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1CM 1oLal CuallLy ManagemenL

1CM ls Lhe way of managlng for Lhe fuLure and ls far wlder ln lLs appllcaLlon Lhan [usL assurlng producL
servlce quallLy lL ls a way of managlng people and buslness processes Lo ensure compleLe cusLomer
saLlsfacLlon aL every sLage lnLernally and exLernally 1CM comblned wlLh effecLlve leadershlp resulLs ln
organlsaLlon dolng Lhe rlghL Lhlngs rlghL rsL Llme
1he core of 1CM ls Lhe cusLomersuppller lnLerfaces boLh exLernally and lnLernally and aL each
lle a number of processes 1hls core musL be surrounded by commlLmenL Lo quallLy communlcaLlon of

1CM 1oLal CuallLy ManagemenL

Lhe quallLy message and recognlLlon of Lhe need Lo change Lhe culLure of Lhe organlsaLlon Lo creaLe
quallLy 1hese are Lhe foundaLlons of 1CM and Lhey are supporLed by Lhe key managemenL funcLlons of
people processes and sysLems ln Lhe organlsaLlon
1hls secLlon dlscusses each of Lhese elemenLs LhaL LogeLher can make a LoLal quallLy organlsaLlon
secLlons explaln people processes and sysLems ln greaLer deLall all havlng Lhe essenLlal Lhemes of
commlLmenL culLure and communlcaLlon runnlng Lhrough Lhem
WhaL ls quallLy?
A frequenLly used denlLlon of quallLy ls uellghLlng Lhe cusLomer by fully meeLlng Lhelr needs and
expecLaLlons" 1hese may lnclude performance appearance avallablllLy dellvery rellablllLy
cosL effecLlveness and prlce lL ls Lherefore lmperaLlve LhaL Lhe organlsaLlon knows whaL Lhese needs
expecLaLlons are ln addlLlon havlng ldenLled Lhem Lhe organlsaLlon musL undersLand Lhem and
lLs own ablllLy Lo meeL Lhem
CuallLy sLarLs wlLh markeL research Lo esLabllsh Lhe Lrue requlremenLs for Lhe producL or servlce and
Lrue needs of Lhe cusLomers Powever for an organlsaLlon Lo be really effecLlve quallLy musL span all
funcLlons all people all deparLmenLs and all acLlvlLles and be a common language for lmprovemenL 1he
cooperaLlon of everyone aL every lnLerface ls necessary Lo achleve a LoLal quallLy organlsaLlon ln Lhe
way LhaL Lhe !apanese achleve Lhls wlLh company wlde quallLy conLrol
CusLomers and suppllers
1here exlsLs ln each deparLmenL each ofce each home a serles of cusLomers suppllers and
cusLomersuppller lnLerfaces 1hese are Lhe quallLy chalns" and Lhey can be broken aL any polnL by one
person or
one plece of equlpmenL noL meeLlng Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe cusLomer lnLernal or exLernal 1he fallure

1CM 1oLal CuallLy ManagemenL

usually nds lLs way Lo Lhe lnLerface beLween Lhe organlsaLlon and lLs exLernal cusLomer or ln Lhe worsL
case acLually Lo Lhe exLernal cusLomer
lallure Lo meeL Lhe requlremenLs ln any parL of a quallLy chaln has a way of mulLlplylng and fallure ln
parL of Lhe sysLem creaLes problems elsewhere leadlng Lo yeL more fallure and problems and so Lhe
slLuaLlon ls exacerbaLed1he ablllLy Lo meeL cusLomers' (exLernal and lnLernal) requlremenLs ls vlLal 1o
achleve quallLy LhroughouL an organlsaLlon every person ln Lhe quallLy chaln musL be Lralned Lo ask Lhe
followlng quesLlons abouL every cusLomersuppller lnLerface
CusLomers (lnLernal and exLernal)
- Who are my cusLomer?
- WhaL are Lhelr Lrue needs and expecLaLlons?
- Pow do or can l nd ouL whaL Lhese are?
- Pow can l measure my ablllLy Lo meeL Lhelr needs and expecLaLlons?
- uo l have Lhe capablllLy Lo meeL Lhelr needs and expecLaLlons?
(lf noL whaL musL l do Lo lmprove Lhls capablllLy?)
- uo l conLlnually meeL Lhelr needs and expecLaLlons?
(lf noL whaL prevenLs Lhls from happenlng when Lhe capablllLy exlsLs?)
- Pow do l monlLor changes ln Lhelr needs and expecLaLlons?
Suppllers (lnLernal and exLernal)
- Who are my lnLernal suppllers?
- WhaL are my Lrue needs and expecLaLlons?
- Pow do l communlcaLe my needs and expecLaLlons Lo my suppllers?
- uo my suppllers have Lhe capablllLy Lo measure and meeL Lhese needs and expecLaLlons?
- Pow do l lnform Lhem of changes ln my needs and expecLaLlons?
As well as belng fully aware of cusLomers' needs and expecLaLlons each person musL respecL Lhe needs

