M&E in Advocacy

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MonlLorlng LvaluaLlon

ln ollcy Advocacy
Niamh Barry
[email protected]
March 2009
Sesslon CuLllne
W lnLroducLlon
WhaL ls ML
Culdlng prlnclpals
Why should we?
W ollcy and advocacy ML
ulfference beLween advocacy programmes and general developmenL programmes
Challenges/overcome challenges
W lnLroduclng frameworks Lo ML advocacy
varlous dlmenslons of advocacy work
Shaplng lndlcaLors around advocacy dlmenslons
looklng aL Lhe longer Lerm lmpacL and llnks
W Case sLudy
Alllance evaluaLlon
W Croup acLlvlLy and presenLaLlons
urafLlng an ML framework for an advocacy pro[ecL
WhaL ls ML?
W MonlLorlng
8ouLlne regular collecLlon analysls use of
lnformaLlon Lo Lrack progress Lowards goals
W LvaluaLlon
AssessmenL of Lhe exLenL Lo whlch a pro[ecL ls
achlevlng or has achleved lLs sLaLed goals
W lndlcaLors
unlLs of measuremenLs (quallLaLlve or quanLlLaLlve)
whlch deflne ln deLall Lhe performance requlred Lo
ensure your programme ls progresslng Lowards your
WhaLs Lhe dlfference beLween monlLorlng and
1lmlng (MonlLorlng occurs conslsLenLly
LhroughouL Lhe programme/pro[ecL LvaluaLlons
occur aL Lhe beglnnlng and Lhe compleLlon of Lhe
pro[ecL (LvaluaLlons occur ln Lhe mld Lerm of
pro[ecLs lf Lhey are longer Lerm)
SlfLlng Lhrough Lhe Lermlnology
W lnpuLresources needed ln Lhe pro[ecL
W AcLlvlLles process of uslng lnpuLs Lo achleve resulLs
W CuLpuL Lhe resulLs of Lhe compleLed pro[ecL acLlvlLles
W CuLcome/ob[ecLlvesLakes place when Lhe pro[ecL LargeLs uses
ouLpuLs as anLlclpaLed
W lmpacL/goallong Lerm change/effecLlveness of Lhe pro[ecL
W Many oLher Lerms are usedbuL effecLlvely mean Lhe same
Lhlng goalsob[ecLlvesresulLseffecLspurposeLhe polnL ls
Lo know when Lo use Lhem ln Lhe process



ueveloplng lndlcaLors for pro[ecLs
W Worklng wlLh lndlcaLors ls noL dlfflculL
W lndlcaLors are no more Lhan crlLerla LhaL wlll
help us monlLor and evaluaLe our pro[ecL
W 1o develop Lhem we have Lo ask ourselves
WhaL aspecL wlll Lell us wheLher or noL
someLhlng wenL well? wheLher we achleved
our ob[ecLlves or noL? WheLher we followed
our plans?
Why do ML when we should focus
on lmplemenLaLlon?
W lf your noL keeplng score your only
W Slx 8aslc rlnclpals
ollcy and Advocacy
1he role of ML
8ackground Lo Advocacy ML
W 8ecognlsed LhaL pro[ecLs alone can noL solve currenL prlorlLy lssues
ln Lhe long LermCreaLer democracy Lransparency and clLlzens
holdlng people of power accounLable were more llkely Lo achleve
long Lerm susLalnable change
eop|e centred advocacy
art|c|patory advocacy
W Why ls Lhls so dlfflculL Lo ML?
