of
the freshened wound. To avoid this the operation shown in Fig. 118
is to be employed (Greene).

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