1CM 1oLal CuallLy ManagemenL

and expecLaLlons of Lhelr suppllers 1he ldeal slLuaLlon ls an open parLnershlp sLyle relaLlonshlp where
parLles share and beneL
oor pracLlces
1o be able Lo become a LoLal quallLy organlsaLlon some of Lhe bad pracLlces musL be recognlsed and
correcLed 1hese may lnclude
- Leaders noL glvlng clear dlrecLlon
- noL undersLandlng or lgnorlng compeLlLlve poslLlonlng
- Lach deparLmenL worklng only for lLself
- 1rylng Lo conLrol people Lhrough sysLems
- Confuslng quallLy wlLh grade
- AccepLlng LhaL a level of defecLs or errors ls lnevlLable
- llreghLlng reacLlve behavlour
- 1he lL's noL my problem" aLLlLude
Pow many of Lhese behavlours do you recognlse ln your organlsaLlon?
1he essenLlal componenLs of 1CM commlLmenL leadershlp
1CM ls an approach Lo lmprovlng Lhe compeLlLlveness effecLlveness and exlblllLy of an organlsaLlon for
Lhe beneL of all sLakeholders lL ls a way of plannlng organlslng and undersLandlng each acLlvlLy and of
removlng all Lhe wasLed efforL and energy LhaL ls rouLlnely spenL ln organlsaLlons lL ensures Lhe leaders
adopL a sLraLeglc overvlew of quallLy and focus on prevenLlon noL deLecLlon of problems
WhllsL lL musL lnvolve everyone Lo be successful lL musL sLarL aL Lhe Lop wlLh Lhe leaders of Lhe
All senlor managers musL demonsLraLe Lhelr serlousness and commlLmenL Lo quallLy and mlddle
musL as well as demonsLraLlng Lhelr commlLmenL ensure Lhey communlcaLe Lhe prlnclples sLraLegles
beneLs Lo Lhe people for whom Lhey have responslblllLy Cnly Lhen wlll Lhe rlghL aLLlLudes spread

1CM 1oLal CuallLy ManagemenL

LhroughouL Lhe organlsaLlon
A fundamenLal requlremenL ls a sound quallLy pollcy supporLed by plans and faclllLles Lo lmplemenL lL
Leaders musL Lake responslblllLy for preparlng revlewlng and monlLorlng Lhe pollcy plus Lake parL ln
lmprovemenLs of lL and ensure lL ls undersLood aL all levels of Lhe organlsaLlon
LffecLlve leadershlp sLarLs wlLh Lhe developmenL of a mlsslon sLaLemenL followed by a sLraLegy whlch ls
LranslaLed lnLo acLlon plans down Lhrough Lhe organlsaLlon 1hese comblned wlLh a 1CM approach
resulL ln a quallLy organlsaLlon wlLh saLlsed cusLomers and good buslness resulLs 1he 3 requlremenLs
effecLlve leadershlp are
- ueveloplng and publlshlng corporaLe bellefs values and ob[ecLlves ofLen as a mlsslon sLaLemenL
- ersonal lnvolvemenL and acLlng as role models for a culLure of LoLal quallLy
- ueveloplng clear and effecLlve sLraLegles and supporLlng plans for achlevlng Lhe mlsslon and
- 8evlewlng and lmprovlng Lhe managemenL sysLem
- CommunlcaLlng moLlvaLlng and supporLlng people and encouraglng effecLlve employee parLlclpaLlon
1he Lask of lmplemenLlng 1CM can be daunLlng 1he followlng ls a llsL of polnLs LhaL leaders should
conslder Lhey are a dlsLlllaLlon of Lhe varlous bellefs of some of Lhe quallLy gurus
- 1he organlsaLlon needs a longLerm commlLmenL Lo conLlnuous lmprovemenL
- AdopL Lhe phllosophy of zero errors/defecLs Lo change Lhe culLure Lo rlghL rsL Llme
- 1raln people Lo undersLand Lhe cusLomer/suppller relaLlonshlps
- uo noL buy producLs or servlces on prlce alone look aL Lhe LoLal cosL
- 8ecognlse LhaL lmprovemenL of Lhe sysLems musL be managed
- AdopL modern meLhods of supervlslng and Lralnlng ellmlnaLe fear
- LllmlnaLe barrlers beLween deparLmenLs by managlng Lhe process lmprove communlcaLlons
and Leamwork