W A successful advocacy pro[ecL does noL slmply mean a changed
Acknowledglng Challenges
W Causal 8elaLlonshlps
W Compromlse versus ouL rlghL vlcLory
W Advocacys varled meanlngs meLhods and
W Long Lerm change
W LlmlLed accumulaLlon of knowledge
Cvercomlng Lhe Challenges
W 1hese challenges can never be fully mlLlgaLed
buL by acknowledglng Lhem ln Lhe advocacy
sLraLegy deslgn you llmlL Lhere affecL
W lnvolvlng Lhe beneflclarles
W SeLLlng clear and reallsLlc ob[ecLlves
W ClarlLy ln long Lerm goals
W undersLandlng Lhe dlfferenL dlmenslons of
rameworks whlch SupporL Advocacy
W An ML advocacy framework purpose ls Lo ald plannlng
and Lhlnklng abouL acLlons ob[ecLlves and goals
W 1he naLure of advocacy ls complex lL ls dependenL on who
you are (lndlvlduals or a parLnershlp) whaL you wanL (bulld
capaclLy or change pollcy) and how you alm Lo achleve lL
(lobbylng demonsLraLlons empowerlng lndlvlduals)
W 1herefore Lhe followlng framework alms Lo be all
encompasslng fluld Lo your goals and should noL be
1he many levels of advocacy
shaplng lndlcaLors around general
W ollcy speclflc changes ln pollcy programs pracLlces behavlours of
lnfluenLlal lnsLlLuLlons
W uemocracy changes ln openlng up channels for dlalogueprovldlng
mechanlsms for CS ln dlalogue
W Clvll socleLy changes ln CS capaclLy ln skllls resources lnformaLlon
Lo achleve advocacy goals
W lndlvldual changes ln aLLlLudes awareness knowledge and lncrease
ln self efflcacy ln ablllLy Lo advocaLe and defend Lhelr rlghLs
W Ask yourselfwhaL are you Lrylng Lo achleve? Where do you flL ln?
can you really achleve one wlLhouL Lhe oLher?
W noLe LhaL lL ls sLlll lmporLanL Lo measure Lhe processes as well as
Lhe ouLcomes lmpacL
Ind|v|dua| Democracy
Advocacy component cont|nuum Advocacy component cont|nuum
Where |s your organ|sat|on? Where |s your organ|sat|on?
Cnce you |dent|fy th|syou can beg|n to map the ML Iramework
ulmenslon of
ulmenslon of
ollcy change ollcy change
uemocracy uemocracy
Clvll SocleLy Clvll SocleLy
lndlvlduals lndlvlduals
lndlcaLors of progress lndlcaLors of progress
Increased d|a|ogue on |ssue
ka|sed prof||e of |ssue
Increased d|a|ogue on |ssue
ka|sed prof||e of |ssue
Greater freedom of express|on
Lx|stence of a for a for CS to |nput |n a
w|der range of dec|s|ons
Greater freedom of express|on
Lx|stence of a for a for CS to |nput |n a
w|der range of dec|s|ons
Change |n members sk|||s capac|ty
know|edge effect|veness
Greater synergy of a|ms act|v|t|es
Change |n members sk|||s capac|ty
know|edge effect|veness
Greater synergy of a|ms act|v|t|es
Greater awareness of |nd|v|dua| r|ghts
and power systems
Change |n peop|es Capac|ty
know|edge to advocate on the|r own
Greater awareness of |nd|v|dua| r|ghts
and power systems
Change |n peop|es Capac|ty
know|edge to advocate on the|r own
lndlcaLors of
change/long Lerm
lndlcaLors of
change/long Lerm
Changed po||cy
po||cy change |mp|emented
pos|t|ve change |n peop|es ||ves as a
resu|t of that change
Changed po||cy
po||cy change |mp|emented
pos|t|ve change |n peop|es ||ves as a
resu|t of that change
Increased part|c|pat|on of CS |n
|nf|uenc|ng dec|s|ons
Change |n accountab|||ty and
transparency of pub||c |nst|tut|ons
Increased part|c|pat|on of CS |n
|nf|uenc|ng dec|s|ons
Change |n accountab|||ty and
transparency of pub||c |nst|tut|ons
Increased effect|veness of CS work
CS act|ve |n |nf|uenc|ng dec|s|on
makers |n ways that benef|t ||ves
Increased effect|veness of CS work
CS act|ve |n |nf|uenc|ng dec|s|on
makers |n ways that benef|t ||ves
nea|thcare system acknow|edges
|nd|v|dua|s needs
eop|e have greater access to
hea|thcare fac|||t|es
nea|thcare system acknow|edges
|nd|v|dua|s needs
eop|e have greater access to
hea|thcare fac|||t|es
Lx osL evaluaLlon of Lhe LaLln
Amerlcan and Carlbbean Cay
neLwork (ASlCAL) ro[ecL
Case sLudy
Areas Covered
W 8ackground Lo Lhe pro[ecL
W 1he evaluaLlon approach
W key flndlngs
W Lessons learned and besL pracLlce ln evaluaLlng
communlLy level advocacy work
ro[ecL Coal
1o lncrease Lhe parLlclpaLlon of Cay and
1ransgender groups ln declslon maklng bodles and
fundlng coordlnaLlng mechanlsms such as Lhe
Clobal und CounLry CoordlnaLlng Mechanlsm
key componenLs
W 1ralnlng and organlzaLlons capaclLy bulldlng
W ocused prevenLlon and advocacy
W Lxchange vlslLs and learnlng among Cay/1rans groups
LvaluaLlon approach
LxposL evaluaLlon ln uecember 2007
ocus on long Lerm effecL
no basellne assessmenL and no lndlcaLor
CuallLaLlve and parLlclpaLory approach
use of Lhe Most 5lqolflcoot cbooqe 1ecbolpoe
MosL SlgnlflcanL Change 1echnlque
(8lck uavls and uarL 2003)
W SLakeholders are lnvolved boLh ln decldlng Lhe
sorLs of change Lo be recorded
W CollecLlon of slgnlflcanL change sLorles
W ulscusslon on Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL of Lhe
W Search for pro[ecL lmpacL Lhrough Lhese
W lndepLh dlscusslons abouL Lhe reporLed
key flndlngs Areas of change
W lndlvldual changes confldence leadershlp
concepLs and new skllls
W CrganlsaLlonal changes ASlCAL neLwork
naLlonal organlsaLlons local organlsaLlons
W ollLlcal changes Clobal unds mechanlsm
Lxample of lndlvldual Change
W 8efore Lhe pro[ecL l used Lo panlc when l
had Lo Lalk Lo people buL afLer Lhe modules l
learned slowly Lo overcome my fears 8ased
on whaL l learned ln Lhe modules and wlLh Lhe
supporL of my peers l was ready Lo Lalk even
Lo Lhe MlnlsLer of PealLh And l Lalked Lo her
and l managed Lo explaln Lo her abouL Lhe
slLuaLlon of my communlLyand she heard
Lxample of organlsaLlonal change
W ASlCAL sLrengLhened lLs managemenL capaclLles
wlLh Lhe pro[ecL 1he organlsaLlons had Lo fulfll
hlgh sLandards of donor requlremenLs"
W 1hanks Lo Lhe pro[ecL l came back from Lhe
modules and declded Lo esLabllsh Lhe governance
sLrucLure of my organlsaLlon We dld noL have
rules guldellnes or sLaLuLes now we are ln Lhe
process of becomlng a formal organlsaLlon"
Lxample of pollLlcal change
W ln Lcuador faclllLaLor became vlcechalr of Lhe
CCM from Lhe Clobal und
W ln CosLa 8lca parLlclpanLs managed Lo advocaLe
Lo Lhe Clobal und Lo change Lhe prlnclpal
reclplenL whlch used Lo be Lhe governmenL now
Lhe prlnclpal reclplenL ls PlvCS and Lhe Clobal
und supporLs Lhe acLlons of Lhe MSM/gay
Added value of MosL SlgnlflcanL
Change 1echnlque
W CommunlLy empowermenL
W 1ransparenL process
W knowledge generaLlon and learnlng process
W Slmple Lo use
Challenges and lessons learned
W Challenges
W 8eal change or percelved change Lhe need Lo
W Pow can we aLLrlbuLe Lhe change Lo Lhls pro[ecL?
W Lessons learned
W 8e clear aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe pro[ecL on Lhe deslred
W 8e clear on lndlcaLors quallLaLlve or quanLlLaLlve
ouLcome as well as process
W Source of lnformaLlon and sLrucLured ML sysLem
Croup AcLlvlLy
W Cb[ecLlve of acLlvlLy parLlclpanLs Lo hlghllghL
whaL Lhey have learned by readlng case sLudy
and answerlng key ML quesLlons
W 1lme allocaLed 30 mlnuLes
W arLlclpanLs Lo Lhen presenL Lhelr ML plan
W eedback from parLlclpanLs on acLlvlLy and
ablllLy Lo conLlnue dolng Lhls
key CuesLlonsLo conslder
Pow wlll you Lrack or measure Lhe success of Lhls
WhaL key lndlcaLors wlll allow Lo measure resulLs
of Lhls advocacy work?
WhaL are some sources and/or means of daLa
collecLlon for Lhese lndlcaLors?
WhaL challenges do you anLlclpaLe?
Concludlng messages
W keep lL slmple
W 8ulld lL ln
W Meanlngful as well as measurable
W nurLure advocacy capaclLy
W uevelop evaluaLlon capaclLy
W Learn and do lL yourself!

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