1CM 1oLal CuallLy ManagemenL

- LllmlnaLe goals wlLhouL meLhods sLandards based only on numbers barrlers Lo prlde of
workmanshlp and cLlon geL facLs by sLudylng processes
- ConsLanLly educaLe and reLraln develop experLs ln Lhe organlsaLlon
- uevelop a sysLemaLlc approach Lo manage Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of 1CM
CulLure change
1he fallure Lo address Lhe culLure of an organlsaLlon ls frequenLly Lhe reason for many managemenL
lnlLlaLlves elLher havlng llmlLed success or falllng alLogeLher undersLandlng Lhe culLure of an
and uslng LhaL knowledge Lo successfully map Lhe sLeps needed Lo accompllsh a successful change ls an
lmporLanL parL of Lhe quallLy [ourney
1he culLure ln any organlsaLlon ls formed by Lhe bellefs behavlours norms domlnanL values rules and
cllmaLe" A culLure change eg from one of accepLance of a cerLaln level of errors or defecLs Lo one of
rlghL rsL Llme every Llme needs Lwo key elemenLs
- CommlLmenL from Lhe leaders
- lnvolvemenL of all of Lhe organlsaLlon's people
1here ls wldespread recognlLlon LhaL ma[or change lnlLlaLlves wlll noL be successful wlLhouL a culLure of
good Leamwork and cooperaLlon aL all levels ln an organlsaLlon as dlscussed ln Lhe secLlon on eople
1he bulldlng blocks of 1CM processes people managemenL sysLems and performance
LveryLhlng we do ls a rocess whlch ls Lhe LransformaLlon of a seL of lnpuLs whlch can lnclude acLlon
meLhods and operaLlons lnLo Lhe deslred ouLpuLs whlch saLlsfy Lhe cusLomers' needs and expecLaLlons
ln each area or funcLlon wlLhln an organlsaLlon Lhere wlll be many processes Laklng place and each can
analysed by an examlnaLlon of Lhe lnpuLs and ouLpuLs Lo deLermlne Lhe acLlon necessary Lo lmprove
ln every organlsaLlon Lhere are some very large processes whlch are groups of smaller processes called

1CM 1oLal CuallLy ManagemenL

key or core buslness processes 1hese musL be carrled ouL well lf an organlsaLlon ls Lo achleve lLs mlsslon
and ob[ecLlves 1he secLlon on rocesses dlscusses processes and how Lo lmprove Lhem and
lmplemenLaLlon covers how Lo prlorlLlse and selecL Lhe rlghL process for lmprovemenL

1he only polnL aL whlch Lrue responslblllLy for performance and quallLy can lle ls wlLh Lhe eople who
acLually do Lhe [ob or carry ouL Lhe process each of whlch has one or several suppllers and cusLomers
An efclenL and effecLlve way Lo Lackle process or quallLy lmprovemenL ls Lhrough Leamwork Powever
people wlll noL engage ln lmprovemenL acLlvlLles wlLhouL commlLmenL and recognlLlon from Lhe
organlsaLlon's leaders a cllmaLe for lmprovemenL and a sLraLegy LhaL ls lmplemenLed LhoughLfully and
effecLlvely 1he secLlon on eople expands on Lhese lssues coverlng roles wlLhln Leams Leam selecLlon
and developmenL and models for successful Leamwork
An approprlaLe documenLed CuallLy ManagemenL SysLem wlll help an organlsaLlon noL only achleve

1CM 1oLal CuallLy ManagemenL

Lhe ob[ecLlves seL ouL ln lLs pollcy and sLraLegy buL also and equally lmporLanLly susLaln and bulld upon
Lhem lL ls lmperaLlve LhaL Lhe leaders Lake responslblllLy for Lhe adopLlon and documenLaLlon of an
approprlaLe managemenL sysLem ln Lhelr organlsaLlon lf Lhey are serlous abouL Lhe quallLy [ourney 1he
SysLems secLlon dlscusses Lhe beneLs of havlng such a sysLem how Lo seL one up and successfully
lmplemenL lL
Cnce Lhe sLraLeglc dlrecLlon for Lhe organlsaLlon's quallLy [ourney has been seL lL needs erformance
Measures Lo monlLor and conLrol Lhe [ourney and Lo ensure Lhe deslred level of performance ls belng
achleved and susLalned 1hey can and should be esLabllshed aL all levels ln Lhe organlsaLlon ldeally
cascaded down and mosL effecLlvely underLaken as Leam acLlvlLles and Lhls ls dlscussed ln Lhe secLlon on

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